With the OsuAPI you can "find" players through their id (https://osu.ppy.sh/ api/v2/users/2/), but is it also possible to find a player through their username instead, like on the osu website?
I'm currently writing a highscore-program where you can compare your stats to players of your chosing. But to add players the user would need to go to the osu website, find the player(s) he/she wants to add via username and then would need to copy the id from the profile link. This seems a little complicated to me.
Maybe anyone of you can help me to find an easier way.
I'm currently writing a highscore-program where you can compare your stats to players of your chosing. But to add players the user would need to go to the osu website, find the player(s) he/she wants to add via username and then would need to copy the id from the profile link. This seems a little complicated to me.
Maybe anyone of you can help me to find an easier way.