Title:Starving Trancer - New Gravity Link:https://osu.ppy.sh/s/221085 Keys:4k/7k Time:1:40 (1:39 drain) Difficulties: you can pick some Mod type : NM thanks
NM plz, there is a serious lack of good 7k beatmaps, this is my 1st map please help me Map's title : Yui Kasami - Glide Link :https://osu.ppy.sh/s/307764 Keys : 7k State : Pending
Map title: t+Pazolite; Garakuta Doll Play Link: t/357141 Keys: 4K ENHIX mix State: Pending, with 23 SP. Don't let that fool you though, I can't be sure whether this is ready for BN check.
I don't know if the queue is opened or not since I don't see any updates or just can't find it so please don't hate me in advance but i'm going to post my mod request any :3
Map's title : kamome sano - eclair au chocolat (extended bittersweet mix) Link : https://osu.ppy.sh/s/378639 Keys : 4k State : because it is marathon, at WIP but I finished (sorry bad english)
Song : Our Journey and Epilogue link: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/381334 Keys : 4k Length : 6:06 (one marathon difficulty)
This file is pretty polished as it is now, so it's like a weird waiting game between getting mods that don't say much, and hoping to get stars, or a BN before having a lot of mods/stars (since this is a conversion)