
Ogura Yui - MIRACLE RUSH (TV Size) [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 1:23:17 AM

Artist: Ogura Yui
Source: Saki: Achiga-hen - episode of side-A
Tags: Opening StylipS Cuvelia
BPM: 168
Filesize: 14431kb
Play Time: 01:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.87 stars, 108 notes)
  2. Hard (4.87 stars, 262 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 347 notes)
  4. Lia's Taiko Muzukashii (4.72 stars, 378 notes)
  5. Lia's Taiko Oni (4.89 stars, 494 notes)
  6. Normal (4.23 stars, 157 notes)
Download: Ogura Yui - MIRACLE RUSH (TV Size)
Download: Ogura Yui - MIRACLE RUSH (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
movie is this :

hi, #modreqs

mostly suggestions, so let's go

The sudden change from normal hitsounds to soft ones at 00:12:439 seems a bit strange. maybe you could lower the volume of the normal hitsounds for the intro part?

00:13:868 (4,5,6,7) - the sliders are overlaping, so please spread them out a bit so they won't touch one another.
00:31:368 (3,1) - they touch a bit. you can move 00:31:368 (3) - so that it won't touch 00:32:439 (1)
00:36:368 (5) - it feels like there is this gap in rhythm here. what would you say about changing this note into a slider that starts at 00:36:368 (5) - and ends at 00:36:368 (5) - ? sounds a bit better to me, at least
00:37:082 (1,2) - a small thing, but you could move 00:37:082 (1) - 's end a bit so it won't touch 00:37:796 (2) - . it looks cleaner that way
00:39:225 (4) - same as 00:36:368 (5) -
00:39:939 (1,3) - looks a bit ugly. try to move 00:41:368 (3) - more to the left, or at least place it at x:372 y:264, so it will make a kind of blanket around 00:39:939 (1) -
00:48:153 (2,3) - there is a jump here. you can change the pattern if you want to get rid of the jump
01:00:296 (5,2) - really insignificant, but 01:00:296 (5) - and 01:01:725 (2) - 's ends are not perfectly stacked. try turning off the grid snap and place 01:00:296 (5) - 's end on x:299 y:110
01:04:939 (2) - same as 00:36:368 (5) -
01:11:725 (1,2) - also an small thing, but maybe you could make 01:11:725 (1) - to curve down? or 01:13:154 (2) - to curve up? one of the two.
01:19:225 (2) - same as 00:36:368 (5) -
01:21:368 (1) - change the slider's end a bit so it won't touch 01:22:261 (2) -
01:23:868 (1) - the blanket is not perfect. move the slider to x:312 y:240

00:06:725 (2,4) - a bit of overlap
00:15:296 (1) - maybe move this down a bit so it won't overlap with 00:16:546 (4) - ?
00:29:939 (2,4) - the stacking is not perfect. move 00:31:725 (4) - at x:316 y:188
00:32:439 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - the rhythm gets choppy here. what about this pattern:
00:37:796 (5,1,2,3,4) - ohmy, really clustered. spread out the notes a bit
00:44:582 (3) - what about making this a reverse slider?
01:01:725 (1,2,3) - the flow might get worse here, move 01:02:439 (3) - a bit to the left
01:04:939 (2,3) - rather than having this kind of thing, you could just make a reverse slider. plays better and easier. if you decide to do so, there are other patterns like this in your normal, so you could think about changing them too
01:07:439 (3,5) - overlap
01:16:011 (3,4,5,6) - i hope this is not too hard for a normal player. you might want to change it if it is.
01:21:725 (2,3,4,5) - clustered as well, spread the notes out a bit
01:27:618 (4) - you could change it's curve down and see if you like it, since it overlaps with the previous notes

00:16:546 (5) - New Combo?
00:32:975 (2,3) - not perfectly stacked. move 00:33:511 (3) - at x:20 y:220
00:36:546 (5,8) - overlap. move 00:37:439 (8) -
00:46:725 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - using the same pattern 3 times in a row breaks a little bit the flow here. maybe you could at least change the direction of the sliders and notes?
01:04:582 (5,7) - the ends are not stacked properly. move 01:05:296 (7) - 's middle point at x:136 y:160 and it's end at x:148 y:228
01:08:689 (9,2) - slight overlap. maybe move 01:08:689 (9) 's end a bit to the left?
01:22:261 (6,1) - minor thing, maybe stack these two notes as well?

really nice diff :D

AR -1? it looks pretty nice with AR8, but it's not that really important
00:27:439 (4,5) - not properly stacked. move 00:27:439 (4) 's middle point to x:324 y:112
00:47:082 (1,4) - same as above. move 00:48:154 (4) down to x:136 y:120
00:47:439 (2) - also this one touches the two sliders mentioned previously. move it a bit so it won't touch them anymore.
01:00:296 (5,1) - move 01:01:011 (1) - 's middle point to x:296 y:288 so it will stack perfectly with 01:00:296 (5) -
01:23:868 (2,4) - a little bit of overlap, move 01:24:582 (4) 's end to the left a bit

well, this is a really good map, i must say. the insane and hard are pretty nice
also, try to spread out the notes in easy and normal, so it won't get too clustered.

hope this mod will help you, and good luck ranking this!
Topic Starter
thanks!! :)
Hi , Holy . :3
May I make Taiko diff ?
Topic Starter
hi~ :3
may i make a Taiko1 diff?

good song :)
Topic Starter
sorry~ :(
okay :(
good luck :D
Oni : done
Muzukashii : done

Topic Starter
From Tea Party Queue (: Let's go!


No General appointments (:


00:27:082 (1) - move the 2nd dot to x:340 y:308
00:27:796 (2) - move the 1st dot to x:432 y:228
00:28:511 (3) - move the 2nd dot to x:424 y:148
00:29:225 (4) - move the slider to x:432 y:68 (1 grid up, with its 2nd dot at x:352 y:68)

00:32:439 (1,2) - In order to make perfect this blanket:
:arrow: move 00:32:439 (1) to x:312 y:164
:arrow: move the 3rd dot (foot) of 00:32:439 (1) to x:176 y:164
:arrow: move 00:33:511 (2) to x:244 y:208

00:41:368 (3) - make the blanket perfect with (2)'s head -- just move 00:41:368 (3) to x:360 y:300 (about 1 grid right and 1 grid up)

00:43:153 (2) - Move it to x:128 y:132, then move the 2nd dot to x:100 y:208

00:45:653 (4) - Move to x:104 y:208

00:48:153 (2) - ^ to x:260 y:200
00:49:582 (3) - ^ to x:348 y:152
00:51:011 (4) - ^ to x:412 y:264
00:52:439 (5) - ^ to x:514 y:216
00:53:868 (1) - ^ to x:312 y:236

00:58:689 (3) - move to x:276 y:260
00:59:225 (4) - ^ to x:180 y:332
01:00:296 (5) - ^to x:216 y:112

01:19:225 (2) - move to x:396 y:156
01:19:939 (3) - ^ to x:380 y:156
01:20:296 (4) - ^ to x:316 y:108
01:21:011 (5) - ^ to x:164 y:72


00:16:546 (4,5) - Could make a blanket at the foot of the slider (4) as follows:

00:26:903 (1,2) - also could be made as one slider starting from this time
00:29:761 (1,2) - ^

00:38:511 (6) - add new combo

00:26:368 (1) - remove new combo for consistence with further song phrases.

00:42:796 (2,3) - make them a 1/1 slider instead -- it'll fit better with the song
00:43:511 (4,1) - ^

01:04:939 (2) - remove 1 repeat
01:05:296 (3) - make the next slider start from here, by extending it's head. You can make this as follows:


00:10:296 (1) - remove new combo

Here I noticed that some combo changes (seems to me) are not fitting to the song's vocal phrases, but don't worry (: they seems to be consistent among them ^^


00:04:225 (2) - move to x:172 y:64
00:04:403 (3) - ^ to x:208 y:192
00:04:761 (5) - ^ to x:364 y:216
00:04:939 (6) - ^ to x:252 y:144

00:59:582 (1) - move to x:252 y:76
00:59:761 (2) - ^ to x:196 y:244
00:59:939 (3) - ^ to x:348 y:144
01:00:118 (4) - ^ to x:152 y:144
01:00:296 (5) - ^ to x:308 y:244
01:00:475 (6) - ^ to x:252 y:168
"Just a tip that can make sense...or not"
Tip: if you want center the 00:59:582 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Pentagon on scrren, select these 6 notes on timeline and move them together 1 grid to right and 6 grid down.


That's it ^^

Nice song (:

and nice diffs (: Good luck with your map, hope get it ranked soon :)

Topic Starter

thanks modded ;)
hi~ oo/
thanks mod request from PM


  • looks fine

  • HitSound
  1. 00:13:511 (3) - whistle
  2. 00:14:939 (5) - 始端にwhistle

  3. 00:32:439 (1) - 始端と終端の高さ(y)を合わせるとより綺麗に見えると思います。
  4. 00:53:868 (1) - ^
  5. 00:55:296 (3) - このように配置してみてはどうでしょうか
  6. 00:55:296 (3) - 00:53:868 (1) - をCtrl+C,Ctrl+V,Ctrl+J,Ctrl+Hをしてremove NC
    00:53:868 (1,2,3) - Spacingを調整
  7. 01:04:582 - add note lここで音をとった方が01:04:939 (2) - に繋ぎやすいと思います。
  8. 01:18:868 - ^ 理由は上と同じです。

  • HitSound
  1. 00:12:082 (4) - 始端と終端にFinish
  2. 00:55:296 (6) - 始端にFinish
  3. 00:58:153 (3) - add Finish
  4. 00:58:689 (4) - ^
  5. 00:59:225 (5) - ^
  6. 00:41:725 (1,2,3) - Spacingが少しおかしいので確認してみてください。
  7. 00:41:725 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - DS0.9xになってますがこれはミス?
  8. 01:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  9. 01:04:582 (1,2,3,4) - このような音取りはどうでしょうか。
  10. 01:14:582 (1) - SpacingをDS1.0xで合わせましょう
  11. 01:18:153 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - ^

  • BeatmapSuggestion
  1. 00:17:796 (5) - 00:17:082 (2) - の終端にしっかりStackさせましょう。
  2. 00:26:903 (2) - ^
  3. 00:59:225 (5) - ^
  4. 01:11:368 (8) - ^

  • BeatmapSuggestion
  1. 00:05:832 (2) - 00:05:296 (1) - の終端にしっかりStackしましょう。
  2. 00:29:761 (2) - ^
  3. 00:33:511 (3) - ^
  4. 00:45:654 (1,2,3,4,5) - 連打部分のDSが0.4xとなっており 00:34:671 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ここではDS0.8xに設定されているのでどちらかに統一したほうが良いと思います。
  5. 01:06:011 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ^
  6. 01:17:439 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
  7. 01:21:189 (2,3,4) - ^
  8. 01:21:546 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
  9. 01:25:832 (1,2,3) - Stackした方がいいと思います。
  10. 01:26:189 (1,2,3) - ^
  11. 01:26:546 (1,2,3) - ^
  12. 01:28:868 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 連打部分のDSの統一00:45:654 (1,2,3,4,5) - と同じ理由です。
Topic Starter

moddingありがとう :lol:
Hi >w<!! Taiko Mods
Random Mods
d = don
k = kat
D = Big Don
K = Big Kat
[Lia's Taiko Muzukashii]
00:01:546 (2) - k
00:01:903 (1) - d
00:18:153 (1) - D
00:18:332 (2) - remove
00:18:511 (3) - k
00:28:868 (1) - d
00:29:225 (1) - k
00:40:653 (1) - k
00:41:011 (1) - d
00:44:939 (1) - d
00:45:118 (1) - k
00:47:082 (2) - k
00:48:511 (1) - k
00:52:796 (1) - k
00:54:225 (1) - k
end in 01:36:636 (?)
[Lia's Taiko Oni]
add d @ 00:19:403
00:19:582 (2) - remove
00:47:082 (2) - k
00:48:511 (1) - k
00:49:939 (1) - k
00:51:368 (1) - k
00:52:796 (1) - k
01:08:689 (2) - d
01:08:868 (1) - k
end in 01:36:636 (?)
Hope Your beatmap will rank in soon :) :)
By KantoKun

kantokun wrote:

Hi >w<!! Taiko Mods
Random Mods
d = don
k = kat
D = Big Don
K = Big Kat
[Lia's Taiko Muzukashii]
00:01:546 (2) - k ok
00:01:903 (1) - d ^
00:18:153 (1) - D ^
00:18:332 (2) - remove ^
00:18:511 (3) - k ^
00:28:868 (1) - d no
00:29:225 (1) - k ^
00:40:653 (1) - k ok
00:41:011 (1) - d ^
00:44:939 (1) - d ^
00:45:118 (1) - k ^
00:47:082 (2) - k no
00:48:511 (1) - k ^
00:52:796 (1) - k ^
00:54:225 (1) - k ^
end in 01:36:636 (?)
[Lia's Taiko Oni]
add d @ 00:19:403 ok
00:19:582 (2) - remove no
00:47:082 (2) - k no
00:48:511 (1) - k no
00:49:939 (1) - k no
00:51:368 (1) - k no
00:52:796 (1) - k ok
01:08:689 (2) - d ^
01:08:868 (1) - k ^
end in 01:36:636 (?)
Hope Your beatmap will rank in soon :) :)
By KantoKun
thx mod !!

Topic Starter
done :)

00:57:261 (1,2) - this rhythm is little bit weird, maybe try this?


00:35:475 (1) - shift the slider so that is starts at 00:35:653 and ends at 00:35:832 - sounds more natural and fitting
01:13:689 - there is vocals here, maybe add a note?
01:28:511 - add a note?

Sorry, this is all I can suggest.
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:

Sorry, this is all I can suggest.
Should I just be pleased about this...?

thanks you:p

Holy wrote:


neonat wrote:

Sorry, this is all I can suggest.
Should I just be pleased about this...?

thanks you:p
I don't know if you should be pleased haha, I'm not good at modding hitsounds, position and all. I guess I like the rhythm, so there is little suggestions ;X
Topic Starter
From Aincrad's Modding queue~

Use grid level 3
Why the video is only used in hard and Insane? Use it in all difficulties, or delete.
All difficulties must end and begin at the same time! Fix this please carefully.

CS: -1
00:00:654 - add note
00:02:618 - NC
00:07:439(2) - why not use the same slider as 00:06:011 (1)? Will look good) Ctrl+H and place on x: 76 y: 156
00:08:868(3) - NC. Try not to do more than 4 combo on one color in the light, otherwise it will be difficult for beginners to restore the level of hp if missed.
00:14:939(5) - the same as above. New combo.
00:37:082 - move NC to the previous pattern.
00:39:939 - ^
00:49:852(3) - I think this place is a new combo
00:58:153 - NC
01:01:011(1) - move NC to the previous pattern.
01:04:225 - ^
01:04:939 - NC
01:09:225 - ^
01:16:011(1) - move NC to 01:14:582(3)
01:18:511(1) - move NC to 01:17:439(5)
01:19:225 - NC
01:21:368 - move NC to the previous pattern.
01:29:939 - NC
Do not forget to follow spacing on easy and normal diffs, it is very important. You can use the distance snap.

Just in case, let me remind of spacings.
00:02:618 - I think this place is a new combo
00:09:582 - why is not used as a slider on 00:11:011? Would look nice.
01:09:225(5) - move to x:88 y:128

CS -1, Ar -1, OD -1
00:04:225 - NC
00:10:296 - ^
00:31:011 - maybe add NC?

AR -1, CS -1
00:34:671 - NC
01:09:582 - ^
01:25:832(1,2,3) - placed under each other
01:26:189(1,2,3) - ^
01:26:546(1,2,3) - ^

Good luck.
Topic Starter

Gloria Guard
Hi Holy (:3 」_)=3

From my queue m4m :)


The video quality is not very good
Change that the video quality


00:07:439 (2) slider head remove finish

00:14:939 (1) Remove slider, would have further improved the beat.
->, if you modify this part, 2 slider head add finish

00:18:153 remove green line, timing doesn't require line

00:18:332 ~ 00:23:689 The short length of the songs, And break time to put in this section is not recommended.
please add note

00:23:868 (1) slider head add finish

00:27:975 (1,2,3,4) Prettily placed the appearance of more please < this

00:29:582 (4) slider end remove finish

00:30:296 (1,2,3) The beat is very awkward and Doesn't match with the song. change please ->
easy so that they can play a better player

00:33:332 (1,2) blanket ->

00:36:011 (1,2,3) move please 00:36:011 and 00:38:153 add note
It is recommended to make easier and more fun to play to improve the tempo.

00:39:225 (1,2,3,4) move please -> 00:38:686 add note

00:42:796 (1) remove this is note and 00:42:439 add 1/2 slider ?
Formerly part of the beat is very awkward, Just beat this part is a need to improve that part.

00:46:725 (1) slider head add finish

00:49:403 (1,2,3,1) hmm... Seems tedious part seems to be difficult to read the notes.
Recommended to change to a different beat.

00:55:296 (3) slider head add finish

00:57:261 (4,1,2) hmm.. easy for the players to read too difficult to beat.
change please ->

00:58:153 (1) add finish

01:13:868 (2) slider end remove finish

01:14:582 (1) ^ too

01:16:725 (3) ^ too

01:21:011 (1) add finish


00:08:153 (4) slider head remove finish

00:09:582 (1) ^

00:11:011 (3) ^

00:12:082 (4) ^

00:13:511 (2,3) hmm... slider that overlap each other, it is not good
and recommended to change the tempo. ->

00:18:153 remove green line

00:18:332 ~ 00:23:689 The short length of the songs, And break time to put in this section is not recommended.
please add note

00:23:868 add note? recommend to read it more beat. and add finish

00:26:903 (1) remove note , The beat is very awkward.

00:29:761 (1) remove note

00:35:653 ~ 00:45:653 beat is often very difficult to read.
Part of the beat is very messed up, asked to check the time and that changes.

00:46:725 (2) add finish

00:47:796 (4) 2 grid left and 1 grid down

00:52:082 (5) slider end add finish

01:02:439 (3) slider head remove finish

01:04:582 (1) hmm... Notes read that is not very suitable for the slider.
change please -> http://puu.sh2esRR

01:06:725 (1) slider head add finish

01:13:868 (4) remove finish

01:14:582 (1) 01:04:582 (1) too

01:18:153 (1) slider head add finish

01:23:868 (1) slider head add finish


00:01:546 (6,7) please blanket ->

00:06:725 (3) slider head add finish

00:12:082 (5) slider end add finish

00:12:796 (2) slider head remove finish

00:14:153 (4,5) blanket

00:17:439 (3,4,5,6,7) hmm this is pattern shape bad shape change please ->

00:18:332 ~ 00:23:689 The short length of the songs, And break time to put in this section is not recommended.
please add note

00:23:868 add note, easy , normal same

00:33:421 (3,4) specing

00:35:653 (2) slider head remove finish

00:38:511 (3) remove finish

00:39:403 (6,7,8) hmm... The beat is very awkward .. this is beat change? ->

00:42:439 add note

00:43:153 (5,6,7) recommend that you follow the lyrics. change beat ->

00:47:261 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Placing something strange? And strange beats. your change? ->

00:55:296 (4) slider head add finish

00:58:600 (1,2,3,4,5) Not very good pattern change please ->

01:02:439 (7) slider head remove finish

01:03:868 (3) slider head remove finish

01:05:296 (7) slider head remove finish

01:05:921 (8,1,2) specing

01:23:868 (1) slider head add finish

01:26:368 (9) slider arrow add finish

01:27:975 (4) slider head add finish

01:29:528 (1) add finish

01:30:296 (5) slider head add finish


00:01:457 (5,6) overlap

00:05:832 remove note , You don't need note

00:06:725 (1) slider head add finish

00:07:261 remove note

00:12:082 (7) slider head add finish

00:13:868 (1) slider head remove finish

00:14:939 (4) add finish

00:18:332 ~ 00:23:689 The short length of the songs, And break time to put in this section is not recommended.
please add note

00:23:868 add note

00:24:850 (3,4,5) specing

00:26:368 (1) slider head remove finish

00:26:546 remove green line, Doesn't require line

00:32:439 (1) slider head remove finish

00:34:939 (4) add finish

00:37:796 (1) slider head remove finish

00:37:975 remove green line

00:40:653 slider head remove finish

00:40:832 remove green line

00:52:082 (5) add finish

00:54:939 (1) slider head add finish and end add finish

00:56:011 (4) slider arrow add finish

00:57:439 (1) slider head add finish

01:02:439 (5) slider head remove finish

01:03:868 (5) ^ too

01:05:296 (3) ^

01:06:368 (5) add finish

Good luck
Topic Starter

I will change it later

picked up from #modreqs

mainly hitsounds suggestion.
No reason = feel free to ignore

  1. 00:14:938 (1) - whistle? sounds nice as 00:13:510 (3) - is using whistle, too
  2. 00:15:295 (2) - (on the head) finish?
  3. 00:16:010 (3) - (on reverse arrow) whistle?
  4. 00:22:260 (6) - finish?
  5. 00:35:652 (4,1) - I don't like these whistles... they're too noisy to me :( Remove both and add a clap on 00:36:010 (1) - 's head for the consistency of hitsounds
  6. 00:52:438 (3,1) - swich the newcombo, since the pattern 00:49:581 (1,2) - and 00:52:438 (3) - is completely different.[
  7. 00:59:224 (3) - the specing is bad, try moving this to (x:172, y:316)
  8. 01:27:438 (2) - finish on the tail sounds great
  1. 00:14:938 (5) - clap here recommended
  2. 00:22:260 (4) - finish?
  3. 00:33:510 (3) - clap for the consistency. Then add clap on the every 2nd and 4th white tick, in this way hitsounds would become nice
  4. 00:59:581 (1,2) - whistles on both head?
  1. 00:10:295 (1) - add whistle here, it fits well
  2. 00:12:438 (1) - finish on the head sounds better than on the tail
  3. 00:22:260 (3) - finish?
  4. 00:34:938 (8) - stack properly on (4)?
  5. 00:39:938 (8) - there should be a clap on the head
  6. KIAI time - hey no hitsounds except finishes? As I mentioned before, claps on every 2nd and 4th white tick sounds nice!
  7. 01:27:617 (3) - remove clap? unnesessary sound imo
  1. 00:34:671 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream is extremely difficult in this map... try closer spacing like the other streams
  2. 00:58:868 (6) - stack properly on (2)
  3. 01:00:118 (4) - move 1 grid to right (x:160) for the perfect symmetry
[Lia's Muzu]
  1. 00:05:653 (2) - delete? 特に何の音もなく、前後のパートを分けるためにもこれを消してすっきりさせたほうがいいと思います
  2. 00:12:260 (2) - delete? すぐ後に大Dが来てるのでそれを強調するにもちょうどいいです
  3. 00:50:831 - d here?
  4. 01:06:545 (2) - delete? 01:06:010 (1,2,3) - の後に小休憩を入れてもいいかな?と思いました
[Lia's Oni]
  1. from 00:15:295 (1) - like this?
  2. 00:50:831 - d?
  3. 01:16:545 (2) - k?
  4. 01:30:027 - d here?
Good luck! :)
Topic Starter


Naryuga wrote:

[Lia's Muzu]
  1. 00:05:653 (2) - delete? 特に何の音もなく、前後のパートを分けるためにもこれを消してすっきりさせたほうがいいと思います ok
  2. 00:12:260 (2) - delete? すぐ後に大Dが来てるのでそれを強調するにもちょうどいいです ok
  3. 00:50:831 - d here? ok
  4. 01:06:545 (2) - delete? 01:06:010 (1,2,3) - の後に小休憩を入れてもいいかな?と思いました ok
[Lia's Oni]
  1. from 00:15:295 (1) - like this? ok
  2. 00:50:831 - d? ok
  3. 01:16:545 (2) - k? ok
  4. 01:30:027 - d here? ok
Good luck! :)
thx modding :)
Topic Starter
Taiko Mod as requested in my Modding Queue :3

Lia's Taiko Oni

00:10:295 (3,4,1,2,3) - dkddk
01:04:135 (1,1) - dk sounds better
01:14:224 (3,4,5,6,7) - kdkkd
01:15:474 - add d

Almost perfect diff :3 good job with this one

Lia's Taiko Muzukashii

00:28:152 (2,1,1,1,1) - k d k k d
00:29:581 (1,2,1,2,1) - d k d d k
00:31:010 (1,2,1,2,1) - d k d k k
00:34:938 (4) - d
00:50:295 (2,1,1,1,1) - d d k d k
01:18:153 (1,2,3,4,5) - d k k d d

Good job with both diffs,i liked them so much :3 hope this will get ranked :)

kazukisinx wrote:

Taiko Mod as requested in my Modding Queue :3

Lia's Taiko Oni

00:10:295 (3,4,1,2,3) - dkddk 00:08:867 (1,1,1,2,1) - This is changed.
01:04:135 (1,1) - dk sounds better no
01:14:224 (3,4,5,6,7) - kdkkd ok
01:15:474 - add d no

Almost perfect diff :3 good job with this one xD

Lia's Taiko Muzukashii

00:28:152 (2,1,1,1,1) - k d k k d ok
00:29:581 (1,2,1,2,1) - d k d d k ok
00:31:010 (1,2,1,2,1) - d k d k k d k d d k change
00:34:938 (4) - d ok
00:50:295 (2,1,1,1,1) - d d k d k no
01:18:153 (1,2,3,4,5) - d k k d d ok

Good job with both diffs,i liked them so much :3 hope this will get ranked :) thx :)
thx modding !!
Topic Starter

Joon's Hit sound modding

*Taikomap skip

00:34:581 (3) - end notes change finish or add finish
00:38:152 (4) - add clap
00:38:867 (1) - start notes remove whistle
01:26:724 (1) - end notes add clap

00:20:295 (3) - end notes change finish or add finish
00:58:152 (3,4,5) - remove whistle
01:27:617 (4) - start notes add clap , end notes add finish
01:28:867 (4) - 2st notes add clap

00:34:938 (8) - change finish or add finish
01:26:011 (3) - add clap [suggestion]
01:26:368 (3) - ^

good luck
Topic Starter
just my opinion , hope it is helpful for your map ^^


00:21:724(5) this Hidden is no for new player, delete , how about →

00:24:224(1)(2)(3) →



00:42:081 add note



00:12:974 note

00:36:545 note

00:36:902 note

00:41:188 ↑

00:41:545 ↑

01:13:152(3)add a return


01:30:652(7) add a return

spinner move to 01:31:188 end at 01:36:724


00:05:652 note

00:13:331 ↑


01:18:688 note

01:19:402 ↑

01:20:117 ↑


01:24:402 note

hope your map be ranked earlier , i like this music and the insane is nice~
Topic Starter
from #modreqs
I cant Taiko mod, sorry.

-It is necessary to add the creater's name of Taiko diff to Tags. sorry, my misapprehension lol
-Offset should be 00:01:010 -. Please refer to other ranked beatmaps.
and, 1st kiai time should be 01:01:010 -. (On the downbeat.)

Please be consistent with offset
00:00:653 (1) - ~ 00:12:082 (7) - soft hitsound?
If you accept above suggestion, please conside following suggestion~
soft hitsound mod
00:00:653 (1) - ~ about 40%~45%
00:00:653 (1,2,3,4,5) - whistle (to start of slider)
00:01:546 (6) - whistle to start
00:02:082 (1) - ^
00:03:153 (4) - ^
00:03:689 (1) - ^
00:04:225 (2) - +10%
00:04:582 (4) - whistle
00:05:296 (1) - +10%~15%. whistle to start.
00:06:725 (1) - whistle or finish to start
00:08:153 (1) - finish to start?
00:10:296 (3) - whistle to start
00:05:296 (1) - change to this?(make spacing (1) end to (2) start = (2) start to (3) end)
00:13:153 (3) - whistle to start
00:13:868 (1) - ^
00:13:868 (1,3) - Unify the form
00:14:403 (3) - whistle to reverse
00:37:796 (1,2) - DS 1.0x
00:54:939 (1) - remove clap from end of slider
00:55:654 (3) - clap
00:55:832 (4) - remove clap
00:57:082 - add clap?
00:57:439 (1) - remove clap
01:25:654 (6) - DS 1.0x
01:27:618 (7,8,9) - as with 00:21:903 (6,1) -
and, adjustment of place. Please refer to this.
01:29:582 - +5%?

00:00:653 (1) - ~ 00:11:724 (5) - Same as Insane
00:12:795 (2) - whistle to end
00:14:581 (6) - whistle
00:18:152 (7) - NC
00:18:510 (1) - remove NC
00:23:152 (5) - 1.0x

00:00:653 (1) - ~ 00:12:081 (4) - soft hitsound
soft hitsound mod
00:00:653 (1) - whistle to both
00:01:545 (2) - whistle
00:01:902 (3) - whistle to end
00:03:152 (2) - whistle
00:03:510 (3) - whistle to end
00:04:581 (5) - whistle to start and end
00:08:152 (4) - finish to start
00:09:581 (1) - whistle to both
00:11:010 (3) - ^
00:27:081 (1) - NC?
01:13:153 (3,4) - maybe difficult for normal player. (3) move to above?
01:13:509 - whistle
01:17:081 (5,7) - ^
01:22:081 - clap?
01:22:795 (4) - ^

soft hitsound mod
00:00:653 (1) - whistle
00:01:010 (2) - whistle to triple
00:04:581 (3) - whistle to both
00:12:438 (2) - NC?
00:14:938 (1) - reNC
00:15:295 (2) - NC
00:13:867 (3) - NC?
00:23:152 (6) - NC
00:31:010 (1) - ^
00:35:652 (4) - ^
00:36:010 (1) - reNC
00:38:152 (4) - NC
00:38:867 (1) - reNC
00:38:867 (3,4) - 1.0x
00:41:010 (6) - NC
00:43:867 (5) - ^

Cute voice and nice 1st map >~<
But, it may be necessary to listen to the opinions of other modder about difficulty of Normal and hitsound of Easy.
Good luck.
Topic Starter

Modding queue~

Stack (All diff)

^ Always stack maybe Unrank..

00:20:295 (3) - move x:80 y:124 (blanket)
00:21:367 (4) - move x:48 y:196
00:27:081 (1) - Distance..
00:34:581 (3) - so bad slider..
00:56:724 (1) - why curve slider..?

imo AR + 1

Lia's Taiko Oni
Very Nice :)

imo HP Drain - 1

00:14:224 (5) - move x:188 y:252
00:17:795 (5) - y:36 plz
00:33:688 (4) - confuse..

00:35:027 (5,6,7,8) - more beautiful plz...
00:59:581 (1,2,3,4,5) - use compose -> create polygon circles please...
01:21:099 and 01:21:456 - add circle (x0.5 DS stream)

GL :)
Topic Starter

I don't know, how to use "create polygon circles"..'w'

Holy wrote:


I don't know, how to use "create polygon circles"..'w'
like this ? →

this is easy , create a slider , move the end to a place ,then double press mouse's left key , then move mouse ~
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Holy ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 01:23:866 - Unsnapped kiai time end point.


  1. 00:07:617 (3) - Make a blanket with 00:07:974 (4),like this.
    Screenshot and Code

  2. 00:21:188 (2) - How about move this circle to center? like this.
  3. 00:23:152 (3,4) - The finish a bit noisy to me,reduce volume to 60% is better.
  4. 00:46:724 (7,1) - Switch new combo,follow with vocal.
  5. 00:52:438 (7,1) - ^
  6. 01:26:724 - Add finish,sound better to me.
  7. 01:27:438 (6,7) - ^
  8. 01:27:974 - ^
  9. 01:30:474 (2) - Try change this slider to two circles,it's more suitable with music.


  1. 00:23:152 (5,6) - Please fix hitsound,same as Insane.
  2. 00:45:653 (7,8,9,1) - You'd better to make these notes symmetrical,here is code.
  3. 01:01:009 - Remove clap,sound weird to me.
  4. 01:05:295 - ^
  5. 01:12:438 - ^
  6. 01:18:152 - ^
  7. 01:21:903 (4) - Remove this circle,sound much better.
  8. 01:23:867 - Add finish,sound better to me.
  9. 01:27:438 - ^
  10. 01:27:617 - ^


  1. HP or OD+1 for better diff spread.
  2. 01:13:153 (3) - Too many repeat a bit hard for beginner,try change like this.
  3. 01:19:581 (3) - The slider should start on 01:19:402,follow with lyrics.
  4. 01:27:438 - Add finish,sound better to me.
  5. 01:27:617 - Remove clap and Add finish.
  6. 01:27:260 (2) - Remove this circle,sound much better.


  1. 00:11:724 (1) - Remove short new combo.
  2. 00:13:867 (1) - ^
  3. 00:21:724 (5) - The slider should end to 00:22:259 - .
  4. 00:46:724 - Remove clap,sound weird to me.
  5. 01:23:867 - Add finish,sound better to me.
  6. 01:27:438 - ^

OK ~ Not bad map for your 1st map ~ but still need more more work ~

Good luck with rank ~
Hi from♥Moe Moe Russian Modding Room♥
00:45:474 (5,1) - When I played I had a trouble with this jump. It not big jump but I just don't feel that now will be jump. I recommend reduce it 00:53:509 - omg D: It sounds so ugly without hit-normal. Maybe you remove this slider and add a circle with wistle?
00:59:224 (7) - 1st) Why you use 1.3x SV (slider velocity)? I don't hear any change in music -_- 2nd) Even if you add 1.3x you must add NC because when SV changes you must highlight this with NC
01:11:724 (1,2,3,4,5) - make this spacing more smooth. Just use for notes 1.8x distance snap looks and plays a lot better
01:07:617 (6) - Try avoid sliders on red ticks. This slider played really bad.
01:22:974 (3,4,5) - How aboute use soft with wistles? Also i think will be better use another NC and may be pattern like this 01:26:009 (3,3) - add finish
01:26:725 (3) - ^ at start slider
01:27:974 (8) - ^
01:29:581 (1) - add finish
01:30:295 (1) - ^
00:57:438 (1) - remove NC
00:58:152 (9) - add NC

What with this spacing?
00:14:938 (1,2,3,4) - 1.2x
00:16:545 (1,2) - 1.0x
00:17:438 (3,4,5,6) - 1.1x
00:18:510 (2,3,4) - 1.0x - 1.2x
00:23:867 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - : |
May be you spend a few your time and resnap all notes with same spacing?
Finishes same as Insane

00:12:081 (4) - remove finish from end and add at start
00:12:438 (1) - add finish at start
00:15:295 (1) - add finish
00:21:009 (1) - ^
00:34:938 (6,1,2) - it a little confuse for new players but you have easy so I think it's ok : |
00:51:724 (5) - add finish at end
00:52:438 (6) - add finish at start
00:54:938 (5,6) - finishes
00:57:438 - finish
01:06:367 (5) - ^
01:09:938 - again this ugly sound D:
01:25:653 (3,4,1) - finishes
01:29:581 - ^
01:30:295 - ^
About NC:
00:41:367 (7,1) - switch NC
00:44:224 (5) - add NC
00:46:010 (1) - remove NC
00:46:724 (5) - add
00:48:867 (1) - remove
00:49:581 (6) - add
00:52:438 (5,1) - switch
00:58:152 (3) - add
00:48:867 (1) - remove
01:11:724 (1) - remove
01:12:438 (6) - add

Same finishes -_-
00:11:724 (1) - remove NC
00:21:724 (5) - end at 00:22:259 with finish
00:23:152 (1) - remove NC
00:31:009 (1) - remove NC (because you use NC every 2nd big-white-tick. right?)
00:35:652 (1) - remove wistle
00:36:009 (1) - remove NC
00:38:509 (2) - remove wistle (them sounds so sundely and bad :<
00:55:295 (4) - add NC
00:56:724 (1) - remove NC
01:00:295 (1) - ^
01:01:009 (5) - add NC

Thank you for request!
Topic Starter
done! thanks~

moonlightleaf wrote:

like this ? →

this is easy , create a slider , move the end to a place ,then double press mouse's left key , then move mouse ~
Do not use ><

Hi, Holy

Mod request from my modding queue

Red = Unrankable
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. Okay. clear


  1. 00:02:617 (1) - If you want it is beautiful, try to make this slider blanket beautifully with slider head to this picture, and slider end should add whistle to follow something in the song.
  2. 00:04:224 (2) - Move to x:228 y:296. Then move 1st point of slider to left 1 grid, if you fixed 00:02:617 (1).
  3. 00:06:009 (1) - Change clap on slider end into finish.
  4. 00:17:438 (3) - Try to make this picture and code will be better imo.
  5. 00:20:295 (3) - You should change clap on slider end into finish instead.
  6. 00:21:367 (4,5) - Move (4) to left and down 1 grid, and move (5) to up 1 grid. It will be look better, and hitsound on (4) and slider begin of (5) is weird for me. You should remove finish on (4). Then add finish on slider begin of (5) instead.
  7. 00:23:152 (6) - Try to reduce spacing between note previously and this. If it is in Normal diff, it is no problem imo, but this is in Easy diff which you should fix it.
  8. 00:31:367 (4,5) - It will be better if you move (4) to x:348 y:320, and move (5) to x:416 y:280.
  9. 00:34:581 (3) - Move to left and down 1 grid to it blanket with slider tail of 00:32:438 (1).
  10. 00:35:652 (4) - Add NC here.
  11. 00:38:867 (3,5) - Try to make these are parallel.
  12. 00:45:652 (2,1) - Move to left 2 grids (move (2) to stack with slider end of 00:43:152 (4).) to increase spacing between note previously and this.
  13. 00:58:152 (1) - Try to avoid stacking or overlaping with (3) because it will be confused for new player to play.
  14. 01:03:152 (1) - Remove finish on slider end. It cause loud sound.
  15. 01:21:010 (1) - Move to right 1 grid to reduce spacing.
  16. 01:21:367 (2) - Make to blanket slider head of (3) to this picture and code will be better imo.
  17. 01:23:867 (1) - Try reduce spacing between note previously and this, which I suggest that make to this picture will be more beautiful.


  1. 00:11:010 (3) - Move to x:88 y:152 to reduce spacing.
  2. 00:12:081 (4) - Please reduce spacing between note previously and this as well.
  3. 00:13:668 (3) - It cause confused. You should fix slider to easier by don't slide of slider is overlap with slider of note previously.
  4. 00:23:152 (1,1) - I suggest that remove circle (1). Then add repeating slider 1 time instead. It will be easier imo.
  5. 00:35:652 (1) - Change a slider into a circle on here instead. I think it isn't necessary to follow the vocal on 00:35:831, and it will be easier, too.
  6. 00:38:509 (1) - This, too. Change a slider into a circle on here instead.
  7. 00:55:295 (7,1) - Add NC on (7), but remove it on (1) instead.
  8. 01:01:376 (4,1) - This, too. Switch NC.
  9. 01:09:224 (5) - Try to avoid overlaping with slider of note previously.
  10. 01:19:402 (3) - Same with 00:13:668 (3).
  11. 01:28:331 (1,2,3) - It's too hard to play on Normal diff. Please change 3 circle into a slider which use repeating of slider 1 time.
  12. 01:30:295 (6) - Add NC here will be better.


  1. 00:01:010 (5) - Add whistle on slider begin to follow the rhythm.
  2. 00:05:117 (5) - This, too. Add whistle on slider end.
  3. 00:06:010 (1,2) - Try to make these is similar. By I suggest that change (1) to this code.
  4. 00:14:581 (6) - Move to up 1 grid.
  5. 00:16:545 (1) - Add whistle on slider begin and end to follow the vocal.
  6. 00:17:081 (2) - Move to x:336 y:244 to adjust spacing between note previously until next note.
  7. 00:18:510 (2) - Move to left 1 grid and up 4 grid to increase between this and next note.
  8. 00:19:938 (1) - Spacing between note previously and this is too close. Please increase spacing by move it to x:292 y:88.
  9. 00:21:010 (1) - Add finish on slider begin to follow the rhythm.
  10. 00:27:795 (5) - Try to avoid overlaping with 00:27:081 (3).
  11. 01:22:260 (5) - Add whistle here to follow the rhythm, and it will be better if you add NC here, too.
  12. 01:26:724 (1) - Add finish on slider begin.
  13. 01:25:831 (7) - Add NC here will be better.
  14. 01:26:724 (1) - Remove NC, if you fixed 01:25:831 (7).
  15. 01:27:974 (4) - Add NC here, too
  16. 01:29:581 (1) - Remove NC
  17. 01:30:295 (5) - This, too. Add NC here to follow the rhythm.


  1. 00:01:545 (6) - I feel it's too close with 00:01:009 (5). It will be better if you move (6) to right 1 grid.
  2. 00:16:545 (4) - Add whistle on slider begin and end to follow the vocal.
  3. 00:18:688 (2,3,4,5,6) - It will be better if you make these are star shape by this picture.
  4. 00:21:009 (1) - Add finish here to follow the rhythm.
  5. 00:22:259 (1) - This, too. Add finish on slider begin.
  6. 00:25:831 (3) - Try to stack with slider end of 00:25:474 (spacing between these is 0.03x)
  7. 00:35:295 (8) - Add finish here, too.
  8. 00:46:724 (1) - You should reduce spacing between note previously and this by move this to right about 5~6 grids.
  9. 00:47:795 (4) - Try to make these is similar with (3), which if you doubt, you can consider 00:06:010 (1,2) on Hard diff.
  10. 01:13:510 (2,3) - It will be better if you move (2) to x:316 y:112, and move (3) to x:272 y:36.
  11. 01:22:974 (1) - It may not necessary to add NC here. So remove it.
  12. 01:30:474 (2,3,4) - I suggest you move these are jump, which use spacing about 1.3x. It will be more smoothly.

Comment: This map is good for newbie mapper, but if you want to your map is better than this, maybe want more work about hitsound. However, overall is okay.

Hope my mod will be useful for you.

Good luck~
Holy has been banned? ;_;
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