
Project: Video tutorials on osu! and mapping

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I can probably do hitsounding.
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Feel free to edit my OP, I've been incredibly busy the past weeks and I need a lot of motivation and energy to start reply and cleaning up my OP.
but in the meantime, feel free to edit it yourself. TVO, you should be able to do that here.
I didn't actually think of that. I'm dumb. Fixed.
Can we get some progress on this? Do you want collaborative mapping or not?
I am so proud of you guys!
You come here an say: Yea let's really do this! We'll put so much effort!

Look what you got so far: You got lists.
Topic Starter
We're busy people and this is all voluntary.

It doesn't have to be as proper, anyone can go ahead and make a tutorial of their own using our template for which video to make, etc.
The only thing that has to be done is start asking people who are willing to record themselves, to start recording.
I'm sorry I've kind of abandoned this, but as I said earlier, I'm occupying myself with other stuff right now and I really have to save up some time for this I guess.
Give some examples of the stuff you are busy with please.
work \:D/

vipto wrote:

Give some examples of the stuff you are busy with please.
Pff o3o

Ever heard of life? =.=

I'm going into the U.S. Air Force soon for BMT and I don't have time to do a tutorial. I would if I could but I can't.
And progress has been made!!!!
hurrr it's our periodic examssss, I'll try to work on this in a few weeks, since summer vacation is nearing.

Edit: oh cool Kuro, I didn't know you've been a Rhythm Incarnate already xD
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I rewrote the OP and changed a lot of things. It's now more of a collection of video tutorials on osu! and all its game modes, but at the same time asking anyone to make a tutorial for it and helping out with what to include. If you're not making a video, you can help out by finding all the tutorials, posting them here and tell as many people as possible about this project!

with that, I think this should now be moved to Gameplay and Rankings where this topic also is t/3815/ as it's pretty much the same thing, but this is more up to date.

edit: this could very well be included in the wiki later on.
edit edit: great source for inspiration and guides to make video tutorials off of: and

edit edit edit: this t/99612 would be great for improving tutorials. I know there are some, so help out by sending them this way.
I think we should move into the bug random mappers ingame to create videos for us stage.

I like this new formatting btw. It's very clean and precise.
hehe wait a sec i shall make an HD skin for this xD
I wouldn't mind making a quick video sometime, but my biggest setback would be my voice. It's not very foreigner-friendly and when I try to work on my diction, I sound like a complete moron.
Hoy Hoy!

Maybe I could participate somehow! Will be good for me since I quit LPing! :)
I'd do a taiko mapping tutorial if I: 1)Didnt have a speech impediment or 2)knew how to map taiko.

I guess I can help by saying that the information so far has been spot on and very helpful though!
If you would like to participate, please make text based tutorials for stuff. I tried starting a voiceless video (captions only) but I couldn't finish it because I lack so much knowledge on mapping (and I don't know what to put on the captions anymore so yeah).
Videos with explanations in voice is a problem considering we all don't speak the same language...I guess you'll have to make do with whatever strolls along here.

If you guys are making the videos, I can help with general scripting (and by that I mean coming up with what to say, how to present the information, chronological order of things, etc).

Some of the getting started/introduction stuff appeals to me, so I may do videos. I've been told I sound very professional and have a good voice for public speaking, so yeah. I also enjoy explaining and teaching things to others, so this is in my comfort zone.
I said I would like to help.

Then I proceed not to pay attention to this thread for months.

Now I don't know what's up.

Topic Starter

winber1 wrote:

I said I would like to help.

Then I proceed not to pay attention to this thread for months.

Now I don't know what's up.

pretty much p/2161114
anyway, just want to ask. What's the best setting for recording the screen? And what's the best program to record the screen? Seems like every program I tried makes osu! lag.

And woah. I never knew we'll be making real noob videos as well. (I mean, if you don't know how to register, how will you be able to find these videos??)

Edit: I tried starting a text only timing video. I watched Charles' videos and I was surprised that I myself couldn't properly time maps :<
I'll just try doing the noob stuff for now :<

Edit Edit: I think I'll just go with the Mapping: Details, MP3, Background, etc...
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Personally, I will livestream it using OBS and upload it on youtube from
I'd personally would rather just do mapping videos, probably more basic stuff, if anything. Unless we need really need something else?

I could also do hitsounding I guess.

But I've been quite busy lately, and I do not have a whole lot of experience making videos in the first place, but I guess I'll see what happens.
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Do whatever you want, just submit whatever tutorial you have made to this topic. We accept any osu! related tutorials.
probably you should put this inside the storyboarding too? I learn most of it from here.a video by Doomsday.
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That was pretty good, and is still up-to-date I guess. Added.

Did he ever create a topic or post with this video? Basically, where on osu! did you find it?
I got it from ziin when I'm learning how to make a storyboard.I don't know where's the real source or "if there is a" thread that Doomsday make to show this video in public.I'll try to search if I found it,I'll tell you.
I personally made a tutorial on osu!....give me your thoughts?
Shohei Ohtani
Damn I made a tutorial on how to download beatmaps but it broke while it was saving


I'll try the livestreaming option later. Except like I'd like to be able to edit it and stuff

There's a lot of other tutorials, on how to download, but this is the first one that has been contributed here :P.
A video version of the Delicious Sliders guide could be nice.

I would probably do it if a) I had a microphone, and b) I actually knew how to make delicious sliders
I'm in love with CDFA's voice <3

tuddster wrote:

A video version of the Delicious Sliders guide could be nice.

I would probably do it if a) I had a microphone, and b) I actually knew how to make delicious sliders
Oh, I could have a go at a slider video. The only problem would be my extremely thick accent, so captions would probably be essential. I've never made a YouTube video before, so I'm not that sure about how to add them and that.
You can add an .srt subtitle file (I think it was .srt) to your video after you've uploaded it afair.
Yeah, I'll make a tutorial when I get back from L.A. this week
I'd be able to make a decent guide on (Advanced?) Gameplay / explanation of mods or something similar, if no one has done it yet.
I have a quality microphone and great amounts of experience with making guides and such.
No need to ask. Just make one.

BTW we might never get this collab support if we have to teach people how to make every gamemode for every category. It would be possible to have a single video/ short series of videos to cover mapping for the other gamemodes.

If you guys make a video, post it here. It doesn't need to be perfect, but make sure you cover all the basic elements related to the topic you are making. Some of the topics are very simple. It doesn't take an expert to record a video on how the game works and as long as people can reasonably understand what you are saying and you aren't stumbling over your words all over the video an accent likely will not be an issue. We can add subtitles if necessary.

(If you ask me, the people who need these guides most are people who don't know English that well). They may understand the subtitles better.
So all the empty spots in the list are still needing a video right? I can try to make a beginner beginner video on the registering and importing processes.....
Maybe if i have time some basic intros to the game styles also.
I could help if it's in my better field! Let's make it happen guys.

Just give me a topic and I'll provide my biased opinions on the matter, sprinkled with other people's opinions as well.

edit: Is it ok if I cover the introduction of the editor?
There is currently something in the works for this and will be rolled out soon.

ztrot wrote:

There is currently something in the works for this and will be rolled out soon.
Are you saying that my tutorial then won't be needed? answer fast please! :)
Afaik there is already project of tutorials going on, done by ztrot, so I guess not.
Well that's great! It means the collab feature will be worked on soon! :)
I don't have the utmost confidence that ztrot will have the time to make video tutorials. If you want to make a video, feel free to make one. There's no harm in having more than one tutorial, especially if you speak a different language. If you can make a video tutorial in your native language that would very much appreciated, especially by those who have trouble understanding English.

inb4peppy expects video tutorials for all the major languages.
Yeah but pretty much every swede learns English as a second language in school so I don't think they have a problem with english speaking vids :/

I would appreciate it if Ztrot replied with a more thorough explaination.

TheVileOne wrote:

I don't have the utmost confidence that ztrot will have the time to make video tutorials. If you want to make a video, feel free to make one. There's no harm in having more than one tutorial, especially if you speak a different language. If you can make a video tutorial in your native language that would very much appreciated, especially by those who have trouble understanding English.

inb4peppy expects video tutorials for all the major languages.
one you shouldn't just assume things TVO 2 I was waiting till we had a bit more content before rolling this out but seeing as you feel I can not deliver enjoy
Peppy: Get on the collab project asap! :D

<3 ztrot
I stand corrected. :P I completely forgot about your osu!academy.

I will check them out when I get home from college.
another video was released today if you want to check it out

ztrot wrote:

another video was released today if you want to check it out
Very professional videos you're putting out. Gl with this project.
Now that the osu!academy has been running for 8 months and going strong, can I mark this as added?

On a side note huehuehue: p/1970315

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