
Owl City - Gold

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 05 Januari 2013 at 19:33:03

Artist: Owl City
Title: Gold
Tags: midsummer station adam young
BPM: 168
Filesize: 8775kb
Play Time: 03:36
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,25 stars, 210 notes)
  2. Hard (4,78 stars, 393 notes)
  3. Normal (4,2 stars, 282 notes)
Download: Owl City - Gold
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
You are unique. You are special. You can do what other people can't do. So there's no need to hesitate if you're different from the others, just keep shining and shining, and bring your friends the expectations they raise and give them the best story ever about your life.


you're gold.
Easy, Normal, Hard difficulty and storyboard all by me.

Special thanks to:
narakucrimson for the rankage.
ykcarrot for the bubble.
grumd for his great help in note stacks & placement issues and -Bakari- for his nazi mods.
Also thanks to both for finding some great wallpapers for the storyboard.

BPM 168 - Draining Time 3:40m - Go join our Owl City discography project here!
My fourth submitted beatmap ~ Thanks for playing! :)
Fun Facts
• My first beatmap that reached the Most Played beatmaps over 24h list.
• As said previously, some of the stacks here are manually stacked from the editor to prevent such mis-stacking by in-game bug. Notice: These manual stacks may look weird and strange on HardRock mode.
• I was waiting for the rankage of this map on Jan 7 until 10:00 PM (after that I decide to go off and wait till tomorrow) while ironically the beatmap got ranked at 10:17 PM. owell
• This is my latest Owl City map, but the first to get submitted. (there's another Owl City map by me that was made before this map)
• The time needed to built inspiration to map was only a week, while to design the storyboard (only the design, not including the work) needs a half month.
• My first submitted electro-house map.
• The most favorited Owl City beatmap on osu! (114 times)
• There's also another map made by Frostmourne here, check it out!
Monday, January 7
Ranked by narakucrimson. Finally! \:D/

Saturday, January 5
Bubbled by ykcarrot. Thanks! Ɑ:

Friday, January 4
Modded by Frostmourne. Thanks! (:
Modded by Static Noise Bird. Thanks! (:

Sunday, December 30
New storyboard elements, please redownload.

Thursday, December 27
Revised storyboard scripting, please redownload.
Modded by BCI. Thanks! (:

Wednesday, December 26
Re-checked by -Bakari-. Thanks! (:

Tuesday, December 25
Revised storyboard scripting, please redownload.
Modded by gdeath. Thanks! (:

Monday, December 24
Modded by CrestRising. Thanks! (:

Friday, December 21
Modded by razorleaf. Thanks! (:
Modded by BeatofIke. Thanks! (:

Thursday, December 20
Modded by XinCrin. Thanks! (:
Modded by HelloSCV. Thanks! (:

Sunday, December 16
Modded by Zero__wind. Thanks! (:

Saturday, December 1
Modded by ToGlette. Thanks! (:

Thursday, November 29
Revised storyboard scripting, please redownload.
Modded by Xinely. Thanks! (:

Saturday, November 17
New storyboard elements and scripting, please redownload.
Modded by Flask. Thanks! (:
Modded by Teru21. Thanks! (:

Monday, November 12
Modded by -Bakari-. Thanks! (:
Oh.. Hi! I think you shouldn't double BPM, I think so because I tried to map this map too. # weeks ago \:D/

Anyway, here's my star for now. <3

I'll mod it. But not today.


  1. Your [Normal] isn't easy enough. It should be under 3.24 - otherwise you need [Easy]
  2. Add Adam Young in tags, pleeeease~ I think you know why
  3. 02:49:531 - break on [Hard] and no break on [Normal] o3o why? It would be more reasanoable if you remove this break at all. Or put it in [Normal] instead of [Hard]
  1. Your slider velocity feels a bit too big for me. And 1/1 notes are too far away from each other for easiest diff. (that's why you need easy, too)
  2. 00:12:388 (1) - put clap/finish at slider's head. I think that first beat of the map sshould be loud! (Disagree? at least do +10% volume)
  3. 00:19:888 (4) - don't hide this note. personally, i think that you should follow vocals at east here. and if you hear word "around" - try to map something like this reverse - clap
  4. 00:21:317 - it's totally not okay to let vocals start in the MIDDLE of slider. Even if you're not following vocals - this is awkward. replace it with circle and 1/1 slider
  5. 01:00:959 (1,2,3,4) - this way to mix background music and vocals. I think it gives your map a bit more awesomness and better flow
  6. 01:20:602 (4,1) - flow breaks here because it's totally awkward to play! after 1/2 slider we have 1/1 stack and 1/1 slider than. try to put beat at 01:21:138 - or unstack them.
  7. 01:21:317 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - awkward stacks. for example here 01:25:424 (5,6,1) - we can see that 1/1 stacks and after it there's 2/1 stack. Think about players. It's really awkward to play! in fact. I think it's a great place to put break time. Song is long - and it'll be ok.
  8. 01:25:424 (5,6,1) - any spinner or something. for all similar patterns. Looks quite awkward to see notes disappearing in the middle of the song :V
  9. 01:45:602 - you should end (3) here! Listen to vocals! Of course it'll hurt symmetrical - but to hurt symmetry is better than to hurt rhythm >.</
  10. 01:46:674 (1,2,3,4) - you can try to express some words in sliders. For example if you hear "heart" - try to make heart-shaped slider ♥
  11. 02:29:173 (4) - something like Normal Finish will fit here. I think. You know, end of section should be loud!
  12. 03:22:567 (4) - practically the same as 00:21:317. Not a big problem but I think it should be fixed!
  13. 03:22:567 (4) - spaaaaacing~ even for kiais - DO NOT JUMP/ANTIJUMP. same for some similar patterns.
  14. 03:26:674 (1,2,3,4) - replace them with spinner. Then you will not have SUDDEN SPACING CHANGE which is confusing for beginners. You will get soft transform into cute slowdown
  1. I'd try OD+2 because it feels better and makes map more interesting.
  2. 02:06:674 (1,2,3,4) - How about being creative? I think Star-shaped slider will fit here. Try something like this but do it less ugly, please :V
  3. 02:52:388 (1,3,4,5) - opinion - totally breaks your flow with random straight sliders. I'd like to see some circular sliders >.</ just opinion
  4. 03:06:674 (1,2,3) - YES PLEASE! I love this triplet <3
  5. 03:12:388 (1,2,3,4) - I'd separate (1) from other sliders somehow. Because (1) follows another part of vocals and it feels a bit awkward to play. (same for some similar patterns)
  6. 03:26:317 (10,1) - this velocity change still feels too sudden. If you don't use x0.75 to make velocity changes SOFTER (because song is so calm) at least convert 03:26:675 (1,2) - into spinner. It will be border between x1.0 and x0.5 I think it's easier to understand. Same for Normal. x0.75 or Spinner.
Awesome map! ♥

Basicaly , da beat is good already.. nice SB XD jaa... lets start

Okeii.. u see.. your map need an Easy diff.. why? ofc lol your Normal is 4.15.. its too hard for newbie and it makes your Map unrankable XD

00:13:459 (2,3,4) - I see you want to make a polygonal pattern.. but it makes 00:13:995 (3,4) - doesn't looks good. well.. its okay if you don't want to change it.. but the problem is when 00:13:995 (3,4,1) - its totally looks messy.. we got an auto circular slider already.. why don't you want to use it then.. try it XD
00:15:959 (2) - x:348 y:156 if you dont change ^
00:23:817 (1) - x:268 y:232 . if you change this. u need to do/you can use your imagination :
- 00:24:531 (2) - x:476 y:100
00:25:602 (4) - how bout x:260 y:156 , to make the 90 degree point stacked with (1)'s Head
U need to replace notes if you change ^
00:34:888 (6) - shouldn't it be x:56 y:240
00:35:245 (1) - the fourth point or i could say the last point, x:288 y:120 its will make the (3) looks more aline with (1)
01:03:817 (1,2,3,4) - how bout using this rhythm dont know why.. but i think it flows more good
01:32:031 (5) - just make it as a circle 01:32:388 . it doesn't fit with the music at all >__<
01:34:888 (6) - ^
01:50:959 (3) - the slider tick doesn't at the middle of the slider.. that makes your slider a bit awkward.. how bout
01:50:959 (3) - add break?
02:59:352 (3) - ara... i don't think that this slider fits with the song.. and I don't accept it if you say its pattern. just make it linear please.. XD
03:18:459 (1) - x:180 y:308 and the end point or i could say the last point slider, move it to x:340 y:272 to make it symetris with 03:17:388 (6) . also to make it looks aline with (3)'s Head
03:20:959 (1) - copy from ^
03:21:495 (2,3,4) - Okayy.. totallly this makes beginner confuse

00:27:745 (2,3,4) - how bout make this looks more curve instead linear? 00:27:924 (3) - x:380 y:264
00:39:352 - this feels awkward.. add note here XD
00:42:209 - ^
00:43:281 - ^
00:45:245 (4) - add a soft finish. idk why, but it feels awkward when it got no hitsound i mean.. only hitnormal sound
00:49:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - lol.. this pattern is da same with da normal lol XD
00:54:174 (5) - araa.. please make this looks like (4) . recopy (4) , ctrl+h and ctrl+g
01:14:888 (6) - why don't you place it x:196 y:148 to make it looks polygon with 01:13:459 (3,5)
01:43:817 (1) - idk why.. but this looks not symetris >_> da 2nd point move it 2 grid to da right XD
01:52:388 (5) - ahah! you do it lol XD i mean finish XD
02:24:888 (3,4,5,6,7) - ara... ;-; not symetris >_> da pattern <_< so :
- 02:25:067 (4) - x:132 y:168
- 02:25:245 (5) - x:208 y:140
- 02:25:424 (6) - x:256 y:204
- 02:25:602 (7) - x:212 y:272
- if you want to make the 02:24:888 (3,4) looks symetris with 02:23:817 (1) , try blocking 02:24:888 (3,4,5,6,7) and ctrl+shift+r XD
02:28:817 (7) - end the slider 02:29:352 without reverse and add circle 02:29:531 . i think its more fit with the song XD
02:40:959 (1) - why this doesn't symetris ;-; da second point move it 2 or 3 grids up XD
02:43:817 (1) - ^
02:42:388 (5,6) - shouldn't the (5) 02:42:567 ? <-------if you change this, please do change the (6) ofc lol XD
02:45:246 (5,6) - ^
02:56:674 (6,9) should aline and 02:56:853 (7,8) should aline.. (7,8) already aline but (6,9) aren't. you know what you should do :D
02:58:102 (1) - is not symetris ;-;
02:57:388 (10) - ^
02:58:817 (3) - the 3rd point x:400 y:104

yayy~ done XD >_> how bout asking ------ >_> for easy XD
Hey , I support you too xD

just noticed your post lately =.=
Topic Starter
Gonna apply the mods soon after I finished the storyboard. Thanks for your mod guys :) !
Topic Starter
Bakari's mod

-Bakari- wrote:

Oh.. Hi! I think you shouldn't double BPM, I think so because I tried to map this map too. # weeks ago \:D/
Without doubling the BPM, the Hard will be harder to make imo

Anyway, here's my star for now. <3 \:D/


  1. Your [Normal] isn't easy enough. It should be under 3.24 - otherwise you need [Easy] I'll make Easy then
  2. Add Adam Young in tags, pleeeease~ I think you know why OK!
  3. 02:49:531 - break on [Hard] and no break on [Normal] o3o why? It would be more reasanoable if you remove this break at all. Or put it in [Normal] instead of [Hard] Removed such unnecessary breaks
  1. Your slider velocity feels a bit too big for me. And 1/1 notes are too far away from each other for easiest diff. (that's why you need easy, too)
  2. 00:12:388 (1) - put clap/finish at slider's head. I think that first beat of the map sshould be loud! (Disagree? at least do +10% volume) Added finish :3
  3. 00:19:888 (4) - don't hide this note. personally, i think that you should follow vocals at east here. and if you hear word "around" - try to map something like this reverse - clap First of all, i was consisting patterns here, so I won't transform these into a slider.
  4. 00:21:317 - it's totally not okay to let vocals start in the MIDDLE of slider. Even if you're not following vocals - this is awkward. replace it with circle and 1/1 slider Umm nope. This slider + reverse is intended to follow the music, not the vocal.
  5. 01:00:959 (1,2,3,4) - this way to mix background music and vocals. I think it gives your map a bit more awesomness and better flow Thanks!
  6. 01:20:602 (4,1) - flow breaks here because it's totally awkward to play! after 1/2 slider we have 1/1 stack and 1/1 slider than. try to put beat at 01:21:138 - or unstack them. k, that 1/1 space is intended for "break" and a thinking time to realize that we have a 1/1 stack here.
  7. 01:21:317 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - awkward stacks. for example here 01:25:424 (5,6,1) - we can see that 1/1 stacks and after it there's 2/1 stack. Think about players. It's really awkward to play! in fact. I think it's a great place to put break time. Song is long - and it'll be ok. sigh... ok, I'll try to explain anything here.
    These stacked notes are intended for "resting time" where players move their cursors more slower and they have time to rest on the stacks. About confusement, I'll give a much more readable stacks on Easy later, so players can learn about "ok, this part is a resting time, where here we have a lot of stacks". k. there's nothing wrong about this at all.
  8. 01:25:424 (5,6,1) - any spinner or something. for all similar patterns. Looks quite awkward to see notes disappearing in the middle of the song :V Umm nope :/
  9. 01:45:602 - you should end (3) here! Listen to vocals! Of course it'll hurt symmetrical - but to hurt symmetry is better than to hurt rhythm >.</ Nope either, I'm consisting this pattern from the first part (00:35:245 - )
  10. 01:46:674 (1,2,3,4) - you can try to express some words in sliders. For example if you hear "heart" - try to make heart-shaped slider ♥ I know, i know... but slider-shaping art is not really my style ><
  11. 02:29:173 (4) - something like Normal Finish will fit here. I think. You know, end of section should be loud! Added soft-hitfinish here
  12. 03:22:567 (4) - practically the same as 00:21:317. Not a big problem but I think it should be fixed! what do you mean?
  13. 03:22:567 (4) - spaaaaacing~ even for kiais - DO NOT JUMP/ANTIJUMP. same for some similar patterns. Players can easily conclude from the beforepattern that "this note starts here" and they won't get tricked by the spacing, don't worry
  14. 03:26:674 (1,2,3,4) - replace them with spinner. Then you will not have SUDDEN SPACING CHANGE which is confusing for beginners. You will get soft transform into cute slowdown spinner here will conflict with the grand start of the storyboard effects ><
  1. I'd try OD+2 because it feels better and makes map more interesting. OK!
  2. 02:06:674 (1,2,3,4) - How about being creative? I think Star-shaped slider will fit here. Try something like this but do it less ugly, please :V Nope, following pattern
  3. 02:52:388 (1,3,4,5) - opinion - totally breaks your flow with random straight sliders. I'd like to see some circular sliders >.</ just opinion If only I could make this curver...
  4. 03:06:674 (1,2,3) - YES PLEASE! I love this triplet <3 Thanks (:
  5. 03:12:388 (1,2,3,4) - I'd separate (1) from other sliders somehow. Because (1) follows another part of vocals and it feels a bit awkward to play. (same for some similar patterns) Nah. Not really a big problem right
  6. 03:26:317 (10,1) - this velocity change still feels too sudden. If you don't use x0.75 to make velocity changes SOFTER (because song is so calm) at least convert 03:26:675 (1,2) - into spinner. It will be border between x1.0 and x0.5 I think it's easier to understand. Same for Normal. x0.75 or Spinner. Changed into 0.75 and I feel this one is more fun to play \:D/ thanks for pointing out!
Awesome map! ♥

Thanks -Bakari- for the mod and the star!

I'll apply Teru's mod tomorrow since it's already late at night here @@
inverness :3 Mod Request from my Queue ovo

  1. You still don't add tags what Bakari mentioned o.o I dunno what's it mean but you should add it D:
  1. 00:15:959 (2,3) - Not really like this overlaps. (3) ctrl+H and make a tiny change?
  2. 00:34:531 (4,5,6) - This is a bit off I think D: hard to read due to its 168BPM. Reduce the spacing is a way you can do o/
  3. 00:43:817 (5) - NC here I think. Fits the vocal ovo
  4. 01:20:602 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3) - It's hard to read if you overlap this. Beginners would think it's 1/1 rhythm (or 1/2?) then click ._. Suggest you to do simple part here
  5. 01:52:031 (4) - (end) a bit quiet. Maybe whistle instead nothing? owo
  6. 02:46:674 (1) - Finish I think o3o A bit quiet but there's a sound
  7. 03:38:102 (1) - ^ whistle is a bit soft imo, and you just reduce the volume so finish would be great :3
  1. 01:03:817 (1,3,4,6) - Try this slider : (code just for (1), other sliders you should change them by ctrl+ something o_o)
    example.jpg feat code

  2. 01:12:388 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Put it on the middle of the screen? well just suggestion.
  3. 01:43:817 (1) - Bad slider imo ;; Try this!
  4. 02:28:817 (7) - (end) finish
  5. 02:56:674 (6) - NC I think o3o
  6. 03:19:531 (6) - ^
  7. 03:06:674 (1,2,3) - I dunno why you don't overlap these, but please overlap these.
    I like this diff -v-
Good luck ovo If you done Easy just call me back and I'll mod it if you need ^^/
Poke me when you'll finish [Easy]. I'll mod it <3
Topic Starter
Yay thanks Flask and Bakari for your willing to recheck my map \ :) /

My Easy's done, but I'm gonna upload soon after I finished the SB (roughly orz)
Topic Starter
Teru's mod

Teru21 wrote:


Basicaly , da beat is good already.. nice SB XD jaa... lets start

Okeii.. u see.. your map need an Easy diff.. why? ofc lol your Normal is 4.15.. its too hard for newbie and it makes your Map unrankable XD Added Easy diff!

00:13:459 (2,3,4) - I see you want to make a polygonal pattern.. but it makes 00:13:995 (3,4) - doesn't looks good. well.. its okay if you don't want to change it.. but the problem is when 00:13:995 (3,4,1) - its totally looks messy.. we got an auto circular slider already.. why don't you want to use it then.. try it XD Polygonal pattern? o.o no I'm not going to make one. The patterns here looks okay imo and the circular algorithm was implemented when this diff had 67% done .w.
00:15:959 (2) - x:348 y:156 if you dont change ^ Ok.
00:23:817 (1) - x:268 y:232 . if you change this. u need to do/you can use your imagination : Umm no, thanks
- 00:24:531 (2) - x:476 y:100
00:25:602 (4) - how bout x:260 y:156 , to make the 90 degree point stacked with (1)'s Head Nope, not going to stack
U need to replace notes if you change ^
00:34:888 (6) - shouldn't it be x:56 y:240 ok...
00:35:245 (1) - the fourth point or i could say the last point, x:288 y:120 its will make the (3) looks more aline with (1) It's already perfectly aligned actually.
01:03:817 (1,2,3,4) - how bout using this rhythm dont know why.. but i think it flows more good Nope.
01:32:031 (5) - just make it as a circle 01:32:388 . it doesn't fit with the music at all >__< For consistency of the pattern, I will keep this. It doesn't follow the music but changing this into a circle will ruin the flow and the pattern
01:34:888 (6) - ^ Same answer.
01:50:959 (3) - the slider tick doesn't at the middle of the slider.. that makes your slider a bit awkward.. how bout orz ok fixed
01:50:959 (3) - add break? nope
02:59:352 (3) - ara... i don't think that this slider fits with the song.. and I don't accept it if you say its pattern. just make it linear please.. XD hha?
03:18:459 (1) - x:180 y:308 and the end point or i could say the last point slider, move it to x:340 y:272 to make it symetris with 03:17:388 (6) . also to make it looks aline with (3)'s Head But this will ruin the blanket for the before slider ><
03:20:959 (1) - copy from ^ already do.
03:21:495 (2,3,4) - Okayy.. totallly this makes beginner confuse see my reply on bakari's mod

00:27:745 (2,3,4) - how bout make this looks more curve instead linear? 00:27:924 (3) - x:380 y:264 Peoples won't really notice this as linear imo
00:39:352 - this feels awkward.. add note here XD No it's not, and this is intended to follow vocal
00:42:209 - ^ Nope, following pattern
00:43:281 - ^ No thanks.
00:45:245 (4) - add a soft finish. idk why, but it feels awkward when it got no hitsound i mean.. only hitnormal sound It's okay actually.
00:49:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - lol.. this pattern is da same with da normal lol XD lol ><
00:54:174 (5) - araa.. please make this looks like (4) . recopy (4) , ctrl+h and ctrl+g okee
01:14:888 (6) - why don't you place it x:196 y:148 to make it looks polygon with 01:13:459 (3,5) Nope, intended for a "bridge" note between (5) and (1)
01:43:817 (1) - idk why.. but this looks not symetris >_> da 2nd point move it 2 grid to da right XD ok .w.
01:52:388 (5) - ahah! you do it lol XD i mean finish XD o.o
02:24:888 (3,4,5,6,7) - ara... ;-; not symetris >_> da pattern <_< so :
- 02:25:067 (4) - x:132 y:168
- 02:25:245 (5) - x:208 y:140
- 02:25:424 (6) - x:256 y:204
- 02:25:602 (7) - x:212 y:272 thanks for pointing this out! fixed (:
02:28:817 (7) - end the slider 02:29:352 without reverse and add circle 02:29:531 . i think its more fit with the song XD I just want to use a reverse here ._.
02:40:959 (1) - why this doesn't symetris ;-; da second point move it 2 or 3 grids up XD okee
02:43:817 (1) - ^ .w.)b
02:42:388 (5,6) - shouldn't the (5) 02:42:567 ? <-------if you change this, please do change the (6) ofc lol XD Nope, actually.
02:45:246 (5,6) - ^ No.
02:56:674 (6,9) should aline and 02:56:853 (7,8) should aline.. (7,8) already aline but (6,9) aren't. you know what you should do :D Moving (9) will re-move (8) and troll ( /w\)
02:58:102 (1) - is not symetris ;-; i know ><
02:58:817 (3) - the 3rd point x:400 y:104 okay :3

yayy~ done XD >_> how bout asking ------ >_> for easy XD i won't .w. i've already made it by myself \:D/

Flask's mod

Flask wrote:

inverness :3 Mod Request from my Queue ovo

  1. You still don't add tags what Bakari mentioned o.o I dunno what's it mean but you should add it D: Added ><b
  1. 00:15:959 (2,3) - Not really like this overlaps. (3) ctrl+H and make a tiny change. Umm nope, I like the way these sliders cutting each other .w.
  2. 00:34:531 (4,5,6) - This is a bit off I think D: hard to read due to its 168BPM. Reduce the spacing is a way you can do o/ Stacked to prevent such accidents
  3. 00:43:817 (5) - NC here I think. Fits the vocal ovo okee
  4. 01:20:602 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3) - It's hard to read if you overlap this. Beginners would think it's 1/1 rhythm (or 1/2?) then click ._. Suggest you to do simple part here orz no thanks, these stacks are meant to follow the song
  5. 01:52:031 (4) - (end) a bit quiet. Maybe whistle instead nothing? owo Added soft-hitfinish .w.)b
  6. 02:46:674 (1) - Finish I think o3o A bit quiet but there's a sound Follows music, so nope
  7. 03:38:102 (1) - ^ whistle is a bit soft imo, and you just reduce the volume so finish would be great :3 Ok!
  1. 01:03:817 (1,3,4,6) - Try this slider : (code just for (1), other sliders you should change them by ctrl+ something o_o) ok. I'll try to fix it
  2. 01:12:388 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Put it on the middle of the screen? well just suggestion. Already on the middle actually.
  3. 01:43:817 (1) - Bad slider imo ;; Try this! Fixed ovo
  4. 02:28:817 (7) - (end) finish okee
  5. 02:56:674 (6) - NC I think o3o ok
  6. 03:19:531 (6) - ^
  7. 03:06:674 (1,2,3) - I dunno why you don't overlap these, but please overlap these.
    I like this diff -v- bakari loves this kind of triplet so... \:D/
Good luck ovo If you done Easy just call me back and I'll mod it if you need ^^/

Thanks Teru21 and Flask for the mod and star :)
Rotten yellow
Really good job. Gold Star.
The patterns are soo juicy :)_ it's gave me goosebumps
And that storyboard... too good :O
hi :3
i try mod ur map inverness >w<
feel easy with me because i'm still newbie modding other map ;w;

01:21:674 (1,2,3,4) - jgn di stack imo
03:03:103 (6) - imo, lbh baik di sejajarkan sama yang (4) x:204 y:112
03:22:745 (4) - x:224 y:80
03:27:388 (4) - NC imo (soalnya kiai time sudah habis di waktu ini)

saran doang
jgn terlalu banyak stack note sperti disini 00:19:174 (2,3,4) - dan 00:29:174 (5,2,3,4) -
01:22:031 - just suggest, di kasih slider 4/4
01:23:817 (4) - jika ikut saran diatas ini dikasih NC
02:02:745 (4) - x: 224 y:32
02:59:888 (4) - x:196 y:340

03:06:674 (1,2,3) - distack aja (terlihat kurang rapi disini)

nice map :oops:
Topic Starter
Xinely's mod

Xinely wrote:

hi :3 hinsvar :3//
i try mod ur map inverness >w<
feel easy with me because i'm still newbie modding other map ;w;

01:21:674 (1,2,3,4) - jgn di stack imo gpp kok, ceritanya buat "break" ini
03:03:103 (6) - imo, lbh baik di sejajarkan sama yang (4) x:204 y:112 Consistency from beforenotes
03:22:745 (4) - x:224 y:80 okee
03:27:388 (4) - NC imo (soalnya kiai time sudah habis di waktu ini) .w.)b

saran doang
jgn terlalu banyak stack note sperti disini 00:19:174 (2,3,4) - dan 00:29:174 (5,2,3,4) - Kalo gak distack rada susah gimana gitu
01:22:031 - just suggest, di kasih slider 4/4 umm nope :/
01:23:817 (4) - jika ikut saran diatas ini dikasih NC
02:02:745 (4) - x: 224 y:32 entar nabrak dong
02:59:888 (4) - x:196 y:340 sama.

03:06:674 (1,2,3) - distack aja (terlihat kurang rapi disini) sengaja kok .w.

nice map :oops:
makasih modnya ya :3

Thanks for the mod Xinely!
Hi! Here's my mod back to you!

Newbie modding so all are suggestions!


Everything seems alright with song folder XD


  • 00:29:531(3) - NC feels better here.
    03:23:102(5) - nazi: I think it fits better on coordinate x: 312 y:40
that's all I can get for the easy.

Just saying but those overlapping sliders like 03:10:245(3,4) might be confusing when played on default skin.

I enjoyed so much while playing this diff even though it's easy


  • 00:44:888(2) - this looks little bit awkward. how about positioning it this way ->
    01:46:317(4) - how about removing this note? sounds fine imo
    02:42:745(4) - how about making this slider a repeating one?
    02:45:602(4) - same as above
again, wonderful diff imo.

from 01:21:317 ~ 01:30:245 confused me a lot XP but still nice XD


  • 03:25:245(6) - NC?
Awesome XD but too hard for a hard diff I guess but it's really good!

Sorry for the brief modding... Your map was beyond my modding ability! but I tried my best!

Good luck on your map! I hope your map will get ranked soon!

☆三 star!
Topic Starter
ToGlette's mod

ToGlette wrote:

Hi! Here's my mod back to you!

Newbie modding so all are suggestions!


Everything seems alright with song folder XD


  • 00:29:531(3) - NC feels better here. Okay!
    03:23:102(5) - nazi: I think it fits better on coordinate x: 312 y:40 Umm breaks curve here so nope
that's all I can get for the easy.

Just saying but those overlapping sliders like 03:10:245(3,4) might be confusing when played on default skin. I know ><

I enjoyed so much while playing this diff even though it's easy yay \:D/ me too


  • 00:44:888(2) - this looks little bit awkward. how about positioning it this way -> Changed into something else but thanks for pointing out!
    01:46:317(4) - how about removing this note? sounds fine imo Umm following music here, so no.
    02:42:745(4) - how about making this slider a repeating one? This is good, but I prefer mine.
    02:45:602(4) - same as above nope either :/
again, wonderful diff imo.

from 01:21:317 ~ 01:30:245 confused me a lot XP but still nice XD lol i know. these stacks are intended for rest

lol overmap

  • 03:25:245(6) - NC? Following beforenotes so no.
Awesome XD but too hard for a hard diff I guess but it's really good!

Sorry for the brief modding... Your map was beyond my modding ability! but I tried my best! (: Thanks for your effort to mod this, although it's pretty brief but this still help me a lot!

Good luck on your map! I hope your map will get ranked soon!

☆三 star!

Thanks ToGlette for the mod and the star!
Mod comming ~ as said before
But I'm not a good, hope you don't mind
Nothing to say but great

00:55:245 (1,2) - is it alright to put confusing stuffs like this in Easy?
01:38:102 (1,2) - ^ I appreciate the creativity, just worrying about the weeping beginners lol
02:09:531 (1,2) - ^
02:20:959 (1,2) - ^
03:10:245 (3,4) - ^
01:00:959 (1,2) - maybe not quite delicate
I'm not good at Easy diff, your stuff is quite nice

00:44:888 (2) - both soft whistles at head and tail?
01:42:031 (2,3,4,5) - I don't know if doubles like these are too hard to grab the rhythm maybe change them into short sliders is friendly?
01:46:674 (1,2,3,4) - also I thought maybe you should obey the distance snap in Normal? You may change these four sliders into away-and-back ↘↖↙↗
03:29:531 (3,4) - maybe not that delicate, for the gap between them are not with same width everywhere

00:23:281 (6) - maybe change it to soft?
00:25:067 (3,4) - not beautiful, maybe CTRL+J to the slider and move it to the current place (blanket-like)
00:27:924 (3,4) - ^
01:33:638 (3,4) - ^
01:36:495 (3,4) - ^
00:34:888 (2,3) - CTRL+G to these two notes? just suggestion, for I'm not quite used to the slider next jumping notes 00:35:245 (1) - is so closed to the last note 00:35:067 (3) -
01:32:031 (2,3) - ^
01:30:245 (2,3) - maybe the current placement doesn't meet your idea? maybe you should move slider 2 about 4 or 5 grid right →
01:42:209 (4,5) - ^ maybe move slider4 3 grid left and 4 grid up ↖ , Oh, don't forget to move this together 01:42:031 (3) -
02:19:709 (6,7) - don't think it nice like this. maybe change the slider like ) or maybe make 02:19:174 (3,4,5,6) - like this or sth.
03:06:674 (1,2,3) - plz stack them well
03:15:959 (3,4) - not quite delicate maybe change the slider3's shape a bit and also move 03:15:781 (2) - ↘ in order not to let slider4 touch it

that's all I can find out and hope it'll be useful even only a bit
and I noticed that you're kind of busy and..
I'm really sorry for my map of English song are in graveyard curretly =.=
So...just hope you might like my song here
though it's japanese >:(
Take your time, there's no need to rush.
I'd really aprreciate it if you bother modding this map

and good luck with your map^_^
Topic Starter
Zero__Wind's mod

Zero__wind wrote:

Mod comming ~ as said before
But I'm not a good, hope you don't mind
Nothing to say but great

00:55:245 (1,2) - is it alright to put confusing stuffs like this in Easy? Not really confusing actually (:
01:38:102 (1,2) - ^ I appreciate the creativity, just worrying about the weeping beginners lol (:
02:09:531 (1,2) - ^
02:20:959 (1,2) - ^
03:10:245 (3,4) - ^ Well...
01:00:959 (1,2) - maybe not quite delicate Fixed.
I'm not good at Easy diff, your stuff is quite nice Thanks!

00:44:888 (2) - both soft whistles at head and tail? Added on only tail instead.
01:42:031 (2,3,4,5) - I don't know if doubles like these are too hard to grab the rhythm maybe change them into short sliders is friendly? Nah, they'll learn shortly and conclude that these doubles are improvisations of the short sliders across the map
01:46:674 (1,2,3,4) - also I thought maybe you should obey the distance snap in Normal? You may change these four sliders into away-and-back ↘↖↙↗ ↘↖↙↗ This doesn't work better and I like my current one so... \:D/
03:29:531 (3,4) - maybe not that delicate, for the gap between them are not with same width everywhere Fixed.

00:23:281 (6) - maybe change it to soft? Umm nope, following beat here.
00:25:067 (3,4) - not beautiful, maybe CTRL+J to the slider and move it to the current place (blanket-like) Nah, blankets here just unfitting, and I just like this one so...
00:27:924 (3,4) - ^
01:33:638 (3,4) - ^
01:36:495 (3,4) - ^ Same reason for these.
00:34:888 (2,3) - CTRL+G to these two notes? just suggestion, for I'm not quite used to the slider next jumping notes 00:35:245 (1) - is so closed to the last note 00:35:067 (3) - Fixed in a different way, but thanks for pointing out! (:
01:32:031 (2,3) - ^ Same.
01:30:245 (2,3) - maybe the current placement doesn't meet your idea? maybe you should move slider 2 about 4 or 5 grid right → Moved (3) instead.
01:42:209 (4,5) - ^ maybe move slider4 3 grid left and 4 grid up ↖ , Oh, don't forget to move this together 01:42:031 (3) - Ok.
02:19:709 (6,7) - don't think it nice like this. maybe change the slider like ) or maybe make 02:19:174 (3,4,5,6) - like this or sth. No, I placed them up like this is intended for a divebomb combo placement. Straight down to the bottom and the slider normalizes the movement flow to the up.
03:06:674 (1,2,3) - plz stack them well No I love these .~.
03:15:959 (3,4) - not quite delicate maybe change the slider3's shape a bit and also move 03:15:781 (2) - ↘ in order not to let slider4 touch it Nope I like mine better :3

that's all I can find out and hope it'll be useful even only a bit
and I noticed that you're kind of busy and..
I'm really sorry for my map of English song are in graveyard curretly =.=
So...just hope you might like my song here
though it's japanese >:(
Take your time, there's no need to rush.
I'd really aprreciate it if you bother modding this map I'll try checking it out, of course after I finished some sort of my tasks (;

and good luck with your map^_^

Thanks for the mod and the star, Zero__wind!
-VocaloidTACU's modding-

NC = New Combo


Why not add a Slider tick sound?

little strange for listening

00:17:031 (3) - move to x:500 y:132 much better for look(style)

00:55:245 (1,2) - little confuse for beginner

01:11:317 (3) - don't stack whit (2). because it is difficult for beginner

01:17:032 (3) - ^

01:21:674 (1) - ^

01:22:388 (2) - ^

01:23:817 (3) - ^

01:25:245 (4) - ^

01:26:674 (1) - ^

01:28:102 (4) - ^

01:29:531 (1) - ^

01:30:959 (4) - ^

01:38:816 (2) - little confuse for beginner. they want more easier pattern

01:53:817 - add a slider to 01:54:888

02:19:888 (3) - don't stack whit (2).because it is difficult for beginner

02:25:602 (3) - ^

03:02:388 (4) - NC

03:03:817 (1,2,3) - very hard for beginner

03:16:317 (2,3,4,5) - little ugly.


it just like Hard diff more easily please (Stack circle....whatever)

ex) 00:15:959 (2,3) - , 00:19:174 (2,3,4) -

whistle sound is a little strange(soft)

change some sound

01:05:602 (3) - move to this slider's End point. x:459 y:199 much better

01:22:388 - add circle follow the Rhythm

01:32:745 (1) - remove NC

01:33:459 (2) - NC

01:52:031 (4) - move to x:188 y:212

01:53:817 - add slider like this - >

02:10:602 (2) - remove whistle

02:13:459 (4) - ^

02:16:317 (2) - ^

02:16:674 (3) - ^

02:19:352 (3,4) - ^

02:21:317 (1,2,3) - ^

02:25:066 (3,4) - ^

02:27:745 (2) - ^

02:29:173 (4) - ^

02:50:959 - add slider - >

02:53:459 (2,3) - remove whistle

02:59:352 (3) - ^

03:02:031 (2) - remove whistle (reverse arrow)

03:12:388 (1,2,3) - remove whistle

03:16:495 (3,4) - ^

03:19:174 (2) - remove whistle (reverse arrow)

03:23:459 (6) - remove whistle


00:39:352 - add circle

00:45:602 - add slider - >

01:02:745 (3) - use ctrl + J

01:07:388 (2) - use ctrl + g

01:49:352 - add circle

01:50:959 (3) - do not stack it is strange for look

01:53:459 - add some beat.. - >

02:11:317 (5) - use ctrl + J

02:22:388 (4) - NC

03:02:388 (4) - ^

03:23:638 - add circle..?

03:26:495 - ^

03:30:959 (6) - NC

I want to help you have been
-Baby Strawberry-
Go-o-o-o-o-o-od luck!
Topic Starter
VocaloidTACU's mod

VocaloidTACU wrote:

-VocaloidTACU's modding-

NC = New Combo


Why not add a Slider tick sound? What do you mean? I'm using tick rate 1 and it's audible.

little strange for listening

00:17:031 (3) - move to x:500 y:132 much better for look(style) Ok.

00:55:245 (1,2) - little confuse for beginner ..not really

01:11:317 (3) - don't stack whit (2). because it is difficult for beginner

01:17:032 (3) - ^

01:21:674 (1) - ^

01:22:388 (2) - ^

01:23:817 (3) - ^

01:25:245 (4) - ^

01:26:674 (1) - ^

01:28:102 (4) - ^

01:29:531 (1) - ^

01:30:959 (4) - ^ I think these are okay so I kept them

01:38:816 (2) - little confuse for beginner. they want more easier pattern nah

01:53:817 - add a slider to 01:54:888 Nope. This part is intended for break.

03:02:388 (4) - NC Okay!

03:03:817 (1,2,3) - very hard for beginner B-But I love these ;~;

03:16:317 (2,3,4,5) - little ugly. Fixed.


it just like Hard diff more easily please (Stack circle....whatever) I know ><

ex) 00:15:959 (2,3) - , 00:19:174 (2,3,4) -

whistle sound is a little strange(soft)

change some sound Nope, it's okay imo

01:05:602 (3) - move to this slider's End point. x:459 y:199 much better Ok.

01:22:388 - add circle follow the Rhythm Nope, no audible beat here to map.

01:32:745 (1) - remove NC No.

01:33:459 (2) - NC ^

01:52:031 (4) - move to x:188 y:212 Oh well nice idea, but this will ruin the stack so, sorry

01:53:817 - add slider like this - > Nope, intended for break

02:10:602 (2) - remove whistle

02:13:459 (4) - ^

02:16:317 (2) - ^

02:16:674 (3) - ^

02:19:352 (3,4) - ^

02:21:317 (1,2,3) - ^

02:25:066 (3,4) - ^

02:27:745 (2) - ^

02:29:173 (4) - ^ For these, no.

02:50:959 - add slider - > Nope either. Same reason here, intended for break

02:53:459 (2,3) - remove whistle

02:59:352 (3) - ^

03:02:031 (2) - remove whistle (reverse arrow)

03:12:388 (1,2,3) - remove whistle

03:16:495 (3,4) - ^

03:19:174 (2) - remove whistle (reverse arrow)

03:23:459 (6) - remove whistle No I love these whistles....


00:39:352 - add circle No.

00:45:602 - add slider - > No.

01:02:745 (3) - use ctrl + J No, it's intended like this (see the straight point)

01:07:388 (2) - use ctrl + g Nope.

01:49:352 - add circle Nope, not relevant here

01:50:959 (3) - do not stack it is strange for look Nah, it's okay

01:53:459 - add some beat.. - > No, just like what I said to you before

02:11:317 (5) - use ctrl + J Nope. Breaks flow

02:22:388 (4) - NC Nope, just like several patterns before, it doesn't NC'd

03:02:388 (4) - ^ ^

03:23:638 - add circle..? No, what for?

03:26:495 - ^ ^

03:30:959 (6) - NC Added NC somewhere instead.

Thanks for the mod, VocaloidTACU!
Hello inverness Mod For Mod


  1. 00:30:781 (4,5) The blanket between these two sliders is not very good , Why you do so?

    Or Code if you Wish
  2. 00:40:959 (1) Consider adding a Finish to start the slider, because the song makes a voice rises when he says "Go on", also follows the music and storyboard
  3. 00:45:245 (4) I've given it reduces the volume of the voice? . The sound of this circle does listen like one, but it is not. In conclusion I would recommend this to sound like soft circle, and maybe with soft Finish or simply soft Reducing the volume a bit to 50 %, sound better in my opinion
  4. 00:47:924 (4,5) These two sliders make a nice blanket, but the tail of the slider (5) is colliding with (3) and is a little uncomfortable when I play. Prefer to move (5) to x:444 y:156 , is better imo
  5. 01:14:174 (5) Move 1 grid down , so that it is aligned with (4)
  6. 01:15:245 (1) In most of the diff. you used the same kind of slider. But this slider here went out of your consistency with your sliders. In my opinion should change it to a simple curved slider to get a better consistency
  7. 01:43:817 (1) This slider is a little ugly, and you are taking away the beauty to your blankets. Why not use the sliders creation system with 3 points?
  8. 01:49:531 (1) I explained above, a finish in the head because it follows the music slider and storyboarding
  9. 02:02:745 (5) Same as 00:47:924 (4,5)
  10. 03:06:674 (1,2,3) I don't like are stacked, the circles. In my opinion it would look better if you stack on top of each other in row

  1. 00:19:888 (4) You did as a stack with (2) and (3), in my opinion if you stack also the (4) in the same slider feels very loaded. I would suggest you move (4) using the spacing
  2. 00:23:817 (1) Here is a little bad spacing. You are using 1.0x wide diff, but maybe by mistake you increased it to 1.1x. Fix this with the correct spacing
  3. 00:28:459 (4,5,1) In my opinion this is a bit wrong in a diff. normal, because objects come slow . Maybe you could move (1) to another position
    to give a better flow
  4. 00:40:959 (1) Just as I said in the hard. A Normal Finish, follow the music and the storyboard
  5. 01:13:459 (2) Same as 00:28:459 (4,5,1) , I don't like this blanket in diffs. normal
  6. 02:59:888 (4) Could this circle properly stack? , It looks bad when you play

  • [Easy]
  1. 00:28:102 (2) Your Forgot you hitsounds pattern here. Put a soft whistle at the start of the slider , sounds better. Besides the normal sounds bad here
  2. 00:44:531 (2) So, the normalsampleset sounds bad at the end of slider. I would recommend that you change it by a soft whistle or a soft Finish at the end of the slider, is better in my opinion
  3. 00:46:674 (1) The above slider hitburst hides the beginning of this slider. This may confuse some beginners, I would recommend that you move from that place
  4. 00:59:531 (3) Move to x:188 y:288 , so that it is correctly stacked with 00:57:388 (4)
  5. 01:10:602 (2) The normal SampleSet slider early sounds bad. It would be better if you put a soft whistle at the start of the slider, feels better
  6. 01:49:888 (2) This circle is not follow the music or the vocal. In my opinion you should delete this circle
  7. 02:42:388 (2) Put a whistle to start the slider for consistency with 02:45:246 (2) or delete the whistle from 02:45:246 (2) , your decide
MOD FINISHED , Is a nice map and awesome storyboard but need more mods

Good Luck and I leave a star :)
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at
03:26:665 - snap to 03:26:674


00:16:495 (3) - please 1.0 DS
01:33:638 (3) - delete note?
01:36:495 (3) - ^
01:47:388 (2,3,4) - different DS? i think this is not good choice :p

00:45:245 (4) - how about soft whistle?
00:23:638 (8) - delete whsitle?
00:29:888 (2) - ^
00:30:781 (4) - how about more roundly to cover 00:31:317 (5) - this better?
01:15:781 (2) - delete whistle here and add soft whistle 01:15:245 (1) - end of this slider
02:44:353 (2) - delete whistle

good luck with my double stars!
should be ranked!!!!
Topic Starter
XinCrin's mod

XinCrin wrote:

Hello inverness Mod For Mod


  1. 00:30:781 (4,5) The blanket between these two sliders is not very good , Why you do so? owell, fixed
  2. 00:40:959 (1) Consider adding a Finish to start the slider, because the song makes a voice rises when he says "Go on", also follows the music and storyboard Finish here sounds too loud imo, so no
  3. 00:45:245 (4) I've given it reduces the volume of the voice? . The sound of this circle does listen like one, but it is not. In conclusion I would recommend this to sound like soft circle, and maybe with soft Finish or simply soft Reducing the volume a bit to 50 %, sound better in my opinion OK!
  4. 00:47:924 (4,5) These two sliders make a nice blanket, but the tail of the slider (5) is colliding with (3) and is a little uncomfortable when I play. Prefer to move (5) to x:444 y:156 , is better imo Oh well, this is very reasonable but moving the slider farther away will make the jump higher (thus making the space same from 00:48:459 (5,6) - a bit awkward to play)
  5. 01:14:174 (5) Move 1 grid down , so that it is aligned with (4) Done!
  6. 01:15:245 (1) In most of the diff. you used the same kind of slider. But this slider here went out of your consistency with your sliders. In my opinion should change it to a simple curved slider to get a better consistency O.o but I prefer flow and design here
  7. 01:43:817 (1) This slider is a little ugly, and you are taking away the beauty to your blankets. Why not use the sliders creation system with 3 points? I make this slider before they implemented the new slider algorithm. Fixed anyway~
  8. 01:49:531 (1) I explained above, a finish in the head because it follows the music slider and storyboarding Nope, same reason too
  9. 02:02:745 (5) Same as 00:47:924 (4,5) Nope either, same reason either
  10. 03:06:674 (1,2,3) I don't like are stacked, the circles. In my opinion it would look better if you stack on top of each other in row B-but they loved these...

  1. 00:19:888 (4) You did as a stack with (2) and (3), in my opinion if you stack also the (4) in the same slider feels very loaded. I would suggest you move (4) using the spacing For the consistency across the diff, no.
  2. 00:23:817 (1) Here is a little bad spacing. You are using 1.0x wide diff, but maybe by mistake you increased it to 1.1x. Fix this with the correct spacing Fixed.
  3. 00:28:459 (4,5,1) In my opinion this is a bit wrong in a diff. normal, because objects come slow . Maybe you could move (1) to another position
    to give a better flow Nah, it's a beautiful oval flow here so no
  4. 00:40:959 (1) Just as I said in the hard. A Normal Finish, follow the music and the storyboard nope, same reason
  5. 01:13:459 (2) Same as 00:28:459 (4,5,1) , I don't like this blanket in diffs. normal It's okay here, it's even better o.o
  6. 02:59:888 (4) Could this circle properly stack? , It looks bad when you play Yes they could (;

  • [Easy]
  1. 00:28:102 (2) Your Forgot you hitsounds pattern here. Put a soft whistle at the start of the slider , sounds better. Besides the normal sounds bad here Used soft-hitnormal instead to avoid so-so copypasta, but thanks for pointing out!
  2. 00:44:531 (2) So, the normalsampleset sounds bad at the end of slider. I would recommend that you change it by a soft whistle or a soft Finish at the end of the slider, is better in my opinion Okay!
  3. 00:46:674 (1) The above slider hitburst hides the beginning of this slider. This may confuse some beginners, I would recommend that you move from that place There's enough gap to let the hitburst fade out.
  4. 00:59:531 (3) Move to x:188 y:288 , so that it is correctly stacked with 00:57:388 (4) Moved the (4) instead to prevent blanket break
  5. 01:10:602 (2) The normal SampleSet slider early sounds bad. It would be better if you put a soft whistle at the start of the slider, feels better If you listened carefully on other diffs, here you also heard a hitnormal sound~ It's okay imo
  6. 01:49:888 (2) This circle is not follow the music or the vocal. In my opinion you should delete this circle For pattern and polarity consistency.
  7. 02:42:388 (2) Put a whistle to start the slider for consistency with 02:45:246 (2) or delete the whistle from 02:45:246 (2) , your decide No, the current one's fine. This also happens in normal though~
MOD FINISHED , Is a nice map and awesome storyboard but need more mods

Good Luck and I leave a star :)

HelloSCV's mod

HelloSCV wrote:

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at
03:26:665 - snap to 03:26:674 Fixed!


00:16:495 (3) - please 1.0 DS Ok!
01:33:638 (3) - delete note? Nope, following vocal here.
01:36:495 (3) - ^ ^
01:47:388 (2,3,4) - different DS? i think this is not good choice :p yes but it made a good design :Db

00:45:245 (4) - how about soft whistle? ok!
00:23:638 (8) - delete whsitle? It sounds nice actually, so no.
00:29:888 (2) - ^ it's okay imo
00:30:781 (4) - how about more roundly to cover 00:31:317 (5) - this better? Fixed!
01:15:781 (2) - delete whistle here and add soft whistle 01:15:245 (1) - end of this slider Nope, consisting hitsound here~
02:44:353 (2) - delete whistle It's okay imo

good luck with my double stars!
should be ranked!!!!

Thanks XinCrin and HelloSCV for the mod and the stars!
From ~razor's mod queue~
Sorry for late Reply


Actually, Newbie may confuse with stacking hitcircle and slider
But anyway good map :(


No Problem


01:16:942 - You can add circle to make it triplet, and It's good in my ear..
01:37:567 (5) - You can add circle to make a same pattern with 01:36:316 (2,3,4)

Btw Nice SB
You have Potential! Good luck
By the way.. Stars 4 u
Hello inverness! Mod 4 Mod Request from my Unlimited Mod 4 Mod Queue! Nothing much to say about this map.

  1. Pro Storyboard! Nothing much to say!
  1. 00:44:531 (2) - Same suggestion as 00:44:888 (2) on Normal Difficulty.
  2. 01:23:817 (3) - New Combo? You added one at 01:29:531 (1).
  3. 02:42:388 (2) - I guess add a soft-whistle at the head of this slider since you add one at 02:45:246 (2)?
  4. 02:46:674 (1,1) - You probably should Insert Break Time between these notes in the same way as you don in your Hard Difficulty! That was genius!
  1. Increase HP Drain Rate (+1)? It will have a better HP Drain spread. For Example: Easy has 1, Normal has 3, and Hard has 5.
  2. Increase Overall Difficulty (+2)? It will have a better OD spread. For Example: Easy has 2, Normal has 4, and Hard has 6.
  3. 00:15:959 (2) - To be consistent with 00:22:031 (2,3), I recommend removing this soft-whistle on the end of this slider.
  4. 00:44:888 (2) - (suggestion) Not really necessary, but I think you should remove this soft-finish at the end of this slider? This part of the song is relatively silenced, so I thought maybe remove it? If fixed, you should do the same on 01:52:031 (4).
    00:48:817 (4,1) - This slider could blanklet better with the next sliderhead. Try this (This fix should not affect your spacing):
    Image and Code

  5. 01:21:317 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I know this combo is creative and all, but unfortunately this combo can confuse novice players. I recommend adding new combos here. For starters, you should add a combo at 01:23:817 (3) to be consistent with 01:29:531 (1). Also at 01:22:567 (2), I can hear a soft drum here. I think you should add a note here (stacking it with 01:22:745 (1) at the slider head). It should be more consistent with 01:28:281 (1,2). You could also add a few more combos bettween pauses, but that's up to you.
  6. 02:42:388 (3) - I believe you missed a soft-whistle here since you added one at 02:45:246 (3).
  7. 02:46:674 (1,1) - Same suggestion as Easy: "You probably should Insert Break Time between these notes in the same way as you don in your Hard Difficulty! That was genius!"
  8. 03:10:602 (2) - Not perfectly stacked with 03:12:388 (1)? I believe you did this intentionally (Aesthetic-wise) since you aligned the hitcircle at 03:12:031 (4) with the slider at 03:12:388 (1) forming a perfect triangle. That's my guess at least.
  1. Looks fine to me! Keep up the good work!
Excellent Map and Storyboard! Your Hitsound usage is very good and consistent thoughout the map. I did not have much suggestions to those parts. You should probably contact a MAT to check this map. I think it's ready for bubble. Godd luck with your map.
Topic Starter
razorleaf's mod

razorleaf wrote:

From ~razor's mod queue~
Sorry for late Reply


01:16:942 - You can add circle to make it triplet, and It's good in my ear.. Umm.. adding a note here breaks audio flow actually, so no
01:37:567 (5) - You can add circle to make a same pattern with 01:36:316 (2,3,4) k

Btw Nice SB
You have Potential! Good luck

BeatofIke's mod

BeatofIke wrote:

Hello inverness! Mod 4 Mod Request from my Unlimited Mod 4 Mod Queue! Nothing much to say about this map.

  1. Pro Storyboard! Nothing much to say! Thanks!
  1. 00:44:531 (2) - Same suggestion as 00:44:888 (2) on Normal Difficulty. Nah. Reason see Normal.
  2. 01:23:817 (3) - New Combo? You added one at 01:29:531 (1). OK!
  3. 02:42:388 (2) - I guess add a soft-whistle at the head of this slider since you add one at 02:45:246 (2)? Nope, I add the soft-whistle over there for audio flow variation
  4. 02:46:674 (1,1) - You probably should Insert Break Time between these notes in the same way as you don in your Hard Difficulty! That was genius! Umm nope, the break on Hard was a bug that I actually forgot to fix. No breaks here because it'll break the fade effect on storyboard
  1. Increase HP Drain Rate (+1)? It will have a better HP Drain spread. For Example: Easy has 1, Normal has 3, and Hard has 5. OK!
  2. Increase Overall Difficulty (+2)? It will have a better OD spread. For Example: Easy has 2, Normal has 4, and Hard has 6. OK!
  3. 00:15:959 (2) - To be consistent with 00:22:031 (2,3), I recommend removing this soft-whistle on the end of this slider. Done~
  4. 00:44:888 (2) - (suggestion) Not really necessary, but I think you should remove this soft-finish at the end of this slider? This part of the song is relatively silenced, so I thought maybe remove it? If fixed, you should do the same on 01:52:031 (4). Nope. Although this part was silence on the song, it is not recommendable to end a slider with a silence, it'll be awkward for the players
    00:48:817 (4,1) - This slider could blanklet better with the next sliderhead. Try this (This fix should not affect your spacing): Yay thanks!
  5. 01:21:317 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I know this combo is creative and all, but unfortunately this combo can confuse novice players. I recommend adding new combos here. For starters, you should add a combo at 01:23:817 (3) to be consistent with 01:29:531 (1). Also at 01:22:567 (2), I can hear a soft drum here. I think you should add a note here (stacking it with 01:22:745 (1) at the slider head). It should be more consistent with 01:28:281 (1,2). You could also add a few more combos bettween pauses, but that's up to you. Owell, fixed some from this but thanks for pointing out!
  6. 02:42:388 (3) - I believe you missed a soft-whistle here since you added one at 02:45:246 (3). Nope, soft-whistle over there was for variation
  7. 02:46:674 (1,1) - Same suggestion as Easy: "You probably should Insert Break Time between these notes in the same way as you don in your Hard Difficulty! That was genius!" Nope, reason on Easy
  8. 03:10:602 (2) - Not perfectly stacked with 03:12:388 (1)? I believe you did this intentionally (Aesthetic-wise) since you aligned the hitcircle at 03:12:031 (4) with the slider at 03:12:388 (1) forming a perfect triangle. That's my guess at least. lol but fixed
Excellent Map and Storyboard! Your Hitsound usage is very good and consistent thoughout the map. I did not have much suggestions to those parts. You should probably contact a MAT to check this map. I think it's ready for bubble. Godd luck with your map.

Thanks razorleaf and BeatofIke for the mod and star!

  • For Easy and Normal, at 01:21:674 to 01:32:288 I don't get why there are a lot of overlaps. There's nothing rhythmically or visually that leads to this. Its worse in Normal than Easy since I couldn't even get it the second time playing it. I just found it odd. If you are going to keep this however, you might as well keep the pattern going in the second half of the verse.
    Also, I don't understand all the reason for timing points at around 02:48:013 It just switches the volume around from 60 and 10. Its not like the music gets any louder or quieter.
    If you can, I think a spinner near the end of the map (not the song) may fit nicely.

  • Nothing noticeable.

  • 00:15:959 (2) This looks odd.
    02:42:388 (3,3) If you delete these two circles, it will give a kind of good "waiting" period between 2 and 4? Its hard to explain, just try it out. Just a thought.
    Just one last thing, in places like 00:55:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6) it might be better if you combined 4 and 5 into one slider. Talking about this pattern, this isn't replicated in the last chorus but its in the first two. Just thought I'd point that out.

  • Just in general, I think 1 beat overlaps/stacks like 00:35:959 (2,3,4) are odd and it seems like too much of a delay, since a lot of stacks have objects that are 1/2 or 1/4 beats apart. Just a thought.
    00:14:531 (6) I think it would sound better if you took the repeat off of this slider.
    02:42:388 (5,5) You could delete these two and then add a circle a 1/2 beat before (red tick just before) both of the 6's. It would sound better.
    03:00:959 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Just out of the blue, its ironic that the place where the pattern doesn't happen in Normal happens only here in Hard. If you want to have a little variety [from Normal], you could change 1,2,4, and 5 into circles instead.
    03:06:674 (1,2,3) It would look a lot cleaner if this was all just stacked neatly.
Amazing map, amazing storyboard. Good luck with mapping. :)
Topic Starter
CrestRising's mod

CrestRising wrote:


  • For Easy and Normal, at 01:21:674 to 01:32:288 I don't get why there are a lot of overlaps. There's nothing rhythmically or visually that leads to this. Its worse in Normal than Easy since I couldn't even get it the second time playing it. I just found it odd. If you are going to keep this however, you might as well keep the pattern going in the second half of the verse. Here, lemme explain all to you. First, those are stacks, not overlaps (overlaps here means slider that placed on top on another slider or on another hitcircle). Second, 01:21:674 to 01:32:288 is literally the middle of the song, where on most songs there will be breaks. But here, there were no breaks on the song (the vocal's still flowing) so the only way to let people enjoy the mapping while also resting is by two ways available, by slowing down the slider speed, or by making some stacks. I chose the second way, and I'm not placing them randomly, I followed the music pattern.

    Also, I don't understand all the reason for timing points at around 02:48:013 It just switches the volume around from 60 and 10. Its not like the music gets any louder or quieter.Tried to make a variation of spinnerspin sound that followed music pattern "closely" lol actually this is just a random messing-up but I think I'll keep it up for now 'cause I liked it <3

    If you can, I think a spinner near the end of the map (not the song) may fit nicely. Spinner on the end of the map will breaks storyboard

  • 00:15:959 (2) This looks odd. Cutting slider technique. Mostly popular on nowadays maps (; or atleast my nowadays maps
    02:42:388 (3,3) If you delete these two circles, it will give a kind of good "waiting" period between 2 and 4? Its hard to explain, just try it out. Just a thought. Wow, a very nice idea actually, and follows the song in a different way nicely. But... I think I'll keep mine.
    Just one last thing, in places like 00:55:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6) it might be better if you combined 4 and 5 into one slider. Talking about this pattern, this isn't replicated in the last chorus but its in the first two. Just thought I'd point that out. I'll try to do what did you mean here.

  • Just in general, I think 1 beat overlaps/stacks like 00:35:959 (2,3,4) are odd and it seems like too much of a delay, since a lot of stacks have objects that are 1/2 or 1/4 beats apart. Just a thought. Well... imo it's fine
    00:14:531 (6) I think it would sound better if you took the repeat off of this slider. Nice idea! Thanks!
    02:42:388 (5,5) You could delete these two and then add a circle a 1/2 beat before (red tick just before) both of the 6's. It would sound better. I think mine was better o.o
    03:00:959 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Just out of the blue, its ironic that the place where the pattern doesn't happen in Normal happens only here in Hard. If you want to have a little variety [from Normal], you could change 1,2,4, and 5 into circles instead. lol I'll change the one on Normal instead.
    03:06:674 (1,2,3) It would look a lot cleaner if this was all just stacked neatly.
Amazing map, amazing storyboard. Good luck with mapping. :)

Thanks CrestRising for the mod and the star!

01:00:959 (1,2,3) - This pattern runs in opposite direction with rhythm. I would reverse the slider at 01:00:959 (1) and remove the slider at 01:02:031 (2).

I dont wanna be picky. I'm fine with all of them.

02:46:674 (1) - how about having the spinner with clap end at 02:48:817 and adding a circle at 02:49:531 with finish?
If you take this suggestion, other diffs could have this pattern as well.

Good job.
Deserve a star.
Topic Starter
gdeath's mod

gdeath wrote:


01:00:959 (1,2,3) - This pattern runs in opposite direction with rhythm. I would reverse the slider at 01:00:959 (1) and remove the slider at 01:02:031 (2). Uhh.. not really. And I just don't want to add a reverse here.

I dont wanna be picky. I'm fine with all of them.

02:46:674 (1) - how about having the spinner with clap end at 02:48:817 and adding a circle at 02:49:531 with finish? Hmm... If there's any post-spinner notes after this, it'll be hard for players with widespread spinning style to hit the notes (and to get spinnerbonuses)
If you take this suggestion, other diffs could have this pattern as well.

Good job.
Deserve a star.

Thanks gdeath for the mod and the star!
let's call it re-check!
19:54 inverness: it's my first bubble y know
19:55 -Bakari-: So.. he's going to bubble it?
19:55 inverness: dunno really, but he said "will definitely bubble this soon"
19:56 inverness: the problem is, i don't know when the "soon" is >.<
19:59 *-Bakari- is editing Owl City - Gold [Hard]
20:00 -Bakari-: 01:50:781- how about circle here? I think it fits here quite good.
20:00 inverness: wait wrong map
20:01 inverness: o3o actually,
20:01 inverness: if I'm going to add note over there
20:02 inverness: owait
20:02 -Bakari-: 03:02:745 (5,2)- ULTRA NAZI - stack them if you want. Just to make it looks better in editor :D/
20:03 inverness: o.o wait
20:03 inverness: nice idea!
20:04 -Bakari-: 03:15:245 (1,2,3,4,5)- ULTRA NAZI [2] - move it 2 grids down to avoid overlap with HP-bar >.</
20:04 inverness: lol the second one sorry, no, it'll break my placements o3o
20:05 -Bakari-: 03:32:388 (1,2,3,4)- ULTRA NAZI [3] - where's your awesome sliders? I'm sure you can make some blankets
20:05 -Bakari-: here!
20:05 inverness: ^ lol this one
20:06 inverness: ok i'll try o3o
20:07 -Bakari-: 00:45:067- and probably circle here for vocals. Or try to re-arrange rhythm a bit to end slider at 00:45:067? :3/
20:08 -Bakari-: Ganteng diff is ganteng. ♥
20:08 inverness: LOL
20:12 inverness: lol for the blanket on those windmill sliders
20:12 inverness: IT'S HARD TO MAKE ONE
20:12 inverness: T_T
20:12 inverness: but I made through it and now it's nice <3
20:13 -Bakari-: yay
20:13 -Bakari-: Normal
20:13 -Bakari-: try AR5 it will be AMAZING during kiai!
20:14 inverness: o.o
20:14 -Bakari-: 00:28:459 (4,1)- this kind of overlaps is a bit confusing for beginners
20:15 -Bakari-: 01:20:602 (4,1)- 01:22:567 (2,3)- 01:22:745 (3,1)- 01:24:531 (2,3)- it;ll be really hard for Normal players with
20:15 -Bakari-: hidden :<
20:15 -Bakari-: They will have to guess how long to wait till next click :V
20:15 inverness: overlap fixed
20:16 -Bakari-: There's some overlaps like that one, so fix them all!
20:16 -Bakari-: 02:10:245 (2)- I'd start it at 02:10:602- because of vocals!
20:17 inverness: some are quite undisturbing
20:17 inverness: for the stacked circles, i guess no D: it's okay imo
20:17 -Bakari-: It's up to you, of course :)
20:18 inverness: o3o I will primarily map to music rhythm, if the rhythm's hard, then I'll map on the vocals.
20:18 inverness: if the rhythm's still recognisable, I'll map to rhythm instead :)
20:18 -Bakari-: 00:55:959 (2)- EASY DIFF - probably a bit confusing flow. Beginners will move it from the end. >.<
20:19 -Bakari-: I love your style.
20:19 -Bakari-: 01:04:531 (3,4)- same as above! Remember, people will probably play osu! for their first time! So, it's better to
20:19 -Bakari-: make it as easy as possible
20:19 inverness: eh, lemme make the image explanation
20:20 -Bakari-: 01:43:817 (1,2)- well.. can be read as stacked slider. (same, start from the end.)
20:20 inverness: good
20:20 -Bakari-: 02:40:959 (1)- whistle/finish on slider head o3o/
20:21 inverness: bad D:
20:21 -Bakari-: Yea, I understand it!
20:21 -Bakari-: But still, they're beginners! So be gentle!
20:21 -Bakari-: Anyway, I have nothing else to say! :) Good map!
20:22 inverness: o3o about whistle/finish on other diffs I don't add them so...
20:22 inverness: \:D/ ok!
20:22 -Bakari-: Oh, ok. Anyway, you can add them on every diff! :D
20:22 *-Bakari- runs
20:23 -Bakari-: That's it. NOW CALL GRUMD IF YOU WANT o3o/
20:23 -Bakari-: And here's an awesome track for you.
20:23 *-Bakari- is listening to BT - All That Makes Us Human Continues
20:24 -Bakari-: I HAVE TO GO NOW
20:24 -Bakari-: See you tomorrow! \>3</
20:24 inverness: no wait
20:24 inverness: just post the savelog and i'll kudos that

You are free to kd/not kd it. It's totally up to you :)
some m4m .__.

00:35:245 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2) - i feel that combopattern so inconsistent owo for me it may be more good and awesome to add NC on 00:38:102 (3) (you do this in 01:43:817 (1,2,1,2) lolol
00:55:245 (1,2) - move last point on (1) one grid down and (2) (slider) one grid right to do more nice overlap
01:10:602 (2,3) - this pattern in Easy... >< i like this, but please think about it (i don't mention other patterns which is the same)
01:20:245 (5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - (so many lolol) this kind of stacks is kinda hard for an easy espesially it's so many >.< pls think about it too
01:23:817 (3) - add NC here (moar awesomness + new words on SB)
01:35:245 (3) - ^
01:38:102 (1,2) - same as 00:55:245 (1,2) but move (2) one grid left
01:50:959 (4) - you can do this slider in another form >.< like also it will be good to do slider's end soft + finish for consistency with other diffs
02:10:602 (2) - one grid down and right?
02:48:013 - why this timing sections here, makes no effect owo
03:02:388 (1) - remove NC for consistency with others NC in this place (01:58:102 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ; 00:49:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6) )
03:10:245 (3,4) - y'know what to do i think (same as 00:55:245 (1,2) - )

00:42:388 (3) - do it with the new slider system pls
01:23:817 (1,2) - same stacks.. i read this as 1/2 so pls think about it too >.<
01:43:817 (1,3) - do it with the new slider system pls

03:35:245 (3) - NC?

so proo SB. my star here owo
Topic Starter
BCI's mod

BCI wrote:

some m4m .__.

00:35:245 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2) - i feel that combopattern so inconsistent owo for me it may be more good and awesome to add NC on 00:38:102 (3) (you do this in 01:43:817 (1,2,1,2) lolol lol fixed~
00:55:245 (1,2) - move last point on (1) one grid down and (2) (slider) one grid right to do more nice overlap OK!
01:10:602 (2,3) - this pattern in Easy... >< i like this, but please think about it (i don't mention other patterns which is the same) >.< i know but I love it ,_,
01:20:245 (5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - (so many lolol) this kind of stacks is kinda hard for an easy espesially it's so many >.< pls think about it too This part is intended for "break" to allow people rest on the stacks.
01:23:817 (3) - add NC here (moar awesomness + new words on SB) OK!
01:35:245 (3) - ^ OK!
01:38:102 (1,2) - same as 00:55:245 (1,2) but move (2) one grid left kay
01:50:959 (4) - you can do this slider in another form >.< like also it will be good to do slider's end soft + finish for consistency with other diffs o3o changed into something else but thanks for pointing out!
02:10:602 (2) - one grid down and right? OK!
02:48:013 - why this timing sections here, makes no effect owo o3o just check it out by playing it and you'll find out why (;
03:02:388 (1) - remove NC for consistency with others NC in this place (01:58:102 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ; 00:49:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ) ok (:
03:10:245 (3,4) - y'know what to do i think (same as 00:55:245 (1,2) - ) Fixed!

00:42:388 (3) - do it with the new slider system pls Fixed o3o
01:23:817 (1,2) - same stacks.. i read this as 1/2 so pls think about it too >.< Nah, the song won't tell you to hit it on 1/2 (;
01:43:817 (1,3) - do it with the new slider system pls k!

03:35:245 (3) - NC? OK!

so proo SB. my star here owo

Thanks BCI for the mod and the star!
When this map is ranked? xD
I will mod this next year (maybe 1 or 2 January) , don't have too much time currently orz..

Fine !

00:28:102 (2) - whistle at the first point here to correspond with 00:25:245 (2) -
02:19:174 (2,3) - a bit hard for Easy diff ?

HP+1 is not too hard for this diff I would say
00:27:745 (3) - add whistle on the first part too , I think it sounds good so


have my special 2 stars for amazing SB+neat map+you are gold :D

I can't really find many points to mod because I don't want to mod by my own subjective opinions so those are only points needed to be fixed imo
Modreq by GamerX4Life on my queue~

Pro SB.

00:15:245 (1) - It's not too bad, but wouldn't hurt to try making it completely symmetrical

00:26:674 (1) - ^

01:11:317 (3) - Stack it properly with the previous one >__>
01:13:102 (2) - When you have fixed the one at 00:26:674 (1), just copypaste it here
01:16:317 (2,3) - Staaaaaacks
01:21:674 (1) - Move this somewhere and stack the next one with previous one's end
01:23:817 (1) - Stack it properly with the previous one
01:26:674 (1) - ^
01:28:102 (4) - ^
01:29:531 (1) - ^
01:30:959 (4) - ^
01:35:245 (1) - Actually here you can see that the end is longer than start, so try to fix this kind of sliders. Perfect is better than good.
02:19:174 (2,3) - Not going to mention any of these stacks from now on

00:25:602 (4) - Copypaste and flip the slider from 00:26:674 (1) here, it's way better
01:20:602 (4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This almost-stacking thing is ridiculous in my opinion, why not just move them away/stack them properly
02:56:317 (2) - Move the white points bit more away from red point, suggestion below

The stacks.
00:36:674 (4) - v

Good luck, could be great to see this ranked without those weird stack things. Also loving the SB, must say again.

HelloSCV wrote:

When this map is ranked? xD

Matoryoshika wrote:

HelloSCV wrote:

When this map is ranked? xD
I want to bubble it, but why am I so slow? D:

01:11:317 (3) - Stack it properly with the previous one >__>
Oh my god, this is called "manual stacking", fyi.
Topic Starter
Sorry for the late reply guys, my comp exploded yesterday and today I've fixed it

Frost's mod

Frostmourne wrote:

I will mod this next year (maybe 1 or 2 January) , don't have too much time currently orz..

Fine !

00:28:102 (2) - whistle at the first point here to correspond with 00:25:245 (2) - Fixed.
02:19:174 (2,3) - a bit hard for Easy diff ? Not really I guess..

HP+1 is not too hard for this diff I would say OK!
00:27:745 (3) - add whistle on the first part too , I think it sounds good so Nope, consisting sound pattern


have my special 2 stars for amazing SB+neat map+you are gold :D Yay thanks! Good luck on your Gold, Frost!

I can't really find many points to mod because I don't want to mod by my own subjective opinions so those are only points needed to be fixed imo
SNB's mod

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Modreq by GamerX4Life on my queue~ Wow thanks GamerX4life!

Pro SB.

00:15:245 (1) - It's not too bad, but wouldn't hurt to try making it completely symmetrical Fixed with simpler points instead.
00:26:674 (1) - ^ k
01:11:317 (3) - Stack it properly with the previous one >__> For these manual stacks, I'll explain these later
01:13:102 (2) - When you have fixed the one at 00:26:674 (1), just copypaste it here I don't think it'll matched with the blanket I intended.
01:16:317 (2,3) - Staaaaaacks
01:21:674 (1) - Move this somewhere and stack the next one with previous one's end
01:23:817 (1) - Stack it properly with the previous one
01:26:674 (1) - ^
01:28:102 (4) - ^
01:29:531 (1) - ^
01:30:959 (4) - ^
01:35:245 (1) - Actually here you can see that the end is longer than start, so try to fix this kind of sliders. Perfect is better than good. Fixed.
02:19:174 (2,3) - Not going to mention any of these stacks from now on

00:25:602 (4) - Copypaste and flip the slider from 00:26:674 (1) here, it's way better
01:20:602 (4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This almost-stacking thing is ridiculous in my opinion, why not just move them away/stack them properly
02:56:317 (2) - Move the white points bit more away from red point, suggestion below OK.

The stacks.
00:36:674 (4) - v I don't know what are you trying to show here, but I'll try to follow you.

Good luck, could be great to see this ranked without those weird stack things. Also loving the SB, must say again.
So here's the thing, about the stacks. grumd found out that some of those stacked notes were unstacked properly during gameplay (Some of them were just unstacked) and you know that this is potentially dangerous for players with Hidden mod enabled. So, me and grumd decided to manually stack them from the editor. Afaik, this is still rankable and does not have much issues on it, and it's okay to apply those manual stacks. So, we won't change anything about this at all, we'll leave this just like the way it is.

Thanks Frostmourne and SNB for the mod and the star!
I actually play with mainly Hidden only, and see no problem with it, but fine. I hope others will like the stack thing, then. It might be just my silly opinion as not-so-experienced standard player.

As said before, I don't really have anything against rest of this map or even ranking this. And still the best SB.
Hi, requested by HelloSCV

Timing points in the spinner 02:46:674 (1)
02:48:370 - It's unnecessary. You have already 10% green line before.
02:48:727 - ^

About ending.
Seems code is technically fine, but there is black line at right side and bottom. You'd better change the images(oldfilm-eff0, oldfilm-eff1, spotlight-eff and white) from small size to 640*480 and fix the codes.


01:14:174 (3) - I suppose it should be straight like 01:12:745 (1)
02:39:531 - Drag end of break time to here
02:49:709 - Remove break time

01:23:817 (1) - Turn off grid snap and stack perfectly.
02:21:674 (2) - Move right by 1 grid
02:59:531 (3) - Too curved

Manual stacking works fine. I don't see any problem.
I know this map is gold! Fix those stuffs and call me back. ;)
Topic Starter
ykcarrot's mod

ykcarrot wrote:

Hi, requested by HelloSCV \:D/ yay thanks SCV!

Timing points in the spinner 02:46:674 (1)
02:48:370 - It's unnecessary. You have already 10% green line before. Fixed.
02:48:727 - ^ Done.

About ending.
Seems code is technically fine, but there is black line at right side and bottom. You'd better change the images(oldfilm-eff0, oldfilm-eff1, spotlight-eff and white) from small size to 640*480 and fix the codes. 0.0 there's no problem on mine though ._. but if someone else confirm this, I'll change it


01:14:174 (3) - I suppose it should be straight like 01:12:745 (1) Hmm... But this is intended and I think I'm fine with the current one.
02:39:531 - Drag end of break time to here Done.
02:49:709 - Remove break time Done.

01:23:817 (1) - Turn off grid snap and stack perfectly. Done.
02:21:674 (2) - Move right by 1 grid OK!
02:59:531 (3) - Too curved Fixed!

Manual stacking works fine. I don't see any problem.
I know this map is gold! Fix those stuffs and call me back. ;)

Thanks ykcarrot for the mod and status star!
Never mind about SB. I tested in other resolution, it works fine. I suppose it's just a bug in 1024*768.

Great work Inverness ;D congratz!!!
I love this song xD

Can you teach me your awesome SB skills? xD

Just kidding, you know. \:V/ Anyway, (early) congratz to you!
Eremes 111
Junk posting before ranked ☆_☆
Hey! I just want to make sure that this whistle 02:45:246 (2) - in Normal was intentional, because it sounds somewhat out of place. If it was leave it if it wasn't remove it, then call me back!
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

Hey! I just want to make sure that this whistle 02:45:246 (2) - in Normal was intentional, because it sounds somewhat out of place. If it was leave it if it wasn't remove it, then call me back!
Actually yes, it's intentional.
Why? I'd like to make some hitsound pattern variation, and to make this more intentional I also differentiate 02:45:603 (4) - from the previous slider. Also, this doesn't break up the music flow.

This hitsound pattern variation also applied on Easy and Hard, so don't worry of inconsistencies on this.
Yeah, I just felt that it was weird for some reason :/

But never mind!
So goooooooooooooooood xD
Congratz!! Awesome
Gratz inverness!
Such a great song!
Congratulations on get your 1st Ranked map! :D
Glad to see it ranked, love the sb, love the map <3 Gratz.
dammit inv congratulation buddy for your first ranked map ( >,<)/
gratz with first ranked map!
Congratz inverness , amazing map
GRATZ INV (~*w*)~
My congratulations!
Dark Fang
Congratulations 1st Ranked map!
congratz (~' ')~
nice work~~the storyboard is impressive~~congrats~

This map is pure gold.
i like this map so much xD
R e d
awesome map :D gratzzzzz
Very awesome map & storyboard.
Well, nice map :3

Such nice maps and the song is lovely, great combination. Congratulations!
congrats ~
Amazing. Good job!

Please keep on making more awesome beatmaps.
gratz xD
Wooow amazing job, I love it!

Andrea wrote:

This map is pure gold.
Awesome. You did it! ♥
this is one of the most well-made maps I think I have ever seen in my entire time within this community.

this is truly a fantastic piece of work and I applaud you for your efforts.

I earnestly hope this ends up in the monthly charts - god knows it damn well deserves it
I'm speechless.
brilliant storyboard.
thank you.
Very nice map and storyboard.
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