GoldOwl City
mapped by inverness
Circle Size
HP Drain
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You are unique. You are special. You can do what other people can't do. So there's no need to hesitate if you're different from the others, just keep shining and shining, and bring your friends the expectations they raise and give them the best story ever about your life.


you're gold.
Easy, Normal, Hard difficulty and storyboard all by me.

Special thanks to:
narakucrimson for the rankage.
ykcarrot for the bubble.
grumd for his great help in note stacks & placement issues and -Bakari- for his nazi mods.
Also thanks to both for finding some great wallpapers for the storyboard.

BPM 168 - Draining Time 3:40m - Go join our Owl City discography project here!
My fourth submitted beatmap ~ Thanks for playing! :)
Fun Facts
• My first beatmap that reached the Most Played beatmaps over 24h list.
• As said previously, some of the stacks here are manually stacked from the editor to prevent such mis-stacking by in-game bug. Notice: These manual stacks may look weird and strange on HardRock mode.
• I was waiting for the rankage of this map on Jan 7 until 10:00 PM (after that I decide to go off and wait till tomorrow) while ironically the beatmap got ranked at 10:17 PM. owell
• This is my latest Owl City map, but the first to get submitted. (there's another Owl City map by me that was made before this map)
• The time needed to built inspiration to map was only a week, while to design the storyboard (only the design, not including the work) needs a half month.
• My first submitted electro-house map.
• The most favorited Owl City beatmap on osu! (114 times)
• There's also another map made by Frostmourne here, check it out!
Monday, January 7
Ranked by narakucrimson. Finally! \:D/

Saturday, January 5
Bubbled by ykcarrot. Thanks! Ɑ:

Friday, January 4
Modded by Frostmourne. Thanks! (:
Modded by Static Noise Bird. Thanks! (:

Sunday, December 30
New storyboard elements, please redownload.

Thursday, December 27
Revised storyboard scripting, please redownload.
Modded by BCI. Thanks! (:

Wednesday, December 26
Re-checked by -Bakari-. Thanks! (:

Tuesday, December 25
Revised storyboard scripting, please redownload.
Modded by gdeath. Thanks! (:

Monday, December 24
Modded by CrestRising. Thanks! (:

Friday, December 21
Modded by razorleaf. Thanks! (:
Modded by BeatofIke. Thanks! (:

Thursday, December 20
Modded by XinCrin. Thanks! (:
Modded by HelloSCV. Thanks! (:

Sunday, December 16
Modded by Zero__wind. Thanks! (:

Saturday, December 1
Modded by ToGlette. Thanks! (:

Thursday, November 29
Revised storyboard scripting, please redownload.
Modded by Xinely. Thanks! (:

Saturday, November 17
New storyboard elements and scripting, please redownload.
Modded by Flask. Thanks! (:
Modded by Teru21. Thanks! (:

Monday, November 12
Modded by -Bakari-. Thanks! (:

Success Rate


Points of Failure


Last successful replay I would dedicate to my closest ones (: