
When I start a beatmap one part of the Selection-menu fades downwards

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this is my first thread so I apologize beforehand for anything I could do wrong.
The skin I use uses a custom selection-options. And the problem with that is, that if fades downwards when I start a beatmap. I couldn't find a thread with this problem (which surprised me) but ok. So I made a thread.

I hope someone can help me.
That's just how it is, cant be fixed
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That's impossible. There MUST be a way to fix this!
You think you know more about skinning than me? You can't say 'That's impossible' and 'There MUST be a way'. I gave you the answer.
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I created an issue post on GitHub. I know the chances are low that someone important enough sees this to change it but hey now there is a chance.

Akorian wrote:

I created an issue post on GitHub. I know the chances are low that someone important enough sees this to change it but hey now there is a chance.

The chances that someone important sees this isnt 0, what really is though is the probability of it being changed. The current client is feature locked and other small but important changes to the skinnig system have been rejected. Skinnig the toppart of the song selection never was intended, your problem is just a result of that. (Lets also just ignore that github is for lazer issues and not for stable afaik)
Also, just saying "There must be a way!" isnt the best response to someone giving you the answer, though Galvits reponse also wasnt perfect.
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