
Neon Knife V0.5 [16:9] [STD]

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Neon Knife V0511

"It feels like a completely different game!"
- someone. probably.

Feedback is always welcome!

There are 3 different hit-circle number types available in the AssetVariants folder, and 2 different cursors. The catch gamemode has also been skinned to some extent.

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You made the followpoints way too long, please make them fit. Right now it would probably be easier to play without followpoints than with these that overshoot the hitcircle by a lot
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The followpoints are knives that slice through the circles. They're supposed to be like that. You'll get used to it pretty quickly
can you now make a gothic skin?
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Possibly. If I get bored of using this one
I personally would make the sliderforeground part only have one knife, its too cluttered.
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What is the sliderforeground? I would agree that the ranking screen is super cluttered though. It might look better without any knives at all
Merami Fox
target practice not skinned
cursor "smoke" is a little big dont you think, a nice cursor "smoke" but still.

and lastly, and i swear it will look better if you do this

if you hitcircle numbers are not just numbers, like say have a rainbow ring like gn skin.
I would use skin.ini version 1, so they fade, it just does not feel right that the knives fade instantly.
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True, I'll make the 'smoke' smaller.

Also, making it version 1.0 seems to break the song select, and thumbnails are only work for 2.2+. I'll try making the hit-circle a part of the number images, so that they both disappear at the same time

Turns out that was a bad idea - if I embed the hit-circle into the numbers, there is no feedback from a user click. This sucks when you have a perfect stack of a (1) circle on top of another (1) circle.
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