So guys what's your reaction time? ... /index.php ... rsion5.swf
All you do is spot an event with your eyes and then push a button. Osu players are supposed to be really good at this... right?
Or maybe not. I'm averaging 240~250 on both of those. whaaaat
"The average (median) reaction time is 215 milliseconds". wtf. hell no D:
Tested on some Counter Strike player. He's getting below 190 consistently. He had one 168ms score just now. FML how do you do this
Fun fact: AR11 (10+DT) is 300ms. The difference between 260ms and 180ms reaction time is literally 3x easier leniency on jumps. yeeeaaah
So, how much do you get guys? ... /index.php ... rsion5.swf
All you do is spot an event with your eyes and then push a button. Osu players are supposed to be really good at this... right?
Or maybe not. I'm averaging 240~250 on both of those. whaaaat
"The average (median) reaction time is 215 milliseconds". wtf. hell no D:
Tested on some Counter Strike player. He's getting below 190 consistently. He had one 168ms score just now. FML how do you do this
Fun fact: AR11 (10+DT) is 300ms. The difference between 260ms and 180ms reaction time is literally 3x easier leniency on jumps. yeeeaaah
So, how much do you get guys?
[Edit] he got 1.153 just now. fucking unreal. "you shouldn't tense up so much when doing reaction time tests" (from him)
obviously need to take a break from osu for two months, play CS, and return to start FCing maps HRDT.
obviously need to take a break from osu for two months, play CS, and return to start FCing maps HRDT.