
Mika Newton - Angel

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, September 07, 2011 at 9:36:05 PM

Artist: Mika Newton
Title: Angel
Source: Eurovision Song Contest 2011
Tags: Ukraine Armin
BPM: 89
Filesize: 15181kb
Play Time: 02:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Armin's Easy (1.29 stars, 133 notes)
  2. Hard (4.63 stars, 371 notes)
  3. Normal (2.72 stars, 191 notes)
Download: Mika Newton - Angel
Download: Mika Newton - Angel (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Baby I love you <3
6th beatmap
New video added on 31.07.2011
Special thanks to Armin !


[Armin's Easy] 100%
[Normal] 100%
[Hard] 100%
Topic Starter
great diff! so nice sliders :O
nice map . I can't find any problem

star 8-)
sorry for a late reply :D
Angel Tony :>
- General
Kiai time is over 1/3 of the map. Remove some is okey.

- Hard
00:43:569 (3,4,5) - This distance is bad
00:46:265 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^Same as
00:51:659 (3,4,5,6,7) - That not the same as 00:52:670 (8,9)
... (All of that are Unrankable)
01:11:041 (5,6) - Sapcing
02:58:569 (1) - Start at 02:58:400

- Easy
00:55:029 (4) - I suggest end in 00:59:074
02:10:029 (1) - I suggest start at 02:09:861

- All
Lovely STAR**
Topic Starter

KingsAL2 wrote:

- General
Kiai time is over 1/3 of the map. Remove some is okey. i'll change it later maybe

- Hard
00:43:569 (3,4,5) - This distance is bad
00:46:265 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^Same as
00:51:659 (3,4,5,6,7) - That not the same as 00:52:670 (8,9)
... (All of that are Unrankable)
01:11:041 (5,6) - Sapcing
02:58:569 (1) - Start at 02:58:400
all fixed

- All
Lovely STAR**
thanks :)
00:40:886 - find a better copy?

02:12:220 - sounds weird

00:35:816 (1) - boo to the anti jump that I missed.
00:37:164 (3) - nothing on the red tick here, make 3 into a circle on the end blue tick
01:28:400 (4) - ^

00:18:962 - add note
00:36:153 (2) - take off a repeat and move it forward 1/4
see normal for the other 2 notes
01:28:400 (6) - delete
02:09:861 (1) - end this on the white tick, don't silence anything.

on the kiai, you might shorten all the kiais except for the last one so they just do the fountain.
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

00:40:886 - find a better copy? The program had errors on compressing. I re-encoded it twice and it's good now. Thanks a lot :D

00:35:816 (1) - boo to the anti jump that I missed.
00:37:164 (3) - nothing on the red tick here, make 3 into a circle on the end blue tick
01:28:400 (4) - ^
All fixed :)

00:18:962 - add note Fixed
00:36:153 (2) - take off a repeat and move it forward 1/4 This would sound weird
see normal for the other 2 notes
01:28:400 (6) - delete I really don't like this
02:09:861 (1) - end this on the white tick, don't silence anything. Fixed

on the kiai, you might shorten all the kiais except for the last one so they just do the fountain. I have no ideea where to end them to fit the music...
Thanks for checking :D

Tony wrote:

I have no ideea where to end them to fit the music...
Keep the kiai starts where they are right now. On the first 3 kiais, end them 1/4 note later. Let the last one go the entire length of the chorus repeat. This gives the kiai fountain at the start of every chorus. It's not as epic, but you gotta do something or else the entire map will be kiai.
Topic Starter
okay. updated. thanks :D
too short
"When I dream of you, my dream is so fearless!"

Not having kiai on the last chorus is super awkward. The way I'd cut down on kiai is to not kiai the first two choruses (maybe just a kiai stream at the start) and putting kiai over the last double chorus.
Also, all of the kiai sections start a beat too early - move them 1/1 forward.

01:37:501 (3,4,5,6,7) - there aren't any other patterns like this in the map, so it kinda sticks out.
02:36:490 - I'd select from here to the end and flip horizontally - there's some awkward underlapping that can be avoided.

Normal looks fine

Armin's Easy
All of your symmetrical sliders are super lazy but it looks ok I guess
01:27:558 (1,2) - I'd prefer if this was just two beats - I think a new player would find this somewhat confusing.
01:46:265 (6) - Space out a little more so the ends don't touch? You avoided unnecessary overlaps nicely in the rest of the map.
Topic Starter

RandomJibberish wrote:

"When I dream of you, my dream is so fearless!"

Not having kiai on the last chorus is super awkward. The way I'd cut down on kiai is to not kiai the first two choruses (maybe just a kiai stream at the start) and putting kiai over the last double chorus.
Also, all of the kiai sections start a beat too early - move them 1/1 forward.

01:37:501 (3,4,5,6,7) - there aren't any other patterns like this in the map, so it kinda sticks out.
02:36:490 - I'd select from here to the end and flip horizontally - there's some awkward underlapping that can be avoided.

Normal looks fine
All fixed
Thanks a lot man

RandomJibberish wrote:

Armin's Easy
All of your symmetrical sliders are super lazy but it looks ok I guess Agreed, but at the same time I cannot see big problems; if they look too ugly I may change them.
01:27:558 (1,2) - I'd prefer if this was just two beats - I think a new player would find this somewhat confusing. I bet this would be "challenging" instead, since I made this before the second chorus' start and considering that it's not too hard to hit.
01:46:265 (6) - Space out a little more so the ends don't touch? You avoided unnecessary overlaps nicely in the rest of the map. intentional stuff
Thanks for your time, RandomJibberish
Topic Starter
When I look into your eyes I see that big bubble xD

I hate the length error X(
awesome bro <3

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Enna Alouette
=3= here have star to lazy to write so much things zzz...
Your message is too short. Please do not post messages like "star", and make sure you are constructively adding to the thread in question. yeah sure = w=
Nice , keep up the good work :D :D :D :D :D :D

Your message is too short. Please do not post messages like "star", and make sure you are constructively adding to the thread in question.
:roll: ;)
I star this map wtf is that?....what else..
star star star star star star star star star
-I guess the 1 second audio lead-in is for the video

Armin's Easy:
00:17:277 (4) - would be nice if you could seperate out the button part of this slider so it is eaiser to read for beginners (especially for anyone on OpenGL etc)
00:32:108 (2) - ^ same thing with the top part
01:51:827 (1) - doesn't really follow anything starting on the blue tick, start at 01:51:996 instead?
02:10:029 (1) - start at 02:09:861

-Why change the combo colors on this difficulty?

Everything else looks good, call me back after fixes and I should be able to rank
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

-I guess the 1 second audio lead-in is for the video yes

-Why change the combo colors on this difficulty? my fault...fixed

Everything else looks good, call me back after fixes and I should be able to rank ok <3
waiting for Armin to fix <3
thanks James

James2250 wrote:

Armin's Easy:
00:17:277 (4) - would be nice if you could seperate out the button part of this slider so it is eaiser to read for beginners (especially for anyone on OpenGL etc) Yeah, I'm conscious that this will make rage someone, but I guess that it's okay and fun to play (since the slider velocity is slow too). Plus, the "shadows" on the slider may help a beginner with reading the slider (, the lighter area)
00:32:108 (2) - ^ same thing with the top part As above
01:51:827 (1) - doesn't really follow anything starting on the blue tick, start at 01:51:996 instead? That was intentiona but, yeah, fixed.
02:10:029 (1) - start at 02:09:861 Agreed.
Edit: Thanks for the modding, James.
Topic Starter
okay then. Fixed those two spinners.

too short.
I've just realized something.

01:29:411 (1) - Kiai starts and ends at the same time?

Topic Starter

UnderminE wrote:

I've just realized something.

01:29:411 (1) - Kiai starts and ends at the same time?
It not starts and ends in the same time. The kiai starts 01:29:411 and ends 01:29:749. That kiai section is for chorus start. In game play appears star fountain

no change :(
but thanks for starring
I talked to a few BATs/MATs about the sliders at 00:17:277 (4) and 00:32:108 (2) for some extra opinions on them

The overall comments on them were the first slider I mentioned is barely rankable but would still be nice if the bottom part could be opened up slightly more so you can see the slider border around it.

Everyone said "definitely not rankable" to the second one so that needs to be fixed so it is clear which way the slider is heading.
Starro, fatta molto bene bene bene. Good job Armin!!!!!!

Your message is too short. Please do not post messages like "star", and make sure you are constructively adding to the thread in question.
What about this, james
(to Tony: sorry if this isn't really symmetrical, I made it without the grid snap..)

Download: Mika Newton - Angel (Tony) [Armin's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
" sorry if this isn't really symmetrical, I made it without the grid snap.."
It seems symmetrical to me :D thanks for fixing <3
Sorry for the long wait x_x

Anyway basically all that has been changed since I popped was those 2 sliders being adjusted (just to make them easier to read) then I went on a break for a while. So I don't see any reason why it can't be ranked now (as it was only waiting because of me)

All looks good now

omg what have you done? D:
Topic Starter
Can't argue with that...
But why Mika Newton? D: We have much better singers :<
sorry,but this is shit
Very nice map, though I quite didn't like the 1/4 patterns such as 02:23:344 (3,4,5,6,7) . I liked it a lot though ~
Topic Starter

gorlum wrote:

Can't argue with that...
But why Mika Newton? D: We have much better singers :<
She's a great singer imo. The song/lyrics are quite nice. Maybe I'm gonna map a Ruslana song :P

kaxaru wrote:

sorry,but this is shit
Thanks for supporting this in your way (TROLLlolololol)

Blue Dragon wrote:

Very nice map, though I quite didn't like the 1/4 patterns such as 02:23:344 (3,4,5,6,7) . I liked it a lot though ~
Yeah...Hidden killer XD Anyways thank you for your appreciation for my old noob work XD
Crazy <3
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