
Thread Necromancy

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I'll try to salvage something, let's start small.

The achromalia itself:
  1. The achromalia is a flower resembling a rose with iridescent, glassy petals. The plant is known for it's strange properties, historical significance, and psychoactive effects.
There. I'll try to expand upon it little by little.
i pick up the point :>

edit: i did not pick up the point o-o

NicNock wrote:

I'll try to salvage something, let's start small.

The achromalia itself:
  1. The achromalia is a flower resembling a rose with iridescent, glassy petals. The plant is known for it's strange properties, historical significance, and psychoactive effects.
There. I'll try to expand upon it little by little.
i... really adore this, actually... i would love to see more ;-;


reffty_gag wrote:


i have a mental breakdance after sees my friends beat my score on a map, like BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
THE FIRST EPISODE OF "imbackasalways" !!!!

I also realized that i was in this thread for a long and long time

Edit: guess im losing 100 pts again..... (yay)
dont even mind ze point, things are rather relaxing as of now. maybe its the lack of a leaderbpoard, idk
dang I just ninja'd twice

The achromalia's active state:
  1. The achromalia in its active state absorbs the chroma of light, shifting incident rays towards white. Nanoseconds after absorption, light is not reflected, but redirected outwards.
  2. Chroma is then converted into chromion, an important substance to be used in self-sustaining systems.
I swear this'll get interesting eventually

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

sametdze wrote:

ear lightly ringing
mine does that when i go to bed sometimes
that sounds,, a lil uncomfy :(
it kinda is yeah... it always happens when i'm comfy too so it kinda scares me lol,,, :')

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

entirely understandable from both of you actually :') from ps!bandu it explains a little bit as well
ps!expunged, smiling: "thank you."
ps!bandu: "glad to know it at least somewhat explains things!! alsoo,,, lostie's workin on the goofy animatic again!! she made cupcakes earlier today so that's why she was gone for a bit :> she'll try to post progress as she goes!!"
ok <3

for everyone: dinner before bed? a little sip of water, get cozy ^^

dave: "we had tacos tonight."
bambi: "we all had soda."
expunged: "mr. haywood and i made some for the ps!au aswell so they didn't have worry about making dinner tonight!! hehe ^^"
bandu: "yay!!"

ps!dave: "like expunged said, them and dave made some for us too, just so we didn't have to make dinner."
ps!bambi: "it's nice of 'em to make food for us, even when we don't need 'em to."
ps!expunged: "mhm. also, another little thing that ps!bandu asked me to tell you about zeir fear of needles/injections:"
"another reason that ze is so scared of them is because of what ze knows other scientists would do to experiment on zem. even just thinking about a needle going into zeir skin scares zem. i'll never try to inject zem with anything, unless it is absolutely necessary. but until that day comes (which will most likely be never), no needles are ever getting jabbed into zeir arm. sorry for rambling, ze just asked me to tell you that. ze was... to afraid to admit it zemself, which is understandable."
ps!bandu: "mhm,,, *yawn...* mm,, sleepy,,"

*ps!bandu sleepily cuddles ps!expunged, nuzzling into sem as ze purrs quietly. ps!expunged smiles, and gently rubs zeir head*

oop,, did i steal samet's points? i'm sorry if i did :'(
i have returned from my slumber!! good morning guys!!

NicNock wrote:

dang I just ninja'd twice

The achromalia's active state:
  1. The achromalia in its active state absorbs the chroma of light, shifting incident rays towards white. Nanoseconds after absorption, light is not reflected, but redirected outwards.
  2. Chroma is then converted into chromion, an important substance to be used in self-sustaining systems.
I swear this'll get interesting eventually
i think its botanical nomenclature would give us something like...

+ khromalium anomalaceae

actually i regret it immediately,, i dont know anything about botanical naming code :c

lostsilver wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

dave: "we had tacos tonight."
bambi: "we all had soda."
expunged: "mr. haywood and i made some for the ps!au aswell so they didn't have worry about making dinner tonight!! hehe ^^"
bandu: "yay!!"

ps!dave: "like expunged said, them and dave made some for us too, just so we didn't have to make dinner."
ps!bambi: "it's nice of 'em to make food for us, even when we don't need 'em to."
ps!expunged: "mhm. also, another little thing that ps!bandu asked me to tell you about zeir fear of needles/injections:"
"another reason that ze is so scared of them is because of what ze knows other scientists would do to experiment on zem. even just thinking about a needle going into zeir skin scares zem. i'll never try to inject zem with anything, unless it is absolutely necessary. but until that day comes (which will most likely be never), no needles are ever getting jabbed into zeir arm. sorry for rambling, ze just asked me to tell you that. ze was... to afraid to admit it zemself, which is understandable."
ps!bandu: "mhm,,, *yawn...* mm,, sleepy,,"

*ps!bandu sleepily cuddles ps!expunged, nuzzling into sem as ze purrs quietly. ps!expunged smiles, and gently rubs zeir head*

oop,, did i steal samet's points? i'm sorry if i did :'(
i have returned from my slumber!! good morning guys!!
good morning ^^ i just woke up so hello world....
hi achro!!! the ashwood-cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos say hi too!! :>
finally remembered to finish the last two of this qna queue...!

for ps!expunged: are there any lab-related things you like to talk about with ps!bandu?
for ps!bandu: is there something youre learning about from ex that you dont totally understand yet but feel more knowledgeable about now than before?

Achromalia wrote:

finally remembered to finish the last two of this qna queue...!

for ps!expunged: are there any lab-related things you like to talk about with ps!bandu?
for ps!bandu: is there something youre learning about from ex that you dont totally understand yet but feel more knowledgeable about now than before?
ps!expunged: "i like to talk to zem about how i work with flowers and liquids."
ps!bandu: "mmm.... i still feel stupid but i guess,,, how certain chemicals work..? idk,, :')"
and then these...

typanophobia + isolophobia:
actually,, most of my thoughts were already explained by ps!bandu, i didnt have very much to say :c having a needle stuck inside you is just not that unexpected to be scared by in these conditions and i think what makes it harder is also the feeling that the things they inject are unfamiliar and foreign... and i also wonder if it feels like losing a little bit of autonomy? like youre at the mercy of the people who inject you or draw your blood, and also you dont know what something will do whether for you or against you;; if i think of it that way, it feels like a bigger thing

i do wonder how isolophobia differs from autophobia though, what that might mean to you when youre writing these fears for the characters, as well as what it means to ps!bandu... but then i would wonder why ps!ex might not fear it as much

Achromalia wrote:

and then these...

typanophobia + isolophobia:
actually,, most of my thoughts were already explained by ps!bandu, i didnt have very much to say :c having a needle stuck inside you is just not that unexpected to be scared by in these conditions and i think what makes it harder is also the feeling that the things they inject are unfamiliar and foreign... and i also wonder if it feels like losing a little bit of autonomy? like youre at the mercy of the people who inject you or draw your blood, and also you dont know what something will do whether for you or against you;; if i think of it that way, it feels like a bigger thing

i do wonder how isolophobia differs from autophobia though, what that might mean to you or ps!bandu... but then i would wonder why ps!ex might not fear it as much
ps!bandu: "the 'losing a little bit of autonomy' thing explains it too!! i'm glad you slightly see it from my perspective... but with isolophobia, the only reason i have it is because if other scientists found me, they'd lock me away to do tests on me... i don't want to be quarantined, because what if someone never comes back to get me out? i'd stay there... starving, dehydrated... it terrifies me knowing what some scientists would do to me if they found me, but i'm in the hands of my sibling, so i don't really have much to worry about, i suppose... but thank you for sharing your thoughts, and i'm glad i could be a help in explaining it! <3"

also, this is so out of context but i feel like bandu would be the type to say "your honor, i plead nuh-uh!!" and ex would just be like "bandu we are in court please be serious for once"

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

and then these...

typanophobia + isolophobia:
actually,, most of my thoughts were already explained by ps!bandu, i didnt have very much to say :c having a needle stuck inside you is just not that unexpected to be scared by in these conditions and i think what makes it harder is also the feeling that the things they inject are unfamiliar and foreign... and i also wonder if it feels like losing a little bit of autonomy? like youre at the mercy of the people who inject you or draw your blood, and also you dont know what something will do whether for you or against you;; if i think of it that way, it feels like a bigger thing

i do wonder how isolophobia differs from autophobia though, what that might mean to you or ps!bandu... but then i would wonder why ps!ex might not fear it as much
ps!bandu: "the 'losing a little bit of autonomy' thing explains it too!! i'm glad you slightly see it from my perspective... but with isolophobia, the only reason i have it is because if other scientists found me, they'd lock me away to do tests on me... i don't want to be quarantined, because what if someone never comes back to get me out? i'd stay there... starving, dehydrated... it terrifies me knowing what some scientists would do to me if they found me, but i'm in the hands of my sibling, so i don't really have much to worry about, i suppose... but thank you for sharing your thoughts, and i'm glad i could be a help in explaining it! <3"

also, this is so out of context but i feel like bandu would be the type to say "your honor, i plead nuh-uh!!" and ex would just be like "bandu we are in court please be serious for once"
this is so bandu i love it ;o;

for everyone: topic check?

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

and then these...

typanophobia + isolophobia:
actually,, most of my thoughts were already explained by ps!bandu, i didnt have very much to say :c having a needle stuck inside you is just not that unexpected to be scared by in these conditions and i think what makes it harder is also the feeling that the things they inject are unfamiliar and foreign... and i also wonder if it feels like losing a little bit of autonomy? like youre at the mercy of the people who inject you or draw your blood, and also you dont know what something will do whether for you or against you;; if i think of it that way, it feels like a bigger thing

i do wonder how isolophobia differs from autophobia though, what that might mean to you or ps!bandu... but then i would wonder why ps!ex might not fear it as much
ps!bandu: "the 'losing a little bit of autonomy' thing explains it too!! i'm glad you slightly see it from my perspective... but with isolophobia, the only reason i have it is because if other scientists found me, they'd lock me away to do tests on me... i don't want to be quarantined, because what if someone never comes back to get me out? i'd stay there... starving, dehydrated... it terrifies me knowing what some scientists would do to me if they found me, but i'm in the hands of my sibling, so i don't really have much to worry about, i suppose... but thank you for sharing your thoughts, and i'm glad i could be a help in explaining it! <3"

also, this is so out of context but i feel like bandu would be the type to say "your honor, i plead nuh-uh!!" and ex would just be like "bandu we are in court please be serious for once"
this is so bandu i love it ;o;

for everyone: topic check?
lol,,, i could draw it but they're just like,,, playing around with dave and bambi hehe,,

dave: "give me something goofy/cute about the ashbluffs."
bambi: "gimme somethin' cozy 'bout the ashbluffs."
expunged: "give me something silly about mr. haywood and mr. cornwall ^^"
bandu: "gimme something cozy about dave and bambi!!"

ps!dave: "hm... give me something about haywood, i suppose."
ps!bambi: "yeah, gimme somethin' 'bout cornwall."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu. (maybe, if you find a way, could you make it somehow related to the drooling thing? thank you.)"
ps!bandu: "gimme something food related abt ps!expunged again!! :3"
i think i need more sleep y'all....

i hope today is ok for you! gl and enjoy :)

Achromalia wrote:

i think i need more sleep y'all....

i hope today is ok for you! gl and enjoy :)
expunged: "you're alright!! rest if you must!"
bandu: "mhm!! we'll be here when you come back!!"

ps!expunged: "we all hope you have a nice rest."
ps!bandu: "i feel that tho,,, i'mma rest too,, wake me up when you come back <3"

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

i think i need more sleep y'all....

i hope today is ok for you! gl and enjoy :)
expunged: "you're alright!! rest if you must!"
bandu: "mhm!! we'll be here when you come back!!"

ps!expunged: "we all hope you have a nice rest."
ps!bandu: "i feel that tho,,, i'mma rest too,, wake me up when you come back <3"
mmng dreams were a little intense, super fast hyperaggressive dogs in a childhood home, then someone tried to unlock the front door from outside through the mail flap, then a religious sect kidnapped me and my dad and some strangers

some other things but i dont remember


(hey,, ps!bandu, im back ^^)

(if youre too comfy you can keep sleeping tho, im just letting you know :>)

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

i think i need more sleep y'all....

i hope today is ok for you! gl and enjoy :)
expunged: "you're alright!! rest if you must!"
bandu: "mhm!! we'll be here when you come back!!"

ps!expunged: "we all hope you have a nice rest."
ps!bandu: "i feel that tho,,, i'mma rest too,, wake me up when you come back <3"
mmng dreams were a little intense, super fast hyperaggressive dogs in a childhood home, then someone tried to unlock the front door from outside through the mail flap, then a religious sect kidnapped me and my dad and some strangers

some other things but i dont remember


(hey,, ps!bandu, im back ^^)

(if youre too comfy you can keep sleeping tho, im just letting you know :>)
expunged: "mm... those dreams do sound pretty strange and intense... but welcome back, either way!"
bandu: "hii!!"

ps!expunged: "oh yeah, ze is sleeping, still. i'll wake zem up for you. (ze responds better to a gentle nudge to wake zem up.)"
*ps!expunged gently nudges at ps!bandu, attempting to wake zem up. ps!bandu opens zeir weary eyes and looks at ps!expunged, then to you. ze waves and sits up.*
ps!bandu: "hii... <3"
for everyone: lunch? good nutrition and hydration will nourish you well :>

Achromalia wrote:

for everyone: lunch? good nutrition and hydration will nourish you well :>
dave: "we had pasta for lunch!"
bambi: "ex made it, and it was good. we all had soda."
expunged: "i also made some for the ps!au!! <33"
bandu: "hehehe--"

ps!dave: "expunged makes some pretty dang good pasta, haha!"
ps!bambi: "yeah. we all also had soda."
ps!expunged: "i really like that pasta they make."
ps!bandu: "yummy,,, <3"
i am awake now la.

OT was in my dreams again! only for a split second though, but i remember we were in thread necromancy.
for ps!dave: what's an action mister cresswell has taken to help someone else? what did you think/feel when witnessing that?
for ps!bambi: what are some funny stories mister ambrose has shared with you about his past before you two met?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something goofy/cute about the ashbluffs."
bambi: "gimme somethin' cozy 'bout the ashbluffs."
expunged: "give me something silly about mr. haywood and mr. cornwall ^^"
bandu: "gimme something cozy about dave and bambi!!"

ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu. (maybe, if you find a way, could you make it somehow related to the drooling thing? thank you.)"
ps!bandu: "gimme something food related abt ps!expunged again!! :3"

sametdze wrote:

i am awake now la.

OT was in my dreams again! only for a split second though, but i remember we were in thread necromancy.
i think i had some dreams like this too... interesting

welcome to the waking world <3

Achromalia wrote:

for ps!dave: what's an action mister cresswell has taken to help someone else? what did you think/feel when witnessing that?
for ps!bambi: what are some funny stories mister ambrose has shared with you about his past before you two met?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something goofy/cute about the ashbluffs."
bambi: "gimme somethin' cozy 'bout the ashbluffs."
expunged: "give me something silly about mr. haywood and mr. cornwall ^^"
bandu: "gimme something cozy about dave and bambi!!"

ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu. (maybe, if you find a way, could you make it somehow related to the drooling thing? thank you.)"
ps!bandu: "gimme something food related abt ps!expunged again!! :3"
ps!dave: "i didn't get to see it, but he almost fell off of something high up to save someone from falling. he's someone out there's hero. i think it suits him. willing to take on any challenge, brave, outgoing, always there to lend a helping hand!"
ps!bambi: "he once told me about the mirror-maze incident that happened when ps!tritan was growing up. so, the two were doin' alright at the start, y'know? but then, out of the blue, right at the end of the maze, ps!tristan ran face-first into one of the mirrors. it was hilarious, but i feel bad for the kid."
almost fell asleep again... i kinda feel like some of the kids do,, when they cant quite nap enough and always need more sleep

ps!tristan falling into a mirror at the very end ;o;

mm... idk i cant focus

Achromalia wrote:

almost fell asleep again... i kinda feel like some of the kids do,, when they cant quite nap enough and always need more sleep

ps!tristan falling into a mirror at the very end ;o;

mm... idk i cant focus
ps!expunged: "ahaha! i fully understand the way you feel."
ps!bandu: "welcome to the eepers club!!"
still not much to do..

these breaks are always quite empty.
empty.... like my brainnnn...

for expunged: are there any convenient funny items you like to use when playing with the dads? how do they improvise with household items when playing with you?
for bandu: are the dads able to harmonize with each other while singing? if so, do they sing lullabies together for you?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something goofy/cute about the ashbluffs."
bambi: "gimme somethin' cozy 'bout the ashbluffs."

ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu. (maybe, if you find a way, could you make it somehow related to the drooling thing? thank you.)"
ps!bandu: "gimme something food related abt ps!expunged again!! :3"
ill work on my other website while the day goes by.. i want to go outside

Achromalia wrote:

empty.... like my brainnnn...

for expunged: are there any convenient funny items you like to use when playing with the dads? how do they improvise with household items when playing with you?
for bandu: are the dads able to harmonize with each other while singing? if so, do they sing lullabies together for you?

qna queue:
dave: "give me something goofy/cute about the ashbluffs."
bambi: "gimme somethin' cozy 'bout the ashbluffs."

ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu. (maybe, if you find a way, could you make it somehow related to the drooling thing? thank you.)"
ps!bandu: "gimme something food related abt ps!expunged again!! :3"
i feel that thoo,,, my brain always be empty ;v;

expunged: "i have a few props in my room, so yeah!! they also try their best to find items around the house that would fit as certain props,, i think it's fun!!"
bandu: "yeah, they can!!! it's actually really soothing hearing them sing together,,, they sometimes sing ex and i lullabies, but it really depends on the day! so like, say we had a rough day, that's when they'd sing those for us! to help us destress and wind down ^^"
thats sweet i was hoping that would be true :'O

for everyone: nutrition and hydration before bed!!

Achromalia wrote:

thats sweet i was hoping that would be true :'O

for everyone: nutrition and hydration before bed!!
dave: "we had homemade pizza tonight."
bambi: "we all had soda, once again."
expunged: "hehe,,"
bandu: "mmm,,, pizza,, <33"

ps!dave: "we had the same thing as the ashwood-cornbluffs."
ps!bambi: "yeah. we all had soda aswell."
ps!expunged: "heh, it was pretty good."
ps!bandu: "mhm!! i've realized that when my tummy's full i get tired faster,,, is that just me?"

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

thats sweet i was hoping that would be true :'O

for everyone: nutrition and hydration before bed!!
ps!bandu: "mhm!! i've realized that when my tummy's full i get tired faster,,, is that just me?"
i hear that a lot actually,, tbh it feels like that but i actually feel more *uncomfortable* than tired, the feeling is not good :c like almost sick in a way, i feel heavy and sluggish and its harder to think and do anything, and to me thats not worth it

...but sleepiness is interesting, and i dont know if i really get that... i think i do, and i hear it makes other people sleepy too, so that feels kinda understandable that you do too ^^
reading more slashfic, a video reminded me of something that i needed to investigate for myself and i love the ideas it gave me

ok but its also partly spite for what i didnt get to read when i was younger bc of... my environment at the time
herro all, i am back. still taking my time :P
God it's gonna be a pain in the ass getting my IDs when I turn 18
welcome back samet o/

good luck stomiks o7
jeo-[jsd[f'ds['sdsajc scapns[oadas'
century gothic

holy shit I did it again
these are keymashing hours~

I've managed to do this 3 times already, only hell awaits me
but for now, the scoreboard will embrace you as you wait ^^
good morning everyone!!

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

thats sweet i was hoping that would be true :'O

for everyone: nutrition and hydration before bed!!
ps!bandu: "mhm!! i've realized that when my tummy's full i get tired faster,,, is that just me?"
i hear that a lot actually,, tbh it feels like that but i actually feel more *uncomfortable* than tired, the feeling is not good :c like almost sick in a way, i feel heavy and sluggish and its harder to think and do anything, and to me thats not worth it

...but sleepiness is interesting, and i dont know if i really get that... i think i do, and i hear it makes other people sleepy too, so that feels kinda understandable that you do too ^^
ps!bandu: "i see,,, the 'almost sick in a way' thing also kinda happens to me, so i guess i kinda relate! but it's interesting how others feel differently when full... i kinda wanna learn more,,"
hello again!!
good morning.....

a drawing from last night ^^

for everyone: what do y'all plan to have for lunch? how are you feeling, is everyone ok?

Achromalia wrote:

good morning.....

a drawing from last night ^^

for everyone: what do y'all plan to have for lunch? how are you feeling, is everyone ok?
so pwetty,,,

dave: "we're gonna have whatever ps!bandu plans on making. i'm feeling good!"
bambi: "yeah, little dude hasn't told us yet. i think ze wants it to be a surprise. i feel alright, my back's just a little sore from workin' on the farm. (also, did i use the right pronouns? i'm still new to this...)"
expunged: "yeah, you used the right ones mr. cornwall, don't worry!! i feel a tiny bit sleepy, but still good!! <3"
bandu: "i'm feeling good, ty for asking!!"

ps!dave: "yeah, ze hasn't told us either. i'm feeling decent, just a little tired still."
ps!bambi: "agh, the suspense is KILLIN' ME-- lol anyway, i feel pretty good!"
ps!expunged: "ahaha! patience everyone! ze will tell you when zeir ready! i feel good by the way, i appreciate you checking in on me."
ps!bandu: "ok,,, sooo,,, i'm making a taco pizza with the help to ps!bendu!! he taught me how to make it, so we're making it together!! also, i got sick last night but i feel good now <33"
for dave: what were some silly voice impressions the ashbluffs have made that were adorable to you?
for bambi: do you ever roll both of the ashbluffs into a blanket burrito together?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu. (maybe, if you find a way, could you make it somehow related to the drooling thing? thank you.)"
ps!bandu: "gimme something food related abt ps!expunged again!! :3"

Achromalia wrote:

for dave: what were some silly voice impressions the ashbluffs have made that were adorable to you?
for bambi: do you ever roll both of the ashbluffs into a blanket burrito together?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet about ps!bandu. (maybe, if you find a way, could you make it somehow related to the drooling thing? thank you.)"
ps!bandu: "gimme something food related abt ps!expunged again!! :3"
dave: "expunged tried to do caine (the amazing digital circus) at one point, and i think bandu did a joke impression of billie joe armstrong? it was very cute, haha!"
bambi: "yes, i do that alot. it's frickin' adorable seeing the two huddled up, cuddling, slowly falling asleep... god, i love it."
almost falling asleep... im sorry

for dave: an uplifting story including ps!bandu feeling comfy and ok with accenting any "weird" things like drooling or feral impulses?
for bambi: does ps!ex crave for any foods?

Achromalia wrote:

almost falling asleep... im sorry

for ps!expunged: an uplifting story including ps!bandu feeling comfy and ok with accenting any "weird" things like drooling or feral impulses?
for ps!bandu: does ps!ex crave for any foods?
you're okay!! if you need to rest, then go rest <3

ps!expunged: "hm... i don't remember much from this one, so i'm very sorry if i seem to not say much here. i think at one point ps!bandu was telling mr. ambrose about how ze felt about the drooling/feral impulses at first, saying things like 'i'm not gonna fit in anymore' and 'i'm an outcast'. then mr. ambrose told zem something along the lines of 'it's okay. you don't need to be like others to fit in. as long as you're you, and you're embracing who you truly are/can be, that's all that matters. if you're happy, then be happy. no one can tell you otherwise. just keep being yourself, and you'll get through this. i promise.' i tell zem that every morning when we wake up and every night before we go to bed to remind zem that it's okay to be weird. i mean, hey. i'm a little strange too. (well, i guess i did have alot to say, huh? haha...)"
ps!bandu: "well,,, se really likes chips,, so i guess those? ohh wait,, se also really likes cinnamon rolls too,,, se doesn't crave much but when se does, it's normally those! :>"
solo tu!?

also, i woke up, yey
oof i forgot to replace the names,, ty for catching that :')

for everyone: topic check ^^

sametdze wrote:

solo tu!?

also, i woke up, yey
welcome back :)

Achromalia wrote:

oof i forgot to replace the names,, ty for catching that :')

for everyone: topic check ^^
ye np!!

dave: "give me something food-related about bandu."
bambi: "gimme somethin' instrument related about ex."
expunged: "give me something cozy about uncle david, please!"
bandu: "mmm,,, gimme something silly about uncle og!dave!!"

ps!dave: "hm... i don't know, just give me something about bandu ashbluff, i suppose."
ps!bambi: "gimme somethin' 'bout expunged ashbluff."
ps!expunged: "give me something cozy about ps!bandu."
ps!bandu: "give me something silly about ps!expunged!!"
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