
Thread Necromancy

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The rules are simple:
Points are awarded based on how long it has been since the last post was made.
If you multi-post, you will loose 100 points
If you delete your post, your points will be halved

You can have your post contain whatever you want, so long it is within the forum-wide rules.
Timing your posts is crucial as others can steal your points from you.
If scoreboards are not updated for some time, shoot me a pm saying to update the scoreboard.

Top 10 All-Time:
#1  Achromalia     : 344966.331 pts
#2  westtle        : 326553.851 pts
#3  Corne2Plum3    : 222222.222 pts
#4  samX500        : 121239.582 pts
#5  Aireunaeus     : 113266.441 pts
#6  Westonini      : 99999.056 pts
#7  Anaxii 3       : 78355.822 pts
#8  Stomiks        : 74922.506 pts
#9  Nuuskamuikkunen: 71191.577 pts
#10 ShinRun        : 66887.813 pts

Top Scores All-time Gained:
#1  2024-05-16 23:31:30+00:00 replcu         : 639.459 pts
#2  2020-02-12 21:26:05+00:00 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH: 592.024 pts
#3  2019-12-18 12:49:08+00:00 pentaqola      : 548.289 pts
#4  2022-11-04 20:38:29+00:00 westtle        : 521.766 pts
#5  2022-11-03 22:33:38+00:00 dPeace         : 515.105 pts
#6  2024-02-25 23:08:38+00:00 westtle        : 498.328 pts
#7  2020-03-10 12:52:41+00:00 eblf2013       : 496.759 pts
#8  2023-05-08 03:33:01+00:00 Aireunaeus     : 496.019 pts
#9  2024-02-15 02:50:16+00:00 westtle        : 479.862 pts
#10 2024-04-09 23:08:09+00:00 westtle        : 473.587 pts

All-time Score Log:
[ 2024-07-27 07:20:39+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +37.759  | Total Score: 344966.331
[ 2024-07-27 06:41:13+00:00 ]    sametdze    +27.174  | Total Score: 21547.914
[ 2024-07-27 06:11:57+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +44.986  | Total Score: 344928.572
[ 2024-07-27 05:25:44+00:00 ]    westtle     +24.235  | Total Score: 326553.851
[ 2024-07-27 04:59:21+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +56.607  | Total Score: 344883.586
[ 2024-07-27 04:02:26+00:00 ]    westtle     +30.660  | Total Score: 326529.616
[ 2024-07-27 03:29:47+00:00 ]    lostsilver  +2.323   | Total Score: 25623.002
[ 2024-07-27 03:26:38+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +13.845  | Total Score: 344826.979
[ 2024-07-27 03:10:45+00:00 ]    lostsilver  +4.383   | Total Score: 25620.679
[ 2024-07-27 03:05:09+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +31.871  | Total Score: 344813.134
Top 10 Monthly:
#1  Achromalia : 7364.083 pts
#2  westtle    : 4294.178 pts
#3  NicNock    : 2006.431 pts
#4  sametdze   : 1662.583 pts
#5  lostsilver : 1598.062 pts
#6  cr0w       : 1253.873 pts
#7  reffty_gag : 750.848 pts
#8  replcu     : 350.087 pts
#9  burgernfat : 29.642 pts
#10 DJruslan4ic: 14.551 pts

Top Monthly Scores Gained:
#1  2024-07-15 05:37:19+00:00 Achromalia: 156.411 pts
#2  2024-07-19 00:30:53+00:00 westtle   : 136.421 pts
#3  2024-07-12 09:28:48+00:00 Achromalia: 133.464 pts
#4  2024-07-13 06:21:54+00:00 reffty_gag: 92.472 pts
#5  2024-07-23 18:43:30+00:00 Achromalia: 90.158 pts
#6  2024-07-20 06:22:00+00:00 Achromalia: 86.078 pts
#7  2024-07-14 07:01:50+00:00 westtle   : 79.294 pts
#8  2024-07-24 12:54:26+00:00 reffty_gag: 78.031 pts
#9  2024-07-14 05:44:35+00:00 Achromalia: 76.844 pts
#10 2024-07-12 06:17:49+00:00 Achromalia: 75.922 pts

Monthly Score Log:
[ 2024-07-27 07:20:39+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +37.759  | Total Score: 7364.083
[ 2024-07-27 06:41:13+00:00 ]    sametdze    +27.174  | Total Score: 1662.583
[ 2024-07-27 06:11:57+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +44.986  | Total Score: 7326.324
[ 2024-07-27 05:25:44+00:00 ]    westtle     +24.235  | Total Score: 4294.178
[ 2024-07-27 04:59:21+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +56.607  | Total Score: 7281.338
[ 2024-07-27 04:02:26+00:00 ]    westtle     +30.660  | Total Score: 4269.943
[ 2024-07-27 03:29:47+00:00 ]    lostsilver  +2.323   | Total Score: 1598.062
[ 2024-07-27 03:26:38+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +13.845  | Total Score: 7224.731
[ 2024-07-27 03:10:45+00:00 ]    lostsilver  +4.383   | Total Score: 1595.739
[ 2024-07-27 03:05:09+00:00 ]    Achromalia  +31.871  | Total Score: 7210.886
Monthly Winners:
2018-10-12 Westonini     : 7388.399 pts
2018-11-12 Westonini     : 10566.726 pts
2018-12-12 Westonini     : 7860.354 pts
2019-01-12 jxrhythmer2002: 8340.867 pts
2019-02-12 Achromalia    : 9277.416 pts
2019-03-12 Achromalia    : 8714.33 pts
2019-04-12 Achromalia    : 11085.161 pts
2019-05-12 Plini         : 8711.364 pts
2019-06-12 Achromalia    : 9674.298 pts
2019-07-12 Achromalia    : 8861.368 pts
2019-08-12 Achromalia    : 12500.045 pts
2019-09-12 Westonini     : 12907.4 pts
2019-10-12 Achromalia    : 11112.782 pts
2019-11-12 Achromalia    : 12666.524 pts
2019-12-12 Achromalia    : 13360.449 pts
2020-01-12 johnmedina999 : 11034.803 pts
2020-02-12 Achromalia    : 10109.353 pts
2020-03-12 samX500       : 9544.575 pts
2020-04-12 Achromalia    : 11522.394 pts
2020-05-12 samX500       : 8146.04 pts
2020-06-12 Hydreigon     : 10711.868 pts
2020-07-12 JustABeginner : 7881.722 pts
2020-08-12 Corne2Plum3   : 6390.121 pts
2020-09-12 _ralsei       : 7225.223 pts
2020-10-12 Corne2Plum3   : 9057.522 pts
2020-11-12 Corne2Plum3   : 9297.604 pts
2020-12-12 Corne2Plum3   : 9551.231 pts
2021-01-12 Corne2Plum3   : 10822.204 pts
2021-02-12 Penguin       : 10834.407 pts
2021-03-12 Penguin       : 8888.234 pts
2021-04-12 Corne2Plum3   : 7649.398 pts
2021-05-12 Corne2Plum3   : 7965.164 pts
2021-06-12 Corne2Plum3   : 8157.118 pts
2021-07-12 ShinRun       : 7846.018 pts
2021-08-12 Corne2Plum3   : 7272.771 pts
2021-09-12 Corne2Plum3   : 8138.972 pts
2021-10-12 Corne2Plum3   : 9541.73 pts
2021-11-12 Corne2Plum3   : 11756.509 pts
2021-12-12 Corne2Plum3   : 12108.629 pts
2022-01-12 Corne2Plum3   : 11211.925 pts
2022-02-12 ShinRun       : 12288.715 pts
2022-03-12 Achromalia    : 11511.235 pts
2022-04-12 Achromalia    : 11430.563 pts
2022-05-12 Achromalia    : 12888.56 pts
2022-06-12 Achromalia    : 12718.875 pts
2022-07-12 Achromalia    : 11711.214 pts
2022-08-12 Achromalia    : 13336.535 pts
2022-09-12 Achromalia    : 12420.177 pts
2022-10-12 Achromalia    : 12461.615 pts
2022-11-12 Achromalia    : 14444.498 pts
2022-12-12 westtle       : 11727.226 pts
2023-01-12 Aireunaeus    : 8447.888 pts
2023-02-12 westtle       : 11727.689 pts
2023-03-12 westtle       : 12727.204 pts
2023-04-12 westtle       : 11727.727 pts
2023-05-12 THETM         : 9580.275 pts
2023-06-12 westtle       : 13727.612 pts
2023-07-12 westtle       : 13727.716 pts
2023-08-12 westtle       : 11727.676 pts
2023-09-12 westtle       : 11727.883 pts
2023-10-12 westtle       : 11727.723 pts
2023-11-12 westtle       : 13727.232 pts
2023-12-12 westtle       : 14727.684 pts
2024-01-12 westtle       : 12727.251 pts
2024-02-12 westtle       : 14727.275 pts
2024-03-12 westtle       : 14727.661 pts
2024-04-12 westtle       : 14727.879 pts
2024-05-12 westtle       : 18727.594 pts
2024-06-12 westtle       : 13727.216 pts
2024-07-12 Achromalia    : 15727.723 pts
How about no?
Is this in any forum?
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only this thread
Okay. So, is the second part of the score formula like this or like this?
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first one
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westonini you are the suck :c
Green Platinum
Seems fun
This takes careful planning and coordination...

Or you can just spam lol
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