
Mental health check!

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mental health is the world's hardest balancing game
especially if ur bipolar this shit sucks, would not recommend
These days I have been feeling considerably better overall. It's great to have time for yourself without someone that annoys you. I am starting to feel stable.
ambivalent. whatever i'm experiencing, it's been too normal to be anything but a numb itch, and i'm superficially complacent with that, but i'm fairly certain it masks a deeper weary exhaustion with introspective + interpersonal + structural/systemic/environmental opaqueness

things are urgent, for reasons, but i don't really meet that urgency with any energy of my own
I am still walking around, I lost my job but have others applied for and an interview set up. I have lost a group of people I hung out with irl cause they couldn't trust me enough to tell me my faults so I lost trust for people even more. I am planning to go seek therapy though so if anything else, those people broke me out of my self-denial for the last 7 years. My dog is in her final days unfortunately, but I am going to stick by her til the end cause she is the one I love the most. Overall things are bad, but they could be worse. I am on the road to trying to be better, even if the world or myself wants to beat me down I am still moving forward

UPR wrote:

I am still walking around, I lost my job but have others applied for and an interview set up. I have lost a group of people I hung out with irl cause they couldn't trust me enough to tell me my faults so I lost trust for people even more. I am planning to go seek therapy though so if anything else, those people broke me out of my self-denial for the last 7 years. My dog is in her final days unfortunately, but I am going to stick by her til the end cause she is the one I love the most. Overall things are bad, but they could be worse. I am on the road to trying to be better, even if the world or myself wants to beat me down I am still moving forward
Keep going king. I'm sure you can do it.

From my previous reply, I wanna say that things have gone pretty alright, but I am starting to feel inferior again and currently, I feel inferior and somewhat scared of black males because of their sex appeal. I understand that this isn't healthy, though, so I'm trying to figure out something to balance my thoughts out. So far, I can't find something, but I will keep trying.

I know that it is okay to be a virgin, but it is certainly stigmatized and I'm not sure if being one as the years go on will really bring me any favors. I already feel like I don't really have anything else going for myself, but it's okay.

Winnyace wrote:

, I feel inferior and somewhat scared of black males because of their sex appeal.
there's not really an easy way to say this so I'm not going to try and sugarcoat it: this is racist. I'm not saying that you yourself are a racist, but that the fetishistic idea of black men being more sexually desireable, presumably because of what you see in porn, is racist.

xch00F wrote:

Winnyace wrote:

, I feel inferior and somewhat scared of black males because of their sex appeal.
there's not really an easy way to say this so I'm not going to try and sugarcoat it: this is racist. I'm not saying that you yourself are a racist, but that the fetishistic idea of black men being more sexually desireable, presumably because of what you see in porn, is racist.
I know, but that's what I feel at the moment and I am trying to reframe it into something less negative or try... something to make it less painful.

Winnyace wrote:

xch00F wrote:

Winnyace wrote:

, I feel inferior and somewhat scared of black males because of their sex appeal.
there's not really an easy way to say this so I'm not going to try and sugarcoat it: this is racist. I'm not saying that you yourself are a racist, but that the fetishistic idea of black men being more sexually desireable, presumably because of what you see in porn, is racist.
I know, but that's what I feel at the moment and I am trying to reframe it into something less negative or try... something to make it less painful.

I feel kinda shitty writing this lmao, gonna spoiler it
realistically if you're just trying to "reframe" feeling inferior for not being able to get laid, it doesn't need to be in a racial context at all. ppl of every race can feel inferior because they're a virgin, and it can be for a myriad of different reasons. there are things you can improve about yourself that will make you more sexually desireable across the board, skin color is not one of them. and besides, if someone wants to have sex with you based purely on your skin color and not because of some kind of intimate personal relationship, that would also be racist.
this is a rabbit hole that you definitely do not want to fall down and the fact that you're self aware enough about it makes you way less likely to fall into it. not very far, anyway.
also, have you considered not watching porn
nope, its all going downhill, or I'm just becoming more mature and callous idk
depends on what's being turned into a callous

xch00F wrote:

Winnyace wrote:

xch00F wrote:

Winnyace wrote:

, I feel inferior and somewhat scared of black males because of their sex appeal.
there's not really an easy way to say this so I'm not going to try and sugarcoat it: this is racist. I'm not saying that you yourself are a racist, but that the fetishistic idea of black men being more sexually desireable, presumably because of what you see in porn, is racist.
I know, but that's what I feel at the moment and I am trying to reframe it into something less negative or try... something to make it less painful.

I feel kinda shitty writing this lmao, gonna spoiler it
realistically if you're just trying to "reframe" feeling inferior for not being able to get laid, it doesn't need to be in a racial context at all. ppl of every race can feel inferior because they're a virgin, and it can be for a myriad of different reasons. there are things you can improve about yourself that will make you more sexually desireable across the board, skin color is not one of them. and besides, if someone wants to have sex with you based purely on your skin color and not because of some kind of intimate personal relationship, that would also be racist.
this is a rabbit hole that you definitely do not want to fall down and the fact that you're self aware enough about it makes you way less likely to fall into it. not very far, anyway.
also, have you considered not watching porn
I don't know why you would feel bad about writing this, since I agree with it.

To answer your question, yes, for a long time now, but it is pretty difficult for me to stop, honestly. My guess is that I lack self-control, alongside not knowing how to redirect this sex drive into something else that doesn't cause me pain/as much pain.
it's shitty because it implies that this feeling of inferiority is rational and engages with it as tho it is
im kinda 👎 rn :c

that is all
I think I'm good.
Since I'm a choleric, I can lash out pretty often, but since I'm also a phlegmatic, I don't do it everywhere and every day. It fine for me, and the summer break just started, so I'm not gonna be so stressed anyway.
My Dog has passed away as of yesterday morning, I am not okay, but I am at least grateful she went peacefully, she had a rough 15 years, but 11 of those were spent with me and my family giving her the best life she could have. I hope it was enough for her

UPR wrote:

My Dog has passed away as of yesterday morning, I am not okay, but I am at least grateful she went peacefully, she had a rough 15 years, but 11 of those were spent with me and my family giving her the best life she could have. I hope it was enough for her
my condolences bub, losing a pet is always hard

UPR wrote:

My Dog has passed away as of yesterday morning, I am not okay, but I am at least grateful she went peacefully, she had a rough 15 years, but 11 of those were spent with me and my family giving her the best life she could have. I hope it was enough for her
that's so sad... stay strong, man. life is rough. you'll get through this <3
Literally just had a telehealth appointment with my therapist so yeah you could say that. Had an intense week too but I'm doin alright.
working on myself, working out, eating better, moving soon, I'm absolutely SLAYING

le_benny wrote:

working on myself, working out, eating better, moving soon, I'm absolutely SLAYING
Man's got life figured out, GG.
In general i feel very happy when playing this game 😇
getting better

nevermind my anger issues are kicking in again
nothing changes when nothing changes

an inertia of inertia

little to no volition to will my way away
Sadness and happiness don't exist, there's only madness

Achromalia wrote:

nothing changes when nothing changes

an inertia of inertia

little to no volition to will my way away


i dont seem to know how to elaborate on that...

i want to dream forever :')
its whatever
so exhausted at the moment
Wimpy Cursed
I am sane
Fucking miserable lol. I need a hug
mend toll ill niche :((

presumably going to get worse

Eyeonized wrote:

Fucking miserable lol. I need a hug
i float beside you listlessly, reading and viewing you and your experiences and sensations

...i hover and gift you a quiet lingering hug, gently and encouragingly

you will still have different kinds of delights to find... i hope that one day there is something in your local field of view that you can indulge in, through which you may rekindle and nurture a kindhearted childlike joy :)
Wimpy Cursed

Eyeonized wrote:

Fucking miserable lol. I need a hug
Have a virtual hug.
we go mental (doing good today yayayayayyayayay)
mental health has improved for today, actually

i guess it probably will worsen tonight? but i've found lots of interesting things to enjoy that soothe and regulate me :> i took care of my body whenever i could manage to
as usual i feel good
normal, getting by
i keep expecting to be in despair but i guess i must be doing a good job of distracting myself lately

incredibly cozy, metaphorically soaking into comfort... i think it's something with the way im laying in bed?? it stretches my joints in the strangest most relieving ways and the music im listening to is an absolute pleasure, it makes me really think about the. satisfying subtleties of sound design ^^ its like im buried in a sensory sea

i know it will fade with time but i want to hold onto how this has been feeling
i fucking hate maths
Working for 5 days straight. Feeling mentally drained rn 😭😭

Eyeonized wrote:

Fucking miserable lol. I need a hug
feeling a little better this week. getting my job back soon and met with some friends :) thank you to all who offered a hug

Eyeonized wrote:

Eyeonized wrote:

Fucking miserable lol. I need a hug
feeling a little better this week. getting my job back soon and met with some friends :) thank you to all who offered a hug
<33 im grateful thimgs are lil better, good luck for employment bc labor markets are brutal q-q
getting worse, feeling disconnected.

Achromalia wrote:

i keep expecting to be in despair but i guess i must be doing a good job of distracting myself lately

incredibly cozy, metaphorically soaking into comfort... i think it's something with the way im laying in bed?? it stretches my joints in the strangest most relieving ways and the music im listening to is an absolute pleasure, it makes me really think about the. satisfying subtleties of sound design ^^ its like im buried in a sensory sea

i know it will fade with time but i want to hold onto how this has been feeling
music is very interesting indeed, all the funny sounds helps your mind wander around, its a unique experience if you choose the right music and you're in the right mood.

I'm tired
- kuroneko
life is looking bleak rn but im working and optimistic on changing that
having a lot of mood swings this days, i go from super happy to stressed out to happy again
Body dysmorphia is insane
in the past weeks, i'm starting to notice dissociation symptoms.
six x3
I'm having the worst headache possible, it feels like somebody stabbed me from my forehead

Reyalp51 wrote:

having a lot of mood swings this days, i go from super happy to stressed out to happy again
a bit better now, stress b4 job interview and a fuck ton of emocionally taxing things that happened this summer
eventually it will go away
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