Logitech G305 on the white light sensitivity (800 dpi) osu sensitivity: 1x raw input: on
The bash script I use to calibrate acceleration/speed on my Ubuntu 20.04 OS. I'm on Windows 10 but just in case I switch again Got it from here: #!/bin/bash
Highest comfortable star range (local), >95 acc or S:DEFUNCT as of 8/11/2022
2/18/2022 - 4.1-4.2
4/3/2022 - 4.2-4.3 The ten (ranked only): 1. Ghost Rule (4.2) 2. All in All (4.2) 3. Flyers (4.2) 4. Oshama Scramble (4.21) 5. Gold Dust (4.22) 6. Flyers (4.24) 7. Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (4.27) 8. We are Number 1 (4.28) 9. Cold Green Eyes (4.29) 10. Raver’s Mashup (4.3)
4/5/2022 - 4.31-4.4 The ten (ranked only): 1. nicotine [haardtek flip] (4.34) 2. chAngE (4.35) 3. Quaver (4.36) 4. Yoi Yoi Kokon (4.37) 5. Leave the Lights on (4.37) 6. Gourmet Race (4.37) 7. Idola no Circus (4.38) 8. BANANA STREET (4.38) 9. for...(TV Size) (4.4) 10. [A]ddiction (4.35)
4/5/2022 - 4.41-4.5 The ten (ranked only) 1. Good Morning World! (TV Size) (4.42) 2. FIRST (4.42) 3. Black Rover (TV Size) (4.43) 4. Legend of Genesis (4.43) 5. You are a ghost, I am a ghost, ~Gekijou no Ghost (4.43) 6. Tower of Heaven (You are Slaves) (4.48) 7. ATHOTH A GO!! GO!! (4.49) 8. Responsibility Response (4.49) 9. R4V3 BOY (4.5) 10. Cold Green Eyes feat. Roos Denayer (4.5)
4/9/2022 - 4.51-4.6 1. Reanimate (4.51) 2. Hikaru nara (4.52) 3. Emo Hardcore (4.55) 4. Give It Up (4.55) 5. Fantastic*Schooldays (4.59) 6. AaAaAaAAaAaAAa (4.6) 7. Aurora (TV Size) (4.52) 8. It has to Be This Way (Platinum Mix) (4.56) 9. Spacecraft (4.59) 10. Tougetsu, Rinzen ni Kisu (4.54)
In progress - 4.61-4.7 1. Usatei 2011 (4.64) 2. First Storm feat Hatsune Miku (4.67) 3. Minamo no Sakura, Yume wa Sakayume (4.68) 4. youthful beautiful (4.69) 5. COLORFUL DAYS!! (Cut Ver.) (4.67) 6. CircleEnd (4.7) 7. Yuima-ru* World (4.67) 8. Burning Soul (4.61) 9. 10.
Started journal to track progress. Fingerless gloves and dot skin seems to be doing working alright for me. Playing with fingers gives more precise movements (however pinky hurts after a while). Left/right motions of wrist allow quick coverage of larger area. Perhaps I should focus my cursor movements on wrist and fingers. Also, anchoring mouse hand with meat/side/heel of my palm provides some stabilization. However, I need to breathe while playing. Loosening up lets me play better.
TL;DR. Started journal. Fingerless work gloves and dot skin makes play easier. Focus on mouse hand motions as stated above (fingers, wrist, anchoring on palm meat). Breathe and take it easy.
Entry #2: Need to work on spaced streams
Nothing too new to add. Definitely need work on my spaced streams. I just don't know how to read them. What's the secret sauce? Maybe really looking at the beginning note/approach ring will help.
This comment from r/Kerantina may help:
"spaced streams are actually harder to hit because the timing window is cut shorter because you move your cursor off the circle sooner, and it’s later moving onto the circle, so if you manage to get good stamina on some average bpms like 200~, and can get consistent SS or near enough on stacked and non-spaced streams, spaced ones will become much easier and since the stamina is there you can focus more on aiming as the tapping will be second nature."
Entry #3: On controlling mouse drift. Taiko warm up.
Nothing too much to add. Just that I need to work on controlling my mouse drift. Playing taiko as a warm up is really improving my finger control tapping wise. They stick to the music more, therefore allowing me to put more focus on the aiming aspect.
Entry #4: Not focusing on mouse drift. Gold 4 star medal.
Maybe don't be so conscious about mouse drift. Focus on aiming. I have a big enough play area for my mouse where it'll just sort itself out.
Also, didn't realize I finally got the gold 4 star medal yesterday. Life has a way of working things out.
Entry #5: Sadness. Alt tapping on jumps.
This Saturday's been wasted on osu! and other dumb crap. I really need to get my life together.
On the plus side, I think I have a solution for my dread of large/cross-screen jumps. And that is alt tapping during jumps. Sounds simple. But I'm a stream one trick and a part of that I think is due to the fact that I like how the circles click when I'm alt tapping them, makes me feel "in" the music almost. When I apply this principle to jumps, I experience this same "oneness", making aiming (ergo the game) that much easier. I'm exhausted right now so this newfound discovery didn't outwardly manifest itself in any big way pp-wise, but I think it's a right first step towards a massive leap. I'm excited.
So, alt tap between circles during jumps.
"Jumps are like streams but wider. Streams are like jumps but narrower."
-Aristotle or whatever
Entry #6: Better way to warm up
Think I found a better way to warm up. Just play maps that I ranked B or better on, that way I an instill confidence and derust my hands. Also I might have started breaking through the plateau I've been on for a couple weeks.
Entry #7: Update cataloguing methods. Eye strain
Should start to record pp, acc and play time. Rank is a comparative statistic, so it's not the most accurate in terms of self reflection.
Also, my eyes are starting to bother me whenever I play this game. Need to blink a lot. They feel dry and cold. Maybe more sleep. Or allergies. It's not like I'm in front of a computer screen 24/7.
Entry #8: Shit play session. Eyes bothering me
Shitty play session today. It's my eyes. They feel strained. I need to sleep more. Get my life together.
Entry #9: Visine & brightness Focusing on acc. New XL mousepad. Taiko 50,000.
So a few updates. Turns out Visine eye drops and lowering the brightness on my computer sort of fixed the eye issue. Big brain move there.
Also, I'm going back to focusing on acc. Keeping combo will always be important, but acc is number 1 priority. 95% or better (or an S rank) is what I'm aiming for.
3rd thing...yay top 50,000 on taiko. Not a lot of people play it but whatever. Oh, and the XL mousepad is much better than playing on a bare wooden desk.
Making strides. But life is more important than osu! Gotta focus on my side projects.
Alright, until next time.
IMPORTANT NOTE FROM FUTURE ME (12/4/2022): You shouldn't use visine over and over again. That's only meant for red eyes and can actually dry out and/or damage your eyes if your careless with them. If anything, use preservative-free artificial tears instead.
Entry #10: Moving mouse theory - using shoulder as main pivot joint
Theory: Moving the mouse with my shoulder as the main pivot joint might help more with fast, far jumps.
Entry #11: Mindset on spaced streams/burst
I feel that when I'm deliberate and mindful (not too focused) on my moused fingers during spaced streams/bursts, I hit them better (as evidenced in Shun No Seafood)
Entry #12: *My routine. FIRST 100 PP PLAY!!!
First 100 pp play! Excited. Things are moving up for me. I also finally got a routine that I think will work wonders for me.
1. Hand and eye warm up. Follow along here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=degYaAE0Ehs 2. Left (Tapping) hand/finger control warm up: A few taiko maps (warning, my tapping wrist sometimes feels pain when I tap too fast with too much tension. So relax the hand like you're drunk). 3. Left (Cursor aim) hand/finger control warm up: Two jump training maps on NF mod
Then play like normal.
Also, standing up to stretch and hydrating important.
Entry #13: *Bad play session. Breakthrough? Smooth pathways on cursor
Bad play session. Tired. Long day at work and I was just mowing the lawn. It's 7:57 PM and I still have to eat dinner too. T_T
However, I think I had another breakthrough.
Theory: Aiming isn't just about getting to the destination. It's also about how smooth and/or straightly you get there, i.e the journey not the end. Being conscientious (not too much so) of how smoothly I go from point A to point B provides a greater degree of control, ergo a better chance of aiming where I need to aim. This is where the shoulder pivot can come in on farther, quicker jumps.
So remember, don't just focus on the reading the dots, but also hone in on how smooth you draw your paths from point to point. Shaky lines can throw you off.
Entry #14: PP gains. Changing mouse sensitivity.
A pretty good day. Ranked up over 10k.
I also changed in game sensitivity back to 1x and lowered computer/"IRL" mouse sense down to -0.1 (Ubuntu terminal system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkvTMnKajHE). I think using the same sensitivity both in and out of the game will get me used to the speed of the cursor movement instead of having to adjust every time I play. It's a long term play, not immediately noticeable and super simple but it may reap benefits exponentially if I stick to one sensitivity instead of two. I'll just have an easier time knowing how my mouse operates.
That's the idea behind it. Hopefully that makes sense.
PS, the smooth path theory I postulated yesterday seems like it's going good for me.
Anyway, I'm tired. Until next time.
Entry #15: On mindset. Control
These maps are like bulls, if you lose control of them you fall off and fail. So, in your head, have a conqueror's mindset. Don't lose control or focus of the map. Tame them. And if you do, get back in control before you fall off.
Even if it's a lie, go into a map as if it's no big deal, as if all of it is easy and in your control.
Entry #16: *Importance of approach circles, mouse DPI
Wow, it seems so obvious looking back now...it was staring me in the face.
Approach circles are there to help cue when to hit. So not only should I be focusing on where the circles are, but their approach circles and when they are about to close. I'll worry about the hidden mod cues later.
Now, streams and approach circles are hard to read. I have to further study that side of things.
On another note: seems like my DPI is about 1290.
Entry #17: *Importance of having fun. Tapping technique
The importance of having fun. You hear it so much that the phrase is cliche. But it really is important, and not just for sanity/mental reasons. It actually helps me play better because I'm not so tense, therefore leaving more mental bandwidth to focus on the circle clicking.
When I find myself tensing up, a good anchor/relaxation point is to remember the phrase "And if I do poorly, so what?" I find it eliminates the unneeded pressure of doing good and just being a loose goose. Reminds of this scene from Cowboy Bebop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVWVPaXaouo (I may have linked this in an earlier entry, but it doesn't hurt to do it again.
Another thing, I hear good tapping technique leads to good aim (feels like you're playing on relax, so saidth the cookie, apparently). So that's something to keep in the back of my mind.
Entry #18: Shifting my focus
Not the best session today. Need to stop skipping my warm up routine. I should also really focus more on the weaknesses and strengths in my fundamentals more so then my pp/rank or moving up the star ladder.
Right now I can say that lower AR, 1-2 jumps, large jumps and aim/jumps in general, as well as good-accing on deathstreams are things I need to work on. So play a map I'm good at, then play a map I'm bad at (alternating every so often). I'm also not feeling really in control of the mouse when I first start playing. That's something I should look into.
And analyzing my replays. I don't have to do this ALL THE TIME, but occasionally is good enough (like one to three times a play session)
Entry #19: Improvement. Upcoming tourney
I've been improving a lot. But there's still work to do. I need to focus on HD and tech maps for the upcoming tourney. those are my weak points.
Entry #20: Not underestimating maps
Since I'm starting to pass mid 5 star maps, I feel like I'm giving the lower star maps less beware than they should be given, letting myself slip. So from here on out, I should approach each map as if it may provide a challenge that will require me to use all that I know.
Eyes have been starting to become an issue. To remedy it I have been keeping one eye closed to let it heal while looking with the other one open. It's been effective. I also just came back from the eye doctor and he prescribed some computer glasses with bluelight blockers for me. Picking them up in two weeks. I'll see how I feel then.
On another note, I believe I need to start incorporating everything I know since the beginning of my osu! progress to know. It's best not to forget earlier lessons in favor of later ones. So keep that in mind.
Warm up too. I haven't been doing that as much as I should.
Entry #22: *Eye doctor visit. Eye strain may have been solved
Been a while since I last wrote. Went to the eye doctor a few days ago. They took out a monster lash and said I might have dry eyes. But my eyes, though they're still causing some problems, have never felt better. I'm insanely relieved. Just gotta put preservative-free artificial drops in (with the flaxseed oil) and do a warm compress every day on the eye for ten minutes.
I've also noticed an increased ability in my aim. I think the trick is to be conscientious of how my hands move, and to log correct movements and sensations in my brain, to remember how it feels the next time I'm faced with something similar in a different map.
Entry #23: Need to work on accuracy
I need to work on my accuracy. I should work on lower star ratings like Paibot suggest in our discord. I declare today the start of my accuracy arc. However, I mustn't allow myself to be scared to push myself and play maps out of my comfort zone (read, play just for passes). It's a delicate balance.
Entry #24: *I can hit jumps. Like REALLY GOOD now. Here's how.
I'm starting to see into the matrix. I can hit jumps better.
It really is a reading issue. Instead of taking the center of my vision off the circle to anticipate future notes, I KEEP my eye on the present circle UNTIL IT IS 100% GONE. Meanwhile my peripheral vision can anticipate what the future notes are going to be.
This is a massive win.
Entry #25: *Practicing weird/awkward maps to build cursor accuracy
I feel like this is practicing for a 5 mile race by jogging 10 miles a day. It's great. After playing a map with some weird ass sliders or finger control or what have you, the farms and stream maps become a lot easier. I think it's because the awkward patterns force my eyes and hands to read and group the circles and sliders as they are instead of lazily trying to hit a pattern I've seen a million times--sorta like how American military personnel are trained to scope out an area from right to left because our eyes are used to reading left to right, thus right to left makes elements that seem suspicious in scenery stand out a little bit more. I have to warm up with stranger maps from now on. Besides, one of my goals is to FC Transhumanist someday, so I gotta go down this Ekoro-esque rabbit hole eventually.
Entry #26: The importance of controlling nerves and how to do it (in a nutshell)
Go into playing with a killer instinct like Leon the Professional. Cold. In control. Nerveless. When you feel yourself getting nervous (which will happen), breath slowly in and out through your nose, but not so much that you hyperventilate. Try not to get angry or upset (though this may make for a slightly less entertaining reaction from me on twitch lol). Stay in control of yourself as much as you possibly can.
Playing longer maps will also help with nerve control.
And warming up with easier 4* maps (thank you Poonz's RO32 tourney mappool xD) that I can handle instead of jumping right into high 5s and 6s can also help with reinforcing accuracy and control.
Entry #27: Ranking up crazy fast b/c farming for beatmap medals
I've been ranking up crazy fast ever since I started to farm for beatmap medals. Guess it goes to show the importance of playing a diverse array of maps, playing what's around my level (although I should still push myself), and not retry spamming.
Entry #28: Possibly another eye strain solution
A possible solution to one of my eye strain issues. To keep my eyes half-closed, like I'm bored/sleepy. The tops of my eyes don't get dry that way so I found out
Entry #29: Sick. Farm maps. Gold 5* medal finally!!!
Haven't really written in a while. Was sick and didn't feel like it. But something that I came across recently is to really think about how I'm playing. Like intelligently breaking down my strengths and weakness (like deconstructing computer code) and analyzing it, figuring out what I need to do and so on and so forth.
I'm also playing more jump farm maps to work on my aim. Oh and I also got my 5* gold medal September 8th, so hurray! Thanks for the mapQkiryu.
Entry #30: Thinking of my mouse as a tablet
Perhaps I should think of my mouse as if it were a tablet. Like I'm drawing on my mousepad. As if the mouse has absolute position IRL and on the screen (like a tablet), despite the fact that it actually doesn't. It gives me the confidence to move the cursor over longer distances.
Not sure why this video drive the point home for me, but it does.
Entry #31: *Adding entry #s for reference. Anchoring. Time off. Muscle memory.
Before I forget what I'm talking about let me lay out the three topics I want to touch on:
1. Adding entry numbers. 2. Eyesight anchoring 3. Taking time off 4. Muscle memory
So let's start with numero uno.
I'm adding entry numbers to my past logs. Helps if I need to refer to something for clarification or for reminder.
Now that's done lol.
As stated in Entry #24, I find that my ability to hit jumps is greatly increased when the core of my vision is on the circle whee it need to be, letting my peripherals do the other work. However, what if there are a number of jumps and they are pretty quick. This is where my theory comes in.
Say you have a pattern of one-twos like so and they're going so fast I can't follow all the circles:
What I could do is just use the core of my vision as stated in Entry #24 and instead focus on the 1's, allowing my peripheral vision/muscle memory to take care of noticing the twos.
So core/conscientious: 1s Peripherals: 2s.
I can apply this to other beatmaps as well. If there are a clutter of notes coming at me at the speed of light, I can pick circles to anchor my core vision to while allowing my peripheral to take care of the rest in that specific section of play. It's just a matter of staying focused on my anchors.
It's a new technique but I'm starting to gain confidence in it. Note the longer I rely on my peripheral for a section, the less likely I am to hit the notes (doesn't mean it won't happen though haha); the lesser my gap is from anchor-note to anchor-note (ideally from note to the very next note), the more in control of the map I can be.
This is pretty self-explanatory. If I take too much time off Ill rust. However, a break now and then (say a day or so) can actually improve your play since you come at the game with a fresher perspective. Tunnel vision goes away.
Importance of muscle memory. Again self-explanatory. A big reason why i can't pass higher diff maps isn't just speed, but it's also because I haven't built the muscle memory to tackle certain patterns at a certain speed. This one just has to be solved by play more xD.
Alright I'm done.
Entry #32: Recording average combo during session. Small goals.
Need to work on consistency. Perhaps recording my average max combo during the play session could be incentive and good research. However, not sure if I should record ALL of my plays (certainly would be a lot to keep track of) or only record/average my combos during a particular point in my play session. Leaning on the latter option since it's easier. Or I might vary it. We'll see.
I'm putting the average max combo in my rank history after my total hits. I recorded those kinda late though (after about 3 or so hours of playing they were the last songs too.)
Also giving myself smaller goals to achieve in the me! section. Realistic, practical stuff.
Entry #33: A random thought about having fun
If you could only enjoy with the game by being the very best at it, only about a 100 players would be allowed to have fun. Literally mrekk would be the only one (out of millions) who's happy playing if everyone had that mentality. So stop stressing and enjoy it mate. Enjoy being a 6 digit or whatever the heck you are. Doesn't matter if you can only play 3* or up to the 12* range, you can have fun at any time.
Also, download new maps whenever you can and play them. Keeps your mind fresh and unstuck.
Entry #34: *A mindset that helps control nerves. Level 100.
Alright it's 2 am and I'm tired, so I don't know how to put this together coherently. Just gonna wing it I guess. Basically, whenever I started getting big combo, I began to sweat and get in my own head about missing, like "oh a miss is bound to come up eventually" and 99 times out of 100 it became a self fulfilling prophecy. However a recent shift in mindset is starting to alleviate my nerves.
Instead of "Don't miss don't miss" or... Instead of "I'm going to miss I know it." Instead of those thoughts I shifted to this: "Whatever is bound to happen is going to happen. It's meant to happen."
It kind of calls fate and chaos into the picture, but that's the point. You see, if I'm going to miss, the future will have me miss. And if I FC, fate will have me FC.
It helps eliminate the try hard frustration of it all, because if I'm skilled enough to FC a particular map, than I should FC that particular map. If not, then that just means I haven't acquired the skill for it yet and that's fine. In fact, the flawed playthrough is just another step in building the skill, whatever it is. The flawed playthrough is a needed practice for whatever chaos may come later.
Whatever is going to happen will happen. Whatever is going to happen is meant to happen. Do not be angry at your weak points, in fact those points are essential to your growth. That growth is meant to happen.
It's a peculiar relationship, this idea of being both in and out of control of where your playthrough will go. But just remember the phrase and all becomes calm like the sea under a clear blue sky:
"Whatever is going to happen will happen." or "Whatever is meant to happen will happen."
Either idea is fine. It's a pretty zen way of thinking and I dig it.
And I just turned Level 100 today ^_^
Entry #35: Looking into mouse techniques
I should look into how people hold their mouse (i.e FunOrange, FancyLad, NyanPotato) and maybe try to replicate some things from it. May be beneficial. But of course stick to my own Krabby Patty Secret Formula for the main part.
Entry #36: Pushing myself
I should push myself more, play maps that are very hard to even pass (right now that's around the 6-6.5, hell even 6.9 star range. It makes playing the lower stars all the more easier and comfortable. This is also a good strategy for whenever I feel like I'm stagnating in my skill.
Started to notice a huge improvement in NM performance after playing with HR for a bit. Makes the game feel slower, more easily playable to since HR bumps OD, CS, AR, and HR. I have to be more precise, my eyes have to move quicker. Then sliding down to NM... it honestly feels like taking off weighted clothes.
I have to play HR a lot more often. I'm starting to break through another plateau I believe.
Entry #39: *Hitting a plateau. Maybe start recording in journal more often. New warm up routine
I'm noticing I'm not really improving as far as rank goes. Sure I'll get the occasional good play and I have improved in other areas, but other than that it's been flatline. Maybe before the next time I play I look at my past entries and implement my thoughts. And maybe write in my journal more often to think through the problems I'm facing and what solutions I can undergo. This will also give me more control (and less frustrations) over my problems since writing them down helps me be aware of them, which is the first step in solving a problem. Then i can break it down from there.
I know right now my main weakness is jumps, so I should hit that area more than I have been.
However, the EZ to tech map warm up seems to be going great as far as warming up technique and eyes. However I should limit them to just the warm up. Maybe this routine will help?:
3 maps on EZ (5-10 min)
3 maps on passable tech (5-15 min)
Weakness training (in the current case jumps especially 1-2s). (20 min)
All around fun and whatever (indefinite, but should prob max out at 3 hours, don't wanna play too much).
Also, I should lessen my anger when I fail. More lessons come from failure than success, so take the failure and learn what your mistakes are.
Entry #40: Cursor control. Relying more on finger movement
I think that because I've been training on tech a lot (and as a result been exercising my finger movement), I get more control over the cursor than if I were to rely on my wrist and arm.
Hypothesis: if I rely more on using my fingers, this should help gain better control over my mouse and where its cursor goes.
I should use wrist and arm movements, but only as secondary assist motions, i.e NOT FOR PRECISION, but just to get to the general area. So don't hard-focus on arm and wrist. The fingers are where the sniper aim is. The spider that'll get me to where I need to go because that's more or less how I've been playing this game the whole time.
Entry #41: Incorporating Hard Rock into warm ups
Along with my EZ warm up, I should start playing HR to let my eyes get more accustomed to quicker AR. Nothing too difficult, I build it up from lower stars like I'm doing with EZ at the moment.
Also, last entry's theory is starting to yield results already and it's only been a day.
Entry #42: Incorporating DT into warm ups
Might as well you know, to build up speed and to be balanced in all the mods. Okay practice session today.
Entry #43: Hitting early on jumps and 1-2s
I think I'm starting to see the matrix on hitting jumps. However, and this problem has plagued me really ever since I started playing, I hit jumps early and when jumps get to fast I don't really know how to look at them.
Entry #24 has some good insight into this, which I've been using more, which is being confident in my read of the circle before I hit it. Maybe I should snap my line of sight quicker to each circle.
Entry #44: Frustrations. A proper way to farm?
It's frustrating seeing myself stay stagnant in rank like this. I know it shouldn't matter but holy fuck I'm putting all this work in. Maybe I shouldn't overplay myself to death. Also my eyes are starting to get strained again, but it's a pain similar to when your looking at a screen for long periods of time. Perhaps I should cut down on screen time.
Another note, if I want to farm pp, maybe I should overclock on the skillset I want to farm (jump, stream, etc) and then farm that skillset but on a ranked, lesser starred map. I know it isn't the point of the game, but seeing myself stagnate like this is putting a crimp in my mojo.
Entry #45: Aim getting better. Eye strain remedy. Have fun.
I think Entry #24 is coming through for me. Perhaps my main problem with jumps and aim has been that I over aim and take too much in (a habit most likely cause from playing maps that were too hard for me) when in reality I should be looking at one circle at a time. I should reinforce this by easing on the gas and playing easier maps. I go way too ham sometimes.
Also, eye strain. I think gently squinting my so that the top half of my eyes are covered is a decent remedy for it. Since I don't have that massive eyelash in my anymore it might serve better success.
And I shouldn't take the game so seriously. Just having fun here. It's only a game. Playing easier maps may be an antidote to my gamer rage lol.
Entry #46: Jumps getting steadier. Tourney qualifying coming up.
I'm starting to hit jumps more consistently. I'm still a little uneasy with them so more practice is definitely needed, however for the star range I'm going for (5*-5.5*) it's definitely coming along. Of course I shouldn't neglect my other skillsets as well.
I also have a tournament coming up. Now I won't say which maps I need to work on because the competition can also see this page, but I will say that if I do get better at the maps I'm thinking of, it could give a more permanent boost to my game. Just gotta find the right balance of practicing the qualifier round maps AND just playing the game as I usually do.
Entry #47: Should look into accing weird ass sliders/sliders in general
However, I'm not sure where to start. Perhaps like jumps I'll just practice more maps with them, easier maps. See how they're calling out to me. Same thing with alt/finger-control, although I love those types of maps to begin with.
Entry #48: *Stamina training paying off. New idea for combating eye strain
khz's guide has been a big help in gaining stamina with my tapping hand. It seems like drills of this nature in general pay off really big depending on the aspect of the game it covers. I do follow his way of doing these maps, i.e 3 times before and after every osu session. Right now I'm FCing at 160 bpm. 170 kinda hurts right now so I'll ease my way into that.
Another thing, it seems like playing low AR, EZ mod, and easier maps is the best way for my eyes to get used to the game and not strain. So I'll play as many as those map as I have to until my eyes adjust to the game. It is what it is I guess.
Entry #48B: Keeping a private Google Doc journal for life/non-osu related things.
It's the morning and I haven't played osu yet, however I'm trying to get my life together and where I want it, and since I want that to involve the game (not my primary driving factor in life but a fun albeit part of it), I'm thinking I should keep a journal in a private google doc, since trying to keep up with it manually on paper is hard for me to follow through on. I really am trying to be a better person, one I can be proud of. But it's difficult. Maybe writing things down over there like I do here can help me get a grasp on what I need to do. And hey, maybe the more I stabilize my life the better I'll get at the game. But yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest.
When should I start writing in it? Mornings are tough for me. Maybe the evening, when I'm officially done work for the day. Like, the moment I get home. Spend about 5-10 minutes on it, set a timer so I don't get carried away. But I'm usually tired by then. Maybe before I go to bed.
I should also have it bookmarked for easy access.
But yeah, that's it. Kinda turned into a ramble. But I'm trying as hard as I can. Sometimes it doesn't feel like enough but I'm trying to push through.
Entry #49: Playing for passes. Pushing my limit. Eyes. Play sessions from now on.
I should play for passes more often, really go above my star range, to actually really read and coordinate my hands accordingly. I think a key of it is to play more passionately/more emotionally(?) into these types of plays to really push beyond my limit. Got some first passes doing this. And maybe not worry too much about pp anymore.
Also I should probably just force myself to play with my eyes open.
IDK, a weird yet long play session this was.
Note: new warm up routine: 3 maps with EZ or low AR (5-10 min) 3 jump maps (5 min) 3 stamina maps (5-7 min)
Then maybe after that play for passes/fun. Then near the end focus on acc and combo. Then cool down with stamina and jumps.
Gotta figure out a way to incorporate HD into my sessions if I want to be a serious tourney player.
Entry #50: Anchoring with heel of hand. Playing easy maps. Eye strain caused by hard maps?
I believe I play better when I anchor my mouse hand with the meaty heel of said hand. Provides more stable support imo. Give me a better range when it comes to far jumps and oddball aim. And the finer parts of the aim can be compensated for via the fingers, since they seem to have better control of the mouse.
Anchor and move on the meat heel for far jumps. And fingers for fine tuning aim.
Also. I should play longer, yet easier maps to build better accuracy/combo habits. I also think that me playing harder maps than I can handle was a big source of my eye strain, since I had to work extra hard. May have overworked them. It's been good for the past week or so ever since I went for simpler maps during my playthrough.
Entry #51: Treating mouse aim like an artist pen
Hypothesis: Today I went into the game with the mindset of moving my mouse as if it were a pen an artist uses. And it actually wasn't a half bad notion. Move with the hand for bigger jumps. Move with the fingers for smaller. Kinda the same idea I was toying with previously, but now I'm attaching the idea to something more traditional and concrete. In other words, it's rooted in previous knowledge.
It kinda reminds me of the way Xootynator moves her tablet pen with all that full area.
Entry #52: *How to treat my play sessions/properly farm, got a tablet but still maining mouse
It seems like the best way to farm is to play to my limit for a few maps, then go back down to an easier map that utilizes the same skills. It improves my skillset while practicing consistency in a concise, yet fun way (instead of 30 minute warmups lol). Might be how I play from now on because I'm starting to see improvement in rank.
Also got a tablet. I play with the right hand like my mouse (I'm naturally a leftie). However, the near full area I play with helps with loosening my mouse hand, ergo dissipating my inhibitions of far reaching jumps and the like. Mouse is still the better peripheral and I will die on this hill.
Entry #53: *First 200 pp play. Keeping eyes on the cursor.
Just got my first 200 pp play. Noice. Also, I've been meaning to write about this but I never did. Too lazy. So a good grounding technique to help me keep my aim on the stream is to focus on the cursor. It helps me stay on the tail end of the stream instead of overaiming. This is also good when the circles on screen become overwhelming. it centers your attention. I don't do it all map, only when it gets to that point more or less. It's a feel thing.
Entry #54: Maybe get into NCHR for AR > 10 training
Perhaps I should start training NCHR for super high ar training. Right now I feel comfortable when the mod combo is applied to maps with AR=6 before the combo is applied. I can pass ar=7 but barely. Should work up to it.
I think the star range I'm at right now is at 3-3.5* comfortably.
Entry #55: Getting rid of arc in jump aim
It's been a minute. I tried writing an entry two days ago but my computer crashed in the middle of me writing, so that sucked. I'll try to remember up the entry for next go round. In the meantime...
I think I should consciously get rid of the arc in my jump aim. The straightness help me control my cursor more (and it's more in line with the comfort I feel whenever I play high 5* ar9 maps, that more "old school" stuff). Sorta in line with Entry 51.
Entry #55.5: Moving rest of journal to Google doc for easy access
I wanna journal more, but I'm tired of constantly going to the me! section to do it. I'll still update rank here (maybe, even that might move soon), but from now on all the rest of my journal entries will go here --> CLICK ME!.