
Do you celebrate your waifu birthday's?

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every august 12 i play with the exact model train she's based off of, so, perhaps?

sametdze wrote:

every august 12 i play with the exact model train she's based off of, so, perhaps?
what the fuck that is my birthday

Patatitta wrote:

sametdze wrote:

every august 12 i play with the exact model train she's based off of, so, perhaps?
what the fuck that is my birthday
congrats you have the same birthday as suzuhiro
because i dont have one
yes, today is dave's bday
gonna celebrate it hehe
I'm not that down bad so no

Jangsoodlor wrote:

I'm not that down bad so no
also i wouldnt say im down bad, i just wanna celebrate their bdays bc its funny to see my friends reactions

except anaxii 🥰🥰🥰

her everything wrote:


except anaxii 🥰🥰🥰
implying anaxii is a fictional being

Patatitta wrote:

her everything wrote:


except anaxii 🥰🥰🥰
implying anaxii is a fictional being
honestly, seeing as how i might've missed her entirely in my time away from here,,
...she may as well appear that way </3
nah fam i may be schizo but not that level of schizo

Kaaruumii wrote:

nah fam i may be schizo but not that level of schizo
idk you dont necessarily need to have hallucinations/delusions/idiosyncrasies to celebrate a fictional character's birth, its still within the realm of plausibility

Achromalia wrote:

Kaaruumii wrote:

nah fam i may be schizo but not that level of schizo
idk you dont necessarily need to have hallucinations/delusions/idiosyncrasies to celebrate a fictional character's birth, its still within the realm of plausibility
fair enough but this guy gave me ptsd:

Achromalia wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

her everything wrote:


except anaxii 🥰🥰🥰
implying anaxii is a fictional being
honestly, seeing as how i might've missed her entirely in my time away from here,,
...she may as well appear that way </3
One can only wish.

her everything wrote:


except anaxii 🥰🥰🥰
o7 o7 o7

Karmine wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

her everything wrote:


except anaxii 🥰🥰🥰
implying anaxii is a fictional being
honestly, seeing as how i might've missed her entirely in my time away from here,,
...she may as well appear that way </3
One can only wish.
why do people hate anaxii again?
oh yeah post farmer
post farming? i may just not remember what exactly that means and does, but idgi what was the issue people had w that
Not really, but I do enjoy when it happens and I remember it.

Achromalia wrote:

post farming? i may just not remember what exactly that means and does, but idgi what was the issue people had w that
Spamming forums with useless posts just to get the number up. Made dead forums even more dead by making the only posts there a waste of time so people just stopped checking them at all. Then some people decided to join in and do the same thing.
For anaxii it was basically an addiction, was unable (or unwilling) to actually stop after saying she would multiple times.
Also annoying and cringe kid xD.

Karmine wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

post farming? i may just not remember what exactly that means and does, but idgi what was the issue people had w that
Spamming forums with useless posts just to get the number up. Made dead forums even more dead by making the only posts there a waste of time so people just stopped checking them at all. Then some people decided to join in and do the same thing.
For anaxii it was basically an addiction, was unable (or unwilling) to actually stop after saying she would multiple times.
Also annoying and cringe kid xD.
ah :/ unfortunate. seemed genuinely quite kind and respectable otherwise from the few impressions i had
Duck o-o

Achromalia wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

post farming? i may just not remember what exactly that means and does, but idgi what was the issue people had w that
Spamming forums with useless posts just to get the number up. Made dead forums even more dead by making the only posts there a waste of time so people just stopped checking them at all. Then some people decided to join in and do the same thing.
For anaxii it was basically an addiction, was unable (or unwilling) to actually stop after saying she would multiple times.
Also annoying and cringe kid xD.
ah :/ unfortunate. seemed genuinely quite kind and respectable otherwise from the few impressions i had
on the forums maybe
on certain discords maybe not (hard r arc lul)

Dementedduck wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Also annoying and cringe kid xD.
ah :/ unfortunate. seemed genuinely quite kind and respectable otherwise from the few impressions i had
on the forums maybe
on certain discords maybe not (hard r arc lul)
HUH???? what an unexpected development;;
man i should stop assuming i understand anything about people....
- Marco -

Achromalia wrote:

Dementedduck wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

Karmine wrote:

Also annoying and cringe kid xD.
ah :/ unfortunate. seemed genuinely quite kind and respectable otherwise from the few impressions i had
on the forums maybe
on certain discords maybe not (hard r arc lul)
HUH???? what an unexpected development;;
man i should stop assuming i understand anything about people....
damn from waifu to postfarmers
I hold my waifu's birthday in higher importance than mine

Kaaruumii wrote:

fair enough but this guy gave me ptsd:
I would unironically buy a peach cake for my wife's birthday and eat everything in one sitting if I had the funds to do so
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