
Choucho - Kawaru Mirai (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on jeudi 8 décembre 2011 at 20:47:55

Artist: Choucho
Title: Kawaru Mirai (TV Size)
Source: Kamisama no Memo chou
Tags: Mustaash Tony LRJ opening
BPM: 167
Filesize: 9471kb
Play Time: 01:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Insane (4,98 stars, 195 notes)
  2. LRJ's Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 425 notes)
  3. Musty's Hard (4,91 stars, 190 notes)
  4. Normal (2,78 stars, 97 notes)
  5. Tony's Easy (2,03 stars, 80 notes)
Download: Choucho - Kawaru Mirai (TV Size)
Download: Choucho - Kawaru Mirai (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I guess I can move it in Pending now...

Thanks to Mustaash for his Hard guest diff, Tony for his Easy guest diff and LRJ for his Taiko guest diff !

I used some elements from xiaounlimited's skin Nexus and a custom HS from Sushi (once again !), thanks to them !
hop with 50.000 higher x:
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Thanks o/
Dat awesome map >w< >w< >w<
'Star , good luck ~ \o/
Awesome <3
nice map :) *
Topic Starter
Thanks for your stars ! :)
Thanks~ :b
Noob Man
Cette map est <3
Tu es vraiment un mappeur <3
Je t'<3

IRC modding :
Correcting a slider and a HS in Normal.~
Fix some things in Mustaash's Hard :
22:17 <Noob_Man> : Hm, sur la diff de Mustaash
22:17 <Noob_Man> : J'ai l'impression que tous les sliders ont ce défaut xD [<- a default that has been corrected in the Normal~]
22:17 <Noob_Man> : Mais y a des fois où ça rend bien :hm
22:17 <Noob_Man> : Enfin, tous les "grands"
22:18 <Noob_Man> : Also
22:18 <Noob_Man> : 00:12:661 (7) - Le faire droit ne rendrait pas mieux ? =O (idée en l'air)
22:19 <Noob_Man> : 00:23:619 (4) - Lui est pas génial Oo (il est même pas symétrique avec 00:22:901 (2) - )
22:20 <Noob_Man> : 00:35:116 (4) - et 00:35:835 (6) - Ils sont bofs, mais je vois pas trop comment les faire autrement... :/
22:21 <Noob_Man> : 00:56:134 (4) - Idem :s
22:22 <Noob_Man> : 00:57:751 (1,2) - Ceux-là, faudrait les "équilibrer" je pense :o
22:22 <Noob_Man> : 01:07:631 (1) - Bon, je te l'ai déjà cité, je l'aime pas trop, il rend moyen sur la map... Il est pas laid, stuv,
22:22 <Noob_Man> : mais avec que des jolies courbes avant, il fait un peu "tâche", c'est dommage quoi
22:23 <Noob_Man> : 01:20:116 (6,7,8,9) - J'entends pas trop si le stream est nécessaire... Enfin, moi j'aime pas les streams sur
22:23 <Noob_Man> : des Hards, là pour le coup je suis impuissant à juger correctement xD
Hard : 01:20:745 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This pattern is not as beautiful as the rest of the map. :/

Voilà, j'ai pas grand-chose d'autre à dire.
A part que cette map roxxe. Du poneyz. Maléfique. En rut.

Star. <3<3<3

EDIT : Favorite. o_o
Topic Starter
Thanks Noob Man !

Here's a well earned kudosu for you :P
[box=Noob Man]

Noob Man wrote:

22:17 <Noob_Man> : Hm, sur la diff de Mustaash
22:17 <Noob_Man> : J'ai l'impression que tous les sliders ont ce défaut xD [<- a default that has been corrected in the Normal~]
22:17 <Noob_Man> : Mais y a des fois où ça rend bien :hm
22:17 <Noob_Man> : Enfin, tous les "grands"
22:18 <Noob_Man> : Also
22:18 <Noob_Man> : 00:12:661 (7) - Le faire droit ne rendrait pas mieux ? =O (idée en l'air)
22:19 <Noob_Man> : 00:23:619 (4) - Lui est pas génial Oo (il est même pas symétrique avec 00:22:901 (2) - )
22:20 <Noob_Man> : 00:35:116 (4) - et 00:35:835 (6) - Ils sont bofs, mais je vois pas trop comment les faire autrement... :/
22:21 <Noob_Man> : 00:56:134 (4) - Idem :s
22:22 <Noob_Man> : 00:57:751 (1,2) - Ceux-là, faudrait les "équilibrer" je pense :o
22:22 <Noob_Man> : 01:07:631 (1) - Bon, je te l'ai déjà cité, je l'aime pas trop, il rend moyen sur la map... Il est pas laid, stuv,
22:22 <Noob_Man> : mais avec que des jolies courbes avant, il fait un peu "tâche", c'est dommage quoi
22:23 <Noob_Man> : 01:20:116 (6,7,8,9) - J'entends pas trop si le stream est nécessaire... Enfin, moi j'aime pas les streams sur
22:23 <Noob_Man> : des Hards, là pour le coup je suis impuissant à juger correctement xD
Oui, les slider sont pas fait pour être bien arrondi etc etc.., ils sont plus fait pour du slider art lorsque tu joue, c'est vachement plus agréable a jouer que sur une vielle map pourri. Sinon, j'ai fix quelques trucs a ton mod, thx quand même

.osu a jour :
Done , hope you will like it :D
(It was hard to map orz)

Download: Choucho - Kawaru Mirai (TV size) (Fight69) [LRJ's Taiko].osu
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@Tony & LRJ : Thanks, your guests diffs are now uploaded !

@Posca : Thanks for your star ! :)
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@AngelNote & h3k1ru : Thanks ! <3
Little IRC mod (・∀・ )

18:36 <KuraiPettan> : o/
18:36 <Fight69> : Hoi \o
18:36 <KuraiPettan> : J'ai trouvé 2~3 truc mauvais dans ta map
18:36 <KuraiPettan> : Ta le temps pour un IRC mod ?
18:36 <Fight69> : Ah ?
18:37 <Fight69> : Vas-y :3
18:37 <KuraiPettan> : Normal :
18:38 <KuraiPettan> : 00:26:134 (6) - le fait que tu as voulue terminer ce slider sur le vocal le fait pas car la voix n'est pas
18:38 <KuraiPettan> : complétement sur le tick rouge. Il vaut mieux que tu termine ce slider 1/2 plus tard sur un beat bien
18:38 <KuraiPettan> : audible
18:39 <KuraiPettan> : LRJ's Taiko : Ajuste le HPdrain a 5 pour centrer toute les valeurs comme c'est conseillé en taiko
18:39 <KuraiPettan> : Musty's Hard :
18:39 <Fight69> : Pour la Normal, c'est fixé
18:39 <KuraiPettan> : Ajoute LRJ et Tony dans les tag de cette diff car il sont oubliés
18:39 <KuraiPettan> : ok
18:40 <Fight69> : Ah ? J'ai zappé ? xD
18:40 <KuraiPettan> : faut croire xD
18:40 <KuraiPettan> : 00:38:889 (1) - Comme le BPM est relativement haut, avoir une note 1/2 après le spinner c'est pas
18:40 <KuraiPettan> : vraiment conseillé
18:41 <KuraiPettan> : C'est même bien si on veut faire miss le joueur xD
18:41 <Fight69> : Normal ?
18:41 <KuraiPettan> : nan musty's Hard
18:42 <Fight69> : 1/2 beat avant devrait etre bon
18:42 <KuraiPettan> : oui
18:43 <KuraiPettan> : 00:42:661 (4,5) - Cette partie sonne un peu étrange, (5) commence pas vraiment sur quelque chose de
18:43 <KuraiPettan> : clairement audible donc ca rend zarb. Je pense enlever le reverse à (4) et commencer (5) 1/2 plus tôt
18:43 <KuraiPettan> : serait mieux
18:43 <KuraiPettan> : M'enfin faut voir avec la moustache
18:44 <KuraiPettan> : sinon, la taille de la vidéo est je crois trop grande
18:44 <KuraiPettan> : le maximum c'est 800*600
18:45 <KuraiPettan> : et elle est a 854 * 480
18:45 <KuraiPettan> : m'enfin la je suis pas sur donc je vais vérifier
18:45 <Fight69> : Je sais pas réencoder des videos moi ;~;
18:45 <KuraiPettan> : arf
18:45 <KuraiPettan> : The video's dimensions must not exceed 800x600. This is so video files keep a decent filesize and do not
18:45 <KuraiPettan> : increase the beatmap's size by too much.
18:45 <KuraiPettan> : fff
18:46 <KuraiPettan> : je vais essayer de te le faire
18:46 <Fight69> : Merci <3
18:46 <KuraiPettan> : sinon c'est tout :33
18:46 <KuraiPettan> : Rien a redire
18:47 <Fight69> : Thanks :3
18:47 <Fight69> : Attend
18:47 <Fight69> : Tu as moddé la Tony's Easy aussi ?
18:47 <KuraiPettan> : oui
18:47 <Fight69> : Ok
18:48 <KuraiPettan> : bon j'essaye de te réencoder ca
18:48 <Fight69> : 'k :3
18:49 <KuraiPettan> : Oh, ya pas la vidéo dans la diff a moustache
18:50 <Fight69> : Je l'ai mis a l'instant lol
18:50 <Fight69> : En gros, quand j'ai mis la video
18:50 <KuraiPettan> : ahah
18:50 <Fight69> : Il a pas update sa diff
18:50 <KuraiPettan> : lol
18:50 <Fight69> : Et quand Noob a moddé, il a posté le truc sans la video ni les tags ._.
18:50 <KuraiPettan> : quel zboob
18:50 <Fight69> : Oui lol
19:02 <KuraiPettan> : hop
19:03 <Fight69> : Merci ! <3
19:03 <Fight69> : Tu roxxe Kurai :D
19:03 <KuraiPettan> : lolol

Awesome map, as usual (o ゚ヮ゚)o

P e A c H_old
nice (*´∀`*)
Topic Starter
@Shael & momoka-momo : Thanks guys ! :P
bg2.png is unused and it's > 1.5mb, remove + full submit
Oh, *.osb too, if you want :D
Your title must be Kawaru Mirai (TV Size), capitalize S
From Official Ranking Submission Criteria :
It is recommended for the video's dimensions to not exceed 800x600
... instead of your 854x480
Maybe set similar slidertick for all diffs? I prefer slidertick 2
I guess it's opening, then add "opening" to the tags?
Huh, there are objects in some diffs before prevew point. MATs don't like it. Replace it earlier?
2nd kiai in Tony's diff starts 1/2 later than in other diffs
There are breaks in Normal and Hard. they are too short. I'm suggesting to remove or map them.
And imo, "Insane" will be better name for your "Hard"

I'm suggesting to add hitsounds ещ the first 20sec of this diff

Musty's Hard
00:44:098 (6) - add reverse?
01:18:769 (3) - add finish to the end
01:20:565 (1) - add whistle
01:23:440 (4) - add whistles to the start and to the end
01:23:979 (1) - add whistle, remove finish

01:02:242 - add note + finish

Tony's Easy
01:23:619 (1) - add whistle

Ok, star~
Fighteh o/

Seems like Aleks pointed out all general problems in his previous post,so there's nothing to say in addition.

The only I thing I'm not sure is that 2-nd Kiai.Generally,it should start from downbeat,but lyrics seem to start 1/2 earlier,from the red tick.
And generally,Kiai should start with a note,but again,there's no object at 01:03:320 in Tony's diff,so the only solution is to both fix Kiai and start 01:03:500 (1) slider 1/2 earlier.

[Tony's Easy]
There're lots of claps that seem missplaced or missed at all.
Add claps to every 2-nd and 4-th white tick.Otherwise they sound too random :|

00:08:529 (2) - Clap.
00:11:044 (5) - Clap is missplaced,it should be at 00:10:685.
00:14:278 (2) - Clap.
00:15:715 - Clap.
00:17:152 - Clap.
00:17:512 (5) - Don't add claps on downbeats please :<

Well,and so on,you could improve hitsounds a lot.

00:21:464 - Add a note,otherwise 00:21:823 (4) looks too late.
00:32:601 (5) - Off rhytm,move it 1/1 later.
00:40:506 (6) - I hear cymbals,add finish?
00:48:050 (5) - 1/2 later maybe? Sounds better to me.
01:03:500 (1) - As said above,Kiai shouldn't start w/o a note,and it feels a bit late anyway,so start it 1/2 earlier.

Yeah,too short unnecessary breaks,remove them.
Also,I don't really like that beginning doesn't use hitsounds :< Sounds a bit monotonous.

00:06:014 (1) - Finish?
00:37:631 (4,5) - These sliders are a bit boring :| I'd use these beats:
00:40:506 (1,2) - These sliders don't follow anything actually.
My suggestions are:
  1. 00:40:506 (1,2) - Remove both objects.
  2. Make a slider using these notes: (00:40:506 - 00:41:224)
  3. Add a circle to 00:41:583.
  4. Make a slider: (00:41:763 - 00:42:302) and stack it with previous circle: (00:41:583)
  5. Add 2 notes to 00:42:661 and 00:43:020 to complete the rhytm.
00:46:254 (1,2) - Too long slider,and repeat sounds a little awkward,you could use more interesting rhytms here :D
Maybe remove this slider and do like this:
  1. Make a reverse-slider starting at 00:46:254 with reverse at 00:46:793.
  2. Add a note to 00:47:691? I'm not sure of this one because I don't really like how it sounds in the rhytm overall,but it plays much better with it,so decide by your own.
  3. Add a note to 00:48:050.
  4. Make 2 sliders using only red ticks: (00:48:230 - 00:48:589) & (00:48:949 - 00:49:308)
00:57:751 (7) - New combo and finish?
01:02:242 - Add a note?
01:06:913 (2) - Starts too early,I'd suggest to start it from 01:07:631 and add 2 more notes to 01:06:913 and 01:07:272.

[Musty's Hard]
00:26:134 (4) - A bit odd,I suggest to mirror it.
00:42:302 (3) - Fix distance,it's too close to previous object.
00:57:751 (1,2) - A bit unexpected jump.
01:20:116 (6,7,8,9) - Ahh,come on,it's totally off this difficulty :| Please,remove it.

Remove breaks and yeah,probably rename it to Insane.
And again no hitsounds at the beginning :<

00:04:577 (1) - It starts too late,I hear a note at 00:04:398.
00:06:014 (1) - Finish?
00:50:745 (1) - A bit close to previous objects.It's pointed out in new combo,and feels playable,but still it may cause some issues.
00:51:823 (1) - Stack with (2)?

Okay,that's it :D
Well done,guys!
I enjoyed it :>
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

bg2.png is unused and it's > 1.5mb, remove + full submit Whoops, forgot to delete it : Thanks !
Oh, *.osb too, if you want :D Ok ok :D
Your title must be Kawaru Mirai (TV Size), capitalize S Okay
From Official Ranking Submission Criteria :
It is recommended for the video's dimensions to not exceed 800x600
... instead of your 854x480 Fixed
Maybe set similar slidertick for all diffs? I prefer slidertick 2 Done
I guess it's opening, then add "opening" to the tags? Okay
Huh, there are objects in some diffs before prevew point. MATs don't like it. Replace it earlier? Done
2nd kiai in Tony's diff starts 1/2 later than in other diffs
There are breaks in Normal and Hard. they are too short. I'm suggesting to remove or map them. Deleted
And imo, "Insane" will be better name for your "Hard" Renamed

I'm suggesting to add hitsounds ещ the first 20sec of this diff Done

01:02:242 - add note + finish Done

Ok, star~
Thanks for your mod Aleks ! :)

IceBeam wrote:

Fighteh o/ Icebeaaamu \o

Seems like Aleks pointed out all general problems in his previous post,so there's nothing to say in addition.

The only I thing I'm not sure is that 2-nd Kiai.Generally,it should start from downbeat,but lyrics seem to start 1/2 earlier,from the red tick.
And generally,Kiai should start with a note,but again,there's no object at 01:03:320 in Tony's diff,so the only solution is to both fix Kiai and start 01:03:500 (1) slider 1/2 earlier.

Yeah,too short unnecessary breaks,remove them. Removed
Also,I don't really like that beginning doesn't use hitsounds :< Sounds a bit monotonous. Fixed

00:06:014 (1) - Finish? Ok
00:37:631 (4,5) - These sliders are a bit boring :| I'd use these beats:
00:40:506 (1,2) - These sliders don't follow anything actually.
My suggestions are:
  1. 00:40:506 (1,2) - Remove both objects.
  2. Make a slider using these notes: (00:40:506 - 00:41:224)
  3. Add a circle to 00:41:583.
  4. Make a slider: (00:41:763 - 00:42:302) and stack it with previous circle: (00:41:583)
  5. Add 2 notes to 00:42:661 and 00:43:020 to complete the rhytm.
Everything here is done

00:46:254 (1,2) - Too long slider,and repeat sounds a little awkward,you could use more interesting rhytms here :D
Maybe remove this slider and do like this:
  1. Make a reverse-slider starting at 00:46:254 with reverse at 00:46:793.
  2. Add a note to 00:47:691? I'm not sure of this one because I don't really like how it sounds in the rhytm overall,but it plays much better with it,so decide by your own. Hmm...I think I'll add it
  3. Add a note to 00:48:050.
  4. Make 2 sliders using only red ticks: (00:48:230 - 00:48:589) & (00:48:949 - 00:49:308)
Everything is done !

00:57:751 (7) - New combo and finish? Ok
01:02:242 - Add a note? Ok
01:06:913 (2) - Starts too early,I'd suggest to start it from 01:07:631 and add 2 more notes to 01:06:913 and 01:07:272. Ok, I've also changed some few stuff after these, I hope it's still correct

Remove breaks and yeah,probably rename it to Insane.
And again no hitsounds at the beginning :<

00:04:577 (1) - It starts too late,I hear a note at 00:04:398. Ok
00:06:014 (1) - Finish? Ok
00:50:745 (1) - A bit close to previous objects.It's pointed out in new combo,and feels playable,but still it may cause some issues. I know, I did it in purpose so I won't change that
00:51:823 (1) - Stack with (2)? Ok

Okay,that's it :D
Well done,guys!
I enjoyed it :>
Thanks IceBeam <3
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