
KOTOKO - Imaginary Affair

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年6月3日 at 20:23:16

Artist: KOTOKO
Title: Imaginary Affair
Source: Konata Yori Kanata Made
Tags: I've Sound & FC01
BPM: 83
Filesize: 14043kb
Play Time: 02:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.18 stars, 95 notes)
  2. Hard (4.45 stars, 229 notes)
  3. Normal (2.92 stars, 142 notes)
Download: KOTOKO - Imaginary Affair
Download: KOTOKO - Imaginary Affair (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Another KOTOKO song ><
also a relax map here...
Hope you like it =w=

Easy - Done
Normal - Done
Hard - Done

Edit: IRC modded =w=/
I love this song ><
S o r d a

Rorry wrote:

I love this song ><
go go KPY<3
Topic Starter
>Joshua Lost

Kds for IRC mod
nice >.<
Yusu Aoi
Ymmm,, there is nothing I could find out:O :))
For me, this beatmap should get ranked already *_*
The Hitsounds are really cool!!

No Kudosu pls!^^
Good song!
  1. Add "I've Sound & FC01" into tags.
  1. 00:14:712 (1) - 和Hard同样的建议。

  1. Fine
  1. 00:14:712 (1) - 尝试在slider开头加Finish+clap(volume 70%),由于这里的重音,所加的单finish 55%基本听不到,而且效果不够理想。
  2. 00:11:459 (1) - C1 Finish感觉更好些?
Nice map, nothing more could be picked out.

That's all.

/me shoots a star.
Topic Starter
All fix..Thanks

00:50:133 (2) - repeat
00:51:218 (3) - cancel repeat , ctrl+r , move to 00:51:579
01:08:567 - add circle ?
02:04:618 - ^ ?

01:26:639 (3,1,2) - lol

00:19:049 (4,5) - 00:19:049 (4,5) - change spacing , or it's coufusing

nice map
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

00:50:133 (2) - repeat
00:51:218 (3) - cancel repeat , ctrl+r , move to 00:51:579
01:08:567 - add circle ?
02:04:618 - ^ ? Sorry..all refused..

01:26:639 (3,1,2) - lol so .__.?

00:19:049 (4,5) - 00:19:049 (4,5) - change spacing , or it's coufusing The spacing are regular..
well...Thanks anyway
thx reqs!

0.08.567(6) - 2grid right
0.23.025(4) - make straight(plz see edit slider line)
1.16.700(3) - delete waypoint
1.19.411(2) - make straight
1.30.254(3) - ^
1.43.627(5) - ^
1.53.025(3) - ^

0.45.073(3) - make straight
0.58.085(4) - ^
1.08.206(3) - ^
1.14.350(2) - ^
2.00.615(3) - ^
2.02.784(7) - ^

1.03.145(5) - make straight
1.08.929(5) - ^

Topic Starter

frost-b-spec wrote:

thx reqs!

0.08.567(6) - 2grid right
0.23.025(4) - make straight(plz see edit slider line)
1.16.700(3) - delete waypoint Fixed
1.19.411(2) - make straight
1.30.254(3) - ^
1.43.627(5) - ^
1.53.025(3) - ^

0.45.073(3) - make straight
0.58.085(4) - ^
1.08.206(3) - ^
1.14.350(2) - ^
2.00.615(3) - ^
2.02.784(7) - ^

1.03.145(5) - make straight
1.08.929(5) - ^

I think the slider is no changed sorry..

remove countdown

00:42:182 (4) new combo?
02:04:980 (1) start 02:04:618??

HP +1 OD +1 ?
00:53:025 (5) finish at the end don't fit imo. change whistle?
01:33:868 (5) ^
01:46:880 (4) remove whistle and add finish at the end?
02:04:980 (1) start 02:04:618??

00:03:145 (1) change finish?
00:11:459 (1) this spinner timing really don't fit imo... maybe better this??
00:23:025 (4) new combo?
00:29:531 (4) ^
01:24:109 (2) remove whistle and add finish at the beginning?
02:04:258 (3) remove whistle and add finish at the end?

I like this song & relaxing map <3
nice ;)
Topic Starter

banvi wrote:


remove countdown

00:42:182 (4) new combo?
02:04:980 (1) start 02:04:618??

HP +1 OD +1 ?
00:53:025 (5) finish at the end don't fit imo. change whistle?
01:33:868 (5) ^
01:46:880 (4) remove whistle and add finish at the end?
02:04:980 (1) start 02:04:618??

00:03:145 (1) change finish?
00:11:459 (1) this spinner timing really don't fit imo... maybe better this??
00:23:025 (4) new combo?X.It ok for me
00:29:531 (4) ^
01:24:109 (2) remove whistle and add finish at the beginning?
02:04:258 (3) remove whistle and add finish at the end?
Other fixed.
I think you're missing some timing sections at the end, as it slows down.
I'm not the best timer, so you'll have to have someone to recheck the timing.
BPM - Offset
83.00 - 3146
68.00 - 124591
62.00 - 128123

00:19:772 (1) - Remove new combo
00:20:495 (2) - New combo
00:42:182 (1) - I think this part could be mapped with more notes instead of just one slider - it really feels off.
01:05:314 (1) - Remove new combo
01:06:760 (2) - New combo

01:49:411 (x) - Add a note here? Sounds odd without a note here. Perhaps you could add a repeat to the previous slider then move next combo closer?
01:51:218 (x) - Same as above. Sounds odd without a note here. You can also add a repeat to the previous slider then move the next combo closer.

00:19:591 (5) - Move closer to previous note. Really hard to read this.
00:52:121 (1) - Same as above
01:26:278 (1,2,3,4) - This combo is hard to read.
Topic Starter

NoHItter wrote:

I think you're missing some timing sections at the end, as it slows down.
I'm not the best timer, so you'll have to have someone to recheck the timing.
BPM - Offset About the timing .I just take the 62.00-128123.because I just put the spinner at the end.Just need to add a ending point.
83.00 - 3146
68.00 - 124591
62.00 - 128123

00:19:772 (1) - Remove new combo
00:20:495 (2) - New combo
00:42:182 (1) - I think this part could be mapped with more notes instead of just one slider - it really feels off.
01:05:314 (1) - Remove new combo
01:06:760 (2) - New combo All fixed

01:49:411 (x) - Add a note here? Sounds odd without a note here. Perhaps you could add a repeat to the previous slider then move next combo closer?
01:51:218 (x) - Same as above. Sounds odd without a note here. You can also add a repeat to the previous slider then move the next combo closer. All fixed

00:19:591 (5) - Move closer to previous note. Really hard to read this.
00:52:121 (1) - Same as above
01:26:278 (1,2,3,4) - This combo is hard to read. All fixed
Thanks .

00:42:001 - 去掉whistle
00:55:194 (3) - 这个地方一个slider带过有些简陋了,感觉需要更多note
01:19:411 (2) - 这个也是感觉出现的地方不对,把重要的note跳过了
01:47:242 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这里感觉切normal太快了,前4个建议都whistle(第三个可以用normal打一个重拍),后边四个可以从2开始转换成normal


00:14:712 - 音量60%……音乐里的本来就很大声了
00:23:748 (6) - 这个建议换成一个circle加一个三连slider
00:32:423 (1) - 个人不建议normal里用这种slider,可以考虑拆成两组三连(你最后那里不是拆了吗……)
00:34:591 (4) - 这个地方不知道为什么要结束在白线后一拍,00:34:953这里就可以收了,然后接spinner。后面再加note就要加到00:36:399这里了。


00:14:712 - 音量
01:26:278 (5) - 这里应该是音乐旋律走高的地方……一个slider太简单了


Topic Starter

Sandpig wrote:


00:42:001 - 去掉whistle
00:55:194 (3) - 这个地方一个slider带过有些简陋了,感觉需要更多note 考慮到後面有一個長1/4所以就不改了
01:19:411 (2) - 这个也是感觉出现的地方不对,把重要的note跳过了 把一拍slider snap在紅線上是因為我想突出紅線的重音
01:47:242 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这里感觉切normal太快了,前4个建议都whistle(第三个可以用normal打一个重拍),后边四个可以从2开始转换成normal


00:14:712 - 音量60%……音乐里的本来就很大声了
00:23:748 (6) - 这个建议换成一个circle加一个三连slider
00:32:423 (1) - 个人不建议normal里用这种slider,可以考虑拆成两组三连(你最后那里不是拆了吗……)都一樣的話就不好玩
00:34:591 (4) - 这个地方不知道为什么要结束在白线后一拍,00:34:953这里就可以收了,然后接spinner。后面再加note就要加到00:36:399这里了。 修了一點


00:14:712 - 音量
01:26:278 (5) - 这里应该是音乐旋律走高的地方……一个slider太简单了


fixed without in Red
KOTOKO ~ ( ̄ω ̄)
Nice song~
timing request, this should be almost spot on tbh

1. Offset: 3,152ms BPM: 83.00
2. Offset: 123,880ms BPM: 75.00
3. Offset: 126,380ms BPM: 70.00
4. Offset: 128,169ms BPM: 62.00
nice song nice map!!
I love this ww
00:04:597(1) 末尾换成finish?
00:06:043(3) ^
00:07:489(4) 建议你把这两个slidertick的音效用finish的代替……
00:50:139(2) 我比较建议把这个slider延长到00:50:862
01:29:898(T) 我建议在这里再用一个喷泉……就是说0129897绿线停止KIAI,然后在这里再开,其他难度同样。
02:03:513(3) 嘛,其实我是觉得这里加个note,然后后面的slider换成1/4的折返slider也没事的……挺好听而且毕竟这也是慢歌了不会太难lol
02:08:169(1) 我是觉得最后的finish大声一点比较好听……35~45都可以。

00:08:573(6) 末尾finish?
00:09:477(2) 我觉得把折返点的whistle换到末尾会比较好……
00:10:037(3) 如果你改了上面一条,那就把3的whistle换到4的开头?
00:11:826(5) finish?
00:49:778(1) 加一个折返然后2从0050682开始?
00:52:127(T) 我觉得4的加音量有点突然了……35~40就足够了我觉得。
01:15:441(3) 末尾soft-hitfinish去掉然后加绿线换成40音量的normal-hitnormal如何?
01:17:609(1) 让spinner在这里结束,然后在原结束点(0118332)加个note?
01:37:127(3) 缩短到01:37:489,然后再0137127加一个和2一样的slider?
02:03:513(X) 同easy的建议。
02:08:169(1) ^

00:11:465(5) finish?
00:25:561(1) 下面两个锚点之间是故意不拉直的么……?
00:27:730(3) 上面两个锚点之间是故意不拉直的么……?
01:39:838(3) 我觉得这里做串不如跟着歌词摆note然后做跳……?因为背景也没音,跟歌词会比较合适……个人觉得。我的想法是,像这样:

01:48:513(1,2,3,4) 我觉得这里的音量不适合+10的递增,+10的话到3和4就感觉突兀了。我建议+5的递增就正合适。
02:08:169(1) 同其他难度的建议。
STAR~ 8-)
Topic Starter

wanhyrzh wrote:

00:04:597(1) 末尾换成finish?Fixed
00:06:043(3) ^^
00:07:489(4) 建议你把这两个slidertick的音效用finish的代替……這個就算了...
00:50:139(2) 我比较建议把这个slider延长到00:50:862 加了個note..
01:29:898(T) 我建议在这里再用一个喷泉……就是说0129897绿线停止KIAI,然后在这里再开,其他难度同样。不想在這個map裏re-kiai..我再考慮一下...
02:03:513(3) 嘛,其实我是觉得这里加个note,然后后面的slider换成1/4的折返slider也没事的……挺好听而且毕竟这也是慢歌了不会太难lol 不要 .__.
02:08:169(1) 我是觉得最后的finish大声一点比较好听……35~45都可以。 10把= =

00:08:573(6) 末尾finish?X.很怪..
00:09:477(2) 我觉得把折返点的whistle换到末尾会比较好 好把..
00:10:037(3) 如果你改了上面一条,那就把3的whistle换到4的开头?^
00:11:826(5) finish?Fixed
00:49:778(1) 加一个折返然后2从0050682开始?不要..
00:52:127(T) 我觉得4的加音量有点突然了……35~40就足够了我觉得。
01:15:441(3) 末尾soft-hitfinish去掉然后加绿线换成40音量的normal-hitnormal如何?X不要...
01:17:609(1) 让spinner在这里结束,然后在原结束点(0118332)加个note?X..不好...
01:37:127(3) 缩短到01:37:489,然后再0137127加一个和2一样的slider?
02:03:513(X) 同easy的建议。同easy..
02:08:169(1) ^

00:11:465(5) finish? ok~
00:25:561(1) 下面两个锚点之间是故意不拉直的么……?
00:27:730(3) 上面两个锚点之间是故意不拉直的么……?Both fixed
01:39:838(3) 我觉得这里做串不如跟着歌词摆note然后做跳……?因为背景也没音,跟歌词会比较合适……个人觉得。我的想法是,像这样:
01:48:513(1,2,3,4) 我觉得这里的音量不适合+10的递增,+10的话到3和4就感觉突兀了。我建议+5的递增就正合适。
02:08:169(1) 同其他难度的建议 X.我還是覺得跳比較好....
Thanks for modding and pink star.
  1. The first offset sounds off to me, Try: 3144 it sounds better imo.
  2. The last offsets sound perfectly fine
  3. Not too sure about those "Blue" Slider Borders, "White" works perfectly fine~
  4. The spinner-circle seems too bright imo, I can barely notice that something is spinning. I suggest to re-colorize to "pink" or "blue", increase opacity as well.
  5. You're missing: "spinner-osu", "spinner-clear" and "spinner-spin". You'll need to add those files to avoid any kind of "skin mixing" (If you don't feel like skinning custom ones, use the template ones)
  1. 01:15:621 (1) - You should not silence this, you can clearly hear the sounds of the drums at the end of this spinner, Try using the Normal override and reducing the volume to 40% it sounds great.
  2. 00:50:127 (2,3,4,5) - This bunch of 1/2 was so unexpected, something like this seems more reasonable for [Easy], try it.
  3. 00:55:923 (2,3,4,5) - This sounds really odd, those pairs of stacks are not following the rhythm correctly. Try something like this instead.
  4. 01:21:224 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The length of this combo is too much for [Easy], Perhaps New Combo on (3)?
  5. 01:50:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same for this one ^
  1. 00:23:754 (6) - Tbh, those last repeats were so unexpected that I missed, I expected only 1 repeat and a circle here: 00:24:477 (X)- like the previous patterns, consider changing it please.
  2. 00:32:429 (1,2,3,4,5) - I highly suggest to move the beginning of this pattern closer to center. The previous spinner seems really close.
  3. 00:32:429 (1) - Too many repeats for [Normal] D: imo, try splitting it up like this.
  4. 01:00:260 (1,2,3) - This combo would be better if you start the New Combo on (2) because the music changes at the end of (1)~
  5. 01:36:585 (2) - The start of this slider is not following any noticeable rhythm or vocals, remove that slider and simply add a circle here: 01:36:766 -
  6. 01:47:971 (1,2,3,4,5) - This patterns looks a bit messy because it returns to the position of the previous pattern which is still disappearing. Perhaps re-arrange it like this? (You will also need to move the next patterns :( )
  1. 00:03:320 (2) - This sounds kinda "extra", It seems like difficulty forcing because there's no rhythm on that spot, you should remove that circle.
  2. 00:30:609 (5) - This slow down is really hard to follow because with the current slider tick rate you can't recognize any slider speed change, I suggest to use 0.75x instead which is way easier to follow (Plus it doesn't kill the flow)
  3. 00:33:139 (2,1) - This part of this song is so calm that you don't expect this kind of jumps, You should reduce the spacing between these objects or completely remove the jump.
  4. 00:32:417 (1,2) - I don't like how these sliders almost overlap each other completely, try something like [url)]this[/url].
  5. 00:33:139 (2,1) - Same opinion for this jump.
  6. 01:13:091 (1) - This spinner should start 1/4 later, that's where the rhythm starts.
  7. 01:25:019 (4) - This slider sounds a bit odd imo, it's not following the vocals correctly. Something like this sounds way better.
  8. 01:26:284 (1,2,3) - I don't like how these jumps flow, it's really bad. Try using a reverse selection (Ctrl+R) on (2), that should be enough.
  9. 01:36:405 (4,5,6) - Same here :/
  10. 01:57:368 (1) - This slow down a bit easier to recognize because it's a bit long, but I'll still suggest to use 0.75x instead.
Mostly suggestions, all the diffs are quite nice and I don't see any major problems, have a star.
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

  1. The first offset sounds off to me, Try: 3144 it sounds better imo. Fixed!
  2. The last offsets sound perfectly fine
  3. Not too sure about those "Blue" Slider Borders, "White" works perfectly fine~ kk
  4. The spinner-circle seems too bright imo, I can barely notice that something is spinning. I suggest to re-colorize to "pink" or "blue", increase opacity as well.Leave to skin maker.
  5. You're missing: "spinner-osu", "spinner-clear" and "spinner-spin". You'll need to add those files to avoid any kind of "skin mixing" (If you don't feel like skinning custom ones, use the template ones)
^ Same.

  1. 01:15:621 (1) - You should not silence this, you can clearly hear the sounds of the drums at the end of this spinner, Try using the Normal override and reducing the volume to 40% it sounds great.Good idea..
  2. 00:50:127 (2,3,4,5) - This bunch of 1/2 was so unexpected, something like this seems more reasonable for [Easy], try it. fixed
  3. 00:55:923 (2,3,4,5) - This sounds really odd, those pairs of stacks are not following the rhythm correctly. Try something like this instead. Fixed!
  4. 01:21:224 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The length of this combo is too much for [Easy], Perhaps New Combo on (3)? X.Sorry..I think lthis combo is not to long and that can keep the play flow fluently.
  5. 01:50:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same for this one ^ X.Same as previous

  1. 00:23:754 (6) - Tbh, those last repeats were so unexpected that I missed, I expected only 1 repeat and a circle here: 00:24:477 (X)- like the previous patterns, consider changing it please.Fixed!
  2. 00:32:429 (1,2,3,4,5) - I highly suggest to move the beginning of this pattern closer to center. The previous spinner seems really closeFixed

  3. 00:32:429 (1) - Too many repeats for [Normal] D: imo, try splitting it up like this.Fixed
  4. 01:00:260 (1,2,3) - This combo would be better if you start the New Combo on (2) because the music changes at the end of (1)~ X.Sorry I just put the combo that's follow the vocals
  5. 01:36:585 (2) - The start of this slider is not following any noticeable rhythm or vocals, remove that slider and simply add a circle here: 01:36:766 - X.Sorry I would like to make a 4-2 plet pattern here :/ and I think it's not hard to play..
  6. 01:47:971 (1,2,3,4,5) - This patterns looks a bit messy because it returns to the position of the previous pattern which is still disappearing. Perhaps re-arrange it like this? (You will also need to move the next patterns :( )
    Sorry :< I may keep this for now..Since it was fine for me..
  1. 00:03:320 (2) - This sounds kinda "extra", It seems like difficulty forcing because there's no rhythm on that spot, you should remove that circle. X.I'm follow the music here :< listen to the music ...and you will hear it has a tercet
  2. 00:30:609 (5) - This slow down is really hard to follow because with the current slider tick rate you can't recognize any slider speed change, I suggest to use 0.75x instead which is way easier to follow (Plus it doesn't kill the flow)umm..For this..I think that's ok,caz' music is slow down here..and I just found some players to testplay it(Rank100~9000+)They also thought find
  3. 00:33:139 (2,1) - This part of this song is so calm that you don't expect this kind of jumps, You should reduce the spacing between these objects or completely remove the jump. Not going to remove the jump..Just reduce the spacing.
  4. 00:32:417 (1,2) - I don't like how these sliders almost overlap each other completely, try something like [url)]this[/url].X.= =b But I think that's ok..
  5. 00:33:139 (2,1) - Same opinion for this jump.
  6. 01:13:091 (1) - This spinner should start 1/4 later, that's where the rhythm starts. Fixed
  7. 01:25:019 (4) - This slider sounds a bit odd imo, it's not following the vocals correctly. Something like this sounds way better. X.Listen to 25% ? here is fit the vocal..
  8. 01:26:284 (1,2,3) - I don't like how these jumps flow, it's really bad. Try using a reverse selection (Ctrl+R) on (2), that should be enough.This one Fixed.
  9. 01:36:405 (4,5,6) - Same here :/ But I think this is quite good for me..
  10. 01:57:368 (1) - This slow down a bit easier to recognize because it's a bit long, but I'll still suggest to use 0.75x instead.Same as 00:30:609
Thanks for modding.
good song :)
little thing..
01:31:336 (3) - spacing?

00:17:601 (4) - spacing?
no kds

like this song and map :D
waiting ranked.
Topic Starter

Both fixed.

- 00:11:818 (1) - Normal與眾不同? XD
- 01:15:613 (1) - Easy的短過Normal。


- 看到些S:C2區,但沒有使用的自定音效?可能是只要Soft音效吧?
- 只有Normal在resnap all notes後被要求重save。

- 01:09:830(Timing Section) - 多餘?
- 01:58:264(Timing Section) - 多餘?

很遲又爛的mod,抱歉。 ;_;
Topic Starter

Soul-less wrote:

- 00:11:818 (1) - Normal與眾不同? XD
- 01:15:613 (1) - Easy的短過Normal。

^以上純粹無聊發牢騷,請無視。>_< :D...

- 看到些S:C2區,但沒有使用的自定音效?可能是只要Soft音效吧?
- 只有Normal在resnap all notes後被要求重save。

- 01:09:830(Timing Section) - 多餘?
- 01:58:264(Timing Section) - 多餘?X.以上綠線都有用...
- Change spinner-background.jpg to .png to instead. Don't do this by just changing the file extension, actually open it up in photoshop or whatever you use and re-save it as a .png, otherwise it'll be screwy. (I asked Remmy about this btw if you have any doubts about what i'm saying)Full Submit afterwards.

Overall well-mapped, though I didn't really like hard.
Normally I'd complain about how the spinner recovery is too short...... but for such an easy map like this, I'm willing to make an exception :/
Call me back after this for bubble.
Topic Starter

YGOkid8 wrote:

- Change spinner-background.jpg to .png to instead. Don't do this by just changing the file extension, actually open it up in photoshop or whatever you use and re-save it as a .png, otherwise it'll be screwy. (I asked Remmy about this btw if you have any doubts about what i'm saying)Full Submit afterwards. Well..Fixed

Overall well-mapped, though I didn't really like hard.
Normally I'd complain about how the spinner recovery is too short...... but for such an easy map like this, I'm willing to make an exception :/
However it is a low BPM song,So I think that's ok..
Call me back after this for bubble.
Cyril Scarlet

  • • 01:06:758 (1,2,3) - I don't like this pattern, do something different.

That's all, nice map.
Topic Starter
Hmm,but I like this pattern Q_Q
lovely :oops:
S o r d a
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