
Buono! - My Boy (TV Size)

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Oh my, let's get this going again, shall we?

Add arien666 to tags for all difficulties.

[My Baby]
00:16:840 (1,2) - Not a fan of stacking notes - especially when sliders are involved
00:26:889 (2) - If you want to go with the vocals, extend this to the white tick at 00:27:326 -
01:09:850 (3,4,5,6) - Suddenly using .6x distance snap?

[My Kid]
00:11:889 (1,2,3,4,5) - This doesn't read very well. It'd probably work out a lot better if you didn't try to go for a boxy back-and-forth flow like that. Try using curved sliders that arc into the next set of beats smoothly, maybe.
00:20:627 (7) - This sounds so much better extended to 00:21:209 -
00:22:229 (3) - Can you position this so it's not overlapping with the 2 a bit? Also the spacing between 2 and 3 is a bit ambiguous.
00:28:782 (2,3) - Same spacing thing. Maybe just delete that extra beat at 3?
00:32:714 - Move this timing section to 00:32:860 -
01:11:306 (1) - I'm wary of this spinner since it's kind of short for a normal, and the note right after it is very, very soon afterward. This is something more for a hard difficulty, tbh. I'd map through the spinner.
01:23:830 (1) - Hrm, kind of soon after a spinner again. Maybe end the spinner at 01:22:083 - and add two beats at 01:23:102 - and 01:23:394 - ?

[My Adult]
00:22:374 (5,6) - This stack disrupts flow a little bit.
00:41:306 (7) - Might be better if you ended this at 00:41:743 - and added a beat at 00:42:034 -
00:42:180 (1,2,3) - I'm not sure what these are going to in the music. Maybe line it up with the vocal more closely to justify the soft hitsound set?
00:49:025 (1,1) - Remove new combos
01:27:763 - Add a beat?

[animask's Boi]
00:38:976 (1) - Control + R and control + H this and put it back in. Looks muuuuch better.
01:01:840 (5,6,7,8) - It's technically fine, but I really don't like patterns like this. They don't read or play very naturally.

Hitsounds are much better from what I recall. Good job on that. They could still use some sprucing up, but it's acceptable for ranking me thinks.
Topic Starter
I think i got all of that done... Thanks again... now can i see BAT's/bubbles please lol
Add arien666 to tags on all difficulties.

[My Kid]
00:20:627 (7,1) - Not a good spot for such a large jump imo

[My Adult]
00:37:083 (2,3,4,5) - I really have grown to dislike back and forth patterns like this. You don't have to change it, but I feel that they disrupt the flow of the map a lot.
00:38:248 (2,3,4,5) - ^
00:42:180 (1,3) - Add soft whistle to the start of both of these?

Mainly add the tags and reduce that jump.
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done that one too
awwww i really love this song! thanks and star =)
There's differences in the letterboxing option, but meh. No map has a break in it anyway.

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Garven wrote:

There's differences in the letterboxing option, but meh. No map has a break in it anyway.

letterboxing option?
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through extensive searching i've found the letterboxing stuff! and now it's all the same
If I remove my Taiko diff from BSS and mod this again, I would bubble this
but it's not good way ;_;
You, uh, could have let me know what happened. :P

Garven wrote:

You, uh, could have let me know what happened. :P
You just ate Amu-chan ;_;

good for mappper XD
Keep going :3
[My Kid]
00:33:005 (1) - Move this forward by a 1/2 tick so it starts on the white tick. Don't forget to shorten.

01:22:520 (3,4) - Too close together compared to the rest of the combo.
01:24:413 - Possibly add a note here? Stacked on 2 seems like a good idea.
Sleep Powder
Garven did let MafiaMaster know that you did the changes, right?
01:24:413 - Still no note here as mentioned in my previous post. Forget? Or did you decide that you didn't want to do it?
Topic Starter

Mafiamaster wrote:

01:24:413 - Still no note here as mentioned in my previous post. Forget? Or did you decide that you didn't want to do it?
Just decided I didnt want to do it
The song name is 'MY BOY' not 'My Boy' orz sorry ;_;

I think this would be fixed if possible :3
[Doesn't matter well anyway orz]
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I'll change it if it ABSOLUTELY needs to be changed. Personally i don't think it needs to be so I'll leave it for now.
I love this anime. *Star*
Star :D
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