
Buono! - My Boy (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on June-15-11 at 10:33:00 PM

Artist: Buono!
Title: MY BOY (TV Size)
Source: Shugo Chara Doki
Tags: Yoru Ran Miki Su animask arken1015
BPM: 206
Filesize: 10740kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. animask's Boi (4.99 stars, 253 notes)
  2. aru's My Don (4.97 stars, 313 notes)
  3. My Adult (4.75 stars, 207 notes)
  4. My Baby (1.66 stars, 74 notes)
  5. My Kid (4.11 stars, 123 notes)
Download: Buono! - MY BOY (TV Size)
Download: Buono! - MY BOY (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hey~ 1st beatmap made. Song My Boy from Shugo Chara. Feel free to comment or help mod this map

Edit: Specials Thanks to:

animask for his Guest Difficulty
arken1015 (arien666) for the Taiko Difficulty, mp3 and video files
EvianBubble for the new BG image
Everyone helping to get this song ranked
00:12:405 (4) - move forward 1/6 tick
00:20:966 (1) - move forward 3/6 tick
00:26:137 (3) - move forward 1/6 tick
00:29:161 (10) - move forward 2/6 tick
00:36:332 (4) - move forward 1/6 tick
00:38:332 (3) - move back 1/6 tick
00:38:624 (4) - ^
00:42:771 (2) - move forward 2/6 tick
00:46:917 (4) - move back 1/6 tick
00:48:820 (7) - ^
00:56:088 (2) - ^
00:58:772 (3) - move forward 2/6 tick
00:59:893 (1) - move back 1/6 tick
01:01:943 (6) - ^
01:03:112 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:05:454 (5) - move back 2/6 tick
01:07:503 (1,2) - move back 1/6 tick
01:09:259 (4) - new combo, move back 2/6 tick
01:09:503 (5,6,7) - move back 1/6 tick
01:13:746 (3) - move forward 2/6 tick
01:17:015 (4) - shorten my 1/6 tick

check you spacing, a few parts seem wierd
all just suggestions


00:13:722 (6) - move forward 2/6 ticks (00:13:795
00:14:088 (7) - new combo?
00:14:332 (8) - extend 1/6 tick
00:14:746 (9) - move forward 2/6 to white tick (00:14:820)
00:18:088 (5) - move back 1/6 tick
00:24:185 (9) - ^ and end at 00:24:576
00:27:356 (5) - move forward 2/6 tick to 00:27:454
00:27:746 (6,7) - new combo on one of these?
00:39:795 (5) - move back 1/6 tick
01:00:771 (4) - ^
01:13:210 (2) - spacing/line up with (1)
01:17:503 (5) - move back 1/6 tick
Topic Starter
I think I'm going to pass on those ones RN.
Can I nazi? :>
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Nazi away mon ami~
Before I even start to mod change BPM and offset to:

BPM: 206,00

And add roflninja to tags on both diffs.

Do these changes in both diffs. And then go to Timing - > Resnap all notes - Yes.
Remember to check through the mao after the resnap so notes won't get placed at wrong tick.

Also. I highly recommend that you map in 1/4 or 1/2 as you should never map in 1/6.

1/2 -> Good for Easy/Normal diffs. 1/4 works too though. But 1/2 makes it easier as a new mapper to "map" it.
1/4 -> Good for Hard/Insane maps. 1/8 works too but it's not recommended unless you're really good and experienced as a mapper.
I can understand it's your first beatmap so I'll putting some parts that I thought odd.


0:14:722 between circles 9 and 10 - they aren't in a good distance the player will think that these circles are in the same velocity of circles 6 and 7.
Put circle 10 as new combo a little distant of 9.

0:38:039 I think if you move the circles 2 and 3 just 1 of that snap divisors to left. (If your snap divisor is 1/6, if not put like this) they could be more sincronized to the lyrics.

0:42:868 slider number 2 take the claps of this slider they give an impression of desynchronization.

0:53:746 slider#1 try to stop the slider after she says "omedeto" (about 0:55:063: at the nante put 2 circles behind this slider the (new) #2 will be at 0:55:307 and the (new) #3 at 0:55:649 both with the finish sound (I think it will be cool)

0:59:844 circles 1,2,3 and 4 I saw that you put the circles to syncronize with the lyrics try to do this:
Select both #2 and #3 and put them at the time: 1:00:137 (this will make the #2 be at 1:00:137 and #3 at 1:00:429.
About number 4 put this one at this time --> 1:00:722 and reorganize these circles in line, this'll give an impression on the player they're at the same time.You'll see that the circles will be more synchronized with the lyrics.

1:03:063 again the sliders aren't synchronized just put these slider at the time: #2 - 1:03:600; #3 - 1:04:137; #4 - 1:04:673

I also love this song, so try to do it and you'll see the result, if you don't like it okay I'm sorry, if you like the result I can send some advices about the other difficulty. Nya! ^^
Topic Starter
All done Teras and thnx for the tip. next time I'll map in 1 of those divisors
And thanks Tsuki. I've made those changes and I agree they do sound better to the lyrics.
now I'm goin to show some part that you could fix at Insane

etto... about the spinner that starts at 10:970, take it, then put a circle as New Combo at this time
Pick both circles 1 and 2 and put them at these times: #1 - 11:480, #2 - 11:771. Then add #3 at 12:062 and #4 at 12:354. Arrange them in line in a way that makes #4 be near to slider #5.

this one is optional, but I think is useful the circle #3 of 21:820. put it at 21:747 and reorganize #4 to give an impression on the player that the numbers 3, 4 and 5 are at the same rhythm

slider #4 time: 55:460 just move this slider to 55:387 and extend it until it arrives 55:679

TsukiAnimeGirl wrote:

now I'm goin to show some part that you could fix at Insane

etto... about the spinner that starts at 10:970, take it, then put a circle as New Combo at this time
Pick both circles 1 and 2 and put them at these times: #1 - 11:480, #2 - 11:771. Then add #3 at 12:062 and #4 at 12:354. Arrange them in line in a way that makes #4 be near to slider #5.

this one is optional, but I think is useful the circle #3 of 21:820. put it at 21:747 and reorganize #4 to give an impression on the player that the numbers 3, 4 and 5 are at the same rhythm - this one seemed wierd so i havent done yet

slider #4 time: 55:460 just move this slider to 55:387 and extend it until it arrives 55:679
Thanks for the mod
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Hard is now ready for modding so continue doing what you guys do best ^-^ Although there a few changes that I still need to make the notes are mostly there so have at 'er

johnsage92 wrote:

Hard is now ready for modding so continue doing what you guys do best ^-^ Although there a few changes that I still need to make the notes are mostly there so have at 'er
don't worry when I finish my homeworks I'll help you at Hard difficulty.
Topic Starter
Easy is also complete so I'll continue to rely on your efforts and make this a ranked map.
all suggestions again


00:12:208 (2-3) - spacing?
00:26:334 (2) - move back 1/2 tick
00:35:800 (2) - move forward 1/2 tick
if you do ^ line it up with (3,4)
01:18:033 (3) - move back 1/2 tick
01:21:674 - replace break with a spinner?


00:26:820 (5) + 00:27:185 (1) - jump feels wierd imo
00:44:088 (1,2,3) - space a bit further apart?
00:47:161 (3,4) - jump feels wierd imo
00:58:810 (3,4) - make these a repeater?
01:00:921 (5) - move forward 1/4 tick
Topic Starter
Done and Done! Thnx again RN
Hello. :)

my mod
I often do nazi's mod. It is to adjust spacing. If you don't like nazi's mod , I'm sorry. :cry:
Spacing is important. It is difficult for easy(and normal) to jump.
And Volume of this song is big. I think , you had better turn down.
00:18:761 (3) 2 grid down?(Grid LV3)
00:19:344 (4,5) 1 grid down?
00:29:829 (6) ^
00:58:955 (2,3) 1 grid left?
01:00:703 (2) 1 grid up?
01:01:286 (3,4) 2 grid up?
01:04:781 (4,5) spacing too far
01:07:693 (1) 7 grid left?(because spacing too far)
01:08:276 (2) 10 grid left?(^)
You should use Beat Snap Divisor 1/4(or 1/8).
Because of 1/6 , rhythm is bad.
Look Normal please.
Sorry,because of bad rhythm , I can't mod. :(
But I often see these problem someone's first map. Don't worry , Experience is important.

star & gl ;)
Topic Starter

banvi wrote:

my mod
I often do nazi's mod. It is to adjust spacing. If you don't like nazi's mod , I'm sorry. :cry:
Spacing is important. It is difficult for easy(and normal) to jump.
And Volume of this song is big. I think , you had better turn down. What do you mean?
00:18:761 (3) 2 grid down?(Grid LV3)
00:19:344 (4,5) 1 grid down?
00:29:829 (6) ^
00:58:955 (2,3) 1 grid left?
01:00:703 (2) 1 grid up?
01:01:286 (3,4) 2 grid up?
01:04:781 (4,5) spacing too far
01:07:693 (1) 7 grid left?(because spacing too far)
01:08:276 (2) 10 grid left?(^)
You should use Beat Snap Divisor 1/4(or 1/8).
Because of 1/6 , rhythm is bad.
Look Normal please.
Sorry,because of bad rhythm , I can't mod. :(
But I often see these problem someone's first map. Don't worry , Experience is important.

star & gl ;)
Done and thanks for the helpful tips ^-^
Sleep Powder
[My Baby]

00:11:625 (1,2) - Move both to next white tick
00:16:140 (1) - End on white tick? (later)
00:20:800 (1) - ^ (earlier)
00:25:460 (1) - Place on next white tick
00:26:043 (2) - ^
00:45:703 (3) - Place slider on next white tick and shorten by 1 beat (white tick)
01:15:121 (5) - Spacing too far. Move it closer.
01:15:557 (6) - Spacing is too close. Move it farther
01:18:470 (4) - Extend to next white tick. Remove clap?

[My Kid]

Notes - Recheck Timing/Spacing (Timing is off) [ I'll obviously need to come back later to mod this better ]

[My Adult]

Notes - Same as above. Did you change the slider velocity or something recently? You have to change spacing and re-lengthen sliders when you do that. [ I seriously hope your not fixing this up as I'm modding this P= ]

[roflninja's My Elder]

00:02:451 (1) - Add Finish?
00:04:781 (1) - ^
00:07:111 (1) - ^

Notes - Recheck Timing/Spacing on this one too...

The BPM and offset seems fine but you need to re-apply all/most of the notes in your beatmaps.
Resnap the notes on 1/4 beat divisor. That's the highest divisor you should need.
I honestly can't star this until you fix it. =(

EDIT: also wheres the "Mah Boi" difficutly? lol

animask wrote:

[roflninja's My Elder]

00:02:451 (1) - Add Finish? done
00:04:781 (1) - ^ ^
00:07:111 (1) - ^^

Notes - Recheck Timing/Spacing on this one too... should be fine...

The BPM and offset seems fine but you need to re-apply all/most of the notes in your beatmaps.
Resnap the notes on 1/4 beat divisor. That's the highest divisor you should need.
I honestly can't star this until you fix it. =(

EDIT: also wheres the "Mah Boi" difficutly? lol
Thanks for the mod
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