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is this tatacon only? would this work on the wii fight stick?
Safe assumption that this doesn't work for the wii fight stick. May want to look into a different converter for that.
I just hoped on the taiko train, this seems really nice ~ Any updates on the refill ?

And since nobody ever asked ima ask here : can it work without installing Chrome - and ever better, can it be customised without using the Chrome app ? My toaster laptop's burning at 60°C without anything launched, so I'm not too keen on installing new softwares on top of that.
is dis legit ??
cuz imma buy it when i sack someone's money
Topic Starter
If I had a dollar for every missed 'new message' notification from the forums, I'd have... at least 6 dollars.

SugoiReborn wrote:

How do I go about making my own Tatacon to USB converter?
Arduino Leonardo (for keyboard emulation), nunchuck adapter for arduino ($1 off ebay) and communicate via I2C to the nunchuck. You can even use my code, just as long as you hook it up to the right pins.

Stalzak wrote:

I just hoped on the taiko train, this seems really nice ~ Any updates on the refill ?

And since nobody ever asked ima ask here : can it work without installing Chrome - and ever better, can it be customised without using the Chrome app ? My toaster laptop's burning at 60°C without anything launched, so I'm not too keen on installing new softwares on top of that.
Refill coming ~soon~, waiting for my PCB fab to ship. You do need the Chrome app to configure things, but can uninstall it once you do, since it remembers the settings.

Omenasai wrote:

is dis legit ??
110$% legit, I've almost sold 100!

Oh, and sorry to crush the colourful people, but the next batch will be black only (unless you 3D print your own case). I've had ongoing issues with getting parcels out on time, and I don't like being that guy. Making them all black lets me pre-print everything for massive gains in shipment speed.
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Far longer than promised, but back in stock! And $5 discount for the next month.
USB adapter came in today. Works great! I have a question more so about osu. Is there any way to lower the sensitivity of drum hits? Because I feel like I have to hit really hard on the drum for it to register hits.
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If it's an official drum, use this mod. If it's a chinese clone, you just have to hit harder :\

montymintypie wrote:

If it's an official drum, use this mod. If it's a chinese clone, you just have to hit harder :\
Yes, it's an official drum. Thanks for the link! Definitely going to look into this.
Does all knockoff tatacon were made the same design? the official drum is very pricey :(

thinking of buying a knockoff since there is no way i can afford the official ones..

oh btw, is the discount still available? :3 /cheapskate
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_pulseR wrote:

Does all knockoff tatacon were made the same design? the official drum is very pricey :(

thinking of buying a knockoff since there is no way i can afford the official ones..

oh btw, is the discount still available? :3 /cheapskate

2 months late, I'm afraid. Knockoff is all the same (as far as I can tell) - design is simple and playable, you just have to hit don a little hard. And noisy. But it works well!

montymintypie wrote:

2 months late, I'm afraid. Knockoff is all the same (as far as I can tell) - design is simple and playable, you just have to hit don a little hard. And noisy. But it works well!

aww that sucks :( very new to taiko like a few days old lol. got bored with mania and decided to try something new. but I have always been fascinated with taiko drums! (the arcade)

i see. well guess i will only get to play during the day then if i were to get it

oh btw, may i know which type of knockoff drum do you own?

is it this kind ... xyn~pR29U5

or this one? ... Swax5YxrV3
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_pulseR wrote:

oh btw, may i know which type of knockoff drum do you own?
The second one

montymintypie wrote:

The second one
got it. btw any idea how long will it take to courier the converter to malaysia? :D
Topic Starter

_pulseR wrote:

got it. btw any idea how long will it take to courier the converter to malaysia? :D
if you're lucky, 1.5 weeks. If not, 2-3.

montymintypie wrote:

if you're lucky, 1.5 weeks. If not, 2-3.
got it. thanks!
Are they gonna be in stock again? When I tried to buy one it said it was out of stock
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giopde1ste wrote:

Are they gonna be in stock again? When I tried to buy one it said it was out of stock
Oof, very sorry about not updating the website - more stock in 2 weeks (hopefully less)
Any news with stock?
If there is more delay that's no problem but I would like to know if you are still alive :(
Topic Starter

Valky wrote:

Any news with stock?

giopde1ste wrote:

If there is more delay that's no problem but I would like to know if you are still alive :(


What about srock? And how many does it cost at all if its possible to send this in russia?
Sincere apologies, I've been overly busy in the leadup to Xmas - I should have posted an update sooner.

I've got all the parts, just need to print cases + solder things together. I've been having some Z-axis issues where the USB connector doesn't fit through the final print, so I've expanded tolerances and will reprint soon. I expect to have stock shortly after Christmas, maybe only a few days after boxing day.


PS: Russia is same as everywhere else, $25 delivered.
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Alright - we're finally back. Thanks again for waiting!
Thank you, just placed my order!

montymintypie wrote:

Still waiting for the parcel, but while I wait, I got hard numbers on latency.

Using my scope, I had 1 probe connected to a piezo mic, and another to the LED of the converter. This LED updates at 1KHz, the same rate as the USB update rate.

I then smacked the drum 50 times, and recorded the delay between the moment the piezo started to respond, and when the converter registered a hit. An example measurement:

After 50 hits, here are the results:
Average: 1.802ms
Median: 1.77ms
Std Deviation: 0.44454517
Min: 1.1ms
Max: 2.78ms

Rounding the max value up, I can confidently say that there is an absolute worst case 3ms lag. And average lag of 1.8ms. This is imperceptible. Lagfree = confirmed!
Well, I hope that this actually works :) Anyway, where can I buy dis thing :D
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SMG3 wrote:

Well, I hope that this actually works :) Anyway, where can I buy dis thing :D
On my website:
Never would I have thought I'd known of Mon years before getting into bemani...
i am so interested in this and taiko is something i am starting to really get addicted to so i am going to buy a tatacon converter tomorrow.

so just plug it in and get the TaTaConfig on crome web store and turn on the osu! settings for it and its all set for a beating?

i hope i am lucky and they both arrive on the same day.
im interested to order !

but first let me check where to buy the tatacon first...
Topic Starter

GrimmyGumDrops wrote:

so just plug it in and get the TaTaConfig on crome web store and turn on the osu! settings for it and its all set for a beating?

if you're happy with the default keyboard bindings, you don't even need the config app at all! Plug and play :)
Phew.. 7 months since anyone said anything- luckily I do have a specific reason!

Does anyone know if MontyMintypie still sell these or is it completely inactive? I tried contacting the sellers email(just to ask a few questions) and PM on this community but no response, so I figure I try asking here on the forum where maybe anyone might know? xD (Worth a short!)
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FruitySoleil wrote:

mon is awfully quiet

Have replied to your mail - still here, still selling, still shipping!
Hey montymintypie! Are you still selling the USB adapters? I wrote you a few weeks ago to and got no resply. I would like to purchase 2 of your awesome adapters if possible...
I wanted to buy a Tatacon to USB converter but Paypal told me you don't have any left. So I wanted to ask if you had any left somewhere or if you would produce more of them sometimes.
Nice, it looks like I'm not alone. Hopefully montymintypie comes back the the forum.
Yo, it may be a stupid question, but can the Drum be directly connected to the adapter, or do I need a Wiimote too?
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Directly connected, no wiimote required.

I'm going to produce more in the coming months, if you still want one after such a long delay...
Hmm gonna buy this when it comes back to stock.

Also, Will I be able to somehow bind the keys with the TaTaConfig extension to get it to work on a PS4?
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I think you might need an adapter to convert keyboard -> PS4. PS4 needs a specific controller layout if I recall correctly, that I don't supply.
Ok, got it. Thanks for the extremely fast replies!

EDIT : Hey sorry for asking so much, but can You map the TaTaConfig settings to mouse keys? If Yes i would not need a Keyboard to PS4 adapter.
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It's keyboard keys, but you can map them yourself.

montymintypie wrote:

It's keyboard keys, but you can map them yourself.
That means that I can't map mouse buttons here?
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No, not mouse buttons.

montymintypie wrote:

No, not mouse buttons.
Welp rip

Still a great product tho
Holly crap! He's alive!!! (^_^)y I'm still interested. What should I do to order 2 adapters?
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Simply wait - I have a new design I need to verify and Switch support I need to code for (the main blocker). I promised this over a year ago but I just haven't been able to dedicate the time after work to make it happen :|
Great! What's the reason behind the design revision if you don't mind asking? I'm just interested on the Wii (Wii-U) adapters as those tatacon are the ones I own. Please update us once you get more in stock.
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The connectors are difficult to get a hold of and fairly expensive, so I'm redesigning with PCB based connectors and a second connector since I have room.
Ooo I’m still alive btw lol. I’m excited to see the revision! Might buy it just to test it out after it’s done haha
Wow, it's been a whole year since the last message. Hope eveyone is well and healthy.

montymintypie, how is the new PCB revision going? I can see your shop still let me buy your adapters. Do you have any in stock?

Animaitor wrote:

Wow, it's been a whole year since the last message. Hope eveyone is well and healthy.

montymintypie, how is the new PCB revision going? I can see your shop still let me buy your adapters. Do you have any in stock?
Last I checked with him he's really behind and works been taking up a lot of his time. He's still getting him out but the orders have gotten to a point where he needs more people to get them out but doesn't have the funds. This was about a 2 months ago though so I could DM him if he doesn't see this first.
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