Trying SS on Hard.. D:
Thanks ^__^aesopl19193 wrote:
You need a diff with difficulty below 3 stars to get it rank, make a easy? Easy comes soon D:
some notes are too high so that they touch the HP bar, just feel odd
eg: 00:17:474 (3,4,5) -
00:25:082 (1) - clap at the end. remove finish
00:26:169 (3) - clap at start
same as hard, some notes are touching HP bar
Good song.
ChangedA8mew wrote:
I would strongly recommend changing/removing the dark red color for the combo's.
Maybe its just me but with the majority of the background being black, its almost impossible to see the approach circles on the majority of the screen.
Starring since its an easy minor tweak, sorry I'm not more helpful.
Thanks chris~wmfchris wrote:
Tag the mappers that contributed to the guest diffs
00:20:517 (8) - right 1 grid Fix'd
00:22:039 (1,2) - spacing? Fix'd
00:30:300 (4,5) - clap at ending of (4), whistle instead of clap on (5) done
00:55:952 - delete break yep
02:02:098 (x)excess timing sectiondone
no big problems...
Thank you :3Sallad4ever wrote:
Hi lenox
- set the offset to 82 yep
- all diff should have the same tags, so put Freak3 to tags in normal and hard yep
- see this for a guide in making delicious slider^__^
- the kiai time is better in 01:13:126 do this for all diff. As a side note kiai looks better in heavy beat, so try to put it there ok done
the only problem in this diff are the combos and the notes near the end. Near the end of the song, the notes have different distance spacing from the beginning, it's kinda unexpected. As for the combo, try adding new combo each 1 or 2 stanza that way it'll be more organize done
01:12:256 (1,2,3) - unstack these 3 notes? yay!
wow this diff is fun~
Nice song and map, good luck with this
H-boy wrote:
tags :use lowercase letter is better
a bg.jpg should be 1024x768 or 800x600
the .osb file is useless
Freak3's Easy
00:32:256(2) - remove clap and add whistle
00:33:126(2) - ^
00:33:995(3) - ^
00:34:865(4) - whistle
00:38:126(5) - remove clap
00:38:343(5) - whistle
00:38:561(5) - remove clap
00:39:213(6) - remove clap and add whistle
00:40:082(1) - ^
00:40:952(1) - ^
00:35:734(3) - move 1 grid right(lv3)
00:36:168(4) - ^
01:58:126(3) - move 1 grid left(lv3)
01:58:343(4) - move 1 grid right and up(lv3)
Fixed thatSallad4ever wrote:
[Freak3's Easy]
00:24:430 (1) - this is covered by the score burst of previous notes (novice are really bad with this), move it somewhere else
00:26:604 (1) - remove the break after this spinner, it's too short
00:40:082 (5) - add NC (new combo) to this notes
00:47:039 (5) - ^
00:48:778 (1) - remove NC
00:50:517 (5) - add NC
00:52:691 (4) - ^
01:57:039 (1) - remove NC
Also fixedH-boy wrote:
Freak3's Easy
00:32:256(2) - remove clap and add whistle
00:33:126(2) - ^
00:33:995(3) - ^
00:34:865(4) - whistle
00:38:126(5) - remove clap
00:38:343(5) - whistle
00:38:561(5) - remove clap
00:39:213(6) - remove clap and add whistle
00:40:082(1) - ^
00:40:952(1) - ^
finallysamiljul wrote:
thank youIceBeam wrote:
There's no BG at all in Easy and Normal. Changed...
Add nickname of Taiko guest mapper to Tags everywhere. fix'd
AR is lower then in Easy,and when there're lots of object come at the same time,like in the final part,there's some mess on the screen.Really suggest you to increase it. changed
02:00:734 (1,1,1) - What a combo spam? Remove please. changed
02:02:255 (1) - Still fast weird spinner. removed
00:02:691 (1,1,1) - Yeah,combo spam isn't allowed anymore,remove please. yep..
00:39:865 (1) - Remove NC. changed
02:02:800 (x) - Wth with Kiai? Disable it. yea
That distance changing in the very end was unexpected,believe me. sorry but i dont want to change it
Good job.
Muya wrote:
GeneralAll done
- offset : 111 & resnap all note
- Preferred skin : Mah skin ??? change to the User's preference.
- 1st kiai start at 01:13:126 , end at 01:27:039 & 2nd kiai start at 01:54:865 , end at 02:01:821
- 00:22:690 (7,1) - add new combo to (7) , (1) delete new combo
- 00:45:734 (1,2) - 1grid left
- 00:50:081 (1) - delete new combo, (2) add new combo
- 00:50:951 (2,3,4,5,6) - 1grid up
- 01:04:429 (1) - 1grid left
- 01:17:038 (7,1) - (7) add new combo , (1) delete
- 01:17:038 (7) -
- 01:20:516 (1) - end at 01:23:125 , 01:22:690 (1) - start at 01:23:560
- 01:57:255 (1) - delete new combo
- 01:59:429 (1) - ^
- 01:59:864 (1) - ^
- 02:00:516 (2) - add new combo
- 02:01:386 (1) - delete new combo &
All done
31's Taikook
- i cant taiko mod
Hardok done
- AR -1 no sorry
- 02:00:952 (3,4) - (4) is hidden in (3)
yea i know..Leorda wrote:
1) The offset is diffrent on each diff!
2) Add "samiljul" in 31's Taiko, you seems forgot that
I cant do anything in his diff![]()
3) First kiai should be 01:13:154 ~ 01:27:067
4) Second kiai should be 01:54:893 ~ 02:01:850
all done
00:02:690 (4) - New combo?
00:42:038 (7) - Remove whistle?
00:42:690 (1) - ^
00:56:168 (B) - This break are too short, remove it?
01:20:545 (1,1) - These 2 spinner are bit odd for me, can you remap those?
All done
00:20:111 (6) - Remove clap?
00:26:197 (3) - Make symetric?
00:30:980 (5) - Not stack perfectly with 00:30:328 (4)
00:43:371 (5,6,7) - Too much finish hitsound >.<
01:13:589 (1,2,3,4) - This hitsound are odd, change something
01:17:067 (5,6,7,1) - ^
01:55:328 ~ End - You seems use 1,5 BPM Adjustments, add warning using a SB? i have no idea how to make an sb D:
Nice song, but the song is end suddenly >.<
01:55:328 ~ End - You seems use 1,5 BPM Adjustments, add warning using a SB? i have no idea how to make an sb D:No Problem here, it's not that surprising so there is no need for an sb warning. Nevertheless, if you feel you need one, ask me :3
Ich bin nicht wirklich dafür das hier ne warnung her muss... danke für's moden :3MoonShade wrote:
Sry hat ein wenig gedauert mit dem Mod, weil ich mich noch um andere Dinge kümmern musste. Sehr schöne Map, dein Stil gefällt mir auch sehr gut, ich bin sicher dass du diese Map geranked kriegst, also streng dich an :3 Mach ich ^__^
00:26:197 (6) - neue combo? jop
01:04:458 (1) - 1 nach rechts jop
01:09:241 (4) - 1 nach unten jau
01:26:958 - circle platzieren und dann das ganze als stream Hmm, mehr streams bedeuten mehr streams... ach was red ich jap gemacht ^__^
02:01:415 (4) - da könnte noch mehr abstand zu 02:00:980 (3), wenn du willst jo hab bissl mehr genommen01:55:328 ~ End - You seems use 1,5 BPM Adjustments, add warning using a SB? i have no idea how to make an sb D:No Problem here, it's not that surprising so there is no need for an sb warning. Nevertheless, if you feel you need one, ask me :3
Das ist alles was ich finden konnte, also eher Kleinigkeiten. Ich hoffe das konnte dir trotzdem weiterhelfen.
Very nice Map, Star~
Thank youShiroKitty wrote:
here's my suggestions
Freak3's Easy:
00:26:747 maybe start this spinner on the next white tick and end it on 00:28:589?
00:38:806 (2,3) 2 grids left
01:12:937 repeat once more the previous slider, or add here a note?
00:39:241 (3) 1 grid up, 1 grip right yep
00:42:719 what do You think about removing this spinner and add here a note with New combo? Add note at 00:43:154. Add note at 00:43:589 with finish? and add the spinner at 00:43:806 and end it at 00:45:328 with finish?nah sorry ;_;
01:20:545 maybe it would be better to remove this spinner and add notes like this? yay! Sure thing
Nice ^^
Here's astar! ^^
All done Thank you~Rukarioman wrote:
- Freak3' Easy has a skin preference "Mah Skin". Please remove that lol.
- 31's Taiko is missing this tag: 'samiljul'.
- The combo colour values are across all the difficulties slightly different. Please open the .osu files in Notepad and make them the same.
Freak3's Easy:
I noticed a lot of short spinners and a lot of of them having notes prety shortly after them. I am gonna point out all the spinenrs that can still stay with minor modifications. Please look at the other spinners then and either a.) remove them or b.) map something instead of the spinner. Really not trying to be mean but it's really hard for beginner players to hit notes so short after a spinner.
00:26:524 (1) - Move this spinner back one 1/4 tick.
00:50:980 (2,3) - It'd be better if you switch those two. Fits better with the lyrics.
01:06:197 (1) - End this spinner on the previous white tick.
01:47:937 (2) - New combo?
01:21:850 (1) - Such a shot spinner is still a bit bad in a Normal and you could easily map something else here because a spinner doesn't fit here much anyways.
01:54:024 (1) - ^ except please just remove this one. Way too short for a Normal diff. A long slider could work well here as a hint.
Other than that this looks pretty alright and nice^^
Everything else should be fixed.^^Rukarioman wrote:
- Freak3' Easy has a skin preference "Mah Skin". Please remove that lol. How do I do that? D:
Freak3's Easy:
I noticed a lot of short spinners and a lot of of them having notes prety shortly after them. I am gonna point out all the spinenrs that can still stay with minor modifications. Please look at the other spinners then and either a.) remove them or b.) map something instead of the spinner. Really not trying to be mean but it's really hard for beginner players to hit notes so short after a spinner.
00:26:524 (1) - Move this spinner back one 1/4 tick.
00:50:980 (2,3) - It'd be better if you switch those two. Fits better with the lyrics.
01:06:197 (1) - End this spinner on the previous white tick.
01:47:937 (2) - New combo?
- Freak3' Easy has a skin preference "Mah Skin". Please remove that lol.I have done for you~
372,176,29676,6,0,B|372:72|256:16|140:72|140:176,1,36000:37:937 (1,2,3) - don't put these in a straight line, it looks bad
ziin wrote:
I'm getting offset 90, and that's still giving me 5 ms early. ok
00:58:806 (3,1,2,3) - careful on corners and straight sliders, they look bad if the sliders don't have the right speed/length
01:55:328 (2) - ^
All done~
[insane] [Hard]
looks fine
-Lennox- wrote:
All done.. thank you^^Gezoda wrote:
Here is my mod (Earlier than you can expect, I was bored)
-Make sure you snap all the notes here.
00:04:893 (1) - Cancel combo
00:05:980 (2) - New combo
00:15:763 (4) - ^
00:17:502 (7) - ^
00:18:806 (1) - Cancel combo
00:24:458 (3) - New combo
00:40:110 (4) - ^
00:45:328 (4) - ^
00:45:763 (1) - Cancel Combo
01:02:719 (5) - New combo
01:04:458 (1) - Cancel
01:06:197 (3) - New
01:20:111 (5) - New
01:27:502 (7) - New
01:34:458 (5) - New
01:43:154 (5) - New
01:46:632 (5) - New
01:48:371 (7) - New
[31's Taiko]
Make sure to snap all the notes.
I don't find any problem.
Here is a star because I like the map and song
I think that the snapping problems are more an offset issue, but Hard seems in rtyhm o_o (or I did not have a look in it. If hard has a different offset, use it)
Fixed~Gezoda wrote:
00:37:916 (5) - New combo
00:49:241 (5) - ^
01:01:850 (3) - ^
01:03:154 (6) - ^
01:14:003 (3) - ^
01:19:220 (3) or 01:20:959 (4) - ^
Tenshi-nyan wrote:
00:27:698 (6) - 2 grids down? k
01:08:568 (2) - der slider kann besser aussehen.... am besten du copy pasta den hier 01:22:481 (7) - k
00:30:307 (1,2,3,4,5) - Finds dieser part spielt sich n bissl komisch... Mhh.. ich finde der spielt sich perfekt.
01:04:872 (4) - leichter spacing fehler, nach links gehts nimmer also am besten etwas nach unten k
Hmm ja das wars...
Thxgalvenize wrote:
Unused .osb file, delete and full submit.
Re-Download and check it again. There is no unused .osb file ><
00:13:350 (1) - Remove new combo yes
00:12:698 (4) - Add new combo yes
01:12:046 (6) - New combo no
01:12:263 (1) - remove new combo no
01:13:133 (1) - Add finish yes
That's all.
Odaril wrote:
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why. Remember that all of these are suggestions (bold lines being the main issues that should really be fixed).
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game
Adding a third diff would make the map a lot better... I don't really want it.. ><
The mp3 really isn't loud... I think it would be better to find a louder mp3. No.. i don't change anything on the mp3. I have many problems yesterday with the fucking mp3. And btw the mp3 is loud enough imo![]()
I have an offset of 98. Remember to resnap all objects. ok
There are parts that I think are too hard for a Normal diff... Especially since it's the easiest in the mapset, it's made for new players to play.
(nazi) 00:12:706 (2,3,4) - space them perfectly ? (turn grid snap off)
00:22:054 (5) - This should have a clap on the second beat.
00:22:706 (1,2,3) - These claps are offbeat compared to the claps before. It makes them sound weird.
00:57:489 (1,2,3) - This is an example of what I think is too hard. I've seen many new players get confused on slider patterns like that, or sliderbreaking because they couldn't hit with the right rhythm...
01:05:750 - There should be a note here I think, leaving this blank makes it sound weird.
01:17:924 (2,3,4) - Same as 00:57:489 -
01:48:793 (2,3,4) - Same as 00:57:489 -
01:51:402 (1,2,3,4) - Same except I strongly suggest you changed it ;_;
01:56:619 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Same as 01:51:402 -
All done
Nothing to say, this was quite fun to play. \:D/
osuplayer111 wrote:
Some IRC Modding.
- Adjusted the Audio Lead-In to 2000 on every difficulty.
- Changed the Background Colour to Black on every difficulty.
- Removed the Letterbox during breaks on osu! Standard difficulties.