
Tatsumi Megumi featured by Sano Hiroaki - Tsubomi (Long Vers

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Topic Starter

Garden wrote:

  1. 个人感觉ar9.3高了,spacing不突出的情况下这个bpm不超过9.2比较舒服 可以
  2. 00:28:969 (5) - NC?
  3. 01:18:860 (1,2,3) - 01:19:513 (1,2,3) - 我觉得这两组间距逐渐增大来跟背景里明显上升的音调更有表现力,而且相较于前面类似感觉的梗好像这里整体间距忽然小了不少, 后面的kiai里同样的地方也是 我试了下 不过感觉不太好改.
  4. 02:07:937 (7,8,1) - 感觉弄成跟前面两组三连一样的形状比较有整体感
  5. 02:21:388 (2) - 全diff里这样加note的好像就这里没有stack在下一个物件上有点突兀,总觉得这里不合适这样的梗,不如直接删了,滑条之间加点间距 可以
  6. 03:31:578 (3) - NC?
  7. 04:09:730 (2,3,4) - 2->3比起1->2间距明显变小,可能容易被当成1/4直接打快了?改成和前面一样了
  8. 04:34:187 (1) - 这滑条特征太鲜明第一遍打就感觉到好像前面差不多位置出现了个差不多的滑条,或许考虑换个形状角度什么的。。这个感觉还好吧..我翻了下也没看到一样感觉的...

感谢mod :3
  1. soft-hitnormal2 长度只有28ms,这个unrankable,最少100ms
  1. 00:49:187 (5,6,7,8) - 这太近了根本读不懂
  2. 01:45:110 (3,4) - 这叠起来感觉不合适,第一个note是有vocal的但是叠起来的话是强调第二个note,不知道能不能解释清楚反正就这样啦啦啦水字数
  3. 01:49:513 (6,7) - 跟前面有点太远的样子,好歹让他们01:48:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 看起来像一个整体
  4. 03:58:317 (2) - 这个。。有点丑

Topic Starter

Karen wrote:

  1. soft-hitnormal2 长度只有28ms,这个unrankable,最少100ms 好我找人编辑下..
  1. 00:49:187 (5,6,7,8) - 这太近了根本读不懂 还好吧..
  2. 01:45:110 (3,4) - 这叠起来感觉不合适,第一个note是有vocal的但是叠起来的话是强调第二个note,不知道能不能解释清楚反正就这样啦啦啦水字数 可以 4和5叠一起来了
  3. 01:49:513 (6,7) - 跟前面有点太远的样子,好歹让他们01:48:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 看起来像一个整体
  4. 03:58:317 (2) - 这个。。有点丑 改了


谢谢人格 :)
Man I love your maps, hope you can rank this soon. I wish I could help with mods, but I'm not good enough to mod this, so just take my star o/ :3
Topic Starter

Net0 wrote:

Man I love your maps, hope you can rank this soon. I wish I could help with mods, but I'm not good enough to mod this, so just take my star o/ :3
thx you and your kds :3
random mod

00:10:382 (13) - nc plz
00:15:192 (3,1) - move to left
00:27:013 (4,5,6,7) - correct spacing plz
01:10:382 (9) - nc
01:54:730 (4,5,6,7) - move to slider start
02:06:632 (3) - non rythm slider lol
03:35:980 (6) - nc
04:39:730 (2) - move

nice meme
Topic Starter

VenixPL wrote:

random mod

00:10:382 (13) - nc plz
00:15:192 (3,1) - move to left
00:27:013 (4,5,6,7) - correct spacing plz fixed
01:10:382 (9) - nc
01:54:730 (4,5,6,7) - move to slider start on purpose
02:06:632 (3) - non rythm slider lol
03:35:980 (6) - nc
04:39:730 (2) - move

nice meme

thanks :3
  • Black is Personal comments.
    Bold Black is Highly recommended to fix.
    Red is Unrankable that you should fix.

  1. Unused hitsounds:

  1. 00:23:426 (4,5,6,7) - 雖然我個人不喜歡鈍角,但如果要放的話也放點幾何圖形吧,比如這個放成八角形的其中四個的也可以
  2. 00:55:056 (1) - 在這五角星裡面這個看上去歪了
  3. 01:55:708 (3,4) - 間距有點太近了,看上去像是1/4,參考01:57:665 (1,2) - 就知道了
  4. 02:12:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - 我個人是建議堆疊的方式放成像一點段副歌前的那樣,123不疊然後45疊
  5. 03:15:110 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - 這個真是不太好打,我寧可NC的那裡間距大一點,然後用銳角
  6. 03:32:882 (5) - NC
  7. 03:56:523 (2,3,4) - 04:01:904 (4,5,6) - 這種我知道你想放的是平行的三個圓圈,但我怎麼看都覺得是手擺的(強迫症),這種東西要先複製貼上前兩個圓圈一次然後才能得到第三個圓圈的準確位。截圖裡面,246是原本的三個圓圈,35是複製24的兩個圓圈,然後把35移到4的位置,就可以知道6的準確位置了,然後把6移到5的位置,再刪掉35。
  8. 04:05:491 (5) - NC
  9. 04:13:643 (2) - 為什麼這個要用1/1折返呢,忽略了很多音啊,而且我覺得即使要放1/1折返也應該這樣放
  10. 04:25:708 (1,2,3) - 用複製的來做平行
  11. 04:28:969 (5,1) - NC應該互換一下
  12. 04:29:295 (1) - 上面有說的問題
  13. 04:32:556 (1,3) - NC互換
  14. 04:39:730 (2) - 不知道為何要堆疊,不如你ctrl+G一下更好
  15. 04:39:730 (2) - NC
Call me back when you are ready!
Topic Starter

Kencho wrote:

  • Black is Personal comments.
    Bold Black is Highly recommended to fix.
    Red is Unrankable that you should fix.

  1. Unused hitsounds:
    soft-sliderslide3.wav fixed

  1. 00:23:426 (4,5,6,7) - 雖然我個人不喜歡鈍角,但如果要放的話也放點幾何圖形吧,比如這個放成八角形的其中四個的也可以 4位置改了下,调了下DS
  2. 00:55:056 (1) - 在這五角星裡面這個看上去歪了还好吧...
  3. 01:55:708 (3,4) - 間距有點太近了,看上去像是1/4,參考01:57:665 (1,2) - 就知道了ok
  4. 02:12:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - 我個人是建議堆疊的方式放成像一點段副歌前的那樣,123不疊然後45疊 可以,顺便调了下位置
  5. 03:15:110 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - 這個真是不太好打,我寧可NC的那裡間距大一點,然後用銳角其实我觉得还好..不过还是改了
  6. 03:32:882 (5) - NC
  7. 03:56:523 (2,3,4) - 04:01:904 (4,5,6) - 這種我知道你想放的是平行的三個圓圈,但我怎麼看都覺得是手擺的(強迫症),這種東西要先複製貼上前兩個圓圈一次然後才能得到第三個圓圈的準確位。截圖裡面,246是原本的三個圓圈,35是複製24的兩個圓圈,然後把35移到4的位置,就可以知道6的準確位置了,然後把6移到5的位置,再刪掉35。 强迫症没救hh
  8. 04:05:491 (5) - NC ok
  9. 04:13:643 (2) - 為什麼這個要用1/1折返呢,忽略了很多音啊,而且我覺得即使要放1/1折返也應該這樣放这里其实和前面一样啦...
  10. 04:25:708 (1,2,3) - 用複製的來做平行 ok
  11. 04:28:969 (5,1) - NC應該互換一下 ok
  12. 04:29:295 (1) - 上面有說的問題 ^
  13. 04:32:556 (1,3) - NC互換 ok
  14. 04:39:730 (2) - 不知道為何要堆疊,不如你ctrl+G一下更好 ok
  15. 04:39:730 (2) - NC ??? ???
Call me back when you are ready!

最後那個NC說錯了,是04:48:371 (6) - 還有04:51:306 (4) - 要NC一下
Edit: Fixed some NC problems, looks good.
  1. epilepsy warning强烈建议勾选,因为比如从00:52:447 - 到00:55:056 - 还是有很多flashing的,打图有点晃眼...

  1. 00:23:426 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这边分组不对啊,首先00:23:915 (7) - 没鼓,不应该和其他圈一样被emphasise,其次00:23:752 (6,7,1,2) - 一组,00:24:404 (3,4,5,6) - 一组,00:23:426 (4,5) - 是属于vocal的。
    感觉这边00:23:915 (7) - 需要删了,00:23:752 (6,1) - swap NC。此外00:24:975 (7) - 既然map了为什么00:24:322 - 忽略了?
  2. 00:27:665 (1,2) - 为什么要红点,四个圆弧好看多了..
  3. 00:33:697 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - 这边应该00:34:187 (2,2,2,2) - 这四个NC,其他的不要
  4. 00:31:578 (6,1) - 00:32:556 (1,2) - 00:33:534 (3,1) - swap NC...这一块应该重音NC,你现在全部是红线,打起来就感觉很奇怪,而且其实可以12341234,不需要spam...
  5. 00:39:730 (2,3,4) - DS怎么突然那么小?
  6. 00:40:871 (2,3) - 然后又突然那么大,00:41:034 (3,4) - 这边又那么小,事实上按照音乐00:41:034 (3,4) - 这边才需要强调,需要一个跳,前面00:40:708 (1,2,3) - 应该保持近似DS。
  7. 00:45:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 你看这边你就没NC...前面那边太奇怪
  8. 00:45:600 (1) - 去掉NC然后00:45:926 (3,7) - NC
  9. 00:51:795 (6,7) - 换个位置?毕竟00:50:817 (3,4,5) - 这样过来的
  10. 01:53:752 (1,3) - 可以包好一点
  11. 02:04:187 (2,3,1,2) - 02:04:839 (3,1,2,3) - 还是说一下吧,这边不是3个一组,而是4个
  12. 02:39:404 (1,2) - 做成一样?
  13. 03:04:839 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - 这边太难了点吧?03:05:328 (7,1) - 突然的大间距但是好像音乐也没啥很大变化
  14. 03:44:621 (1,2) - 对称一点吧,这blanket
  15. 03:51:958 (4,1) - stack?这样可以体现03:52:284 (6,1) - 的跳
  16. 03:53:752 (1,2,3) - 建议做成和03:53:100 (1,2,3) - 一样
  17. 04:07:937 (1) - cancel NC
  18. 04:52:610 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 。。??为什么不做个stream。。

做的蛮好的,kiai打起来很好玩,不过很多地方我个人不是很喜欢,所以说继续加油啦 :)
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

  1. epilepsy warning强烈建议勾选,因为比如从00:52:447 - 到00:55:056 - 还是有很多flashing的,打图有点晃眼...ok
    app图为什么od那么低,不考虑8-9? od888

  1. 00:23:426 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这边分组不对啊,首先00:23:915 (7) - 没鼓,不应该和其他圈一样被emphasise,其次00:23:752 (6,7,1,2) - 一组,00:24:404 (3,4,5,6) - 一组,00:23:426 (4,5) - 是属于vocal的。ok
    感觉这边00:23:915 (7) - 需要删了,00:23:752 (6,1) - swap NC。此外00:24:975 (7) - 既然map了为什么00:24:322 - 忽略了?不忽略不太好打...
  2. 00:27:665 (1,2) - 为什么要红点,四个圆弧好看多了..ok
  3. 00:33:697 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - 这边应该00:34:187 (2,2,2,2) - 这四个NC,其他的不要 ok
  4. 00:31:578 (6,1) - 00:32:556 (1,2) - 00:33:534 (3,1) - swap NC...这一块应该重音NC,你现在全部是红线,打起来就感觉很奇怪,而且其实可以12341234,不需要spam...12341234
  5. 00:39:730 (2,3,4) - DS怎么突然那么小?
  6. 00:40:871 (2,3) - 然后又突然那么大,00:41:034 (3,4) - 这边又那么小,事实上按照音乐00:41:034 (3,4) - 这边才需要强调,需要一个跳,前面00:40:708 (1,2,3) - 应该保持近似DS。感觉打起来好像没啥问题..其实是我挺喜欢这个梗的 不要打我
  7. 00:45:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 你看这边你就没NC...前面那边太奇怪
  8. 00:45:600 (1) - 去掉NC然后00:45:926 (3,7) - NC ok
  9. 00:51:795 (6,7) - 换个位置?毕竟00:50:817 (3,4,5) - 这样过来的 还是现在这样感觉比较好打..?
  10. 01:53:752 (1,3) - 可以包好一点 ok
  11. 02:04:187 (2,3,1,2) - 02:04:839 (3,1,2,3) - 还是说一下吧,这边不是3个一组,而是4个3个一组好像好读一点..
  12. 02:39:404 (1,2) - 做成一样?ok
  13. 03:04:839 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - 这边太难了点吧?03:05:328 (7,1) - 突然的大间距但是好像音乐也没啥很大变化 ]^不要打我ww
  14. 03:44:621 (1,2) - 对称一点吧,这blanket ok
  15. 03:51:958 (4,1) - stack?这样可以体现03:52:284 (6,1) - 的跳 恩..不过我移动的是前面的5个note...
  16. 03:53:752 (1,2,3) - 建议做成和03:53:100 (1,2,3) - 一样 这里我是有考虑过的..后面3连stack比较好..
  17. 04:07:937 (1) - cancel NC ok
  18. 04:52:610 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 。。??为什么不做个stream。。我感觉这里还是放原地stream比较好..

做的蛮好的,kiai打起来很好玩,不过很多地方我个人不是很喜欢,所以说继续加油啦 :)

nice song&storyboard&map

Hey, I did some work for the design of your theme. I hope you like it. :D
Topic Starter

Impulsekun wrote:

Hey, I did some work for the design of your theme. I hope you like it. :D

ohh awesome thanks!

Pururut wrote:

Impulsekun wrote:

Hey, I did some work for the design of your theme. I hope you like it. :D

ohh awesome thanks!
np, glad you liked it
some scrolling images exceed the maximum file dimensions, try resize these
sb\Lihui\1.png (768x1052)
sb\Lihui\1.1.png (768x1052)
sb\Lihui\1.2.png (768x1052)
sb\Lihui\1.3.png (768x1052)
sb\Lihui\3.png (1200x1644)

also unused files

do you have metadata source? the artist doesn't look right since you have a double space between つぼみ and (Long Version)
also if you have jubeat in tags why isn't it a source? just curious

00:13:235 - how come you skipped this? the drums/guitar is still there
00:13:643 (3) - clap?
00:13:562 - it seems a lot of the blue ticks drums are ignored yet you have triplets where there aren't actually triplets like 00:13:806 (4,5,6) - isn't actually a triplet in the music since the guitar trill is on 00:14:051
00:17:148 - pretty loud drum here and there is no need to make 00:17:230 (1) - a triple since theres no sound on the blue tick there. something like works fine
00:17:475 - sound is here not 00:17:638
00:18:616 - 00:19:268 - some other drums u might want to include
00:26:687 (1) - is nc really needed?
00:51:306 (4) - should have nc somewhere around here
00:55:627 - same kinda problem with the triplets here imo, the drum triplets land on the 2nd red tick of every measure eg. 00:56:931 - 00:58:235 - 00:59:540 - yet they dont seem to be mapped, and instead you add extra triplets that aren't in the music like 00:55:953 - 00:59:866 - so it doesn't really follow the music that well..
01:08:752 (5,6,7,8) - doesn't really have much emphasis on important beats here since u use same ds. 01:08:589 (3,6,8) - are the most powerful notes so why not make them stand out more with higher spacing
01:09:648 (4) - i dont think this note exists in the music
01:17:882 (1) - stick to standard nc patterns here? i don't really see the need for variation when this is the same as something like 00:57:013 (3,4,5,6,1)
01:31:578 (1,2) - ctrl g. triple is on 01:31:822
imo u could self mod the rest of your map with the things i mentioned to improve overall quality and make it follow the music more closely.

one more thing:
04:56:360 - sb load is ridiculously high here and peaks at 8.88x at 05:06:469 - so try optimise ur sb to have an sb load under 5.0x

popped for sb/metadata/quality
good luck!
sb\Lihui\1.png (768x1052)
sb\Lihui\1.1.png (768x1052)
sb\Lihui\1.2.png (768x1052)
sb\Lihui\1.3.png (768x1052)

they are ok, so

resized:sb\Lihui\3.png (1200x1644)

del files

decrese sb load

Topic Starter

Pentori wrote:

do you have metadata source? the artist doesn't look right since you have a double space between つぼみ and (Long Version)
also if you have jubeat in tags why isn't it a source? just curious space fixed,metamod are copy rank ver :<

00:13:235 - how come you skipped this? the drums/guitar is still there fixed
00:13:643 (3) - clap? ok
00:13:562 - it seems a lot of the blue ticks drums are ignored yet you have triplets where there aren't actually triplets like 00:13:806 (4,5,6) - isn't actually a triplet in the music since the guitar trill is on 00:14:051 ok
00:17:148 - pretty loud drum here and there is no need to make 00:17:230 (1) - a triple since theres no sound on the blue tick there. something like works fine
00:17:475 - sound is here not 00:17:638 im ignore 00:17:230 (1) but triple at blue tick
00:18:616 - 00:19:268 - some other drums u might want to include fixed
00:26:687 (1) - is nc really needed? remove nc
00:51:306 (4) - should have nc somewhere around here add nc
00:55:627 - same kinda problem with the triplets here imo, the drum triplets land on the 2nd red tick of every measure eg. 00:56:931 - 00:58:235 - 00:59:540 - yet they dont seem to be mapped, and instead you add extra triplets that aren't in the music like 00:55:953 - 00:59:866 - so it doesn't really follow the music that well.. fixed somepart
01:08:752 (5,6,7,8) - doesn't really have much emphasis on important beats here since u use same ds. 01:08:589 (3,6,8) - are the most powerful notes so why not make them stand out more with higher spacing ok
01:09:648 (4) - i dont think this note exists in the music imo is fine?
01:17:882 (1) - stick to standard nc patterns here? i don't really see the need for variation when this is the same as something like 00:57:013 (3,4,5,6,1)
01:31:578 (1,2) - ctrl g. triple is on 01:31:822 ok
imo u could self mod the rest of your map with the things i mentioned to improve overall quality and make it follow the music more closely. uhh,im already mod by myself,as a extra diff appropriate overmap and undermap is work fine imo :L maybe is my style??
thanks :3
changes are fine. although sb can still be optimised, it should be ok
feel free to rebubble

Kencho wrote:


00:06:795 - drumsample?
00:52:121 (5,6,7,8) - 02:11:523 (3,4,5,6) - 加点音效?还有我感觉02:07:284 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 听上去没 00:49:187 (5,6,7,8) - 效果好啊,02:07:447 - 02:07:610 (4,5,6) - 之类都没表现出来
02:16:415 (3,4,5) - 一眼看到这个ds不一样;;
02:48:045 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:29:784 (4,5,6,7,8) - nc统一一下,另外感觉02:48:371 (5) - 和第一段第三段一样用normalfinish听起来更舒服点
03:01:741 (1,2) - 1/2+1/1滑条感觉更连贯点?
00:14:458 - 00:15:273 - 00:18:371 - 00:18:860 - 01:23:752 - 01:28:969 - 02:42:013 - 02:45:926 - 03:34:676 - 03:35:328 - 04:26:360 - 04:42:013 - 04:45:926 - 04:47:230 - 04:50:491 - 04:51:795 - 04:57:502 - 04:59:458 - 05:00:763 - 考虑finish,可能我没看出来加的逻辑.. 不过有些地方是有前后不一致的,你看着加点 ;w;;
还有一个,不知道前面有没人提过,我感觉kiai停在 01:30:110 - 更好啊,中间空一段还是kiai感觉比较迷,后面两段也是
Topic Starter

Garden wrote:

还有我觉得大概yf大师现在能再优化一下size和load了? 天哪,我明明都删掉了的..我可能传了假图

00:06:795 - drumsample? ok
00:52:121 (5,6,7,8) - 02:11:523 (3,4,5,6) - 加点音效?ok还有我感觉02:07:284 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 听上去没 00:49:187 (5,6,7,8) - 效果好啊,02:07:447 - 02:07:610 (4,5,6) - 之类都没表现出来 感觉还好..应该不用改
02:16:415 (3,4,5) - 一眼看到这个ds不一样;; fixed
02:48:045 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:29:784 (4,5,6,7,8) - nc统一一下,另外感觉02:48:371 (5) - 和第一段第三段一样用normalfinish听起来更舒服点ok
03:01:741 (1,2) - 1/2+1/1滑条感觉更连贯点? ok
00:14:458 - 00:15:273 - 00:18:371 - 00:18:860 - 01:23:752 - 01:28:969 - 02:42:013 - 02:45:926 - 03:34:676 - 03:35:328 - 04:26:360 - 04:42:013 - 04:45:926 - 04:47:230 - 04:50:491 - 04:51:795 - 04:57:502 - 04:59:458 - 05:00:763 - 考虑finish,可能我没看出来加的逻辑.. 不过有些地方是有前后不一致的,你看着加点 ;w;;ok
还有一个,不知道前面有没人提过,我感觉kiai停在 01:30:110 - 更好啊,中间空一段还是kiai感觉比较迷,后面两段也是ok
#1 rebub
gl this time!
Cherry Blossom
Go, baka Pururut :3
lol that diffname
I mean it makes sense so feel free to keep it, but why use the German translation of the song name?
your bg is really low quality with lots of jpeg artifacts, here's a much better one:
(seems like the sb doesn't use that image anyways, so just replacing the sb/bg.jpg file should be fine)

some of the sb images like all of the /cg ones have similar issues, but idk how possible it is to get better quality versions of them...
they seem like they were compressed way too much
00:01:578 (1) - shouldn't this have a finish?
00:10:464 (14) - think it would be much nicer if this was deleted, it's doesn't realyl seem supported by the song and having nothing here would give much better emphasis for the vocal on 00:10:382 (13) -
00:21:062 (2) - is this really needed? somethng like might work much better
00:21:469 (3) - what is this following, you start it on a vocal, but then ignore vocal on the red tick? since 00:22:284 (1,2,3) - map vocals, you should probably do it here too
00:54:730 (4,5) - don't think suddenly stacking this fits with how you build up pressure before :c some spacing would be great // 02:12:991 (4,5) - similar

01:02:719 (8,1) - similar problem with stack here cause you never do emphasis like that in this part, maybe try moving 8 like stacking it on 01:01:578 (1) - tail for example? // 02:18:371 (4,1) - maybe could so something like here ? // 04:36:632 (3,1) - maybe ?
01:04:676 - did you consider a rhythm like here? think that makes more sense
01:11:197 - can you not skip this, it seems so unfitting to randmly ignore nearly everything the song does // 02:29:295 (2) - 04:29:295 (2) - 04:29:295 (2) - 04:13:643 (2) -
01:23:752 (1) - really easy to mistake for 1/2 gap cause you never used such 3/4 slider spacing things, maybe do instead to make it more clear with spacing?
01:39:241 - why is this not mapped when 00:20:980 - is the same but mapped?
01:54:730 (4,5,6,7,1) - I get what this is supposed to do, but I think it doesn't work well. they overlap so much so people will just aim in the middle of the stack and play it normally, giving no special emphasis to 1, it just looks weird and you also never do it anywhere else. I'd just stack them normally
02:26:687 (2,3) - similar stacking thing, they just don't work well because you also often use stacks that end on weak sounds and having both doesn't make much sense
02:40:056 (3,4,5) - this overmap doesn't make any sense, it doesn't even emphasize anything, just puts random pressure on red tick and doesn't match the song
03:56:197 (5,6,1) - so you have whistles on "things" before, but no whistles for the piano triple? think reducing whistles in this part a bit but adding them here would be great // 03:57:013 (1) - 04:04:187 -
04:25:708 (1,2,3) - seems like this was supposed to have even spacing but autostacking ruined it, could move 2 a bit to fix
fine map overall, but I hope you can fix some rhythm and emphasis things before asking me to recheck this
Cherry Blossom
Because i want to, it's never too late.
Hello pururut long time no see :3


  1. 00:15:600 (3,4) - in order to make the movement more fluid, it would be better if you move (4) a bit further than (3), the low distance between them when there is a higher distance before looks a little unnatural to play.
  2. 00:40:382 (4,5,6,1,2) - The same idea as ^ goes for this too, it will be better if there is a longer distance between these objects to make the jump between 00:40:871 (2,3) - less surprising, and more comfortable to play, according to what you did before with your sliders here 00:39:404 (1,2,3) -
  3. 00:43:969 (3,4) - The low distance between them looks a little clunky compared to 00:44:621 (1,2) -. There is no real difference in the song concerning intensity to justify a spacing difference. It will give a better impression if there is a higher distance between 00:44:295 (4,1) -
  4. 00:52:447 (1,2,3) - The song is really intense here, but the distance between these objects is low and that's disappointing a bit, i know you can make more spaced things in order to show the real impact of the song, there should be a higher distance between these objects :D
  5. 01:42:339 (2,3,4,5) - Here the distance between objects is not really the same, and it looks a little clunky, i'm pretty sure you didn't make it intentionally. Better fixing the distance between them.
  6. 02:22:447 (1,2,3) - This pattern would look better if there was the same distance between reach circles from this triangle, and it would be also more fluid, so more comfortable to play.
  7. 03:27:991 (2) - I looks a little sad that you didn't made the red tick here 03:28:154 - played by a note to emphasize the strong guitar note, it should be really played to give a better impression like you did here for example 03:33:371 (2,3,4) -
  8. 04:26:360 (1,2,3,4) - Same thing as i said for 00:52:447 (1,2,3) -, this is one of the most intense part of the song, but the way you mapped it doesn't really show the real impact of the song, and there should be a higher distance between objects, especially between 04:26:360 (1,2) -

Good luck Pururut, this must be ranked ! :D
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

lol that diffname
I mean it makes sense so feel free to keep it, but why use the German translation of the song name? lol,just look "Knospe" is fine,someone told me that how to set a diffname "put your songs title to google translate and choice a language randomly".
your bg is really low quality with lots of jpeg artifacts, here's a much better one:
(seems like the sb doesn't use that image anyways, so just replacing the sb/bg.jpg file should be fine) wow, i forget osu support 1080p bg now,but i dont know it will make my map touch the limitation of osz file's size?

some of the sb images like all of the /cg ones have similar issues, but idk how possible it is to get better quality versions of them...
they seem like they were compressed way too much ^
00:01:578 (1) - shouldn't this have a finish? finish maybe to loud here so i choose wistle substitute finish
00:10:464 (14) - think it would be much nicer if this was deleted, it's doesn't realyl seem supported by the song and having nothing here would give much better emphasis for the vocal on 00:10:382 (13) - ok
00:21:062 (2) - is this really needed? somethng like might work much better deleted 1 and 2
00:21:469 (3) - what is this following, you start it on a vocal, but then ignore vocal on the red tick? since 00:22:284 (1,2,3) - map vocals, you should probably do it here too ok, i did some adjust
00:54:730 (4,5) - don't think suddenly stacking this fits with how you build up pressure before :c some spacing would be great // 02:12:991 (4,5) - similar this stacking is in order to emphasize 00:55:056 (1) - imo

01:02:719 (8,1) - similar problem with stack here cause you never do emphasis like that in this part, maybe try moving 8 like stacking it on 01:01:578 (1) - tail for example? // 02:18:371 (4,1) - maybe could so something like here ? // 04:36:632 (3,1) - maybe ? ok
01:04:676 - did you consider a rhythm like here? think that makes more sense ok
01:11:197 - can you not skip this, it seems so unfitting to randmly ignore nearly everything the song does // 02:29:295 (2) - 04:29:295 (2) - 04:29:295 (2) - 04:13:643 (2) - hmm it's work fine? imo
01:23:752 (1) - really easy to mistake for 1/2 gap cause you never used such 3/4 slider spacing things, maybe do instead to make it more clear with spacing? ok
01:39:241 - why is this not mapped when 00:20:980 - is the same but mapped? removed
01:54:730 (4,5,6,7,1) - I get what this is supposed to do, but I think it doesn't work well. they overlap so much so people will just aim in the middle of the stack and play it normally, giving no special emphasis to 1, it just looks weird and you also never do it anywhere else. I'd just stack them normally ok
02:26:687 (2,3) - similar stacking thing, they just don't work well because you also often use stacks that end on weak sounds and having both doesn't make much sense fixed
02:40:056 (3,4,5) - this overmap doesn't make any sense, it doesn't even emphasize anything, just puts random pressure on red tick and doesn't match the song ok
03:56:197 (5,6,1) - so you have whistles on "things" before, but no whistles for the piano triple? think reducing whistles in this part a bit but adding them here would be great // 03:57:013 (1) - 04:04:187 - ok
04:25:708 (1,2,3) - seems like this was supposed to have even spacing but autostacking ruined it, could move 2 a bit to fix fixed
fine map overall, but I hope you can fix some rhythm and emphasis things before asking me to recheck this

baka cb

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Because i want to, it's never too late.
Hello pururut long time no see :3


  1. 00:15:600 (3,4) - in order to make the movement more fluid, it would be better if you move (4) a bit further than (3), the low distance between them when there is a higher distance before looks a little unnatural to play.adjust (3)'s position
  2. 00:40:382 (4,5,6,1,2) - The same idea as ^ goes for this too, it will be better if there is a longer distance between these objects to make the jump between 00:40:871 (2,3) - less surprising, and more comfortable to play, according to what you did before with your sliders here 00:39:404 (1,2,3) - ok
  3. 00:43:969 (3,4) - The low distance between them looks a little clunky compared to 00:44:621 (1,2) -. There is no real difference in the song concerning intensity to justify a spacing difference. It will give a better impression if there is a higher distance between 00:44:295 (4,1) - ok
  4. 00:52:447 (1,2,3) - The song is really intense here, but the distance between these objects is low and that's disappointing a bit, i know you can make more spaced things in order to show the real impact of the song, there should be a higher distance between these objects :D ok :D
  5. 01:42:339 (2,3,4,5) - Here the distance between objects is not really the same, and it looks a little clunky, i'm pretty sure you didn't make it intentionally. Better fixing the distance between them.fixed
  6. 02:22:447 (1,2,3) - This pattern would look better if there was the same distance between reach circles from this triangle, and it would be also more fluid, so more comfortable to play.fixed
  7. 03:27:991 (2) - I looks a little sad that you didn't made the red tick here 03:28:154 - played by a note to emphasize the strong guitar note, it should be really played to give a better impression like you did here for example 03:33:371 (2,3,4) - lol dont sad , i edit it
  8. 04:26:360 (1,2,3,4) - Same thing as i said for 00:52:447 (1,2,3) -, this is one of the most intense part of the song, but the way you mapped it doesn't really show the real impact of the song, and there should be a higher distance between objects, especially between 04:26:360 (1,2) - ok

Good luck Pururut, this must be ranked ! :D

thanks Lasse and baka cb :)
even with the higher quality bg your map is only ~20mb, that shouldn't cause any problems
looks fine now, gl!
Wing My Way
  1. 00:41:523 (5,6) - 我还以为你这里会摆个跳
  2. 00:49:187 (1,2,3,4) - 这个梗我觉得有点恶意
  3. 01:08:589 (3,4,5) - 我觉得1/2单点在这里比三连合适
  4. 01:43:154 (5) - 弧度拉直一点?
  5. 01:56:850 (1) - remove nc?
  6. 01:58:317 (1) - ^
  7. 03:09:241 (4) - nc
just some nazi things, it's mapped well already.
Topic Starter

Koiyuki wrote:

  1. 00:41:523 (5,6) - 我还以为你这里会摆个跳
  2. 00:49:187 (1,2,3,4) - 这个梗我觉得有点恶意 去掉蓝线上的NOTE了
  3. 01:08:589 (3,4,5) - 我觉得1/2单点在这里比三连合适
  4. 01:43:154 (5) - 弧度拉直一点? 感觉差不多。。
  5. 01:56:850 (1) - remove nc?ok
  6. 01:58:317 (1) - ^ ok
  7. 03:09:241 (4) - nc ok
just some nazi things, it's mapped well already.

射射yuki :3
恭喜 :oops:
Cherry Blossom
Gratz baka pururut :3
终于飞啦 :)
Fushimi Rio
Topic Starter
感谢各位 :3

thank you everyone :3
i think ur missing a cloud or something


Kibbleru wrote:

i think ur missing a cloud or something

oppai is life
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

i think ur missing a cloud or something

oppai is fine.

and need @yf_bmp
Wing My Way
yf_bmp storyboard is beautiful ones
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