
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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BrokenArrow wrote:

Have any of you actually tried to send feedback to peppy or link him this thread? I'm pretty sure noone cares about the forums as much as OT does, so it might be a good idea to let him know. He said the new website will never be a finished product, so maybe he's willing to listen (especially concerning the infinite scrolling feature)
Especially concerning the infinite scrolling feature he's definitely not willing to listen.
I mean I know he has been very stubborn in the past but lately he seems to care more about what the community (i.e. reddit) thinks, so who knows dude

Aurani wrote:

Hika wrote:

I’m sorry. You’re very right in this situation :p
Look who finally noticed me! :p
To be fair, you didn’t reply back to me.

Endaris wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

Have any of you actually tried to send feedback to peppy or link him this thread? I'm pretty sure noone cares about the forums as much as OT does, so it might be a good idea to let him know. He said the new website will never be a finished product, so maybe he's willing to listen (especially concerning the infinite scrolling feature)
Especially concerning the infinite scrolling feature he's definitely not willing to listen.
Infinite scrolling did get a bit better, but still not like pages. Going by post enumeration instead of sets of 15 is weird.
Zain Sugieres

Kisses wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

its been pretty clear for a long while that the dev team doesnt care about off topic subforums and only cares about mapping/tournament/help subforums and in that case the lack or pages will not change much
What? Ofc it would have an impact in those places, why wouldn't it?

I pretty much agree with Railey overall. The dev team do care more about the design than the functionality of the users, especially as it doesn't affect them. The same happened with the new modding process with beatmaps where are lot of feedback/opinions (that aren't good ones) fall on deaf ears
well what I meant was those subforums wouldnt be affected as much, I dont think map threads often exceed 10 pages or smth and in off topic subforums u see threads that are 50-100 pages long and more

BrokenArrow wrote:

I mean I know he has been very stubborn in the past but lately he seems to care more about what the community (i.e. reddit) thinks, so who knows dude
>December 19th 2017


DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Protest method: Making a new thread every single time it reaches 15-30 posts to keep the threads readable
Oh my god, this is an excellent idea. 15 posts per thread, let's go.

Well, at least Tuuba Forums might become active again once the new layout gets forced.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Have any of you actually tried to send feedback to peppy or link him this thread?

Idk if you were there for it, but remember what happened when Granger gave a perfectly valid, long and detailed post about unused space in the new forum design? Remember peppy's reaction?

no thanks. Peppy is a manchild. Let him have his shitty design. Time to move on.

Also, peppy openly admitted to taking bribes to "look into peoples appeals". £60 for unban anyone? The staff has zero integrity. I expect nothing from them.

And besides, it's only gonna be the heavy users that are really unhappy with the new designs. They care most about functionality, after all. Everyone else? They'll love looking at something shiny and neat, probably won't even mind the infinite scrolling cancer, because they're not spending that much time on here either way.
So peppy will keep hearing from that group that the design is good, and guess who he's gonna listen to.

The design will work for the majority, so in that sense it is not a bad design. It's just really bad for us, sadly.

Hika wrote:

To be fair, you didn’t reply back to me.
Reply back to you? What? Do show me, as I'm 100% sure I replied to you...

Railey2 wrote:

Idk if you were there for it, but remember what happened when Granger gave a perfectly valid, long and detailed post about unused space in the new forum design? Remember peppy's reaction?
we needed to yell louder than ppy. smack him with a bratwurst while at it too
Green Platinum

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Can you list them?
-Last post on a page is no longer relegated.
-Less downtime reading through a thread.
-I actually think it is faster to scroll through to find a post if you are not sure how long ago it happened. (Although search is a thing)

Railey2 wrote:

Also, peppy openly admitted to taking bribes to "look into peoples appeals". £60 for unban anyone? The staff has zero integrity. I expect nothing from them
How much does 100 pp cost?

Green Platinum wrote:

How much does 100 pp cost?
50 kudosu at the current exchange rate

And in case someone asks, unban costs about 2 years of supporter at the current exchange rate
Zain Sugieres
depends on the booster of your choice
Green Platinum

Zain Sugieres wrote:

depends on the booster of your choice
I'm talking buying directly from the pepster himself. Having no integrity and all.
boost me zain

BrokenArrow wrote:

Have any of you actually tried to send feedback to peppy or link him this thread? I'm pretty sure noone cares about the forums as much as OT does, so it might be a good idea to let him know. He said the new website will never be a finished product, so maybe he's willing to listen (especially concerning the infinite scrolling feature)
I've tried giving peppy feedback... his responses usually amount to something along the lines of "fuck you, I do what I like". Last time I wrote up an in-depth critique of score-v2, but the thread was deleted quite quickly.

Green Platinum wrote:

Whoever is modding Otaku Culture now just shadow removes everything. As somebody who desperately wants that sub-forum to change this is depressing.
Fuck the mods and fuck how this forum is operated.
lo and behold, the archetypal forum moderator, these type of people are everywhere. It's stupid really, a lot of people have no discipline or self-respect and jump at the opportunity to engage in a sort of hierarchical power play even if it's something as inconsequential as a forum.

OT is good for the most part, with it being left to its own devices most of the time. Though it seems that's set to change with the new forum design. I wouldn't recommend going to Tuuba though, it's the same deal of intolerable personalities wielding moderator power.

B1rd wrote:

I've tried giving peppy feedback... his responses usually amount to something along the lines of "fuck you, I do what I like". Last time I wrote up an in-depth critique of score-v2, but the thread was deleted quite quickly.
but score-v2 won't be used, so we win anyway?

B1rd wrote:

OT is good for the most part, with it being left to its own devices most of the time. Though it seems that's set to change with the new forum design. I wouldn't recommend going to Tuuba though, it's the same deal of intolerable personalities wielding moderator power.
people like being edgy and push boundaries then cry about it. It becomes a joke when people complain no action is being taken "where are mods? what they are doing?", while it is a hellscape of decision making for the mods themselves. People just have different standards and thresholds. Can't satisfy all of them. This is coming from my experience being the ot!neus discord admin, not really has anything to do with tuuba, but may be applicable.
I mean of course you'd support anarchy (despite clear evidence of it being complete shit here) than some form of authority and order.
This place was a hundred times more active and lively when the kiddies didn't have the balls to post shitty threads about suicide or some other equally meaningless thing because they feared being shunned by the regulars and molested by the mod.

Won't comment on your Tuuba thing since it's clear that at this point it's far too late for you to realise anything.
Green Platinum
I only care about the rules being enforced consistently. If I take some of these edits seriously; calling yourself a snob is offensive language and saying thicc anime girls is sexual content.

It's basically club penguin.
E m i

B1rd wrote:

I've tried giving peppy feedback... his responses usually amount to something along the lines of "fuck you, I do what I like". Last time I wrote up an in-depth critique of score-v2, but the thread was deleted quite quickly..
Maybe peppy is just overshooting backwards a bit when trying to fit in with the osu teenagers yes? Surely he's a nice guy or something in reality, deep inside, or something like that.

B1rd wrote:

I wouldn't recommend going to Tuuba though, it's the same deal of intolerable personalities wielding moderator power.
I mean, Mara can be a bit of an egg sometimes, but I've not had any issues with Brian beforehand?

Momi wrote:

B1rd wrote:

I've tried giving peppy feedback... his responses usually amount to something along the lines of "fuck you, I do what I like". Last time I wrote up an in-depth critique of score-v2, but the thread was deleted quite quickly..
Maybe peppy is just overshooting backwards a bit when trying to fit in with the osu teenagers yes? Surely he's a nice guy or something in reality, deep inside, or something like that.
well you can try to keep shutting your eyes at his blatant transphobia, bullying of community members and blatant ignorance of what the community actually wants, but I have a feeling it won't work forever

Momi wrote:

B1rd wrote:

I've tried giving peppy feedback... his responses usually amount to something along the lines of "fuck you, I do what I like". Last time I wrote up an in-depth critique of score-v2, but the thread was deleted quite quickly..
Maybe peppy is just overshooting backwards a bit when trying to fit in with the osu teenagers yes? Surely he's a nice guy or something in reality, deep inside, or something like that.
honestly I think he just has an very little opinion of anyone that opposes his ideas, anyone without qualifications or of a status
E m i

Tupsu wrote:

Momi wrote:

Maybe peppy is just overshooting backwards a bit when trying to fit in with the osu teenagers yes? Surely he's a nice guy or something in reality, deep inside, or something like that.
well you can try to keep shutting your eyes at his blatant transphobia, bullying of community members and blatant ignorance of what the community actually wants, but I have a feeling it won't work forever
I was like 1% serious, hopefully that's an appropriate amount

Kisses wrote:

Momi wrote:

Maybe peppy is just overshooting backwards a bit when trying to fit in with the osu teenagers yes? Surely he's a nice guy or something in reality, deep inside, or something like that.
honestly I think he just has an very little opinion of anyone that opposes his ideas, anyone without qualifications or of a status
wouldn't that just be more childish? not actually caring but still managing to flip out and act mad.

Tupsu wrote:

I mean, Mara can be a bit of an egg sometimes
How is that related to Tuuba though? I understand where you are coming from with that and I don't deny it. I haven't done any moderation in Tuuba however.

Mara wrote:

Tupsu wrote:

I mean, Mara can be a bit of an egg sometimes
How is that related to Tuuba though? I understand where you are coming from with that and I don't deny it. I haven't done any moderation in Tuuba however.
it's because you're a moderator and bird mentioned people with moderator powers, so I gave my personal honest opinion about your suitability to moderatorship
when the memes are too next level, not even the people involved understand them
Let's be honest here, Mara is a Nazi, but the kind of harmless Nazi you'd want to keep around.
But I can only moderate Mafia forum. :cry: Your memes are too advanced here.
E m i

Aurani wrote:

Let's be honest here, Mara is a Nazi, but the kind of harmless Nazi you'd want to keep around.
sounds good :D
hello my name is fredsjr but you can call me the osu challenge giver and i give challenges to streamers. but recently i made my own discord server to challenge you osu players. everyone is welcome. it is still really new so i would also like some help.

greetings from the osu challenge giver

fredsjr wrote:

but recently i made my own discord server to challenge you osu players

Also if you want to challenge someone, head on over here: t/683410
we got a good gig going on there
just make sure to cover the map for all gamemodes, or people gonna be upset
Comfy Slippers

god bless
E m i
E m i
is having a mental breakdown?

not bullying because that's me every second day

Lend me your ears.

Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this internet a new game, conceived in Rhythm, and dedicated to the proposition that pp =/= skill.

Admittedly, there is a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson in history tells us that the greater risk lies in farming, and this is the specter that our well-meaning ranked friends refuse to face that their policy of farming is egotistical, and it gives no choice between pass and fail, only between choke or FC.

In a sense we've come to our game's website to submit a score. When the architects of our Game wrote the magnificent code of osu! stable and the osu! web, they were signing a promissory note to which every Osuman was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all osuthletes - yes, farmers as well as anti-farmers - would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of fun, pp, and the shitposting of the forums.

In the councils of the scoreboards, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted pp, whether sought or unsought, by the pp-farming complex.

No osu player can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 ranked maps of the BNG's recorded history in a timespan of but 11 years.

5 years ago, the proudest boast was "I have 2,000pp". Today, in the world of farm maps, the proudest boast is "I have 10,000pp!" All farmers, wherever they may live, are secretly farmers, and therefore, as farmers, may take pride in the words "I am a farmer!"

This does not mean that you are boring players. On the contrary, the player above all other people prays for pp, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of choking. But always in our ears ring the ominous sounds of shitmiss: *record scratch*.
Vuelo Eluko
Scoreboards are everything to real top players, that is pride. PP just happens.
E m i
I don't know what pp is i only play for high acc on streams can someone fill me in what's a pp
a pp is pee pee

Momi wrote:

I don't know what pp is i only play for high acc on streams can someone fill me in what's a pp
E m i
Wow does it taste good
Green Platinum
Those proportions are messed up. It's distracting.
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