
Write anything in English without 'E'.

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ask cynplytholowazy smh
Ender Lain
Ok now...............................*runs
I should probably snooozzz

its 3 AM
topic pls no

Husa wrote:

Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr e al
mmkay. nothing wrong with this. nothing at all. mmhmm...

fuck I don't know what to say xD
This thing is turn to lot fun tho i turn all of word this post kinda ridiculous
DJ Enetro
this is so ridiculous tbh
trying to finish my songs n shit but I'm still lazy as fuckk
hyhy so tyrd
I wanna do shit but I'm too lazy

that's not surprising at all
DJ Enetro
it isn't surprising that you can construct a saying without that alpha-digit
I hit books all day
Popcorn from London is tasting salty today.
Although, it is highly common in most paragraphs, a trial at accomplishing such an account of writing is not that difficult. You would want to know that this task might occupy most of your brain for hours if not for a short duration. And as you go through this account, its composition will look atypical in a way or two. This is so, for I am struggling to attain words that would impart what I want to say. And in doing so, I'm also missing out on so many words that I must dismiss owing to our condition that binds this solution. Not willing to go on and on with this imposingly silly and absurd paragraph, I'll opt to put a halt at this point having shown practically that it is not impractical to attain a paragraph with our symbol of highlight.
I’m curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching.
I doubt I can. It’s a major part of many, many words. Omitting it is as hard as making muffins without flour. It’s as hard as spitting without saliva, napping without a pillow, driving a train without tracks, sailing to Russia without a boat, washing your hands without soap, or shitting without a butt. And, anyway, what would I gain? An award? A cash bonus? Bragging rights? Why should I strain my brain? It’s not worth doing. Now, a grammatical paragraph without commas: that would wow most folks on osu!, don’t you think? Could you do it? If so, I tip my hat to you—or I would if I had a hat. Or, how about a paragraph without punctuation? Or a paragraph without nouns? If you can do that, you’ll win my admiration. Go on. Try! I’m waiting…
If Youth, throughout all history, had had a champion to stand up for it; to show a doubting world that a child can think; and, possibly, do it practically, you wouldn't constantly run across folks today who claim that "a child don't know anything." A child's brain starts functioning at birth; and has, amongst its many infant convolutions, thousands of dormant atoms, into which God has put a mystic possibility for noticing an adult's act, and figuring out its purport.
So I saw this link waiting in my gmail chatbox. First thoughts- wow! that’s funny. And wait-57 posts for this? Things humans do just for a lark is difficult to swallow! That brings us to- how long is a paragraph? Didn’t think of that. Can I finish it? Now why should I tax my brain to think up a full paragraph without said unit of word? Just look at what I did. By God! Omitting said unit from writing IS tough. How do you do it? And to think a guy did a book without including said unit! Turns out I am following footfalls of 57+1 humans in this foolhardy thing-giggling throughout. Trying your hand at random silly things can do that to you. It’s mindboggling, isn’t it? Should I thank Sid(Got link from him) for all this giggling churning up from within? Or should I just bring this to an abrupt halt? Say what-this is addicting!
Prior to actually putting this submission to words I thought I could do it.
But as I was hiking through my vocabulary, I found a gigantic amount of words, without whom, I couldn’t satisfactorily finish off my post.
Thus, I was at a conclusion that our civilization is in fact short of a lot of synonyms of a lot words. Also, I thought on bringing this out anonymously to minds, who I thought would grasp this situation and bring a solution to this crisis. My anonymity you ask? Owing to my inborn quality of timidity. But, I thought, this finding was so important for humans that it could bring about a disruption in our daily ways of living. So I thought of publishing my findings as my own. I thought of an uncanny uproar which it would bring in our world… Sitting comfortably in my armchair, I thought of how famous and rich I would turn out owing to this finding (so rich that I might finally build an Iron Man suit). But alas, I found out that I was concluding my submission (that I was on my fifth “short” paragraph) without using that taboo symbol. And all my findings? A sham. You know, with hindsight I had known this would occur, as it always occurs with all my big findings…
Without much thought I go forward with this, at risk of looking a bit of a fool I may add. An artist will draw a man, a man without fail. A look of joy on his canvas, a sound of music ringing, inspiring, joyful, now it’s at a hush. This sound has similarity with sugar, but what to put it on? This pain of an unknown, a lion’s roar in his brain, this must stop! His work must has not stay without finish, his will to put paint to canvas has our crowd in aw, as his proud mom said, “A show this good cannot stop without a conclusion”. You should not succumb to distraction as our artist has. This paragraph is nothing but a list of words, a distraction for your day or night. Back to work say’s I!
^holy shit, how could you do that
tfw no gf
Not that many know, but I truly find comfort in just laying down and allowing my apathy to coat my mind. The inability to dramatically ascertain an opinion can assist us in many ways, and limit us from doing things nobody should want to do consciously with such faulty actions. It maintains this faint tranquility I contain within my mind, just knowing that I can stay under control. You should try it!

Lay down, and stay calm. You may find that you'd pass into a long and comforting nap.

Husa wrote:

mmkay. nothing wrong with this.
Reol is the answer!

Husa wrote:

Reol is the answer!
Yup. Truly a sad thing to occur.
copypastas cant toucha my dank stash
DJ Enetro
Bro, boy, gal, girl...

Just find a way to undo all of this.
its not working
Husa isn't that smart.
Birdy probably likes birds.
I want to jump until I drop

ItsSurreal wrote:

Birdy probably likes birds.
also nothing wrong with this. mmhmm.

damn, writing is kinda hard as soon as you omit it's foundational building blocks
i had food today, it was amazing!
any day with food is amazing

as long as you actually have food

DJ Enetro
... boi what is going on with you?
your sig isn't surprising
Zain Sugieres
hi this is zain
hi I am dying
arr you okay
My conscious mind is shaking my bottom.
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