
GameChops & VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix) [OsuMania

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Just throwing a random mod here because I don't want to look at my mod queue >.>

00:17:302 - Add an LN from here to 00:17:771 because the sustained notes begin around there.
00:39:802 (39802|6) - This LN changes pitch at 00:40:037, so end it here and start another from 00:40:037 to 00:40:271
02:14:959 and 02:15:017 - Add notes? There are synth sounds here.
02:40:740 (160740|5) - Think this ends at 02:40:935
02:41:209 (161209|3) - This should end at 02:41:560
02:42:146 (162146|1) - Think this ends 02:42:342
02:48:709 (168709|3) - I think this ends at 02:49:021
02:56:209 (176209|4) - I think this also ends at 02:56:521

No kudosu, they're probably all wrong anyway lol. Really nice map and song choice though, so take a star.
Topic Starter

_Asriel wrote:

Gimme Hopes and Dreams for this map ;)

I'll apply protastic's mod later (when I get home)
I'll give you kudosu ofc ;)
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

Just throwing a random mod here because I don't want to look at my mod queue >.>

00:17:302 - Add an LN from here to 00:17:771 because the sustained notes begin around there. Added from 00:16:834 -
00:39:802 (39802|6) - This LN changes pitch at 00:40:037, so end it here and start another from 00:40:037 to 00:40:271 I think it doesn't ;w; (I followed the guitar sound)
02:14:959 and 02:15:017 - Add notes? There are synth sounds here. Added first one and 04:14:959 - , second one naaah
02:40:740 (160740|5) - Think this ends at 02:40:935v
02:41:209 (161209|3) - This should end at 02:41:560v
02:42:146 (162146|1) - Think this ends 02:42:342v
02:48:709 (168709|3) - I think this ends at 02:49:021v
02:56:209 (176209|4) - I think this also ends at 02:56:521These are all correct... But they become hard to hit. I'll consider

No kudosu, they're probably all wrong anyway lol. Really nice map and song choice though, so take a star.
Yes kudosu.
Also thank you for the star \o/
[ A v a l o n ]
Hi jakads !
here is mod as requested from my queue


mod inside

  1. please remobe "Undertale" in your tags, since it's already on your source . . . so, it unnecessary to add it again in your tags
  2. 01:30:662 (90662|2,90662|0,90779|4,90779|5) - Ctrl G . . . i think it can be more fit to play since this part 01:30:662 - is already have same sound like this part 01:30:427 -
  3. 01:36:873 - add a note, i can clearly hear extra kick sound on this part, just like on here 01:37:224 -
  4. 01:44:373 - same reason as above ^
  5. 01:45:779 (105779|4) - delete this note, i can't hear anything in this time, seems it just contains a single long sound in this part . . . i can sure about that (try it on 25% playback rate for more sure)
  6. 01:53:279 (113279|1) - again, this is really a ghost note, it just contains a single long sound in this part . . . seems it's same case as 01:45:779
  7. 01:57:498 (117498|4) - same reason as above ^
  8. 01:58:787 (118787|0,118904|4) - will be good if you make this short LN same column, since the sound itself is same pitch too
  9. 01:59:373 - add note, an extra kick sound here
  10. 02:57:849 (177849|2,178318|2) - i think this time is different pitch . . . try to move it into another column
  11. 03:03:709 (183709|0) - the long of this LN is only reached here 03:03:943 - because after that, there is no long sound (bass) like on this part 03:04:412 (184412|6) -
  12. ok i give up with LN's lol
sorry for short mod, hope it helps
good luck :D
Topic Starter

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Hi jakads !
here is mod as requested from my queue


mod inside

  1. please remobe "Undertale" in your tags, since it's already on your source . . . so, it unnecessary to add it again in your tags Well that was song name called Undertale, but ok :D
  2. 01:30:662 (90662|2,90662|0,90779|4,90779|5) - Ctrl G . . . i think it can be more fit to play since this part 01:30:662 - is already have same sound like this part 01:30:427 - Nice
  3. 01:36:873 - add a note, i can clearly hear extra kick sound on this part, just like on here 01:37:224 - Fixed!
  4. 01:44:373 - same reason as above ^ Fixed!
  5. 01:45:779 (105779|4) - delete this note, i can't hear anything in this time, seems it just contains a single long sound in this part . . . i can sure about that (try it on 25% playback rate for more sure) Fixed!
  6. 01:53:279 (113279|1) - again, this is really a ghost note, it just contains a single long sound in this part . . . seems it's same case as 01:45:779 Hmm... 01:53:162 (113162|0) - This LN changes pitch at 01:53:279 -, which is why I added that. Maybe extending 01:53:162 (113162|0) - until 01:53:396 - might help?
  7. 01:57:498 (117498|4) - same reason as above ^ Fixed
  8. 01:58:787 (118787|0,118904|4) - will be good if you make this short LN same column, since the sound itself is same pitch too nah :/ I think they're different pitch
  9. 01:59:373 - add note, an extra kick sound here Fixed!
  10. 02:57:849 (177849|2,178318|2) - i think this time is different pitch . . . try to move it into another column Think it isn't :/
  11. 03:03:709 (183709|0) - the long of this LN is only reached here 03:03:943 - because after that, there is no long sound (bass) like on this part 03:04:412 (184412|6) - I'll keep the pattern, sorry :(
  12. ok i give up with LN's lol u wot lol
sorry for short mod, hope it helps
good luck :D
It helped :D
Thank you for modding!
모딩 왓슴요

column set
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

우선 BG 크기가 1309x736 이네요

랭크맵 규칙에서 보면 랭크 가능 크기는 1024x768 / 1366x768 둘 중 하나를 써야 해요
크기 변환 하셔야 합니당

그리고 비디오 video.mp4 보시면 오디오 소리 그대로 남겨져 있네요

소리는 지우셔야 해여

이 밑으로는 패턴 모딩

03:11:912 (191912|2,192381|3,192615|4) - 이부분 롱놋이 제가 생각하는 음을 따라가는 거면 좀 다르게 해야 할거 같은데
어떤 음을 따라가는지 제가 정확하게 몰라서..
자카님이 요부분 들어보시면 판단하셔야 할듯
자카님이 의도하신 음대로 배치하신거면 무시ㄱㄱ

03:47:771 - 03:52:927 - 이부분이 바로 앞부분하고 다르게 배치한거는 에디터 상에서는 알겠는데
직접 칠때는 패턴변화가 크게 없어서 바로 전부분하고 같은 패턴으로 이어지는거 같아서 좀 아쉬웠어요
좀 더 시각적으로 아 바로 전 부분과 확연히 다르구나 느끼게끔 패턴 변화를 주시면 더 나을거 같아요

예를 들어서 03:47:771 (227771|5,227771|2,228240|2,228240|3) - 이런 부분들 없애고 멜로디음을 좀 강조한다든가..?

04:00:896 (240896|4) - delete 음이 없는거 같네여

쭉 봤는데 패턴 자체는 딱히 모난 부분 없이 매끄럽게 이어지는 듯 한데

개인적으로 3.9 치고는 리딩하기 좀 어렵게 배치되어있다고 느꼈어요

짧은 롱놋 사이사이에 일반노트 껴 있는 배치 등등

bpm이 낮아서 그런지 패턴에 비해 스타레이팅이 낮게 잡힌게 좀 아쉽군여 흐규흐규
하앍 하앍
08:33 *- R e b a - is listening to [ toby fox - Voia's Remix Medley (His Theme, Temmie Village, Main Theme, Finale)]
08:35 jakads: 하앍
08:40 - R e b a -: 01:16:834 (76834|0) -
08:40 - R e b a -: 여기
08:40 - R e b a -:
08:40 - R e b a -: 이렇게 어떠심
08:40 - R e b a -: 꼭 바꿀 필요는 없음
08:40 jakads: 오오 좋네요
08:43 - R e b a -: 01:21:521 (81521|6) -
08:43 - R e b a -: 여기 다음부터
08:43 - R e b a -: 킥 사운드에 2개씩 넣은게 보이는데
08:43 - R e b a -: 01:21:521 (81521|6) - 이 타이밍에도
08:43 jakads: 네
08:43 - R e b a -: 7레인에 넣어주는게 나을듯
08:43 jakads: 아아 그러네요
08:43 jakads: 추가했습니다
08:45 - R e b a -: 01:29:724 (89724|5) -
08:45 - R e b a -: 여기서부터
08:45 - R e b a -:
08:45 - R e b a -: 이건 어떠세요
08:46 - R e b a -: 조오금 오른쪽으로 몰려있다는 느낌이랄까
08:46 - R e b a -: 그래서 저렇게 밸런스를 주는쪽으로 찍어봤어여
08:46 jakads: 아하
08:46 jakads: 비슷하게 고쳤어요
08:48 - R e b a -: 01:50:584 (110584|5) -
08:49 - R e b a -: 여기서부터
08:49 - R e b a -: 음이 내려가기때문에
08:49 - R e b a -:
08:49 - R e b a -: 이건 어떤가요
08:50 jakads: 아하
08:50 jakads: 그렇게 고칠 수 있는거 꽤 많네요
08:50 - R e b a -: 히익
08:50 jakads: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
08:50 jakads: 중간에 잭들은 괜찮나요?
08:51 - R e b a -: 어느부분 인지 짚어주세요
08:51 jakads: 01:33:357 (93357|2,93474|2,93592|2) - 이런 부분들
08:52 - R e b a -: 전 저런 노트가 맞다고 생각해요
08:52 - R e b a -: 저도 저런 음악 나왔을때
08:52 - R e b a -: 저렇게 짰었음
08:53 - R e b a -: 만약에 모딩왔을떄 저기가 불편하다는 얘기가 많이 나오면
08:53 - R e b a -: 카와님한테 상의 하는것도 좋을거같아요
08:53 - R e b a -: 02:06:052 (126052|5) -
08:53 jakads: 넹
08:53 - R e b a -: 여기
08:53 - R e b a -: 바뀐건 없지만
08:53 - R e b a -:
08:54 - R e b a -: 02:06:287 (126287|6) -
08:54 - R e b a -: 여기에서
08:54 - R e b a -: 노트가 내려오기 시작하기 때문에
08:54 - R e b a -: 맨 오른쪽에 노트가 하나 있는 식으로 해도
08:54 - R e b a -: 괜찮을거같네요
08:54 jakads: 네 그쪽부분이 가장 패턴짜기 힘들었는데
08:54 jakads: 그게 가장 깔끔하네요
08:54 jakads: 뒷부분도 그런 식으로 수정할게요
08:55 - R e b a -: 넵
08:55 jakads: 한 4번정도 나오는디
08:55 - R e b a -: 엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
08:55 - R e b a -: 02:09:099 (129099|0) -
08:56 - R e b a -: 여기가 좀 애매한데
08:56 - R e b a -: 소리가 애매한곳은
08:56 - R e b a -: 과감하게 버려도될거같아요 제 생각엔
08:56 - R e b a -: 02:09:158 (129158|1,129217|2,129275|3,129334|4,129392|1,129451|2,129509|3) -
08:56 - R e b a -: 지우고
08:56 - R e b a -: 3레인에
08:56 - R e b a -: 02:09:334 (129334|2) -
08:57 - R e b a -: 롱놋하나로 커버 하셔도 괜찮을듯
08:57 - R e b a -: 02:09:568 (129568|0) -
08:57 - R e b a -: 롱놋은 여기로 ^ 끝내시고
08:57 jakads: 아니면 4스냅으로 계단을 만들까요?
08:57 jakads: 롱놋하기엔 애매해서
08:58 - R e b a -: 그려셔두되고 냅두셔도되요
08:58 - R e b a -: 전 그냥 조언만 하는거라
08:58 - R e b a -: 적용 하냐 안하냐는
08:58 - R e b a -: 매퍼 마음이죠
08:59 jakads: 일단은 다른 모더가 또 지적하면 바꿀게요
08:59 jakads: 일단 킵
08:59 - R e b a -: 넴
09:00 - R e b a -: 02:20:584 (140584|4) -
09:00 - R e b a -: 여기 보시면
09:00 - R e b a -: 마리오 코인소리같이 나느게
09:00 - R e b a -: 02:20:584 (140584|4,140701|6,140818|1) -
09:00 - R e b a -: 여기 세번 나요
09:00 - R e b a -: 1/8스냅 하셨는데
09:00 - R e b a -: 코인 소리에 맞춰 3개씩 하신다면
09:00 - R e b a -: 1/12 로
09:00 - R e b a -: 잠시 찍어볼게요 ㄱㄷ
09:01 jakads: 엥
09:01 jakads: 8스냅 맞는것같은디
09:02 - R e b a -:
09:02 - R e b a -: 그게
09:03 - R e b a -: 02:20:584 (140584|4,140701|2,140818|4) -
09:03 - R e b a -: 요것들 코인소리 따라간거 아녜요?
09:03 jakads: 네
09:03 jakads: 근데 코인소리 2개처럼 들리는데..
09:03 - R e b a -: 제가 준 링크대로 짜보시면
09:03 - R e b a -: 02:20:584 (140584|4,140662|6) -
09:03 - R e b a -: 여기 두개에
09:04 - R e b a -: 02:20:584 (140584|4,140662|6,140701|2,140779|0,140818|4,140896|6) -
09:04 - R e b a -: 잠만요
09:04 - R e b a -: 8스냅이 맞네요
09:04 - R e b a -: 그러면
09:05 - R e b a -:
09:05 - R e b a -: 이렇게 하는게 나을거같아요
09:05 - R e b a -: 코인 3개의 소리에 맞춰서
09:05 - R e b a -: 57 띠링 31 띠링 57 띠링
09:05 - R e b a -: 그리고 왼손으로 쿵
09:05 jakads: 호오
09:14 - R e b a -: 03:57:146 (237146|4) -
09:14 - R e b a -: 여기 보면
09:14 - R e b a -: 멜로디, 낮게 들리는 ㅣ상한 소리로
09:14 - R e b a -: 롱놋 하신거같은데
09:14 - R e b a -: 저기 보면
09:14 - R e b a -: 둘중에 아무 사운드가 없어요
09:14 jakads: 멜로디..?
09:15 - R e b a -: 그러니까
09:15 - R e b a -: 롱놋을
09:15 - R e b a -: 03:56:912 (236912|6) -
09:15 - R e b a -: 여기에 나오는 사운드하고
09:15 - R e b a -: 띵~ 띠리링~ 띵
09:15 - R e b a -: 그걸로
09:15 - R e b a -: 한개씩 컨셉잡아서
09:15 - R e b a -: 만드신거 아닌가요
09:15 jakads: 네
09:15 - R e b a -: 그게 맞다면
09:16 - R e b a -: 아니네요
09:16 - R e b a -: ㅈㅅ
09:16 - R e b a -: 귀가
09:16 - R e b a -: 이상함
09:16 jakads: zzzzㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
09:16 - R e b a -: 04:06:052 (246052|4) -
09:17 - R e b a -: 여기 아시죠?
09:17 jakads: ?
09:17 - R e b a -: 라고 했다만
09:17 - R e b a -: 못바꾸네여
09:17 - R e b a -: nvm
09:17 jakads: 음!
09:18 jakads: ok
09:18 - R e b a -: 04:20:584 (260584|2) -
09:18 - R e b a -: 여기
09:18 - R e b a -: 아까랑 똑같은곳
09:18 - R e b a -: 알아서 처리하시길
09:18 jakads: 네 거기는 바꿨어요
09:19 - R e b a -: 음
09:19 - R e b a -: 그게 다인것같네요
09:19 jakads: 옹
Topic Starter

pporse wrote:

모딩 왓슴요

column set
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

우선 BG 크기가 1309x736 이네요

랭크맵 규칙에서 보면 랭크 가능 크기는 1024x768 / 1366x768 둘 중 하나를 써야 해요
크기 변환 하셔야 합니당 고쳤어요!

그리고 비디오 video.mp4 보시면 오디오 소리 그대로 남겨져 있네요

소리는 지우셔야 해여 이건 어떻게 하는지 ㅠㅠ

이 밑으로는 패턴 모딩

03:11:912 (191912|2,192381|3,192615|4) - 이부분 롱놋이 제가 생각하는 음을 따라가는 거면 좀 다르게 해야 할거 같은데
어떤 음을 따라가는지 제가 정확하게 몰라서..
자카님이 요부분 들어보시면 판단하셔야 할듯
자카님이 의도하신 음대로 배치하신거면 무시ㄱㄱ 제가 생각하는 음 따라갔어요 ㅋㅋㅋ

03:47:771 - 03:52:927 - 이부분이 바로 앞부분하고 다르게 배치한거는 에디터 상에서는 알겠는데
직접 칠때는 패턴변화가 크게 없어서 바로 전부분하고 같은 패턴으로 이어지는거 같아서 좀 아쉬웠어요
좀 더 시각적으로 아 바로 전 부분과 확연히 다르구나 느끼게끔 패턴 변화를 주시면 더 나을거 같아요

예를 들어서 03:47:771 (227771|5,227771|2,228240|2,228240|3) - 이런 부분들 없애고 멜로디음을 좀 강조한다든가..?
워낙 노래 자체가 비슷하다보니 확연히 다르구나 느낌을 주기가 힘들 것 같네요 ㅠㅠ
아무래도 아래 낮은 음이랑 드럼 소리를 살리면서 멜로디를 따라가다보니 다른 느낌을 주는것이 거의 불가능..

04:00:896 (240896|4) - delete 음이 없는거 같네여 고쳤습니다!

쭉 봤는데 패턴 자체는 딱히 모난 부분 없이 매끄럽게 이어지는 듯 한데

개인적으로 3.9 치고는 리딩하기 좀 어렵게 배치되어있다고 느꼈어요

짧은 롱놋 사이사이에 일반노트 껴 있는 배치 등등

bpm이 낮아서 그런지 패턴에 비해 스타레이팅이 낮게 잡힌게 좀 아쉽군여 흐규흐규
bpm이 높았다면 스타레이팅 금방 올라갈텐데 ㅠㅠ
모딩 감사합니다!
영상에 소리 없애는건 알아봐야겠네요
뿌직 응가 Mark for mod
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:

뿌직 응가 Mark for mod

00:17:771 - 그냥 개인적인 생각인데 이거보다는 이게 더 나아보이지않음? 뭔가 위쪽패턴하고 좀 어울리고 저기 스페이스쪽 왼손스페이스 오른손 스페이스 둘다 고려해서
00:21:990 (21990|3,22459|0) - 쉐임 리즌 에즈 어봅ㅂ
00:57:146 - 차라리 여기 롱놋 다 끊었다가 00:57:381 - 여기서 다 새로 시작하는거 이게 더 맵을 느끼기에 좋지않을까
01:00:896 - ^
01:28:787 (88787|1,89021|1,89373|1,89724|1,90076|1,90427|1) - 이거좀 길지않음? ㅋ 근데 뭐 이상태로도 괜찮으니 선택은 너의 몫
01:43:318 (103318|5,103435|5) - 이거 이상하게 짧은롱놋으로 만들고싶은 느낌을 강하게 주는 소린데 이거 BPM도 그닥 높은건 아니니까 1/8로 숏놋 잭을 만드는것도 꽤나 괜찮다고 생각
02:09:334 (129334|4,129451|1) - 이거 두개 소리있는거 확실함? 난 잘 모르것당
04:29:021 (269021|4) - 이건뭔가 04:29:490 - 여기다가 끝내고싶은 욕구가 강하다

개인적으로 상당히 잘짜여있는 맵이라고 생각함 솔직히 말해서 놀랐어
모딩 죨라성의없어보이지만 그냥 안꾸며서 그랭 ㅎ

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋGood luck for rank
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:

00:17:771 - 그냥 개인적인 생각인데 이거보다는 이게 더 나아보이지않음? 뭔가 위쪽패턴하고 좀 어울리고 저기 스페이스쪽 왼손스페이스 오른손 스페이스 둘다 고려해서
00:17:771 (17771|3,18240|6,18709|5,19177|3) - 이거 멜로디 따라간건디 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
일단 스페이스바가 거슬리다고 하는 것 같으니 00:17:771 (17771|3) - 얘 오른쪽으로 살짝 치움

00:21:990 (21990|3,22459|0) - 쉐임 리즌 에즈 어봅ㅂ 쉐임 엔숴 에즈 어봅ㅂ
00:57:146 - 차라리 여기 롱놋 다 끊었다가 00:57:381 - 여기서 다 새로 시작하는거 이게 더 맵을 느끼기에 좋지않을까 이 부분은 리매핑 생각중이여 너무 롱놋이 더러움 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
끊는것도 좋네 생각해봄

01:00:896 - ^ ^
01:28:787 (88787|1,89021|1,89373|1,89724|1,90076|1,90427|1) - 이거좀 길지않음? ㅋ 근데 뭐 이상태로도 괜찮으니 선택은 너의 몫 와 전혀 느끼지 못했었음 ㅋㅋㅋ 살짝 섞었으
01:43:318 (103318|5,103435|5) - 이거 이상하게 짧은롱놋으로 만들고싶은 느낌을 강하게 주는 소린데 이거 BPM도 그닥 높은건 아니니까 1/8로 숏놋 잭을 만드는것도 꽤나 괜찮다고 생각 호오 보기엔 살짝 이상하긴 한데 괜찮은듯
02:09:334 (129334|4,129451|1) - 이거 두개 소리있는거 확실함? 난 잘 모르것당 나의 아주 좋은 정력청력이 있다고 말해주고 있음
04:29:021 (269021|4) - 이건뭔가 04:29:490 - 여기다가 끝내고싶은 욕구가 강하다 애매하다 하앍
거기서 끊어도 음은 맞아보이는데 뭔가 남아있어서 으엉
일단 보류

개인적으로 상당히 잘짜여있는 맵이라고 생각함 솔직히 말해서 놀랐어 ㄳㄳ 헤헿
모딩 죨라성의없어보이지만 그냥 안꾸며서 그랭 ㅎ 귀찮았구먼

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋGood luck for rank
Thank you

IRC mod~
18:37 *Kawawa is editing [ toby fox - Voia's Remix Medley (His Theme, Temmie Village, Main Theme, Finale) [DETERMINATION]]
18:37 Kawawa: 00:21:521 - 여기 기타 롱놋안넣은거 의도신가요?
18:37 Kawawa: 00:29:021 - 여기와는 다르게
18:37 jakads: 엥
18:37 Kawawa: 21초쪽에서는 너무 뚜렷하게 느껴지기땜시
18:37 jakads: 흐음
18:37 Kawawa: 없으면 플레이할때 애매하게 느껴질거같은데
18:37 jakads: 롱놋하기엔 뭔가 애매할 것 같은데
18:37 Kawawa: 29초는 안넣으셔도 될듯 하구여
18:38 jakads: 그냥 노트로 하나 넣었어요
18:38 Kawawa: 네
18:38 Kawawa: 그게 나을거같아요
18:39 Kawawa: 01:02:771 -
18:39 Kawawa: 여기까진 문제없네여
18:39 Kawawa: 구조가 짜임새있게 잡혀있어서
18:39 jakads: 휴
18:40 Kawawa: 01:21:873 - 여기서부터 스네어를 2노트로 전환하시는것도
18:40 Kawawa: 괜찮은듯
18:40 jakads: 아 히트사운드까지요?
18:41 Kawawa: 네
18:41 Kawawa: 전부 문제없네여
18:42 Kawawa: 01:36:111 (96111|3,96209|4,96258|6,96375|2,96443|3,96492|5) -
18:42 Kawawa: 이거 6스냅같은데여?
18:43 Kawawa: 잠만여
18:43 Kawawa: 이펙트사운드가 안켜져있어서 그런가
18:43 Kawawa: 다시 들어봐야겠넹
18:43 jakads: 네 저도 이거 맨 처음에 6스냅인줄 알았는데
18:43 jakads: 25%에서 세뇌식으로 들은 결과 8스냅이였
18:43 Kawawa: 8akwdkdu
18:43 Kawawa: 8맞네여
18:44 jakads: 01:43:318 (103318|5,103435|5) - 이거 치킨님이 제안해주셨는데
18:44 jakads: 어떤가요
18:45 jakads: 숏롱잭인가 뭔가
18:45 Kawawa: 포인트있고 괜찮네여
18:45 jakads: 오옹
18:46 Kawawa: 잘만드시네
18:46 Kawawa: 전 이런곡 못만들거같은뎅
18:46 jakads: 저도 xi 노래나 그런거 만들고 싶었는데
18:47 jakads: 오버매핑 걱정때문에
18:47 jakads: 일단 이런거..
18:47 Kawawa: 근데 꽤
18:47 Kawawa: 짜임새있게 구성되어있어서
18:47 Kawawa: 별로 문제가 없어요
18:47 jakads: 오옹
18:47 Kawawa: 02:04:060 - 02:05:935 - 이런 두 부분 드럼을
18:47 Kawawa: 동일하게 노트양 맞춰줬다거나
18:47 Kawawa: 이런식으로 뭔가 세부적으로 구성되어있어서
18:48 jakads: 넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 제가 패턴은 자신 없어도
18:48 jakads: 노트양은 지킵니다
18:48 jakads: 최대한
18:49 Kawawa: 02:17:068 (137068|3,137068|4,137068|1,137537|0,137537|3,137537|1,137771|6,137771|2,137771|5) -
18:49 Kawawa: 이쪽 부분을 노트 2개로 유지하고
18:49 Kawawa: 02:17:302 - 여기에 3개가 낫지않을까요
18:49 Kawawa: 02:16:365 - 이부분을 보면
18:49 Kawawa: 스네어드림쪽에서 보통 강조됬듯이
18:49 Kawawa: 뭔가 거꾸로 되어있는거 같아요
18:49 jakads: 아 이게..
18:49 jakads: 살짝 애매한데
18:49 jakads: 제가 노트수 맞췄던 방법이
18:50 jakads: 롱놋까지 합쳐서
18:50 Kawawa: 02:16:599 (136599|0) -
18:50 Kawawa: 아 이거도 포함인가요 그럼?
18:50 jakads: 02:17:302 - 이게 롱놋까지 노트 3개가 되도록 그렇게 했었어요
18:50 Kawawa: 끝롱놋이 걸려있으니
18:50 jakads: 살짝 애매한가
18:51 Kawawa: 음
18:51 Kawawa: 좀 애매하게 작용할거같긴한데
18:51 Kawawa: 고려는 해보셔야할거 같네여
18:51 Kawawa: 02:15:662 - 이런거나
18:51 Kawawa: 02:15:662 - 베이스 02:15:896 - 베이스 02:16:131 - 베이스
18:51 Kawawa: 02:16:365 - 스네어
18:51 Kawawa: 보통 저런 스네어나 킥에서 강조되니깐
18:52 Kawawa: 근데 만약 충분히 의도시라면
18:52 Kawawa: 상관 없어요
18:52 Kawawa: 이정도로는 절대 디퀄 안되영
18:52 jakads: 일단 킵할게요
18:52 jakads: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 애매하네
18:54 Kawawa: 03:11:912 (191912|2) -
18:54 Kawawa: 이거 애매하네요
18:54 jakads: 기타소리 따라갔어요
18:54 Kawawa: 여기서 03:12:146 - 명확한소리가 나서
18:54 Kawawa: 애매하게 느꼈던건가 칠때
18:55 jakads: 흐음
18:55 jakads: 처음부터 끝까지 베이스를 따라갈까요
18:55 jakads: 기타소리는 그냥 노트로 하고
18:56 Kawawa: 03:13:787 (193787|5) - 이런 롱놋은 전부 의도인가여?
18:56 Kawawa: 03:13:552 (193552|2) - 전 여기까지밖에 못느끼겠던데
18:56 Kawawa: 예를들어 이론으로 설명하자면
18:56 Kawawa: 03:28:552 (208552|0) -
18:56 Kawawa: 이거하고 동일한 파트에요 두 구조는
18:56 jakads: 저런 롱노트들은
18:56 jakads: 다 높은 기타소리 따라갔던건데
18:57 Kawawa: 아아
18:57 jakads: 역시 낮은음 따라가는게 덜 애매한가보네요
18:57 Kawawa: 위파트는 분명히 들리는 사운드만을 캐치하셨구나
18:57 jakads: 네
18:57 jakads: 살짝 애매한가요
18:58 Kawawa: 네 뭔가 변경했으면 하긴하는데
18:58 Kawawa: 03:11:912 (191912|2) - 여기도
18:58 Kawawa: 그렇긴해여ㅓ
18:58 jakads: 거기를 차라리
18:58 jakads: 노트 2개로 만들까요
18:59 jakads: 03:12:146 - 여기를
18:59 Kawawa: 차라리 롱놋 2개가 나은거같아요 갠적으로는
18:59 Kawawa: 근데
18:59 Kawawa: 노노
18:59 Kawawa: 변경하지마세여
18:59 Kawawa: 03:04:412 (184412|6) - 이런부분도 동일하게 사용하셨네여
19:00 Kawawa: 제가 집어주신분들 다 이렇게 사용하신거라면, 맵퍼 의도가 충분히 보이니
19:00 jakads: 네 다 그렇게 했어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:00 Kawawa: 문제라고 지적이 될수가 없을듯해요
19:00 jakads: 흐음 다행이네요
19:00 Kawawa: 00:24:099 (24099|1) - 이것도
19:00 Kawawa: 동일하게 사용하셨듯이
19:01 Kawawa: 뭐지
19:01 Kawawa: 이맵
19:01 Kawawa: 문제점을 찾을수가 없넹
19:01 jakads: ?!
19:01 Kawawa: 03:32:771 - 여까지
19:01 Kawawa: 전부 양호한듯
19:01 jakads: 03:32:771 - 여기부터가
19:01 jakads: 제가 제일 뿌듯한 부분 ㅎㅎ
19:02 Kawawa: 03:45:896 - 여기 이전부터
19:02 Kawawa: 메인타밍에서 4개사용하셨구
19:03 Kawawa: 03:38:396 - 03:42:146 - 03:45:896 - 이런 파트들이 다 의도가 되서 괜찮은거같은데
19:03 Kawawa: 03:49:646 - 여기 3개. 03:51:521 - 2개 03:53:396 - 3개 03:55:271 - 2개
19:03 Kawawa: 03:57:146 - 그럼 여기서는 3개가 낫지않을까요
19:03 jakads: 거기도 롱놋 포함...
19:03 jakads: 원래 4키 맵퍼여서
19:03 jakads: 그런거 많이 신경 써요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:04 Kawawa: 아
19:04 Kawawa: 4K는 그렇긴하네여
19:04 Kawawa: 키 수가 적으니
19:04 jakads: 흐음 그러면
19:04 Kawawa: 롱놋 1개 넣어버리면 노트 수 제약이
19:04 Kawawa: 커져서]
19:04 jakads: 4개였던 부분 다 3개로 바꾸면
19:04 Kawawa: 음
19:04 Kawawa: 3개로 바꾸는건
19:04 Kawawa: 별로 비추네여
19:04 Kawawa: 타격감이 크게 줄듯
19:04 Kawawa: 저기를 포인트로 살린듯 하신데
19:04 Kawawa: 건반 3개와 4개 누르는 차이는
19:05 Kawawa: 느낌이 크졍
19:05 jakads: 흐음
19:05 Kawawa: 우선 고려만 해두세영
19:05 Kawawa: 03:57:146 - 전 단지 여기만
19:05 jakads: 네
19:06 jakads: 헐
19:06 jakads: 저기는 잘못놓은거 맞네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:06 Kawawa: 네
19:06 jakads: 3개로 고쳤어요
19:06 Kawawa: 제가 저거 설명하려고
19:06 Kawawa: 저거 전부 짚은거에여
19:06 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:06 jakads: 굳굳
19:07 Kawawa: 04:20:994 (260994|0) - 여기 제거하시거나
19:07 Kawawa: 02:20:994 - 여길 추가하시는게 나을듯
19:07 jakads: 아하
19:07 Kawawa: 저 두부분은 동일한 파트인데, 마지막에 8스냅을 살렸냐 안살렸냐가 갈렸네요
19:07 Kawawa: 두부분을
19:07 jakads: 제거하는 쪽으로 했어요
19:07 Kawawa: 동일하게 적용해주시면 더 깔끔하게 작용할거에여
19:07 Kawawa: 넹
19:07 Kawawa: 제거하는 쪽이 더 좋아요
19:08 Kawawa: 왜냐하면 초점을 드럼으로 전환하셨으니
19:08 jakads: 호모나 세상에 시간이 벌써
19:08 jakads: 10분에 나가야할 듯 하네요
19:09 Kawawa: 굿 굿
19:09 Kawawa: 없네여
19:09 Kawawa: 끝까지 봤는뎅
19:09 jakads: 마지막 1분ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:09 jakads: 마지막 질문!
19:09 Kawawa: 넹
19:10 jakads: 영상을 놔두는게 나을까요 없애는게 나을까요
19:10 jakads: 영상에 소리가 있어서 언랭요소긴 한데
19:10 Kawawa: 엥
19:10 Kawawa: 비디오가 있었남?
19:10 Kawawa: 허 진짜넹
19:10 jakads: 없애는 법도 모르고 용량도 개똥같이 크고
19:10 Kawawa: 비디오 옵션 꺼둬서
19:10 Kawawa: 지우는게
19:10 Kawawa: 낫겠네요
19:10 jakads: 네
19:11 Kawawa: 비디오 돌려보니까, 그냥 옆에 각 파트별로
19:11 jakads: 그럼 모바일로 쿠도수 드릴게요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:11 Kawawa: 스토리보드식으로 바뀌는 급이라
19:11 Kawawa: 의미가 없을듯해여
19:11 jakads: 스토리보드는 귀찮으니 하핫
Topic Starter

Kawawa wrote:

큐 사진이라니 헠

Mod Request

toby fox - Voia's Remix Medley (His Theme, Temmie Village, Main Theme, Finale)[OsuMania]

You are not forced to applied all, if there's any suggestion that doesn't fit your mapping style, you can freely reject it
also my apolgize, this is a really late mod :'D

Background: No problem
Metadata: No problem
Mapset: Fine
Difficulty Spread:Cool
AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A): Fine
MP3: Fine
Hitsound: Fine
Timing: Nice
Other Stuff: None



01:03:006 (63006|1,63240|5,63474|1,63709|5,63943|1,64177|5) - I see the intention here, but this seems to be really faint to be hearded tbh. would recommend to delete this.

01:31:365 (91365|2,91834|3) - 6|3 respectively, just my idea to perfectly following pitch. you decide

01:39:920 (99920|4) - seems not really necessary to represent pitch change only tho. might want to delete.

02:26:209 - seems its worthy to add a note or an 1/4 LN here.

03:03:943 - does the LN on col 1 should be ended here instead? i hear that melody ended here.

04:00:310 - add on 5 or 6? there's a synth melody

04:00:896 - add on 6? synth melody too

So sorry if my mod wasn't satisfied enough because i rarely mod 7k and still lack of acknowledgenemt about 7k mapping
All I can say now is, Good Luck :D

Can we mutual pls? :3
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Mod Request

toby fox - Voia's Remix Medley (His Theme, Temmie Village, Main Theme, Finale)[OsuMania]

You are not forced to applied all, if there's any suggestion that doesn't fit your mapping style, you can freely reject it
also my apolgize, this is a really late mod :'D I'M ANGRYYYYY No I'm not :P

Background: No problem
Metadata: No problem
Mapset: Fine
Difficulty Spread:Cool
AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A): Fine
MP3: Fine
Hitsound: Fine
Timing: Nice
Other Stuff: None



01:03:006 (63006|1,63240|5,63474|1,63709|5,63943|1,64177|5) - I see the intention here, but this seems to be really faint to be hearded tbh. would recommend to delete this. mehhh I'll keep the pattern because afterward it's all the same beat kek

01:31:365 (91365|2,91834|3) - 6|3 respectively, just my idea to perfectly following pitch. you decide Changed 01:30:896 (90896|1,91365|2,91834|3) - to 6 5 4, idk why I didn't realize that wasn't following pitch :P nice catch!

01:39:920 (99920|4) - seems not really necessary to represent pitch change only tho. might want to delete. I followed the little guitar sound there

02:26:209 - seems its worthy to add a note or an 1/4 LN here. Hmm.. I'll consider it

03:03:943 - does the LN on col 1 should be ended here instead? i hear that melody ended here. This sounds just like 03:04:412 (184412|6,185584|3) -

04:00:310 - add on 5 or 6? there's a synth melody meh

04:00:896 - add on 6? synth melody too fixed!

So sorry if my mod wasn't satisfied enough because i rarely mod 7k and still lack of acknowledgenemt about 7k mapping It was helpful dw :D
All I can say now is, Good Luck :D

Can we mutual pls? :3
omg why wasn't I mutual with you ok

yay for me
this map finally gets mod after about half a month 8-)

might call BN soon
this is what i call a good beatmap
call me when you need help for bubble check
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

this is what i call a good beatmap
call me when you need help for bubble check
think you went to sleep now though
so I should sleep too lel
I'm still here though
Need confirm about metadata
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

I'm still here though
Need confirm about metadata
Alright seems like my metadata was completely wrong :P

toby fox - Voia's Remix Medley (His Theme, Temmie Village, Main Theme, Finale)
VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix)

VOIA actually created this, not toby fox.
but since it's remix of ost's in undertale, I put toby fox in the tag.

I put EDM too since this song is EDM obviously
b0nes is BG artist so I put it temporarily
GameChops: Video Game Remix Label and all the songs that are put in this song are in the tag

so metadata is fixed.. i guess :D

waiting for you to be online ;)
Topic Starter

Beomsan wrote:

아옹오 빨리 랭크 시키라능 B바보N놈들아
how did you expect me to mod this ;w;
already ready bn check already good \o/
Okay, modding

- No unrankable issues found

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
00:17:771 - on here, how about change these hold to: ; that's quite better for pitching
00:21:521 - on here is same too but 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ; and you missed a hold here too, on background sound there is a piano containing
00:27:146 (27146|3,27849|2) - so about here, move them to 5 but 00:27:146 (27146|3) - is end on 00:27:732 - (so that will show how perfect pitch you're on):
00:29:490 (29490|3,30427|1) - switch them, pitch are going on
00:36:521 - on here it have piano sound containing here like i mentioned you before, add a hold
00:55:271 -to 01:00:896 - i suggest you to continue the background melody, than following other sound here, that's more better
01:02:537 (62537|3,62771|4) - switch them, it will be better for patterns, and for sure
01:12:146 (72146|2,72381|3,72615|1,72615|5,72849|4,73084|3,73084|2,73318|0,73552|4,73552|6,73787|1) - this part is quite messy, my suggestion: and ofc, these holds are following pitch
01:17:068 (77068|2) - better move to 5th, because if you want to continue: 01:16:834 (76834|5,77302|5,77537|4,77771|5) - (you know what i mean)
01:18:826 (78826|3) - i think move to 3rd is more better for snare sound
01:24:451 (84451|2) - move to 1st is quite more balance
01:51:756 (111756|3) - how about move this to 5th column, i'm quite confused with 01:51:463 (111463|3,111521|2) - (one is 1/4; one is 1/8)
01:52:459 (112459|6) - move it to 6th, somehow will show the way of the rhythm you're following too: 01:52:810 (112810|4,113162|3) - with 01:52:459 (112459|6) - on 6th column will be better, don't you think
01:53:162 (113162|0) - remove this hold, that sound nothing to me, but switch 01:53:279 (113279|1,113396|2) - that's more suitable
01:54:334 - how about this patterns, hmm: ; pitch goes up then down
01:57:146 (117146|2) - move to 1st for balance
01:58:318 - this one is for pitchy too:
02:01:599 (121599|3) - move to 4th for balance
02:12:849 - actually, my suggestion on here: ; it is quite balance but also for pitch
02:20:935 (140935|1) - i think you should continue the 1/8 here, it's more better imo
02:32:302 (152302|4) - how about move this to 4th, it won't be so hard to catch 02:32:302 (152302|5,152771|5) - but also for balance
03:23:162 (203162|4) - move to 7th and 03:23:279 (203279|3) - move to 6th, that's move better for this narrow, anymore remove 03:23:396 (203396|2) - or move to 4th is depend on you if you argeed
03:54:334 - on here, hmm, you can continue the patterns like: so that will be better for pitch
04:12:849 (252849|5,252967|3,253084|4,253084|0,253201|2,253318|3) - same problems i mentioned before
04:20:935 (260935|0) - on here too
04:24:099 (264099|1) - move to 6th, so it will be better for pitch, balance, and if you argee move 04:23:865 (263865|4) - to 4th
04:27:849 - how about this:
04:32:302 (272302|3) - move to 2nd and 04:32:302 (272302|2) - to 4th will be quite for pitch
04:43:787 (283787|3) - move to 5th for patterns
04:46:834 - for this part:

Really good map, i love it
call me again when you done fixing
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Okay, modding Okay, applying

- No unrankable issues found

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
00:17:771 - on here, how about change these hold to: ; that's quite better for pitching
hmm, that part's melody is low high mid low, thus I placed like 5 7 6 4. I think that's better for pitch relevancy.
00:21:521 - on here is same too but 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ; and you missed a hold here too, on background sound there is a piano containing
kinda weird but accepted, placed at 4. and for pitch relevancy I think current one is fine.
00:27:146 (27146|3,27849|2) - so about here, move them to 5 but 00:27:146 (27146|3) - is end on 00:27:732 - (so that will show how perfect pitch you're on):
00:29:490 (29490|3,30427|1) - switch them, pitch are going on
00:36:521 - on here it have piano sound containing here like i mentioned you before, add a hold 00:36:521 (36521|2) - I think this is the LN for that. In this part, long LNs are for piano, and short LNs are for guitar.
00:55:271 -to 01:00:896 - i suggest you to continue the background melody, than following other sound here, that's more better
01:02:537 (62537|3,62771|4) - switch them, it will be better for patterns, and for sure
01:12:146 (72146|2,72381|3,72615|1,72615|5,72849|4,73084|3,73084|2,73318|0,73552|4,73552|6,73787|1) - this part is quite messy, my suggestion: and ofc, these holds are following pitch
01:17:068 (77068|2) - better move to 5th, because if you want to continue: 01:16:834 (76834|5,77302|5,77537|4,77771|5) - (you know what i mean) oh it does continue :^)
01:18:826 (78826|3) - i think move to 3rd is more better for snare sound oh, never thought of that. nice
01:24:451 (84451|2) - move to 1st is quite more balance eh I think current one is better. I just like this pattern :P
01:51:756 (111756|3) - how about move this to 5th column, i'm quite confused with 01:51:463 (111463|3,111521|2) - (one is 1/4; one is 1/8) Applied, also moved 01:51:990 (111990|4) - to 4
01:52:459 (112459|6) - move it to 6th, somehow will show the way of the rhythm you're following too: 01:52:810 (112810|4,113162|3) - with 01:52:459 (112459|6) - on 6th column will be better, don't you think I do think so
01:53:162 (113162|0) - remove this hold, that sound nothing to me, but switch 01:53:279 (113279|1,113396|2) - that's more suitable
01:53:162 (113162|0,113279|2) - This two hold represent the bass melody, kinda shifting up so I used two LN. but I felt it was little weird, so I removed shorter LN one
And I remapped this part, so please check it again.

01:54:334 - how about this patterns, hmm: ; pitch goes up then down
01:57:146 (117146|2) - move to 1st for balance
01:58:318 - this one is for pitchy too:
02:01:599 (121599|3) - move to 4th for balance hmm there is spacebar jack then... I'll keep it for now
02:12:849 - actually, my suggestion on here: ; it is quite balance but also for pitch
02:20:935 (140935|1) - i think you should continue the 1/8 here, it's more better imo 02:20:994 - this chiptune-y sound was smaller than the others, and also I wanted to emphasize the drum here 02:20:935 -. The sound is kinda avoidable too when you're playing it
02:32:302 (152302|4) - how about move this to 4th, it won't be so hard to catch 02:32:302 (152302|5,152771|5) - but also for balance
03:23:162 (203162|4) - move to 7th and 03:23:279 (203279|3) - move to 6th, that's move better for this narrow, anymore remove 03:23:396 (203396|2) - or move to 4th is depend on you if you argeed
03:54:334 - on here, hmm, you can continue the patterns like: so that will be better for pitch It kinda looks same with 03:55:271 (235271|6,235506|4,235740|6,235974|4) - , so I moved to 6 4 6 4.
04:12:849 (252849|5,252967|3,253084|4,253084|0,253201|2,253318|3) - same problems i mentioned before
04:20:935 (260935|0) - on here too same reason
04:24:099 (264099|1) - move to 6th, so it will be better for pitch, balance, and if you argee move 04:23:865 (263865|4) - to 4th
04:27:849 - how about this:
04:32:302 (272302|3) - move to 2nd and 04:32:302 (272302|2) - to 4th will be quite for pitch
04:43:787 (283787|3) - move to 5th for patterns
04:46:834 - for this part:

Really good map, i love it
call me again when you done fixing
no reply = fixed
are tags fine btw?
GameChops & VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix) [OsuMania modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: None
- Hitsound: Okay
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay

Bubbled #1


2016-06-03 16:32 Fresh Chicken: ACTION is listening to [ GameChops & VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix)]
2016-06-03 16:32 Fresh Chicken: ㄱ
2016-06-03 16:32 jakads: 세엑스
2016-06-03 16:32 Fresh Chicken: 일단
2016-06-03 16:32 Fresh Chicken: 메타데이터부터
2016-06-03 16:32 Fresh Chicken: 좀 보자구
2016-06-03 16:32 jakads: 쿄카가 잡아줬던 모딩 있는데
2016-06-03 16:32 jakads: 잠시만
2016-06-03 16:32 jakads: 메타데이터 너무 애매한것
2016-06-03 16:32 jakads: PM으로 줬었음
2016-06-03 16:33 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 16:33 jakads:
2016-06-03 16:33 jakads: 일단 저기 나왔던건 다 수정했었음
2016-06-03 16:33 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅋ 걍 쿄카믿겠음
2016-06-03 16:34 jakads: 굳
2016-06-03 16:34 Fresh Chicken: 솔직히
2016-06-03 16:34 Fresh Chicken: 메타데타 보는게
2016-06-03 16:34 Fresh Chicken: 존-나ㅣ 귀찮거든 ㄹㅇㄴ;
2016-06-03 16:34 jakads: ㄹㅇ
2016-06-03 16:34 Fresh Chicken: 힛사
2016-06-03 16:34 Fresh Chicken: 어디서 갖고온것들임?
2016-06-03 16:34 jakads: 힛사는
2016-06-03 16:34 jakads: FL Studio 12
2016-06-03 16:35 jakads: 작곡 프로그램 있는데
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅇ 암
2016-06-03 16:35 jakads: 불법다운해서
2016-06-03 16:35 jakads: 거기 있던 샘플 쌔벼옴
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: 그럼 일단 확인해봐야겠운
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: ㄱㄷ
2016-06-03 16:35 jakads: 넘나 좋은것
2016-06-03 16:35 jakads: ㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: 아시발 어제
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: 바탕화면정리했는데
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: 어디갔지
2016-06-03 16:35 Fresh Chicken: ㄱㄷ
2016-06-03 16:37 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅋ 굳
2016-06-03 16:37 jakads: 뭐 찾고온겨
2016-06-03 16:37 Fresh Chicken: glttk
2016-06-03 16:37 Fresh Chicken: 힛사에
2016-06-03 16:37 Fresh Chicken: 딜레이없나
2016-06-03 16:37 Fresh Chicken: 살펴보고온거
2016-06-03 16:37 jakads: 아아
2016-06-03 16:38 Fresh Chicken: 걍 패턴보자이제
2016-06-03 16:39 Fresh Chicken: 00:27:146 (27146|4,27849|4) - 달리 여기만
2016-06-03 16:39 jakads: 예
2016-06-03 16:39 Fresh Chicken: 잭으로 해둔 이유가있음?
2016-06-03 16:39 jakads: 그거
2016-06-03 16:39 jakads: 쿄카가 BN 체크때
2016-06-03 16:39 jakads: 멜로디 같으니깐 그렇게 놓으라
2016-06-03 16:39 jakads: 그랬었는데
2016-06-03 16:39 Fresh Chicken: 저거 소리가 확실히
2016-06-03 16:39 Fresh Chicken: 다른데?
2016-06-03 16:40 Fresh Chicken: 00:27:849 (27849|4) - 이게 약간더 높음
2016-06-03 16:40 jakads: 음정은 같은데
2016-06-03 16:40 jakads: 앙?
2016-06-03 16:40 jakads: 그런가
2016-06-03 16:40 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅇ
2016-06-03 16:40 jakads: 나도 솔직히 저렇게 롱놋 띄어져있는거
2016-06-03 16:40 Fresh Chicken: 그냥 잭 말고 다르게 두는게 낫지않나?
2016-06-03 16:40 jakads: 보기 좀 껄끄러웠는데
2016-06-03 16:40 jakads: 5 4로 함
2016-06-03 16:40 jakads: 이어서
2016-06-03 16:40 Fresh Chicken: 1234567?
2016-06-03 16:41 jakads: 예.
2016-06-03 16:41 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 16:42 Fresh Chicken: 00:40:271 - 여기있잖아
2016-06-03 16:42 Fresh Chicken: 그 잠시만
2016-06-03 16:42 jakads: ㅇㅇ?
2016-06-03 16:42 Fresh Chicken: 00:34:646 - 00:38:396 - 이런데 보면
2016-06-03 16:42 Fresh Chicken: 저기두개는 의도적으로 소리가있음에도 불구하고 그냥 2개만 사용한거같은데
2016-06-03 16:42 Fresh Chicken: 저기는 같은 파트인데 3개를 쓴이유?
2016-06-03 16:43 jakads: 이게 그 뭐냐
2016-06-03 16:43 Fresh Chicken: 00:53:396 - 여기두
2016-06-03 16:43 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅇ?
2016-06-03 16:43 jakads: 그 낮은 베이스 있잖아
2016-06-03 16:43 jakads: 그거 따라간거
2016-06-03 16:43 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅎ
2016-06-03 16:43 jakads: 00:02:771 - 여기 앞부분 박자 있지
2016-06-03 16:43 jakads: 이거랑 똑같이 했음
2016-06-03 16:43 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅇ
2016-06-03 16:43 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅎ
2016-06-03 16:43 Fresh Chicken: 아 이어폰 끼기 귀찮아
2016-06-03 16:43 jakads: 00:49:646 (49646|5) - 그러면 얘가 스파이네?
2016-06-03 16:43 jakads: 이런.
2016-06-03 16:44 Fresh Chicken: 01:01:131 - 여기서 뭔가 변화를 주는게 좋지않을까
2016-06-03 16:44 Fresh Chicken: 스파이...
2016-06-03 16:44 jakads: ㅡㅡ
2016-06-03 16:44 jakads: 변화
2016-06-03 16:44 jakads: 흐음
2016-06-03 16:44 Fresh Chicken: 저기쪽 일반노트를
2016-06-03 16:44 Fresh Chicken: 롱놋을 쓰는거어떰?
2016-06-03 16:44 Fresh Chicken: 뭔가 그러면 맵 느끼기에 더좋을거같은데
2016-06-03 16:44 Fresh Chicken: 아니면 노트를 2개씩 쓰던가
2016-06-03 16:44 Fresh Chicken: 그런식으로
2016-06-03 16:44 jakads: 와 오투잼맵 됐네
2016-06-03 16:45 jakads: 잠시만
2016-06-03 16:45 Fresh Chicken: 롱놋으로쓸거면
2016-06-03 16:45 Fresh Chicken: 01:00:896 (60896|0,61599|2,62302|6) - 얘네들은
2016-06-03 16:45 Fresh Chicken: 생략하는게 좋아
2016-06-03 16:45 jakads: 흐음
2016-06-03 16:45 jakads: 근데 기타소리는 있단 말이지
2016-06-03 16:45 jakads: 원래 롱놋은 그냥 노트로 하고
2016-06-03 16:45 jakads: 피아노 소리를 롱놋으로 하면?
2016-06-03 16:45 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅇ 그것도 좋지
2016-06-03 16:46 jakads: 계단으로 했음
2016-06-03 16:46 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 16:46 Fresh Chicken: 01:14:959 (74959|3,75896|5) - 이거
2016-06-03 16:46 Fresh Chicken: 소리 하나잖
2016-06-03 16:47 Fresh Chicken: 01:14:959 (74959|3) - 애가01:16:365 - 여기까지
2016-06-03 16:47 Fresh Chicken: 가야되는거 아닌감
2016-06-03 16:47 jakads: 아앙?
2016-06-03 16:47 jakads: 걔 두개 맞을걸
2016-06-03 16:47 Fresh Chicken: 음 그러면 저거는 같은 롱놋선을 쓰는게 좋을거같은데
2016-06-03 16:47 Fresh Chicken: 뭐 너의선택임
2016-06-03 16:48 jakads: 일단은 놔둘게
2016-06-03 16:48 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 16:52 Fresh Chicken: 02:08:631 - 하나추가. 02:06:756 (126756|4,127693|6) -
2016-06-03 16:52 jakads: 아 실수
2016-06-03 16:52 jakads: ㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 16:53 Fresh Chicken: 02:09:099 (129099|0,129158|1,129217|2,129275|3,129334|4,129392|0,129451|1,129509|2) - 이거소리있는거맞지?
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: ㅇㅇ
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: 높은 소리로
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: 그
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: 칩튠같이
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: 뚜라루라루라루라 함
2016-06-03 16:54 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 16:54 Fresh Chicken: 이어폰없으면
2016-06-03 16:54 Fresh Chicken: 내가 좀 막귀임
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: 저런.
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: 나돈데
2016-06-03 16:54 jakads: 읍
2016-06-03 16:54 Fresh Chicken: 읍
2016-06-03 16:55 jakads: 어 뭐야
2016-06-03 16:55 jakads: 02:15:193 - 여기 노트 넣는게 낫나?
2016-06-03 16:55 Fresh Chicken: 02:20:349 - 하나추가, 02:22:693 - 요런놈들이랑 비슷하ㅓㄴ이유
2016-06-03 16:55 Fresh Chicken: 음?
2016-06-03 16:55 Fresh Chicken: 거기
2016-06-03 16:55 Fresh Chicken: 넣고싶음 넣어도되고
2016-06-03 16:55 Fresh Chicken: 아니면 말구
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 뭐 패턴이 깨진다거나
2016-06-03 16:56 Fresh Chicken: 근데
2016-06-03 16:56 Fresh Chicken: 넣으면
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 그런건 없지
2016-06-03 16:56 Fresh Chicken: 02:18:943 - 이런얘들한테도
2016-06-03 16:56 Fresh Chicken: 다 찾아서 넣어줘야함
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 아.
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 귀찮다
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 안해
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 그리고 지적한 부분 실수 인정
2016-06-03 16:56 Fresh Chicken: 읜정? 어 읜정~
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 읜정
2016-06-03 16:56 jakads: 근데 저런 부분 틀렸으면
2016-06-03 16:57 jakads: 끝에 4분쪽도 틀렸겠네
2016-06-03 16:57 jakads: 데밋
2016-06-03 16:57 Fresh Chicken: 복붙함?ㅋ
2016-06-03 16:57 jakads: 복붙... 좌우반전...
2016-06-03 16:57 jakads: 보면 알음ㅋ
2016-06-03 16:57 Fresh Chicken: 저런...
2016-06-03 16:57 Fresh Chicken: 그부분들은
2016-06-03 16:57 Fresh Chicken: 너가찾았으면 하는바램ㅋ
2016-06-03 16:57 jakads: ㅇㅇ 내가 찾고 있으
2016-06-03 16:57 Fresh Chicken: 내가 다른부분 지적할때까지 거기부분 수정하구있어
2016-06-03 16:59 Fresh Chicken: 03:30:896 (210896|2,210896|5,210955|6,211131|2,211365|2,211365|4,211424|5,211599|2,211834|3,211834|2,211892|4) - 이거 패턴 예쁘긴한데
2016-06-03 16:59 Fresh Chicken: 아니잠시만
2016-06-03 16:59 Fresh Chicken: 음 이건 그냥개인적 추천인데
2016-06-03 16:59 Fresh Chicken: 아 아니다 걍 내둬도 되겠다
2016-06-03 16:59 Fresh Chicken: ㅋ
2016-06-03 17:00 jakads: ㅇㅋ
2016-06-03 17:03 Fresh Chicken: 04:10:506 (250506|0) - 보면 숏놋들은 두개로 안맞췄는데 여기는 뭔가 의도같은게 있음?
2016-06-03 17:03 jakads: ㅇ?
2016-06-03 17:04 jakads: 숏놋들 두개로 맞췄을텐데
2016-06-03 17:04 Fresh Chicken: 04:11:443 - ?
2016-06-03 17:04 Fresh Chicken: 04:12:849 -
2016-06-03 17:04 Fresh Chicken: 04:13:084 - 뭐 여기는 계속 쭉쭉 나오니까 장외로 치고
2016-06-03 17:04 Fresh Chicken: 아 연속으로
2016-06-03 17:04 Fresh Chicken: 나오는부분을
2016-06-03 17:04 Fresh Chicken: 안쓴거?
2016-06-03 17:05 jakads: ㅇㅇ
2016-06-03 17:05 jakads: 내가 2달전에 매핑했을때 그런 생각이였나봄
2016-06-03 17:05 Fresh Chicken: 04:26:443 (266443|5) - 그럼 얘
2016-06-03 17:05 Fresh Chicken: 처형해야됨
2016-06-03 17:05 jakads: ssibal
2016-06-03 17:06 jakads: 그러면 2분 부분도 틀렸겠네
2016-06-03 17:06 jakads: 허!
2016-06-03 17:06 Fresh Chicken: 허!
2016-06-03 17:06 jakads: 좋아 바꿈
2016-06-03 17:06 Fresh Chicken: 02:26:443 - 여기 그렇네
2016-06-03 17:06 Fresh Chicken: 여기도삭제해 ㅋㅋ
2016-06-03 17:06 jakads: ㅇㅇ 이미 함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2016-06-03 17:06 Fresh Chicken: 그러고보니 02:28:318 (148318|2) - 얘는뭐임?ㅋㅋ
2016-06-03 17:07 jakads: 하이햇소리
2016-06-03 17:07 jakads: 치익ㅡ
2016-06-03 17:07 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅎ
2016-06-03 17:07 Fresh Chicken: 04:58:552 - 하나 추가, 일관성
2016-06-03 17:07 jakads: 헐 저걸 못봤네
2016-06-03 17:07 jakads: 앙
2016-06-03 17:07 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅋ 업뎃해
2016-06-03 17:08 jakads: 굳
2016-06-03 17:08 Fresh Chicken: 마라톤은 하나만볼수있어서
2016-06-03 17:08 Fresh Chicken: 개좋아
2016-06-03 17:08 Fresh Chicken: 꺆
2016-06-03 17:08 jakads: 마라톤은 난이도 하나만 만들어도 되서
2016-06-03 17:08 jakads: 개좋아
2016-06-03 17:08 jakads: 꺆
2016-06-03 17:08 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2016-06-03 17:08 Fresh Chicken: 업뎃함?
2016-06-03 17:08 jakads: ㅇㅇ
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: 음
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: 나한테말안하고
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: 혹시 어디 바꾼점?
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: 잇으?
2016-06-03 17:09 jakads: 으음
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: 뭐라고할게아니라 걍 어떤지
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: 보기만하는거
2016-06-03 17:09 jakads: 있긴 한데
2016-06-03 17:09 jakads: 자잘한 실수였
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: ㅇㅎ
2016-06-03 17:09 Fresh Chicken: 그럼 됬음
2016-06-03 17:09 jakads: 그리고 뭐 바꿨는지 까먹음
2016-06-03 17:09 jakads: ㅁㄴㅇㄹ
2016-06-03 17:10 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:


Fresh Chicken wrote:

now it's time for qualify
17:19 *Kawawa is listening to [ GameChops & VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix)]
17:20 Kawawa: 어디어디 바꿨어요?
17:20 jakads: 흐음
17:20 jakads: 많이는 안바꿨는데
17:20 jakads: 잠시만요
17:22 jakads: 크게 바뀐 곳이라면
17:22 jakads: 01:00:896 - ~ 01:02:771 - 여기정도밖에?
17:22 jakads: 나머지는 자잘한 실수들
17:22 Kawawa: 글군여
17:22 jakads: 그리고 메타데타 모딩을
17:22 jakads: 쿄카한테 받았었는데
17:23 jakads: 치킨상은 쿄카를 믿었고
17:23 Kawawa: 엇 저거
17:23 Kawawa: 링크 주실수있나여?
17:23 jakads: 아 저거 쿄카가
17:23 jakads: PM으로 보냈었어요
17:23 jakads: 왠진 모르겠는데
17:24 jakads: 저거 노래 정보 있는 사이트 주소는 드릴 수 있어요
17:24 Kawawa: 넹
17:24 Kawawa: 그거 사이트 좀 주세영
17:25 jakads: ... emix/kCXwY
17:25 Kawawa: 예전에 메타데이타는
17:25 Kawawa: 어디서 찾았지
17:25 jakads: 에?
17:26 Kawawa: 아녀
17:26 Kawawa: 이거 메타데이터
17:26 Kawawa: 바꾸지ㅣ 않았었나여?
17:26 Kawawa: 이전꺼는 어디서 가져오신거에여?
17:26 Kawawa: 기존에있던거 바뀌기전
17:26 jakads: 이전 꺼에서 추가한거정도밖에 없어요
17:30 Kawawa: 이게
17:30 Kawawa: 맞는거 같네요
17:30 Kawawa: 01:19:998 - 여기에 노트를 추가하지 않은건 의도 인가요?
17:30 Kawawa: 01:21:756 (81756|4,81873|2,81873|6,81990|5) - 이거를 봤을때
17:31 Kawawa: 01:19:998 (79998|4) - 여기에만 드럼이 강조되듯이
17:31 jakads: 아 그거
17:31 jakads: 앞부분은 소리가 작아서
17:31 Kawawa: 01:21:521 - 이 위로부터 전개를 바꾸신건가
17:31 jakads: 하나만 넣은게 제 의도
17:31 Kawawa: 아 이해됬어영
17:31 jakads: 01:21:521 (81521|6,81873|6,82224|2) - 아 여기 힛사 안 넣었었네요
17:32 Kawawa: 아 그렇네여
17:34 Kawawa: 02:11:326 - 여기까지 봤어영
17:36 Kawawa: 음 2가지 애매한곳
17:36 Kawawa: 02:17:068 (137068|1,137068|4,137068|3,137302|6,137302|2) -
17:36 Kawawa: 이 흐름에서
17:36 Kawawa: 02:17:068 - 여기 킥을 강조하에서 노트르 3개넣는것보다 02:17:302 - 여쪽 스네어에 1개를 넣어서 강조하시는게 나을듯한데
17:36 Kawawa: 02:17:068 (137068|4) - 이걸 제거하고
17:36 Kawawa: 02:17:302 - 이걸 2에 넣듯이
17:37 jakads: 아 그거
17:37 jakads: 그 제가 이거 매핑할때
17:37 Kawawa: 그 롱놋까지
17:37 jakads: 롱놋도 노트 개수에 포함시켜서 매핑을 했어요
17:37 Kawawa: 포함해서 하신거 아닌가여
17:37 Kawawa: 음 그럼
17:37 Kawawa: 02:23:162 (143162|6,143162|5,143162|4) -
17:37 Kawawa: 여기는여?
17:37 jakads: 헐
17:38 jakads: 거기는 실수
17:38 Kawawa: 근데
17:38 jakads: 잠시만요
17:38 Kawawa: 넹
17:38 jakads: 흐음
17:38 Kawawa: 02:17:068 (137068|3,137068|4,137068|1,137302|2,137302|6) - 이부분은
17:38 Kawawa: 조금 다르게 볼수 있어요
17:38 jakads: 뒷부분에는 없는거 보니 실수였던것같네요
17:38 Kawawa: 앞 부분에 02:16:365 (136365|2,136365|6,136365|4,136599|3,136599|5) - 이거가
17:38 Kawawa: 스네어3 킥2로 보여지듯이
17:38 Kawawa: 02:17:068 (137068|3,137068|4,137068|1,137302|2,137302|6) - 킥3 스네어2로 보여지거든요
17:39 Kawawa: 그리고 스네어가 더 부각되기떔시
17:39 Kawawa: 물론 여기만 변경하심 되는데
17:39 jakads: 흐음
17:39 jakads: 매핑 의도에선 살짝 벗어났지만 괜찮아보이네요
17:39 Kawawa: 02:15:896 (135896|6,135896|0,136131|4,136131|5) - 이렇게 동일하게 2코드로 유지했듯이
17:39 Kawawa: 02:17:537 (137537|1,137537|0,137537|3,137771|5,137771|2,137771|6) - 여기서 3코드로 유지했다는
17:39 Kawawa: 사유가 되거든여
17:39 Kawawa: 02:16:365 (136365|6,136365|4,136365|2,136599|3,136599|5,137068|3,137068|1,137068|4,137302|6,137302|2) - 여걸 또ㅓ 같이
17:39 Kawawa: 유지하궁
17:40 Kawawa: 정 유지하고 싶으시면
17:40 jakads: 04:17:068 - 여기도 바꿨어요
17:40 Kawawa: 유지하셔도되여
17:40 Kawawa: 넹
17:40 jakads: 바꾸는게 나은듯
17:40 jakads: 앙
17:40 Kawawa: 넹
17:40 Kawawa: 02:23:162 - 여기는 바꾸셨죠?
17:41 jakads: 네?
17:41 Kawawa: 02:23:162 (143162|6,143162|5,143162|4) - 여기 3노트여
17:41 Kawawa: 실수 아닌가여?
17:41 jakads: 아
17:41 jakads: 네
17:41 Kawawa: 넹
17:41 Kawawa: 1개 줄여주시궁
17:42 Kawawa: 02:40:271 - 여기 3코드를 쓰신 이유가 있나요?
17:42 Kawawa: 딱히 추가되는 음도 02:36:521 - 여기오ㅓㅏ 동일하고
17:42 Kawawa: 조금 더 크게 울려지기는 하는데
17:43 Kawawa: 아니다 위에쪽 보니까
17:43 Kawawa: 3개로 쓰셔도 되여
17:43 Kawawa: 다 유지하셨넹
17:43 jakads: 네 살짝 더 커서
17:43 jakads: 계속 3개 썼어요
17:44 jakads: 02:51:521 - 02:55:271 - 02:59:021 - 이제 보니깐 여기는 3개로 안했네요
17:44 Kawawa: 음 의도하신줄
17:44 Kawawa: 알았는데
17:45 Kawawa: 추가하고 싶으세요?
17:45 jakads: 네 아까 3개 썼던 부분하고 울리는게 같은 것 같아서
17:45 Kawawa: 넹
17:47 Kawawa: 03:34:646 - 여기 4코드 03:38:396 - 딱 이렇게
17:47 Kawawa: 구절 끝나는곳에서 4로 쓰셨는데 유지하고 싶으세요?
17:48 jakads: 네 그런 부분도
17:48 jakads: 롱놋까지 합쳐서 모두 4코드로 한
17:50 Kawawa: 04:05:935 -
17:50 Kawawa: 2노트가 어때요?
17:50 Kawawa: 02:20:935 -
17:50 Kawawa: 참고.
17:50 jakads: 헤에
17:50 Kawawa: 3노트도 괜찮아요
17:50 Kawawa: 유지하고 싶으시면
17:51 jakads: 네 저건 유지할게요
17:51 Kawawa: 넹
17:52 Kawawa: 04:20:935 - 아아 아까 그게
17:52 Kawawa: 이거랑 이으신거구나
17:53 jakads: 네
17:54 Kawawa: 04:48:123 (288123|4) - 아하 이거 이해됬다
17:54 Kawawa: 그 윗마디에는 여기 안쓰시구 04:50:935 (290935|4) - 위에 쓰신거구
17:55 Kawawa: 04:51:873 (291873|1) - 다시 그 윗마디에서 04:51:873 (291873|1) - 이거쓰구
17:55 Kawawa: 04:53:748 - 그 윗마디에선 여기안쓰구 04:54:685 (294685|1) - 여기쓰구
17:55 Kawawa: 반복한거 의도 맞지요?
17:55 jakads: 네
17:55 jakads: 노래만 들어보면
17:55 jakads: 투구둥 거리는게
17:55 jakads: 저 부분들
17:55 Kawawa: 자카드님이 이런걸 랜덤으로 두실리는 없다고 생각해서
17:56 Kawawa: 한번 살펴봤죠
17:56 Kawawa: 각 그린섹션의 볼륨 크기는
17:56 Kawawa: 전부 의도인가여
17:57 jakads: 네 나름 조절하려고 노력해봤어요
17:57 Kawawa: 섹션좀 잠시 한번 볼게용
17:57 Kawawa: 패턴은 끝났어요
17:59 Kawawa: 00:55:271 -
17:59 Kawawa: 여기 섹션 30%가 낫지않을까요
17:59 jakads: 네 그게 나을것같기도 하네요
17:59 jakads: 그런데 이제 보니깐
18:00 jakads: 힛사 볼륨 바꿀 필요가 별로 없..?
18:00 Kawawa: 네
18:00 Kawawa: 큰 의미는 없어요 사실
18:00 jakads: 그린섹션이 이렇게 필요하진 않을것같네요 이제 보니
18:00 Kawawa: 진짜 고요한 파트인
18:00 Kawawa: 첫부분 중간 쉬는부분은
18:00 Kawawa: 거기만 바꿀만한데
18:00 Kawawa: 나머지는 사실 큰 의미가 없다고 생각하네여
18:01 jakads: 네
18:01 Kawawa: 근데 의도만 있으면 되고,
18:01 jakads: 근데 이미 만들어놨으니 (긁적)
18:01 Kawawa: 걍 누가 솔직히 이런건 필요없다 라고 물어봤을때
18:01 Kawawa: 그 의도만 알려줄수만 있으면되여
18:01 Kawawa: 전 유지해도 좋네염
18:01 jakads: 넵
18:01 Kawawa: 어케하실거졍
18:02 jakads: 유지하고 싶네요
18:02 Kawawa: 넹
18:02 Kawawa: 근데 유지하자면
18:02 Kawawa: 02:29:021 - ~02:32:771 - 여기 볼륨 쪽은 왜 손 안보신거에여?
18:02 Kawawa: 의도인가요
18:03 Kawawa: 04:29:021 - ~ 04:32:771 -
18:03 Kawawa: 여기보면 동일한 파트인데
18:03 Kawawa: 섹션이 서너개로 나눠져있거든여
18:03 jakads: 네 저 지금 4분쪽에 있는 볼륨들 지우고 있어요
18:03 Kawawa: rne
18:03 Kawawa: 굳
18:03 jakads: 05:00:896 - 여기도 필요 없을듯
18:04 jakads: 05:02:068 (302068|5) - 이거 2에 옮기는게 나을까요?
18:04 jakads: 별로 의미 없나
18:04 Kawawa: 05:02:068 - 솔직히 여기에
18:04 Kawawa: 2에 추가해도되요
18:05 Kawawa: 2,5 4 1267 한세트로 해서 느낌살리는거 되거든여
18:05 jakads: 오오
18:05 jakads: 좋네요
18:05 Kawawa:
18:05 Kawawa: 솔직히 이느낌이
18:05 Kawawa: 마지막 비트 밟으면서
18:05 Kawawa: 끝내는데 더 좋을듯해서
18:06 Kawawa: 다 되셨으면 업데 고고
18:07 jakads: 네넹
18:07 jakads: 했어요
Qualified! \:D/
  Congratz, Jakcord! :D
Topic Starter

DQ the map plz
I'm so sorry.
When we checked, really did not see this one.
maybe something happen when updated.
and after qualified, we noticed it.
I really sorry again. (__)
Disqualified upon request from the mapper.

Get that stuff fixed so we can get this qualified again ASAP!
Topic Starter
ok dumb mistake is fixed
sorry everyone :/
let's get it rebubbled again!
GameChops & VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix) [OsuMania modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: None
- Hitsound: Okay
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay

Bubbled #1
(You're filled with determination)

ok, 2nd Bubbled!!


축하 드려염 크
lol im working on this either (STD
mind if i take your metadata >w<?
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

lol im working on this either (STD
mind if i take your metadata >w<?
sure sure :D

I enjoyed your other undertale ranked map even though I can't clear it at all 8-)
히익 퀄파 추카드려요!!
waw congrats on your first qualified map xD
[MTF] Wolfette

jakads wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 6월 3일 금요일 at 오후 10:29:06

Artist: GameChops & VOIA
Title: Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix)
Tags: EDM LTBones toby fox Video Game Remix Label His Theme Main Theme Asgore Spider Dance Core Finale Reprise Temmie Village
BPM: 128
Filesize: 5514kb
Play Time: 05:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. DETERMINATION - 7Key (3.94 stars, 2733 notes)
Download: GameChops & VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
* Listening to this song reminds you of all that time ago,
back when it all came down to the very end.
When your HOPES and DREAMS meant most.
It fills you with
Redownload after 06.03.2016 (Metadata is really unsure)
Original Video
Bubble #1 by Kuo Kyoka Bubble #2 by Fresh Chicken Qualified by Kawawa
Disqualified by Blocko (Dumb mistake was made)
Re-Bubble #1 by Kuo Kyoka Re-Bubble #2 by Kawawa Re-Qualified by Fresh Chicken

  1. qodtjr Modding (★4.8 -> ★4.03 .....ㅠㅠ), 1 Kudosu
  2. Minseo2000 Modding (★4.03 -> ★3.96 .....ㅠㅠ), 1 Kudosu
  3. SReisen Modding
  4. Protastic101 Modding, 1 Kudosu
  5. [ A v a l o n ] Modding
  6. pporse Modding
  7. - R e b a - Modding
  8. Kim_GodSSI 1 Kudosu
  9. Fresh Chicken Modding
  10. Kawawa Modding
  11. Rival_7 Modding

AsrielDr33murr wrote:

The LNs are mapped to the music I don't see any problems
Topic Starter

AsrielDr33murr wrote:

jakads wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 6월 3일 금요일 at 오후 10:29:06

Artist: GameChops & VOIA
Title: Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix)
Tags: EDM LTBones toby fox Video Game Remix Label His Theme Main Theme Asgore Spider Dance Core Finale Reprise Temmie Village
BPM: 128
Filesize: 5514kb
Play Time: 05:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. DETERMINATION - 7Key (3.94 stars, 2733 notes)
Download: GameChops & VOIA - Voia's Medley (Undertale Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
* Listening to this song reminds you of all that time ago,
back when it all came down to the very end.
When your HOPES and DREAMS meant most.
It fills you with
Redownload after 06.03.2016 (Metadata is really unsure)
Original Video
Bubble #1 by Kuo Kyoka Bubble #2 by Fresh Chicken Qualified by Kawawa
Disqualified by Blocko (Dumb mistake was made)
Re-Bubble #1 by Kuo Kyoka Re-Bubble #2 by Kawawa Re-Qualified by Fresh Chicken

  1. qodtjr Modding (★4.8 -> ★4.03 .....ㅠㅠ), 1 Kudosu
  2. Minseo2000 Modding (★4.03 -> ★3.96 .....ㅠㅠ), 1 Kudosu
  3. SReisen Modding
  4. Protastic101 Modding, 1 Kudosu
  5. [ A v a l o n ] Modding
  6. pporse Modding
  7. - R e b a - Modding
  8. Kim_GodSSI 1 Kudosu
  9. Fresh Chicken Modding
  10. Kawawa Modding
  11. Rival_7 Modding
slider spam eh
[MTF] Wolfette
I was only joking jakads, I just have trouble with multiple long notes on 7k :P

Artist: Toby Fox/VOIA
song title: Voia's Remix Medley (His Theme, Temmie Village, Main Theme, Finale)
Released by: Gamechops (Label)

Source: I helped quality control the song, am a friend of VOIA.
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