
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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kai99 wrote:

see, sometimes I think making a "quality" thread is hard and people just need somewhere to post their shit, hence the shitposters
Yes, but people need to learn that OT isn't their personal place to post whatever.
Nobody really gives a fuck about most of the shit here.
No, you don't understand the point I'm making here.

I do NOT have a problem with people being dumb and having a giggle every once in a while, but I HARDLY need to link you all the fucking threads imbeciles have been making for absolutely NO reason what-so-ever. THAT is what I have a problem with here, and that's the crux of this entire discussion. Old vs new is a complete joke - if you want to make things better, start with yourself, and you sure as fuck aren't starting anything, nor are those people who create those threads.

You see, if you make a thread that says "Flanster best boi ban me daddy" or has a similar theme, 5 times in a month, you're either extremely lonely and needy for attention, have some sort of mental issue so you can't understand the basic concept of content that SHOULDN'T be posted, despite a heap of examples from the past showing you how to behave, or you're just an utter troll who understands everything but gives absolutely no fucks regardless of what's going on.

In two out of three of those cases, it's very concerning and indicative of a defect, and mind you, that's a problem for the community as well.

Aurani wrote:

What the fuck are you on about?

How is spamming memes and being utterly retarded in EVERY sense of that definition good in ANY way to you? It isn't, you're just countering me without any actual reason - something I've noticed you doing in other discussions with other people. It's like you enjoy making things tense in a perverse way, but whatever, you aren't the point of discussion here.
Take a look in the mirror, i'm not the one who tries to purposely antagonize people by calling their community shit and insulting them over hours.

i gave you an actual reason in my post above. OT was a circlejerk back then and it is a circlejerk now, you just don't like it anymore because you're no longer part of the circle.

Do you have any awareness at all, self-awareness or otherwise?

its utterly identical, there has been a surge of low quality for ages. All you need to do is take a look back without your shitty confirmation bias.

People are just blinded by nostalgia, as they always are. Expect the next wave of idiots that crying about ''everything having been better in the good old days'' in 4 years.


Aurani wrote:

You see, if you make a thread that says "Flanster best boi ban me daddy" or has a similar theme, 5 times in a month, you're either extremely lonely and needy for attention, have some sort of mental issue so you can't understand the basic concept of content that SHOULDN'T be posted, despite a heap of examples from the past showing you how to behave, or you're just an utter troll who understands everything but gives absolutely no fucks regardless of what's going on.
oh lmao this is such an obvious fact
sorry i had to say this

well but those kinds of threads usually tend to not get much attention, get wastelanded, or locked most of the time, so I really didn't see a problem with those, although i have to say there is an abundance.

and i have to include this from Railey's given screenshot

Comfy Slippers
I do NOT have a problem with people being dumb and having a giggle every once in a while
Yet you call them imbeciles.

You see, if you make a thread that says "Flanster best boi ban me daddy" or has a similar theme, 5 times in a month, you're either extremely lonely and needy for attention, have some sort of mental issue so you can't understand the basic concept of content that SHOULDN'T be posted, despite a heap of examples from the past showing you how to behave, or you're just an utter troll who understands everything but gives absolutely no fucks regardless of what's going on.
Which is similar to what you guys had "back in the day". For you, it's easier to trashtalk rather than participate and understand the meaning behind some of these threads. Only then will your arguments beat out the things I say.

Okay, so far I've respected every single one of your posts, but no more. I have thus far said 4 times, FOUR TIMES, that I'm NOT discussing "old vs new" and you once AGAIN, for the second time now, completely ignore it and go on about comparing random shit that isn't even in the scope of my posts.
Do you have an issue reading things, or what? Do I somehow need to spell it out for you that a retard 5 years ago and a retard today are the same?

The people I've called retards aren't a community, unless you don't know what the definition of a community is, nor do I "protect" people from the past. I'm protecting the people who actually made good content and I could give less fucks about you trying to purposely shove some kind of notion of me "wanting the past in the present".

I mean, it's completely baffling to me how I thought so highly of you, only for you to now time and time again show me that you're ignoring everything I say and add random arguments that aren't even connected to my original point.

To spell it out for you once and for all:
I do NOT think that I "don't belong in the current circlejerk" nor do I wish that the old circlejerk would return so I can be back in it. If you did your research, you would've noticed that I never was in any kind of group here and never really belonged to any circlejerk.

I do NOT have any kind of "nostalgia", since the people I loved back then I still talk to, more or less, so your point there is also moot.

I mean it appears that I should've just deconstructed your posts line by line just to make you understand a thing that you should've understood without me spelling it out for you.

Aurani wrote:

I don't visit the place for half a day and people are already showing their retarded side.

The reason "old OT" was a much better place is because of two things:
1) People who shitposted at least displayed a minimum of 80 IQ in form of witty shitposts, compared to today's OT regulars who do their utmost to post the most autistic, least funny bullshit they can think of, if the concept of "thinking" can even be applied to their pitiful existence
2) In spite of all the junk that was undeniably there, some threads were still breeding grounds for nice discussions, compared to today when the only "intelligent" discussions spawn in ITT and even those immediately get tainted by the sheer scale of idiocy circling around this place.

All in all, old OT might've been a filthy piss bottle, but the current OT is like a bucket full of 8-month old semen mixed with salmonella and cockroach spit.

Hika wrote:

Oops sorry. I'll post more then.
You flatter yourself, slave.

You've clearly side with the people that pretend to have lived in this mysterious golden age of OT, where everything was better. That's exactly what i've addressed in my posts, because that time where OT stunk less never existed.

you're a hypocrite and a liar. Own up to your shit.

i really appreciate your posts, don't be so stupid.

Railey2 wrote:

Real talk.

its common knowledge that people have a strong tendency to romanticise the past. The reasons for that are manifold, but without going further into it:

The only difference between OT back then and today now is, that you have a harder time relating to the people that frequent OT today. You lost your exclusive club and since you're not invited to the new one, you interpret lots of the banter and inside jokes here as senseless shitposting (because thats what it looks like to you).

But there's a new community here today and they're having a blast, just like you did 5 years ago.

You can still have meaningful discussions with most people here, the possibilities are all there.. you just don't have an interest in actually getting to know anyone here.
Complaining is always easier than actually getting engaged once more.

if you want to keep feeling bad about what you've lost but refuse to see whats there to be gained, then the past will always look more appealing than the present.
You make your choices.
I don't need a pretentious pseudo-intellectual such as yourself telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about because you don't want to admit that this community is shit. Shitposting existed back then to a limited degree as well, but there difference was that there were some individuals who weren't just shitposters and who were actually interesting to interact with. I understand the "culture" and "inside jokes" of shitposting perfectly, it's just as asinine as it was back then, it's low quality posting that doesn't require any thought or effort. Anyone could do it, I have no desire to.

And like I've been saying, you're just one of these people that refuses to admit that there might be objective standards, that it might have been better back then (it was) for people who were looking for somewhat meaningful interaction.
Are you actually TRYING to compare someone like Wojjan, the greatest of all shitposters, to something like "dear kai99", to name a random thread? Because that's the kind of shitposter I like, compared to a normal, mindless shitposter. Just because people like Wojjan existed, doesn't mean there weren't shitposters back then who are the same as the ones I'm talking about right now.

The ONLY side I stand on is my own side. I'm explaining my point of having a problem with people who REPEATEDLY (note the word - to answer Comfy's "yet you call them imbeciles") fail to contribute ANYTHING of note.

As for OT stinking less being a myth: "only 25% of people will be here after 4 years" - so if the other 75% are replaced with mindless turnips (it's just an example, chill your tits, since I already know that you want to take the number literally), compared to there being a 50-50 in the past, doesn't that prove that it's filthier now than it was before?
I personally think there were more serious and intelligent people active back then, and by that point I shall remain until you provide solid evidence for the contrary, in which case I'll change my opinion. Nostalgia has no play in it, as it's my rational conclusion after having been here for 4 and a half + 2 years.
cmon, wojjan was legendary. can't compare. what are you saying
what has this comparison gone to
has science gone too far
i wont be able to replicate wojjan's thread no matter how hard i tried lmao and that's why i'll stay another mindless 1xxxth shitposter in this forum
there are plenty individuals that are interesting to interact with here, you just don't know that because you've been talking to yourself for the last 3 years.

Blue Dragon wrote:

johnmedina999 wrote:

Here we go! The moment we've all been waiting for. The reason why Mara and B1rd and Auranai and Hika and abraker are the only ones here that have been here for 5+ years are still here; one of the reasons why the others have left. This is it!
the reason why most of the OT oldfags left is because this place is a pile of stinky shit

I mean at least before it was a laughable pile of stinky shit

now it's just stinky
If they left because the place was shit then they were part of the problem

Also, if we got rid of the worst people here (wink wink) there'd be more space for actual discussion instead of "muh feels" bullshit and shitposts.
No, the thread wasn't made by you, Kai.

Railey2 wrote:

there are plenty individuals that are interesting to interact with here, you just don't know that because you've been talking to yourself for the last 3 years.
Explain the "talking to yourself" part.

Railey2 wrote:

there are plenty individuals that are interesting to interact with here, you just don't know that because you've been talking to yourself for the last 3 years.
Who is interesting? Who has said anything meaningful outside of a couple of people or a few isolated examples? I haven't been talking to myself, that doesn't even make any sense.

Aurani wrote:

No, the thread wasn't made by you, Kai.
lmao thought it was a sarcasm directed at me borrowing the title of someone else's thread.
well, i guess what you're describing is what i call nutrition-less.
threads that have no affect whatsoever. those kinds of threads barely have any existence.

Interestingly enough, the same people I found entertaining and great are still entertaining and great to this day, and are pretty much the only ones I find so currently, apart from 2 or so examples. Must be a coincidence!


Aurani wrote:

Are you actually TRYING to compare someone like Wojjan, the greatest of all shitposters, to something like "dear kai99", to name a random thread? Because that's the kind of shitposter I like, compared to a normal, mindless shitposter. Just because people like Wojjan existed, doesn't mean there weren't shitposters back then who are the same as the ones I'm talking about right now.

The ONLY side I stand on is my own side. I'm explaining my point of having a problem with people who REPEATEDLY (note the word - to answer Comfy's "yet you call them imbeciles") fail to contribute ANYTHING of note.

As for OT stinking less being a myth: "only 25% of people will be here after 4 years" - so if the other 75% are replaced with mindless turnips (it's just an example, chill your tits, since I already know that you want to take the number literally), compared to there being a 50-50 in the past, doesn't that prove that it's filthier now than it was before?
I personally think there were more serious and intelligent people active back then, and by that point I shall remain until you provide solid evidence for the contrary, in which case I'll change my opinion. Nostalgia has no play in it, as it's my rational conclusion after having been here for 4 and a half + 2 years.
you should compare dear kai99 to the ''i'm turning japanese''-sort of thread from the screenshot.
And wojjan posted so much shit on here. SO much shit.

i don't need to explain to you how sides work, you're not autistic. But here you go anyway: if, in a discussion, you hold a view that is very similar to the views of a group of people, it makes sense to group you in with them in the context of the discussion and address the arguments of your ''group'' as a whole.

the numbers are just made up, take them as you wish.
The point is: How you view peoples posts depends greatly on what your affiliation to them is. That's not a secret, there are things like the Halo-effect, in-group out-group dynamics etc. The whole wide area of social psychology confirms that people tend to be biased in favor of people that they've known for longer and had personal relations with.

if those people disappear and get replaced with others, you'll feel left out in that new group and may even become bitter over what was lost.
its a normal process and people regularly fall for it, even though its so painfully unnecessary.

They weren't replaced with 75 percent mindless turnips, you're just bad at adjusting. Trust me when i say that its not the first time for me to notice this. it's happened in virtually every community i've been a part of, multiple times.

Your conclusion isn't rational, it's biased in favor of people you know and like.

Go find your own evidence. Talk to abraker, maybe, probably my favourite shitposter on here, or talk to
or talk to me, hell i count as a new user too, don't i?

the talking to yourself part was just a diss, guys please. its what you do when someone posts a reply thats not worth a proper response, but leaving it as is would feel weird so you do that.
I've known you for a relatively long period of time (Osu "long"), I've known Bird even longer, and other people even longer than that, yet I sure as fuck have issues with all of you, so the whole "viewing people's posts as good because you like them" is thrown out the window. You can take yourself as a perfect example there. I don't view you as a mindless shitposter nor do I think of you as a problem, yet I don't favour your current point of view at all.

Abraker is a decent enough shitposter, albeit a bit rough at the edges. Some of the posts he makes do cross into the mindless shitpost valley, but not too often.
i mean.. you don't have to go as far as liking people.

The bias already shows with people that are familiar vs. people that aren't.
But no matter which way you turn it, it still makes no sense. Even if I didn't like you and only knew you as a familiar face in OT, that would still, according to that, be incorrect. I mean I'm familiar with Bird and I love Hika, yet neither of those two's posts are perfect, nor am I biased towards them.

As I said, you make the perfect example with the current discussion, and you can't deny it, since you know I respect you, yet here we are.
This is an awkward position.

All i can tell you that i haven't experienced any significant change in the community over the last 2.5 years, and nothing from pre-2015 suggests that its been better before i joined.
From past experiences and with some knowledge about the psychological basis of the ''golden age fallacy'' (unofficial name), i can tell you that people are almost always wrong when they start talking about how things used to be better. You claim that none of this applies to you because you're unbiased, be it naturally or through conscious effort.

You tell me it was better, i'm here looking at OT 4 years ago like .......

Neither of us has the will or time to do a statistical analysis of OT in its totality to prove an increase or decrease in quality, so where does that leave us?

i would love to have the same discussion with you in 4 years again, but i don't think either of us will be around by then, sadly.

The last thing i ask you to consider is this:
People that were around 4 years ago are 4 years older today. Blitzfrog and kai are 16 today, they will both be 20 in 4 years.
if you still talk to people from back then, how they act today might affect your memories of how they were back then (far more immature), skewing them in their favor.

Aurani wrote:

But no matter which way you turn it, it still makes no sense. Even if I didn't like you and only knew you as a familiar face in OT, that would still, according to that, be incorrect. I mean I'm familiar with Bird and I love Hika, yet neither of those two's posts are perfect, nor am I biased towards them.

As I said, you make the perfect example with the current discussion, and you can't deny it, since you know I respect you, yet here we are.
why dont u love me 2

Railey2 wrote:

This is an awkward position.

All i can tell you that i haven't experienced any significant change in the community over the last 2.5 years, and nothing from pre-2015 suggests that its been better before i joined.
From past experiences and with some knowledge about the psychological basis of the ''golden age fallacy'' (unofficial name), i can tell you that people are almost always wrong when they start talking about how things used to be better. You claim that none of this applies to you because you're unbiased, be it naturally or through conscious effort.

You tell me it was better, i'm here looking at OT 4 years ago like .......

Neither of us has the will or time to do a statistical analysis of OT in its totality to prove an increase or decrease in quality, so where does that leave us?

i would love to have the same discussion with you in 4 years again, but i don't think either of us will be around by then, sadly.

The last thing i ask you to consider is this:
People that were around 4 years ago are 4 years older today. Blitzfrog and kai are 16 today, they will both be 20 in 4 years.
if you still talk to people from back then, how they act today might affect your memories of how they were back then (far more immature), skewing them in their favor.
You definitely make a point there with the age, but age can't explain certain behaviour that some people have (mindless shitposting).

There is no way I could ever hope to get away with saying that there were less shitposters then than there are now, as it is not true, but one thing I guarantee you is that there were more people like us.

Now, there being more "good" people around is not what I was trying to get at, however, as I was saying that I REALLY, REALLY fucking hate mindless shitposting. THAT is what I dislike and would love to change if I had the power to do so.
Fuck the golden age bias and fuck the "past > present" - all I care about is less idiocy and more quality discussions or at least some witty and entertaining jokes.

The reason I was utterly baffled with you being so against me is that I thought you'd also be in favour of quality content over complete turd threads, of which there are plenty and they need to go away, otherwise all the other 16-year olds who visit OT for the first time will think of it as a standard and be swayed by it, as do all youngsters.

Milkshake wrote:

why dont u love me 2
I have always secretly loved you and have made intricate plans to remove Tom.
i can enjoy both mindless shitposting and intellectual discussions.

but lets leave it at that then, seems like a nice end to this exchange.
Loosen your freefalled.
I barely touched Hardie at first, because you just fell from the wholl bullcrap in the evenings of 1995. It is just crunching dirt, you douchebag. No dentist platoon. You just wanted to almond in the desertion of an Idaho powder. Go to Sedalia Missouri and then Pat Tillman will kill you.

Railey2 wrote:

i can enjoy both mindless shitposting and intellectual discussions.
Same, but OT seems to lack the 'intellectual" part.
Holy fuck what
hi im kai

Railey2 wrote:

Aurani wrote:

Are you actually TRYING to compare someone like Wojjan, the greatest of all shitposters, to something like "dear kai99", to name a random thread? Because that's the kind of shitposter I like, compared to a normal, mindless shitposter. Just because people like Wojjan existed, doesn't mean there weren't shitposters back then who are the same as the ones I'm talking about right now.

The ONLY side I stand on is my own side. I'm explaining my point of having a problem with people who REPEATEDLY (note the word - to answer Comfy's "yet you call them imbeciles") fail to contribute ANYTHING of note.

As for OT stinking less being a myth: "only 25% of people will be here after 4 years" - so if the other 75% are replaced with mindless turnips (it's just an example, chill your tits, since I already know that you want to take the number literally), compared to there being a 50-50 in the past, doesn't that prove that it's filthier now than it was before?
I personally think there were more serious and intelligent people active back then, and by that point I shall remain until you provide solid evidence for the contrary, in which case I'll change my opinion. Nostalgia has no play in it, as it's my rational conclusion after having been here for 4 and a half + 2 years.
you should compare dear kai99 to the ''i'm turning japanese''-sort of thread from the screenshot.
And wojjan posted so much shit on here. SO much shit.

i don't need to explain to you how sides work, you're not autistic. But here you go anyway: if, in a discussion, you hold a view that is very similar to the views of a group of people, it makes sense to group you in with them in the context of the discussion and address the arguments of your ''group'' as a whole.

the numbers are just made up, take them as you wish.
The point is: How you view peoples posts depends greatly on what your affiliation to them is. That's not a secret, there are things like the Halo-effect, in-group out-group dynamics etc. The whole wide area of social psychology confirms that people tend to be biased in favor of people that they've known for longer and had personal relations with.

if those people disappear and get replaced with others, you'll feel left out in that new group and may even become bitter over what was lost.
its a normal process and people regularly fall for it, even though its so painfully unnecessary.

They weren't replaced with 75 percent mindless turnips, you're just bad at adjusting. Trust me when i say that its not the first time for me to notice this. it's happened in virtually every community i've been a part of, multiple times.

Your conclusion isn't rational, it's biased in favor of people you know and like.

Go find your own evidence. Talk to abraker, maybe, probably my favourite shitposter on here, or talk to
or talk to me, hell i count as a new user too, don't i?

the talking to yourself part was just a diss, guys please. its what you do when someone posts a reply thats not worth a proper response, but leaving it as is would feel weird so you do that.
I have no idea who you're directing this at, but as always you're extremely arrogant, to insist that you're right, you're the only rational one, everyone else's perception of reality is wrong, even though you have no evidence, and that the reason that this subforum isn't good for us isn't because of meaningless shitposting non-stop, it's becasue we're not "engaging" with the community in the right way. Absolute nonsense, the reason why I don't bother engaging is that I wouldn't get any satisfaction from participating in the asinine behavior like spamming one letter posts that was going on just before this argument. I liked the old posters because they were better, and so I engaged with them and therefore was "affiliated" with them, I didn't become "affiliated" with them and then like them because of that, that's putting the cart before the horse. I engage with any sort of posting that interest me, regardless of the poster, and 97% of posts here do not interest me in any way.
DJ Enetro
Well even worse abraker will win I think
Its a problem that persists in every community: As a community becomes more popular and/or accessible, the mean age of the community tends to go down, while at the same time the count of the lowest denominator goes up.

This results in a large increase of shitty shitposts for communities like OT.
The old community of OT used to be far more inaccessible and unfriendly to newcomers than it is now, kept itself smaller and "regulated" by shunning people outside of the community. I wont say its a better or even good time compared to back then (people outside of the clique definitively had a shitty time here (hi sonatora!), but it prositively meant that a much larger margin of posts was relevant and fitting for the arbitary judgements of the existing clique, ergo a illusion of better quality.

In some ways it is still the same in this regard, but with time flowing members of the old clique get replaced by newcomers which softened up things for yet more newcomers. Or you could say, the cliques standarts for quality or what even qualifies as shitpost changed as the people in it changed. If you are one of those who are from the oldies, you may find those changes distasteful.

And if little to newcomes come things like Tuuba happen, with time. Man is it quiet there now.

Change is inevitable, and change is scary for most people.

As to why i posted? I saw content relevant to my interrests (discussion), if it werent there my activity would still be as dead as the last few months. If i only saw the oneliners that dominate the vast majority of this thread now (and perhaps always have) i wouldnt have posted. Its not content i like after all.

Also do we have a selfie thread somewhere? I belive i never posted a pic of myself but im sure a few of those who still remain are curious about my looks as ever. My lifes better now as do i feel better about myself now, so im not as opposed to showing myself as i was before.

Granger wrote:

Also do we have a selfie thread somewhere? I belive i never posted a pic of myself but im sure a few of those who still remain are curious about my looks as ever. My lifes better now as do i feel better about myself now, so im not as opposed to showing myself as i was before.
Selfies are more than welcome in the Post you in real life thread in GD. :)

Madvillain wrote:

Granger wrote:

Also do we have a selfie thread somewhere? I belive i never posted a pic of myself but im sure a few of those who still remain are curious about my looks as ever. My lifes better now as do i feel better about myself now, so im not as opposed to showing myself as i was before.
Selfies are more than welcome in the Post you in real life thread in GD. :)
I meant more like "faces of OT" which we used to have, but sure i can post in GD. Not like it matters really.
Well, RIP Chris Cornell. :cry:

The crazy thing is, I could've actually caught his last show (which was earlier this night!) but I went to Hall & Oates/Tears For Fears instead...
and now everyone knows where I live
I'll be listening to Superunknown for the rest of the day. RIP legend, what the hell happened though? It's so sudden.

You know who was a cool guy? The_Priest_In_Yellow. He sort of disappeared after he married Rena-chan though...
B1rd there was always meaningless non-stop shitposting on OT, side by side with reasonable discussions. Nothing has changed. Go back 100 pages and what you will find is always random shit and spam threads, with little good stuff in between.

@foxtrot: Wojjan < abraker
Honestly, I see some hostility towards Wojjan from you. Why? You'll see a lot of old users reminiscing her because she was actually a fun person to be around with because her jokes made sense. She stopped posting 2 years ago, which is around the same time you registered, so you might have missed out a bunch of jokes from her posts (she did a lot of inside jokes). I believe that a big reason why the older users are unsatisfied with the current state it's because they don't find the shitposting FUNNY. Honestly, neither do I; there's nothing funny about parallel posting or ye ode ot. If the new users like doing this, we shouldn't stop them having their own fun, but if other people don't they'll just make themselves look more like douchebags if they force their spam across the board. AND THIS IS WHY ITT 2 EXISTS IN THE FIRST PLACE !
Wojjan is a she?

Madvillain wrote:

Wojjan is a she?
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