
Drop - Granat

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Oh geez... :| I certainly hope this situation isn't going to get any worse. While there are lots of controversy for Extra difficulties and the like, it's certainly unconventional to see so much attention set on a Beginner difficulty either. I know there are concerns about whether the difficulty, or lack thereof, in a map and whether it's trivial, but perhaps there could be improvements or at least a compromise that can make it work.

I don't think there really the one correct assessment of what a beginner should or should not expect aside from the standard mapset conventions we have existing. We could theorize or think about how the ideal newbie is going to play osu!, but we're going to have our own subjective views on it. My personal viewpoint, if it helps to improve everyone's perspectives, is that 181 BPM is on the upper echelon of speed, and while having constant 1/1 notes does follow Easy difficulty conventions, it can be a bit challenging for a player to try keeping up. So I can see that the Beginner difficulty has value in that the notes are spaced as if it's 90 BPM 1/1, though I do agree that the spacing could be increased a bit more, or perhaps a few more notes could be added. My perspective is based on the rhythms of DDR games though, and the Beginner difficulty generally follows that well, as the empty beats help give a player time to react, whereas the Easy difficulty is not as forgiving. Though one could say that the sliders may help with that reaction too, but I guess this is where hypothetical situations and theorycrafting reach imaginative levels.

But either way, it's going to be really difficult to contend for arguments like how beginner players are going to respond to this, since things can vary. I think, really, it's best for Krfawy to come by and discuss with Desperate's points he brought up and either agree, respectfully disagree, or work out a compromise between the two. The better matter would be addressing these concerns, and if in disagreement, why so.

With this much discussion, you can certainly see that there's a bit of tension and frustration in the room. While I don't think it's right for diri to make a meme post (albeit it gives me chuckles), I think we can all see as to why there's this kind of eggpain here. After all, the natural inclination would be to think, "Why focus so much attention on this? It's just a beginner difficulty, for crying out loud!". Though it's nice to see there be consideration for beginner players too.

I say just wait for what Krfawy has to say, and we all take it easy and see where we can go from there. Just relax and enjoy how cute and moe Granat-chan is. <3
Best said by the one and only Kirby
Topic Starter
ya, by no means my post was directed to anyone here, i was merely trying to chill the mood. if someone is offended from it feel free to remove/edit the post, but i personally think its pretty funny /me runs
What do I think of beginner/low star difficulties (and why I make them and sometimes support people making them)

This might sound hypocritical from me, but I do have some objections about the beginner difficulty. I've done that several times, several times not extremely reasonably, but there was a certain philosophy behind it which I would like to elaborate a little bit.

Why do you need a beginner/low star difficulty? It was usually to not have only 2-diff spread for low-BPM or very calm songs, I didn't want to look like a lazy mapper. That is not super reasonable, but it still makes a little bit of sense. Another reason was because I wanted to give the Hard few jumps for emphasis - the map was still very calm, didn't need anything more than a bit easier hard, with some elements that usually appear in insane. That automatically means that the Normal cannot be as easy, it needs to remove few mapping techniques from the hard (jumps, spacing changes, 1/4 notes etc.) and decrease the overall density of objects. But that means that the real easy is missing. You don't need to include it, but if you want to, there's no issue about it, you will provide the map to one more group of people and more people might enjoy it in the result. The last reason I can remember of was to make a very introductory map for beginners, but when is it really needed? If there is an Easy in a regular pop song, it is usually won't happen, but sometimes the song is just so complicated that if you want to simplify in a consistent spread, the Easy will still keep the complicated rhythms. And that's not bad, it will learn you to get used to the complicated rhythms, then you can move to Normal etc. However, before that, you always need to know how to click properly to some constant and straightforward rhythm. In such a case, having a beginner difficulty is in my opinion more than welcome. Because newcomer will be able to play the map with a simplified rhythm, but won't be much interested in something that doesn't look constant to them.

Now, if I take a look at your map, being seen as a lazy mapper is probably not a problem in this mapset, so even though having only few diffs would not be extremely good reason for having a pointless difficulty, we have more than enough here. Easy->Advanced mostly only change SV, spacing and density. Not many skill-based techniques are added, easy is not forced to be complicated rhythmically nor movement-wise, so the second and third idea also don't apply much. However, yes, the easy is not as easy as some people would expect due to the slider velocity etc., so maybe some kind of introductory difficulty would be acceptable, I would not have much against that.

Nevertheless, they way you chose to map it is not probably the best one. If you are really attempting to provide a difficulty that should introduce the players to the game and you are afraid that current easy is too hard, yeah, go with some beginner, but keep in mind that you want to simplify the song rather than to skip certain parts of the song. The introductory difficulties with help in 3 ways - It work the same as a tutorial, you have enough time to realise that you have to click and aim etc., the thing it will teach you is to hold some constant rhythm - it will teach you to play the important sounds accurately, and the last point is that it will teach you the time-distance rule, which is useful in the beginning as most E-H maps use constant spacing.

Actually addressing the issue

1. Issue - Ignoring sounds

I would understand this: 00:00:281 (1) - You are skipping really unimportant parts of the song, only the guitar/harp (or whatever plucked string instrument it is). But things like: 00:08:238 (1) - 00:12:217 (3) - 00:16:196 (1) - are quite an abuse of the whole importance of the difficulty just for sake of slider art. You are omitting important sounds that are basically the only important thing in such a basic difficulty. New players don't need to know how to hold a slider for 2 seconds if they can learn to click properly instead, which is giving them some actual skill. 00:32:111 (1) - This would be obvious, quite an intense part of the song, but the slider just ignores anything it has and forces you to hold it for like 8 seconds.

If you think about it, easy is pretty much full of 1/1 and 2/1 sliders and circles (also 1/1 or 2/1). The beginner however uses 3/1 sliders (mostly with repeats), which would be fine, but also a plenty of 6/1 sliders and even a 24/1 slider and some circles with about 3/1 gaps. The difference is very major and it is not even filling the purpose that an introductory difficulty could have. You could easily map sounds such as 00:09:233 - 00:13:212 - instead of the pointlessly long sliders and you would take the constant rhythm (that will teach newbies something) back. Now, you can think about this part, 00:32:111 (1) - you don't necessarily need to get away all the slider art. You can notice that sounds like 00:33:105 - on the sliders are quite unattractive for clicking, they are not significant enough, however each other sound like 00:34:100 - 00:36:090 - 00:38:079 - is kind of a strum, which is more significant and maybe would also be worth mapping. This time, you could use the 6/1 sliders with your slider art - not only the part sounds somewhat mysterious (might be fitting well for interesting shapes), it will also not ignore important sounds that occur here, will provide a more constant and sensible rhythm and most importantly, will get a rid off the difference between the next difficulty.

2. Spacing/SV

While I think the SV is pretty playable for any newbie, they way objects are placed is going against any time-distance rule. You tend to move on the slider for about the same amount as you would move from object to object for the same amount of time. It might be a bit lower, but less then half looks like an extreme to me, just for sake of making an easier difficulty. Again, this won't help newbies in any way, the will be resting for seconds on the same place instead of actually having to write the movement into their hands. The stacks you are using are not doing it much better, there is almost no motion that would teach the newbies anything and it just creates a bit unpleasant reading. Objects clustered in one place are not always perceived in a good way.

That's probably all I'd like to say here. I don't aim this directly at Krfawy nor anyone who stands behind him. I'm just giving some of my subjective opinion + arguments for why it doesn't necessarily need to be completely purged, but also why it is not 100% alright and doesn't actually help as much as it could if you are going for any kind of introductory difficulty.
- Normal -
(In my opinion I really don't like the whistle place ment here, I prefer it on every 1st and or 3rd "4th note" white tick i mean.)
00:05:254 (3,4) - Shouldn't 3 be a slider and 4 be a circle?
00:10:227 (1,2) - Shouldn't this combo be like before? Why did you change the rythm?
00:38:079 (1) - I feel like that this slider should end at 39:737 and the spinner should start 40:068.
- Mk's Hard -
00:34:432 (2,3) - These should stack like the other two that are after this.
- Antaraes' Light Insane - <Is it supposed to be spelled like that lul
00:14:704 (4) - I know that you were intending on making this cool pattern, but the song doesn't represent it. Why did the spacing change when the music didn't?
00:15:699 (4) - ^
00:32:608 (4) - ^
00:33:603 (4) - ^

I hope this helped!

ViolentBoo wrote:

- Antaraes' Light Insane - <Is it supposed to be spelled like that lul close enough lol
00:14:704 (4) - I know that you were intending on making this cool pattern, but the song doesn't represent it. Why did the spacing change when the music didn't? the point of actual pattern is to emphasize slider (5) without stacking and i think antijump here plays pretty well and it's more fun than equality in DS, same for rest obviously
thanks for your mod!
Since I received quite a massive response on the particular moments of my map with the very clear instructions on what the BNG and the staff actually mean, I would like to address your points of view properly too! Also, I've finally finished my first part of the examination session at college so I finally have time to log in osu. YAY!

The SV & spacing concept seems to be the most problematic issue as from the technical point of view the pace of the sliders and the spacing values should be as close as possible for the sake of the timing-movement theory which in most cases would be said to be correct and set as an exemplary master form. However, the problem starts here in the structural point. As long as that would seem logical to follow, the problem is the sliders are already fast due to the high BPM where it could have been set to something slower but I didn't want to make it unsuitably low due to the point, as pointed by Desperate, that the actual SV is acceptable and friendly enough for the playerbase, nor did I want to provide the settings that would provide difficulty spikes. The problem is that the playerbase (noobs) will only be able to entirely focus on one difficult aspect of the play which in this case is the SV. In this scenario, the lower spacing that brings relatively small portions of movement (a reminder: "small" ≠ "without" or "merely"), the better. In this map I've been using "slider-circle" patterning where we have to remember clicking circles requires gravely more accuracy and aim than the sliders. What I'm trying to say is that newer players will be at least depressed and/or angry if we compile two factors together: the relatively high spacing and the relatively high slider velocity in one mass. As long as the mapping community might say the technique used here is uncommon and aberrant it actually brings the balance between the fast pace of the slider and the ability to aim another note without trying to assess how fast the players have to move the cursor and click with it. Beginner difficulties are supposed to introduce the players to the rhythmical game but the Easy difficulty on this set would be too demanding with its "slider velocity = distance" settings. Obviously, yes, the easy difficulty is comparatively easy to the already ranked Granat sets but the problem is the most of the mappers probably focused on mapping them in the "easy and legible patterns" but not "easy enough for the newer audience" fashion, and yes, these are maps to be seen as the ones with the spacings and velocities having similar values. My complaint here is as written a few lines before: the skills required for these Easies and Normals are still too high for someone who has just started the game. As long as technically they do not contain issues or mistakes, the technicality is not the only gauge of what actually makes the map appropriate as the easiest difficulty on the set. Right now I would like everyone to read these words carefully: due to the fact that I am a noob player that knows what plays like a true easy and due to the fact that I've been spending most of my time on this mapping field I can tell what is easy enough and what is not. What I'm trying to say is that people who have posted their concers on the Beginner difficulty are not new players, neither are they people who can't play this game properly and the people complaining are saying one basic thing that can be stated as "the general simplification of the rhythm in this map to the most basic claps and kicks doesn't work as it happens to be done in an extreme way that follows too little sounds where there are more sounds that do exist and that do need to be stressed and followed with more logically placed notes as right now the rhythm is too basic, so ruined, and it doesn't provide any actual feedback for the audience targeted." The issue is that the people mentioning these issues are people who do not think in the way the noobs think, namely "the simpler, the better" and they do not notice the difference between simplifying the rhythm and the music at the same time with tickrates and sliderheads and sliderends like in this moment: 00:08:238 (1) - when the objects probably would have been changed into around 3-5 objects instead of this slider right here if the difficulty were mapped by them. As long as I understand the concers about the difficulty containing very simple rhythms I do not take the comment "it's too basic and it doesn't follow the rhythms and the song anymore" as that's a typical behaviour from people who do not understand the abstract thinking of the people who cannot play anything harder than 1-star maps. I am not trying to offend anyone here except Bathory but simply I cannot expect people with your playing skills and more demanding way of thinking to understand what is the actual, real and desired design of the actual beginner difficulty for such a song due to a simple fact: your depiction of a Beginner difficulty starts with rhythms that create a difficulty that would be called by us, the noobs, a hard and quite dense Easy difficulty or a Normal difficulty.

If the text is too long for you, Irre wrote pretty much everything in a self-explanatory (and way shorter) way a few days ago and actually explained most of my ideas: *CLICK*

About the stacks - these are totally playable for the noobs, tested myself, tested by other noobs and not-so-nooby noobs as well. Also they stress the most audible and significant sounds of the... er... instruments? I am unsure what exactly is used there... Still, even though the stacks are usually problematic, these are made in an approachable way.

And about the jellyfish pattern there: 00:32:111 (1) - due to the high density of the sounds here I've decided to do the most common thing used in most easier difficulties in the moments when there are lots of sounds that would be mapped but not with reversing or circles but with a long slider that would stress the particular strums (thank you for the word Wafu, I didn't know this one and it happens to be very helpful here) with slider ticks. However, Oko pointed a very important part about the sounds starting from there: 00:38:079 - I am going to redesign the slider a bit and put a few more notes to stress the change in the music in order to stress the significant sounds there. I am going to spare the spinner though, I am sure people would kill me if I removed the spinner and so far I don't think there is any more appropriate place for it. However, if it were just for me, I would kill the slider with a circle or a sliderend, but the community spinning the spinners are more important I guess. <___<

Guys, I see your concers why you think the difficulty is bad as I've ommited (I'd say "simplified") the rhythms in the fashion done but it's definitely not the case where I put 2 sliders a single circle and a spinner in the whole difficulty and I am not sure whether you're telling me the difficulty is bad just because of the high BPM or because you see it as something undermapped and as something that "could fit on to any song with a waltz metronome". Definitely the latter option is not the case.

EDIT: Updated Beginner down there:

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 115
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.3
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
EpilepsyWarning: 1
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 38079
DistanceSpacing: 0.5
BeatDivisor: 1
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 3.899998

Version:Krfawy's Beginner
Tags:Krfawy Mkguh Akali Kyshiro Rohit6 Antares- Arphimigon Starrodkirby86 seifuu meigetsu ryuu to honoo no monogatari dragon and flame 竜と炎の物語清風明月


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 217,55,192
Combo2 : 117,117,223
Combo3 : 39,130,173
Combo4 : 39,173,130
Combo5 : 117,223,117
SliderBorder : 128,160,192
SliderTrackOverride : 64,80,96

Topic Starter
updated, i hope that krfawy's post has shed some light to whats going on, and that issues will be solved peacefully if there are further considerations with the difficulty.
It's okay then, moving on.

Desperate-kun wrote:

It's okay then, moving on.
That passive aggressiveness tho.
Beginner difficulty: 00:32:111 (1) - is slightly offscreen even in 16:9.

also I love how there's literally 22 objects mapped for beginner...
Oh dear, I didn't expect that happening...

...once again. ;3;

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 115
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.3
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
EpilepsyWarning: 1
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 38079
DistanceSpacing: 0.5
BeatDivisor: 1
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 6.299996

Version:Krfawy's Beginner
Tags:Krfawy Mkguh Akali Kyshiro Rohit6 Antares- Arphimigon Starrodkirby86 seifuu meigetsu ryuu to honoo no monogatari dragon and flame 竜と炎の物語清風明月


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 217,55,192
Combo2 : 117,117,223
Combo3 : 39,130,173
Combo4 : 39,173,130
Combo5 : 117,223,117
SliderBorder : 128,160,192
SliderTrackOverride : 64,80,96


00:32:111 (1) - This slide no match with song, because the curves don't emphasy with the white ticks. I recommend make another pattern like this:

[Light Insane]

Again, 2,0x SV in a light insane it's not cool, ever you play this part 00:23:158 (1) - you will slide break or get a 100, and no one player who play in 4,75 star must have problem with a light insane.

00:23:158 (1) - SV: 1,5x, the same in 00:22:661 (1) - < this is totally playable in this difficult.
00:23:490 (2) - SV: 1,25x
00:23:822 (3) - SV: 1,0x

iHatePeople wrote:

[Light Insane]
Again, 2,0x SV in a light insane it's not cool, ever you play this part 00:23:158 (1) - you will slide break or get a 100, and no one player who play in 4,75 star must have problem with a light insane.
And again, I miss what's your problem with pattern is - it's obviously not easy, but I believe it's perfectly playable at that skilllevel even if osu doesn't calculate difficulty for sliders correctly (which is not my fault honestly). Also I still need to find person who "play in 4,75 star" and have problem with that pattern. I could see issues with hitting last svpattern at finale (which is already fixed), but that one increases sv gradually and gives you a 1/1 gap to prepare. No offense, but that mod sounds more like "I can't play that" than "I find it bad". As I said, I'm not changing it and I thought I was pretty clear about my statement on that pattern in last response.
whoops, looks lik-

*gets shot*
Topic Starter
since MkGuh is ded i'll be responding mods for him soon, sorry for taking time
Topic Starter

ViolentBoo wrote:

- Normal -
(In my opinion I really don't like the whistle place ment here, I prefer it on every 1st and or 3rd "4th note" white tick i mean.)
00:05:254 (3,4) - Shouldn't 3 be a slider and 4 be a circle? nope would break consistency with 00:00:281 (1,2,3,4) -
00:10:227 (1,2) - Shouldn't this combo be like before? Why did you change the rythm? ther is a strong sound at 00:11:554 - , would be shame if it was ignored
00:38:079 (1) - I feel like that this slider should end at 39:737 and the spinner should start 40:068. eh slider end is stronger than spinner start, so i prefer to keep it.
- Mk's Hard -
00:34:432 (2,3) - These should stack like the other two that are after this. nop they are different pitchs
I hope this helped!
thanks for mod, since mkguh is ded i responded 4 him

iHatePeople wrote:


00:32:111 (1) - This slide no match with song, because the curves don't emphasy with the white ticks. I recommend make another pattern like this:
what youve send is actually unrankable because slider path is not clear enough, and i believe slider right now is pretty good for what music goes like
i believe every mod is responded right now and we are ready for qualification!
Some things I quickly picked up (idk if mentioned before)

[Mk's Normal]
00:00:281 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like this rhythm here. As the song is 3/4 most of the time the strong beats are every 3 white ticks, so I don't know this just kinda sounds off. I just think a 1/1 circle 1/1 circle or circle 1/1 circle 1/1 rhythm would work better as the emphasis is on every 3 ticks. Most of the map follow that concept just fine so I don't know why here should be different. Basically a rhythm like this would be better fit imo 00:34:100 (1,2,3,4,1,2) -

[Mk's Hard]

00:00:944 (3) - I don't really like this slider here as it ignores the downbeat right after. I think a circle and a circle on downbeat or 1/2 + circle would work better here
00:04:922 (3) - same here
00:14:206 (1,2) - Same rhythm issue as I mentioned in normal, imo the strong ticks are actually here 00:14:206 - and here 00:14:704 - so maybe two repeats would work better here?
00:15:698 (5,6) - I don't really like how you skipped the red tick here 00:16:030 - as I feel it's stronger than the white tick where 6 currently is. I think you should move 6 or just add a circle in the red tick too. a slide to circle would work fine too as well
00:32:111 - 00:38:079 - I don't really like how this whole part is just 1/2 slides from white to red tick as I feel the emphasis should be every 3 hits like I mentioned earlier. Sure there is the faint humming in the back that follows the white white white 3/4 rhythm but the melody is clearly dominant here and I think this should be mapped accordingly.

[Antares' Light Insane]

00:14:206 (1,2,3,4,5) - I feel it would fit better if you made 4 a slider and added a circle where 5 ends now
00:32:608 (4,5) - same for the patterns here

[Arphimigon's Insane]

00:32:111 - For pretty much the same reason as above I think the part here should be nced 1 2 3 1 2 3 not 1 2 1 2 1 2 as the music is clearly 1 2 3 unlike here 00:02:270 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - where the 1 2 ncing actually fits

[Rohit's Insane]

00:23:490 (3,4,5,6) - I think this would look better if it was actually symmetrical

[Kyshiro's Extra]

00:39:737 (1) - I don't think this nc is needed here

So some of my explanations were kind of a mess but the point was I think the emphasis is on wrong notes on some places.

Metaku wrote:

Some things I quickly picked up (idk if mentioned before)

[Antares' Light Insane]

00:14:206 (1,2,3,4,5) - I feel it would fit better if you made 4 a slider and added a circle where 5 ends now
for me 4 feels weaker than 5 so i think 5 shouldnt be a slidertail, no change here D:
00:32:608 (4,5) - same for the patterns here
i think 4/5 there are equally strong so pattern is okay, and slider on 5 gives more emphasis on next NC
thanks for feedback!
Topic Starter
hello graveyard
im just not happy at the moment im not sure when ill be able fix my mental status and come back
whoops, looks like diraimur dropped his life

rip, will forever remember you.
00:23:822 (3,2) - antares pls
00:23:822 (3,2) -
00:23:822 (3,2) -
00:23:822 (3,2) -
00:23:822 (3,2) -
00:23:822 (3,2) - 00:23:822 (3,2) - 00:23:822 (3,2) - 00:23:822 (3,2) -

00:23:822 (3,2) -
fixed sheeeeeesh
00:23:490 (5) - i prefer add a curved slider, here : 279,80,23490,2,0,P|216:80|164:45,1,128.000000596046,2|2,0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
00:24:153 - because it's too far from 00:23:158 (4), try vertical flipping section 00:24:153 (1,2,3,4), and of course this is the reason why i assumming add a s[lider

[Antares's L.Insane]
00:24:153 (1) - add hitfinish

[Rohit's Insane]
00:42:058 (1) - placed at x256 y272

[Akali's Extreme]
00:03:265 (1) - add hitclap
Omg what happened here
Topic Starter

Left wrote:

Omg what happened here
Topic Starter

Metaku wrote:

Some things I quickly picked up (idk if mentioned before)

[Mk's Normal]
00:00:281 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like this rhythm here. As the song is 3/4 most of the time the strong beats are every 3 white ticks, so I don't know this just kinda sounds off. I just think a 1/1 circle 1/1 circle or circle 1/1 circle 1/1 rhythm would work better as the emphasis is on every 3 ticks. Most of the map follow that concept just fine so I don't know why here should be different. Basically a rhythm like this would be better fit imo 00:34:100 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - hm i see what you mean, the sections are different though, check the sound at 00:02:270 - and compare it to 00:36:090 -, first one is a lot stronger, so putting a slider b4 it will make that clickable note stronger while if you place a note before it, it will reduce the power since you will hold last note for lesser time

[Mk's Hard]

00:00:944 (3) - I don't really like this slider here as it ignores the downbeat right after. I think a circle and a circle on downbeat or 1/2 + circle would work better here i think its fine
00:04:922 (3) - same here same here
00:14:206 (1,2) - Same rhythm issue as I mentioned in normal, imo the strong ticks are actually here 00:14:206 - and here 00:14:704 - so maybe two repeats would work better here? hes not following that tho, if you listen carefully you'll realise its mapped to sth else
00:15:698 (5,6) - I don't really like how you skipped the red tick here 00:16:030 - as I feel it's stronger than the white tick where 6 currently is. I think you should move 6 or just add a circle in the red tick too. a slide to circle would work fine too as well ^
00:32:111 - 00:38:079 - I don't really like how this whole part is just 1/2 slides from white to red tick as I feel the emphasis should be every 3 hits like I mentioned earlier. Sure there is the faint humming in the back that follows the white white white 3/4 rhythm but the melody is clearly dominant here and I think this should be mapped accordingly. ^ same here

[Kyshiro's Extra]

00:39:737 (1) - I don't think this nc is needed here he nc'd every third note so i dont see the issue tbh

So some of my explanations were kind of a mess but the point was I think the emphasis is on wrong notes on some places.
thanks for the mod sorry for denials but its kinda hard to accept them when im not the owner
Topic Starter

Runa_Hime wrote:

00:23:490 (5) - i prefer add a curved slider, here : 279,80,23490,2,0,P|216:80|164:45,1,128.000000596046,2|2,0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
00:24:153 - because it's too far from 00:23:158 (4), try vertical flipping section 00:24:153 (1,2,3,4), and of course this is the reason why i assumming add a s[lider i personally find current one fine, thanks for suggestion anyway

[Antares's L.Insane]
00:24:153 (1) - add hitfinish done

[Rohit's Insane]
00:42:058 (1) - placed at x256 y272 done

[Akali's Extreme]
00:03:265 (1) - add hitclap done
thanks for the mod
Nao Tomori
if you insist on having this idiotic bottom diff, can you at least align the slider direction (specifically, the really long one at 00:32:111 (1) - ) changes with the song to give it SOME semblance of following the music rather than just being there for a dumb meme

Nao Tomori wrote:

if you insist on having this idiotic extremely beautiful and passionate bottom diff for those in need, can you at least align the slider direction (specifically, the really long one at 00:32:111 (1) - ) changes with the song to give it SOME semblance of following the music rather than just being there for a dumb meme blonde bimbo
Should be better now! o3o/

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 115
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.3
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
EpilepsyWarning: 1
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 38079
DistanceSpacing: 0.5
BeatDivisor: 1
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 6.299996

Version:Krfawy's Beginner
Tags:Krfawy Mkguh Akali Kyshiro Rohit6 Antares- Arphimigon Starrodkirby86 seifuu meigetsu ryuu to honoo no monogatari dragon and flame 竜と炎の物語清風明月


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 217,55,192
Combo2 : 117,117,223
Combo3 : 39,130,173
Combo4 : 39,173,130
Combo5 : 117,223,117
SliderBorder : 128,160,192
SliderTrackOverride : 64,80,96

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after thinking for a long time i decided that the set wont be going anywhere with the beginner difficulty after the pop, so i decided to take that difficulty off from set
(im really sorry Krfawy plz forgive me ;w;)
well, since the main issue is out of the way, I guess we can try again.
I rechecked again all diffs and I didn't really notice anything outstanding (yeah, I could still find something to say, but seeing the current drama wherever I go I'd rather keep personal things for myself =w=)


EDIT: actually, Krfawy is still in tags, so before the second BN qualifies let diraimur update first (just to avoid to re-bub now for such a minor change)
:( poor thing
gratz incoming
yeah sorry i'm going to have to veto this map your advanced actually has severe problems because the shapes it uses give me PTSD from my troublesome childhood

00:08:238 (1) - this shape actually reminds me of this one time when i almost fell through the ice you see that little hole in the middle resembles my fright when i stood there and the ice cracked yknow i'd recommend remapping this because children who fell through the ice when they were young will have frightening recollections

00:10:227 (1,1) - these sliders remind me of bananas and well, i often played mario kart when i was little and those cpu's throwing bananas in front of my car with 100% accuracy even give me the chills now when i think about them, yeah this isnt nice

00:38:079 (1) - this actually reminded me of that one roller coaster loop i went through and almost fell out of the ride im serious i had nightmares after witnessing this slider, please fix it
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Luel Roseline

RIP elf ears
osu needs more granat
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me irl
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