
u's - No brand girls [OsuMania]

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surono bacodnya bang_sad amat xd
kwkwkw, setelah baca post situ malah cengir gw.. weleh IRONIC THINS are still best Jokeees evah kwkwkw

kalau masa lalu ya udah kwkwk, hanya beberapa orang yg begitu juga. oh ya kalau si pralon mah kadang nyebelin juga ~w~ tapi ya tinggal mahami aja dia gimana kehidupannya. udah om om dan penuh kesibukan irl ya udah angkat tangan aja gw. kalau orang macem gitu dimintain mah nyiksa, kalau yang lagi senggang selo mah gw brani buat maksa kwkw. klau be en es emang alibi makin alibi ya udah.. ga usah respek orang macem gitu (ga usah di respek dimaksudnya ya udah dibiarin aja, jgn di jadiin konflik atau cari maslah) tapi gw jujur gw sebagai modder aja bisa ngerasa moodnya rusak kalau lagi ngemodding map yang ancur banget dan lebih si mapper ngerasa mapnya oke oke aja waduh kwkw (baper dkit, barusan ngepost modnya kWKwkwk anjerlah) ya mendinglah gw dari pada ga dilakuin. toh kalau gw misal be en dan ngelakuin itu mending kan? berikan nasihat dan blabla kelar. ga usah di wall text kek ga ada kerjaan ngurus orang kwkw. yah dari pada ga ngelakuin kek macem mereka itu.. mlayu anti sempal sandalne kwkw
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

surono bacodnya bang_sad amat xd
kwkwkw, setelah baca post situ malah cengir gw.. weleh IRONIC THINS are still best Jokeees evah kwkwkw

kalau masa lalu ya udah kwkwk, hanya beberapa orang yg begitu juga. oh ya kalau si pralon mah kadang nyebelin juga ~w~ tapi ya tinggal mahami aja dia gimana kehidupannya. udah om om dan penuh kesibukan irl ya udah angkat tangan aja gw. kalau orang macem gitu dimintain mah nyiksa, kalau yang lagi senggang selo mah gw brani buat maksa kwkw. klau be en es emang alibi makin alibi ya udah.. ga usah respek orang macem gitu (ga usah di respek dimaksudnya ya udah dibiarin aja, jgn di jadiin konflik atau cari maslah) tapi gw jujur gw sebagai modder aja bisa ngerasa moodnya rusak kalau lagi ngemodding map yang ancur banget dan lebih si mapper ngerasa mapnya oke oke aja waduh kwkw (baper dkit, barusan ngepost modnya kWKwkwk anjerlah) ya mendinglah gw dari pada ga dilakuin. toh kalau gw misal be en dan ngelakuin itu mending kan? berikan nasihat dan blabla kelar. ga usah di wall text kek ga ada kerjaan ngurus orang kwkw. yah dari pada ga ngelakuin kek macem mereka itu.. mlayu anti sempal sandalne kwkw
ya intinya dsini harus tahan mental aja dan bersabar, ane maklumin aja lah dsini, karena comunity game + charity work (kerja gk dibayar) para karyawan nya jd dsini pd tergantung kemauan sendiri2 dan relationship antar player
toh ada yg lebih sabar dari ane jg bawah map ane ada yg ampe 2 taun bubble kagak di notice wokwokw

btw udahan stop sampai dsini curhatannya, makan 2 page curhatan baper aja isinya (klo mau nyambung ke pm ane aja in game jg terserah) wwkookw
kagak enak diliat org2 ntar, ini map kagak nyangka page 1 buble urutan 1 paling atas wtf lol

Reyzra wrote:

ya intinya dsini harus tahan mental aja dan bersabar, ane maklumin aja lah dsini, karena comunity game + charity work (kerja gk dibayar) para karyawan nya jd dsini pd tergantung kemauan sendiri2 dan relationship antar player
toh ada yg lebih sabar dari ane jg bawah map ane ada yg ampe 2 taun bubble kagak di notice wokwokw
Best >w<)b

Reyzra wrote:

mending kagak usah shoot, ini map udah paling atas bubble page one
Seseorang perhatikan map ini pls ;w;

Reyzra wrote:

ya intinya dsini harus tahan mental aja dan bersabar, ane maklumin aja lah dsini, karena comunity game + charity work (kerja gk dibayar) para karyawan nya jd dsini pd tergantung kemauan sendiri2 dan relationship antar player
toh ada yg lebih sabar dari ane jg bawah map ane ada yg ampe 2 taun bubble kagak di notice wokwokw

Reyzra wrote:

yg best part itu ane liat di profil bacaan "helping new mapper" ato "bantu org2 yg belum pernah ranked" and my face Said "You dont say??" wkowok
BN juga manusiaaaa punya rasa punya hatiiii wkwkw , ikr your feel.
btw good luck buat mapnya semoga cepat2 quali. :D
it seems my words are cancerous... ga dikasih cendol gw :C
when qualify owo

Dellvangel wrote:

Reyzra wrote:

mending kagak usah shoot, ini map udah paling atas bubble page one

Dellvangel wrote:

Reyzra wrote:

mending kagak usah shoot, ini map udah paling atas bubble page one

Dellvangel wrote:

Reyzra wrote:

mending kagak usah shoot, ini map udah paling atas bubble page one

Dellvangel wrote:

Reyzra wrote:

mending kagak usah shoot, ini map udah paling atas bubble page one

Dellvangel wrote:

Reyzra wrote:

mending kagak usah shoot, ini map udah paling atas bubble page one

Dellvangel wrote:

Reyzra wrote:

mending kagak usah shoot, ini map udah paling atas bubble page one
wer bn

ajeemaniz wrote:

ranking map in osu > having real life
awet bener di pending owo)

semoga cepet quali deh~ >w<)/
sabar menanti
sambil nunggu BN baru lahir (y)

Frim4503 wrote:

sabar menanti
sambil nunggu BN baru lahir (y)
Iya kalo BN barunya mau ngecek, kalo BN nya ga mau ya ..
walaupun LL sudah bubar, tetapi lagunya tetap bertahan di tangga lagu nomor 2 pending beatmaps :)
BN pada kemana ni ....
Ngerank map untuk yg pertama kali emang lebih susah daripada ngerank pas udah punya banyak map ranked. Para bn masih "asing" lah istilahnya sama kamu. Kalo bisa bikin relasi sama bn bn. Mereka itu hampir tiap hari dapet req dan mereka mesti menyortir mana yg mau mereka cek mana yg enggak. Dan kemungkinan besar mereka lebih ngelirik mapper yg mereka kenal daripada some random stranger out there.

Tapi gue gak ngejudge semua bn kek gini, ada beberapa yg mau ngecek map yg mappernya gak mereka kenal, yg penting bagi dia mapnya bagus jadi worth buat di icon, tapi yg kek gini udah jarang ;w; (satu udah naik pangkat jadi qat). BN tipe gini juga biasanya dapet req bejibun jadi kalo mau di cek mesti berlomba lomba juga sama mapper lain. Ya, daripada nyari peruntungan di bn yang gini, mending coba bikin relasi ke bn yg tipe awal. Well, bn yg ngeicon map pertama gue dua duanya temen juga.

Tetap optimis dan jangan patah semangat :D

gue pernah map nya di accept sama bn terus bn nya di kick ;w; feels....
true abis, kalau maslah reqs trus orangnya kena tendang mah mewek aja wkkwkw
kalau gw takutnya udah ada rencana buat reqs ke beberapa orang, pasti gw ngeduga bakal ada yang ga aktif dan terus ke kick.

paling takut kalau udah ngeikon map kita trus dia ketendang, misal map di pup.. blum buru2 minta re-reqs malah kentedang.
Eh fk, why not remind me, i almst forgot about this sorry
Marked for this weekend

P.s.: is there a drama here?

Raediaufar wrote:

Ngerank map untuk yg pertama kali emang lebih susah daripada ngerank pas udah punya banyak map ranked. Para bn masih "asing" lah istilahnya sama kamu. Kalo bisa bikin relasi sama bn bn. Mereka itu hampir tiap hari dapet req dan mereka mesti menyortir mana yg mau mereka cek mana yg enggak. Dan kemungkinan besar mereka lebih ngelirik mapper yg mereka kenal daripada some random stranger out there.

Tapi gue gak ngejudge semua bn kek gini, ada beberapa yg mau ngecek map yg mappernya gak mereka kenal, yg penting bagi dia mapnya bagus jadi worth buat di icon, tapi yg kek gini udah jarang ;w; (satu udah naik pangkat jadi qat). BN tipe gini juga biasanya dapet req bejibun jadi kalo mau di cek mesti berlomba lomba juga sama mapper lain. Ya, daripada nyari peruntungan di bn yang gini, mending coba bikin relasi ke bn yg tipe awal. Well, bn yg ngeicon map pertama gue dua duanya temen juga.

Tetap optimis dan jangan patah semangat :D

gue pernah map nya di accept sama bn terus bn nya di kick ;w; feels....
"Perasaan" saat kamu mau nge-chat seorang BN buat req atau buat bisa lebih akrab dengan dia tapi dia blok semua pesan dari yg bukan mutual dia, aaa lel
Well ga semua BN kayak gini sih, tapi pasti ada yg kayak gini.

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

is there a drama here?
Not really a drama.

Udah tuh ada yg dateng, cape juga curhat ya hmm

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

is there a drama here?
i don't think so
-[ AmiShici ]-
Si coeg nongol. xixixi

-[ AmiShici ]- wrote:

Si coeg nongol. xixixi
Ampun mastah :v
3 bulan lagi anak gua brojol sebiji lagi, jadi 3 biji D:
gara2 antek2 piano, malah nongol ni orang.. bacoders gila abiz, #TEAM_IDOLNG@C3NK ngodol mode on!1!!

since I am not pianos but I play piano with drum stick, SALAM PRAMUKA! BEDUGH!

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Eh fk, why not remind me, i almst forgot about this sorry
Marked for this weekend

P.s.: is there a drama here?
hei wat bout my Sea sonS Ef C, boi??/221/1/ -> <-
Imma scaerd if u laet chek dat and then me lost my gaay papa maniki!!
not drama, just abit discsussion bout osh life! c:
[ A v a l o n ]
eh udah 3 page aja abis w bub map ini . . .
rame bener awkwkwk

sabar ya mz owo ~
Ey wtf lol, I was posted to encourage the mapper coz some post above my previous post is kinda downhearted. Also I'm not making drama haha xD all was encouraging things

And why lot of you posting unncecessary stuffs, remind me of this
tuh kan bakal ada yg notice juga. sabar aja mas pasti bakal ranked kok owo)b

Raediaufar wrote:

And why lot of you posting unncecessary stuffs, remind me of this
apaan lu, gw cuma nagih utang ke dia. itu juga mas pralon wegah ez pizi map gw cacadas dah U: *dah ngemud malah ditinggal, cyedih*

this happen kekekek, gapapalah. map yg mau reng juga, progress udah di sebelum2nya.

@ wogh yg pnya map ngamok, kavorr vro0ohhhhhhhh kwowkowk U: cieg sensitif kaleee., macam elitid kek gw U: kwkwkw
ga kerasa thread kaya gini berubah jadi tempat curhat xD

yg pinter mod daftar jdi bn dong
biar gw gampang klo mau request.

masa smua bn yg bantu gw di map pertama sama kedua gw udah out.
butuh pengganti :v
Topic Starter
guys, please stop with more useless posting, 1 page is enough, this is kind of annoying, and not helping me at all lol, my phone is ringing everytime you post, do it somewhere else instead.
if you want cheer me or something just "be quiet" and dont post something gibberish again unless related with the beatmap, that helps me a lot thanks!
Hello, Please change the source to original version before getting Qualify. "ラブライブ! School idol project"
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

Hello, Please change the source to original version before getting Qualify. "ラブライブ! School idol project"
hello there~
hmm about that, i followed this source of this ranked beatmap and also this
is this not correct source?
These are fine but this song is from Japanese anime. It's better to use original version!

official website :
Hello, I'm here, sorry for the long long long long long long wait, seem another BN is taking care of my previous request before this map, so I'm now here owo.

Julie wrote:

Hello, I'm here, sorry for the long long long long long long wait, seem another BN is taking care of my previous request before this map, so I'm now here owo.
Hello Juchaan welcome :9
will this map gonna be ranked? will the wait is finally be over? stay tune at this thread to find the answer!

Quick mod:
next time, change your nickname into a famous ranked mapper to be ranked quickly.
and dont ever use 'dead' and 'bill' in your nickname, since those words will give you bad karma.

p.s. since it is 2016, and people are easily being offended. I have to clarify that was just a sarcasm okay, please dont be mad at me. Im just a sad sarcastic guy who live in my mother's garage, please spare my rudeness
or pretend to be a girl, since most of BNs are desperate virgins.
show em titties and you might get ranked m8

p.s. this is also a sarcasm
I can't wait for this beatmap be Ranked >:v
PD: I love all your beatmaps Reyzra :D
(Pls revive KiRa-KiRa Sensation and Sunny day song :p)
map this next, please owo
"Azalea - Torikoriko please" from LL!sunshine
Topic Starter

deadbill wrote:

or pretend to be a girl, since most of BNs are desperate virgins.
show em titties and you might get ranked m8

p.s. this is also a sarcasm
youve got wrong room dude, the exit right this way :arrow:

WarriorPaladin wrote:

I can't wait for this beatmap be Ranked >:v
PD: I love all your beatmaps Reyzra :D
(Pls revive KiRa-KiRa Sensation and Sunny day song :p)
thanks, but i dont know when im in mood gonna rank that..

Aras25 wrote:

map this next, please owo
"Azalea - Torikoriko please" from LL!sunshine
not familiar with the song lol
waiting for BN, counting, how many BN gonna dumped this map lol
This is gonna be some huge check soo, I'm just going to post and edit bit by bit since I have a life to live too xD

Not close to be done
[Maximum Live (66% checked)]

00:08:346 (8346|1) - I don't really hear the drum sound you're trying to map, the stream really start here 00:08:422 - @.@.

00:10:554 (10554|0) - and 00:22:736 (22736|1) - Add a finish hitsound to keep it consistent with the HD, there is a new cymbal sound from the song.

00:27:533 - Add a note on the 2nd column with whistle hitsound? To make some kind of trills to continue the drum stream from the song? instead of having a 1/2 jack feel, while player might hear a drum stream clearly and coul be easier to play.

00:48:168 (48168|2,48472|1,48777|0,48929|1,49082|3) - Actually not really sure what you're matching those LNs for hmm, probably need to dicuss this.
- For 00:48:320 (48320|3) - I am not sure if you were trying to match the drum or the guitar, I hear no drum, only a guitar string at 00:48:244 - and 00:48:320 - . The problem is, your hitsound make it sound like a drum sound so it doesn't really fit. If you were trying to make some kind of drum feeling, is best to remove along with this notes 00:48:625 (48625|2) - to show that there is some change in the drum part of the song.
- If you were trying to do both guitar and drum for those normal notes, 00:48:320 (48320|3,48625|2) - remove whistle, since those whistle give some kind of drum feeling due to the sound, while there isn't one coming from the song.

00:50:452 (50452|2) -, 00:50:757 (50757|0) - , 00:51:061 (51061|1) - ^, you're making it too dense and constant 1/2 tapping while this part of the song should be a bit more relax.

00:53:193 (53193|0,53498|1) - ^

01:04:767 - Forgot your whistle here for the bass.

01:09:031 - Shouldn't it be consistent with the "Hai hai hai", that mean 3 notes. Probably because you didn't hear the cymbal clearly, but is still there, I kinda hear it but is like as low as this one 00:59:285 - . The song and drum are pretty much consistent if you ask me. Also 3 notes can also emphasize the repeat lyrics "Hai hai hai". Seem like an important part for me to spam some chord.

01:14:513 (74513|3,74513|0,75122|0,75122|3) - Ok we'll have to discuss with these notes, if you keep it at it is, we do hear some kind of bass due to YOUR whistle hitsound, but from the song itself, I don't hear a new sound much for it to be a 2-chord notes.

01:14:970 (74970|1) - Forgot your whistle here for the drum + just like the lower difficulty.

01:15:122 (75122|3,75122|0) - Same reason as 01:14:513 (74513|3,74513|0,75122|0,75122|3) - , and hey look 01:15:731 - same part but no notes.

01:16:950 (76950|3,76950|0) - , 01:17:559 (77559|3,77559|0) - , 01:19:386 (79386|0,79386|2) - , 01:19:995 (79995|2,79995|0) - ^, welp you'll have to figure out something tbh, I'm not here to lower the difficulty or SR, and of course this doesn't really ruin the gameplay because player will just hit them due to the consistency, but I really feel like you're changing the song a bit =w=.

01:16:493 - , 01:18:929 - , 01:21:366 - Ahhh the drum here is sooooooo clear at 100%, is way better then mapping these 01:16:950 - really really low sound that aren't the drum.

01:16:950 (76950|3,76950|0) - , 01:17:559 (77559|3,77559|0) - , 01:19:386 (79386|0,79386|2) - , 01:19:995 (79995|2,79995|0) - ^

01:22:584 (82584|2) - and 01:32:330 (92330|2) - Add a whistle, the bass still continue and to keep consistent with your other diff

01:34:462 (94462|1,94462|3,94767|3,94767|1) - 1 whistle enough, don't need double whistle to keep consistent with the others.

01:36:442 - Add one more note on column 1 for the bass.

01:51:366 (111366|2,111670|2,111975|2) - Remove the whistle, since you're kinda changing the song here, while player could probably feel that there isn't much drum in the song in term of hearing xD.

01:53:802 (113802|1,114107|1,114412|1) - ^

01:56:239 (116239|2,116544|0,116848|0) - ^, your hitsound is pretty clear, so yeahh xD.

01:57:457 (117457|0) - Forgot your whistle here for the start of the drum stream.

02:06:137 (126137|1) - Not sure if you want to map this note, since no drum, only guitar hmm, since you mostly match the drum for this part, and some guitar only you didn't map for example 02:07:356 - , 02:06:899 - , etc.

02:15:275 (135275|2) - and 02:16:493 (136493|1) - Forgot your whistle here, loud bass from the song owo

02:18:320 (138320|1) - and 02:18:625 (138625|1) - hmm, relisten closely to the drum, relisten here 02:18:320 - , I really don't hear any drum if you delete your notes, probably suggest deleting this notes, and then after go whistle whistle clap. Add a whistle on this one too 02:18:929 (138929|1) - .

02:29:513 (149513|1,149665|1) - Hmm this might be consider ghost notes, I do hear the drum stream starting at 02:29:742 - +, hmm :S.

02:32:026 (152026|2) - I'm getting trigger that loud and clear bass don't have whistle, while the other, some really low one have =w=, add one!

02:39:183 (159183|1,159183|2,159335|1,159335|2,159792|2,159792|1,159945|2,159945|1,160401|2,160401|1,160554|1,160554|2) - Pretty sure you could have done something more cool to match the actual guitar pitch sound instead of making 3 same pattern, while is not the same pitch. Example : . I like the note -> small LNs, note -> small LNs, etc idea owo

02:42:686 (162686|0) - Shouldn't this be one long LNs like this one 02:37:813 (157813|1) - ?
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