
Cash Cash - Overtime

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...that Over Cash... fucking funny...
as my request #2

[G.G's Light Insane]
  1. 00:35:507 (3) - 이거는 시원하게 뻗어서 굉장히 보기 좋았는데 00:31:296 (5) - 요것은 제가 생각하는 글로리아 가드님의 매핑에 의하면 모양 수정의 여지가 있지 않나 생각됐습니다.

    역시 굉장히 잘 만드시네요.
  1. 00:42:217 (4) - 정말 약간의 자리 이동을 추천드려요. x358 y76 정도인데 꼭 이 좌표를 말씀드리는게 아니고 00:41:296 (1,2,3,4) - 이 슬라이더들의 헤드가 보다 완벽한 사각형이 되도록 배치하시면 깔끔함이 2배가 될거라고 생각합니다.
  2. 01:04:980 (1) - 저는 처음에 여기 1.5x sv 안쓰신 줄 알았습니다. 슬라이더 모양때문에 속도감이 저하된게 아닌가 했어요.

  1. 01:07:546 - 노트 추가를 강력하게 추천드립니다. 음이 너무 명백한거도 있지만 음이 약했더라도 저는 노트를 추천드렸을 것 같습니다. 뭔가 플레이어로서의 감 같은거라 논리적 설명을 첨부하지는 못하겠네요.
  2. 01:07:612 (1) - 이거 1.5x 배속 써보세요. 이건 정말 적어도 1.00x보다는 빨라져야한다고 봅니다. 이런 배속 조절 자체가 feel에 맡기는 부분이 많아서 이 것 또한 논리적 설명은 죄송합니다..
  3. 01:37:086 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 그냥 막연하게 말씀드리고 싶었던건데 제가 이 맵에서 본 어느 점프보다 이게 더 어려워보였습니다. 그 만큼 이렇게 길게 쭉 이어지는 단타패턴이 굉장히 껄끄러울 수 있다는게 제가 하고싶은 말. 근데 이건 고치라는거도 아니고 왜 적는지 모르겠다.(?)
  4. 01:39:980 (2) - 정말 개인적인 제안입니다. 01:39:191 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) - 이 한 세트 안에서 01:39:980 (2) - 이 음이 정점을 찍고 01:40:112 (3) - 많이 낮아졌다가 01:40:375 (4,1,2) - 다시 올라갑니다. 이렇게 정리해놓고 생각하니까 01:39:980 (2) - 이 노트의 강조가 굉장히 아쉽게 느껴졌어요. 이걸 그냥 쉽게 말하면 디스턴스가 좁아보인다는 말입니다. 그리고 01:39:980 (2) - 이 노트의 디스턴스가 지금보다 넓어지고 01:40:112 (3) - prev 디스턴스를 유지하며 수정한다면 저음의 삘도 더욱 충만해 질 거라고 생각했어요.

[Over Cash]
  1. 00:58:138 (1) - wow

    제가 이 맵 보고 화이트님을 진지하게 닮고싶다고 생각했습니다.
    모딩할게 하나도 없네요. (저거 모딩 아님)
눈 정화 제대로 하고갑니다. 오늘 잠자리가 편하겠네요.
edit: 집 가기전에 별 쏘고 갑니다.
Gloria Guard
화이트님, 우산님이 모딩하신거 대신 수정좀 부탁드림 :P

제맵 수정된게 약간 화이트님 스타일로 변형이되서 제가 뭔가 건드리기 애매모호하네요 ;w;

부탁드릴게요 !
Topic Starter

Beomsan wrote:

as my request #2

[G.G's Light Insane]
  1. 00:35:507 (3) - 이거는 시원하게 뻗어서 굉장히 보기 좋았는데 00:31:296 (5) - 요것은 제가 생각하는 글로리아 가드님의 매핑에 의하면 모양 수정의 여지가 있지 않나 생각됐습니다. @가드님 : 네, 알겠습니다

    역시 굉장히 잘 만드시네요.
  1. 00:42:217 (4) - 정말 약간의 자리 이동을 추천드려요. x358 y76 정도인데 꼭 이 좌표를 말씀드리는게 아니고 00:41:296 (1,2,3,4) - 이 슬라이더들의 헤드가 보다 완벽한 사각형이 되도록 배치하시면 깔끔함이 2배가 될거라고 생각합니다. 이 상태로 놔두는게 더 깔끔해보인다고 생각합니다.
  2. 01:04:980 (1) - 저는 처음에 여기 1.5x sv 안쓰신 줄 알았습니다. 슬라이더 모양때문에 속도감이 저하된게 아닌가 했어요. 수정완료

  1. 01:07:546 - 노트 추가를 강력하게 추천드립니다. 음이 너무 명백한거도 있지만 음이 약했더라도 저는 노트를 추천드렸을 것 같습니다. 뭔가 플레이어로서의 감 같은거라 논리적 설명을 첨부하지는 못하겠네요. 어떠한 난이도도 어떠한 곳에도 이곳에 노트는 없습니다. 넣어도 어색하고요...
  2. 01:07:612 (1) - 이거 1.5x 배속 써보세요. 이건 정말 적어도 1.00x보다는 빨라져야한다고 봅니다. 이런 배속 조절 자체가 feel에 맡기는 부분이 많아서 이 것 또한 논리적 설명은 죄송합니다.. 이 부분 또한 다른 파트엔 변속주는 효과가 없습니다.
  3. 01:37:086 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 그냥 막연하게 말씀드리고 싶었던건데 제가 이 맵에서 본 어느 점프보다 이게 더 어려워보였습니다. 그 만큼 이렇게 길게 쭉 이어지는 단타패턴이 굉장히 껄끄러울 수 있다는게 제가 하고싶은 말. 근데 이건 고치라는거도 아니고 왜 적는지 모르겠다.(?) 수정완료
  4. 01:39:980 (2) - 정말 개인적인 제안입니다. 01:39:191 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) - 이 한 세트 안에서 01:39:980 (2) - 이 음이 정점을 찍고 01:40:112 (3) - 많이 낮아졌다가 01:40:375 (4,1,2) - 다시 올라갑니다. 이렇게 정리해놓고 생각하니까 01:39:980 (2) - 이 노트의 강조가 굉장히 아쉽게 느껴졌어요. 이걸 그냥 쉽게 말하면 디스턴스가 좁아보인다는 말입니다. 그리고 01:39:980 (2) - 이 노트의 디스턴스가 지금보다 넓어지고 01:40:112 (3) - prev 디스턴스를 유지하며 수정한다면 저음의 삘도 더욱 충만해 질 거라고 생각했어요. 굉장히 좋은 제한입니다 ㅠ 하지만 이 부분을 수정하면 대부분의 패턴들이 붕괴되기 때문에 냅두겠습니다. 좋은 설명이셨는데 죄송 ㅠ

[Over Cash]
  1. 00:58:138 (1) - wow

    제가 이 맵 보고 화이트님을 진지하게 닮고싶다고 생각했습니다.
    모딩할게 하나도 없네요. (저거 모딩 아님)
눈 정화 제대로 하고갑니다. 오늘 잠자리가 편하겠네요.
edit: 집 가기전에 별 쏘고 갑니다.
모딩 감사합니다.

edit) 대 격변 했습니다. 양해 부탁 ㅠ
[Over Cash]
  1. 00:07:612 (2) - 노말 샘플셋쓰시고 에디션만 소프트로 해두시면 더 깔끔해지는거 같아요 클랩쓰니 좀 어색한거 같고 샘플셋바꾸는게 젤 무난할거같아여
  2. 00:26:954 (2,1) - 이건 어디까지나 제 기준이에여, 2번 노트를 오른쪽 상단 쪽으로 옮기시면 더 플레이가 재밌을거같아요, 바로 뒤에 슬라이더는 앞뒤만 바꿔주시면 다음 배치하고도 그럭저럭 알맞고 괜찮아보여요
  3. 01:07:612 (1) - 동선 반대로 하시는건 어떨까여 좀 더 부드러워지는거 같은데
  4. 01:39:717 (1) - 리듬 이렇게 하시는게 더 음악하고 맞는거같아여, 네 배치요? 저도몰라요^^
아 귀찮아서 하나만 함 ㅅㄱ

아맞다 그리고 슬라이더 슬라이드로 힛사쓰는건 언랭아니에요? 옛날에 막 힛사파일 전체길이를 못담는다니 뭐라니 말많았는데
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

[Over Cash]
  1. 00:07:612 (2) - 노말 샘플셋쓰시고 에디션만 소프트로 해두시면 더 깔끔해지는거 같아요 클랩쓰니 좀 어색한거 같고 샘플셋바꾸는게 젤 무난할거같아여
  2. 00:26:954 (2,1) - 이건 어디까지나 제 기준이에여, 2번 노트를 오른쪽 상단 쪽으로 옮기시면 더 플레이가 재밌을거같아요, 바로 뒤에 슬라이더는 앞뒤만 바꿔주시면 다음 배치하고도 그럭저럭 알맞고 괜찮아보여요 그냥 리매핑 해버림
  3. 01:07:612 (1) - 동선 반대로 하시는건 어떨까여 좀 더 부드러워지는거 같은데 굿
  4. 01:39:717 (1) - 리듬 이렇게 하시는게 더 음악하고 맞는거같아여, 네 배치요? 저도몰라요^^
    ㄴㄴ 안맞는거 같음요~ 00:32:349 (1,2,3,4) - 이 파트도 같은 부분이라... 그리고 다른 난이도 다 고치려면 힘듦 ㅠ
아 귀찮아서 하나만 함 ㅅㄱ

아맞다 그리고 슬라이더 슬라이드로 힛사쓰는건 언랭아니에요? 옛날에 막 힛사파일 전체길이를 못담는다니 뭐라니 말많았는데
그런가용... 님 맵에는 상당히 많은걸로 알아요 ㅋㅋ
아놔 ㅡㅡ 모딩 감사합니다!
아니 저 랭맵에 그런건 없거든여????????? 언랭맵에만 많음ㅋ

HelloSCV wrote:

아니 저 랭맵에 그런건 없거든여????????? 언랭맵에만 많음ㅋ
Topic Starter
상위 3개 난이도를 틱4로 고쳤습니다. 그리고 슬슬 힛사는 삭제

Super Ultra Elite of Elite Gorgeous God Legend HelloSCV님 덕분에 맵에 엄청난 대격변이 일어난 것 같습니다.

맵 계속 봐주시고 모딩해주셔서 정말 감사합니다.

edit) ㅇㅈ?
아이참 부끄럽게 ㅎㅎ 좀 더 칭찬하시고 그러셔도 되는데

edit) 이거지!!

W h i t e wrote:

Super Ultra Elite of Elite Gorgeous God Legend HelloSCV

W h i t e wrote:

Super Ultra Elite of Elite Gorgeous God Legend HelloSCV
G.G's Hyper, Advanced -> Epilepsy warning 체크 안돼있네요
Topic Starter
좋은 지적 감사합니다

Absolutely LOVE everything about this
blanket mod
i noticed a few things while playing over cash diff, no kd unless somthin helpd

00:02:086 (3) - rly hard to hit on your first run, when the song is this silent u dont expect sv changes rly
00:09:454 (3) - i feel like notes like these deserve a NC, there is a p big change in the songg (i know its done consistent but then u can also change it consistently :^) )
00:28:533 (2,1) - the spacing here felt way too low while playing. having such a spacing reduction feels weird after having jumps like 00:28:401 (1,2) - yaya
01:03:007 (3,4) - should have more spacing than 01:03:138 (4,5) - imo due to the pitch of the main soundd

yes the jumps play so sweet i lovvv em

cant wait to see this bubbled~
Topic Starter

HighTec wrote:

i noticed a few things while playing over cash diff, no kd unless somthin helpd

00:02:086 (3) - rly hard to hit on your first run, when the song is this silent u dont expect sv changes rly red combo can expect this style, also slider tick, too.
00:09:454 (3) - i feel like notes like these deserve a NC, there is a p big change in the songg (i know its done consistent but then u can also change it consistently :^) ) No... If i do, i changed all kinds of the new combo stuff.
00:28:533 (2,1) - the spacing here felt way too low while playing. having such a spacing reduction feels weird after having jumps like 00:28:401 (1,2) - yaya
ok :D
01:03:007 (3,4) - should have more spacing than 01:03:138 (4,5) - imo due to the pitch of the main soundd ok

yes the jumps play so sweet i lovvv em

cant wait to see this bubbled~
not all are moding :(
soft-sliderslide3 isn't used
the spread gap between the extra and another seems quite large. id reccommend inserting a diff inbetween those, naming it another, and making the current another an insane

[Over Cash]
00:13:665 (3) - NC to help with readability?
00:16:822 (4,1) - Fix blanket plis
00:33:007 (4) - Since the synth is so stiff on this, I'd recommend that you use 2 circles instead.
01:21:033 (3) - NC for readability?
01:19:586 (2,3) - Fix blanket plsss
01:40:375 (4) - Same as I said above about the synth
01:46:559 (1) - Why the random drop in spacing?
idk man, everything in this diffiiculty feels so forced and unnecessary. it seems like youre trying to mimmick fort style cross screen highscore jumps and i dont think its working

00:33:007 (4) - Strong synth sounds on both beat should deserve 2 circles
01:40:375 (4) - ^

00:19:849 (3,4,1) - So many overlaps, maybe try moving 00:20:112 (4,1) - so it stacks over 00:19:717 (2) - ?
00:31:033 (2) - I feel like ctrl+g makes much more sense with the music
00:33:007 (6) - 2 circles pls
01:27:217 (3,4,1) - Pretty much the same as the other one, move 01:27:480 (4,1) - so it stacks on 01:27:086 (2) - ?
01:40:375 (6) - 2 circlesp ls

[G.G's Hyper]
00:00:244 (1,2) - space things like these out so it doesnt look like 1/4 rhythm? other examples are:
00:04:454 (1,2) -
00:52:612 (2,1) -

00:01:822 (4) - lessen the curve on this so it looks a bit cleaner?
00:03:007 (3,4) - aligning these would look better
00:09:454 (2,3,4) - this is too much for a hard. normally objects spaced like this are more suited towards extras. moving the stack and placing it on 4 would be much better. of course if you fix this one fix the rest too

rest seems fine

good luck!
Love this beatmap <3 just wish it was ranked
00:33:928 kiai
01:41:296 kiai

Normal too

00:33:928 Kiai Time is toggled on for less than 15 seconds
01:41:296 Kiai Time is toggled on for less than 15 seconds

Objects end its not snapped! 01:30:110
Objects end its not snapped! 01:38:005

gg light insane:
00:33:928 kiai
01:41:296 kiai
@NekoCombo_: please put it all in one post next time, it now looks like annoying spam xd
Topic Starter
... sigh
from m4m
tickrate4 seems a bit much at most spots, not sure if it's actually needed for hitsounding at any spot. if not, str 2 would be fine

(based on highest diff)
00:01:296 - if anything, hitsounded sliderticks should be lower volume, this gives more feedback than head/tail right now
probably happens a few more times

[over cash]
00:01:033 (2) - weird stack intentional? all others are autostacked
00:07:349 (1,2) - why not something like v ? really feels like 00:07:349 (1) - should have a bit more emphasis cause music is building up slightly
00:12:217 (2) - such a weak sound, but it gets a huge jump and then drum 00:12:349 (3) - gets barely any spacing? how about stacking this on 00:12:875 (1) - head or something? // similar for 01:19:586 (2,3) - and 01:49:059 (2,3) -
00:25:507 (1) - mapping a repeat feel so weird here since white/blue tick are way more important. 1/4 slider would be nicer
00:32:612 (2) - really don't get why you sometimes drop spacing so much on such strong beats?
01:01:165 (2) - barely audible sound but the jump is quite big. doesnt really fit
01:01:954 (2,1,2) - really strong spacing increase with such obtuse angles is really hard to snap to properly. could try something like (might need to adjust 01:02:349 (1) - a bit then)
01:15:507 (1,2) - drums are so similar here, so 2x repeat, 2x 1/4 slider or 4 circles all seem better than this
01:31:296 (3,4) - seems kinda huge for the intensity of the song here
00:24:980 (1,2,3,4) - 01:32:349 (1,2,1,2) - no idea why the idea behind both pattern (except rhythm) is completely different, when the song does the same thing
01:46:559 (1) - why does this suddenly drop spacing so much when song is very consistent?
01:47:612 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this doesn't really fit the overall spacing/movement you used in this part

00:07:349 (1) - similar to highest diff, something like works better with emphasis here I think
00:12:217 (2) - stack feels even more unfitting than low spacing on highest // 01:22:743 (2,3) - also doesn't really fit with how you use stacks in other cases
quite similar spacing concerns overall as highest diff, lots of thing apply here too
00:29:717 (1) - shouldn't this be stacked like you did on 01:37:086 (1) - and other similar spots?
00:33:138 (5) - part of the main melody but suddenly like no spacing at all?
I can understand some pattern>spacing things, but often it ends up feeling really unfitting and doesn't play that well..
01:03:928 (2,3,4,5) - sounds are so similar, but 5 suddenly has such huge spacing. seems kinda random when you could at least do
01:38:138 (1) - ctrlg on this makes angles overall way nicer
01:41:691 (4) - you had jumps on this sound all the time, so why a stack here?

some of the emphasis things from highest diff apply here again
00:12:217 (2,3) - think something like would play nice and fit a bit better emphasis wise
00:17:875 (2,3) - 00:18:270 (4,5) - are like the same thing musically, but once normally spaced and once stacked?
00:34:717 (3,4) - more random feeling stacks // 00:36:822 (3,4) - I just don't think suddenly forcing stop when the music is so consistent and your movement is so jumpy fits or plays well...
00:58:138 - ending this 1/8 earlier and putting something here would fit much better as the sound is so different
01:26:822 (1,2) - pls no -- autostack on 01:27:087 (2,4,1) - kills your pattern

[gg hyper]
00:13:665 (2,3,4) - idk what your rhythm is supposed to follow, but doing like you did on 00:11:033 (1,2,3,4) - makes more sense to me
00:22:086 - similar here, would fit the melody much better
00:27:086 (5) - making this shorter so you can make 00:27:612 - would be great as it starts a new phrase. and all the other times this happens, downbeat is clickable
01:03:928 (2) - similar rhythm thing, seems better. or maybe what you did on 01:08:138 (2,3,4) -
01:49:717 - making this clickable would be great with how important the beat is

patterns like 00:01:033 (2,3,4) - and 00:02:612 (2,3,4) - seems way nicer to read with some more spacing
00:14:059 (4) - ctrlg would make it way easier to follow/play and still fit fine // 00:31:033 (2) -
01:21:033 (2) - something is wrong with this stack, circle becomes really hard to see ingame
01:49:717 - no click?

[gg standard]

gap to standard feels quite big at some spots like 01:03:401 (1) - , but since the diff isn't really needed for the spread it might be okay that way
fine besides that
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Lasse wrote:

from m4m
tickrate4 seems a bit much at most spots, not sure if it's actually needed for hitsounding at any spot. if not, str 2 would be fine I changed to tick rate 2!

(based on highest diff)
00:01:296 - if anything, hitsounded sliderticks should be lower volume, this gives more feedback than head/tail right now
probably happens a few more times

[over cash]
00:01:033 (2) - weird stack intentional? all others are autostacked
00:07:349 (1,2) - why not something like v ? really feels like 00:07:349 (1) - should have a bit more emphasis cause music is building up slightly
00:12:217 (2) - such a weak sound, but it gets a huge jump and then drum 00:12:349 (3) - gets barely any spacing? how about stacking this on 00:12:875 (1) - head or something? // similar for 01:19:586 (2,3) - and 01:49:059 (2,3) - I want to keep these patterns. I think it doen't need more spacing ;w;...
00:25:507 (1) - mapping a repeat feel so weird here since white/blue tick are way more important. 1/4 slider would be nicer
00:32:612 (2) - really don't get why you sometimes drop spacing so much on such strong beats?
01:01:165 (2) - barely audible sound but the jump is quite big. doesnt really fit
01:01:954 (2,1,2) - really strong spacing increase with such obtuse angles is really hard to snap to properly. could try something like (might need to adjust 01:02:349 (1) - a bit then)
01:15:507 (1,2) - drums are so similar here, so 2x repeat, 2x 1/4 slider or 4 circles all seem better than this
01:31:296 (3,4) - seems kinda huge for the intensity of the song here
00:24:980 (1,2,3,4) - 01:32:349 (1,2,1,2) - no idea why the idea behind both pattern (except rhythm) is completely different, when the song does the same thing It is starting of jumping parts, imo. these kiai parts have a lot of jump patterns before the 1st kiai. so added like this.
01:46:559 (1) - why does this suddenly drop spacing so much when song is very consistent?
01:47:612 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this doesn't really fit the overall spacing/movement you used in this part

00:07:349 (1) - similar to highest diff, something like works better with emphasis here I think
00:12:217 (2) - stack feels even more unfitting than low spacing on highest // 01:22:743 (2,3) - also doesn't really fit with how you use stacks in other cases
quite similar spacing concerns overall as highest diff, lots of thing apply here too I think stack makes good flows, i don't wanna change these.
00:29:717 (1) - shouldn't this be stacked like you did on 01:37:086 (1) - and other similar spots?
00:33:138 (5) - part of the main melody but suddenly like no spacing at all?
I can understand some pattern>spacing things, but often it ends up feeling really unfitting and doesn't play that well..
01:03:928 (2,3,4,5) - sounds are so similar, but 5 suddenly has such huge spacing. seems kinda random when you could at least do I think huge spacing like the highest diff seems much better
01:38:138 (1) - ctrlg on this makes angles overall way nicer
01:41:691 (4) - you had jumps on this sound all the time, so why a stack here? it doen't need to be consistant. stacks are kind of patterns those hit more comfortable.

some of the emphasis things from highest diff apply here again in this case, i don't wanna change.
00:12:217 (2,3) - think something like would play nice and fit a bit better emphasis wise
00:17:875 (2,3) - 00:18:270 (4,5) - are like the same thing musically, but once normally spaced and once stacked?
00:34:717 (3,4) - more random feeling stacks // 00:36:822 (3,4) - I just don't think suddenly forcing stop when the music is so consistent and your movement is so jumpy fits or plays well... same with above opinions
00:58:138 - ending this 1/8 earlier and putting something here would fit much better as the sound is so different
01:26:822 (1,2) - pls no -- autostack on 01:27:087 (2,4,1) - kills your pattern

Yes, this diff has a lot of stacks, so i changed a little bit doesn't have stacks.

[gg hyper]
00:13:665 (2,3,4) - idk what your rhythm is supposed to follow, but doing like you did on 00:11:033 (1,2,3,4) - makes more sense to me
00:22:086 - similar here, would fit the melody much better
00:27:086 (5) - making this shorter so you can make 00:27:612 - would be great as it starts a new phrase. and all the other times this happens, downbeat is clickable
01:03:928 (2) - similar rhythm thing, seems better. or maybe what you did on 01:08:138 (2,3,4) -
01:49:717 - making this clickable would be great with how important the beat is

patterns like 00:01:033 (2,3,4) - and 00:02:612 (2,3,4) - seems way nicer to read with some more spacing
00:14:059 (4) - ctrlg would make it way easier to follow/play and still fit fine // 00:31:033 (2) -
01:21:033 (2) - something is wrong with this stack, circle becomes really hard to see ingame
01:49:717 - no click?

[gg standard]

gap to standard feels quite big at some spots like 01:03:401 (1) - , but since the diff isn't really needed for the spread it might be okay that way
fine besides that
No reply means Fixed. almost fixed!
I re-mapped some patterns.

Anyway, Thanks for modding! :D
00:19:717 (3) - add rev 1 and note here 00:20:112 -
01:27:086 (3) - same as abov

00:15:770 (3) - ctrl g
00:28:401 (5) - distance is too big. its hyer not other highest
01:12:875 (1) - ctrl g

00:09:849 (5) - 309 122
00:20:638 (2) - 114 123
01:16:033 (1) - bok buk out zz
01:44:059 (2,3) - ctrl g and stack 34


01:32:963 (2,3) - 1/8 01:33:007 - and 01:33:072 -
01:41:296 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - make easier or make pattern like this 01:47:612 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
01:42:612 (1,2) - suddenly changed distance it makes hard imo
01:43:401 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^
01:44:717 (1,2) -

poke me freely
Topic Starter

Len wrote:

00:19:717 (3) - add rev 1 and note here 00:20:112 -
01:27:086 (3) - same as abov

00:15:770 (3) - ctrl g
00:28:401 (5) - distance is too big. its hyer not other highest
01:12:875 (1) - ctrl g

00:09:849 (5) - 309 122
00:20:638 (2) - 114 123
01:16:033 (1) - bok buk out zz
01:44:059 (2,3) - ctrl g and stack 34


01:32:963 (2,3) - 1/8 01:33:007 - and 01:33:072 -
01:41:296 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - make easier or make pattern like this 01:47:612 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
01:42:612 (1,2) - suddenly changed distance it makes hard imo
01:43:401 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^
01:44:717 (1,2) -

poke me freely
All fixed it! expect AR
Topic Starter

and I find minor error in advanced diff, i will fix at the next updated.

Gloria Guard
버블 ㅊㅋ, 내 난이도 왤케 창피하게 만들었지...

쨋든 굿럭 랭크
G.G's Standard.
다른 난이도들과 다르게 이 난이도만 유독 업비트 휘슬 힛사들이 없네요. 추가 작업해주세요.

01:36:296 (5,6) - 이런 식의 컨쥐 점프는 맵 전반적으로 고려했을때 이질감이 너무 크네요.

01:27:480 (4,1) - 스택이 1픽셀 어긋났네요 ㅎ
00:08:665 (2) - 01:16:033 (1) - 복붙 단위를 살표보니까 여기서부터 대응이네요. 복붙임에도 불구하고 콤보 색상이 일치하지 않아서 구조적 완결성이 낮게 느껴졌습니다. 01:16:033 (1)의 색상을 연두색으로 바꿔주시고, 이후 패턴들에 콤보 컬러 작업들 해주셨으면 합니다.

01:33:072 - 후반 키아이의 핵심적인 차이점이 드러나는 박자입니다. 그래도 엑스트라인데 표현해보심이,,
most played inc
Ozato Fumika
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감사합니다 \:D/
congratz owo

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