
FictionJunction YUUKA - Yakusoku [OsuMania]

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
theres a japanese name for this song look here:

resize your bg it bugs me

i want to kill myself

nothing more

i dont want to play anything so ill just go in blind or something

00:10:819 (10819|2,11050|2) - your pitch
00:15:665 (15665|1,15896|1) - same
i mean like if youre trying to pack everything into 3 columns you could choose to do something else; like maybe move 00:11:050 (11050|2) - to 2 to emphasize the jump between these 00:11:050 (11050|2,11280|3) - two notes in pitch or something idk

00:19:473 (19473|1) - i dont really see the point of this note being here, vocals are roughly on 1/2 and there isnt really any strong beat here too

00:20:396 (20396|1) - same deal as above, just feels like a leftover beat from before

00:19:588 (19588|3) - remove this LN, you kinda like stopped it abruptly at 00:21:434 - so why not just end the walls at the transition

00:20:050 (20050|2,20165|0,20280|2,20396|1) - 00:20:973 (20973|0,21088|1,21203|2,21319|1) - looking at the section afterward id rather you follow the piano here because like those synth sounds are so ass to find ( i.e. theres like one 00:22:934 - here and possibly one 00:24:665 - here too) so yeah up to you

00:23:742 - 00:24:665 - these piano sounds are stronger than the ones you chose to double but theyre single notes idk

00:24:665 (24665|1,24896|1) - i get the 00:23:280 (23280|1,23511|1) - this thing here but i dont get the other one i highlighted - i mean like theres this left hand bias there anyway

00:38:742 (38742|1,38742|2,38973|0,38973|3,38973|2) - pretty sure theyre both the same intensity

00:42:817 (42817|0,42894|0) - snapping lmao

00:41:741 (41741|3,41856|0) - personal preference but id rather you have these LNs be normal notes since things like this are ass to time and i hate LNs in general

00:52:817 - double thing here

00:55:356 (55356|3) - the guitar rifts again at 00:55:471 - so this is kinda bleh

00:54:894 (54894|2,55356|3) - why not just remove the LNs to transition into the jacks

00:55:817 (55817|2,55817|1,55933|0,55933|2,56048|1,56048|3,56164|3,56164|2,56279|0,56279|1,56394|2,56394|1) - suggesting something cleaner

just realized this chart is chock full of LNs

01:00:894 (60894|2,61010|3,61125|2,61241|3,61356|2) - is it possible for you to make this into a both hand trill since like 01:06:433 - you did that here so

01:07:587 - LN here

01:07:933 (67933|3) - youre not following the shaking sound thing and theres no guitar thing here so

01:08:971 (68971|1,69202|0) - pretty sure its these two notes that are meant to be stacked

01:13:471 (73471|0,73587|0) - jacks are not representative of the shaking sound, i mean like its a little too intense for it you know what i mean

01:14:856 (74856|3,74971|3,75317|2,75433|2) - i mean like please you know this is awkward

you could technically remove the LNs so that the jacks are easier to handle but idk up to you ill just ignore all the jacks for now

01:16:702 - note please
to be honest you have a lot of those missing shaking sounds, please review this section yourself. kinda encourage you to remove the LNs more now since you absolutely need the space

01:23:279 (83279|1,83510|1,83741|1) - might just be an error when you tried to nerf it but yeah this is odd

01:25:933 (85933|0) - if you really want to keep the quad then move this note to 3

01:40:125 (100125|1,100202|0,100279|1) - move all this to the right hand

the LNs are so frustrating zzzzzzzz

01:32:971 (92971|0,93202|0,93433|0) - i dont really appreciate things like this especially in LN walls so if you could please re-arrange some of them

01:37:356 (97356|0) - move to 2, ^

01:39:894 (99894|0,99894|1,100010|0,100125|1,100202|0,100279|1) - try this

01:53:510 (113510|2) - rip in peaces this LN trying to follow vocals 2016-2016

01:54:202 (114202|1,114202|3,114202|0) - i dont really appreciate you trying to force a triple to follow the crash here, like you create unintentional jacks that arent really emphasizing anything, theyre just sitting there being annoying to hit

01:59:048 (119048|2,119164|3,119279|2,119394|3,119510|2) - is this trill intentional

01:59:625 - theres the really light drum thing here wanna follow that

01:57:779 - 01:58:010 - 02:02:164 - are these intentionally missed

02:02:279 (122279|3,122279|0) - not sure if this warrants a double

02:09:317 (129317|2,129317|3,129548|2,129548|3,129779|2,129779|3) - all on the 1/6 ticks before

also please dont do flashy things like this, a simple jumptrill is enough, if you really want you could have the LNs just keep them consistently sized but thing here is the guitars are on 1/6 snaps whilst the drums are on 1/4 so up to you

02:14:279 - this part is a mess
02:14:971 (134971|2,135202|2) - make the spacing between the two larger a little please
02:14:433 (134433|0) - is on 1/8

02:22:125 (142125|3,142241|2,142356|3,142471|2,142587|3) - feels like youve been copy pasting idk; feels weird to have drums hihats and everything rolled into a trill

02:27:664 (147664|0,147779|3,147894|0,148010|3,148125|0) - aw man you really did copy and paste

alright since you did so ill skip this whole section; give it a review yourself and tweak the patterns a little to fit the music please

02:44:394 (164394|0,164510|2) - crtl-g

02:46:010 (166010|1,166010|0) - 02:46:241 (166241|1,166241|0) - not sure if these warrant a double

02:46:587 - interestingly enough you didnt have a double here even though the sounds pretty strong

02:47:164 (167164|1) - to 1

03:01:587 (181587|0,181587|1,181702|3,181817|1,181817|2) - you sure you dont want these to be jumptrills

03:15:087 - note

03:15:587 - note 1/6

03:15:894 (195894|2,195894|3,196125|2,196125|3) - did you like skip everything here or something there seems to be so many inconsistencies here

03:16:356 (196356|1,196356|2,196471|2,196471|1,196587|0,196587|2) - you sure this sound warrants 3 note jacking

03:17:741 - 03:19:587 - 03:21:433 - whyd you miss out the hihats man
03:21:317 (201317|0,201548|3,201664|2) - same sections - like i dont get why these are singles even though the drums are there so

03:22:356 - section is disproportionately denser than the rest, and it feels its to no particular effect
cleaned it up for you, although i disagree with your layering scheme im too lazy to make one myself and yours is pretty alright anyway just needed a little tweaking

03:25:125 - the hihat thing from before applies here too btw

man im tired sorry

ill end here, maybe ill get back to you with a more concise mod

if you have any questions send it to me on discord, be sure to send a screenshot of the issue at hand first though so id know what it is

no kudos since im not done
Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:

Yea sure thing m8, thanks for even giving a crap.

Will do editing either tomorrow or next week :>
[round 2]
03:31:356 (211356|2,211356|3) - seems like you only doubled drum beats/snare beats so whats this

03:32:510 (212510|3,212510|2,212625|0) - double should be second here, drum thing

03:34:356 - why is this blank

03:36:779 (216779|1,216779|0,216779|3,216894|2) - i mean the hihat thing is on the red tick and the beat for the hand is pretty meh

03:37:471 (217471|0,217471|2,217471|1,217817|3,217817|0,217817|2,218164|1,218164|3,218164|2) - not really intuitive to hit, its not like disconnected from the music but there are plenty of other sounds around them that kinda mask it a little so it becomes a amalgam of ebfesnoudfhiou

03:53:394 (233394|2,233625|0) - pretty much ghost notes; well like there are sounds but theyre pretty minimal, my suggestion is not to include them since guitar things
those like trilly things kinda go with the guitar, maybe you could do this thing

04:11:048 (251048|2,251048|3,251279|2,251279|1,251510|3,251510|1) - the pianos pretty soft you want to like make these less bam

04:25:471 (265471|1) - prolly design choice but like i would encourage you to cut this at 04:27:433 - so you can accommodate for the whatever youre doing there

same things apply for whatever ive told you for the choruses before

04:44:510 (284510|1,284971|0,285202|1) - idk man youre like skipping over the drum beats which is pretty odd

compare 04:44:510 (284510|1,284971|0,285202|1,287971|3,288087|1,288202|0,288317|1,288433|3) - to 04:49:817 (289817|0,289933|2,289933|1,290164|3,290279|1,290279|2) - pls

04:56:510 (296510|0) - vocals start at 04:56:971 -

04:59:510 (299510|2,299510|1,299625|0,299625|1,299741|2,299741|0,299856|3,299856|1,299971|2,299971|3,300087|0,300087|1) - densest part at the end even though the sounds here are pretty much dead like me so i dont really appreciate this

05:20:477 (320477|0,320524|1,320571|3) - believe that this is on 1/12 with one additional note (i mean like its guitar things and all but whatever up to you)

done yay

kudos pls thanks

have fun or something

edit: oh and if you have any questions just ask me through discord things
Topic Starter
1st part of the mod from Abraxos done, only one I didn't accept was the 00:41:740 (41740|2,41741|1,41741|3,41856|0,41971|3,41971|2) - this part of LNs, cause I feel it fits the guitar part nicely and nicer.

Edit: 2nd part done, pretty much accepted everything too.
Promise me you will be there when I am down...
Promise me...



00:01:127 (1127|4,1357|3,1588|2,1819|1,2050|2,2050|0) - then 00:02:280 (2280|1) - move to 1
00:11:511 (11511|2,11742|1) - ctrl+right (move 1 col to the right)
00:17:742 (17742|4) - add 1 note at 2
00:18:434 (18434|4,18434|1,18665|2,18665|6,18896|1,18896|4) -
00:23:050 (23050|1) - move to 5 or 7
00:59:279 (59279|1,59510|2) - ctrl+j
01:01:817 (61817|6,61933|5) - ctrl+left (move 1 col to the left)
01:03:894 (63894|2,64010|3,64125|0) - 01:04:356 (64356|2) -
01:09:202 (69202|3) - move to 2
02:20:741 (140741|1) - move to 3
03:23:279 (203279|1,203279|2,203394|2,203394|1,203510|2,203510|1,203625|2,203625|1,203741|4,203741|5,203856|4,203856|5,203971|5,203971|4,204087|4,204087|5) - eee -> or reverse idk kkk
04:10:356 (250356|4) - - add 1 note
04:11:048 (251048|4,251279|6,251510|4) -
04:44:856 - add on 6
04:45:087 - add on 2


00:01:819 (1819|2) - move to 2
01:08:971 (68971|1) - move to 1
01:15:202 (75202|3) - move to 1

kk bb
Hello, From My Queue.


M4M req thank you >w<


Hitsounding : I feel weird about HS, it's inconsistency, you should re-hs for your map

[4K Pinky Swear]

I think you follow vocals toooooooooo much, Mania mode isn't recommended to follow vocals.
i was shocked when i take a look on this map xDD
00:21:434 - add note at |3|
00:22:357 - add note at |4|
00:54:894 - I think do like this
00:57:202 (57202|3) - move to |2|
00:57:664 (57664|1) - move to |3|
00:58:356 (58356|3) - move to |1|
00:59:741 - i think you should make triple notes here, it's quite loud
01:11:279 to 01:24:202 - i think you use jacks so much here, pls spread to other column
01:24:202 - how about this?
01:39:894 (99894|3) - delete and move 01:40:010 (100010|0) - to |4|
01:40:817 (100817|1) - delete, it isn't loud here
02:45:894 - how about this?
03:17:048 (197048|2) - move to |2|
03:27:664 (207664|3) - move to |3|
03:53:741 - spread note to red line plz, there is the sound, and maybe delete all LNs heere, like i said, o!m isn't suitable to follow vocals.
04:11:741 - this too, should remove all LN and follow Bass and Piano here
04:27:433 - how about this? (use 1/16)
05:00:202 (300202|1) - delete
05:00:202 (300202|3) - change to normal note
Main Problems : I think you use LN to follow vocals TOO MUCH here, and the jacks is TOO MUCH too, the jacks that i found, it shouldn't put the notes like this, it isn't same sound, so spread to other column, but it seem like a fun map :)

anyway, good luck on ranking!
i guess itd be nice if i left my opinion here

4K chart is generally alright, i mean come on now its 130 bpm so i dont really see the need to point out simplistic anchoring that are essentially separate notes on this bpm

im not a huge fan of the LNs nor the jacks but it doesnt necessarily spell for a complete remap

@rave you should at least give things like 01:55:241 (115241|1,115241|0) - a look; happily enough i seemed to have missed all of these sections and ive noticed that the layering on those sections is a little wonky; i.e. 01:55:241 (115241|1,115241|0) - is pretty much deadbeat whilst 01:55:125 (115125|1,115125|0,115356|3,115356|2,115471|3,115471|2) - are noticeably higher in volume than the rest

03:16:356 (196356|3,196356|2,196471|1,196471|0,196587|3,196587|2,196702|1,196702|0) - also relevant to the above mentioned section - you might want to check on your consistency too btw

maybe try lowering OD to 7.6 or 7.5 since this chart is a hard difficulty and LNs

05:00:087 (300087|0,300087|1,300202|1,300202|0) - dont think this warrants a wristjack but its just my opinion

03:45:894 - double

yeah ill stop looking through it

main thing is the consistency of your pattern usage and layering, so you might wanna like give this chart a good re-look again; btw if you do need my assistance you could shoot me highlight on discord and ill try to be online and other things

good luck with rankos again

dont kds this btw
Blue - Accepted and fixed
Yellow - Fixed, but may need some additional checking
Red - Rejected
Purple - Will be considered/Unsure
Green - Note/Comment

Oh wow you really modded after ravioli posted on discord.
A big thank you from me :)

ArcherLove wrote:

Promise me you will be there when I am down...
Promise me...



00:01:127 (1127|4,1357|3,1588|2,1819|1,2050|2,2050|0) - then 00:02:280 (2280|1) - move to 1 - Accepted
00:11:511 (11511|2,11742|1) - ctrl+right (move 1 col to the right) - Eh, no reason to reject.
00:17:742 (17742|4) - add 1 note at 2 - I cannot see a reason to add a note here. I hear nothing but the choir and the synth.
00:18:434 (18434|4,18434|1,18665|2,18665|6,18896|1,18896|4) - - I dunno, it feels more uncomfortable this way? Will be considered since the current pattern isn't all that comfortable anyway.
00:23:050 (23050|1) - move to 5 or 7 - Moved to 5
00:59:279 (59279|1,59510|2) - ctrl+j - Sure why not.
01:01:817 (61817|6,61933|5) - ctrl+left (move 1 col to the left) - idk why I left it that way.
01:03:894 (63894|2,64010|3,64125|0) - 01:04:356 (64356|2) - - oooh. This is alot more comfortable.
01:09:202 (69202|3) - move to 2 - Well I guess it's better to drop the notes returning thing thing.
02:20:741 (140741|1) - move to 3 - Oops. Could've avoided this.
03:23:279 (203279|1,203279|2,203394|2,203394|1,203510|2,203510|1,203625|2,203625|1,203741|4,203741|5,203856|4,203856|5,203971|5,203971|4,204087|4,204087|5) - eee -> or reverse idk kkk - I prefer the current pattern but eh that's not bad either. I'll consider it.
04:10:356 (250356|4) - - add 1 note - Similar to the one way above.
04:11:048 (251048|4,251279|6,251510|4) - - ^
04:44:856 - add on 6 - Oooh. Missed these kicks
04:45:087 - add on 2 - ^

kk bb
Your mod was amaze.
Thanks a ton :)
Topic Starter
ArcherLove's mod applied.

Abrax's mod applied (all accepted).

Wolfy's mod applied but not accepting the LN removal because it will break the flow and style of this song. The section you were talking about acts as a cool-down and a slow part of the song to compensate with the harder and more livelier parts of the map.
Hello! I'm from Recycle Bin Queue!
Here goes the mod -w-
00:09:665 (9665|0,9896|3) - maybe just move them to 4 and 3? I think it will give better pr
00:10:819 (10819|2,11050|1) - ctrl+h
00:14:280 (14280|1,14511|2,14742|3,14973|1,15203|2,15434|3,15665|2,15896|1,16127|2,16357|3,16588|1,16819|3,17050|2,17280|1,17511|2,17742|3,17973|2,18203|1) - in there anchors at 3 hurt me, you need to remove them, here's an example
00:25:588 (25588|3) - should be there one more note?
00:24:665 (24665|3,24665|2,24896|0,24896|1,25127|2,25127|3) - make it 43 32 21 to avoid anchor on 4
00:25:357 (25357|0) - move this to 3 and 00:25:819 (25819|2) - to 1 or 2 (do it, if you accept ^)
00:28:357 (28357|2,28588|3) - ctrl + g
00:28:819 (28819|1,28819|2) - make it 24
00:29:280 (0,29280|3,29511|2,29742|1,29973|0,30203|2,30434|1) - maybe move 00:29:280 (29280|3,29511|2) - one column left and make 00:29:742 (29742|1,29973|0,30203|2,30434|1) - stair from 4 to 1
00:31:357 (31357|1,31357|0,31588|3,31588|2) - ctrl+g
00:31:819 (31819|1,32050|0,32050|1,32280|2,32280|3,32511|0,32511|1) - i could suggest you this
00:32:511 (32511|1,32511|0,32742|3,32973|2,33203|3,33434|1,33434|0,33665|2,33896|0,34127|2,34357|3,34357|1,34588|2,34819|0,35050|3,35050|1,35280|2,35511|0,35742|3,35742|1,35973|2) - you should work more on pitch in there, I would do it like this
00:36:203 (36203|2,36203|0,36550|2,36550|1,36896|1,36896|0,37127|0,37127|2,37473|1,37473|3,37819|2,37819|0,38050|3,38050|1,38396|2,38396|3,38742|2,38742|1,38973|0,38973|2,39319|1,39319|3,39665|2,39665|1) - pitch again, it can be done better
btw 00:38:742 (38742|2,38742|1,38973|2,38973|0) - these are the same sound
00:39:896 (39896|2,39896|3,40011|0,40011|1,40242|0,40242|1,40357|3,40357|2,40588|2,40588|3,40695|0,40695|1,40909|0,40909|1,41016|3,41016|2) - you can do better sv than this, it doesn't change anything, try making it more intensive. you can do it like putting on 00:39:896 (39896|2,39896|3) - 1,15x and on 00:40:127 - putting 0,85x and do it identically at the rest
00:40:588 (40588|3,40588|2,40695|1,40695|0,40909|1,40909|0,41016|3,41016|2) - change layer in there, these aren't same as 00:39:896 (39896|2,39896|3,40011|1,40011|0,40242|1,40242|0,40357|3,40357|2) - you can do 13 31 or 23 14
00:41:257 (41257|0) - maybe make it longer? i recommend to extend it to 00:41:619, sound is longer than 1/2th

I won't comment much on the ln parts, because for me they're weird. You should consider re-layering them with pitch revelance, because it's sometimes weird. I'll only point out obvious errors or sth.

00:41:741 (41741|3,41856|0) - these are ONE sound
00:50:741 (50741|2) - make the start of this ln a note at 4 and add LN starting from 2/8th (first yellow line) to the end of old ln end in third column
01:08:971 (68971|3) - maybe end it at white line?
01:10:356 (70356|3) - move it to 3 for pitch
01:24:317 (84317|1) - make it 2 notes, according to 01:25:010 (85010|0,85010|1) -
01:32:048 (92048|1,92279|0) - make them one ln, if you wanna map pitch shifts, then map also things like in 01:29:741 (89741|2) - at blue line is pitch shift
02:02:971 (122971|3,123087|0) - they are 2 separate sounds, do not apply point from 00:41:741
02:09:202 (129202|1,129279|2,129433|1,129510|2,129664|1,129741|2) - make them notes, it's a bit hard to play and can make people lose acc
02:12:317 (132317|3) - but these are same sound
02:14:279 (134279|0,134366|1,134452|2) - wrong snap, make them just 1/4th lns
02:15:087 (135087|0) - missing ln
02:22:817 (142817|2,143048|3) - they should be one ln, if pitch shift, remember to look for other pitch shifts and make them
02:31:817 (151817|3) - move to 3
02:48:664 (168664|2) - this should be 2 1/2th lns
02:54:664 (174664|3,174894|2) - one sound
03:00:664 (180664|1) - add note
03:01:125 (181125|3) - remove it
03:01:241 (181241|0) - move it to 4 and do it like this or sth
03:02:510 (182510|1,182741|2) - again one sound, if pitch shift blahblah
03:08:048 (188048|2,188279|3) - ^^^^
03:08:048 (188048|2,188279|3) - ^
04:38:510 (278510|1,278741|0) - ^
05:10:817 (310817|1,311048|0) - ctrl+h and move one column left
Okay, it's done. I hope it helps :D
[ Gyuso ]
hi thank you for req! by 7K!

but sorry, The pattern itself doesn't look bad, but it's too much vocal sound + drumb beats which makes it quite boring.

It's hard for me to mod these type of maps

i recommend remap

Sorry T.T
hi hi raveille n minseo NM req from
feel free to reject, just my suggestion
00:17:050 (17050|2,17511|2,17973|2,18434|2,18665|2,19127|2,19357|2) - much note in col 3 maybe u can spread it
cuz u make 00:38:396 (38396|2,38742|2,38973|2) - , 00:38:396 (38396|2) - maybe move to 1
01:20:510 (80510|1) - move to 3 for balance
02:05:971 (125971|3) - move to 3 i can't find why u make jack here
02:06:894 (126894|2) - move to 2
02:16:587 (136587|2,136702|0,136817|1,136933|0,137048|1,137164|2,137279|0,137279|1) - over left hand plz re arrange
03:02:048 (182048|1,182048|2,182048|3) - why 4 note ? 3 enough for cymbal, remove col 3
03:18:664 - add note again for cymbal
03:20:510 - ^
03:21:894 - ^
03:53:510 (233510|3) - move to 3
03:53:741 - add note again for cymbal
start here 03:53:741 - why u put LN only ? i think same with first part 00:01:127 -
04:56:971 (296971|1,297202|1,297664|1,297894|1,298125|1,298471|1,298702|1) - over again in col 2 maybe u should spread it
sorry i can't mod 7k
Nice map Goodluck :)

Hotaru's Mania Modding KueKue

NM delivery
Hii Raveille >w<)/
I'm fall In love with this song <3
Here take my Star >w<
for this time i just mod 4K one qwq i'm still learning 7K note structure


Hmm about the 4K diff name.. how about "Pinky Promise" :>> it's more good in my opinion '3'

[Pinky Swear]
00:41:257 (41257|0) - this LN should be end on white tick imo

00:41:971 (41971|2) - delte there's no kick,or snare sound right there

00:45:202 (45202|1) - actually you can separated this not into 2 LN the second one starts from here 00:45:317 -

00:53:741 - 01:05:856 (65856|1) - 01:57:779 (117779|2) - ghosting

00:55:125 (55125|1,55125|0) - 01:54:202 (114202|3,114202|0) - just 2 notes?? this one has 3 notes 00:54:202 (54202|0,54202|1,54202|2) - ( i see there's a lot of Cymbal sound with just 2 notes and also cymbal sound with 3 notes concisteny :>>)

01:09:433 (69433|0) - why just one there's a kick right there D:

01:11:279 (71279|3,71279|1) - just 2??? it has Loud Cymbal there

01:12:202 (72202|1) - 01:17:741 (77741|1) - 01:33:202 (93202|3) - 01:49:817 (109817|0) - 02:21:202 (141202|0) - and many more delete there's just a snare... (i see there's a snare with 2 notes and 1 notes.. consistency please :>)

01:13:010 (73010|1) - 01:13:933 (73933|1) - following what?? if it's a guitar sound the snap should be on 1/6

01:25:933 (85933|0) - wrong snap should be on 1/6 snap

01:32:741 (92741|1) - 01:47:510 (107510|2) - Should be 2 note for emphasis and also there's a snare sound too

01:39:317 - 01:59:625 - 03:00:548 - missing kick

01:56:510 - 01:58:356 - 02:00:202 - missing hithat

02:00:433 (120433|2) - why just one D: there's a cymbal sound there

02:09:433 (129433|0) - delete.. there's no kick sound

03:00:664 (180664|1,180664|3) - why just 2?? there's a cymbal sound D: concistensy please

03:00:894 (180894|1,181010|3) - CTRL + J?? it's pretty hard to read this 03:01:010 (181010|3) - note in collum 4

Rest of them it's just concistency problem :>>

That's all my mod owo..
It's a good Map and Nice SB too uwu
(anyway can we mutual qwq i've add you a long long time ago raveille)
Good Luck >w<)/
Topic Starter

-[Hotaru]- wrote:

cute things

Also, thanks for all the feedback and mods I've been getting. School week now so no laptop at the moment, will get to them soon :>
hai , NM request as raveille request.
i think i will just mod 7k , but since the SR is too big idk it will be help or not xD
okay here we go
7k Column Guide

MS2000 7k Everlasting Promise : i think it will be better if MinSeo's Everlasting 7k Promise xD (just ignore this xD)
Increase OD to 8 or 7.5
00:14:050 (14050|4,14280|3,14511|2,14742|1,14973|2) - this is should be like this its have better pitch relevancy, if this is applied i suggest you to move 00:13:819 (13819|1) - and 00:15:203 (15203|3,15434|4,15665|6) -
00:21:319 - missing notes? i hear piano with 25% playback , suggest you to place single on 5
00:35:050 (35050|0) - move this to 5 or 7
00:35:973 (35973|2,36203|1) - ctrl + j
00:58:356 (58356|3) - delete this make it same with 00:58:817 (58817|3,58817|1) - , i prefer just make it all double 1 LNs and 1single xD
01:26:971 (86971|0) - delete the sound same like 01:26:741 (86741|3,86741|4) -
01:28:817 (88817|5,89048|6) - delete , i think its too much to present hi-hat. do it in all notes like this
01:40:010 (100010|0,100010|5,100125|1,100125|4,100241|3,100241|2) - suggestion 01:40:125 - i place this as triple because it snare
01:55:356 (115356|2) - delete , its too much
02:13:125 - missing notes?
02:20:741 (140741|2) - place in 7
02:23:971 (143971|3) - move to 2
02:28:356 (148356|3) - move to 2
02:44:510 (164510|5,164510|0) - make this single
03:29:856 - 03:30:087 - idk why this place is so empty
03:39:087 - col 1 , so empty , i suggest you to move some notes there
04:31:471 - make this jumptrill
05:01:125 (301125|0) - move to 7 , pitch
05:01:817 (301817|2,302048|0) - ctrl + J
05:20:399 (320399|2,320462|0,320524|1,320524|6) - what is this? , its just a bass and piano , make it LNs with ending notes
05:22:024 (322024|2) - make it double , and dont make it a LNs , just normal notes
tbh , i cant mod like on kiai or melody , idk how i feel that part is forced to be overnotes place. and i cant see anything.
i suggest you to decrease the value of hihat , double hihat is too much i think , to me its an overdozes value and forced to be so hard. just in case i just want to make this map is fun to play.
sorry for bad english , i hope you understand what im saying about xD
thanks for requesting and good luck , the song is nice btw v:
Blue - Accepted and fixed
Yellow - Fixed, but may need some additional checking
Red - Rejected
Purple - Will be considered/Unsure
Green - Note/Comment

Oh look a mod.

Alsty- wrote:

hai , NM request as raveille request. - o/
i think i will just mod 7k , but since the SR is too big idk it will be help or not xD - Nah, every mod counts.
okay here we go - wheeeeeee
7k Column Guide

MS2000 7k Everlasting Promise : i think it will be better if MinSeo's Everlasting 7k Promise xD (just ignore this xD) - Ohhh. Everlasting 7K Promise sounds pretty good. But idk, I didn't choose the diff name. My naming sense isn't something I can boast about. I'll ask Raveille for his opinion.
Increase OD to 8 or 7.5 - Ehhh... This diff is quite noodly so idk if I should make the OD that high. I'll try looking for others' opinions as well.
00:14:050 (14050|4,14280|3,14511|2,14742|1,14973|2) - this is should be like this its have better pitch relevancy, if this is applied i suggest you to move 00:13:819 (13819|1) - and 00:15:203 (15203|3,15434|4,15665|6) - Applied.
00:21:319 - missing notes? i hear piano with 25% playback , suggest you to place single on 5 - Placed one on 7 instead
00:35:050 (35050|0) - move this to 5 or 7 - I see no reason to do so. It's more comfortable to hit there anyway.
00:35:973 (35973|2,36203|1) - ctrl + j - Ehhh. Sure I see no reason to reject.
00:58:356 (58356|3) - delete this make it same with 00:58:817 (58817|3,58817|1) - , i prefer just make it all double 1 LNs and 1single xD - Sort of a reject and an accept at the same time. A note at a different place was at the wrong place.
01:26:971 (86971|0) - delete the sound same like 01:26:741 (86741|3,86741|4) - - I hear a kick, though I can't say that I'm 100% confident.
01:28:817 (88817|5,89048|6) - delete , i think its too much to present hi-hat. do it in all notes like this - Same as above.
01:40:010 (100010|0,100010|5,100125|1,100125|4,100241|3,100241|2) - suggestion 01:40:125 - i place this as triple because it snare - Half accept. The snare is there but there's also kicks in all 1/4s there as well.
01:55:356 (115356|2) - delete , its too much - Ooops.
02:13:125 - missing notes? - Somewhere nearby
02:20:741 (140741|2) - place in 7 - Sure
02:23:971 (143971|3) - move to 2 - It's there on purpose and I won't change it unless there is a good reason to do so
02:28:356 (148356|3) - move to 2 - I prefer it here.
02:44:510 (164510|5,164510|0) - make this single - okay
03:29:856 - 03:30:087 - idk why this place is so empty - Because I cannot pick up any sounds to justify a note there.
03:39:087 - col 1 , so empty , i suggest you to move some notes there - Eh okay.
04:31:471 - make this jumptrill - I like my current pattern. Side note : I assumed that by jumptrill you meant something like this.
05:01:125 (301125|0) - move to 7 , pitch - Eh okay. TBH I didn't care too much about pitch relevancy while mapping this :P
05:01:817 (301817|2,302048|0) - ctrl + J - Sure?
05:20:399 (320399|2,320462|0,320524|1,320524|6) - what is this? , its just a bass and piano , make it LNs with ending notes - It is bass and piano. And meh I'll leave the piano notes as short notes.
05:22:024 (322024|2) - make it double , and dont make it a LNs , just normal notes - The short LN is good enough for the emphasis.
tbh , i cant mod like on kiai or melody , idk how i feel that part is forced to be overnotes place. and i cant see anything. - Well, the layering is additive, and the guitar is 1 LN, kicks are 2 SNs, so 3 notes in total. Does get a little cluttered up but it seems playable. I'll need to clean it up more for better playability though.
i suggest you to decrease the value of hihat , double hihat is too much i think , to me its an overdozes value and forced to be so hard. just in case i just want to make this map is fun to play. - No hihats are doubles. Unless I goofed up somewhere and accidentally added another note. I assume all doubles are kicks (though there is a high chance I forgot about another sound that uses doubles.)
sorry for bad english , i hope you understand what im saying about xD - But your English was good?
thanks for requesting and good luck , the song is nice btw v:
Thanks for the mod! :)
Topic Starter
Applied all applicable mods to 4k but I do have some notes to point out for those who are wondering at the moment:

03:53:741 - to 04:24:664 -
THIS IS PURPOSELY DONE. It's to allow a cool down and a slow section in contrast to the opening. Imagine this song is based on a story of a girl waiting for her lover to return, and finally she sees him, and suddenly time slows down with the choir being a major role in this scene. I am trying to portray this.
tl;dr This portion is to portray a slow scene of the song.

too much vocal sound + drumb beats
makes it quite boring.
There are much more boring songs out there. What we are trying to portray here is a story. We try to fit in the mood, so if it feels boring it is most likely you and not us.

Remapping is not an option. Thinking the easy way out is to just "remap" doesn't help us learn but makes us more annoyed.

For difficulty names: I have to differentiate between 4 and 7K, thus they exist inside the difficulty names. If not just having Pinky Swear, and MS2000's 7K Everlasting Promise looks weird.

With that said, Pinky Promise sounds good but then having Everlasting Promise as a name would be a little conflicting with the titles. Everlasting 7K Promise sounds a lot weirder as I want the keymode first followed by the actual difficulty title.

That's all :)
4k pinky swear~


00:29:742 - prefer to map to voice here
00:50:894 - what are sound are mapping too, if dunno cause of filler rule, delete this part
01:10:356 - for the patterns below, try adding a bigger sound for the heighten part of the voice like this (my preference)
01:11:741 - if your gonna map the drum finish by adding doubles, keep it consistent with the sound, don't add random doubles if you are trying to go for that, unless you want to keep the doubles, then just have it as triples
01:25:817 (85817|3,85894|1,85971|0) - i prefer this
01:31:125 (91125|0,91125|1,91356|2,91356|3) - i prefer this|
01:31:587 - for some of the LNs in the map, the voice has a small cut off in between each sentence or w/e. try releasing some of the LNs on blue instead
01:39:664 (99664|0,99779|1,99894|3,100010|2) - these are soft sounds, not to add doubles
01:39:664 (99664|0,99779|1,99894|3,100010|2,109587|2,109817|1,110048|2,110279|1) - make LNs shorter
01:39:664 (99664|0,99779|1,99894|3,100010|2,109587|2,109817|1,110048|2,110279|1) - repetitive as pattern before last
02:09:202 (129202|1,129202|0,129279|2,129279|3) - map to what? not needed lol
02:09:202 (129202|0,129279|1,129433|3,129510|2,129664|0,129741|1) - my idea i guess
02:44:741 (164741|1) - move to 1
02:45:196 - again here, if you're gonna have doubles, have louder sounds have triples like the next 2 bass drums
03:00:202 - feels cluttered to me with the LN, might have to change
03:03:433 - try mapping to the piano now for this part since the rest of the map is mainly voice, repetitive
03:15:587 (195587|1,195664|3,195779|0) - ehhh, change, noticeable filler notes or maybe change how it looks
03:15:587 (195587|1,195664|3,195779|0) - sudden diff spike? towards the end have the triples there cause the drums are fading in
03:15:587 (195587|1,195664|3,195779|0) - can start mapping to the guitar if you want here
03:38:741 (218741|3,218741|2,218856|3,218856|2,218971|3,218971|1,218971|0) - prefer this, easier on the jack pattern
03:40:356 - could add short LNs here
03:42:664 - yeah map to the guitar solo maybe
03:53:749 - the background sounds could be mapped here with the LNs instead of it being just the voice
04:12:202 - more notes from this point on
04:56:510 (296510|2,296741|0) - added these, the LN was off, time wise
05:00:548 (300548|0) - end the LNs the white line below where its at now
05:12:433 - the next 2 patterns, change it up, repetitive

Hi from CloudHolic's Mania modding queue!

But I'm so sorry to tell you that I can't mod your map.
Tbh, it's not a problem that can be solved with modding.

Your map is too vocal-dependent, contrary to almost mania maps.
Non-vocal part is quite good, but in vocal part, your pattern is too simple - It's just 1 LN for vocal, and drums.
And it makes your map too boring to play. What's worse, it's drain time makes it more tedious.
I bet no 7k player can play this simple pattern with 5 mins.

So your map needs remap. I suggest two things.

1. Try mapping instruments, not vocal, like many mania maps.

2. If you want to keep vocal, then try it more fun to play.
I recommend to see this beatmap, Petit Rabbits's - Daydream cafe (you remix) made by frolica.
Although it's 6.7* and 175BPM, I think you can learn vocal mapping from this map.

No kd, since I don't do any actual mod. ;w;
Blue - Accepted and fixed
Yellow - Fixed, but may need some additional checking
Red - Rejected
Purple - Will be considered/Unsure
Green - Note/Comment

CloudHolic wrote:

Hi from CloudHolic's Mania modding queue!

But I'm so sorry to tell you that I can't mod your map. - :(
Tbh, it's not a problem that can be solved with modding.

Your map is too vocal-dependent, contrary to almost mania maps.- meh. Just because it's niche shouldn't make it bad.
Non-vocal part is quite good, but in vocal part, your pattern is too simple - It's just 1 LN for vocal, and drums. - I'll see if I can make the vocal parts more complex, though it won't be easy/
And it makes your map too boring to play. What's worse, it's drain time makes it more tedious. - Subjective
I bet no 7k player can play this simple pattern with 5 mins. - Well certainly there are who can play this. That was a bit extreme.

So your map needs remap. I suggest two things.

1. Try mapping instruments, not vocal, like many mania maps. - I'm fine with removing the vocal mapping if it gives me too much headaches but if I remove vocal mapping, I'm not sure if I'll be able to find an instrument, uhhh, more complex than the vocals. Specific suggestions for which instruments would have been nice.

2. If you want to keep vocal, then try it more fun to play. - "Fun" is too subjective. I would've preferred something more objective. But then as you mentioned above, I won't deny my diff's simplicity, which is something I will be fixing over time.
I recommend to see this beatmap, Petit Rabbits's - Daydream cafe (you remix) made by frolica.
Although it's 6.7* and 175BPM, I think you can learn vocal mapping from this map. - 2hard4me :( . I can barely play that so I can't assess its "fun level".

No kd, since I don't do any actual mod. ;w;
Oh well 2 people telling me to remap.
I'll start considering, but I probably won't be doing so unless someone gives me a more detailed explanation why.

Don't misunderstand.
I don't dislike remapping.
I remap whenever I feel that a map is bad enough and requires too much fixing.
But I expect something a little less than about this much get convinced (and that post didn't even ask me to remap.)
Not in terms of volume (not even I would want to read an essay while playing osu), but in terms of reasoning.

No offense to the modder though.
I can understand how it feels to mod something that looks like
Hello Raveille~ Here's my mod!

+These are just my suggestions! Accepting these or not is totally depended on you. :P

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

4K Pinky Swear
- 00:41:740 - Object isn't snapped!
- Check 'Display epilepsy warning' because this map contains storyboard (which is made by awesome Protastic101)

- It would be great if you add some hitsounds (Including custom hitsounds). I can help you adding hitsounds if you want~

- 00:19:588 - Delete (Unnecessary green line)
- 00:41:257 - Delete (Unnecessary green line)
- 01:40:817 - Delete (Unnecessary green line)
- 02:32:048 - Delete (Unnecessary green line)
- 03:17:279 - Delete (Unnecessary green line) (N:C1 and N:C2 look same because this map has no custom hitsound)
- 04:25:125 - Delete (Unnecessary green line)
- 04:29:741 - Delete (Unnecessary green line)
- 04:44:971 - Delete (Unnecessary green line)

Ok, then, let's start :>

- 00:29:742 - add one note on column 1 for emphasis on the vocal as you did at 00:22:357 (22357|1,22357|3) here
- 00:40:934 (40934|2,40934|3,41050|1,41050|0,41280|3,41280|2,41280|1) - I think those notes are snapped wrongly. 1/12 -> 00:40:896 for First one, 00:41:011 for Second one, 00:41:242 for Last one
- 01:01:933 - add one note on column 3 (missing note)
- 01:03:894 - add one note on column 1 (for the drum + vocal as you did from 00:56:510 )
- 01:11:048 (71048|3) - I recommend you to delete it in order to emphasize the vocal and the change of section (or mood)
- From 01:11:279 to 01:23:741 - Try following some drums. For example) - - - - Well, It's just a suggestion :P
- 01:59:510 (119510|2) - delete (double is quite much on this)
- 02:02:741 (122741|0) - I prefer to delete it since that sound is quite lower than 02:02:394 (122394|2,122394|1,122510|0,122510|3) these
- 02:25:125 - add one note on column 1 (same as 01:03:894 )
-+ I suggest emphasize this part more because a calm section comes after that section. +-- These are all related to this point
+-- 03:40:817 - add one note on column 1 ^
+-- 03:42:664 - add one note on column 3 ^
+-- 03:44:510 - add one note on column 4 ^
+-- 03:48:202 - add one note on column 4 ^
+-- 03:48:317 - add one note on column 2 ^
+-- 03:50:164 - add one note on column 4 ^
- 03:52:702 (232702|3) - delete AND 03:52:817 - add one note on column 4 (strong drum is not in 03:52:702, but in 03:52:817 )
- 03:53:279 - add one note on column 2 (for strong drum sound)
- 04:27:721 (267721|2,267779|1,267837|0,267894|3,267894|2) - I can hear only three drums here. I suggest you to -> 04:27:837 (267837|0) - delete AND 04:27:894 (267894|3,267894|2) - delete AND (1/12) 04:27:856 - add notes on column 1 and 4
- 04:28:010 - add one note on column 2 (there's sound)
-+ I suggest emphasize this part more because not only is it the last part of the song, but also calm section comes after that part. +--- These are all related to this point
+--- 04:47:279 - add one note on column 1
+--- 04:49:125 - add one note on column 3
+--- 04:50:971 - add one note on column 4
+--- 04:54:664 - add one note on column 1
+--- 04:54:894 (294894|0) - move to column 2
+--- 04:56:510 - add one note on column 3
- 04:56:510 (296510|0) - move to column 2 AND 04:56:741 (296741|3) - delete AND 04:56:971 (296971|0) - start this LN from 04:56:741 (the long vocal starts from 04:56:741 )

This song is great :> I love it

Then, Good luck on your map!
Posting here for shits and giggles until I mod this

Edit 1: MINSEO, PREPARE YOUR DIFFICULTY FOR THE ULTIMATE NERF MUA AH AH AH AH *hack hack, cough* oh dear god, someone send help, I'm dyin- *cough cough, hnerghghghghhghg* /me ded

Protastic101 wrote:

Posting here for shits and giggles until I mod this

Edit 1: MINSEO, PREPARE YOUR DIFFICULTY FOR THE ULTIMATE NERF MUA AH AH AH AH *hack hack, cough* oh dear god, someone send help, I'm dyin- *cough cough, hnerghghghghhghg* /me ded

hmm poke me once all mods are applied
Topic Starter
Done all necessary edits from Hollas and RedBall.

Will like to stress once again that 03:53:741 - to 04:24:664 - is basically the calm after the storm, so I only want to focus on vocals and nothing else as adding other notes ruins the feelings. If many others strongly object, I will see what I can do, in the meantime, I did not add anything in this portion.

Hollas' mod was a bit hard to understand, so some suggestions were not applied :(

Otherwise, thanks a lot guise! :D
hiho modsu
hope it may help

Check your aimod in case some of the thingys listed weren't planned

[7K Everlasting Promise]
key = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
OD : 8 or higher
Imo 7 is fairly too easy.

00:36:550 (36550|4) - I suggest moving to 7 , I think this can be missread as a 1/2
01:00:779 (60779|3) - remove this one, note is ghosting here
01:25:048 (85048|1,85048|0) - this should be on the blue line hre : 01:25:010 (85010|0) -
01:35:741 (95741|0,95741|1,95741|6) - add one more note according to : 01:34:817 (94817|1,94817|4,94817|5,94817|6) - same sound
01:35:856 (95856|3) - there is a drum sound here , you could add one note
01:41:971 (101971|3) - you should add one more note to 3 , according to your next pattern they all have thoose double notes , example : 01:43:356 (103356|1,103356|0,103471|6,103471|5,103587|0,103587|1,103702|5,103702|6) -
02:10:125 (130125|0,130241|1) - i'm not 100% sure for this one , but it seems like being the same guitar sound fading out and not two different sounds , you could make it only one 1/2 LN if you want
02:42:894 (162894|1) - how about move to 6 , making a jack on the end of the LN instead of after a note , sounds easier imho
03:22:356 (202356|5,202356|4) - this snap sounds more like this imho
03:23:279 (203279|2,203279|1,203394|2,203394|1,203510|2,203510|1,203625|1,203625|2,203741|4,203741|5,203856|4,203856|5,203971|5,203971|4,204087|5,204087|4) - This is really tricky to get right
I'd suggest you to move the pattern every two chord or three but jacking here is kinda tricky and sudden imho
03:17:510 (197510|6,198048|0) - beside, the fact that the two LNS dosn't end on the same point feels abit weird (eventho it's not really a problem)
05:05:971 (305971|1) - add another note , according to : 05:03:894 (303894|1,303894|4,304125|6,304125|2) - , 05:04:817 (304817|2,304817|0,305048|1,305048|3) -
05:06:664 (306664|4,306894|1) - ^ add one more note to thoose two notes

[4K pinky Swear]
00:41:742 (41742|1) - this object isn't snapped (check ai mod here)

00:23:165 (23165|3) - the piano dosn't play here, so I suggest removing this note
00:45:399 - move to 2 ? , same pattern flow tham 00:49:125 (49125|1,49241|0,49356|2) - imo
00:50:741 (50741|3,50914|2) - The LN order is reversed, the short LN should be first then plays the second one , the guitar makes a short 1/8 , switch them position ?
01:28:817 (88817|3) - I think this should be two notes according to next pattern : 01:30:548 (90548|0,90664|1,90779|0) - or 01:36:087 (96087|2,96202|1,96317|0,96433|1,96433|2) -
01:39:433 (99433|3) - move to 2 ? , I think mini jack while holding the LN in 3 is kind of hard , it's probably okay aswell feel free
01:48:202 (108202|3,108433|2) - ctrl+J to not stack alot of notes in 4 consecutively (up to you there)
01:58:587 (118587|1) - move to 4 for hand balance
02:09:279 (129279|3,129317|3,129510|2,129510|3,129741|3,129741|2) - I usggest following the drum instead of the guitar here, I just realized it was for the guitar effect, still I think followin the drum for thoose is easier to catch up for players
^ basically make it a 1/4 pattern
03:09:433 (189433|3,189664|2) - Ctrl+J , same as earlier to make less consecutive notes in 4
03:26:971 (206971|3) - add a note here ? there is a drum sound here
03:39:779 (219779|1,219779|2,220125|2,220125|1) - shouldn't this be two notes ? same as : 03:41:625 (221625|2,221625|3,221971|0,221971|2) - or 03:43:471 (223471|2,223471|0,223817|0,223817|3) -
05:11:279 (311279|3) - add a note there is a piano sound here

Here you go , Good Luck :3 sorry if some seems hesitant , I was really 50/50 about some suggestion here so feel free
Topic Starter
oops sorry Eter forgot to add your mod when I updated

tired today will do stuff tomorrow maybe if not then I'll see if I can pull time this weekend or next week ;-;
Blue - Accepted and fixed
Yellow - Fixed, but may need some additional checking
Red - Rejected
Purple - Will be considered/Unsure
Green - Note/Comment

ooo a mod came while I was editing my diff.
Some may be invalid due to changes.
I'll explain all of the relevant ones tho.

Eternalie wrote:

hiho modsu
hope it may help

Check your aimod in case some of the thingys listed weren't planned

[7K Everlasting Promise]
key = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
OD : 8 or higher
Imo 7 is fairly too easy. - I'm currently putting more noodles so idk if OD8 will be suitable after all the noodle additions.

00:36:550 (36550|4) - I suggest moving to 7 , I think this can be missread as a 1/2 - Eh sure.
01:00:779 (60779|3) - remove this one, note is ghosting here - Oooo. Ghost note.
01:25:048 (85048|1,85048|0) - this should be on the blue line hre : 01:25:010 (85010|0) - I initially thought it was on a 1/6 but oh well. I guess I'm wrong.
01:35:741 (95741|0,95741|1,95741|6) - add one more note according to : 01:34:817 (94817|1,94817|4,94817|5,94817|6) - same sound - I somehow missed that.
01:35:856 (95856|3) - there is a drum sound here , you could add one note - Sure.
01:41:971 (101971|3) - you should add one more note to 3 , according to your next pattern they all have thoose double notes , example : 01:43:356 (103356|1,103356|0,103471|6,103471|5,103587|0,103587|1,103702|5,103702|6) - Oops.
02:10:125 (130125|0,130241|1) - i'm not 100% sure for this one , but it seems like being the same guitar sound fading out and not two different sounds , you could make it only one 1/2 LN if you want - Technically it is 1 guitar sound but the pitch slides up. I'll change how the LN looks.
02:42:894 (162894|1) - how about move to 6 , making a jack on the end of the LN instead of after a note , sounds easier imho - Imo that it's so hard to hit but I guess this does make things slightly easier.
03:22:356 (202356|5,202356|4) - this snap sounds more like this imho - Well that does look cleaner too. Not 100% sure here.
03:23:279 (203279|2,203279|1,203394|2,203394|1,203510|2,203510|1,203625|1,203625|2,203741|4,203741|5,203856|4,203856|5,203971|5,203971|4,204087|5,204087|4) - This is really tricky to get right
I'd suggest you to move the pattern every two chord or three but jacking here is kinda tricky and sudden imho - Oh well I did this originally cuz it felt easier to hit the shields after this this way but I guess the jacks themselves are hard to hit.
03:17:510 (197510|6,198048|0) - beside, the fact that the two LNS dosn't end on the same point feels abit weird (eventho it's not really a problem) - I think one of the 2 LNs were changed before/while you were modding.
05:05:971 (305971|1) - add another note , according to : 05:03:894 (303894|1,303894|4,304125|6,304125|2) - , 05:04:817 (304817|2,304817|0,305048|1,305048|3) - - I couldn't really hear the piano but I guess it fits the pattern.
05:06:664 (306664|4,306894|1) - ^ add one more note to thoose two notes - ^


Here you go , Good Luck :3 sorry if some seems hesitant , I was really 50/50 about some suggestion here so feel free - Meh most of them were good points o.o)b
Thanks alot for the mod!

Will send the file to rav.
Probably won't be updated until tomorrow.
Updates for the 7K.

Just leaving it here as Raveille won't be updating the map for a while.

Map is now collab with ArcherLove

ArcherLove's part 03:53:741 - ~ 05:31:212 -

Need to rename the diff to fit this change.
Good luck, and enjoy the stars
Hi! If this mod is bad and not helpful to you, I apologies in advance.

MS2000's 7K Everlasting Promise:
01:45:202 - Add a note on column 6 to complement 01:45:202 (105202|6) -
04:30:202 (270202|1,270202|0) - Make 3 note chord. Add extra note on column 7 or something.
04:30:664 (270664|5,270664|6) - Same as above. Add the extra note on column 1 or something.
05:05:971 (305971|1) - Needs another note with it since sound is emphasised here, just like you did with the previous notes.
05:12:894 (312894|1) - Move to 05:12:664 since that's when I hear the vocal sing a new note. Remember to extend it after moving it to match with the other LNs!

I couldn't find much, sorry... Map is pretty smooth and fun!
Oh, and if I made errors, sorry about that too.
Topic Starter
Applied Eter's mod, however...

00:23:165 - speed 25% here, there's a piano sound
00:45:399 - don't understand this bit cause you are referring to an empty space, update the map maybe?

I think you modded a non-updated map LOL but it's ok no worries. Applied rest when applicable.

kaythen wrote:

Hi! If this mod is bad and not helpful to you, I apologies in advance.

MS2000's 7K Everlasting Promise:
01:45:202 - Add a note on column 6 to complement 01:45:202 (105202|6) -
04:30:202 (270202|1,270202|0) - Make 3 note chord. Add extra note on column 7 or something.
04:30:664 (270664|5,270664|6) - Same as above. Add the extra note on column 1 or something.
05:05:971 (305971|1) - Needs another note with it since sound is emphasised here, just like you did with the previous notes.
05:12:894 (312894|1) - Move to 05:12:664 since that's when I hear the vocal sing a new note. Remember to extend it after moving it to match with the other LNs!

I couldn't find much, sorry... Map is pretty smooth and fun!
Oh, and if I made errors, sorry about that too.
I think you modded the non-updated version... :?
Topic Starter
will change diff name soon hehe fuk

Raveille wrote:

will change diff name soon hehe fuk
I'll tableflip if it stays this way
Alright, I'm done keeping up with the mapset, and the differences between opinions and styles of mapping is too great to actually come to an agreement on anything, so I'm just going to stop here and post the logs. Best of luck.

[Minseo's diff]2016-08-27 01:24 Minseo2000: done editing until 01:38:510 -
2016-08-27 01:24 Minseo2000: lemme send you file
2016-08-27 01:24 Minseo2000:
2016-08-27 01:24 Protastic101: yey
2016-08-27 01:25 Minseo2000: your kudosu awaits
2016-08-27 01:25 Minseo2000: lol
2016-08-27 01:26 Protastic101: am starved of kds
2016-08-27 01:26 Protastic101: I still have the irc log I did with ravioli but I haven't posted it XD
2016-08-27 01:26 Minseo2000: post twice get kudosu twice
2016-08-27 01:26 Minseo2000: jkjk
2016-08-27 01:26 Protastic101: must kds farm
2016-08-27 01:27 Protastic101: hold on, trying to get comfy in my blanket first
2016-08-27 01:27 Minseo2000: k
2016-08-27 01:28 Protastic101: Kk
2016-08-27 01:28 Protastic101: 00:01:127 (1127|6) - This LN should end at 00:01:819 - since the vocal pauses for a sec, and there's no sustained sound past that
2016-08-27 01:29 Protastic101: Honestly, LNs in the beginning section feel overkill. The beginning is nice and calm, so I think a simple 1/2 patterning with some basic LNs would work better instead
2016-08-27 01:30 Protastic101: then as the song progresses you can add complexity to them
2016-08-27 01:30 Minseo2000: uhhh
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: sry about the delay
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: was at the toilet
2016-08-27 01:31 Protastic101: 00:02:050 (2050|2,2511|3,2973|0) - I mean, for these, if they're following the choir vocals, there's a break at 00:03:665 - where they take a breath to prepare for the next note
2016-08-27 01:31 Protastic101: Damn, did not mean to disturb you from that XD
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: ok
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: wait
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: as for the first LN
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: it was set that long
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: on purpose
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: to fit the flow
2016-08-27 01:31 Minseo2000: and better playability imo
2016-08-27 01:32 Minseo2000: the reason why the beginning section has so many LNs
2016-08-27 01:32 Protastic101: If you're going to set it for the flow, then why not use 4/4 LNs for each measure in the intro section? Then you'd have a basic LN layer that'll help players keep track of where they're in the music
2016-08-27 01:32 Minseo2000: is to better represent the choirs
2016-08-27 01:33 Minseo2000: the choir isn't 4/4?
2016-08-27 01:33 Protastic101: Except the LNs extend too long
2016-08-27 01:33 Minseo2000: it's long on purpose
2016-08-27 01:34 Protastic101: 00:02:050 (2050|2,2511|3) - Like with these, the vocal ended at 00:03:665 - but they keep going for another 2 1/2 beats
2016-08-27 01:34 Minseo2000: each "choir sound" adds 1 LN
2016-08-27 01:34 Minseo2000: but removes a few at the same time
2016-08-27 01:34 Minseo2000: the LN choices at the beginning were decided after tons of testplays
2016-08-27 01:34 Minseo2000: to see which fingers
2016-08-27 01:35 Minseo2000: holds down best
2016-08-27 01:35 Protastic101: I understand that, but I can't understand why you would extend them to all end at different times when the choir vocal pauses for breath at 00:03:665 -
2016-08-27 01:35 Minseo2000: mixed in with the 1/2 short notes
2016-08-27 01:35 Minseo2000: hmmm
2016-08-27 01:35 Minseo2000: lemme try that then
2016-08-27 01:35 Protastic101: Like, you could do something to the LNs like this
2016-08-27 01:35 Protastic101: So the start points are all different, but the end point is the same, like in the music
2016-08-27 01:36 Minseo2000: =|
2016-08-27 01:36 Minseo2000: looks ugly imo
2016-08-27 01:36 Protastic101: But it makes more sense q.q
2016-08-27 01:36 Minseo2000: the beginning LNs can stay
2016-08-27 01:36 Minseo2000: they don't cause any playability issues
2016-08-27 01:37 Minseo2000: nor do they start at points without sounds
2016-08-27 01:37 Protastic101: Playability probs not, but in terms of what the music gives you vs what's there, it'd make more sense to end them when the choir takes a breath
2016-08-27 01:37 Protastic101: No, they start at reasonable times, I'm not denying that
2016-08-27 01:38 Minseo2000: I wanted to use chord sizes at least greater than 2 for most of the choir section
2016-08-27 01:38 Protastic101: Your end points is what is confusing, because they're held far longer than the choir has been singing. By then, you could have just done another 3 LN kind of thing like I showed in the picture above at 00:03:896 -
2016-08-27 01:38 Minseo2000: but it'll pretty much be overchording if I placed 2 LN starts
2016-08-27 01:39 Minseo2000: thus extending LN ends work
2016-08-27 01:39 Minseo2000: it's common in noodle heavy maps
2016-08-27 01:39 Minseo2000: also
2016-08-27 01:39 Protastic101: but is it really necessary in a song this calm, especially at the beginning?
2016-08-27 01:39 Minseo2000: this section isn't hard at all
2016-08-27 01:39 Minseo2000: so np
2016-08-27 01:39 Minseo2000: i think
2016-08-27 01:40 00:01:588 (1588|4,2050|4,2511|4,2973|4) - *ahem* anchor btw
2016-08-27 01:40 Minseo2000: this much is pretty basic
2016-08-27 01:40 Minseo2000: hard to call 1/1s anchors
2016-08-27 01:40 Protastic101: *stacks*
2016-08-27 01:40 Minseo2000: but I'll move one at 00:02:050 -
2016-08-27 01:41 Protastic101: I guess just think about the LNs though, cause musically, they don't have reasonable ending points
2016-08-27 01:42 Minseo2000: do I have to show you examples of maps with LNs like that?
2016-08-27 01:42 Minseo2000: oh well
2016-08-27 01:42 Minseo2000: I'll consider it
2016-08-27 01:43 Protastic101: 00:06:896 (6896|3,7357|3,7819|3,8280|3,8742|3) - Also another stack.
2016-08-27 01:43 Protastic101: I've seen maps with tons of noodles before, but they rarely make sense musically, but ok, I'm fine with whatever
2016-08-27 01:44 Minseo2000: that stack can stay
2016-08-27 01:44 Minseo2000: it's easier to hit that way anyway
2016-08-27 01:44 Minseo2000: moving any of those notes anywhere else will make it harder to hold down the LNs
2016-08-27 01:45 Protastic101: 00:07:819 (7819|3,8050|4,8280|3,8511|4) - then you have this 1/2 minitrill or whatever
2016-08-27 01:45 Minseo2000: 1/2
2016-08-27 01:45 Minseo2000: the distance is pretty far ingame
2016-08-27 01:45 Minseo2000: most players won't notice
2016-08-27 01:45 Protastic101: about the stack
2016-08-27 01:45 Minseo2000: yea?
2016-08-27 01:46 Protastic101: I'm pretty sure there's an easy way to get rid of it without sacrificing playability
2016-08-27 01:46 Protastic101: gimme a sec
2016-08-27 01:46 Minseo2000: yea
2016-08-27 01:46 Minseo2000: sure
2016-08-27 01:46 Minseo2000: that'll be nice
2016-08-27 01:46 Protastic101: 00:05:973 (5973|1,6434|4) - to 5 and 2 respectively
2016-08-27 01:46 Protastic101: column 1->7 btw
2016-08-27 01:46 Protastic101: so just control J those two notes
2016-08-27 01:47 Protastic101: 00:06:665 (6665|1,7127|4) - also control J
2016-08-27 01:47 Protastic101: 00:07:357 (7357|3) - to 1
2016-08-27 01:47 Protastic101: 00:07:588 (7588|0) - to 4
2016-08-27 01:47 Protastic101: 00:07:819 (7819|3) - to 5
2016-08-27 01:47 Protastic101: 00:08:050 (8050|4) - to 1
2016-08-27 01:48 Minseo2000: seems good
2016-08-27 01:50 Protastic101: 00:21:203 (21203|2,21319|6) - I feel like these would be easier to hit if they were a right -> left miniroll
2016-08-27 01:50 Protastic101: so like 00:21:203 (21203|2) - to 7 and 00:21:319 (21319|6) - to 3
2016-08-27 01:51 Protastic101: If you accept that, then shift 00:21:434 (21434|5,21665|4,21896|3) - one to the right (reason coming in a sec)
2016-08-27 01:51 Minseo2000: just did this instead
2016-08-27 01:51 Minseo2000:
2016-08-27 01:51 Protastic101: Works I guess, though a straight 543 would have followed pitch relevancy
2016-08-27 01:52 Minseo2000: well
2016-08-27 01:52 Minseo2000: the PR of this diff sucks anyway
2016-08-27 01:52 Protastic101: 00:22:357 (22357|4,22357|2,22588|3,22588|1,22819|2,22819|0) - Control H, move all the way to 1. Creates symmetry between 00:22:357 (22357|4,22588|3,22819|2) - and 00:21:434 (21434|5,21665|4,21896|3) -
2016-08-27 01:52 Minseo2000: hmmm
2016-08-27 01:52 Protastic101: it's 3 notes and easier to hit though q.q
2016-08-27 01:52 Minseo2000: I personally wouldn't want s symmetry tho
2016-08-27 01:53 Minseo2000: there's something like this later
2016-08-27 01:53 Minseo2000: that is pretty much the flip of this
2016-08-27 01:53 Minseo2000: except with differ SNs around
2016-08-27 01:53 Protastic101: 00:24:550 - And since you're following the vocals, add a note here for the start of the "susume"
2016-08-27 01:53 Protastic101: 00:25:819 - also, where's your note for the piano here?
2016-08-27 01:54 Minseo2000: hmmm
2016-08-27 01:54 Protastic101: It's a low piano key there
2016-08-27 01:54 Minseo2000: the vowel starts at 00:24:665 - tho
2016-08-27 01:54 Protastic101: true
2016-08-27 01:55 Minseo2000: feels awkward
2016-08-27 01:55 Minseo2000: and it makes the other notes harder to hit
2016-08-27 01:55 Minseo2000: also
2016-08-27 01:55 Minseo2000: for 00:25:819 -
2016-08-27 01:55 Minseo2000: I couldn't hear a piano sound
2016-08-27 01:55 Protastic101: 00:26:973 - do you hate column 1 in this measure. You don't use it at all. You could move 00:27:665 (27665|1) - to 1 to avoid a ministack with 00:28:127 (28127|1) -
2016-08-27 01:55 Minseo2000: maybe my ears are bad
2016-08-27 01:55 Protastic101: It's there, but it's lower in pitch than the others
2016-08-27 01:56 Minseo2000: k
2016-08-27 01:56 Minseo2000: i'll put a note somewhere
2016-08-27 01:56 Minseo2000: it better fits the flow anyway
2016-08-27 01:56 Minseo2000: and yea
2016-08-27 01:56 Minseo2000: moved a note to 1
2016-08-27 01:56 Protastic101: You could add it in 1, then move 00:26:050 (26050|0) - to 3, 00:26:280 (26280|1) - to 5
2016-08-27 01:56 Minseo2000: the on at 00:27:665 -
2016-08-27 01:56 Minseo2000: uhhh
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: it's already at 3 and 5
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: ???
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: maybe I moved it
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: or maybe you mentioned it earlier?
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: idk
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: oh wait
2016-08-27 01:57 Protastic101: wut
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: the one at 00:26:050 - is at 4
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: 00:26:280 - at 5
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: oh
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: i rmb
2016-08-27 01:57 Minseo2000: i moved 00:26:050 (26050|2) -
2016-08-27 01:58 Minseo2000: and the SNs nearby?
2016-08-27 01:58 Minseo2000: maybe?
2016-08-27 01:58 Protastic101: Idk
2016-08-27 01:58 Minseo2000: idk
2016-08-27 01:58 Protastic101: whatever works tho
2016-08-27 01:58 Minseo2000: ye
2016-08-27 01:58 Minseo2000: oh well it's not far from your suggestion anyway
2016-08-27 01:59 Protastic101: 00:32:511 (32511|1,32742|5) - Feels more natural to end these LNs at 00:36:665 - since the vocal is still going
2016-08-27 01:59 Minseo2000: uhhh
2016-08-27 01:59 Minseo2000: if I end it there
2016-08-27 01:59 Minseo2000: 00:36:550 (36550|6) - this guy
2016-08-27 01:59 Minseo2000: will be a pain
2016-08-27 01:59 Minseo2000: well
2016-08-27 01:59 Minseo2000: the LN end will be a pain cuz of that note
2016-08-27 02:00 Minseo2000: and it kinda starts fading out at 00:36:550 (36550|6) -
2016-08-27 02:00 Minseo2000: i mean
2016-08-27 02:00 Minseo2000: 00:36:203 -
2016-08-27 02:00 Minseo2000: fark
2016-08-27 02:00 Protastic101: try moving it to the center column
2016-08-27 02:00 Protastic101: 00:36:896 (36896|3) - then this to 7
2016-08-27 02:00 Protastic101: 00:38:742 (38742|2,38973|6) - also, these are the same pitch, but idk if you wanna jack them
2016-08-27 02:01 Minseo2000: lemme test
2016-08-27 02:01 Minseo2000: I'll keep the original pattern
2016-08-27 02:01 Minseo2000: also
2016-08-27 02:01 Minseo2000: put the 2 notes you mentioned later in the same column
2016-08-27 02:01 Protastic101: k\
2016-08-27 02:02 Minseo2000: wew
2016-08-27 02:02 Protastic101: 00:39:896 - this measure, it might look nicer to use only jumps like 00:39:896 (39896|6,39896|5) - or 00:40:011 (40011|2,40011|3) - where the notes are right next to each other
2016-08-27 02:02 Protastic101: 00:40:357 (40357|3,40357|1) - So like this would become a {23} jump
2016-08-27 02:03 Protastic101: 00:40:802 (40802|1) - to 6, and 00:40:909 (40909|5,40909|2) - {23}
2016-08-27 02:03 Minseo2000: hmmm
2016-08-27 02:04 Minseo2000: did this
2016-08-27 02:04 Minseo2000:
2016-08-27 02:04 Protastic101: works
2016-08-27 02:04 Minseo2000: whew
2016-08-27 02:04 Minseo2000: entering the most uncomfortable section of the map?
2016-08-27 02:04 Minseo2000: :P
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: guitars
2016-08-27 02:05 Protastic101: 00:41:740 (41740|1,41856|2) - Since they're the same pitch, might be better to just jack it like so
2016-08-27 02:05 Protastic101: Yep, I'ma start picking apart the chord sizes now
2016-08-27 02:05 Protastic101: Cause the SNs coupled with LNs make some really large chord sizes for quieter sounds
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: uhhhh
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: that
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: doubles
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: 00:41:740 (41740|1,41856|2) -
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: uhh
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: no
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: not doubles
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: the
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: guitar
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: 2 notes
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: thing thing
2016-08-27 02:05 Minseo2000: it's basically there
2016-08-27 02:06 Minseo2000: to represent
2016-08-27 02:06 Minseo2000: the upward moving guitar sound?
2016-08-27 02:06 Minseo2000: but idk
2016-08-27 02:06 Minseo2000: it sounds like a single note sometimes
2016-08-27 02:06 Protastic101: It's the same note played in 1/4
2016-08-27 02:06 Protastic101: There's a small pause in between
2016-08-27 02:06 Minseo2000: welp
2016-08-27 02:06 Minseo2000: i'd rather not put jacks here
2016-08-27 02:07 Minseo2000: kinda hard to hit
2016-08-27 02:07 Protastic101: 00:41:971 (41971|3) - the guitar begins to slide into the next4 note here
2016-08-27 02:07 Minseo2000: especially among all those LNs
2016-08-27 02:07 Minseo2000: `imma just do this then
2016-08-27 02:07 Minseo2000:
2016-08-27 02:08 Protastic101: meh, the 1/4 LN you have at 00:42:087 - seems redundant since most people won't think of the guitar slide as being noticeable enough to map
2016-08-27 02:08 Minseo2000: well
2016-08-27 02:08 Minseo2000: the guitar slide
2016-08-27 02:08 Minseo2000: seems more noticeable
2016-08-27 02:08 Minseo2000: than the pause
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: at 00:41:861 -
2016-08-27 02:09 Protastic101: k then
2016-08-27 02:09 Protastic101: 00:42:202 (42202|5,42202|1,42202|0,42202|4) - quad for a snare.
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: oh well
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: ACTION shrugs
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: 3 for snare
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: 1 for guitar
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: the chord sizes are additive
2016-08-27 02:09 Protastic101: But including the LN, that's still a quad
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: the guitar and snare are separate instruments
2016-08-27 02:09 Protastic101: and it feels like too much chord layering there
2016-08-27 02:09 Minseo2000: and it isn't hard to hit as well
2016-08-27 02:10 Minseo2000: and imo quads aren't so big
2016-08-27 02:10 Protastic101: 00:42:433 (42433|6,42433|3,42548|2,42548|5) - then 1/4 doubles for a quiet snare
2016-08-27 02:10 Minseo2000: uhhh
2016-08-27 02:10 Protastic101: The one thing I wanna stress about chords is that they feel too big for a song like this
2016-08-27 02:11 Minseo2000: now that I think of it
2016-08-27 02:11 Minseo2000: 00:42:548 -
2016-08-27 02:11 Minseo2000: should have double SNs
2016-08-27 02:11 Protastic101: Christ no.
2016-08-27 02:11 Minseo2000: 00:42:894 - should be single
2016-08-27 02:11 Minseo2000: and 00:42:779 - should be double
2016-08-27 02:11 Minseo2000: hat - kick - rest - kick - hat
2016-08-27 02:11 Minseo2000: maybe I missed something?
2016-08-27 02:12 Protastic101: Just think about this, you're using a double to represent a hihat
2016-08-27 02:12 Protastic101: at 00:42:433 (42433|6) -
2016-08-27 02:12 Minseo2000: no
2016-08-27 02:12 Minseo2000: a single is used to represent a hihat
2016-08-27 02:12 Minseo2000: and another single
2016-08-27 02:12 Protastic101: Yes, think about it with the LN.
2016-08-27 02:12 Minseo2000: is used to represent
2016-08-27 02:12 Minseo2000: a guitar
2016-08-27 02:12 Protastic101: The chord sizes are too big with the addition of LNs
2016-08-27 02:13 Minseo2000: the LN does not absorb the SN here
2016-08-27 02:13 Protastic101: remember, you're still hitting a double note for a hihat here
2016-08-27 02:13 Minseo2000: =|
2016-08-27 02:13 Protastic101: one is a 1/4 LN, but there are still 2 notes
2016-08-27 02:13 Protastic101: for a hihat.
2016-08-27 02:13 Minseo2000: the LN is NOT for the hat
2016-08-27 02:13 Minseo2000: one for hihat
2016-08-27 02:13 Minseo2000: one for guitar
2016-08-27 02:14 Minseo2000: 2 instruments
2016-08-27 02:14 Minseo2000: 1 note for each
2016-08-27 02:14 Minseo2000: thus total of 2
2016-08-27 02:14 Protastic101: You don't have to map everything
2016-08-27 02:14 Minseo2000: in a single line
2016-08-27 02:14 Protastic101: Some parts will overlap
2016-08-27 02:14 Minseo2000: well the guitars and hats are what I'm mapping
2016-08-27 02:14 Minseo2000: it'll be inconsistent to skip out the hat here
2016-08-27 02:14 Protastic101: And when parts overlap, it's fine to ignore one part in favor of another, or use one part to represent the other part
2016-08-27 02:14 Minseo2000: different layering styles I guess
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: I won't sacrifice my layering like that
2016-08-27 02:15 Protastic101: But this is where like, 90% of the difficulty comes from
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: uhhh
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: no
2016-08-27 02:15 Protastic101: because you're using big chords for small sounds
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: the pink section later
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: how is a single big
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: 1 note for hat
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: very small
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: rather
2016-08-27 02:15 Minseo2000: the smallest it can be
2016-08-27 02:16 Protastic101: I already looked at it. For example, 03:25:125 (205125|3,205125|2) - is much quieter than 03:25:241 (205241|1,205241|0) - but still uses the same amount of notes
2016-08-27 02:16 Minseo2000: same instruments
2016-08-27 02:16 Protastic101: 03:25:356 (205356|4,205356|3,205356|2) - You used a triple for the crash here, but 5 notes for the crash at 03:24:202 (204202|0,204202|2,204202|3,204202|1,204202|6) -
2016-08-27 02:16 Protastic101: Same instruments, different volumes
2016-08-27 02:16 Minseo2000: playability
2016-08-27 02:16 Minseo2000: the one at 03:25:356 -
2016-08-27 02:16 Minseo2000: has more notes around it
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: rather
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: the crash is ignored there
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: there
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: it's 2 for kick
2016-08-27 02:17 Protastic101: 03:25:817 (205817|5,205817|3,205817|6) - Snare, 2 notes
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: 1 for guitar
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: total of 3
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: and at 03:24:202 -
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: 2 for kick
2016-08-27 02:17 Protastic101: 03:26:971 (206971|2,206971|1) - hihat, 2 notes, should be 1 according to your layering
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: 2 for crash
2016-08-27 02:17 Minseo2000: 1 for guitar
2016-08-27 02:18 Minseo2000: and at 03:25:817 -
2016-08-27 02:18 Minseo2000: it's a kick + guitar
2016-08-27 02:18 Minseo2000: I hear no snare there
2016-08-27 02:18 Minseo2000: I do hear a hat there tho
2016-08-27 02:18 Minseo2000: and there is a kick at 03:26:971 (206971|2,206971|1) -
2016-08-27 02:18 Protastic101: Ok, not snare, but hat/kick, you get my point
2016-08-27 02:18 Minseo2000: unless I misheard something
2016-08-27 02:18 Protastic101: 03:26:971 (206971|2,206971|1) - Is literally the quietest kick in existence
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: oh and
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: that section
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: with the hat/kick
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: I didn't map hats
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: cuz playability
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: and that kick
2016-08-27 02:19 Protastic101: then why would you map a quiet af kick?
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: is kinda covered
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: by the snare
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: right before it
2016-08-27 02:19 Minseo2000: quiet kicks are still kicks
2016-08-27 02:19 Protastic101: Dude
2016-08-27 02:20 Protastic101: Intensity. The intensity or weight of an instrument should also be taken into account when layering
2016-08-27 02:20 Minseo2000: intensity is...
2016-08-27 02:20 Protastic101: 03:26:971 (206971|1,206971|2) - literally a hihat, and I'm even doubting there's a kick
2016-08-27 02:20 Minseo2000: ...subjective
2016-08-27 02:20 Protastic101: A hihat being louder than a kick is not subjective. That kick is quiet.
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: and..?
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: so make that kick
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: a single?
2016-08-27 02:21 Protastic101: It's literally just too quiet to deserve a double note
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: cuz that kick
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: just happens to be
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: a "special" kick?
2016-08-27 02:21 Protastic101: There is literally no kick
2016-08-27 02:21 Protastic101: I'm listening to it on 25%
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: oh well
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: yea if there is no kick
2016-08-27 02:21 Protastic101: at 03:26:914 - on 1/8 so I ignore the snare right before it
2016-08-27 02:21 Minseo2000: than that section needs to be empty
2016-08-27 02:22 Protastic101: but there's a hihat
2016-08-27 02:22 Protastic101: arghhhh
2016-08-27 02:22 Protastic101: It doesn't need to be empty. Don't remove both notes. I'm saying just remove one because of how quiet it is
2016-08-27 02:22 Minseo2000: the sound of the snare extends to 03:27:029 -
2016-08-27 02:22 Minseo2000: if there is a kick
2016-08-27 02:22 Minseo2000: it's a double
2016-08-27 02:22 Minseo2000: if there is none
2016-08-27 02:22 Minseo2000: it's nothing
2016-08-27 02:23 Minseo2000: instrument-based layering here
2016-08-27 02:23 Protastic101: Ok, listen to it on 100% starting from 03:26:510 - to 03:27:202 -
2016-08-27 02:23 Minseo2000: rather
2016-08-27 02:23 Protastic101: You basically just notice the snares 03:26:856 (206856|3,206856|4,206856|5,207087|4,207087|3) - hook in sound
2016-08-27 02:23 Minseo2000: I have more doubts about 03:26:741 - than 03:26:971 -
2016-08-27 02:23 Protastic101: With a quiet af hihat
2016-08-27 02:24 Minseo2000: yea
2016-08-27 02:24 Minseo2000: 03:26:856 - is definitely loud
2016-08-27 02:24 Protastic101: what is there to doubt at 03:27:087 (207087|3,207087|4) - ?
2016-08-27 02:24 Protastic101: wrong high light
2016-08-27 02:24 Protastic101: nvm
2016-08-27 02:24 Minseo2000: nothing
2016-08-27 02:24 Minseo2000: lol
2016-08-27 02:25 Minseo2000: 03:26:741 - might not have a kick
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: 03:26:741 (206741|1,206741|2) - Oh yeah, this too
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: There's no kick
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: it's a louder hihat than 03:26:971 (206971|2,206971|1) -
2016-08-27 02:25 Minseo2000: but I do hear something at 03:26:741 (206741|1,206741|2) -
2016-08-27 02:25 Minseo2000: 03:26:625 -
2016-08-27 02:25 Minseo2000: fark
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: MINSEO.
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: HIHATS.
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: YOU GOT THIS? HIHATS.
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: HIHATS... ARE JUST...
2016-08-27 02:25 Protastic101: HIHATS
2016-08-27 02:26 Minseo2000: hmmm
2016-08-27 02:26 Minseo2000: I wonder why I mapped a hihat in this section somewhere
2016-08-27 02:26 Protastic101: 03:26:971 (206971|2,206971|1) - is probably fine as a double, the hihat is loud, but some people may say otherwise
2016-08-27 02:26 Minseo2000: welp
2016-08-27 02:26 Protastic101: 03:26:971 (206971|2,206971|1) - THIS THOUGH. HONESTLY, THERE IS A FINE LINE BETWEEN SUBJECTIVE AND
2016-08-27 02:26 Minseo2000: I'll need someone to do a consistency check over my map
2016-08-27 02:27 Minseo2000: =\
2016-08-27 02:27 Protastic101: literally I'm ke;jwfnb p;woiuef ntberodifbnqefb
2016-08-27 02:27 Minseo2000: here's a simple rule I applied for my maps' layering
2016-08-27 02:27 Minseo2000: equal number of notes for each instruments in a section
2016-08-27 02:27 Protastic101: do you want me
2016-08-27 02:28 Protastic101: to go through the entire pink section
2016-08-27 02:28 Protastic101: and label every single note and what instrument is there?
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: uhhhh
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: sure
2016-08-27 02:28 Protastic101: because I will
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: lol
2016-08-27 02:28 Protastic101: to prove my fucking point that 03:26:971 (206971|1,206971|2) - is just a fucking hihat
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: but honestly
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: there are stuff I hear too
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: so I can't just say
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: "yes"
2016-08-27 02:28 Minseo2000: to everything you say
2016-08-27 02:28 Protastic101: Ok, I'm not expecting you to say yes to everything I say
2016-08-27 02:29 Protastic101: but 03:26:971 (206971|1,206971|2) - is a fucking hihat
2016-08-27 02:29 Protastic101: it's. a damn. hihat.
2016-08-27 02:29 Minseo2000: well
2016-08-27 02:29 Minseo2000: I'll note it
2016-08-27 02:29 Protastic101: Ok, give me a few minutes
2016-08-27 02:29 Minseo2000: maybe if someone else says it's a hihat but not a kick I'll remove it
2016-08-27 02:29 Minseo2000: I mean
2016-08-27 02:29 Minseo2000: some other modder
2016-08-27 02:30 Minseo2000: honestly
2016-08-27 02:30 Minseo2000: hmmm
2016-08-27 02:30 Minseo2000: there are other stuff like that in the map
2016-08-27 02:30 Minseo2000: where the sound can't be that easily heard
2016-09-03 23:38 Protastic101: 02:44:971 (164971|3,165202|3,165433|3,165664|3) - and 02:46:817 (166817|3,167048|3,167279|3,167510|3) - stack/anchor
2016-09-03 23:38 Protastic101: 02:47:741 (167741|4,167971|4,168202|4,168433|4) - ^^
2016-09-03 23:38 Minseo2000: 4 note
2016-09-03 23:38 Minseo2000: 4 note
2016-09-03 23:38 Minseo2000: 4 note
2016-09-03 23:38 Minseo2000: really
2016-09-03 23:38 Minseo2000: it's only 4 notes
2016-09-03 23:38 Minseo2000: this is a 4.96* map
2016-09-03 23:39 Protastic101: it's still 1/2 though, and compared with what's going on in the rest of the song, it's going to get annoying after a bit
2016-09-03 23:39 Minseo2000: oh well
2016-09-03 23:39 Protastic101: 02:51:664 (171664|3,171664|4,171779|2,171779|1,171894|3,171894|4,172010|2,172010|1,172125|3,172125|4) - Also, these patterns are used way too often
2016-09-03 23:39 Minseo2000: I can hit them fine
2016-09-03 23:39 Minseo2000: k I will trill it
2016-09-03 23:39 Protastic101: You can't really blame someone for getting bored of them after a while
2016-09-03 23:40 Minseo2000: you know
2016-09-03 23:40 Minseo2000: there are many other repetitive maps like this
2016-09-03 23:40 Protastic101: 03:07:125 (187125|6,187125|4,187125|5,187125|1,187125|3) - Also, I know I've already tried and failed to tell you about chord layering, but six notes total for something that isn't even a crash
2016-09-03 23:40 Minseo2000: and many other maps that are far more boring
2016-09-03 23:41 Minseo2000: 1 for vocal
2016-09-03 23:41 Minseo2000: 3 for snare
2016-09-03 23:41 Minseo2000: 1 for piano
2016-09-03 23:41 Minseo2000: additive layering
2016-09-03 23:41 Minseo2000: notes don't absorb notes here
2016-09-03 23:41 Minseo2000: like I said
2016-09-03 23:41 Protastic101: You can use other maps as reference for patterns and such, but don't try to use it as an argument for something that's boring to play
2016-09-03 23:41 Minseo2000: a 4.96* map
2016-09-03 23:42 Minseo2000: but you know
2016-09-03 23:42 Minseo2000: "boring" is really subjective
2016-09-03 23:42 Protastic101: The diff spread too
2016-09-03 23:42 Protastic101: jesus christ the diff spread
2016-09-03 23:42 Protastic101: but that's another matter
2016-09-03 23:42 Minseo2000: 4K can be harder
2016-09-03 23:42 Minseo2000: and 7K is overrated
2016-09-03 23:42 Minseo2000: tbh 4K is pretty underrated
2016-09-03 23:42 Protastic101: But it's not because there's a limit to how hard a song should be mapped as
2016-09-03 23:42 Minseo2000: SR issues
2016-09-03 23:43 Minseo2000: I don't think I'm overmapping rn
2016-09-03 23:43 Minseo2000: no ghost notes
2016-09-03 23:43 Minseo2000: chord sizes are not jumping randomly
2016-09-03 23:43 Protastic101: Not ghost notes, but really difficult to hear sounds are being mapped
2016-09-03 23:43 Protastic101: this is something where you should really try to focus on the more audible things
2016-09-03 23:43 Minseo2000: well
2016-09-03 23:44 Minseo2000: it's hard
2016-09-03 23:44 Minseo2000: but it's definintely there
2016-09-03 23:44 Protastic101: cause the song isn't whoosh whoosh bang bang 7* hard
2016-09-03 23:44 Minseo2000: you know
2016-09-03 23:44 Protastic101: It's calm with some semi-intense parts
2016-09-03 23:44 Minseo2000: it's important to pay attention to less noticeable sounds too
2016-09-03 23:44 Protastic101: It is, but when you have to listen on 25% speed to hear them is when it's excessive
2016-09-03 23:45 Minseo2000: I listen to songs on 25% speed
2016-09-03 23:45 Minseo2000: and many others do as well
2016-09-03 23:45 Protastic101: 03:20:625 (200625|2) - I can barely even hear this on 25%. It's the quietest hihat I've ever heard
2016-09-03 23:45 Minseo2000: welcome to 4*+ mapping
2016-09-03 23:45 Protastic101: No player is going to notice that when playing
2016-09-03 23:45 Minseo2000: tbh
2016-09-03 23:45 Minseo2000: I don't notice plenty of sounds in other maps too
2016-09-03 23:45 Protastic101: No, there are 4*-5* songs that pay attention to mostly prominent sounds
2016-09-03 23:46 Minseo2000: it really is a matter of individual difference
2016-09-03 23:46 Minseo2000: yea sure
2016-09-03 23:46 Minseo2000: and you're telling me to map guitars
2016-09-03 23:46 Minseo2000: which is pretty much inaudible in the vocal sections
2016-09-03 23:46 Protastic101: I'm not saying you should map them, I'm saying that I'd prefer they be mapped rather than vocals
2016-09-03 23:47 Protastic101: because the vocal mapping is just overkill since it takes so much importance in this map
2016-09-03 23:47 Minseo2000: well I prefer mapping so called inaudible hats and kicks
2016-09-03 23:47 Protastic101: In certain parts, it's ok to accent the vocals by letting the chart pay most attention to it
2016-09-03 23:47 Minseo2000: o well
2016-09-03 23:47 Minseo2000: I'll see if I can replace some vocal mapping sections
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: but really
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: I like drawing a line
2016-09-03 23:48 Protastic101: but it's unnecessary in places like the kiais where the drums are playing out loudly and whatever
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: between subjective and objective
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: you know
2016-09-03 23:48 Protastic101: Or you can do the opposite
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: those parts
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: I'm mapping BOTH vocals and drums
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: and what you're suggesting me is to map ONLY drums?
2016-09-03 23:48 Minseo2000: .-.
2016-09-03 23:48 Protastic101: No, I'm saying to let the vocals be on the backburner when you're mapping
2016-09-03 23:49 Protastic101: as in, don't give it so much importance during those times
2016-09-03 23:49 Minseo2000: vocals are just another instrument
2016-09-03 23:49 Protastic101: or you can give them importance during kiais, and focus mostly on drums during the calmer parts
2016-09-03 23:49 Minseo2000: drums are also, simply instruments
2016-09-03 23:49 Protastic101: vocals are a melody with a very difficult ryhthm to place
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: you know
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: people map synth leads
2016-09-03 23:50 Protastic101: which is fine at times, but over extended periods, it gets too confusing
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: melody
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: and nobody says anything about them
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: is there a particular aspect of vocals
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: that makes them worse
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: than synth leads
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: when mapping
2016-09-03 23:50 Protastic101: they're unpredictable 80% of the time
2016-09-03 23:50 Minseo2000: are synth leads predictable?
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: are all drums predictable?
2016-09-03 23:51 Protastic101: as in, they don't end or start on clear downbeats, they come in on offbeats, they go to weird 1/8 snaps
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: so do synths
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: and many strings
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: and sometimes guitars
2016-09-03 23:51 Protastic101: you can't tell if someone's going to map the breaths, or if they'll approximate, etc.
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: ANY melodic lead does that
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: guitar frets?
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: synth leadins?
2016-09-03 23:51 Minseo2000: strings?
2016-09-03 23:52 Protastic101: those tend to be on upbeats (red ticks) and come in strong on downbeats. The vocal is just ugh
2016-09-03 23:52 Minseo2000: same same
2016-09-03 23:53 Protastic101: Ok, I have no idea how to explain this but
2016-09-03 23:54 Protastic101: vocals just aren't accepted to be the prominent part to map in Mania. It's difficult to keep time with it. It's difficult to time releases of LNs for them whenever you have them coupled with drums or whatever. They take up unnecessary space when they're the same intensity through long vocal sections
2016-09-03 23:54 Minseo2000: strings of
2016-09-03 23:54 Minseo2000: ACTION is listening to [ sakuzyo - ChaiN De/structioN (siilento's solid remix)]
2016-09-03 23:54 Protastic101: Vocals are just a mess cause it's normally done by a human who can't get the exact perfect timing and will differ from the music in slight ways
2016-09-03 23:55 Minseo2000: synths of
2016-09-03 23:55 Minseo2000: ACTION is listening to [ LeaF - Doppelganger]
2016-09-03 23:55 Minseo2000: then every recorded music shouldn't be mapped
2016-09-03 23:55 Protastic101: Also, the vocals only serve to inflate the SR of your diff
2016-09-03 23:55 Minseo2000: and you know
2016-09-03 23:55 Minseo2000: vocalists usually sing with metronomes
2016-09-03 23:56 Minseo2000: and yes
2016-09-03 23:56 Minseo2000: vocal mapping does increase SR
2016-09-03 23:56 Protastic101: because LNs -> less columns -> still same chord layering -> higher note density -> higher SR -> higher pp which is what I feel like you mapped it for
2016-09-03 23:56 Minseo2000: but other methods are better
2016-09-03 23:56 Minseo2000: BMS style mapping increases SR ALOT MORE than O2Jam mapping does
2016-09-03 23:56 Minseo2000: fun fact?
2016-09-03 23:56 Minseo2000: BMS charts are pretty much devoid of LNs
2016-09-03 23:57 Minseo2000: also
2016-09-03 23:57 Protastic101: that's cause it uses crazy high chord layering like here
2016-09-03 23:57 Minseo2000: I can get the same SR on Yakusoku without vocal mapping
2016-09-03 23:57 Minseo2000: SR wise
2016-09-03 23:58 Minseo2000: higher density
2016-09-03 23:58 Protastic101: Minseo, you're <3 and everything, so don't hate me
2016-09-03 23:58 Minseo2000: higher SR
2016-09-03 23:58 Protastic101: but this difficulty is nothing more than a dump map
2016-09-03 23:58 Minseo2000: and less LN => more space for SN => more notes
2016-09-03 23:58 Minseo2000: no my Yakusoku diff is a technical map
2016-09-03 23:58 Minseo2000: it's not made pattern wise
2016-09-03 23:58 Minseo2000: it's made song wise
2016-09-03 23:59 Protastic101: you can call it technical, but technical maps can also be dump maps
2016-09-03 23:59 Protastic101: If you removed the LNs, why would you add more notes though?
2016-09-03 23:59 Minseo2000: define dump map pls
2016-09-03 23:59 Protastic101: You mapped everything
2016-09-03 23:59 Protastic101: every little sound you hear
2016-09-03 23:59 Protastic101: you mapped it
2016-09-03 23:59 Minseo2000: ok
2016-09-03 23:59 Minseo2000: you don't know what dump maps are
2016-09-03 23:59 Minseo2000: dump maps are not
2016-09-03 23:59 Protastic101: without thinking about how someone sightreading it might hear it
2016-09-03 23:59 Minseo2000: maps that map out everything
2016-09-04 00:00 Minseo2000: dump maps are basically pattern focused maps
2016-09-04 00:00 Protastic101: then what do you want me to call this? An overmap?
2016-09-04 00:00 Minseo2000: while technical maps try to represent the music by following consistent chord sizes and PR
2016-09-04 00:00 Minseo2000: dump maps try to represent the music by the "feel" of a pattern
2016-09-04 00:01 Minseo2000: and no it is not an overmap as I'm not mapping anything that does not exist or putting random large chords
2016-09-04 00:01 Minseo2000: and besides "overmap" and "overchord" are subjective
2016-09-04 00:01 Protastic101: "Putting random large chords*
2016-09-04 00:01 Protastic101: I won't go on about hihats
2016-09-04 00:01 Minseo2000: yes my layering is different from yours
2016-09-04 00:02 Protastic101: but the additive chord layering is excessive
2016-09-04 00:02 Protastic101: Honestly, it's just excessive
2016-09-04 00:02 Minseo2000: how you layer is commonly used in lower SR maps
2016-09-04 00:02 Minseo2000: for those who like playing easier maps
2016-09-04 00:02 Minseo2000: go over to harder maps
2016-09-04 00:02 Minseo2000: you'll see this kind of layering
2016-09-04 00:02 Minseo2000: quite often
2016-09-04 00:03 Minseo2000: this difference in style
2016-09-04 00:03 Protastic101: Hihats
2016-09-04 00:03 Minseo2000: explains why you are better than me at mapping easier maps
2016-09-04 00:03 Minseo2000: I SUCK at mapping easy maps because of my layering style
2016-09-04 00:03 Minseo2000: well
2016-09-04 00:03 Minseo2000: my mapping style in general
2016-09-04 00:03 Protastic101: I just. You use doubles for hihats, and doubles for kicks, doubles for toms
2016-09-04 00:04 Minseo2000: no I use singles for hihats
2016-09-04 00:04 Protastic101: you're pretty consistent on the snares
2016-09-04 00:04 Minseo2000: doubles for kicks
2016-09-04 00:04 Minseo2000: triples for snares
2016-09-04 00:04 Protastic101: and the crashes too, I'll give you that
2016-09-04 00:04 Minseo2000: it seems consistent on snares
2016-09-04 00:04 Minseo2000: as snares are loud
2016-09-04 00:04 Minseo2000: and they are definitely noticeable
2016-09-04 00:04 Minseo2000: I DISLIKE inconistency
2016-09-04 00:05 Minseo2000: I'd feel disgusted at myself if I PURPOSEFULLY made my map inconsistent WITHOUT A PARTICULAR REASON
2016-09-04 00:05 Protastic101: 02:02:164 (122164|4) - If you dislike it, remove this damn note so that you can have an easier time leading into 02:02:279 (122279|2,122279|0) - or use symmetry
2016-09-04 00:06 Minseo2000: tbh that's one of the easiest bursts in this map
2016-09-04 00:06 Protastic101: plus it's a damn hihat
2016-09-04 00:06 Minseo2000: oh well
2016-09-04 00:06 Minseo2000: idk if it's a kick or at hat rn
2016-09-04 00:06 Minseo2000: and no
2016-09-04 00:06 Protastic101: 02:01:817 (121817|0,121817|5,121933|6,121933|1,122048|5,122048|2) - kicks/toms/snares whatever
2016-09-04 00:06 Minseo2000: symmetry is not always good
2016-09-04 00:06 Protastic101: 02:02:164 - hihat
2016-09-04 00:07 Minseo2000: k
2016-09-04 00:07 Protastic101: I don't understand how you can't tell it's only a hihat
2016-09-04 00:07 Protastic101: but whatever
2016-09-04 00:07 Protastic101: and that kind of stuff is all over the map
2016-09-04 00:07 Minseo2000: you nkow
2016-09-04 00:07 Protastic101: but anyways
2016-09-04 00:07 Minseo2000: I can't understand why you can't pick up some kicks
2016-09-04 00:07 Minseo2000: it's the same thing
2016-09-04 00:07 Minseo2000: individual differences
2016-09-04 00:07 Minseo2000: how we perceive music
2016-09-04 00:07 Protastic101: I've pushed this way too far and I honestly don't want to go back to this ever again
2016-09-04 00:08 Minseo2000: want a chill pill?
2016-09-04 00:08 Protastic101: I'm probably just going to post in thread, steal my kds, and never look at this again
2016-09-04 00:08 Minseo2000: k
2016-09-04 00:08 Protastic101: No, I'm not mad, I just realize that we're never going to come to an agreement because of how differently we perceive mapping
2016-09-04 00:09 Protastic101: I think I'm right, you think you're right, but it's all opinion so while no one's wrong, no one's right either
2016-09-04 00:09 Minseo2000: yea
2016-09-04 00:09 Protastic101: I'll let you handle this map however you like, and I'll simply avoid saying anything about it
2016-09-04 00:09 Minseo2000: that's why I try to draw a line between subjective and objective
2016-09-04 00:09 Protastic101: I've given my 2 cents already, I don't need to beat a dead horse any longer

[Ravioli's diff]2016-08-05 23:32 Protastic101: *poke poke*
2016-08-05 23:32 Raveille: ayyyy
2016-08-05 23:32 Protastic101: O.O
2016-08-05 23:32 Raveille: ok start
2016-08-05 23:32 Protastic101: 00:04:127 (4127|3,4357|3) - why. Why u gotta do dis. They aren't the same pitch
2016-08-05 23:33 Protastic101: 00:04:357 (4357|3) - Should be moved to a lower column like 3
2016-08-05 23:33 Raveille: ah
2016-08-05 23:33 Protastic101: Like, I'm fine without the PR here, but that jack will bother me forever
2016-08-05 23:33 Raveille: 00:04:127 (4127|3) -
2016-08-05 23:33 Raveille: I switched that to 2
2016-08-05 23:33 Raveille: cause if 00:04:357 (4357|3) - got switched to 3
2016-08-05 23:33 Raveille: its double jack to hold so eh
2016-08-05 23:33 Raveille: I want it like more magical so its one note then hold
2016-08-05 23:34 Raveille: instead of 2 notes then hold
2016-08-05 23:34 Protastic101: 00:04:588 (4588|2) - Why not just move this to 2 then
2016-08-05 23:34 Protastic101: The pitch is descending anyways
2016-08-05 23:34 Raveille: 00:04:357 (4357|1) -
2016-08-05 23:34 Raveille: ?????
2016-08-05 23:34 Protastic101: 1*
2016-08-05 23:34 Raveille: oh hm
2016-08-05 23:34 Protastic101: I'm bad at this q.q
2016-08-05 23:34 Raveille: ok thn
2016-08-05 23:34 Raveille: then
2016-08-05 23:34 Raveille: lol
2016-08-05 23:34 Protastic101: 00:09:665 (9665|0,9896|0) - oh yeah, and move these too, I'm triggered
2016-08-05 23:35 Protastic101: 00:11:050 (11050|3,11280|3) - ^^
2016-08-05 23:35 Raveille: 00:09:896 (9896|0) - moved to 4
2016-08-05 23:35 Protastic101: 00:11:050 (11050|3) - Might just move this to 2 and keep 00:11:280 (11280|3) - the same for pitch relevancy
2016-08-05 23:35 Raveille: 00:11:280 (11280|3) - to 2
2016-08-05 23:35 Raveille: o
2016-08-05 23:35 Raveille: ok
2016-08-05 23:36 Raveille: done
2016-08-05 23:36 Protastic101: 00:13:588 (13588|2) - Also, this sounds like it's 2 different notes
2016-08-05 23:36 Protastic101: 00:13:819 - Yeah, it changes to a lower pitch here
2016-08-05 23:37 Raveille: its like
2016-08-05 23:37 Raveille: pitch bended sound
2016-08-05 23:37 Protastic101: 00:17:511 (17511|3) - Move this to 3 to avoid a jack with the next note and pitch relevancy
2016-08-05 23:37 Raveille: idk how to explain but its basically 1 note but the pitch slowly drops to the next pitch so
2016-08-05 23:37 Raveille: I'm sticking to that hold
2016-08-05 23:37 Protastic101: Yeah. Idk if it's noticeable enough to warrant another LN, so it's up to you
2016-08-05 23:37 Raveille: ok
2016-08-05 23:37 Raveille: mhm
2016-08-05 23:38 Protastic101: 00:19:588 - Starting from here, I don't mean this in a rude way, but these LNs are kind of unnecessary
2016-08-05 23:38 Raveille: wut
2016-08-05 23:38 Protastic101: I'm assuming they're for the vocals, but then that gets into vocal mapping and stuff
2016-08-05 23:38 Raveille: but its the melody vocal line
2016-08-05 23:38 Raveille: o
2016-08-05 23:39 Raveille: then what happens for the chorus?
2016-08-05 23:39 Protastic101: Like, the LNs just feel unnatural to the music
2016-08-05 23:39 Raveille: hm
2016-08-05 23:39 Protastic101: There are still places for LNs
2016-08-05 23:39 Raveille: ok hold on
2016-08-05 23:40 Protastic101: Like 00:19:588 - to 00:21:434 - is one long note for the violin or something
2016-08-05 23:40 Protastic101: and from there, it changes every measure to a different held note
2016-08-05 23:41 Protastic101: Like 00:21:434 - to 00:23:280 - is lower in pitch than the last long sound I mentioned, and 00:23:280 - to 00:24:203 - is higher in pitch than the last one
2016-08-05 23:43 Raveille: mhm
2016-08-05 23:43 Raveille: done
2016-08-05 23:43 Protastic101: Just my opinion, you don't have to follow it
2016-08-05 23:44 Raveille: nah I decided to change it too
2016-08-05 23:44 Raveille: since it is the intro so
2016-08-05 23:44 Raveille: that can be valid
2016-08-05 23:45 Protastic101: K, kind of felt like I was forcing that on you XD
2016-08-05 23:45 Protastic101: 00:38:713 (38713|2) - I can't hear a gracenote here.
2016-08-05 23:45 Raveille: nah that can be valid
2016-08-05 23:45 Raveille: hear carefully then
2016-08-05 23:45 Raveille: im sticking to that
2016-08-05 23:46 Raveille: it really sounds like 2 offbeat notes
2016-08-05 23:46 Protastic101: 25% speed and I can't really hear it
2016-08-05 23:46 Raveille: i cant do a 1/32
2016-08-05 23:46 Raveille: so 1/16 is the max for that
2016-08-05 23:46 Protastic101: It's more like a dissonant chord rather than a gracenote
2016-08-05 23:46 Raveille: but if so then ok
2016-08-05 23:47 Raveille: ok changed
2016-08-05 23:47 Protastic101: What you could do is just move 00:38:713 (38713|2) - to 00:38:742 - and make it a jump
2016-08-05 23:48 Raveille: yea
2016-08-05 23:48 Protastic101: 00:42:779 (42779|0) - Think this might be swing, so move it up to 00:42:817 - which is 1/3
2016-08-05 23:49 Raveille: nice catch
2016-08-05 23:52 Protastic101: 00:56:510 - Same thing about the LNs here
2016-08-05 23:53 Raveille: nah this time this is the first verse
2016-08-05 23:53 Raveille: probably will leave the LNs now
2016-08-05 23:53 Protastic101: Rather than mapping to vocals, you could just add a 1/2 stream here for the guitar and make the kicks doubles and snares triples
2016-08-05 23:53 Raveille: unless it gets protested
2016-08-05 23:53 Protastic101: Ok
2016-08-05 23:53 Raveille: :/
2016-08-05 23:54 Protastic101: 01:08:394 - Guitar here similar to 01:03:779 -
2016-08-05 23:54 Raveille: ok
2016-08-05 23:54 Raveille: added
2016-08-05 23:55 Protastic101: 01:13:010 - 01:13:471 - There are also hihats here but that's the general structure of the music at this point
2016-08-05 23:55 Raveille: ok added too
2016-08-05 23:56 Protastic101: If you added those, you'd have to add notes at places like 01:13:933 - 01:14:856 - 01:15:317 - 01:15:779 - 01:16:241 - and etc to be consistent
2016-08-05 23:57 Raveille: ok added
2016-08-05 23:58 Protastic101: 01:14:048 (74048|2,74279|2,74510|2) - Also, I'm fine with 2 note stacks, but 3 notes gets a little repetitive. It's not that noticeable since the third note is an LN, but stuff like 01:17:741 (77741|0,77971|0,78202|0) - should definitely be moved around a little
2016-08-05 23:59 Protastic101: 01:17:971 (77971|0) - You could probably just move this to 3 to avoid a 3 note stack
2016-08-05 23:59 Raveille: yea
2016-08-05 23:59 Raveille: did that
2016-08-05 23:59 Protastic101: 01:24:894 (84894|3,84894|2,85010|1,85010|0,85125|3,85125|0,85125|2,85241|2,85241|1,85356|3,85356|1,85471|0,85471|2,85587|1,85587|0,85587|3,85702|3,85702|2,85817|0,85817|1,85933|0,85933|1) -
2016-08-06 00:00 Raveille: ?
2016-08-06 00:00 Protastic101: The kicks are kind of quiet so I don't really think 2 note chords are fitting for them
2016-08-06 00:00 Raveille: so which 2 note chords need to be changed?
2016-08-06 00:00 Raveille: all?
2016-08-06 00:01 Protastic101: It's also difficult to read and has some 1/4 minijacks like at 01:25:010 (85010|0,85125|0) - or 01:25:125 (85125|2,85241|2) -
2016-08-06 00:01 Protastic101: Sorry, I'm not a fast person lol
2016-08-06 00:01 Raveille: so all 2 note chords?
2016-08-06 00:01 Protastic101: My suggestion is to reduce jumps -> singles, snares -> double
2016-08-06 00:01 Protastic101: 01:25:125 (85125|0,85125|3,85125|2) - This one is probably fine as a triple though because of the ride
2016-08-06 00:02 Raveille: ok reduced it
2016-08-06 00:02 Raveille: im assuming its the same for the others
2016-08-06 00:02 Protastic101: Yeah
2016-08-06 00:03 Raveille: ok done
2016-08-06 00:03 Protastic101: 01:28:817 (88817|1) - really quiet hihat here, so I don't think this note is necessary since there's a hooked note kind of feel with 01:28:587 (88587|3,88702|2,88933|0,89048|1) -
2016-08-06 00:04 Raveille: ok
2016-08-06 00:04 Raveille: done
2016-08-06 00:04 Protastic101: 01:38:856 - 01:39:087 - Missing notes here like the ones at 01:37:933 (97933|0,98164|0) -
2016-08-06 00:05 Raveille: yea done
2016-08-06 00:05 Protastic101: 01:40:241 (100241|0,100241|1) - There's a 1/6 rhythm here, not 1/4. Try something like this
2016-08-06 00:06 Raveille: done
2016-08-06 00:06 Protastic101: 01:53:856 - Missing a note here for the snare or whatever this is called
2016-08-06 00:06 Raveille: done
2016-08-06 00:07 Protastic101: It's like a loosened snare, is there an actual name for it?
2016-08-06 00:07 Raveille: idk but I hear it too
2016-08-06 00:07 Protastic101: 01:54:202 - Also, since this is a crash, I think it deserves 3 notes instead of 2
2016-08-06 00:07 Raveille: o
2016-08-06 00:07 Raveille: yea
2016-08-06 00:07 Protastic101: You could make one of the notes an LN and end at 01:54:433 - since it's a ride
2016-08-06 00:08 Protastic101: #StopOppressingCrashes/Finishes
2016-08-06 00:08 Raveille: yea XD
2016-08-06 00:08 Protastic101: 01:56:279 (116279|1,116394|0,116625|1,116741|0) - This is more visual than anything, but rather than make them the same position, you could try mirroring them. It would help the hand balance a bit
2016-08-06 00:09 Protastic101: 01:59:394 - #StopOppressingTheWeirdLooseSnareKindofSounds
2016-08-06 00:09 Raveille: yea
2016-08-06 00:09 Raveille: XD
2016-08-06 00:09 Protastic101: 01:58:125 (118125|2,118241|3,118471|2,118587|3) - That visual thing I suggested could work here too, but instead of being {34}-{21} you could do a split roll like {43}-{12}
2016-08-06 00:10 Raveille: done
2016-08-06 00:10 Protastic101: 02:01:010 - 01:59:856 - 02:01:933 - 02:02:856 - Missing notes here, either for a hihat or snare
2016-08-06 00:11 Raveille: added
2016-08-06 00:13 Protastic101: 02:02:279 (122279|2,122279|3,122394|2,122394|1,122510|1,122510|0) - As for this stair pattern, the 1/4 minjacks don't play well imo, and since the sound is similar to a lowsnare-highsnare-lowsnare, you could probably do a pattern like {14}-{23}-{14} or a {12}-{34}-{12} minijumptrill
2016-08-06 00:13 Raveille: hm
2016-08-06 00:13 Raveille: ok
2016-08-06 00:14 Protastic101: 02:09:202 (129202|1,129317|2,129433|1,129548|2,129664|1,129779|2) - Wonderful wonderful swing here, which means 02:09:202 (129202|1,129433|1,129664|1) - ends on the 1/6 beat 02:09:279 - 02:09:510 - 02:09:741 - respectively, and 02:09:317 (129317|2,129548|2,129779|2) - begin on those beats
2016-08-06 00:15 Protastic101: 02:11:971 (131971|2) - Btw, the guitar here changes pitch rather clearly at 02:12:087 - so you could either shorten the LN to be 1/4 long and add another 1/4 LN at 02:12:087 - or just use two 1/4 short notes
2016-08-06 00:15 Raveille: o
2016-08-06 00:16 Raveille: hm
2016-08-06 00:16 Protastic101: ACTION activates thinky face
2016-08-06 00:17 Raveille: lel
2016-08-06 00:17 Raveille: done
2016-08-06 00:18 Protastic101: 02:14:971 (134971|2) - And to avoid a 1/8 jack just because that's really fast to hit with the same finger, I'd just shorten this to 1/4.
2016-08-06 00:18 Raveille: its for added effect for a guitar
2016-08-06 00:18 Raveille: but ill shorten it to 1/6
2016-08-06 00:19 Protastic101: I get that it's for the guitar, but a 1/8 jack is still really fast and difficult
2016-08-06 00:19 Raveille: shortened
2016-08-06 00:19 Raveille: to 1/6 for effect
2016-08-06 00:19 Protastic101: 1/6 is fine I guess too, but combining 1/4 02:15:087 (135087|0) - with 1/6 is also difficult
2016-08-06 00:20 Raveille: hm
2016-08-06 00:20 Protastic101: Cause now you have compound time with common time and that becomes confusing to play.
2016-08-06 00:20 Raveille: ill stick to 1/6 cause it looks neater
2016-08-06 00:20 Raveille: its not like they play in the editor right
2016-08-06 00:20 Raveille: lol
2016-08-06 00:21 Raveille: ill need to go now unfortunately
2016-08-06 00:21 Protastic101: Hydria's map got DQed because of the snapping issues XD
2016-08-06 00:21 Raveille: can you savelog this and post it on the page?
2016-08-06 00:21 Raveille: rip XD
2016-08-06 00:21 Protastic101: nahhh, I'll finish the mod in a post and do it that way
2016-08-06 00:21 Raveille: savelog this post it on the song page
2016-08-06 00:21 Raveille: I need to go
2016-08-06 00:21 Protastic101: Bai
2016-08-06 00:21 Raveille: we can continue this later but idk I have MWC match :P
2016-08-06 00:21 Protastic101: Ohhh damnnn
2016-08-06 00:21 Raveille: ah ok then you can follow that
2016-08-06 00:21 Protastic101: I'ma watch.
2016-08-06 00:22 Protastic101: And then we'll continue it later, but I won't post till I finish the mod
2016-08-06 00:22 Raveille: okkkk
2016-08-06 00:22 Raveille: sure
2016-08-06 00:22 Protastic101: Gl with match
2016-08-06 00:23 Raveille: thanks ^_
2016-08-06 00:23 Raveille: savelog btw :P
2016-08-06 00:23 Protastic101: Later ^.^
Will be rearranging/remapping 00:56:510 - to 01:25:587 - and 02:17:741 - to 02:47:279 -

Edit : Done rearranging
Topic Starter
For Minseo2000 and ArcherLove, from Bokie.

irc from Bokie
15:48 Bokie: OK NOW I'M BACK
15:49 Raveille: AAAAAA
15:49 Bokie: 02:08:971 (128971|5,129202|4,129202|3,129317|0,129317|1,129317|2,129433|5,129548|3,129548|2,129548|4,129664|6,129664|0,129779|3,129894|5,129894|4,129894|1,129894|2) -
15:49 Raveille: ok wait
15:49 Bokie: this part here
15:49 Raveille: which one
15:49 Raveille: 4k or 7k
15:49 Bokie: is a pretty huge difficulty spike imo
15:49 Bokie: 7k
15:49 Raveille: o
15:49 Raveille: wait
15:49 Raveille: ok
15:49 Bokie: for some reason
15:49 Bokie: my hands just hate to play it
15:49 Raveille: hm
15:50 Raveille: ok what else
15:50 Bokie: 02:16:587 (136587|1,136702|4,136702|6,136702|5,136817|1,136817|2,136817|3,136933|4,136933|5,136933|6,137048|0,137048|2,137048|1) -
15:50 Bokie: this too
15:50 Raveille: ok
15:50 Bokie: lemme find more
15:50 Raveille: i think just blurt out all the parts you dislike for now then I'll savelog this and send to Minseo
15:51 Bokie: 03:32:048 (212048|1,212048|0,212048|3,212048|2,212164|5,212164|6,212164|4,212279|1,212279|2,212279|0,212394|5,212394|4,212394|3,212394|6,212510|0,212510|1,212510|2,212625|4,212625|3,212625|5) -
15:51 Bokie: this too
15:52 Bokie: 03:32:048 (212048|2,212048|1,212048|3,212048|0,212164|6,212164|4,212164|5,212279|1,212279|0,212279|2,212394|3,212394|6,212394|4,212394|5,212510|0,212510|1,212510|2,212625|3,212625|5,212625|4,212741|6,212741|1,212741|2,212971|5,212971|4,212971|3,212971|6,213087|0,213087|2,213087|1,213202|5,213202|6,213202|4) -
15:52 Bokie: same tbh
15:53 Bokie: 03:32:048 (212048|2,212048|1,212048|3,212048|0,212164|6,212164|4,212164|5,212279|1,212279|0,212279|2,212394|3,212394|6,212394|4,212394|5,212510|0,212510|1,212510|2,212625|3,212625|5,212625|4,212741|6,212741|1,212741|2,212971|5,212971|4,212971|3,212971|6,213087|0,213087|2,213087|1,213202|5,213202|6,213202|4,225202|3,225664|6,226125|0) - you can mention about the weird release timings to him here
15:53 Bokie: oops wrong
15:53 Bokie: 03:45:202 (225202|3,225664|6,226125|0) -
15:53 Bokie: these
15:53 Raveille: ok
15:54 Bokie: 04:32:394 (272394|6,272394|4,272510|6,272510|4) - haha fuck you minijack
15:54 Bokie: 04:36:202 (276202|6,276433|5,276664|4,276894|5,277125|6,277356|5,277587|4) - help me question his use of inverse LNs in this section
15:54 Bokie: it creates a stupid spike
15:54 Raveille: mhm
15:55 Bokie: 04:46:241 (286241|6,286356|6,286471|5,286587|5,286702|4,286817|4) - yeah and you can go tell him to stuff a truck up his ass too
15:55 Bokie: 04:47:048 (287048|6,287279|6) - aewkjlavfbw
15:55 Bokie: 04:49:933 (289933|3,290048|3,290164|4,290279|4) - man this guy really likes to put minijacks where you least expect them
15:56 Bokie: 05:00:202 (300202|3,300202|0) - ask him to delete these 2 notes so it doesn't fuck up the transition
15:57 Bokie: also mention to him about the starting middle note because that pisses me off more than it's supposed to
15:57 Raveille: 00:09:434 (9434|3) - this one?
15:57 Bokie: uhh
15:57 Bokie: lemme play it again hold on
15:57 Raveille: ok
15:58 Bokie: the first one
15:58 Bokie: alright i guess that's it
15:58 Bokie: a very polite mod
15:58 Raveille: 00:02:511 (2511|3) - this one right
15:58 Raveille: ok
cool LNs on the 7k diff, not a lot of layers so i cant really say much but there are some stuff that holds me back from absolutely loving this diff

im cool with raising the OD to 7.5

01:10:817 - chord is unusually large, i mean, this is just drums right and vocal right? Remove a note for coherence with 01:11:279 -
01:18:664 - bits like these i find unnecessarily tasking to play in relation to the rest of the section, so i evened out the distribution
for ^, i think there is a similar section that uses this do fix that too if you fixed this one
01:39:894 - same chord nitpick like previous: i personally think that crash sounds, if they do not come in a very noticeable volume, should just have the same chord size as strong drum sounds. Logic applies to any chord that followed this layering
01:54:202 - this right here is fitting of a quad since it covered both crash and some strong drum (i hope my knowledge of drums doesnt trigger you i literally dont know the difference between a snare, cymbal, and crash)
04:46:125 - jacks are pretty gross, dont jack those and jack 04:46:702 - at 4
04:49:587 - yeah also dont jack here too

00:55:356 (55356|0,55471|1,55587|0,55702|1,55817|0,55933|1,56048|0) - trill is ok but i would like this to be balanced by 00:55:702 (55702|1,55817|2,55933|1,56048|2) - ctrl h this
01:25:817 (85817|2,85971|0,86048|2) - i love rigid pattern but the snap transition that this pattern gives is a bit too hard, swap columns
01:40:356 - yay jumpgluts <3
01:55:125 - pretty awkward pattern, with when you decide to use a double and the structure itself in relation to the music. Id do something simple but a but rough to play like this
03:23:971 (203971|1,204087|2,204202|1) - swap col, not very fun to play
03:38:741 (218741|1) - to 3
04:59:510 (299510|3,299510|2,299625|3,299741|2,299856|3) - lol a jack followed by a mini trill, not the best pattern to use

just did a quickie here
pretty nice map

Good luck!
Blue - Accepted and fixed
Yellow - Fixed, but may need some additional checking
Red - Rejected
Purple - Will be considered/Unsure
Green - Note/Comment

Lenfried- wrote:

cool LNs on the 7k diff, not a lot of layers so i cant really say much but there are some stuff that holds me back from absolutely loving this diff - yay a mod!

im cool with raising the OD to 7.5 - I'll consider it. There are alot of LNs in this diff after all.

01:10:817 - chord is unusually large, i mean, this is just drums right and vocal right? Remove a note for coherence with 01:11:279 - -Actually, the cymbals are mostly quads in this diff, just that I didn't have enough space at 01:11:279 - to make a quad. Other cymbals for reference - 01:24:664 - 00:41:242 - 01:54:202 - 02:17:741 - etc
01:18:664 - bits like these i find unnecessarily tasking to play in relation to the rest of the section, so i evened out the distribution - Decided to distribute the notes in a different way not too different from the screenshot.
for ^, i think there is a similar section that uses this do fix that too if you fixed this one - Looked for similar issues.
01:39:894 - same chord nitpick like previous: i personally think that crash sounds, if they do not come in a very noticeable volume, should just have the same chord size as strong drum sounds. Logic applies to any chord that followed this layering - Well, the crash may be small, but it definitely is there, and it isn't all that obscure. I will consider this though.
01:54:202 - this right here is fitting of a quad since it covered both crash and some strong drum (i hope my knowledge of drums doesnt trigger you i literally dont know the difference between a snare, cymbal, and crash) - Well I can't really tell what drum is here either cuz the crash is really loud, but I'm sure there's something behind the crash :P
04:46:125 - jacks are pretty gross, dont jack those and jack 04:46:702 - at 4 - Archer's part
04:49:587 - yeah also dont jack here too - ^

Good luck! - Thank you!

Thanks for the mod!!! :)
jack is not necessarily bad, so I did delete 1 note from len's mod

for dragon

: 04:36:202 (276202|6,276433|5,276664|4,276894|5,277125|6,277356|5,277587|4) - vocal
04:47:048 (287048|6,287279|6) - ?? easy pattern
05:00:202 (300202|3,300202|0) - should be 7k press, but use piano for 1 note, easy
...From what? My m4m request in modding queue? NO. Random mod? NO. $^&^*(&*(#$*....
;) I love this song

4k Column | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
(Important & unimportant)

Timing - OK
Hitsound - (Where is it?)
Setup - OK

4K Pinky Swear
00:19:357 (19357|0,19357|2) - 01 or 12 better? seems few notes in col 1
00:25:588 (25588|1) - move to col 2? Imo this is better.
00:34:357 (34357|0) - col 3? No notes there
01:02:971 - 01:03:202 - Add notes here? Harder than before
01:17:279 (77279|0) - col 1 to make it better?
01:18:202 - Double Here
01:26:279 (86279|0) - col 1
01:40:817 - delete one, 01:41:279 - Add one
LN in this part is strange XD. Pitch √ but balance ?
02:14:048 - Add one note here
02:22:125 (142125|0,142125|2,142587|0) -
03:03:894 - Delete one here
03:08:510 - Add one here
03:22:587 - why trible here? I want to know 03:23:048 03:23:510
03:31:587 (211587|1,211817|2) - try Ctrl+H
04:11:510 (251510|3) - col 2?
04:13:587 (253587|2) - Two LN is better?
04:29:971 - Add in col 2 pls
04:45:894 (285894|0) - col 1?
04:50:048 04:51:317 & 04:51:894 - This part should add some notes I think. like these. Till 04:58:356 - 25/50%
05:00:202 - 1/2 Two notes , 3 LN?
05:22:024 - LN ends at 05:28:587 or 05:31:212 ? :D
Good luck with your map :D
Topic Starter
01:02:971 - 01:03:202 - Add notes here? Harder than before nope, nothing significant to give more notes
03:22:587 - why trible here? I want to know 03:23:048 - 03:23:510- because if you play at 25% you can hear a difference in percussion and it is more strong
04:13:587 (253587|2) - Two LN is better? If I do, I will break my consistency, so no
05:00:202 - 1/2 Two notes , 3 LN? don't understand this btw, vocal doesnt start here so no LNs, original vocal start 04:59:971 - but I use percussion as main focus
05:22:024 - LN ends at 05:28:587 or 05:31:212 ? :D too long, will make player go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Rest is accepted :D
Adiopulse's M4M

4 key version
00:52:817 (52817|3,52817|2) Remove one from double

00:44:971 (44971|3,44971|2) swap places, delete these 00:45:202 (45202|1,45317|0) and add a 1/6 roll starting at col 3 too 1 at 00:45:202

00:45:548 (45548|0) delete this, no guitar note
00:49:241 (49241|0) ^
00:51:087 (51087|3) ^

extend the guitar solo to here 00:55:587 then start the mini drum solo

01:09:433 (69433|0,69433|2) remove one from double

01:11:279 (71279|1) delete this

01:32:510 (92510|3) this ln ends at 01:32:741

01:46:817 (106817|2) should extend to 01:47:279 and delete 01:47:048 (107048|3)

01:47:279 (107279|0) ln ends at 01:47:510 -

02:09:279 (129279|3,129279|2,129433|1,129510|2,129510|3,129664|0,129664|1,129741|2,129741|3) guitar sounds have to be lns like the rest of them, not doubles

02:12:433 (132433|0) this should be 2 lns cause there are 2 guitar notes
02:12:664 (132664|3) ^

02:14:279 (134279|0,134366|1,134452|2,134510|3) why are these here, two ln guitar notes should be here

02:19:587 (139587|3) move to col 1
02:20:741 (140741|2) ^

02:22:125 (142125|2,142587|2) to col 4
02:22:356 (142356|3) to col 3
02:23:741 (143741|0) to col 4
02:23:971 (143971|1) to col 1
02:38:971 (158971|3,159202|3,159433|3,159433|0,159664|0) - rework that
02:40:817 (160817|3,161048|3,161279|1,161279|3,161510|1) ^

03:00:664 (180664|1) delete

03:00:894 (180894|1,180894|2) only a single
03:01:010 (181010|3) double
03:01:125 (181125|2,181125|1) single

03:04:817 (184817|3,185048|3,185279|3) rework
03:08:971 (188971|3,189202|3,189433|3) ^

03:22:356 - id redo this section, seems to be way overmapped for what it actully is

03:40:010 seems to be a guitar sound here

03:40:125 (220125|2,220356|3,220587|2,220817|1,221048|0,221279|3) these should all be extending one more tick

03:45:664 i think u got too lazy here on the drum solo, notes missing, just doesnt feel like the drums to what you mapped here

03:53:741 if you want to be really dope 8-) , do the samething here 00:01:127 but mmake the singles lns. :) 8-) :) :o ;) ;)

04:18:202 (258202|1) extend 2 ticks and delete 04:18:433 (258433|0) -

04:27:548 - rework this drum solo/piano

05:10:356 (310356|3) delete

05:12:433 add some variety to these piano notes

05:20:383 bass starts here on 1/16 snap, but id delete those notes anyway 05:20:462 (320462|0,320524|1) not important enough

Heres my mod, my man ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Topic Starter

Adiopulse wrote:

Adiopulse's M4M

4 key version
00:52:817 (52817|3,52817|2) Remove one from double

00:44:971 (44971|3,44971|2) swap places, delete these 00:45:202 (45202|1,45317|0) and add a 1/6 roll starting at col 3 too 1 at 00:45:202

00:45:548 (45548|0) delete this, no guitar note
00:49:241 (49241|0) ^
00:51:087 (51087|3) ^

extend the guitar solo to here 00:55:587 then start the mini drum solo

01:09:433 (69433|0,69433|2) remove one from double

01:11:279 (71279|1) delete this

01:32:510 (92510|3) this ln ends at 01:32:741

01:46:817 (106817|2) should extend to 01:47:279 and delete 01:47:048 (107048|3)

01:47:279 (107279|0) ln ends at 01:47:510 -

02:09:279 (129279|3,129279|2,129433|1,129510|2,129510|3,129664|0,129664|1,129741|2,129741|3) guitar sounds have to be lns like the rest of them, not doubles

02:12:433 (132433|0) this should be 2 lns cause there are 2 guitar notes
02:12:664 (132664|3) ^

02:14:279 (134279|0,134366|1,134452|2,134510|3) why are these here, two ln guitar notes should be here

02:19:587 (139587|3) move to col 1
02:20:741 (140741|2) ^

02:22:125 (142125|2,142587|2) to col 4
02:22:356 (142356|3) to col 3
02:23:741 (143741|0) to col 4
02:23:971 (143971|1) to col 1
02:38:971 (158971|3,159202|3,159433|3,159433|0,159664|0) - rework that
02:40:817 (160817|3,161048|3,161279|1,161279|3,161510|1) ^

03:00:664 (180664|1) delete

03:00:894 (180894|1,180894|2) only a single
03:01:010 (181010|3) double
03:01:125 (181125|2,181125|1) single

03:04:817 (184817|3,185048|3,185279|3) rework
03:08:971 (188971|3,189202|3,189433|3) ^

03:22:356 - id redo this section, seems to be way overmapped for what it actully is

03:40:010 seems to be a guitar sound here

03:40:125 (220125|2,220356|3,220587|2,220817|1,221048|0,221279|3) these should all be extending one more tick

03:45:664 i think u got too lazy here on the drum solo, notes missing, just doesnt feel like the drums to what you mapped here

03:53:741 if you want to be really dope 8-) , do the samething here 00:01:127 but mmake the singles lns. :) 8-) :) :o ;) ;)

04:18:202 (258202|1) extend 2 ticks and delete 04:18:433 (258433|0) -

04:27:548 - rework this drum solo/piano

05:10:356 (310356|3) delete

05:12:433 add some variety to these piano notes

05:20:383 bass starts here on 1/16 snap, but id delete those notes anyway 05:20:462 (320462|0,320524|1) not important enough

Heres my mod, my man ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
All accepted except "03:53:741 if you want to be really dope 8-) , do the samething here 00:01:127 but mmake the singles lns. :) 8-) :) :o ;) ;)" because you kno why and "05:10:356 (310356|3) delete" as there is a piano sound there.
hi... i came from my modding queue :3
this map have some warning in AImod... looks like different tag

4K Pinky Swear

00:10:127 (10127|0) - move to 4...? for comfortable?

00:40:896 (40896|2,40896|3,41011|1,41011|0) - maybe 1/4..?

00:56:048 (56048|3,56048|2,56164|3,56279|2) - i think its pretty uncomfortable.. 00:56:279 (56279|2) - maybe move to 1?

02:07:587 - add one..? have drum

02:09:510 (129510|2,129510|3) - finish it 02:09:664 - here? 02:09:741 (129741|3,129741|2) - same

02:14:481 (134481|3) - hmm i don't know but it looks bad for me..

02:47:279 - keysound is too strong from here...please adjust it

02:52:817 (172817|0) - finish 02:53:279 - here..?

i'm sorry... x.x this map is so good for me...

good luck :D
kill me pls I took so long...

Hi! Lets see this marathon...

Pinky Swear
00:20:511 (20511|0,20973|1) - Shouldnt be in same column because pitch on the piano? Also, shouldnt then be doubles as well? xD

00:32:742 (32742|3,32973|2) - Ctrl+G and move to left 1-2. For pitch once again.

00:27:896 (27896|0) - uuh, double? I dont really get what you are trying to follow here with the doubles in general. It sounds like the vocal accents but it is weird while looking at it. Maybe you have to rethink this part?

00:32:280 (32280|2,32511|2,32742|2,32973|3,33203|3) - There is no need for those jacks. 00:32:280 (32280|2,32511|2) - That one is fine, but not the others.

00:40:896 (40896|2,40896|3,41011|0,41011|1) - What snaps? o.O

00:42:317 - I know it is kinda hard to make LNs work with this kind of sounds but this should be a cut for your LN in slot 1.

I think overall you could avoid using 1/4 long notes and use simple notes instead for those sounds and it would play better, as a fan of the LNs I say this.
The map plays fine so use that as a suggestion if you want to (which I think you dont because LNs are love)

00:45:279 (45279|1,45433|1) - I dont like that jack, I think you can find a way to avoid it. I know the LN follows the pitch here 00:43:125 (43125|1) - but maybe you can rearrange the placement of the 1/3s

00:55:356 - Should be double?

01:19:471 (79471|0,79933|1) - Dont really get this ones...

01:11:279 - I think from here you lost the consistency of using the vocals as LNs and I think it makes your map a bit "boring" in the next section but you managed to use those 1/4s I pointed to try to make it look a bit different. I think just keep doing the LN thing will work fine for the map and those 1/4s are just weird or random in my opinion. I suggest you to use the vocals for here as well.

Another option would be not mapping the hihat sound and instead following the piano when it asks.

01:31:587 (91587|0) - Extending this one wont harm imo. I think it would be consistent with this 01:32:048 (92048|1) - which also ends in 1/4

01:32:741 (92741|0,92741|1) - Why double? You only use them when there is a LN as a double (because vocals+drum)

01:26:741 (86741|3,90433|3) - Actually, are you even sure those notes have a drum there? I am not really sure. (this goes for the full kiai I imagine)

01:40:125 - Does that work? Those snaps are hard x_x. Also, keep in mind I used that triple for the finish.

01:44:971 (104971|3,104971|2) - Triple?

01:56:971 (116971|2) - I think moving this one to left by one slot makes a good jack for the bell.

01:58:010 (118010|2) - Ghost?

02:09:202 (129202|1,129202|0,129279|2,129279|3,129433|1,129510|2,129510|3,129664|1,129664|0,129741|2,129741|3) - Well that was unexpected. I will not comment on this one but remember you can always do this:

Its like you are trying to break your consistency from previous parts by doing some questionable stuff with the long notes. 02:14:481 (134481|3) - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

02:45:664 (165664|1,165664|2,165894|1,165894|0) - Same pitch, isnt it?
03:27:202 (207202|3,207202|0,207433|0,207433|3) - Different sounds, move!

03:38:971 - Add kiai?!

03:39:894 - A note here is a must.

03:47:048 (227048|2) - Move left make the next one double? I still think you have to rethink your consistency here.

05:16:962 (316962|3) - ?

Sorry for not going too deep into PR but I think your map had some stuff to work out before that.

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Will do the edits next week, exams suck my time away :(

Mod Request

FictionJunction YUUKA - Yakusoku [OsuMania]


You are not forced to applied all, if there's any suggestion that doesn't fit your mapping style, you can freely reject it
sorry for the late. Mid exam :c
[General] Background:Ok
Metadata: Ok
Mapset: Ok
Difficulty Spread:Fine
AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A): Tags Conflict
MP3: Fine
Hitsound: No HS
Timing: Fine
Other Stuff: None

Column: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7

Archer2000's Everlasting Promise

OD 7,5?

  1. 00:40:819 (40819|5,40819|6) - looks like this should be 1/12 earlier
  2. 00:50:702 (50702|4,50779|3) -

    you guys seems to follow the guitar, therefore should the snapping same?
  3. 00:56:394 (56394|1,56394|2) - delete one. no big impact
  4. 01:12:548 (72548|5) - ghost
  5. 01:40:241 (100241|6,100241|2) - pretty sure there's no sound here. they're supposedly snapped to 1/6. compare to 4K
  6. 02:20:048 (140048|5,140048|3,140048|4,140048|2) - dont you think this is too much for just the kick? pretty sure they more properly used for snare like - 02:20:048 (140048|5,140048|3,140048|4,140048|2) -
    also, no additional piano noise like - 02:21:664 (141664|3,141664|2,141664|5,141894|2,141894|0,141894|1,141894|4) - etc
  7. 02:21:433 (141433|5,141433|3,141433|4,141433|1) - same thing
  8. 03:22:433 (202433|2,202433|1,202510|5,202510|4) -
    Sooo...... i didn't understand what happen here. Should you snapped this to 1/8 later? (Move up one line (1/8))
  9. 03:30:317 (210317|1,210317|3) - ghost here
  10. 03:32:394 (212394|5,212510|2,212625|3) - this are on one pitch, so why is this separated into three?
  11. 04:27:548 - watch the snapping here. i dont think they're absolute 1/4
  12. 05:00:260 (300260|6) - ??????

So in conclusion, there's some part that have different snapping between this and 4K. But i'm not really sure if thats allowed or not. sounds important enough to adress.

Not much, since I rarely mod 7K :c
Good Luck furthermore :D
Topic Starter

Bolgom wrote:

hi... i came from my modding queue :3
this map have some warning in AImod... looks like different tag

4K Pinky Swear

00:10:127 (10127|0) - move to 4...? for comfortable? i kinda followed your suggestion here and spiced it a little

00:40:896 (40896|2,40896|3,41011|1,41011|0) - maybe 1/4..? ahhh no, 25% speed listen again

00:56:048 (56048|3,56048|2,56164|3,56279|2) - i think its pretty uncomfortable.. shifted

00:56:279 (56279|2) - maybe move to 1? works so yea

02:07:587 - add one..? have drum nice catch

02:09:510 (129510|2,129510|3) - finish it 02:09:664 - here? will extend them, see if anyone else complains

02:09:741 (129741|3,129741|2) - same ^^^^

02:14:481 (134481|3) - hmm i don't know but it looks bad for me.. changed to normal tap

02:47:279 - keysound is too strong from here...please adjust it 50% now

02:52:817 (172817|0) - finish 02:53:279 - here..? nope, 25% speed and listen + I did that for all other notes too

i'm sorry... x.x this map is so good for me...

good luck :D
For juan, I'm just gonna go through the important parts here cause im a lazy asian

juan pointed out 00:40:896 (40896|2,40896|3,41011|1,41011|0) - BUT PLZ LISTEN AT 25% IF YOU SNAP IT AAAAAAAAAAA ITS NOT SYNCED :C

idk mannnn if BN tells me to snap it then I will but I'm following sound sync here ;-;

Also juan said about 01:31:587 (91587|0) - and Bolgom said 02:52:817 (172817|0) - finish 02:53:279 - so IM EXTENDING...

01:58:010 (118010|2) - Ghost? THERES A SOUNDDD but yea its subtle so deleted

02:09:202 (129202|1,129202|0,129279|2,129279|3,129433|1,129510|2,129510|3,129664|1,129664|0,129741|2,129741|3) - Well that was unexpected. I will not comment on this one but remember you can always do this: (picture) added plus add some notes cause drum drum

03:38:971 - Add kiai?! not a climax here unfortunately, i'd say the climax is when everyone is present which includes VOCALSZZZ

05:16:962 (316962|3) - ? JUANNN THERES A PIANO NOTE DIG UR EARS :<

Alright that's that for 4K one. Thanks juan and Bolgom :D
Blue - Accepted and fixed
Yellow - Fixed, but may need some additional checking
Red - Rejected
Purple - Will be considered/Unsure
Green - Note/Comment

Yay a mod!!! \o/

Rivals_7 wrote:


sorry for the late. Mid exam :c - rip. That must suck
[General] Background:Ok
Metadata: Ok
Mapset: Ok
Difficulty Spread:Fine
AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A): Tags Conflict - Fixed. Probably
MP3: Fine
Hitsound: No HS - Will be done someday. Soon™
Timing: Fine
Other Stuff: None

Column: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7

Archer2000's Everlasting Promise

OD 7,5?

  1. 00:40:819 (40819|5,40819|6) - looks like this should be 1/12 earlier - oh rip. Fark weird snaps.
  2. 00:50:702 (50702|4,50779|3) -

    you guys seems to follow the guitar, therefore should the snapping same? - IMO my snap felt better but okay. I can just blame rav later if he's wrong :3
  3. 00:56:394 (56394|1,56394|2) - delete one. no big impact - Oh no kick.
  4. 01:12:548 (72548|5) - ghost - Removed
  5. 01:40:241 (100241|6,100241|2) - pretty sure there's no sound here. they're supposedly snapped to 1/6. compare to 4K - Well made them 1/6s but I'm sure they're drum rolls.
  6. 02:20:048 (140048|5,140048|3,140048|4,140048|2) - dont you think this is too much for just the kick? pretty sure they more properly used for snare like - 02:20:048 (140048|5,140048|3,140048|4,140048|2) -
    also, no additional piano noise like - 02:21:664 (141664|3,141664|2,141664|5,141894|2,141894|0,141894|1,141894|4) - etc - This section has seemingly big chord sizes as I added the chord size of kicks with piano (2+1=3). So consistency wise it's fine I think. Playability seems okay to me as well. The same goes for the point below.
  7. 02:21:433 (141433|5,141433|3,141433|4,141433|1) - same thing
  8. 03:22:433 (202433|2,202433|1,202510|5,202510|4) -
    Sooo...... i didn't understand what happen here. Should you snapped this to 1/8 later? (Move up one line (1/8)) - Well I heard 4 kicks (or maybe toms) so I put them in 1/6 to make it uniform but the top does seem to be closer to the note at 03:22:587 - than the bottom one is to the note at 03:22:356 - . I'll put the notes at 03:22:510 - at 03:22:529 - and leave the one at 03:22:433 - as is for now.
  9. 03:30:317 (210317|1,210317|3) - ghost here - I think I hear a kick. But then my hearing is not 100% reliable.
  10. 03:32:394 (212394|5,212510|2,212625|3) - this are on one pitch, so why is this separated into three? - Extended LN at 03:32:394 - and removed LN at 03:32:510 - Archer's part below
  11. 04:27:548 - watch the snapping here. i dont think they're absolute 1/4
  12. 05:00:260 (300260|6) - ??????

So in conclusion, there's some part that have different snapping between this and 4K. But i'm not really sure if thats allowed or not. sounds important enough to adress. - Well I mapped mine without referencing 4K so much so there might be differences in snapping, which I should discuss about with rav later.

Not much, since I rarely mod 7K :c - Well that was quite alot imo :P
Good Luck furthermore :D
Thank you for the mod! :)
Soul Evans
Here is the mod i told ya about on discord
[list=4k pinky swear]00:18:203 (18203|1) - I think this would be better on 2 because it can be a balanced opening for the jack (whatever you call it)
00:21:319 (21319|1) - To 1
00:21:434 (21434|0) - To 2 because that pattern you used felt really off so mightaswell make it a chord like that
00:24:896 (24896|1) - Would be way smoother if it was on 1
00:55:933 (55933|1,56048|1,56164|0,56279|0) - A little unbalanced in my opinion, if you want you can probably move 00:56:048 (56048|1) - to 4
01:01:933 (61933|2) - to 1 01:02:048 (62048|0) - to 2 because having a trill there would be suiting instead of the pattern you used
01:52:587 (112587|3,112587|3,112587|2,112817|3) - Overlap lol
02:00:087 (120087|0) - Moving that to 4 would provide more flow i believe
02:12:548 - There isn't much flow here, i suggest it becomes something like this
02:16:817 (136817|1,137048|1,137279|1) - This anchor is kinda not nice, suggestion is moving 02:17:048 (137048|0) - to 1 and 02:17:164 (137164|1) - to 2 and 02:17:279 (137279|1) - to 4
02:21:894 (141894|3,142125|3,142587|3,142817|3) - Man, this feels unbalanced, uh consider swapping around either the first jack(don't know the name of pattern) or the second to avoid an unbalanced anchor
02:24:202 (144202|3,144433|2) - Maybe consider reversing this for players to handle the chord better because they're gonna have to encounter the ln aswell
02:24:894 (144894|0,145125|0,145356|0,145587|1,145817|1,146048|0,146279|0) - I'm not saying you can't use jacks like this but consider this, the player will have to handle a jack that is not only in an unbalanced position (using one hand instead of spreading it for both hands for better balance) but also have to do that will holding LNs on the other column basically would be very difficult so consider balancing it out or not making it a jack lol
02:44:279 - To avoid unwanted jacks/anchors i suggest doing this
03:01:125 - You might wanna do this instead
03:23:741 (203741|2,203741|3,203856|2,203856|1,203971|1,203971|0) - Try to avoid doing this, it's a little hard or atleast use a better representation so the player can keep up with balanced difficulty usage
03:35:394 (215394|2,215625|2,215856|2,216087|2,216433|2,216664|2,216894|2,217125|2,217356|2,217587|2,217817|2,218048|2,218279|2,218510|0,218741|0,218971|0,219202|0) - These anchors are not really suitable, consider swapping around to get atleast 4 anchors at a time
04:32:164 (272164|2,272164|3,272279|3,272279|2,272394|1,272394|0,272510|0,272510|1) - These are a little eh after a jumptrill, maybe do one of those and let the second one be normal or perhaps changing it all together[/list]
Well hope this helps ya good luck and nice song Thanks for loving my future children hehe
Davin Fortune
Column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

00:07:473 - how with this?,

00:23:050 (23050|6) - why this note put in here?

00:36:434 - add a note in column 5(in col 5 is good i think) , idk how to say this but something short like that

00:41:242 (41242|4,41242|5,41242|2,41242|1) - just make it into white line since when u put in a line in 1/12 or 1/4 it has little different

00:47:971 - and 00:48:087 - add a note there , since the guitar sound quite has loud sound there

01:41:048 (101048|6) - ghost

01:12:202 -, make them into a flow(just suggestion)

01:15:202 (75202|1) - should be start at 01:15:433 -

01:15:894 - should have more notes than 01:15:664 -

01:18:433 - add some notes since cymbal here

01:22:356 (82356|0,82587|1,82817|2,83048|3,83279|5,83510|4) - i think you only seperate 1 sound into some part, that should be only one LN in there

01:20:971 (80971|2,81202|1,81433|6) - Here it's the right way to use the LN by seeing the violin sound, the not good one like 01:19:587 (79587|5,79817|4,80048|3,80279|2,80510|0,80741|1) - , use this as your preference to fix other part, LN is just like accecoris in this function , and also the right LN in this map cover the voice of singer

01:36:202 (96202|2,96433|1) - should end at 01:36:664 - and delete 01:36:664 (96664|0) - since only 2 times the sound get in

02:38:971 (158971|3) - delete, no sound found as found in 02:38:741 (158741|5) -

02:40:125 (160125|2,160356|6) - delete, 02:39:894 (159894|1) - should end at 02:40:356 -

03:02:279 (182279|5) - ghost

03:05:510 - add note, compare it with notes before it, this sound is more special

04:16:817 - until 04:19:587 - make sure the LN is big as 04:19:817 (259817|3) - for consistency

04:34:587 (274587|2,274817|1) - delete this LN, those LN's pattern should end before it

i see the last part has pretty different pattern with the beginning after those LN's Rain (LN's Rain that happen in the minute of four)

05:20:587 (320587|6,320587|5,320962|4,321337|2,322024|1,322024|0) - im pretty sure, it cant be hitted by any keyboard which is called as ghosting keyboard, the pink one won't be hitted/miss

Sorry for fast check :)
Davin Fortune
Metadata req:

Add Idolmaster 2 /アイドルマスター2 episode 20 of idolmaster 2 (Check tags on imas wikia link under)
The tags snow relax smooth should be delete, or you got any link for it??
Tags : yakusoku fictionjunction yuuka delete it pls, it's already said in the title and artist

Artist : フィクションジャンクション・ユウカ
Romanised Artist : FictionJunction YUUKA (
Romanised Title : Yakusoku/Promise(Check on imas wikia)

It say BPM is 78 not 80 (

Source : THE iDOLM@STER 2

Maybe only that i can help for metadata
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