
Sayuri - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016年11月10日 at 下午 07:09:49

Artist: Sayuri
Title: Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna
Source: 僕だけがいない街
Tags: tv size boku dake ga inai machi erased ending 23kong kencho
BPM: 144
Filesize: 21616kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.33 stars, 87 notes)
  2. Kencho's Hard (2.87 stars, 182 notes)
  3. konG's Insane (3.81 stars, 222 notes)
  4. Normal (1.71 stars, 102 notes)
  5. Review (4.27 stars, 234 notes)
Download: Sayuri - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna
Download: Sayuri - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st rank

5 years later


00:04:394 (2) - I prefer new combo from this circle
00:26:478 (4) - 00:28:978 (4) - different sv = new combo (it's more clearly, better to read)
00:32:728 (6) - new combo
00:54:394 (2,3) -
better to play


00:00:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
looks better
00:03:978 (7,8,9,10) -
looks alot better
00:38:978 (2) - replace it, it doesn't fit


Looks great! ;)


Change CS3 -> CS2,5: Easy diff cannot have more than 1,5*

00:01:533 (2,3) - Change it, slider is not in good standing, circle is kinda not in the beat
00:21:478 (2) - doesn't fit :o
00:35:228 (1,2) - stick them together
00:46:478 (2) - doesn't fit, I prefer
Topic Starter

Hantsuki wrote:



00:04:394 (2) - I prefer new combo from this circle Sure
00:26:478 (4) - 00:28:978 (4) - different sv = new combo (it's more clearly, better to read) I think it's same paragraph so I can't NC
00:32:728 (6) - new combo ^
00:54:394 (2,3) -
better to play Sure


00:00:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
looks better Sure
00:03:978 (7,8,9,10) -
looks alot better ok but, can i put here?

00:38:978 (2) - replace it, it doesn't fit Sure


Looks great! ;) :DDD


Change CS3 -> CS2,5: Easy diff cannot have more than 1,5* Sure

00:01:533 (2,3) - Change it, slider is not in good standing, circle is kinda not in the beat Sure
00:21:478 (2) - doesn't fit :o Sure
00:35:228 (1,2) - stick them together Sure
00:46:478 (2) - doesn't fit, I prefer Sure
Thx for mod,I'll mod your map.:)))


其餘都好 :)

00:00:283(1,2,3,4,5,6) 三組的形狀和相互之間的間距不一樣啊(強迫症)
00:04:811(9) flow不太舒服 建議轉-60度後放到280|224
00:08:561(3) 也是flow不順
00:19:811(3) 疊在136|136上
01:02:519 雖然這裡音樂沒有音 但我還是建議在這裡補上個note
01:12:728 - 01:21:269 音樂還這麼激烈 就不要空這麼多拍啦……間距或許也要調整下 DT初見打起來有點懵看不出間隔

00:42:728(1) finish
00:47:519(3,1) 太近了,重音感覺沒出來 建議1放到350|320 2放到400|176
01:02:728(1) finish
01:10:019 放個note疊在1上
01:15:019 放個note在504|104
在副歌段不要輕易放空拍 音樂激烈的時候突然一停會有點奇怪 間距控制不好的話DT起來也沒法讀


Topic Starter

Ametrin wrote:



其餘都好 :)想試試不用DS哈哈

00:00:283(1,2,3,4,5,6) 三組的形狀和相互之間的間距不一樣啊(強迫症)好我全部打掉重做了
00:04:811(9) flow不太舒服 建議轉-60度後放到280|224wow很棒的位子
00:08:561(3) 也是flow不順我換了個位子了
00:19:811(3) 疊在136|136上修正
01:02:519 雖然這裡音樂沒有音 但我還是建議在這裡補上個note 我想是不用
01:12:728 - 01:21:269 音樂還這麼激烈 就不要空這麼多拍啦……間距或許也要調整下 DT初見打起來有點懵看不出間隔多放幾個note了

00:42:728(1) finishok
00:47:519(3,1) 太近了,重音感覺沒出來 建議1放到350|320 2放到400|176 又是個很棒的位子orz
01:02:728(1) finishok
01:10:019 放個note疊在1上 ok
01:15:019 放個note在504|104 ok
在副歌段不要輕易放空拍 音樂激烈的時候突然一停會有點奇怪 間距控制不好的話DT起來也沒法讀

另外全程無連打啊(個人怨念不要在意 你給我去看看這首也沒連打

很專業的mod呢,我邊改邊尿,小弟我過一會就會mod你的 感謝mod!!
M4M yeah~ :3

00:02:754 - 相同的节奏却有着不同的ds 不好吧.. 00:03:978 (1) - 这里前后ds不一致哦
00:07:728 (4) - 比如这里 上ds1.4 下ds1.25 没有相同
00:08:978 (1) - 然后这里1.82 扩开太大了吧
00:10:228 (2) - 2.96是绝对不可以的(for ez
00:11:478 (3) - ds
00:16:478 (2) - 一下子ds变小了 很奇怪 明明节奏没有变化
00:17:728 (1,2,3) - ds太乱 控制成这样就很好00:20:228 (1,2,1) -
00:22:728 (1) - 之前有人给我建议了 说ez太短的滑条不要折返2次 这样第一次玩怕折返回来以为就结束了导致break 我建议
00:27:728 (4) - 想前面一样控制在1.0把 00:25:228 (1,2,3) -
00:30:228 (1) - 呃...
00:36:061 (2) - 如果前后物件看起来的距离相同的话 00:36:894 (3) - 到这里突然慢下来是不是会觉得不舒服(对于新手来说,因为是EZ
00:38:978 (2) - 前后ds
00:40:644 (1) - 同样折返的问题,第一次不太清楚这里要折返3次 导致折了一次就放开 break
01:03:561 (2,3) - 没有包好
01:06:478 (2,3,1) - 让他们中心对称 所以让中间的note和两侧的滑条距离same
01:21:478 (3,4,1) - 三角不正
01:23:978 - 和后面多余的绿线删除把

只是ds问题,后面ds问题我没指出来。我觉得EZ的话最好还是keep same ds all the time 不要变换他,确定一个ds用snap工具做 会好很多哦,因为好多rank图的ez你可以看一下 都是same ds 哦

00:01:533 (1) - 加点距离,有点分不出来节奏了
00:02:728 (1) - ^ 00:03:978 (1) - 这里就做的不错
00:06:478 (2) - ds问题
00:07:728 (3,4,1,2,3) - 这一段ds一直在变化 可是节奏没有变化啊 :?
后面的ds问题我就不指出啦~ rank图里面可以看看哦 NM基本也是走ds的 要相同哦

00:00:908 (2,3) - 这里我觉得好有节奏感但又觉得不太好..
00:11:478 (2) - 加一点距离吧 第一次玩的人怕区分不出来这里的节奏呀
00:21:478 (2) - ^
00:38:978 (2) - 这里
00:40:228 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个要保持等距把
00:51:478 (6) - 近了点
00:58:561 (4) - 3.00 跳太大
01:06:478 (3,4,1) - 不同节奏 却看起来相同距离

00:26:478 (4) - 滑调速度的改变需要NC一下
00:32:728 (6) - 不要保持差不多ds 要不远一点 要不overlap or something 会误导
01:00:228 (1) - ds
跳的很好啊 我觉得这个难度做的很不错

总的来说觉得你做的挺好的 ds问题很大 最好是重新摆一下EZ NM 把他们跟着相同的DS Hard有些也需要check一下 最后 包的什么都很好看很美观 flow也可以 加油

Hello! Mod from my queue!
I'm not good at anime songs modding, but request is request!
Open AiMod and fix all DS :/
00:22:728 (1) - Double repeats is unreadable to beginners
00:40:644 (1) - ^ triple repeats too
I can't mod more, cuz this DS :/
Open AiMod and fix DS :/
00:04:394 (2) - Make two 1/2 sliders
00:24:394 - Why there aren't any object??
00:45:228 (4) - NC
01:05:228 (4) - ^
01:17:728 (4) - ^
01:20:228 (7) - ^
01:21:478 (1) - Remove NC
The same like Easy
00:02:728 (5) - NC??
00:08:561 (3,4) - Improve blanket
00:26:061 (3,4) - ^
00:43:978 (4) - ^
00:51:478 (6) - ^
00:55:228 (1,2,3) - Bad flow imo
Fix DS too :/

It's good timing, but DS is very brake :/
You have potential, but you have to try...
Topic Starter
ok...I want remap easy&normal
Topic Starter

_Stan wrote:

M4M yeah~ :3

00:02:754 - 相同的节奏却有着不同的ds 不好吧.. 00:03:978 (1) - 这里前后ds不一致哦
00:07:728 (4) - 比如这里 上ds1.4 下ds1.25 没有相同
00:08:978 (1) - 然后这里1.82 扩开太大了吧
00:10:228 (2) - 2.96是绝对不可以的(for ez
00:11:478 (3) - ds
00:16:478 (2) - 一下子ds变小了 很奇怪 明明节奏没有变化
00:17:728 (1,2,3) - ds太乱 控制成这样就很好00:20:228 (1,2,1) -
00:22:728 (1) - 之前有人给我建议了 说ez太短的滑条不要折返2次 这样第一次玩怕折返回来以为就结束了导致break 我建议
00:27:728 (4) - 想前面一样控制在1.0把 00:25:228 (1,2,3) -
00:30:228 (1) - 呃...
00:36:061 (2) - 如果前后物件看起来的距离相同的话 00:36:894 (3) - 到这里突然慢下来是不是会觉得不舒服(对于新手来说,因为是EZ
00:38:978 (2) - 前后ds
00:40:644 (1) - 同样折返的问题,第一次不太清楚这里要折返3次 导致折了一次就放开 break
01:03:561 (2,3) - 没有包好
01:06:478 (2,3,1) - 让他们中心对称 所以让中间的note和两侧的滑条距离same
01:21:478 (3,4,1) - 三角不正
01:23:978 - 和后面多余的绿线删除把

只是ds问题,后面ds问题我没指出来。我觉得EZ的话最好还是keep same ds all the time 不要变换他,确定一个ds用snap工具做 会好很多哦,因为好多rank图的ez你可以看一下 都是same ds 哦

00:01:533 (1) - 加点距离,有点分不出来节奏了
00:02:728 (1) - ^ 00:03:978 (1) - 这里就做的不错
00:06:478 (2) - ds问题
00:07:728 (3,4,1,2,3) - 这一段ds一直在变化 可是节奏没有变化啊 :?
后面的ds问题我就不指出啦~ rank图里面可以看看哦 NM基本也是走ds的 要相同哦


00:00:908 (2,3) - 这里我觉得好有节奏感但又觉得不太好..那...是要怎樣xd
00:11:478 (2) - 加一点距离吧 第一次玩的人怕区分不出来这里的节奏呀我不太懂你的意思..
00:21:478 (2) - ^
00:38:978 (2) - 这里
00:40:228 (1,2,3,4) - 这四个要保持等距把ok
00:51:478 (6) - 近了点不過我想放這樣:>
00:58:561 (4) - 3.00 跳太大ok
01:06:478 (3,4,1) - 不同节奏 却看起来相同距离ok

00:26:478 (4) - 滑调速度的改变需要NC一下好吧既然有兩個人都這樣說了,我也只能改了=.=(抱歉第一個modderxd)
00:32:728 (6) - 不要保持差不多ds 要不远一点 要不overlap or something 会误导ok
01:00:228 (1) - ds我不太懂你的意思..
跳的很好啊 我觉得这个难度做的很不错

总的来说觉得你做的挺好的 ds问题很大 最好是重新摆一下EZ NM 把他们跟着相同的DS Hard有些也需要check一下 最后 包的什么都很好看很美观 flow也可以 加油

感謝摸圖~你的mod也很專業阿~也是邊尿邊改,我也決定remap easy&normal了,明天就摸你的圖:DDD
Topic Starter

Chalwa wrote:

Hello! Mod from my queue!
I'm not good at anime songs modding, but request is request!
Open AiMod and fix all DS :/
00:22:728 (1) - Double repeats is unreadable to beginners
00:40:644 (1) - ^ triple repeats too
I can't mod more, cuz this DS :/
Open AiMod and fix DS :/
00:04:394 (2) - Make two 1/2 sliders
00:24:394 - Why there aren't any object??
00:45:228 (4) - NC
01:05:228 (4) - ^
01:17:728 (4) - ^
01:20:228 (7) - ^
01:21:478 (1) - Remove NC
The same like Easy
00:02:728 (5) - NC??Nope D:
00:08:561 (3,4) - Improve blanketok
00:26:061 (3,4) - ^
00:43:978 (4) - ^
00:51:478 (6) - ^
00:55:228 (1,2,3) - Bad flow imook
Fix DS too :/ok:/

It's good timing, but DS is very brake :/
You have potential, but you have to try...
Thx for mod!
01:28:353 - spinner end here
00:12:728 (1,2) - 看起来像1/2
01:05:644 (2) - 这个折返感觉好怪
00:43:978 (4,1) - 这个重叠很别扭
01:14:603 (5,6) - swap
00:20:228 (1) - 别包了 往外拐吧
00:51:478 (1) - 这个折返感觉好怪
01:16:478 (5) - ^
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

01:28:353 - spinner end here
00:12:728 (1,2) - 看起来像1/2
01:05:644 (2) - 这个折返感觉好怪
00:43:978 (4,1) - 这个重叠很别扭
01:14:603 (5,6) - swap
00:20:228 (1) - 别包了 往外拐吧
00:51:478 (1) - 这个折返感觉好怪
01:16:478 (5) - ^
Hello, modding from M4M request.
My map:
歌好好听 好想做GD...

音效上有些欠缺, 首先没有在高潮段的开始下finish, 其次在音乐比较高昂的地方使用默认的soft-whistle会显得绵软无力。建议重新找一个或者直接从其他的图里扒一个就行了
00:05:228 (1,2) - 好像贴的太近了
00:13:561 (4,1) - 像这样滑条接滑条的梗最好统一一下DS, 个人觉得00:12:311 (3,1) - 也就是1.2比较合适。后面类似的就不提了
00:20:019 (4,1) - 有点远啊
00:36:478 (1,3) - 也是有点近了
00:40:644 (1,1,1) - 这个应该可以摆的更正一点,再调整下
00:48:144 (3) - 这个折返箭头被挡住了,这是unrankable的
一样的问题, DS0.9更合适些

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

23konG wrote:

Hello, modding from M4M request.
My map:
歌好好听 好想做GD...

音效上有些欠缺, 首先没有在高潮段的开始下finish, 其次在音乐比较高昂的地方使用默认的soft-whistle会显得绵软无力。建议重新找一个或者直接从其他的图里扒一个就行了
00:05:228 (1,2) - 好像贴的太近了
00:13:561 (4,1) - 像这样滑条接滑条的梗最好统一一下DS, 个人觉得00:12:311 (3,1) - 也就是1.2比较合适。后面类似的就不提了
00:20:019 (4,1) - 有点远啊
00:36:478 (1,3) - 也是有点近了
00:40:644 (1,1,1) - 这个应该可以摆的更正一点,再调整下
00:48:144 (3) - 这个折返箭头被挡住了,这是unrankable的
一样的问题, DS0.9更合适些ok

Good luck :)

Hihi NM req from my WQ

  1. HP // 6 ; AR // 8.8 or maybe 8.6~8.7?
  2. 00:01:533 (3,4) - blanket
  3. 00:13:144 (2,3) - slider to fit the vocal
  4. 00:18:769 - note? feels quite empty
  5. 00:24:394 - any means of following vocal here?
  6. 00:26:061 (3) - change to circles
  7. 00:28:144 (2) - ^
  8. 00:28:561 (3) - slider
  9. 00:30:853 (3) - best to not start slider at red tick so add a note and move the slider to the white tick
  10. 00:40:644 (1,1,1) - blanket
  11. 00:53:144 (2,3) - ^
  12. 00:57:519 - note?
  13. Plays really well, i gotta say ;)

  1. I need to say this first. Do you want to curve your sliders or not. If you do, pls make it more obv xD not that i mind having few of it lol
  2. 00:53:978 (1,2) - blanket
  3. 01:15:228 (1,1) - blanket well the ars

All seems fine (I didn't play Eaz and NM though)
The distance for kiai time in Hard for some notes are quite big but idk whether it's fine or not :)
Good luck ranking this, it's quite nice
Topic Starter

_IxApplePie_ wrote:

Hihi NM req from my WQ

  1. HP // 6 ; AR // 8.8 or maybe 8.6~8.7?NO +DT=AR10.3too highx.x[/color]
  2. 00:01:533 (3,4) - blanketfix
  3. 00:13:144 (2,3) - slider to fit the vocalIt's a prominent vocal
  4. 00:18:769 - note? feels quite emptyok
  5. 00:24:394 - any means of following vocal here?no
  6. 00:26:061 (3) - change to circles
  7. 00:28:144 (2) - ^no
  8. 00:28:561 (3) - sliderfix
  9. 00:30:853 (3) - best to not start slider at red tick so add a note and move the slider to the white tickfix
  10. 00:40:644 (1,1,1) - blanketfix
  11. 00:53:144 (2,3) - ^fix
  12. 00:57:519 - note?fix
  13. Plays really well, i gotta say ;)thxxxx:D

  1. I need to say this first. Do you want to curve your sliders or not. If you do, pls make it more obv xD not that i mind having few of it lol
  2. 00:53:978 (1,2) - blanketfix
  3. 01:15:228 (1,1) - blanket well the arsfix

All seems fine (I didn't play Eaz and NM though)
The distance for kiai time in Hard for some notes are quite big but idk whether it's fine or not :)
Good luck ranking this, it's quite nice
THX for your weekend mods!!
Hi ! from your Q (m4m) :>


Duplicate line. this is meaningless.

  1. 00:00:283 (1,2,3) - This arrangement is not pretty ( △ arrangement ) how about this?
  2. 00:18:978 (4) - Listening to the songs, this rhythm is a pity. what about the rhythm with circles and slide? ↓
  3. 00:21:478 (2) - Rather than matching the rhythm on the red line, what about match the white line?difficulty easy it is to become better.
  4. 00:22:728 (1) - I think more better, blanket with no.2 slide.
  5. 00:40:644 ~ 00:42:728 - This during time, not put siider velocity multiplier. there will not be accepted (unrankedble)
  6. 00:40:644 (2,3) - distance miss. you can see AI mode.
  7. 00:46:478 (6) - ^
  8. 01:03:561 (2) - How about this arrangement? i think more better.

  9. 00:10:228 (1) - put
  10. 00:22:728 (1) - Here to bits continue.
  11. 00:26:478 (1) - Remove.
  12. 00:27:728 (1) - ^
  13. 00:30:228 (4) - put
  14. 00:35:228 (1) - put
  15. 00:36:478 (1) - Remove.
  16. 00:45:228 (5) - put
  17. 00:48:978 (1) - Remove.
  18. 00:50:228 (1) - ^
  19. 00:51:478 (1) - ^

Not put slider velocity multiplier. Easy and Normal is unrankedble.

Duplicate line.

  1. 00:03:144 (6) - What think to move a little place? ↓
  2. 00:15:228 (3) - How about this?
  3. 00:58:978 (3) - Not good view. because due to overlap the slide. Also,not stable flow. how about this?
  4. 01:02:728 (1,2) - The place is not pretty.There is also a sense of distance between the notes. how about this? I do not know you are satisfied. but this more better.
  5. 01:09:394 (6) - Awkward flow with ago slide. how about this?

  6. 00:10:228 (5) - put
  7. 00:12:728 (1) - Remove.
  8. 00:15:228 (1) - put
  9. 00:18:978 (1) - Remove.
  10. 00:20:228 (1) - put
  11. 00:28:978 (1) - Remove.
  12. 00:30:228 (1) - put
  13. 00:45:228 (5) - put
  14. 00:48:978 (1) - Remove.
  15. 00:50:228 (1) - ^
  16. 00:51:478 (5) - ^
  17. 01:05:228 (5) - put
  18. 01:06:478 (3) - Remove.
  19. 01:07:728 (5) - put
  20. 01:11:478 (1) - Remove.

Duplicate line.

I would like to give some advice to you.
The map currently has a number of unnecessary jumps.
Listen to a lot of songs,searching for a suitable place jumping.

  1. 00:11:478 (2) - I recommend a blanket with no.1 slider.
  2. 00:11:478 (2,3) - This is a jump does not suit the song. also,please continue the rhythm same as before. that's more natural.
  3. 00:28:769 (3,1) - This is a jump does not suit the song. how about this?

  4. 00:26:478 (1) - remove
  5. 00:28:978 (1) - ^
  6. 00:31:478 (1) - ^
  7. 00:48:978 (1) - ^
  8. 00:50:228 (1) - ^
[konG's Insane]

  1. 00:00:283 ~ 00:03:978 - Please mapping. easy,normal,hard and review is mapped.
  2. 00:12:728 (1) - Spoil the flow.continuous rather than the reverse slide,it's better one use.
  3. 01:00:853 (2) - Ctrl + G?


  1. 00:17:103 (2) - stack with no.1 slide? it can give a proper jump.
  2. 00:40:644 (1,1) - Ctrl+G Given the consistency, it looks neat.
  3. 00:46:061 (3,4) - Changing the rhythm sequence and 00:46:478 (1) how about this arrangement?
  4. 00:55:019 (3) - Blanket with no.2 slider?


That's all. GL~ :)
Topic Starter
I can't quate...
Hi ! from your Q (m4m) :>


Duplicate line. this is meaningless.

00:00:283 (1,2,3) - This arrangement is not pretty ( △ arrangement ) how about this?
collapsed text
00:18:978 (4) - Listening to the songs, this rhythm is a pity. what about the rhythm with circles and slide? ↓
collapsed text
00:21:478 (2) - Rather than matching the rhythm on the red line, what about match the white line?difficulty easy it is to become better.
00:22:728 (1) - I think more better, blanket with no.2 slide.
00:40:644 ~ 00:42:728 - This during time, not put siider velocity multiplier. there will not be accepted (unrankedble)
00:40:644 (2,3) - distance miss. you can see AI mode.
collapsed text
00:46:478 (6) - ^
01:03:561 (2) - How about this arrangement? i think more better.
collapsed text

NC put and remove
00:10:228 (1) - put
00:22:728 (1) - Here to bits continue.
00:26:478 (1) - Remove.
00:27:728 (1) - ^
00:30:228 (4) - put
00:35:228 (1) - put
00:36:478 (1) - Remove.
00:45:228 (5) - put
00:48:978 (1) - Remove.
00:50:228 (1) - ^
00:51:478 (1) - ^


Not put slider velocity multiplier. Easy and Normal is unrankedble.

Duplicate line.

00:03:144 (6) - What think to move a little place? ↓
collapsed text
00:15:228 (3) - How about this?
collapsed text
00:58:978 (3) - Not good view. because due to overlap the slide. Also,not stable flow. how about this?
collapsed text
01:02:728 (1,2) - The place is not pretty.There is also a sense of distance between the notes. how about this? I do not know you are satisfied. but this more better.
collapsed text
01:09:394 (6) - Awkward flow with ago slide. how about this?
collapsed text

NC put and remove
00:10:228 (5) - put
00:12:728 (1) - Remove.
00:15:228 (1) - put
00:18:978 (1) - Remove.
00:20:228 (1) - put
00:28:978 (1) - Remove.
00:30:228 (1) - put
00:45:228 (5) - put
00:48:978 (1) - Remove.
00:50:228 (1) - ^
00:51:478 (5) - ^
01:05:228 (5) - put
01:06:478 (3) - Remove.
01:07:728 (5) - put
01:11:478 (1) - Remove.


Duplicate line.

I would like to give some advice to you.
The map currently has a number of unnecessary jumps.
Listen to a lot of songs,searching for a suitable place jumping.

00:11:478 (2) - I recommend a blanket with no.1 slider.
00:11:478 (2,3) - This is a jump does not suit the song. also,please continue the rhythm same as before. that's more natural.
00:28:769 (3,1) - This is a jump does not suit the song. how about this?
collapsed text

NC put and remove
00:26:478 (1) - remove
00:28:978 (1) - ^
00:31:478 (1) - ^
00:48:978 (1) - ^
00:50:228 (1) - ^

konG's Insane

00:00:283 ~ 00:03:978 - Please mapping. easy,normal,hard and review is mapped.
00:12:728 (1) - Spoil the flow.continuous rather than the reverse slide,it's better one use.
01:00:853 (2) - Ctrl + G?


00:17:103 (2) - stack with no.1 slide? it can give a proper jump.
00:40:644 (1,1) - Ctrl+G Given the consistency, it looks neat.
00:46:061 (3,4) - Changing the rhythm sequence and 00:46:478 (1) how about this arrangement?
collapsed text
00:55:019 (3) - Blanket with no.2 slider?

I'm very sorry for being late.. Are you like this :?:
Topic Starter

TAIN wrote:

Hi ! from your Q (m4m) :>


Duplicate line. this is meaningless.fix

00:00:283 (1,2,3) - This arrangement is not pretty ( △ arrangement ) how about this?fix
collapsed text
00:18:978 (4) - Listening to the songs, this rhythm is a pity. what about the rhythm with circles and slide? ↓fix
collapsed text
00:21:478 (2) - Rather than matching the rhythm on the red line, what about match the white line?difficulty easy it is to become better.It's follow sound
00:22:728 (1) - I think more better, blanket with no.2 slide. fix
00:40:644 ~ 00:42:728 - This during time, not put siider velocity multiplier. there will not be accepted (unrankedble)fix
00:40:644 (2,3) - distance miss. you can see AI mode.fix
collapsed text
00:46:478 (6) - ^fix
01:03:561 (2) - How about this arrangement? i think more better.fix
collapsed text

NC put and remove
00:10:228 (1) - put
00:22:728 (1) - Here to bits continue.
00:26:478 (1) - Remove.
00:27:728 (1) - ^
00:30:228 (4) - put
00:35:228 (1) - put
00:36:478 (1) - Remove.
00:45:228 (5) - put
00:48:978 (1) - Remove.
00:50:228 (1) - ^
00:51:478 (1) - ^


Not put slider velocity multiplier. Easy and Normal is unrankedble.fix

Duplicate line.

00:03:144 (6) - What think to move a little place? ↓fix
collapsed text
00:15:228 (3) - How about this?fix
collapsed text
00:58:978 (3) - Not good view. because due to overlap the slide. Also,not stable flow. how about this?fix
collapsed text
01:02:728 (1,2) - The place is not pretty.There is also a sense of distance between the notes. how about this? I do not know you are satisfied. but this more better.fix
collapsed text
01:09:394 (6) - Awkward flow with ago slide. how about this?fix
collapsed text

NC put and remove
00:10:228 (5) - put
00:12:728 (1) - Remove.
00:15:228 (1) - put
00:18:978 (1) - Remove.
00:20:228 (1) - put
00:28:978 (1) - Remove.
00:30:228 (1) - put
00:45:228 (5) - put
00:48:978 (1) - Remove.
00:50:228 (1) - ^
00:51:478 (5) - ^
01:05:228 (5) - put
01:06:478 (3) - Remove.
01:07:728 (5) - put
01:11:478 (1) - Remove.


Duplicate line.fix

I would like to give some advice to you.
The map currently has a number of unnecessary jumps.
Listen to a lot of songs,searching for a suitable place jumping.

00:11:478 (2) - I recommend a blanket with no.1 slider.
00:11:478 (2,3) - This is a jump does not suit the song. also,please continue the rhythm same as before. that's more natural.fix
00:28:769 (3,1) - This is a jump does not suit the song. how about this?fix
collapsed text

NC put and remove
00:26:478 (1) - remove
00:28:978 (1) - ^
00:31:478 (1) - ^
00:48:978 (1) - ^
00:50:228 (1) - ^

konG's Insane

00:00:283 ~ 00:03:978 - Please mapping. easy,normal,hard and review is mapped.I'll ask himxd
00:12:728 (1) - Spoil the flow.continuous rather than the reverse slide,it's better one use.fix
01:00:853 (2) - Ctrl + G?fix


00:17:103 (2) - stack with no.1 slide? it can give a proper jump.fix
00:40:644 (1,1) - Ctrl+G Given the consistency, it looks neat.fix
00:46:061 (3,4) - Changing the rhythm sequence and 00:46:478 (1) how about this arrangement?fix
collapsed text
00:55:019 (3) - Blanket with no.2 slider?nope
thx for mod!
hi m4m

[General] 这里有一张rank图 我认为你的后两根红线是没有必要的

00:02:728 (4) - 下面超出边界了
00:07:728 (3) - ^
00:12:728 (3) - 我倾向于稍微往上移一点,00:11:478 (2,3) - 00:12:728 (3,4) - 都能找机会blanket
00:16:478 (2) - 这个也超出边界了
00:22:728 (1) - ^,进design打开物件看,这样肯定不行
00:48:561 (2,4) - 可以叠起来
00:56:478 (6,7) - 这里贴太近了看着很不舒服 7往上移一点好
01:11:478 (5,1) - 把1弯一下包起来

似乎有这么一个要求 Normal最好不要变sv
01:16:061 (2,3) - 建议blanket
01:17:311 (4) - 这样会有点奇怪 建议还是顺着滑条放

00:08:561 (3,4) - 包好,不然强迫症会追着你不放的
00:15:853 (2) - 我觉得放到下面来比较好
00:16:478 (1) - Ctrl+H放到原位包起来?
00:53:978 (1,2) - 这个间距是不是太大了一点?
01:01:894 (5,3) - 叠起来

[konG's Insane]
00:14:394 (2,1) - 叠在一起,也能防止间距误读
00:15:228 (1) - 往上移一点好 间距问题(这样把前面2叠在滑条尾就好)
00:18:978 (1) - 向左做一个弧度比较大的弯啊 不然又变成很大的跳了
00:25:436 (2,4) - blanket 我觉得不要老是放一些特别大的跳比较好
00:55:644 (3) - 放在1和2正中间?

00:37:519 (6,1) - blanket
00:46:478 (1) - ctrl+G我觉得会比较好
00:50:228 (1) - 突然就完全叠起来非常坑,不建议这样摆,在距离上感觉也不合适
01:13:561 (3) - 有点奇怪 要不要弯多一点

感觉不错 有听到比较独特的音效
Topic Starter

MoeAsuka wrote:

hi m4m

[General] 这里有一张rank图 我认为你的后两根红线是没有必要的這裡有一張要rank但作者放棄的圖timing聽起來不錯我認為兩根紅線是有必要的

00:02:728 (4) - 下面超出边界了AI說沒問題阿
00:07:728 (3) - ^
00:12:728 (3) - 我倾向于稍微往上移一点,00:11:478 (2,3) - 有了00:12:728 (3,4) - 有DS限制所以不用了都能找机会blanket
00:16:478 (2) - 这个也超出边界了AI說沒問題
00:22:728 (1) - ^,进design打开物件看,这样肯定不行fix
00:48:561 (2,4) - 可以叠起来這是easy不太想疊
00:56:478 (6,7) - 这里贴太近了看着很不舒服 7往上移一点好fix
01:11:478 (5,1) - 把1弯一下包起来fix

似乎有这么一个要求 Normal最好不要变svremap
01:16:061 (2,3) - 建议blanket
01:17:311 (4) - 这样会有点奇怪 建议还是顺着滑条放

00:08:561 (3,4) - 包好,不然强迫症会追着你不放的fix
00:15:853 (2) - 我觉得放到下面来比较好fix
00:16:478 (1) - Ctrl+H放到原位包起来?不了
00:53:978 (1,2) - 这个间距是不是太大了一点?fix
01:01:894 (5,3) - 叠起来fix

[konG's Insane]
00:14:394 (2,1) - 叠在一起,也能防止间距误读
00:15:228 (1) - 往上移一点好 间距问题(这样把前面2叠在滑条尾就好)
00:18:978 (1) - 向左做一个弧度比较大的弯啊 不然又变成很大的跳了
00:25:436 (2,4) - blanket 我觉得不要老是放一些特别大的跳比较好
00:55:644 (3) - 放在1和2正中间?

00:37:519 (6,1) - blanketfix
00:46:478 (1) - ctrl+G我觉得会比较好不了這樣會有趣許多
00:50:228 (1) - 突然就完全叠起来非常坑,不建议这样摆,在距离上感觉也不合适fix
01:13:561 (3) - 有点奇怪 要不要弯多一点fix

感觉不错 有听到比较独特的音效
thx for mod ! 你的圖略長給我多一點時間摸
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