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azer is my favorite pro player in the NA lcs scene

BrokenArrow wrote:

let me guess it's that asian guy
I hate u
Zain Sugieres
Wukong support is fun and good
Check out my signature lol,
but anyways, I'm Gliscorus, level 30 azir main since season 4
My rank does not matter. My skill is proven through my gameplay, and not the rank I have achieved.
you are bronze 1 and you made a video about animation cancelling where you press Q and E while playing Ekko
Zain Sugieres

BrokenArrow wrote:

My rank does not matter. My skill is proven through my gameplay, and not the rank I have achieved.
you are bronze 1 and you made a video about animation cancelling where you press Q and E while playing Ekko

yo don't hate it's his teammates that hold him back, he's challenjour quality player

BrokenArrow wrote:

My rank does not matter. My skill is proven through my gameplay, and not the rank I have achieved.
you are bronze 1 and you made a video about animation cancelling where you press Q and E while playing Ekko
One of the worst parts of League is how many people actually have blown up egos due to thinking they're hot shit. Back in s2 I got to Plat and I thought that I was literally ready to start making videos that teach people how to play. Now that I look back on it, it makes me laugh to no end. Once you realise just how bad you are, you'll figure out that most of the time it isn't your team that got you that loss, but your own incompetence.

"I deserve to be next to Doublelift because I can pull off the shit he can, but I'm stuck in Silver with all of these fags wasting my talent!" just topkek.
My rank does not matter. My skill is proven through my gameplay, and not the rank I have achieved.
but it does
gotta agree on the gameplay proves your skills tho cause it's garbo. not to mention the cringy reddit titles
I deserve to be son of gosu
- M o s h i -
Draven in EU LCS, hehe xd BigBrother
Not only did he pick it but he won
lcs has been so garbage lately. both na and eu. the fact hat it's always the same champion is just boring. meanwhile manila major is so diverse and actually fun.
I wish I would actually understand what's going on in Dota 2 matches but I can't find the motivation to learn an entirely new game that's probably three times as complex as League
Yesterday I got 7/2/7 KDA as Zed support 2 times in a row (° ͜ʖ °)
just because you bought a pink ward doesn't mean you're support

Navizel wrote:

just because you bought a pink ward doesn't mean you're support
someone who understands that if I have a pink or two doesn't make me support
it makes me aware of my fucking surroundings

Navizel wrote:

just because you bought a pink ward doesn't mean you're support

But I was.
And my post was supposed to be nice meme only.
That name hiding tho. :V
La Volpe

Navizel wrote:

lcs has been so garbage lately. both na and eu. the fact hat it's always the same champion is just boring. meanwhile manila major is so diverse and actually fun.
Pretty much why I avoid watching the lcs, it's boring as fuck to always see the same champions being played over and over.

La Volpe wrote:

Pretty much why I avoid watching the lcs, it's boring as fuck to always see the same champions being played over and over.
It's always been like that...
I remember when ranked mode was first introduced, I started playing it for the sole purpose of boosting my ego and proving myself as good in the game. Around that time I used to always flame shit teammates and call out opponents for being trash. At around the middle of season 3 though when I reached Diamond 5 it became a lot more than just being an ego boost; it became a way for me to slowly release me of my depression that I had since I was a kid. The league community is toxic; you have people flaming, sometimes trolling; people arguing about the smallest things and reporting for the slightest mistakes. Alot of times you would have some unlucky games that you couldn't do anything about and overall, ranked solo que was and is a very stressful experience. But I realised the way I treated the game reflected the way I treat my own life and in fact, in a way, the game reflected life itself. Sometimes you just have to move on, forget the bad moments and ignore the negativity. Something I have always struggled with is letting go of the past and I still struggle with it today, but by learning to deal people in ranked; by learning to be humble, polite and focusing on my own mistakes rather than others, not only helps me improve in the game, it also helps me get over my depression and be a better person. Getting to my peak rank of challenger during season 4 wasn't only a journey of becoming better at the game, it was a journey of self improvement. So despite the community being as toxic as it is, I wouldn't have it any other way. That's why I play on 10+ smurfs and only play solo on ranked; the journey from the bottom to the top is enjoyable to me because of the experiences I gain from the people I come across in solo que. From the bad games to the good games, each and every one is a good experience and it helps me fix the most predominant problem of my psyche; not being able to let go of the past. And that, is the sole reason I still keep coming back to this game.
Man you really need to paragraph that shit up, lad.
shut up mate, did it on my phone.
My main account got permabanned after playing 2 games after the suspension, 1 of which was deemed as toxic but wasn't in the slightest, I only used the chat to tell my teammates to mute the guy that flamed me :( . I'm kinda sad about it I had 20 rune pages and many champs which took a very long time to farm.

EneT wrote:

shut up mate, did it on my phone.
What, your phone doesn't have a spacebar? :V

Having read your text, however, makes me believe that you're pulling my pisser here mate. YOU, of all people, with that story? Can't imagine that at all.
You might think you got me on lock but you still don't know me Aurani, and you might quite possibly never know me :P
Not sure if I ever really want to know you, mongrel. :p

Speaking of sheer toxicity, what better way is there to end a streak of games where I had such wonderful people on both the enemy team and my team than a match where my ally calls everyone in the game various names, adds a bit of that cancer talk coupled with involvements with our mothers, intentionally runs into the enemy towers and feeds them kills and then ends it off with a bang by quitting the game.
dont quote me on this but i hate people at my elo playing shit thats difficult honestly. Im gold 3 and the thing i hate the most is every single zed/shaco/riven/vayne that are way too toxic as well as being unable to play properly. why cant you just play malphite top instead of riven and just play safe before you own everyone in fights?? its so irritating. Instead of trying to play thresh or janna or nami support consider someone like annie or lux? and pls stop playing vayne if u dont even know how to play her properly, at least not in my ranked games. Consider caitlyn or maybe tristana, someone who doesnt die to everything.

found this guy on aram, what are the odds

Jinn wrote:

dont quote me on this but i hate people at my elo playing shit thats difficult honestly. Im gold 3 and the thing i hate the most is every single zed/shaco/riven/vayne that are way too toxic as well as being unable to play properly. why cant you just play malphite top instead of riven and just play safe before you own everyone in fights?? its so irritating. Instead of trying to play thresh or janna or nami support consider someone like annie or lux? and pls stop playing vayne if u dont even know how to play her properly, at least not in my ranked games. Consider caitlyn or maybe tristana, someone who doesnt die to everything.
As a Riven and Vayne main, I can tell you that I'm 110% toxic.
Zain Sugieres
as a Zac/Bard main, I can tell you Rivens Zeds Vaynes Shacos Dravens and Yasuos are toxic af
I haven't seen someone play Draven in such a long time. Mostly seeing Lucian, Lucian, Jinx, Jhin, Cait and Lucian.
I'll try playing this game soon.

Aurani wrote:

I haven't seen someone play Draven in such a long time. Mostly seeing Lucian, Lucian, Jinx, Jhin, Cait and Lucian.
BigBrother hehe xd
i main ahri and she's my fav :3
>intentionally feeding troll that doesnt want his support to win because "she's bad" telling me to grow up because im asking to report him

>the 4 premades on the enemy team side with the troll

Fuuuuuuck i've been permabanned for 10 times less and these people are still around

strong urge to quit this game tbh fam
do it

2nd troll in 24 hours boys :^) Lee said he's done this 5 other times without consequences lol
Zain Sugieres
You would have won if it was Zyra jungle and Lee Song support, they should've swapped roles
La Volpe
My first S+, this game went so well too.
Zain Sugieres
Build ap on Alistar you pussy
s e u l
i am silver 4

kill me
La Volpe

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Build ap on Alistar you pussy
Never tried it actually, is the gameplay different from the support/tank build?
W>Q is a decent nuke and your ult makes you tanky even as mage
Man, all of this talk about Alistar makes me sad that exactly two months after I started maining Ali on mid, Riot removed the autoattack mid-air part of his W. There were only a select few mages who could avoid getting literally poked for free that way, and after you get your Lich, it's only a matter of time before you can just nuke them.

The creative days of League are over. =(
Run it down mid on my veins
La Volpe
Played some Cassio support. Seeing the enemy adc panic when they can't pickup thresh's lantern while standing in my W is the funniest thing.
Zain Sugieres
Omg Taric new skin

His pink one is still the best still
La Volpe
Am I the only one who thought about Baywatch after seeing Taric's skin Art? XD
Immediately after fully mastering how to play the broken champion that is Ryze they decide to re-work him yet again, gg.
He's broken OP as fuck yeah but damn it, he's the hardest champion in the game to master right now and I don't like how they're taking that away.

EneT wrote:

Immediately after fully mastering how to play the broken champion that is Ryze they decide to re-work him yet again, gg.
He's broken OP as fuck yeah but damn it, he's the hardest champion in the game to master right now and I don't like how they're taking that away.
uhhhh this post is wrong on so many levels
Mind explaining to me why Ryze isn't broken and why he's not the hardest champ to master right now, or are you just Plat or below.
uhhhhh ^

EneT wrote:

Mind explaining to me why Ryze isn't broken and why he's not the hardest champ to master right now, or are you just Plat or below.

(Just a silver 3 jocking around )

I don't think trying to search the most complicated , op , hardest champ is a good idea....
I don't think you understand that where I am in high Diamond and above, Ryze is a near permaban. He might feel weak to you in Plat or below but that's because no one knows how to use the champion in those leagues.

If you don't think that Ryze is broken then the simple answer is that you're Plat or below. No one above Plat would disagree.

Riot even said the champ is broken in the re-work page, you trash player; it's the reason why they're re-working him.
Zain Sugieres
I feel like Riot likes the icon they used for Taric ultimate and used it for Ryze ultimate

Tbh Riot is using the same patterns all the time right now, I wonder if new WW will get an aoe ultimate that affects his allies
I really don't like the look of his changes so far. He's broken as fuck so he does need to change but why change his whole dynamic?

Riots' last re-works were good: Taric; Fiora; Darius etc etc. because they added more skill to those champions which made them more rewarding, but the re-work for Ryze is a complete step back. The last re-work they did to Ryze was good, it made him the hardest champ to master but when you do master him it reveals how broken as fuck he is; that is rewarding gameplay, not fun for the opponent getting 100 - 0 perma-snared, true, but the concept was good.
I rarely play him in ranked simply because he is difficult to play and need a lot of practise.

Riot try to create some champ that aren't OP. People say (Rengar is op because he oneshot me, maokai is op because he is unkillable, etc etc )

You want to "unBroken" a ryze in game ?play full early , being babysit by your jungle, even your top and roaming supp, don't let him farm.

I'm saying that like it was easy(and its not, Ryze Is STRONG right now ) but for me, saying that Ryze is the best champ ever.....

Oh and i'm a Silver so if people want to say "Your answer worth nothing because of your level" okay then, just passing over here.

EneT wrote:

Riot even said the champ is broken in the re-work page, you trash player; it's the reason why they're re-working him.
"You trash player" ..... uh.
No, Ryze gets strong immediately at level 6 and can 1v1 (can actually 1v2 if the enemy jungler comes in) any champion at that point so 'playing full early' does not fix the solution; 'don't let him farm' isn't a solution either because he can use his ult and clear waves every 10 secs; and 'being babysit by your jungle' is already a cause for concern because no champ should even have to fall under that category just to shut them down. The solution is to nerf his numbers to make him weak early and strong late because that's the identity he's supposed to have; as he is, he's strong throughout the WHOLE game.

But Riot are just abandoning all that and decided to go the easy way to fix him, a re-work.

This whole paragraph taken straight from the re-work page is a good representation of his current position:

"But winrate doesn't tell the full story. The Rune Mage had three major problems: he's is too difficult to learn, too strong once you've mastered him, and too confusing to lane against for players who haven't memorized the nitty gritty details of Ryze's stacking and spell-combo gameplay. The Rune Mage is sometimes unbearably strong for reasons that aren't necessarily clear to his opponents. The windows of power we'd imagined for Ryze have, in practice, acted more as two-way mirrors of power. The knowledgeable Ryze player sees and understands what's going on with his kit, but other players see only darkness."

EneT wrote:

Mind explaining to me why Ryze isn't broken and why he's not the hardest champ to master right now
I'll pass on that

EneT wrote:

Immediately after fully mastering how to play the broken champion that is Ryze they decide to re-work him yet again, gg.
He's broken OP as fuck yeah but damn it, he's the hardest champion in the game to master right now and I don't like how they're taking that away.
O 3 O The second hardest part about ryze is just understanding his kit's potential and knowing how to weave your spells. I mean... I only played him like 3 times after rework.. he wasn't difficult to pick up. Mechanically, he's rather simplistic in design. Anyone can mash buttons, it only takes a little bit of practice to mash them efficiently and in a specific order. Personally, I think the curve on ryze is rather low compared to other champions. Bard is probably the champion I have the most trouble in terms of mastering skill cap.

EneT wrote:

I don't think you understand that where I am in high Diamond and above, Ryze is a near permaban. He might feel weak to you in Plat or below but that's because no one knows how to use the champion in those leagues.

If you don't think that Ryze is broken then the simple answer is that you're Plat or below. No one above Plat would disagree.

Riot even said the champ is broken in the re-work page, you trash player; it's the reason why they're re-working him.
Tell me, oh high Diamond player, when I'll have the opportunity to play with you/against you. Doesn't matter, if you're a little coward you can be on your smurf. I just want to see those dank skills of yours. :p
league of legends sucks

Kuki wrote:

league of legends sucks
Neku Okazaki
Hey that's pretty good how haven't you killed yourself yet from playing jinx that long xd
Zain Sugieres
I don't understand how people find adcs other than Azir and Jhin fun tbh.
I haven't seen that one
Finally Master, it took me long enough but it was worth it!

idk you but im disappointed ):
it looks like a fucking ooold splash
ur mum looks like a fucking ooold splash ;/
Zain Sugieres
It looks bad

15843854395 times better
Its just me or they changed only 3 shadows on her body
just you

Pappy wrote:

Its just me or they changed only 3 shadows on her body
yes, yes they did.

Nhawak wrote:

15843854395 times better
actually the shadow on her arm is wrong. the lighter part should be the ones that's currently dark.


still waiting for my pool party ahri skin BibleThump
Can we get a hehe xd in chat?

Bearizm wrote:

still waiting for my pool party ahri skin BibleThump
her W become water, it would be cool!

Nhawak wrote:

Bearizm wrote:

still waiting for my pool party ahri skin BibleThump
her W become water, it would be cool!
make her a water bender. she got plenty of those down there if u know what i mean ;)
Zain Sugieres
Ahri needs a nude skin

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Ahri needs a nude skin
hey man, I couldn't agree more.
Zain Sugieres
Adc Ahri OpieOP

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Adc Ahri OpieOP
fervor works nicely on her if her w lands on the enemy yea.. but if u go that close, chances are you're gonna die in teamfights.

anyways, anyone got tips on how to carry soloq games as mid? i'm G3 JP server and i have solo q anxiety so i queue w/ friends like the boosted animal that i am BibleThump

Bearizm wrote:

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Adc Ahri OpieOP
fervor works nicely on her if her w lands on the enemy yea.. but if u go that close, chances are you're gonna die in teamfights.

anyways, anyone got tips on how to carry soloq games as mid? i'm G3 JP server and i have solo q anxiety so i queue w/ friends like the boosted animal that i am BibleThump
dont play adc.

jg is wrguably the best role to carry with if your teammates have half a brain since you can support any lane you want and be a monster across the entire map. plus u can shot call from that role and controll the flow of ur game.

top lane can be good because u can always pick something your team needs (cc, tank)

i have to say adc is arguably one of the worst roles right now because its super team reliant.
Mid as a role is extremely versatile and next to jungle perhaps the most crucial role in the game.

Your goal as a mid player is to get ahead of the enemy mid laner as soon as possible, for a number of reasons. When you get ahead you can decide whether to pressure the mid tower (the most important outer tower early in the game) so as to draw in the enemy jungler and grab his attention so he can't influence other lanes. You can decide to perhaps roam bot and be a constant thorn in the side of the enemy adc and his support, thus once again drawing the attention of the enemy jungler and forcing their duo to play very defensively and not be able to guard drake that easily. Alternatively, if the enemy has a snowball carry jungler (Nida is a great example of a snowbally carry jungler that is utter shit once set far enough behind) you could help your jungler bully their jungler thus robbing him of his strengths and putting your own jungler ahead so he can project the lead onto the outer two lanes. The reason I'm mentioning helping top last is because in the current meta, helping top is by far the shittiest option no matter how you look at it. Most of the time top is going to be tanks, and tanks give zero fucks about being behind - they can easily do their job even with 60 less cs and being 0-10.

That's why mid is not for those who don't know what to do when ahead and don't think in advance. It's the lane that has the potential to influence every other lane (and jungle) and make the enemy feel even the smallest of the gold lead set by your mid laner.

Study matchups and your own teammates (some people are not worth assisting for shit - like easily tilted ones), learn when to roam to top, when to roam and contest drag, when to push/pressure and when to just farm.
Zain Sugieres
All adcs are boring except for Azir and Jhin. Other roles are fun when u play offmeta.

I was so hyped
damn imma write this shit on a fukin notepad. and i don't play adc anyways i can be anything but adc... mostly just mid-jg-top.

Thanks Aurani, Kibb.
Mid is a great lane. Had to pick it up pre season because adc is way too team reliant. Even if you are light years ahead, the team's enemy jungler will always find a way to shut you down, and that's simply because your top lane and mid lanes can't cover their bases too well after they get beat. So I'm just gonna keep playing Syndra and Lux mid until someone knows how to beat me :p
I just played mid vs Morg as LB.. Normal game. She went Banner of Command to ZZ'Rot... Ultimate fucking counter I couldn't do shit but roam. But if I roam, she gets a tower it's so dumb. How do I fight cheese like these.... I went 4/2/5 but we lost cuz they had gnar constantly splitpushing and a zzrot portal + Banner minion constantly pushing mid..
If she goes Banner and Zzrot and you can't kill her with your jungler, that's when she wins. Your jungler is supposed to camp your lane 24/7 there, and once she's sufficiently far behind, THEN you roam. If you roam with her still being in the lane and your jungler not paying any kind of attention to it, you'll at BEST get a few kills on bot/top for the price of both your towers on mid. That's not worth it, unless you get a drag every time it's up on top of getting all those kills on bot. That's why it's not worth it, and your jungler should've done a better job at camping your lane for the first 15 minutes.

Aurani wrote:

If she goes Banner and Zzrot and you can't kill her with your jungler, that's when she wins. Your jungler is supposed to camp your lane 24/7 there, and once she's sufficiently far behind, THEN you roam. If you roam with her still being in the lane and your jungler not paying any kind of attention to it, you'll at BEST get a few kills on bot/top for the price of both your towers on mid. That's not worth it, unless you get a drag every time it's up on top of getting all those kills on bot. That's why it's not worth it, and your jungler should've done a better job at camping your lane for the first 15 minutes.
That's too much to ask. No one speaks in JP server. Literally no one :') :gun:

But yea that's right I guess. Kayle was 0/0/0 at 12m or so it's depressing..
That's actually disgusting lol. I told you it's mostly her fault. :p

What elo is that at?

Aurani wrote:

That's actually disgusting lol. I told you it's mostly her fault. :p

What elo is that at?
She was unranked so that's expected i guess.. it's only a normal game so i dont mind :p

just trying to get better.

me healing my adc with nami
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