
Black Sun Empire - Inpeak (Telekinesis Remix)

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HB24 wrote:

-00:55:153 (1,2) - make them parallel to match the rest of the patterns nice patterns, i don't see reasons to make their parallel
-01:00:325 (5,6) - make same DS as these 00:59:981 (3,4) - no sure, since i try to increased tension, but same ds will right too
-01:11:360 (7) - make another slider shape since u used the same for 3 patterns already changed to elbow
-01:18:256 (5) - ctrl+h for better flow maybe sure
-01:20:584 - is it me or im hearing a beat here that u missed? it is intentionally
-01:23:343 - same here
-01:23:429 (2,3) - more DS between these and less between these 01:23:084 (1,2) - since ud want to emphsize more the strong drum here 01:23:601 (3) - okay
-01:26:187 (2,3) - well same issue here if u could fix spacing would be great
-02:08:774 (3,4) - cant see why so much spacing idk
-02:13:774 (1) - since its a big white tick and a new combo leading to a strong note, i think this needs more spacing then anything :) fixed
-02:32:567 (5) - x509 y250 nice
-03:21:963 - well i wont point out anymore of these missing drums but let me know in your reply if its intended
-03:33:084 (2,3) - spacing thingie
-03:33:774 (1,2) - dont really like how this is flowing, maybe ctrl+g on 03:33:774 (1) - better okay
-03:53:429 (2,3,4,5) - well pretty much the spacing make no sense here as this note 03:53:774 (4) - have the most larger DS for no reason _____))__)+
-04:41:360 (1) - sth like this could be better, also for the flow: fine for me
-05:16:015 (4,5) - blanket them with that slidersnake:
i tried

well that all from me, nice map tbh
your mod is helpfull tbh
Thanks! :)
Shohei Ohtani
I mod a lot of your maps lmfao

00:00:000 - It might be a good idea to go into audacity and possibly add some time in the mp3 so you can map this first note? I don't know if that'll sound weird or not, but it's worth a shot.
00:00:325 - I'd prefer soft hitsounds here since the drums in the background are pretty muted atm. Pretty much soft hitsounds work for everything preceding the break.
01:09:032 (2) - not sure why you're doing this lol. Apply to all similar patterns.
02:11:015 (1) - Addition:Soft finish works better here
02:45:498 (1) - you can just go ahead and omit this lol
02:53:774 (1,1,1) - ok so I get why you're doing this and like while I disagree with having long as fuck breaks, there really isn't much you can do, lol. Maybe consider having some long pretty sliders or spinners during the breaks???
04:23:429 (1) - same as previous time.

It's a good map lol
Topic Starter

Reditum wrote:

I mod a lot of your maps lmfao

00:00:000 - It might be a good idea to go into audacity and possibly add some time in the mp3 so you can map this first note? I don't know if that'll sound weird or not, but it's worth a shot. Okay, i really should find other mp3 with good offset
00:00:325 - I'd prefer soft hitsounds here since the drums in the background are pretty muted atm. Pretty much soft hitsounds work for everything preceding the break. hm, i like normal hitsounds here, not wanna change it
01:09:032 (2) - not sure why you're doing this lol. Apply to all similar patterns. i often making testplays and these pattern work pretty fine for playing, don't worry
02:11:015 (1) - Addition:Soft finish works better here not sure, but well, Changed
02:45:498 (1) - you can just go ahead and omit this lol
02:53:774 (1,1,1) - ok so I get why you're doing this and like while I disagree with having long as fuck breaks, there really isn't much you can do, lol. Maybe consider having some long pretty sliders or spinners during the breaks??? too much peoples said me this. Okay, I will trying to do something
04:23:429 (1) - same as previous time.fixed

It's a good map lol
Thanks a lot CDFA Reditum
Yo, M4M

Combo colour 4 is a bit unfitting with the rest of the colours. Ik you're trying to like match it with the background but like dull it down or darken it a little.

  1. 01:12:912 (5,1,2) - You want jumps to have sharp changes in direction you do not want them to just go in one direction. And if you do want to do something like this for when it does suit the music then you want the spacing to be consistent. Your spacing is not consistent. I'd just move the (2) to somewhere like (40,8) and do something like this with the notes after.
  2. 01:23:774 (4,5,1) - That doesn't flow well at all. Plays quite awkwardly.
  3. 01:27:567 (1,2,3,4) - That is really hard to read.
  4. 03:39:981 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Those are just issues which stood from the rest of the map. The whole map is quite monotonal.

Few things to consider
  1. It doesn't look all that apealing
  2. You're not being very creative with your sliders either you're just sticking to straight and curved stuff
  3. A lot of the times your patterns are very random but other times they're just so repetitive. Examples 02:56:532 (1) - 03:18:601 (1) - Like idk what's going on with the spacing in that kiai time.
  4. You're not making use of SV changes. Like this is a Neuro DnB track (Lots of wubs). I'd have high and low fluctuating SVs all over the place and dick around making crazy looking shit.
Topic Starter

Yoges wrote:

Yo, M4M

Combo colour 4 is a bit unfitting with the rest of the colours. Ik you're trying to like match it with the background but like dull it down or darken it a little.

  1. 01:12:912 (5,1,2) - You want jumps to have sharp changes in direction you do not want them to just go in one direction. And if you do want to do something like this for when it does suit the music then you want the spacing to be consistent. Your spacing is not consistent. I'd just move the (2) to somewhere like (40,8) and do something like this with the notes after. did something else
  2. 01:23:774 (4,5,1) - That doesn't flow well at all. Plays quite awkwardly. ok
  3. 01:27:567 (1,2,3,4) - That is really hard to read. okay, i made a little unstack
  4. 03:39:981 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Those are just issues which stood from the rest of the map. The whole map is quite monotonal.

Few things to consider
  1. It doesn't look all that apealing
  2. You're not being very creative with your sliders either you're just sticking to straight and curved stuff
  3. A lot of the times your patterns are very random but other times they're just so repetitive. Examples 02:56:532 (1) - 03:18:601 (1) - Like idk what's going on with the spacing in that kiai time.
  4. You're not making use of SV changes. Like this is a Neuro DnB track (Lots of wubs). I'd have high and low fluctuating SVs all over the place and dick around making crazy looking shit. what?
Thanks for modding!

хп 6.5 для 5* марафона с пятисекундным спиннером в конце? пожалей хр плееров. максимум 6, а то и 5.5

да, да блич онеме для днб песенки анранк плис

я бы еще что-нибудь в теги засунул, electronic там или что-то типа того


00:21:015 (2,3,4) - вот енти 3 ноты лучше выделить нк, потомушо у тебя вторая нота на синем тике и это очень неудобно играть без какого-то выделения (нк). ну и это фактически касается всех таких моментов в начале

00:44:118 (1) - опять ты со своими гейскими нотами после спиннеров? можно же просто закончить спиннер тут 00:44:118 - и обойтись без соток

кстати дальше хз, я бы не стал ставить брейки. звуки в музыке такие шо можно и поставить пару спиннеров

01:04:808 (1) - конец этого слайдера слишком громок по отношению к 01:05:498 (1,2,3,4) -. заглуши его и я бы сделал 01:05:498 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - эти ноты чуточку погромче

01:30:670 (1) - что-то типа такого будет смотреца лучше

01:38:084 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - эти барабаны звучат как-то слииишком тихо по сравнению с другими нотами в этой части

01:44:291 (5,6) - классные джампы и паттерны интересные!!! по сравнению со спейсингом 01:44:463 (6,7) - тут выглядит оч странно и forced jumps dq pls

01:48:601 (4,1) - тут немного стак неправильный (поскольку ты везде юзал чето типо такого 01:45:498 (2,3) - )

02:11:015 (1) - очень громкий финиш для этого момента. что-то типа 55% будет в самый раз

02:34:463 (1) - ))) ну и на самом деле в эти брейки тоже бы вписались спиннеры (хотя лучше не надо, дашь отдых игрокам)

02:56:532 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - простите, а вы что, h o l l o w w i n g s?

03:07:739 (1) - тут нк лишнее, походу

03:17:912 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - опять же звучат очень тихо, сам видишь. лучше не юзать такие нормалхиты чтобы получить то, что ты хочешь. переделай их в вистлы или клэпы и юзай стандартные нормалхиты

04:23:429 (1) - ну и снова громко, поставь 55% или что-то около того

04:45:498 (1) - может какой-нибудь красивый слайдер? а то спиннер довольно неожиданный, да и после него еще нотки тыкать

05:02:049 (1,2) - какой-то тут маловатый спейсинг между слайдерами. 04:39:981 (1,2) - вот, к примеру, тут и то больше

05:36:187 - логичнее будет закончить спиннер тут, посмотри сам. лично мое мнение. 05:37:567 - или тут. тоже неплохо
Topic Starter

Slayed wrote:


хп 6.5 для 5* марафона с пятисекундным спиннером в конце? пожалей хр плееров. максимум 6, а то и 5.5 в колыбельной (Lullaby) такой же хп, а я люблю следовать традициям

да, да блич онеме для днб песенки анранк плис ненадо плс, нееееет

я бы еще что-нибудь в теги засунул, electronic там или что-то типа того Это который из БЛ'а? Kappa


00:21:015 (2,3,4) - вот енти 3 ноты лучше выделить нк, потомушо у тебя вторая нота на синем тике и это очень неудобно играть без какого-то выделения (нк). ну и это фактически касается всех таких моментов в начале нк спам какой-та получается, да и читается это нормально на самом деле, сам проверял

00:44:118 (1) - опять ты со своими гейскими нотами после спиннеров? можно же просто закончить спиннер тут 00:44:118 - и обойтись без соток ну а хули бы и нет, но могу убрать, если еще кто-то возмутится

кстати дальше хз, я бы не стал ставить брейки. звуки в музыке такие шо можно и поставить пару спиннеров идея интересная, может добавлю потом

01:04:808 (1) - конец этого слайдера слишком громок по отношению к 01:05:498 (1,2,3,4) -. заглуши его и я бы сделал 01:05:498 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - эти ноты чуточку погромче насчет слайдера все верно, но повышать громкость как-то не хочется

01:30:670 (1) - что-то типа такого будет смотреца лучше а по моему каеф

01:38:084 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - эти барабаны звучат как-то слииишком тихо по сравнению с другими нотами в этой части странно, у меня все ок

01:44:291 (5,6) - классные джампы и паттерны интересные!!! по сравнению со спейсингом 01:44:463 (6,7) - тут выглядит оч странно и forced jumps dq pls нихера не понял что ты имеешь ввиду, но анстакнул семерку на всякий случай

01:48:601 (4,1) - тут немного стак неправильный (поскольку ты везде юзал чето типо такого 01:45:498 (2,3) - ) да ето так, но тут немного другая ситуация, так почему не сделать исключение с правил

02:11:015 (1) - очень громкий финиш для этого момента. что-то типа 55% будет в самый раз нуок

02:34:463 (1) - ))) ну и на самом деле в эти брейки тоже бы вписались спиннеры (хотя лучше не надо, дашь отдых игрокам)

02:56:532 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - простите, а вы что, h o l l o w w i n g s? ну мне все такие говорят, пиздуй этот брейк мапать, ну я замапал на отсутствие звука, а такое только через стиль хв можно мапать (хв лучший маппер)

03:07:739 (1) - тут нк лишнее, походу не, т.к. тут звук капли

03:17:912 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - опять же звучат очень тихо, сам видишь. лучше не юзать такие нормалхиты чтобы получить то, что ты хочешь. переделай их в вистлы или клэпы и юзай стандартные нормалхиты у тебя что-то не так с восприятием реальности, у меня все отлично слышно dunno

04:23:429 (1) - ну и снова громко, поставь 55% или что-то около того окц

04:45:498 (1) - может какой-нибудь красивый слайдер? а то спиннер довольно неожиданный, да и после него еще нотки тыкать не, это тебе не монк, тут только суровые спиннеры

05:02:049 (1,2) - какой-то тут маловатый спейсинг между слайдерами. 04:39:981 (1,2) - вот, к примеру, тут и то больше таки да

05:36:187 - логичнее будет закончить спиннер тут, посмотри сам. лично мое мнение. 05:37:567 - или тут. тоже неплохо но там нет нихуа
Замечательный мод, спасибо за уделенное время!!!!!
-why dont u map the beat at the very beginnign? ;;
-01:16:877 (1,2) - altho i dont really with any of similar patterns, this one sounds worse due to the lack of sound to be holded. it's mapping to nothing consistent at all
-01:17:222 (3,4,1) - in addition, spacing between super slow and normal sv is better to be short ;_; large spacing is awkward to play cuz you have to hold in the same place then suddenly jump to the next slider. stuff like 01:19:981 (1,2,1) - is better cuz you keep using the same movement the whole pattern, k
-01:30:670 (1) - i was actually suprise that it wasnt an extended slider lul
-01:48:946 (1,2,3,4) - have u tried using less stuff here? like so it actually feels like a breakdown something and not like 'i like jumps' kinda thing ;( or atleast reduce spacing.. same 01:59:981 (1,2,3,4) - and after
-03:07:567 (1,1,2) - could use a variation on the pattern here, this section is kinnda dull with the stack-slider spam.. so atleast here, where you even added extra nc could be different
-03:54:118 (1,1,2) - more spacing plz, it's like you saying GO, but i have to stop and break my combo ;;
-04:23:084 (6,7,1) - this actually fits more with decreasing spacing. song suddenly stop+instruments get lower volumen and stuff i have no idea of sooo, maybe smthing like
-intro having similar spacing to the rest of the map is kinda eh imo
hope it helps a bit, gl<3
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:

-why dont u map the beat at the very beginnign? ;; because i have negative offset and... can't. Will add after chaging the mp3
-01:16:877 (1,2) - altho i dont really with any of similar patterns, this one sounds worse due to the lack of sound to be holded. it's mapping to nothing consistent at all I disagree since music shows some vibration sounds. Also it's fun imo
-01:17:222 (3,4,1) - in addition, spacing between super slow and normal sv is better to be short ;_; large spacing is awkward to play cuz you have to hold in the same place then suddenly jump to the next slider. stuff like 01:19:981 (1,2,1) - is better cuz you keep using the same movement the whole pattern, k okay, made a less spacing
-01:30:670 (1) - i was actually suprise that it wasnt an extended slider lul nah, it's will to hard if i did that
-01:48:946 (1,2,3,4) - have u tried using less stuff here? like so it actually feels like a breakdown something and not like 'i like jumps' kinda thing ;( or atleast reduce spacing.. same 01:59:981 (1,2,3,4) - and after okay, less spacing will fine
-03:07:567 (1,1,2) - could use a variation on the pattern here, this section is kinnda dull with the stack-slider spam.. so atleast here, where you even added extra nc could be different music is not diverse in this section, so i can't add some other patterns, they will boring too
-03:54:118 (1,1,2) - more spacing plz, it's like you saying GO, but i have to stop and break my combo ;; sure
-04:23:084 (6,7,1) - this actually fits more with decreasing spacing. song suddenly stop+instruments get lower volumen and stuff i have no idea of sooo, maybe smthing like okay
-intro having similar spacing to the rest of the map is kinda eh imo eh
hope it helps a bit, gl<3


  1. 00:00:017 - you have to use the same sample at both timing lines
  2. 00:07:517 (4,5) - polarity issue, usually change of polaritys like this can cause alot of confusion to hit the next object which is the case here, I'd suggest you to do this changes with sliders instead. Thinking this better just use a slider here 00:07:430 (3,4) -
  3. 00:08:292 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - as I comment previously the intro has so much changes of polarity and make the gameplay a bit uncomfortable, I'd suggest a better usage of sliders for this kind of transitions in order to make the gameplay more enjoyable, unless you want playes to retry alot the intro of this map.
  4. 00:10:534 (4,5,1) - why the spacing between 4 and 5 is larger despite 1 being the louder sound in the music?
  5. 00:21:741 (5,6,1) - basically the same as above, this case is worst tho
  6. 00:26:827 (2,3,4) - visually the same gap between objects, but in the timeline the gaps are different, if this on purpose? because things like this make this intro super uncomfortable to play
  7. 01:04:758 (8,1) - I don't see any special reason for this spacing usage, circles aren't lenient as sliders so the movement from 01:04:758 (8) - to 01:04:844 (1) - is super uncomfortable to do, also 1 isn't a strong beat in the music, but a slowdown (even you did a slow down here) just overlap them even a bit.
  8. 01:25:620 (2,1) - tails can be stacked a bit better
  9. 01:36:223 (1,1,2,1) - be more careful with spacing, 1/2 is smaller than the 1/4
  10. 01:39:413 (2) - ? what are you following there, just follow the hold that start at 01:39:327 (1) - , clicking the strong sound at 01:39:327 (1) - and then being forced to click a tiny sound at 01:39:413 (2) - isn't nice rhythmically talking
  11. 02:28:982 (1,3) - there is a tiny overlap that can be avoid easily
  12. 02:56:741 (2) - can you up the volume of this object? or make a slider with the previous one, is really hard to hear atm
  13. 03:29:327 (1,2,3,4) - in all the map I didn't get this kind of rhythm tbh using a 3/4 slider would work better, but making the blue tick clickable don't fit too much imo
  14. 03:46:310 (2,1) - tails can be stacked better
  15. last part can keep combos more consistent tho, I guess you know what I mean
  16. map is really solid, but i really dislike the intro and some rhythm usages, anyways GL with this
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:



  1. 00:00:017 - you have to use the same sample at both timing lines fck, I forgot
  2. 00:07:517 (4,5) - polarity issue, usually change of polaritys like this can cause alot of confusion to hit the next object which is the case here, I'd suggest you to do this changes with sliders instead. Thinking this better just use a slider here 00:07:430 (3,4) -
  3. 00:08:292 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - as I comment previously the intro has so much changes of polarity and make the gameplay a bit uncomfortable, I'd suggest a better usage of sliders for this kind of transitions in order to make the gameplay more enjoyable, unless you want playes to retry alot the intro of this map. Okay, I think you are right. I had did remapping and now it's should looks playable
  4. 00:10:534 (4,5,1) - why the spacing between 4 and 5 is larger despite 1 being the louder sound in the music?
  5. 00:21:741 (5,6,1) - basically the same as above, this case is worst tho
  6. 00:26:827 (2,3,4) - visually the same gap between objects, but in the timeline the gaps are different, if this on purpose? because things like this make this intro super uncomfortable to play
  7. 01:04:758 (8,1) - I don't see any special reason for this spacing usage, circles aren't lenient as sliders so the movement from 01:04:758 (8) - to 01:04:844 (1) - is super uncomfortable to do, also 1 isn't a strong beat in the music, but a slowdown (even you did a slow down here) just overlap them even a bit. okay, fixed
  8. 01:25:620 (2,1) - tails can be stacked a bit better ?
  9. 01:36:223 (1,1,2,1) - be more careful with spacing, 1/2 is smaller than the 1/4 fixed too
  10. 01:39:413 (2) - ? what are you following there, just follow the hold that start at 01:39:327 (1) - , clicking the strong sound at 01:39:327 (1) - and then being forced to click a tiny sound at 01:39:413 (2) - isn't nice rhythmically talking asad
  11. 02:28:982 (1,3) - there is a tiny overlap that can be avoid easily okay
  12. 02:56:741 (2) - can you up the volume of this object? or make a slider with the previous one, is really hard to hear atm sure added
  13. 03:29:327 (1,2,3,4) - in all the map I didn't get this kind of rhythm tbh using a 3/4 slider would work better, but making the blue tick clickable don't fit too much imo okay, I had assumed that these patterns are overmapped. Well I was should to do that
  14. 03:46:310 (2,1) - tails can be stacked better noice
  15. last part can keep combos more consistent tho, I guess you know what I mean not sure what you mead, but I tried D:
  16. map is really solid, but i really dislike the intro and some rhythm usages, anyways GL with this
Thanks for modding
kihl me

bg is so terrifying :X
00:29:585 (3,4) - i think this should have a bit more distance, at least to be able to tell the 3/4
00:32:775 (3,1) - maybe dont overlap xD?. just for asthetics. i think
00:37:603 (2,4) - ^
01:04:154 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this part in general could use a lower distance since the music gets uhm.. idk how to describe it. (higher pitch?)
01:05:879 (1,2) - consider swapping nc here, the lower pitch drums start here 01:05:965 -
01:12:344 - no note here?
01:20:620 - ^
01:23:379 - ^ ill stop pointing these xD u should stay consistent though with ur triplets
01:27:603 (1,2) - might look better if u just spaced it out completely
01:38:120 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - u can do increasing spacing here.
03:50:534 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - ^
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

kihl me srlly?

bg is so terrifying :X
00:29:585 (3,4) - i think this should have a bit more distance, at least to be able to tell the 3/4 ok
00:32:775 (3,1) - maybe dont overlap xD?. just for asthetics. i think ok
00:37:603 (2,4) - ^
01:04:154 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this part in general could use a lower distance since the music gets uhm.. idk how to describe it. (higher pitch?) Yes, I understood what you mean, but anyway structure of beats doesn't got some changing
01:05:879 (1,2) - consider swapping nc here, the lower pitch drums start here 01:05:965 - ok
01:12:344 - no note here? ok
01:20:620 - ^
01:23:379 - ^ ill stop pointing these xD u should stay consistent though with ur triplets all shit like that was fixed
01:27:603 (1,2) - might look better if u just spaced it out completely I thought about it, so ok
01:38:120 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - u can do increasing spacing here. ok
03:50:534 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - ^ not ok, since they located enough far
Thank u
  1. Any metadata proof? I can only find this (1 2). Couldn't find 'Telekinesis' within any artist or title field from a reliable source.
  2. Consider adding 'bse' to the tags.
  1. 00:05:361 (4,1) - 00:22:085 (1) - Jump could be bigger here. In the whole intro, everytime this special sound comes - you put a larger jump than usual.
  2. 01:04:844 (1) - Unsnapped.
  3. 01:05:534 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Due to the song itself, these sounds are barely audible as they blend in with the song too much. Please use hitsounds or different volume/sampleset here.
  4. 01:16:913 (1,2,1) - 03:29:327 (1,2,1) - No matter how many times I look at these patterns, it just seems really strange to me. The new section / KIAI begins on (2)... so for me it'd make sense to start the new section there with the new SV instead? It's basically 01:06:136 (3,1,2,3,4) - ...
  5. 01:27:775 (2) - 03:40:189 (2) - There's thing ongoing sound here that makes this barely audible - even with the whistle.
  6. 02:00:017 (1) - 02:22:085 (1) - 04:12:430 (1) - 04:34:499 (1) - 04:56:568 (1) - 05:29:672 (1) - Slider end could use a clap instead, or the normal sampleset like 02:01:051 (3) - .
  7. 02:56:568 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Ehhh.. didn't really like that this has exactly the same density as 03:13:810 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - which is much stronger and actually has audible sounds here at 100% to go with. It also adds to the extreme repetitiveness of this section, but it's all up to you.
  8. 03:07:603 (1,1) - 03:07:603 (1,1) - NC spam is not really needed imo, as the rest of the patterns also consistent of just (1,2,3). It looks really strange in-game due to the stack o_o
  9. 03:18:896 (2) - Why would you overmap this, if there's a clear 1/4 beat between 03:18:982 (2,3) - ?
  10. 04:29:844 (4,5) - Kinda expected a jump here, since you do that all the time here. Might take away the 'variety' here, but I feel like it doesn't really matter anymore after 4 minutes of the same thing going on to be honest and it only takes away the great overall consistency you have :?
  11. 05:28:810 (2,3,4,5,6) - Larger jump at (5,6) instead for the clap?
Overall OK, but a bit too repetitive for my taste /me blames song

Good luck!
01:04:849 (1) - анснапнуто
03:30:706 (5,6,1) - движение как-то не нравится, неудобно идёт. как насчёт такого? ещё и выглядит интересно
03:42:603 (3,4) - если свапнуть их, то движение от пятёрки к слайдеру потом будет приятнее
03:47:258 (3,1) - зачем делать такой большой джамп из ничего? в похожих местах ты так не делал, не надо так
04:42:430 (5,6) - как насчёт свапа, чтобы потом к слайдеру выделение спейсингом сильнее было, перед громким-то битом?
Ну и мету поменяй, как выше сказали, если у тебя нет достоверных сурсов. В целом аккуратно, хоть и спейсинги здоровые какие-то, ну да фиг с ними. Позовёшь потом.
Topic Starter
metadata sources Lasse made great job with that

appleeaterx wrote:

  1. Any metadata proof? I can only find this (1 2). Couldn't find 'Telekinesis' within any artist or title field from a reliable source.
  2. Consider adding 'bse' to the tags. sure

  1. 00:05:361 (4,1) - 00:22:085 (1) - Jump could be bigger here. In the whole intro, everytime this special sound comes - you put a larger jump than usual. agree
  2. 01:04:844 (1) - Unsnapped. oups
  3. 01:05:534 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Due to the song itself, these sounds are barely audible as they blend in with the song too much. Please use hitsounds or different volume/sampleset here. But I used lower volume at 01:05:964 (1,2,3) - , so it should work
  4. 01:16:913 (1,2,1) - 03:29:327 (1,2,1) - No matter how many times I look at these patterns, it just seems really strange to me. The new section / KIAI begins on (2)... so for me it'd make sense to start the new section there with the new SV instead? It's basically 01:06:136 (3,1,2,3,4) - ... They have same sounds plus I didn't used lower sv only after stream part, that gave some stability. Maybe I will changing this if it a ass pain
  5. 01:27:775 (2) - 03:40:189 (2) - There's thing ongoing sound here that makes this barely audible - even with the whistle. my bad, increased volume to 40%
  6. 02:00:017 (1) - 02:22:085 (1) - 04:12:430 (1) - 04:34:499 (1) - 04:56:568 (1) - 05:29:672 (1) - Slider end could use a clap instead, or the normal sampleset like 02:01:051 (3) - . also it's my bad, fixed
  7. 02:56:568 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Ehhh.. didn't really like that this has exactly the same density as 03:13:810 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - which is much stronger and actually has audible sounds here at 100% to go with. It also adds to the extreme repetitiveness of this section, but it's all up to you.
  8. 03:07:603 (1,1) - 03:07:603 (1,1) - NC spam is not really needed imo, as the rest of the patterns also consistent of just (1,2,3). It looks really strange in-game due to the stack o_o sure, fixed
  9. 03:18:896 (2) - Why would you overmap this, if there's a clear 1/4 beat between 03:18:982 (2,3) - ? damn, this cirlcse shouldn't be here
  10. 04:29:844 (4,5) - Kinda expected a jump here, since you do that all the time here. Might take away the 'variety' here, but I feel like it doesn't really matter anymore after 4 minutes of the same thing going on to be honest and it only takes away the great overall consistency you have :? That placement is fine imo
  11. 05:28:810 (2,3,4,5,6) - Larger jump at (5,6) instead for the clap? y
Overall OK, but a bit too repetitive for my taste /me blames song

Good luck!
Thank u for modding
Topic Starter
oups, double post
@Kyubey fixed all
Bubble #1.

Первый же?


  1. 00:35:017 (2,3,4) - (2) and (4) in sampleset should be auto, because the soft is don't sound good, but as respect you style hitsound consistency, if you wanna keep this as soft, i wonder why other object like 00:40:534 (2) is not soft, but the rhythm are repetive too much. look like this part 00:35:017 (2,3,4) is inconsistency, need change to auto in sampleset
  2. 01:26:741 (5) - should add whistle imo, because in 01:15:706 (5) - have beat + instruments strong but in 01:26:741 (5) have strong instrument but without beat, whistle would be nice here IMO
  3. 03:38:637 (2,3,4,5) - ^ same happen

  1. 01:05:792 (3,4) - the spacing would be same as 01:05:534 (1,2), would be nice because this part don't feel like starting more higher.
  2. 03:17:948 (5) - isn't should be NC like happen first kiai ? because the beats is change.
  3. 03:42:775 (4,5) - the spacing is very low, make 1.50x like you did before pattern example 03:40:361 (3,4), 03:48:292 (4,5) and many more
  4. 03:53:465 (2,3) - ^ same happen
poke when done
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:



  1. 00:35:017 (2,3,4) - (2) and (4) in sampleset should be auto, because the soft is don't sound good, but as respect you style hitsound consistency, if you wanna keep this as soft, i wonder why other object like 00:40:534 (2) is not soft, but the rhythm are repetive too much. look like this part 00:35:017 (2,3,4) is inconsistency, need change to auto in sampleset
  2. 01:26:741 (5) - should add whistle imo, because in 01:15:706 (5) - have beat + instruments strong but in 01:26:741 (5) have strong instrument but without beat, whistle would be nice here IMO
  3. 03:38:637 (2,3,4,5) - ^ same happen all fixed there

  1. 01:05:792 (3,4) - the spacing would be same as 01:05:534 (1,2), would be nice because this part don't feel like starting more higher. not absolutely agree, but I can change them, it not so important
  2. 03:17:948 (5) - isn't should be NC like happen first kiai ? because the beats is change. oh sure
  3. 03:42:775 (4,5) - the spacing is very low, make 1.50x like you did before pattern example 03:40:361 (3,4), 03:48:292 (4,5) and many more
  4. 03:53:465 (2,3) - ^ same happen yep, changed
poke when done
there no nothing problem, all look consistency

bubble #2
Topic Starter
Thank you :D
Small sugestion,

  1. 01:05:964 (1,2,3,1) - Maybe you can compressed the stream on that one into 0.40x or something? to make it more fit with stream there which is have lower volume? something like
  2. 01:38:465 (5,6,7) - The flows will be better if you try to ctrl+g that and a bit move to x:257 y:106 to readjust the spacing
  3. 01:46:913 (4,5) - and 03:59:327 (4,5) - I think the rhythm on that one better to be like , so the whole fast and slow slider on that part is more consistent
  4. 02:10:620 - Set sampleset into soft so the hithound will sound softer
  5. 02:56:568 - until 03:04:499 - Umm I don't really understand what did you try to follow on that part, literally they just a static or noise sound nothing to be mapped imo so just using another spinner will looks more reasonable Furthermore if you want to make a build up from the noise sounds I think the rhythm better be start on 03:04:844 - as the song itself begin to change
  6. 03:51:999 - Set sampleset into soft so the hithound will sound softer
  7. 03:57:085 (6) - That drum clap kinda out of place imo comparing to previous same part after second kiai
  8. 04:00:361 - Missing clap
Topic Starter

Mako Sakata wrote:

Small sugestion,

  1. 01:05:964 (1,2,3,1) - Maybe you can compressed the stream on that one into 0.40x or something? to make it more fit with stream there which is have lower volume? something like did something other. Just increase spacing betwee (3) and (4) to 0.7
  2. 01:38:465 (5,6,7) - The flows will be better if you try to ctrl+g that and a bit move to x:257 y:106 to readjust the spacing did somthing similar
  3. 01:46:913 (4,5) - and 03:59:327 (4,5) - I think the rhythm on that one better to be like , so the whole fast and slow slider on that part is more consistent Don't agree since these sounds has another structure, you may listening carefully and understood that they have trying to end at white ticks
  4. 02:10:620 - Set sampleset into soft so the hithound will sound softer fixed
  5. 02:56:568 - until 03:04:499 - Umm I don't really understand what did you try to follow on that part, literally they just a static or noise sound nothing to be mapped imo so just using another spinner will looks more reasonable Furthermore if you want to make a build up from the noise sounds I think the rhythm better be start on 03:04:844 - as the song itself begin to change no, the song sounds at these patterns, but he's sounds a pretty quiet. Also I can't represent how I can use spinner after sound of drop 02:56:568 (1) -
  6. 03:51:999 - Set sampleset into soft so the hithound will sound softer fixed
  7. 03:57:085 (6) - That drum clap kinda out of place imo comparing to previous same part after second kiai okay
  8. 04:00:361 - Missing clap fixed
Thank you Mako!
Sorry it take a long time;;

01:26:913 - until 01:28:292 - and 03:39:327 - until 03:40:706 - Try to increase the volume those parts around ~10%? both hitsound and music volume kinda too quite imo, raise the volume a bit would be nice for a better feedback

Let me know again :)
Topic Starter
alright, fixed
Also added marathon in tags cuz it's 5+ minut map lol
Seems great, qualified!
Topic Starter
Thank you <3
Ура, поздравляю!
Narrow Minds
Gratz (:
Поздравляю \w/
this is some good stuff m8, very well done
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