- Mode: Mania
- Artist: Shouta Kageyama
- Title: Relic Song
- Length: 37 seconds
- Difficulty to prioritise: All 3, but I geuss NM?
- Key: (for Mania only) 4k
- Map link: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/418275
I'm a newb mapper, so don't expect much <3
TY in advance
- Artist: Shouta Kageyama
- Title: Relic Song
- Length: 37 seconds
- Difficulty to prioritise: All 3, but I geuss NM?
- Key: (for Mania only) 4k
- Map link: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/418275
I'm a newb mapper, so don't expect much <3
TY in advance