
Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on August 18, 2016 at 10:51:31 AM

Artist: Camellia
Title: Exit This Earth's Atomosphere
Tags: RLC xlni PLANET//SHAPER drumstep electronic kamelcamellia cametek Atmosphere Girlsu Kalamitous dnb dubstep drumstep drum and bass
BPM: 170
Filesize: 25931kb
Play Time: 05:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. GiRLC's Intangible (5.55 stars, 1235 notes)
Download: Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
dear god this is so fun on double time and I can't pinpoint why.

I hope the rest of the map turns out as great. Good luck!

Topic Starter

XII wrote:

dear god this is so fun on double time and I can't pinpoint why.

I hope the rest of the map turns out as great. Good luck!

Thank you~
add atmosphere to tags because oh my lord who's even going to remember that typo
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MillhioreF wrote:

add atmosphere to tags because oh my lord who's even going to remember that typo
True, I don't even know if the typo is intentional or not
ircd on discord voic and chat for lik 3 hrs yesetrday
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bad boy
super noob mod pls mercy >.<

  • 00:44:626 (4,1) - suggesting space it along with the other streams

    00:45:773 (5) - nc? :o

    02:02:361 (3,4) - it's a big jump and the slider jump after it 02:02:361 (3,4) - doesnt get the same sort of spacing even though it gets more intense. I'd suggest either making 02:02:361 (3,4) - have a bigger jump or make the whole string of jumps slowly rise in DS
    02:26:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - i dont feel like this really follows the beat.

    02:26:185 (2) - if you dont change the anything about ^^ maybe lift this circle a bit so it blankets the slider better

    02:45:773 (3) - NC here maybe?

    04:18:243 (5) - Ctrl+g ? thought it felt better.

    04:42:949 (2) - also maybe NC here?

    04:48:949 (1,1) - i find this transition into jumps a bit wonky but not that big of a deal.

    05:03:067 (2) - guessing u missed a nc here?

    Didn't really wanna touch the wub parts since they looked alright and I'm not experienced enough to mod those parts >.<
    Overall this is a great map with really slick sliders, GJ dude I had a hard time finding anything to complain about and most of these are nitpicks.>.<<--- mod for my GD of this map if you could but dont have to.
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ChronoNig wrote:

super noob mod pls mercy >.<

  • 00:44:626 (4,1) - suggesting space it along with the other streams

    00:45:773 (5) - nc? :o Fixed

    02:02:361 (3,4) - it's a big jump and the slider jump after it 02:02:361 (3,4) - doesnt get the same sort of spacing even though it gets more intense. I'd suggest either making 02:02:361 (3,4) - have a bigger jump or make the whole string of jumps slowly rise in DS
    02:26:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - i dont feel like this really follows the beat. Ahh you're right. I never noticed the difference in beats. Should be fixed now since I added two triplets.

    02:26:185 (2) - if you dont change the anything about ^^ maybe lift this circle a bit so it blankets the slider better

    02:45:773 (3) - NC here maybe? Fixed

    04:18:243 (5) - Ctrl+g ? thought it felt better. I agree. Applied!

    04:42:949 (2) - also maybe NC here? Fixed

    04:48:949 (1,1) - i find this transition into jumps a bit wonky but not that big of a deal. Left unchanged

    05:03:067 (2) - guessing u missed a nc here? Fixed

    Didn't really wanna touch the wub parts since they looked alright and I'm not experienced enough to mod those parts >.<
    Overall this is a great map with really slick sliders, GJ dude I had a hard time finding anything to complain about and most of these are nitpicks.>.<<--- mod for my GD of this map if you could but dont have to.
Thank you for the mod :D
I'll mod your map when I get home from school
Akiyama Mizuki
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fk girlalda
Random mod Mostly just suggestions

  1. 00:04:479 (3) - You could use 1/4 here like with 00:07:391 (5) - because the music oscillates
  2. 00:13:302 (1,2,3,4) - Increase spacing (and for other notes too)
  3. 00:16:126 (1,2,3,4) - Same here 00:17:538 (1,2) - and here
  4. 00:21:773 (1,2,3,4) - In all other cases the spacing was increasing during the build up but it's just suddenly decreased here which doesn't feel right since the music is getting more intense. Do something like this.
  5. 00:29:891 (9) - Should be two 1/4 sliders listen to the music. You do this a more times in this section apply it there as well if you're going to change it.
  6. 00:38:714 (1,2,3,4) - Similar to 00:21:773 - All mouse motion in this section just completely dies. Use 2.0 spacing or more between the stacks.
  7. 00:58:479 (1) - Emm... This entire section is just long slow sliders, you could easily have mapped the piano/synth so doing this just feels lazy really.
  8. 01:35:185 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Space more
  9. 01:46:479 (1,2) - Make these swap places in timeline
  10. 02:27:067 (4) - Map the drums here not the vocals
  11. 02:37:655 (2,3) - 02:38:185 (4,5) - Ctrl+G both of these
  12. 03:15:420 (1) - Two sliders please
  13. 03:53:538 (1,2,3,4) - Same as before
  14. 04:40:126 (1,2,3,4) -
  15. 04:41:538 (1,1) - Split these into four 1/8 repeat sliders so that the clicks are on each 1/1 beat
  16. 05:17:714 - Add note

Good map but you can really do with amping up the difficulty for the non kiai sections. Atm they contrast too much with the intenser parts of the song resulting in massive difficulty spikes.
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Yoges wrote:

Random mod Mostly just suggestions

  1. 00:04:479 (3) - You could use 1/4 here like with 00:07:391 (5) - because the music oscillates True, I never noticed that before. Thank you for pointing it out! Fixed
  2. 00:13:302 (1,2,3,4) - Increase spacing (and for other notes too) That's staying, unless it becomes an actual big problem
  3. 00:16:126 (1,2,3,4) - Same here 00:17:538 (1,2) - and here Same as above
  4. 00:21:773 (1,2,3,4) - In all other cases the spacing was increasing during the build up but it's just suddenly decreased here which doesn't feel right since the music is getting more intense. Do something like this. Changes applied, thank you for the suggestion!
  5. 00:29:891 (9) - Should be two 1/4 sliders listen to the music. You do this a more times in this section apply it there as well if you're going to change it. Thank you for pointing that out, fixed.
  6. 00:38:714 (1,2,3,4) - Similar to 00:21:773 - All mouse motion in this section just completely dies. Use 2.0 spacing or more between the stacks. I think using 2.0 spacing is a bit too hard to play. Using 1.5 spacing for now
  7. 00:58:479 (1) - Emm... This entire section is just long slow sliders, you could easily have mapped the piano/synth so doing this just feels lazy really. The long sliders are staying. I personally think they add a nice touch to this music, and many other mappers do the same thing for similar songs.
  8. 01:35:185 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Space more Done
  9. 01:46:479 (1,2) - Make these swap places in timeline Good suggestion. Applied
  10. 02:27:067 (4) - Map the drums here not the vocals Thank you for pointing that out. Changes applied!
  11. 02:37:655 (2,3) - 02:38:185 (4,5) - Ctrl+G both of these Done
  12. 03:15:420 (1) - Two sliders please Fixed
  13. 03:53:538 (1,2,3,4) - Same as before Left unchanged because these stacks are already the same 1.5 spacing as the changes made onto 00:38:714 (1,2,3,4)
  14. 04:40:126 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  15. 04:41:538 (1,1) - Split these into four 1/8 repeat sliders so that the clicks are on each 1/1 beat Good point. Fixed
  16. 05:17:714 - Add note

Good map but you can really do with amping up the difficulty for the non kiai sections. Atm they contrast too much with the intenser parts of the song resulting in massive difficulty spikes.
I think I will leave this the way it is, unless it becomes a major problem. I think the map is fine in terms of how the difficulties are set in each section.

Thank you for the mod :D ~ It was very helpful!
Coming for help~

00:03:420 (2) - can increase the angle
00:04:479 (3) - suggest a 1/12 kick slider here or make a multi-bent slider
00:09:067 (2) - less curve
00:11:891 (2) - u can make a blanket here
00:16:832 (3,4) -

00:21:773 (1,2,3,4) - the curvature of these sliders are not same, for a prettier ones u can fix it
00:28:479 (6) - less curve
00:30:596 (3) - can blanket better
00:38:361 (1,2,3) - make a part-overlap on 00:37:302 (1,2,3) - will looks better
00:40:126 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - u don't have to stick all these streams together. separate some of them will be better like:

01:04:126 (1,1,1) - to much use of this hitsound causes auditory fatigue, remove some of these
01:23:185 (2) - increase hitsound volume here because u can't here if u make a combo or not
01:25:655 (2) - unnecessary circle
01:29:185 (8) -

01:53:538 (1) - due to the track i suggest stream here
01:56:008 (5,6,1) - looks a lit weird-

or just

02:19:920 add a circle here can fit the track
02:27:067 (4) - humm, why not just use some short streams with single taps?
03:27:420 (2) - increase volume or maybe try another hitsound
03:33:420 (6) - like 01:29:185 (8) -
03:42:685 (6,7) - by the way some double streams like this part confuse me but they are ok. just i think they don't fit the track perfectly
03:55:832 (2,4) - suggest parallel
04:20:538 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - here it is 1/12 if i'm right. try kick sliders
04:26:361 (3) - less curve
04:30:596 (3) - ^
04:41:538 (1,1) - 1/8
05:28:126 (1) - remove a clap or a whistle.

really nice mapping :D Good luck~
Topic Starter

FaiVillager wrote:

Coming for help~

00:03:420 (2) - can increase the angle I personally think that If i increase the angle on that It would start to look awkward. I may decrease the angle in the future but right now it looks fine.
00:04:479 (3) - suggest a 1/12 kick slider here or make a multi-bent slider I'm going to leave this part and any other similar parts with this
00:09:067 (2) - less curve Fixed
00:11:891 (2) - u can make a blanket here Done
00:16:832 (3,4) - Fixed

00:21:773 (1,2,3,4) - the curvature of these sliders are not same, for a prettier ones u can fix it Fixed
00:28:479 (6) - less curve Changes applied
00:30:596 (3) - can blanket better Done
00:38:361 (1,2,3) - make a part-overlap on 00:37:302 (1,2,3) - will looks better I agree, it does look better :D
00:40:126 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - u don't have to stick all these streams together. separate some of them will be better like:
I think they're fine the way it is. Left unchanged
01:04:126 (1,1,1) - to much use of this hitsound causes auditory fatigue, remove some of these Removed on 01:04:126 (1) - 01:15:420 (1) -
01:23:185 (2) - increase hitsound volume here because u can't here if u make a combo or not Raised from 30% to 50%
01:25:655 (2) - unnecessary circle Removed!

01:29:185 (8) - It flows better if this were unchanged in my opinion. No changes made
01:53:538 (1) - due to the track i suggest stream here Good point. Changed into two sliders instead however because I think it plays better with the music.
01:56:008 (5,6,1) - looks a lit weird- Fixed

or just

02:19:920 add a circle here can fit the track Added!
02:27:067 (4) - humm, why not just use some short streams with single taps? I think you may have modded this part before I changed it thanks to Yoges' mod. This is what I have currently
03:27:420 (2) - increase volume or maybe try another hitsound Hitsounding increased from 30% to 50%
03:33:420 (6) - like 01:29:185 (8) - Ok, I used the long slider from earlier, but I rotated it a little so that It doesn't get out of the mapping field. Changes applied
03:42:685 (6,7) - by the way some double streams like this part confuse me but they are ok. just i think they don't fit the track perfectly I think they fit perfectly :D
03:55:832 (2,4) - suggest parallel Those are staying unchanged. I think they look nice
04:20:538 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - here it is 1/12 if i'm right. try kick sliders Using 1/8 kick sliders for now. Really sad that I had to remap the pattern, since I really liked it D:
04:26:361 (3) - less curve Fixed
04:30:596 (3) - ^ Fixed
04:41:538 (1,1) - 1/8 Fixed in Yoges' mod :D
05:28:126 (1) - remove a clap or a whistle. Removed the whistle

really nice mapping :D Good luck~
Thank you very much for the mod! :D
this is an amazing map, actually playable unlike most of the other wub mappers nowadays trying to be overly edgy.

the only diff in the map

00:11:891 (2) - turn this slider into a 1/1 slider and a single on white tick like you did here 00:06:244 (2,3) - , it's more consistent that way since you did the repeat->normal->repeat pattern for the intro. having a circle there also signifies the stop for that section and shows the music change at 00:13:126 (4) -

00:38:361 (1,2,3) - kinda weird in a 3 pattern this one is just out there

00:38:714 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - change this into a regular stream maybe you can switch spacing from small -> large as it goes further into the stream (other alternatives below)
1. change it into something like 00:44:361 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2. make it closer together like 04:40:126 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -

00:44:361 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is an extremely well executed jump stream holy shit

00:58:479 (1) - blanket the head better, right now its kinda anchored downwards

01:04:126 (1) - pull the bottom out a bit and make it look more circular

01:23:185 (2,3) - decrease spacing

01:42:949 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - maybe some people might misread this since you did same thing here 00:29:538 (5,6,7,8,9) - but it didn't repeat another loop
and since the 2nd part is more emphasis than the first maybe you can make like a stacked spiral stream like the one in Nold's difficulty in "Blu", increasing spacing in the second half of the stream

03:27:420 (2,3,4) - unstack and do a back and forth jump

this map is so good tbh IF IM HONEST TBHONEST
[stoof's XXXtra]


kd plz
Topic Starter

Adore wrote:

this is an amazing map, actually playable unlike most of the other wub mappers nowadays trying to be overly edgy.

the only diff in the map

00:11:891 (2) - turn this slider into a 1/1 slider and a single on white tick like you did here 00:06:244 (2,3) - , it's more consistent that way since you did the repeat->normal->repeat pattern for the intro. having a circle there also signifies the stop for that section and shows the music change at 00:13:126 (4) -
Really good point. Changes applied!
00:38:361 (1,2,3) - kinda weird in a 3 pattern this one is just out there It's just 00:38:008 (1,2,3) - rotated 180%. I think that fine the way it is.

00:38:714 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - change this into a regular stream maybe you can switch spacing from small -> large as it goes further into the stream (other alternatives below) The first half of that stream section has it's spacing reduced to 1.0x, while the second half has been changed to this:
1. change it into something like 00:44:361 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2. make it closer together like 04:40:126 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -

00:44:361 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is an extremely well executed jump stream holy shit thanks love you too <3

00:58:479 (1) - blanket the head better, right now its kinda anchored downwards Fixed

01:04:126 (1) - pull the bottom out a bit and make it look more circular Fixed

01:23:185 (2,3) - decrease spacing Decreased it a little

01:42:949 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - maybe some people might misread this since you did same thing here 00:29:538 (5,6,7,8,9) - but it didn't repeat another loop
and since the 2nd part is more emphasis than the first maybe you can make like a stacked spiral stream like the one in Nold's difficulty in "Blu", increasing spacing in the second half of the stream

Replaced 01:42:949 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1 with something similar to 00:29:538 (5,6,7,8,9)
03:27:420 (2,3,4) - unstack and do a back and forth jump Changes applied

this map is so good tbh IF IM HONEST TBHONEST
Thanks for the mod adorechankun <33
did u fix ur blankets
Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:

did u fix ur blankets
ya i think so my grandma helped me sew it back it's really warm now : )
is good map i really need kudos to feed the family

i expect great map please feed my family
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MomoHD wrote:

is good map i really need kudos to feed the family

i expect great map please feed my family
im ga y xd
fix blankets her:
00:06:244 (2) -
00:11:891 (2) -
00:27:773 (3,4) -
01:26:008 (2,3) -
01:59:891 (5,6) -
03:58:832 (1,1) -
04:02:626 (4,1) -
04:28:479 (5,1) -
04:29:185 (2,3,4) -

ho ly gim g agemy xDdA
Topic Starter

Fyre wrote:

im ga y xd
fix blankets her:
00:06:244 (2) - Fixed
00:11:891 (2) - Fixed
00:27:773 (3,4) - Fixed
01:26:008 (2,3) - Fixed
01:59:891 (5,6) - Fixed
03:58:832 (1,1) - I don't really see a problem there lol
04:02:626 (4,1) - Fixed
04:28:479 (5,1) - Fixed
04:29:185 (2,3,4) -Fixed

ho ly gim g agemy xDdA

VINXIS wrote:

did u fix ur blankets
I want to mod this tomorrow :)

m4m, I love girls

Your hitsounds are very quiet, and if they can't be heard while using a custom skin where all the hitsounds are clicks/slaps/whatever sounds people use these days that are more distinguishable than the default osu! hitsounds, then you won't be able to hear them when using the default skin at all.
I'll throw my suggestions below

In addition, concerning drum-hitclap.wav, since this isn't frequently used during the music but rather as a highlight of sorts, I recommend renaming this to drum-hitfinish and renaming drum-finish (your actual 'clap' hitsound) to drum-hitclap. This way people who have your hitsounds disabled will still hear 'claps' where you put your clap sounds instead of a whistle hitsound from their skin. i.e. because you put your kick sounds on a whistle, people with your skin disabled will hear whatever their whistle hitsound is set to in their skin, which in most cases does not sound like a kick/clap. Only if you have time/feel like it though LOL

  1. 00:24:596 - you should use at least ~70% hitsound volume here since the drum-hitnormal is barely audible. Same for 01:21:067 - all the way up to the first kiai or for all non-kiai parts (in general I advise using 60-70% unless it's the kiai or quiet parts like 00:58:479 - , 03:02:714 - etc). You can choose to use ~70% for the kiai as well or something louder.

    If you find that the claps/any other hitsounds are too loud while the hitnormals are just audible, you can lower the volume of your other hitsounds by editing the wav
  2. 00:46:479 - consider halving your current repeat slider so you can add another 1/8 repeat slider here to map the sound that's increasing in pitch starting. It will also give a sense of movement/acceleration. Same suggestion for 04:42:949 (1) -
  3. 01:55:214 (2) - did you accidentally move this from 01:55:302 -? Should be a tick later on the white tick
  4. 02:07:655 (4) - should probably NC around here to be consistent with your NC patterning every bar. Same for 03:42:243 (5) -
  5. 02:09:508 (2,3,4,5) - x 122 y 105 to fix your blanket
  6. 02:10:832 (3,4,5,6,7) - consider moving to x374 y219 to form a triangle which might look nicer
  7. 02:17:185 (1) - consider changing this to a 1/2 slider then adding a circle right after on the red tick (you can stack it on the next slider). Since there's a strong sound on the red tick, I find that it feels nicer to have a circle to click there. You might want to increase the SV on the slider though if you do this since 1.00x is a bit low (you can even just use 2.00x or whatever since you're changing it to a 1/2)
  8. 02:28:832 (1,2,1,2) - this can be pretty confusing since it just happens out of nowhere. I would advise against doing this since you don't really have any other hanzer streams in the map and I don't feel that this rhythm in the music is special enough or anything in particular to warrant this. However, if you want to keep it, you can make the stream easier to read/anticipate without changing the actual pattern. Consider changing the stream at 02:27:773 - around so that it appears in groups of 2 to mimic the hanzer stream that follows. Here's an (shitty) idea of what you can do:
  9. 02:35:891 (1) - you can avoid the overlap with the previous slider 7 if you move this to the left more (x155 y51). The tail of the previous slider (8) + the heads of slider 1 and 2 will also form a more equilateral triangle $$$
  10. 02:37:655 (2,4) - you can NC these to be cool if you want
  11. 03:37:655 (4,1) - might look nicer if you have more space between the two objects (tail of 2 and body of 4). You can try moving 03:38:008 (1,2) - to x444 y172 so that the space between all three objects looks roughly the same, or just move it up in general to space it from 4. Don't forget to rearrange any objects after the sliders

    Same goes for 03:40:479 (4) - , you can try spacing it out more by moving it to the left (xd) and/or down a bit
  12. 03:58:832 (1) - cool effect, but it might feel cooler if you do the opposite and speed it up instead. Also 03:58:479 (1) - is just sitting there at 2.00x for some reason :o

    Consider deleting the green line at 03:58:479 - to make the slider there 1.5x sv like the one before, then make it 1/4 like the previous and add two circles after it. Then change the green line at 03:58:832 - to 2.00x to speed it up to match the high pitched sound

    Anyways it's just a suggestion/example but I hope you get what I'm trying to say
  13. 04:10:126 (5,1) - I feel that people may confuse this gap as 1/4 since it does feel a bit weird to play since there's a beat on the red tick. I recommend you try making 04:10:126 (5) - into 1/4 then adding a circle on the red tick possibly stacked with the next slider and see how that plays out. There's a moderately strong synth sound on the red tick and it might feel nicer to play with a circle instead of a slider end, idk give it a go
  14. 04:12:949 (3,1) - this feels a bit underwhelming/awkward to play depending on how you play slider 3. If you follow it all the way then you're basically going up out of the screen and exiting this earth's atmosphere, but then you remembered that you left your oven on so you loop back down and then to the right in order to hit the curve of slider 1, which feels awkward to play.

    If you only play 3/4 of the slider and use slider leniency to exit the slider's atmosphere early in order to reposition for slider 1, it feels underwhelming because slider 1 is so close and in the same direction as the dropoff from slider 3 :(

    What you can do is ctrl+h+j 04:13:302 (1) - and rearrange the circle/sliders after it. Since the slider will now curve clockwise, you can also have 04:13:566 (2,3) - go the other way towards the slider and it might flow better, or just leave it as it is

  15. 04:17:185 (1) - r u fried
    this is like when people confuse me for pkhg
    but then realize that pkhg doesnt talk like a retard xddd
    so ya pls giv some way to distinguish this from a regular 1/2 slider like the one before in some way !
  16. 04:18:596 (6) - might look nicer if you move the tail node right a bit and move the slider left a little so the slider points towards the end of 04:18:243 (5) - . Also don't forget to move the middle node of your V slider right a little since it's not exactly centered xd
  17. 04:22:832 (1,1) - how come these two are the only slow sliders in this kiai? The second one should technically be on 04:28:479 (5) - since the first one is on the first measure/iteration of the melody and so is 04:28:479 (5) - since a 'new' section starts at 04:27:420 - and 04:28:479 (5) - lies in that new section.
  18. 04:44:714 - all the 3/4 slider into 1/2 slider patterns with the SV change feel a bit unsatisfying to play tbh; the 1/2 sliders are 2x the SV of the preceding 3/4 sliders and after you play them there's a 1/2 gap before the next 3/4 slider. It just kind of leaves you there at the end of the 1/2 slider at a super high speed and then you just sit there and do nothing because the next slider is relatively close by. That's just my opinion though, you should ask some people about the patterns and see if there's any way you can improve them.
  19. 05:09:420 (1) - kind of unexpected since it looks almost identical to the preceding 1/2 sliders because of the SV reduction. Players might play this like a 1/2 then sliderbreak when they reach downwards for the next slider. What you can do is move 05:09:773 (1,2) - to the right (xd) so it picks up where the previous slow slider ends so that even if they do play it like a 1/2 slider, they won't break because the next object will be in the same direction as the previous slider (as opposed to directly below the slider). Basically it's like making it like 01:46:126 (1,1) - where the slider directly leads into another

nice like iced tea. I liked your long sliders after the first break + how you captured the atmosphere of the song, but there's always room for improvement x d

let me know if you have any questions, have fun mapping
Topic Starter

pkk wrote:

m4m, I love girls

Your hitsounds are very quiet, and if they can't be heard while using a custom skin where all the hitsounds are clicks/slaps/whatever sounds people use these days that are more distinguishable than the default osu! hitsounds, then you won't be able to hear them when using the default skin at all.
I'll throw my suggestions below

In addition, concerning drum-hitclap.wav, since this isn't frequently used during the music but rather as a highlight of sorts, I recommend renaming this to drum-hitfinish and renaming drum-finish (your actual 'clap' hitsound) to drum-hitclap. This way people who have your hitsounds disabled will still hear 'claps' where you put your clap sounds instead of a whistle hitsound from their skin. i.e. because you put your kick sounds on a whistle, people with your skin disabled will hear whatever their whistle hitsound is set to in their skin, which in most cases does not sound like a kick/clap. Only if you have time/feel like it though LOL

  1. 00:24:596 - you should use at least ~70% hitsound volume here since the drum-hitnormal is barely audible. Same for 01:21:067 - all the way up to the first kiai or for all non-kiai parts (in general I advise using 60-70% unless it's the kiai or quiet parts like 00:58:479 - , 03:02:714 - etc). You can choose to use ~70% for the kiai as well or something louder.

    If you find that the claps/any other hitsounds are too loud while the hitnormals are just audible, you can lower the volume of your other hitsounds by editing the wav
  2. 00:46:479 - consider halving your current repeat slider so you can add another 1/8 repeat slider here to map the sound that's increasing in pitch starting. It will also give a sense of movement/acceleration. Same suggestion for 04:42:949 (1) -
  3. 01:55:214 (2) - did you accidentally move this from 01:55:302 -? Should be a tick later on the white tick
  4. 02:07:655 (4) - should probably NC around here to be consistent with your NC patterning every bar. Same for 03:42:243 (5) -
  5. 02:09:508 (2,3,4,5) - x 122 y 105 to fix your blanket
  6. 02:10:832 (3,4,5,6,7) - consider moving to x374 y219 to form a triangle which might look nicer
  7. 02:17:185 (1) - consider changing this to a 1/2 slider then adding a circle right after on the red tick (you can stack it on the next slider). Since there's a strong sound on the red tick, I find that it feels nicer to have a circle to click there. You might want to increase the SV on the slider though if you do this since 1.00x is a bit low (you can even just use 2.00x or whatever since you're changing it to a 1/2)
  8. 02:28:832 (1,2,1,2) - this can be pretty confusing since it just happens out of nowhere. I would advise against doing this since you don't really have any other hanzer streams in the map and I don't feel that this rhythm in the music is special enough or anything in particular to warrant this. However, if you want to keep it, you can make the stream easier to read/anticipate without changing the actual pattern. Consider changing the stream at 02:27:773 - around so that it appears in groups of 2 to mimic the hanzer stream that follows. Here's an (shitty) idea of what you can do:
  9. 02:35:891 (1) - you can avoid the overlap with the previous slider 7 if you move this to the left more (x155 y51). The tail of the previous slider (8) + the heads of slider 1 and 2 will also form a more equilateral triangle $$$
  10. 02:37:655 (2,4) - you can NC these to be cool if you want
  11. 03:37:655 (4,1) - might look nicer if you have more space between the two objects (tail of 2 and body of 4). You can try moving 03:38:008 (1,2) - to x444 y172 so that the space between all three objects looks roughly the same, or just move it up in general to space it from 4. Don't forget to rearrange any objects after the sliders

    Same goes for 03:40:479 (4) - , you can try spacing it out more by moving it to the left (xd) and/or down a bit
  12. 03:58:832 (1) - cool effect, but it might feel cooler if you do the opposite and speed it up instead. Also 03:58:479 (1) - is just sitting there at 2.00x for some reason :o

    Consider deleting the green line at 03:58:479 - to make the slider there 1.5x sv like the one before, then make it 1/4 like the previous and add two circles after it. Then change the green line at 03:58:832 - to 2.00x to speed it up to match the high pitched sound

    Anyways it's just a suggestion/example but I hope you get what I'm trying to say
  13. 04:10:126 (5,1) - I feel that people may confuse this gap as 1/4 since it does feel a bit weird to play since there's a beat on the red tick. I recommend you try making 04:10:126 (5) - into 1/4 then adding a circle on the red tick possibly stacked with the next slider and see how that plays out. There's a moderately strong synth sound on the red tick and it might feel nicer to play with a circle instead of a slider end, idk give it a go
  14. 04:12:949 (3,1) - this feels a bit underwhelming/awkward to play depending on how you play slider 3. If you follow it all the way then you're basically going up out of the screen and exiting this earth's atmosphere, but then you remembered that you left your oven on so you loop back down and then to the right in order to hit the curve of slider 1, which feels awkward to play.

    If you only play 3/4 of the slider and use slider leniency to exit the slider's atmosphere early in order to reposition for slider 1, it feels underwhelming because slider 1 is so close and in the same direction as the dropoff from slider 3 :(

    What you can do is ctrl+h+j 04:13:302 (1) - and rearrange the circle/sliders after it. Since the slider will now curve clockwise, you can also have 04:13:566 (2,3) - go the other way towards the slider and it might flow better, or just leave it as it is

  15. 04:17:185 (1) - r u fried
    this is like when people confuse me for pkhg
    but then realize that pkhg doesnt talk like a retard xddd
    so ya pls giv some way to distinguish this from a regular 1/2 slider like the one before in some way !
  16. 04:18:596 (6) - might look nicer if you move the tail node right a bit and move the slider left a little so the slider points towards the end of 04:18:243 (5) - . Also don't forget to move the middle node of your V slider right a little since it's not exactly centered xd
  17. 04:22:832 (1,1) - how come these two are the only slow sliders in this kiai? The second one should technically be on 04:28:479 (5) - since the first one is on the first measure/iteration of the melody and so is 04:28:479 (5) - since a 'new' section starts at 04:27:420 - and 04:28:479 (5) - lies in that new section.
  18. 04:44:714 - all the 3/4 slider into 1/2 slider patterns with the SV change feel a bit unsatisfying to play tbh; the 1/2 sliders are 2x the SV of the preceding 3/4 sliders and after you play them there's a 1/2 gap before the next 3/4 slider. It just kind of leaves you there at the end of the 1/2 slider at a super high speed and then you just sit there and do nothing because the next slider is relatively close by. That's just my opinion though, you should ask some people about the patterns and see if there's any way you can improve them.
  19. 05:09:420 (1) - kind of unexpected since it looks almost identical to the preceding 1/2 sliders because of the SV reduction. Players might play this like a 1/2 then sliderbreak when they reach downwards for the next slider. What you can do is move 05:09:773 (1,2) - to the right (xd) so it picks up where the previous slow slider ends so that even if they do play it like a 1/2 slider, they won't break because the next object will be in the same direction as the previous slider (as opposed to directly below the slider). Basically it's like making it like 01:46:126 (1,1) - where the slider directly leads into another

nice like iced tea. I liked your long sliders after the first break + how you captured the atmosphere of the song, but there's always room for improvement x d

let me know if you have any questions, have fun mapping
IRC and discorded xd
Dea ex machina
um excuse me why is there a whistle here? 00:16:479 (2) - psl answer
Topic Starter

Fii wrote:

um excuse me why is there a whistle here? 00:16:479 (2) - psl answer
o oops fixed now xd
PLEASE fix the volume
02:12:596 (3,4,5,6,7) - why is the rhythm here different from everything else
05:20:714 (4) - make these like 00:04:479 (3,4) - ? fits the whole "reversing beginning of map" feel you have
00:58:479 - not sure why you chose to use sliders in this section, but it works i suppose
05:09:420 (1) - 05:15:067 (1) - these are 3/4 but 00:15:773 (4) - 00:21:420 (2) - are 1/2; is this an intentional difference
02:28:126 (1,2,3) - this should be snapped to 3/4 lo
02:37:214 (1) - this would feel a lot better if you moved it 1/4 tick later to the white tick and put a circle on the head or something
02:50:273 (2,4) - did you "resnap objects" or something with 1/4 snap? these should definitely be on 1/3

now fist me

edit: thanks for the kudosu kind stranger!

edit 2: upvoted!
give this man reddit gold!
Topic Starter

xlni wrote:

PLEASE fix the volume
02:12:596 (3,4,5,6,7) - why is the rhythm here different from everything else I
05:20:714 (4) - make these like 00:04:479 (3,4) - ? fits the whole "reversing beginning of map" feel you have LOVE
00:58:479 - not sure why you chose to use sliders in this section, but it works i suppose B
05:09:420 (1) - 05:15:067 (1) - these are 3/4 but 00:15:773 (4) - 00:21:420 (2) - are 1/2; is this an intentional difference O
02:28:126 (1,2,3) - this should be snapped to 3/4 lo A
02:37:214 (1) - this would feel a lot better if you moved it 1/4 tick later to the white tick and put a circle on the head or something T
02:50:273 (2,4) - did you "resnap objects" or something with 1/4 snap? these should definitely be on 1/3 S

now fist me after you beat me in mcpvp sure xd

edit: thanks for the kudosu kind stranger! no rpbolem@!

edit 2: upvoted!
Topic Starter

pkk wrote:

give this man reddit gold!
holy fuck the music...
magnificent <3
01:27:949 (5) - nazi, curve this more for blanket
01:32:008 (9) - could use a NC here maybe
01:32:714 (2,2,2,2) - how come these have whistles on them but 01:35:538 (2,2,2,2) -
01:38:361 - 01:39:067 - u kinda lost me here with ur hitsounding now i can see ur trying to do some kind of pattern, but keep it consistent throughout the section
01:54:244 (1,2) - perhaps it may play better if u reverse the order these sliders play by, 01:54:596 (3) - just to nerf these a bit
02:05:802 - add note?
02:06:596 (2,3,4,5,1) - i find it hard understanding the purpose of these spacing changes.. especially since u don't do them anywhere else
02:06:244 - i understand the purpose of these SV changes, but ur not being very consistent with them, like places like 02:09:067 - 02:17:538 - etc
02:25:655 (4) - nc? seems it would fit the pattern a lot
02:32:538 (2,3,4) - i feel like u definitely shouldn't be throwing spaced streams around randomly..
02:44:891 (6,7) - ^pls
02:37:655 (1) - lol.. despite what i think this may not play that bad actually.
02:50:714 (5) - nc?
03:53:538 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - pls do anything but stacking them :X just feels boring to me.
03:55:655 (1,2,3,4) - tbh looks rather bad to me as a pattern.
04:05:185 (3,4) - yo dont overlap :X
again, 04:01:655 (1) - be consistent. 04:03:067 - 04:08:714 - 04:04:479 - 04:15:773 - etc
04:18:596 (6) - should probably nc
04:44:361 - colorhaxing would be so perfect in this section @_@

sorry in my eyes this map needs some improvement consistency wise and some polishing could be done
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

01:27:949 (5) - nazi, curve this more for blanket fixed
01:32:008 (9) - could use a NC here maybe added
01:32:714 (2,2,2,2) - how come these have whistles on them but 01:35:538 (2,2,2,2) - ahh, that was my mistake. Fixed now
01:38:361 - 01:39:067 - u kinda lost me here with ur hitsounding now i can see ur trying to do some kind of pattern, but keep it consistent throughout the section Fixed
01:54:244 (1,2) - perhaps it may play better if u reverse the order these sliders play by, 01:54:596 (3) - just to nerf these a bit Changes applied
02:05:802 - add note? Added :d
02:06:596 (2,3,4,5,1) - i find it hard understanding the purpose of these spacing changes.. especially since u don't do them anywhere else I do use them in other parts of the map though. I think it plays fine, but I'll change it if i absolutely have to.
02:06:244 - i understand the purpose of these SV changes, but ur not being very consistent with them, like places like 02:09:067 - 02:17:538 - etc I think the 1.5x SV change was a mistake on my part. Changed 02:06:244 to 2.0x and removed the sv change on 02:09:067.
02:25:655 (4) - nc? seems it would fit the pattern a lot Added
02:32:538 (2,3,4) - i feel like u definitely shouldn't be throwing spaced streams around randomly.. I was trying to map according to the intensity of the music, but I'll unspace it anyways :d
02:44:891 (6,7) - ^pls Fixedd
02:37:655 (1) - lol.. despite what i think this may not play that bad actually.
02:50:714 (5) - nc? nc'ed
03:53:538 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - pls do anything but stacking them :X just feels boring to me. Remapped :x
03:55:655 (1,2,3,4) - tbh looks rather bad to me as a pattern. ^ :x
04:05:185 (3,4) - yo dont overlap :X oops sorry fixed :X
again, 04:01:655 (1) - be consistent. 04:03:067 - 04:08:714 - 04:04:479 - 04:15:773 - etc Remapped and fixed :d
04:18:596 (6) - should probably nc nc'ed
04:44:361 - colorhaxing would be so perfect in this section @_@ I'm not experienced with colorhaxing :C

sorry in my eyes this map needs some improvement consistency wise and some polishing could be done
It's alright, thanks for the mod!
i feel like the storyboard is one of the best i've ever seen

except for that flashing white strobe. The equalizer and the rain are amazing, but that white flashing is distracting. :(
I love you Shiirn.
give this man reddit gold
01:21:067 (1,2,3) - stak these u fukr
Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:

01:21:067 (1,2,3) - stak these u fukr
Topic Starter

Battle wrote:


Battle wrote:

IMO Map too hard for new players, make it a bit easier Kappa

Girl wrote:


Kalamitous wrote:


you're both dead to me!!!!!!!
Topic Starter

Spaghetti wrote:

put me in the next boogi collab :d
RLC lip service
02:27:067 (3) - new combo?
Topic Starter

Sliceofpie wrote:

02:27:067 (3) - new combo?
you're right
Topic Starter
bubble pls
Nakano Itsuki
gl !11!
checked mostly for blankets as you asked

00:09:067 (2,3,4) - fix blanket
00:30:596 (3,4) - fix blanket
01:27:949 (5,6) - fix blanket
02:21:244 (6,7) - little off if you ctrl+g and look
02:45:773 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - suggestion:
03:02:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1) - WOW
03:45:067 (1,2,3) - fix blanket
03:57:773 (1,2,3,4) - fix blanket
04:05:714 (6,1) - fix blanket if you were intending to
04:09:861 (4,5) - little off you can see if you ctrl+g
04:09:861 (4,2,1) - fix
04:14:008 (6,1) - i think this is off
04:22:832 (1,1) - fix
04:34:126 (5,1) - might be a pixel or 2 off
04:51:420 (1,1) - ^
04:56:008 (1,1) - little off, ctrl+g second note to see
04:59:185 (1,1) - fix

this map is so beautiful :cry:
Topic Starter

Espeon wrote:

checked mostly for blankets as you asked

00:09:067 (2,3,4) - fix blanket
00:30:596 (3,4) - fix blanket
01:27:949 (5,6) - fix blanket
02:21:244 (6,7) - little off if you ctrl+g and look
02:45:773 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - suggestion:
03:02:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1) - WOW
03:45:067 (1,2,3) - fix blanket
03:57:773 (1,2,3,4) - fix blanket
04:05:714 (6,1) - fix blanket if you were intending to
04:09:861 (4,5) - little off you can see if you ctrl+g
04:09:861 (4,2,1) - fix
04:14:008 (6,1) - i think this is off
04:22:832 (1,1) - fix
04:34:126 (5,1) - might be a pixel or 2 off
04:51:420 (1,1) - ^
04:56:008 (1,1) - little off, ctrl+g second note to see
04:59:185 (1,1) - fix

this map is so beautiful :cry:
All fixed thanks for mod!!! you're beautiful too ;x
no kds since not really a mod,

you have 2 soft-hitnormal58 and soft-hitnormal59

kickass map go for ranked
Topic Starter

- Yoshimaro - wrote:

no kds since not really a mod,

you have 2 soft-hitnormal58 and soft-hitnormal59

kickass map go for ranked
Thanks for pointing that out !
04:15:773 (1) - new combo seems weird here

edit: oops forgot to say no kudosu. got denied last time
Topic Starter

Sliceofpie wrote:

04:15:773 (1) - new combo seems weird here
I must've thought that was an SV change sometime ago. Thanks for pointing it out :d
noob mod
01:45:773 (1,1) - the SV changes are hard to read here. the 1:45 note has a new combo and no sv change, while the 1:46 note is the same but with a sv change. maybe remove the new combo on 01:45:773 (1) to just keep it consistent with 01:51:420 (3,4) -
01:51:773 (1) - maybe make the spacing between this note and the next note similar to 01:46:126 (1).
02:39:773 (6) - new combo?
Topic Starter

Sliceofpie wrote:

noob mod
01:45:773 (1,1) - the SV changes are hard to read here. the 1:45 note has a new combo and no sv change, while the 1:46 note is the same but with a sv change. maybe remove the new combo on 01:45:773 (1) to just keep it consistent with 01:51:420 (3,4) -
01:51:773 (1) - maybe make the spacing between this note and the next note similar to 01:46:126 (1).
02:39:773 (6) - new combo?
Sorry for the late response, all fixed !
Lince Cosmico_old

pretty good gameplay lol and nice bg :) (ye im a noob and im using relax lol)
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