
Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere

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100% track record

2 DQ's from one map :( Call me when you're ready again. I blame myself for missing that slider, but damn thats tricky to find. it's barely offscreen.
It's normally good to check via testplay for every suspicious sliders in the editor :3

Ascendance wrote:

2 DQ's from one map :(
Should we call the DQ master, Spaghetti?
Lince Cosmico_old
omg agaiin? XD
more stuff from planet//shaper please, great song
i 100% blame ascendance, honestly

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

i 100% blame ascendance, honestly
welcome to the stream ex dee can we get a Cx in the chat please a Cx in the chat thanks guys
Anyone still here
vote obama 2016

Ascendance wrote:

100% track record

2 DQ's from one map :( Call me when you're ready again. I blame myself for missing that slider, but damn thats tricky to find. it's barely offscreen.
you should give it a try

Topic Starter
Sorry for the SUPER late response I was busy with tournaments and pokemon go. D:

Sonnyc wrote:

Hey~ Pretty a nice map here. Just that I've got some concerns that could be raised. The offscreen one would be the major stuff haha
  1. 00:07:126 (4) - 00:15:773 (4) - 00:18:420 (4) - Raising some questions regarding these patterns regarding structure. You can see you have done a big difference for such instruments such as 00:04:479 (1,2) previously. Those being inconsistently expressed (at least in comboing) didn't felt highly organized. Regarding 00:15:773 (4) respectfully, you could refer 05:09:420 (1,2) which was nicely done along the music. Fixed
  2. 01:04:126 (1) - A highly personal opinion for this slider art, but avoiding the overlap in the middle of the path seems to express its shape in a better visual. I like how it encloses so I won't be changing that D:
  3. 01:38:008 (1) - This slider is offscreen. Fixed
  4. 01:38:979 - 01:40:391 - Along your rhythm selection in this section, I felt these ones redundant. It's mostly because 1/4 being constantly used in this section, while an inconsistent manner. 01:38:714 (5,6) you can see 1/4 sliders being used in a row here. While 01:38:802 is containing an instrument element, 01:38:979 was rather landing at a vague point. Landing of 01:41:802 kinda worked because it had a different usage of rhythm with 01:41:273 (2,3) to express the musical difference, but the previous case didn't felt much effective for me. I understand that making a change here would need a certain amount of rework, so if you do not agree this, please tell me why. :3 Kaifin and I had a huge discussion regarding the rhythm in these sections. I have made my points on this section in my mod response to Kaifin's mod. I believe the current state of this part is fine. No changes made.
  5. 01:43:567 (6,1) - 02:14:979 (4,5) - Just my personal opinion that these 1/4 spacing felt a little forced, but fine if you prefer the current setting. no changes
  6. 01:48:949 (1) - I think you could give a second thought on this slow down slider. If you compare with other similar usage of 01:46:126 (1) - 01:51:773 (1), you can feel there is a significant difference of the instrument while those different musics being consistently expressed. As a result, the slow down of 01:48:949 (1) made the other appropriate expressions less effective. Turned it into a curve slider so that it's different from 01:46:126 (1) and 01:51:773 (1)
  7. 01:55:655 (3,4) - 01:56:008 (5,6) - Got some plans to make these spacing consistent to give a more organized feeling? Or if you want some intensed feeling along the current status, that's fine too. Fixed spacing on 01:56:008 (5,6) so that they are now consistent with 01:55:655 (3,4)
  8. 01:57:420 (5,1) - Got some plans to increase the reverse of (5)? The 1/2 interval feels a bit long considering there is a noticable sound at 01:57:685 which was the instrument you were expressing with (5). Basically this suggestion is to give a consistent feeling with 02:03:420 (1,1). Sure, extended the reserve to the blue tick.
  9. 02:05:008 - 03:57:949 - It was a little awkward to leave this drum not expressed. I believe you could reflect the music better here. I tried this :o
  10. 03:04:126 ~ 03:24:420 - Cool key sounds. Besides that, was it only me who was a little annoyed with the sliderslide? I felt silencing them would fit the atmosphere of this part of the song along the key sounds much better. Good suggestion, I silenced the sliderslides in this section.
  11. 03:27:773 (3,4) - What's with this random jump? It feels way too over expressed compared to the song, nor is having a strong pattern. Fixed
  12. 03:38:891 (4,5) - 03:39:243 (6,1) - I believe this pattern would've been more organized if this had a consistent spacing. Fixed
  13. 03:44:979 - There is pretty a noticable beat here in the song unlike 03:43:567 - 03:44:979. Mind expressing this to reflect the song better? You've placed a note at 01:42:155 (6), and making them consistent would work better. Added
  14. 03:48:243 (2,3,4) - There weren't much flow issues in this map overall, but this was the most annoying part regarding the flows. Some idea like a ctrl+g form of 03:48:596 (3,4,5,6) would work better imo. The current flow of (2,3,4) feels too awkward to play. Fixed with ctrl+g
  15. 04:36:949 (7,1) - Considering the kiai section most likely being consisted of several 1/4 jumps with large spacing overall, this sudden concept of an anti-jump while having no drastic muscial change feels highly mismatching the concept of this section. If you look at (6,7,1), the spacing is the same while having a different rhythm. Readability concern also presents, but mostly a flawed concept I'd say. Respacing (7,1) or just simply adding a note at 04:37:214 will work better. Simply added the note :D
Good luck man.
Topic Starter
im beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak
Sorry for the SUPER late response I was busy with tournaments and pokemon go. D:
quit w
Topic Starter
where the mods at
im really love this storyboard
i would like to know how to done this qwq

anyway, good luck with this set, love it
exit this earth's qualified section
stumbled upon this map after i listened to planet//shaper again


00:04:567 (2) - consider adding something like slight sv increases to these to disrupt them from the other rhythm you are mapping here (for example, I added 1.00 SVs)
00:07:126 (4,5) - ^
00:10:214 (2) - ^
00:15:861 (5) - ^
00:18:420 (4,5) - ^
00:21:508 (3) - ^
(also the ending xd)

00:18:949 - for this section you could have the sv go up gradually until 00:23:185 -

00:27:244 - you miss the sound here by putting this long slider
00:30:067 - same as here. unless you have a good reason to keep them like this, you should look for potential better alternatives

00:44:361 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i can't deny these being a bit weird considering the constant 1/8 sound going in the background but i can't figure out a better alternative

honestly feel you could make like, the first 52 seconds a lot better just by adding svs. it's very obvious who mapped what how it is right now, not saying it's bad but that part of the map just feels lackluster compared to what rlc did in the kiai. you could make something similar but less intense for that section.

maybe even talk with rlc if he's into it xd
GiRLC's Intangible (5.55 stars, 1234 notes)
  1. Sorry for the SUPER late response I was busy with tournaments and pokemon go. D:
no kds

00:15:861 (5) - why no hitsound
01:32:361 (1) - why no water drop
Topic Starter

riktoi wrote:

stumbled upon this map after i listened to planet//shaper again


00:04:567 (2) - consider adding something like slight sv increases to these to disrupt them from the other rhythm you are mapping here (for example, I added 1.00 SVs)
00:07:126 (4,5) - ^
00:10:214 (2) - ^
00:15:861 (5) - ^
00:18:420 (4,5) - ^
00:21:508 (3) - ^
(also the ending xd) Not changing the sv for these sliders as it'll look inconsistent with the pattern of sliders I put around it

00:18:949 - for this section you could have the sv go up gradually until 00:23:185 - Nah

00:27:244 - you miss the sound here by putting this long slider sounds fine the way it currently is with the 1/2 slider
00:30:067 - same as here. unless you have a good reason to keep them like this, you should look for potential better alternatives changed the repeat slider into 2 kick sliders since a beat does exist on 00:30:155

00:44:361 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i can't deny these being a bit weird considering the constant 1/8 sound going in the background but i can't figure out a better alternative
the 1/8 is barely audible

honestly feel you could make like, the first 52 seconds a lot better just by adding svs. it's very obvious who mapped what how it is right now, not saying it's bad but that part of the map just feels lackluster compared to what rlc did in the kiai. you could make something similar but less intense for that section.
rlc's part is the most intense part of the music, the rest of the music is pretty calm compared to it
maybe even talk with rlc if he's into it xd
thanks for the mod!
Topic Starter

- Yoshimaro - wrote:

no kds

00:15:861 (5) - why no hitsound because there is a hitsound on 00:10:126 (1) - and I did not intend there to be a hitsound on 00:15:861 (5)or 00:04:567 (2) -
01:32:361 (1) - why no water drop what is water drop
Rank Atomosphere
bubble #1

Ascendance wrote:

bubble #1

the absolute madman
Sorry for the SUPER late bubble #2 I was busy with tournaments and pokemon go. D:
Topic Starter
i will grind up a timbit and snort it if atomosphere gets ranked
wht is timbit?????
lol som1 better break this map's qualified status like the world broke girl's phone
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riktoi wrote:

tim hrtons
Topic Starter

wajinshu wrote:

riktoi wrote:

Welcome back !!!!!!
Congrats !!! Hugelly deserved
yea theres a few things i wanna address before this map is moved to rank

girl mapped it, dq this garbage

hopefully you understand my concerns and good luck on requalify!

Ascendance wrote:

yea theres a few things i wanna address before this map is moved to rank

girl mapped it, dq this garbage

hopefully you understand my concerns and good luck on requalify!
roasted and toasted
good map by girldesu and rlni

Porochu wrote:

good map by girldesu and rlni

Girl wrote:

i will grind up a timbit and snort it if atomosphere gets ranked
Topic Starter

Idealism wrote:

Girl wrote:

i will grind up a timbit and snort it if atomosphere gets ranked
where's the timbit snort video come on dont stand me up
hey @Storyboarder

when r u storyboarding </emotional> ; \
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