
Rise Against - Give it All

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Did the Storyboard Diff Specific now.
Code from my .osu File:


02:01:096 - Take out this red uninherited timing section... I really didnt see any use for it. You may take out 02:03:423 - as well... I suppose that Aqua92's should have a special exception, but meh, even then, they are so wrong. Oh btw, the last red section too


00:12:803 (2) - This sounds bad to me. Id suggest to make the slider ending at 00:13:094, and add enough repeats so it will end at 00:13:676
00:17:460 (2) - Pretty much the same as above... Having these slider of one and half ticks long just sounds bad.
01:25:581 (1,1) - No real need for new combos. Just take out the new combo in 01:26:163 (1)
02:39:957 (1) - Due to its short lenght, its pretty hard to know that it is actually a slider cause it actually looks like two circles, even more for a beginner.

DC''s Hard:

00:11:638 (8) - Spacing please...
00:13:967 (8) - Same as above.
01:01:855 - Add circle here? When i was test playing, i could swear that this spot was going to have a circle seeing as you was following the guitar as well.
01:06:513 - Same as above, i suppose.
01:59:932 - Whats the point of this silence? >_>
02:40:685 (1) - Take out finish?


00:00:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - If it were me, i would just delete them all

Aqua92's Mix

Personal opinion: i really dont like the way objects overlaps others... they just looks ugly...
Also, for all the inherited timing sections related to hitsounds change, push them 1/4 earlier


01:13:936 (11,12) - These objects are badly hidden imo...

Wont look at taiko...
I'm making a few changes to my Taiko diff

Topic Starter

ErufenRito wrote:


02:01:096 - Take out this red uninherited timing section... I really didnt see any use for it. You may take out 02:03:423 - as well... I suppose that Aqua92's should have a special exception, but meh, even then, they are so wrong. Oh btw, the last red section too
All useless timing sections were added for really no reason, aside from the osu! cookie (I personally think it's a neat thing when it pulses to these timing sections). It doesn't really hurt much to have them, so I'm leaving them.


00:12:803 (2) - This sounds bad to me. Id suggest to make the slider ending at 00:13:094, and add enough repeats so it will end at 00:13:676
00:17:460 (2) - Pretty much the same as above... Having these slider of one and half ticks long just sounds bad.
I kinda thought that too, but they help keep the difficulty down (and make it progress, as the sliders at 52:39 follow this rule.
01:25:581 (1,1) - No real need for new combos. Just take out the new combo in 01:26:163 (1)
02:39:957 (1) - Due to its short lenght, its pretty hard to know that it is actually a slider cause it actually looks like two circles, even more for a beginner.
Well that's why there's no extra number and approach circle, and the earlier slider is like this one, except beginners will learn that it's a slider since the first one has a reverse arrow.

DC''s Hard:

00:11:638 (8) - Spacing please...
00:13:967 (8) - Same as above.
01:01:855 - Add circle here? When i was test playing, i could swear that this spot was going to have a circle seeing as you was following the guitar as well.
01:06:513 - Same as above, i suppose.
01:59:932 - Whats the point of this silence? >_>
02:40:685 (1) - Take out finish?
...Wait, guest difficulties have the guests edit the maps themselves right?? So I'll leave DC to this one.


00:00:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - If it were me, i would just delete them all

Aqua92's Mix

Personal opinion: i really dont like the way objects overlaps others... they just looks ugly...
Also, for all the inherited timing sections related to hitsounds change, push them 1/4 earlier
Changed timings, not dealing with the other stuff.


01:13:936 (11,12) - These objects are badly hidden imo...
Fixed.... in a sense.

Wont look at taiko...
Thanks for your mod!! It was really helpful considering that I need to finish up this map already.
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.


  • • Tags: DiamondCrash Aqua92 MittenMasterzz
    • "warning.png" contains unnecessary trasparency
    • Open all .osu files and change...
    Combo1 : 254,252,186
    Combo2 : 48,37,16
    Combo3 : 54,248,113
    Combo4 : 241,141,193
    PreviewTime: 27067
[DC's Hard]

  • • Disable countdown

  • • Disable countdown
    • 00:47:736 (2,3) - Spacing (keep "Distance Snap" active and fix it)
    • 02:01:096 (1) - Start this spinner 1/8 later (02:01:386)
[Aqua92's MiX]

  • • 00:27:942 (3) - I don't like this slider: delete it and make something different
    • 01:07:679 (8) - ^
    • 02:40:685 (1) - End this spinner here 02:45:340 (white tick)
[MM's Taiko]

  • • Add a background
All right, I tried to replace the Slider with something Different.

Just look at it :)
If you dont like it, i can change it ofcourse again :P
Feel free to change anything you dont like ^^

Download: Rise Against - Give it All (Harris73) [Aqua92's MiX].osu
02:39:448 (1,1) - remove new combo
Topic Starter

dksslqj wrote:

02:39:448 (1,1) - remove new combo
...Final health life boost?? I dunno, I feel that I should keep it. Thanks for looking over the map though.
Old map O_o~
Your sig says this is WIP..?
Match the timing for all diffs~! (Aqua's offset is +1 more, and MM's Taiko's BPM is 206.110 (the rest is 206.106), though I'm unsure about the timing completely, its playable, but not exactly right atm.. the offset is early and the BPM shifts... eh... not my forte ;-;
Whats the point of the first offset? I don't see any of the diffs using it
You don't need the title and artist in the tags >_____<
Please shift timing panels before notes for hitsounds' sake :x

Easy- I wouldn't exactly call this "Easy", but its okay as easiest diff
Overall diff felt a bit fast, lower by 1 or 2 please
I'd advise against the .5x section for "Easy"

DC's Hard- Lol, star rating is lower than Normal, but definitely Harder
Ah, cuz the sliders are long

00:09:311 (1) - note on offset isn't snapped :<
00:47:736 (2,3) - hmm, don't use 2.0 spacing with a note 1/2 apart for Normal please
01:58:767 (4) - this slider makes a little normal whistle slider slide sound at the end cuz of the timing panel, it sounds weird, remove the whistle on the slider? D:

Aqua's- @-@
I misread some patterns T.T maybe Overall diff +1? nah..
Found the slider tick sounds kinda awkward, but okay...
00:58:800 (2,4) - make these flips of each other? (the slider start and positioning)
01:01:129 (2,4) - ^
01:03:748 (3,5) - ^
01:06:660 (3,4,5,6,7) - have the spacing equal here? D:
01:07:970 (2) - not allowed~ can't have slider directly over another slider :(
The kiai for the sake of just spraying isn't really allowed, but I guess you didn't overdo it.. might be fine
>__< increased spacing was... kinda fun..

00:09:311 (1) - unsnapped >_<~
... O.o I'm fine with this...

The Taiko diff is missing a background

>___< get an expert to check timing? though it does seem playable as it is....
On a side note, the hitsounds are great~
Looks like noone likes my diff that much D:
Shal i maybe remove the increased spacing sections?
Topic Starter

Shinxyn wrote:

Old map O_o~ OLD MAAAAPPP!!!!
Your sig says this is WIP..? ._. i forgot
Match the timing for all diffs~! (Aqua's offset is +1 more, and MM's Taiko's BPM is 206.110 (the rest is 206.106), though I'm unsure about the timing completely, its playable, but not exactly right atm.. the offset is early and the BPM shifts... eh... not my forte ;-; I hope the new timing works.
Whats the point of the first offset? I don't see any of the diffs using it I like it there. The point of all these useless timing sections is that they go with the.. fadjlknjd i don't feel like explaining it again.
You don't need the title and artist in the tags >_____< I made this when I was a noob, and I didn't touch the metadata since...
Please shift timing panels before notes for hitsounds' sake :x I'm pretty sure they're all good... With the exception of 0.5x sections, but those hitsounds weren't the first intentions of those sections so I'll leave them.

>___< get an expert to check timing? though it does seem playable as it is.... Hmmm... Timed with 0.25x playback, seems correct.
On a side note, the hitsounds are great~
Thanks for the mod! I didn't really actually realize these things at all!!.... seriously! Wait so... after I fixed the map, do you come back to see if it's okay? arrrrggghh

Aqua92 wrote:

Looks like noone likes my diff that much D:
Shal i maybe remove the increased spacing sections?
Your difficulty is an interesting contrast to mines! And I think the spacing sections are fine... and Shinxyn says they're 'kinda fun' so I think we're okay.
Sonic Fumes
nice map
fakely Bubbled :3
Oh Yes! Rise Against!! Love it~
Love your map too xD So...
I give it all! (Don't have kudos so all i can give is star ;p)
put your comment here
Little Selfmod :P
00:08:747 (1) - Move to 00:08:893

Thanks Blatzk ;)

Aqua92 wrote:

Little Selfmod :P
00:08:747 (1) - Move to 00:08:893

Thanks Blatzk ;)
Np np... Just wanted to support my RA buddy ;)
Are those speed ups really necessary :/

A bit square, but nice.

00:18:340 (9) - bwah why is this hidden
00:25:908 (1,2,3) - That spacing is silly but it didn't trip me up so... If you don't want to fix the spacing, at least make the sliders' ends stack perfectly.
00:27:946 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4) - I don't really _like_ that stack.
00:48:320 (1,2,3) - That spacing doesn't really fit here.
01:07:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - That's just a silly pattern. inconsistant spacing muuuuch?
01:37:510 (4,5) - That spacing is ugly but nghhh okay
01:39:547 (4,5) - ^
02:17:385 (1,2,3,4,5) - THIS kind of spacing + unreadable pattern overdoes it A LOT

00:22:706 (5) - Hidden Repeat
02:01:668 (1) - What the fuck @ending spot. Make it end at 02:03:414 -
02:19:859 (1) - Way too short for a normal
02:38:923 (3,4,5) - That's not what you use on a normal diff x_x 1/2 stacks at this BPM are gonna freak the hell out of the normal players

DC's Hard:
It looks weird how DC's Hard is "easier" than Normal in the star rating. No idea how you could fix that.

01:23:830 (1) - too short for an easy argggh
02:01:668 (1) - What the fuck @ending spot. Make it end at 02:03:414 -

dear god
nice map:)
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

00:22:706 (5) - Hidden Repeat
02:01:668 (1) - What the fuck @ending spot. Make it end at 02:03:414 -
02:19:859 (1) - Way too short for a normal
02:38:923 (3,4,5) - That's not what you use on a normal diff x_x 1/2 stacks at this BPM are gonna freak the hell out of the normal players

01:23:830 (1) - too short for an easy argggh
02:01:668 (1) - What the fuck @ending spot. Make it end at 02:03:414 -
All fixed

Larto wrote:

00:18:340 (9) - bwah why is this hidden
00:25:908 (1,2,3) - That spacing is silly but it didn't trip me up so... If you don't want to fix the spacing, at least make the sliders' ends stack perfectly.
00:27:946 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4) - I don't really _like_ that stack. I think I fixed it maybe...
00:48:320 (1,2,3) - That spacing doesn't really fit here.
01:07:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - That's just a silly pattern. inconsistant spacing muuuuch? This one still confuses me. Map switches from 0.8x to 1.0x, consistent now.
01:37:510 (4,5) - That spacing is ugly but nghhh okay Should make more sense now.
01:39:547 (4,5) - ^
02:17:385 (1,2,3,4,5) - THIS kind of spacing + unreadable pattern overdoes it A LOTNot sure what you meant by that, reduced spacing to match the next section.
I tried to fix this as much as possible, it was somewhat hard ._.

People, tell me if it's still messed up or anything, no offence Aqua92 but you made some weird patterns xD

Harris73 wrote:

People, tell me if it's still messed up or anything, no offence Aqua92 but you made some weird patterns xD
I'm sorry .__.
WHY IS THIS MAP SO EPIC!!??!?1one? I can not stop playing this ;w;

Definitely Starred :)

On a side note, I can't resist but to map a contributory difficulty xD I already started it :P, if you want, I can upload it to the thread once I'm finished :)
Mod For MM's Taiko
00:08:881 (1,2) - Too close to each other for both of them to have a finish
00:13:683 (26) - Too close to (25) to have a Finish
00:18:340 (54,55) - The notes and the notes surrounding it are too close to have a Finish
00:46:574 (211) - Too close to (210) to have a Finish
00:48:320 (213,215) - Too close to the surrounding notes to have a finish
TIMING POINT ^00:48:90 4/4 2x bpm S - WHOAWHOAWHOA TOO FAST. Unless playing the song in Half Time the odds of being 100% accurate during this entire section is rather slim
00:50:649 (228,229,230,231) - Too close to each other to have Finishes
00:52:395 (240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247) - ^
00:55:306 (260,261,262,263) - ^
00:57:052 (272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279) - ^
02:03:415 (10) - Too close to other notes to have a Finish

Uhh; so the Taiko Map itself is good, but the hitsounds are not suitable since from what I heard, there should at least be 1/2-of-a-beat distance to have Finishes applied to the note. For any of the places where I indicated that a finish hitsound is not suitable for the gameplay, remove the hitsound :3
Topic Starter

Roley wrote:

Uhh; so the Taiko Map itself is good, but the hitsounds are not suitable since from what I heard, there should at least be 1/2-of-a-beat distance to have Finishes applied to the note. For any of the places where I indicated that a finish hitsound is not suitable for the gameplay, remove the hitsound :3
Okay I got the timing sections. But, all those finish hitsounds you mentioned... are 1/2th away.... This is 206 BPM remember? I don't play any Taiko so I can't really judge, but in my opinion those finishes are fine? After all, you can still just hit them like normal notes. And I could replace some of them with other hitsounds, but I would never completely get rid of all of them, otherwise there wouldn't be enough finishes :< At least for this map it needs lots of finishes =ω=

I think I'll leave MittenMasterzz to look at this?
The thing is I do agree that the notes sound better with the finish hitsounds, but the problem is with the game play; I know they are 1/2-of-a-beat apart from each other however the bpm is still rather fast. So unless one can quickly maneuver between hitting both don/ka keys on the keyboard then quickly changing back to single-key play; the player will be getting less points on the finish notes than usual (AFAIK you don't get the full amount of points a finish note offers if you only hit the note with one key)

Hmmn; I guess you can leave the finish notes I pointed out intact; all of them were just a suggestion I suppose :P
Map is fine but still shaky for timing so star atm.>_>
~DC's Hard~
01:55:275 (3,5) – The endings could be overlapped better

02:18:268 (6) – move one grid up
02:26:127 (4) – maybe you can place the end of 4 directly under the beginning of 2?

01:23:840 (1,2,3,4,5) – Have the endings of the previous notes overlap/lay on top of the beginnings of the following notes. Btw: @ 00:23:299 (1,2,3,4,5) – this kind of looks similar. Why not make them look the same?

all are purely aesthetic suggestions :P

~twinkle twinkle little star~

Roiley's Mix:
00:46:584 - 16
Should this combo really go up to 16? I'm not really a MOD, right? However, as a player I see a combo goes to 16 in a map like this.. I don't think it should.

Fun to play.

7 Diffs orz

02:30:784 (9,10,1) - move up to align? :3
02:36:750 (2) - Consider adding this?
02:39:807 (1) - Consider having this start at the white tick and add a repeat?

[DC's Hard]
00:26:791 (2) - Move down a grid? :3
02:39:515 (8) - Consider as a blanket slider for (7)?

00:15:440 (5) - Consider stacking this over (6) instead.

[Aqua92 MiX]
Welp short Kiai bursts

[Roley's MiX]
00:14:276 (2) - Meh slider.
01:36:647 (2) - ^
01:38:975 (8) - ^

Lot's of 1/2 notes ahaha

Nice job~ Star!
Nice Map, Star'd

Remember these are just suggestions you can always ignore :P

~All Diffs~
- Delete the following unused files:
  1. warning.png - There's no storyboard so I guess you're not using it...
  2. warning-arrow.png - I'm not sure about this, but if you're using the default one why not just force the default skin? o3o
- Add MittenMasterzz's new nick and Roley to Tags.
- Album names shouldn't be on Source, move it to Tags. Also, you say you heard this song on Need For Speed Underground 2, right? You could add this too o:
- Timing should be the same on all difficulties, Taiko diff only has one timing section. Also, I'm not sure about the rankability of the timing section at 02:01:096, what is this for? I only see spinners or notes on it (and if there was any slider there they're unrankable now so it makes even less sense to have that timing section there).
- Not a big deal, but I don't like the dark brown combocolour, it's just too dark, it's even hard to see the hitcircle drawing! I'd make it a bit brighter...

- No kiai here?

01:25:004 (TS) - What's this slowdown for? Remove it?
01:26:168 (TS) - If you delete the issue above, delete this one too.
01:44:797 (TS) - Please, move inherited sections with hitsound changes before the note they start, it will make that players who click earlier on the note won't get the wrong sound.
02:39:224 (TS) - Same as above (Though... I don't think this random soft slider fits on the song, but oh well 0.0)

~DC's Hard~
- I wonder why is this harder than Normal...

00:11:656 (8) - Fix spacing? It's totally unexpected, and I don't think this kind of sudden jumps should be on a Hard...
00:13:985 (8) - Same as above.
02:22:052 (TS) - Hmm what is this timing section for? I don't see any changes from the previous one ._.
02:40:680 (1) - Silence this spinner or use soft hitsounds? The end sounds really low...

00:09:328 (1) - Delete New Combo here?
01:14:526 (7) - I'd move this away from 01:15:399 (1,2), the hitburst makes it a bit hard to read... Why don't you do it like on the previous chorus?
01:25:004 (TS) - Same as in Easy, what is this slowdown for? I only see a circle ._.
01:26:168 (TS) - Please, move inherited sections with hitsound changes before the note they start, it will make that players who click earlier on the note won't get the wrong sound.
01:44:506 (7) - Flip vertically to make the reverse arrow totally visible.
02:38:933 (3) - Same as above.

~Roley's Mix~
01:25:004 (TS) - Same as in Easy, what is this slowdown for? I only see a circle ._.
02:02:551 (1,3) - AIMod says these notes aren't snapped correctly... (One more reason to delete that timing section)
02:40:670 (4,1) - AIMod says these notes aren't snapped correctly...
02:32:530 (5) - This note is a bit hidden, anny form you can fix this? :/

00:46:584 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I found this pretty cool 0.0
01:25:004 (TS) - Same as in Easy, what is this slowdown for? I only see a circle ._.
01:47:125 (11) - Any reason why this isn't in a straight line?
01:49:454 (7) - Same as above.
01:44:797 (TS) - Please, move inherited sections with hitsound changes before the note they start, it will make that players who click earlier on the note won't get the wrong sound.
01:56:439 (9) - Any reason why this isn't on a straight line?
02:31:367 (1,2) - These two circles are a bit hard to see...

~MM's Taiko~
No problems here!

Don't get so scared about the looong post xD
I enjoyed the map, I'm not so fan of kickstreams but they work here so I'm not going to say anything else than good luck with this!
Beuchi's Mod

Beuchi-chan wrote:


Remember these are just suggestions you can always ignore :P

~All Diffs~
- Delete the following unused files:
  1. warning.png - There's no storyboard so I guess you're not using it...
  2. warning-arrow.png - I'm not sure about this, but if you're using the default one why not just force the default skin? o3o
- Add MittenMasterzz's new nick and Roley to Tags.
- Album names shouldn't be on Source, move it to Tags. Also, you say you heard this song on Need For Speed Underground 2, right? You could add this too o:
- Timing should be the same on all difficulties, Taiko diff only has one timing section. Also, I'm not sure about the rankability of the timing section at 02:01:096, what is this for? I only see spinners or notes on it (and if there was any slider there they're unrankable now so it makes even less sense to have that timing section there).
- Not a big deal, but I don't like the dark brown combocolour, it's just too dark, it's even hard to see the hitcircle drawing! I'd make it a bit brighter...

- No kiai here?

01:25:004 (TS) - What's this slowdown for? Remove it?
01:26:168 (TS) - If you delete the issue above, delete this one too.
01:44:797 (TS) - Please, move inherited sections with hitsound changes before the note they start, it will make that players who click earlier on the note won't get the wrong sound.
02:39:224 (TS) - Same as above (Though... I don't think this random soft slider fits on the song, but oh well 0.0)

~DC's Hard~
- I wonder why is this harder than Normal...

00:11:656 (8) - Fix spacing? It's totally unexpected, and I don't think this kind of sudden jumps should be on a Hard...
00:13:985 (8) - Same as above.
02:22:052 (TS) - Hmm what is this timing section for? I don't see any changes from the previous one ._.
02:40:680 (1) - Silence this spinner or use soft hitsounds? The end sounds really low...

00:09:328 (1) - Delete New Combo here?
01:14:526 (7) - I'd move this away from 01:15:399 (1,2), the hitburst makes it a bit hard to read... Why don't you do it like on the previous chorus?
01:25:004 (TS) - Same as in Easy, what is this slowdown for? I only see a circle ._.
01:26:168 (TS) - Please, move inherited sections with hitsound changes before the note they start, it will make that players who click earlier on the note won't get the wrong sound.
01:44:506 (7) - Flip vertically to make the reverse arrow totally visible.
02:38:933 (3) - Same as above.

~Roley's Mix~
01:25:004 (TS) - Same as in Easy, what is this slowdown for? I only see a circle ._.
02:02:551 (1,3) - AIMod says these notes aren't snapped correctly... (One more reason to delete that timing section)
02:40:670 (4,1) - AIMod says these notes aren't snapped correctly...
02:32:530 (5) - This note is a bit hidden, anny form you can fix this? :/

00:46:584 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I found this pretty cool 0.0
01:25:004 (TS) - Same as in Easy, what is this slowdown for? I only see a circle ._.
01:47:125 (11) - Any reason why this isn't in a straight line?
01:49:454 (7) - Same as above.
01:44:797 (TS) - Please, move inherited sections with hitsound changes before the note they start, it will make that players who click earlier on the note won't get the wrong sound.
01:56:439 (9) - Any reason why this isn't on a straight line?
02:31:367 (1,2) - These two circles are a bit hard to see...

~MM's Taiko~
No problems here!

Don't get so scared about the looong post xD
I enjoyed the map, I'm not so fan of kickstreams but they work here so I'm not going to say anything else than good luck with this!

Afaik about the super-slow timing sections that consists of either a few notes or a spinner, those were made to make the beat of the osu! cookie on the main screen/song select screen seem more "authentic"ish with the specific part of the song (I may be wrong about this, idk :? ). For example, in the few seconds of silence before the last chorus is played, the BPM kinda felt like it was dropped 0 due to the silence, so it just seems a bit more interesting when the osu! cookie is hardly "jumping" during that silence.

That being said those timing sections are indeed unnecessary so if they are considered non-rankable then I suppose it's best to get rid of em.
Topic Starter

Beuchi-chan wrote:

- Delete the following unused files:
  1. warning.png - There's no storyboard so I guess you're not using it...
  2. warning-arrow.png - I'm not sure about this, but if you're using the default one why not just force the default skin? o3o
Was going to do that earlier, but I guess I forgot. It's gone now.

- Add MittenMasterzz's new nick and Roley to Tags.
- Album names shouldn't be on Source, move it to Tags. Also, you say you heard this song on Need For Speed Underground 2, right? You could add this too o:
- Timing should be the same on all difficulties, Taiko diff only has one timing section. Also, I'm not sure about the rankability of the timing section at 02:01:096, what is this for? I only see spinners or notes on it (and if there was any slider there they're unrankable now so it makes even less sense to have that timing section there).
- Not a big deal, but I don't like the dark brown combocolour, it's just too dark, it's even hard to see the hitcircle drawing! I'd make it a bit brighter...

~DC's Hard~
- I wonder why is this harder than Normal...
Because osu! hates my difficulties =3=
00:11:656 (8) - Fix spacing? It's totally unexpected, and I don't think this kind of sudden jumps should be on a Hard...
00:13:985 (8) - Same as above.
02:22:052 (TS) - Hmm what is this timing section for? I don't see any changes from the previous one ._.
02:40:680 (1) - Silence this spinner or use soft hitsounds? The end sounds really low...
All fix'd

01:14:526 (7) - I'd move this away from 01:15:399 (1,2), the hitburst makes it a bit hard to read... Why don't you do it like on the previous chorus?
Because I wanted some variety instead of copying/pasting. I guess this still is a bit of copy/paste, but not fully, so yeah.

~Roley's Mix~
02:32:530 (5) - This note is a bit hidden, anny form you can fix this? :/
Moved slider tail a bit and the overall positioning of the combo. It looks slightly different now, but it seems to be fine.

00:46:584 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I found this pretty cool 0.0
01:47:125 (11) - Any reason why this isn't in a straight line?
01:49:454 (7) - Same as above.
01:56:439 (9) - Any reason why this isn't on a straight line?
It's to make the stack actually have "correct" spacing. Please tell me if this is unrankable or a bad problem.
01:44:797 (TS) - Please, move inherited sections with hitsound changes before the note they start, it will make that players who click earlier on the note won't get the wrong sound.
I actually kinda thought this one fit fine there, since I thought that a Normal-finish would still be fine there. After considering it though, I moved it anyways.
02:31:367 (1,2) - These two circles are a bit hard to see...

Don't get so scared about the looong post xD
I enjoyed the map, I'm not so fan of kickstreams but they work here so I'm not going to say anything else than good luck with this!
...Yeah, that was long! And there are probably going to be a bunch of other random problems that I don't notice and this thing will continue to take longer to rank (if ever). Anyways ranking aside, thank you for that long long, thorough post! It might've nailed a bunch of those random problems I never saw, and I found it very helpful!
Unsnapped Notes.
No Kiai?
This map is a little spinner heavy, and from what I see, noobs aren't great with spinners.
00:58:226 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - The 2's in the combos get blocked by the score, it's still visible, but I'm not sure if noobs can handle it.
02:07:209 - Unrankable past here, as sliders are overlapping eachother, did you just forget to change back the slider velocity of something?

[DC's Hard]
Unsnapped Notes.
This has a countdown while the other maps do not.
Rather Clap Heavy.
Why is the star rating of this lower than the much easier Normal?


01:15:399 (3) - Nazi: Sorry but this looks bad when playing, please align it with 2.
01:25:586 (1) - I really don't think this needs a new combo.
02:01:096 Why is timing section not in the other maps? If you're going have odd timing sections you should keep them consistent.

Also has a countdown.
Doesn't have the same timing sections as the other diffs.
00:50:659 (228,229,230,231) - Aren't streams like this (finishes really fast) unrankable/unauthentic?
00:52:405 (240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247) - ^
00:55:316 (260,261,262,263) - ^
00:57:062 (272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279) - ^

Well, I'll shoot a star for now.
· osz seems to be fine, I'm not sure about the mp3's vibrate though.
· Beep! Taiko diff is lacking the first offset/BPM!
· Beep! Shouldn't be Audio lead in the same on all diffs?
· Beep! 02:01:096 @ normal. Why is this here? just use a green timing section. Same goes for 02:03:425 @Normal and Roley's. This is because the metronome will go all weird in the main screen.
· Brown combo color is really hard to see in the lower right corner fo the screen.
· Make Kiai Times the same for consistency?

01:26:168 (1) - Ugly overlap
Ugh, this is really hard for an easy imo. I dont like this diff's style in general. Too spacing is too close and the high BPM makes this really "normal-ish". Breaks are placed in a really weird way, specially since they appear when the singer goes loud and you'd expect a kiai time.

DC's Hard-
Weird, why has hard a lower star rating than normal?
00:27:665 (3,1,2,1) - Isn't thsi spacing kinda extreme? Same goes for all these similar sliders on the diff.
02:40:680 (1) - Add more timing sections to make this slowly fade away instead?
Yeah, definetly DC's style, and it looks like this diff is old, his sliders are not as great as today :P

Breaks are placed in a really weird way here too...
01:36:065 (1,2,3) - (1) and (3) overlap in a really ugly way x:

Roley's Mix-
02:19:142 (7,8) - How I'm I supposed to know that (8) has a reverse arrow?
02:40:971 (1) - Add more timing sections to make this slowly fade away instead?

00:46:584 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - Unreadeable. And I mean the jumps from 3 to 1
02:30:202 (1,1,1,1) - Is there any reason for the new combos?
...I can't say I like this

I'd be mroe carefull with the finishes, also, it seems that HP drain is a bit too high.

good luck!
Topic Starter

Krisom wrote:

· Beep! Taiko diff is lacking the first offset/BPM! That section was originally a osu! cookie gimmick which was retained through the other difficulties. It doesn't serve any real purpose aside from Roley's diff, so I don't think it's that important that it's not in the Taiko diff.
· Beep! 02:01:096 @ normal. Why is this here? just use a green timing section. Same goes for 02:03:425 @Normal and Roley's. This is because the metronome will go all weird in the main screen. Ironic because that was the initial purpose but I seemed to have forgotten this one while removing all the others. Removed.
· Brown combo color is really hard to see in the lower right corner fo the screen. I already made it brighter than it was before.

01:26:168 (1) - Ugly overlap Not really ugly in my opinion but changed anyways.

DC's Hard-
Weird, why has hard a lower star rating than normal? Will you guys stop asking me this, it's just the difference between sliders and hitcircles, there's no way I can change this.
00:27:665 (3,1,2,1) - Isn't thsi spacing kinda extreme? Same goes for all these similar sliders on the diff. If I can do it, it's fine.
02:40:680 (1) - Add more timing sections to make this slowly fade away instead? Nah.

01:36:065 (1,2,3) - (1) and (3) overlap in a really ugly way x: How is that ugly

Roley's Mix-
02:19:142 (7,8) - How I'm I supposed to know that (8) has a reverse arrow? Rotated
02:40:971 (1) - Add more timing sections to make this slowly fade away instead? Nah

00:46:584 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - Unreadeable. And I mean the jumps from 3 to 1 For an [Insane], I think jumps like this are necessary/acceptable. Good players would probably get them down real quick.
02:30:202 (1,1,1,1) - Is there any reason for the new combos? Final health boost before... THE STREAM??

good luck!
Uhm... yeah, I guess I didn't really pick up many of the points. Which probably means that something's really wrong with me, or mods are becoming more nazi and in turn, the map is getting finished. I hope. Still though, thanks for looking through my map!
Sorry I took so long. As per your request:

Insane's last uninherited timing section is ahead of all the other maps by one ms. Please line this up.
End kiai on all difficulties.
I didn't like how there were so many different points in which breaks were used for your own difficulties. It'd be better with consistency in that regard.

00:57:062 (2,1) - I've been ignoring a lot of the short repeating sliders into 1/4 notes in this so far, but this one is too much. Please try something different - it's confusing to have a short repeating slider like this with a note so quick afterward. Newer players wouldn't know when the slider is going to end until it's too late.
01:15:981 (1,2,3) - I also recommend against stacks in easys, but this one is too much compared to the rest. Please try something else.
02:16:523 (1,2,3) - ^
02:34:860 (5,1) - Stacking sliders, orz. Not on an easy, please.
02:36:024 (1,2,3) - This plays kind of awkwardly. Maybe delete the 3.
This difficulty would be just fine if it was labeled as a normal. But when it's labeled as an easy, and it's vying to be the easiest of a 6 difficulty set, I expect a fairly easy difficulty considering the spread possibilities. Try to comb through this and see what rhythms you can simplify, and make the map easier to read (mostly looking at the stack usage). A larger circle size would be nice too, but not needed, though the difficulty settings are very very high for an easy difficulty.

[DC's Hard]
01:38:975 (3) - Hooray for symmetry
01:41:304 (3) - ^

00:35:814 (1) - Remove new combo
00:36:396 (1) - ^ Apply to other instances of this rhythm
00:57:935 (1) - ^
01:36:647 (3) - Maybe reposition/reform this to reduce overlap?
01:44:506 (7) - This looks really off compared to the previous six notes (though I wouldn't mind if you refrained from such a strong boxy pattern)
The last kiai section was... kind of boring. All box mapping and just 1/1/1/1/1/1. Try to spruce it up a little with varying rhythms and such.

[Roley's Mix]
Reduce stack leniency to this:

00:27:956 (1) - That way this part doesn't look so goofy.
00:08:757 (1,2) - I was kind of expecting these two notes to be with the drums
01:58:768 (1) - Remove that clap. :<
This diff is pretty nice except for the general presentation. Most of the sliders looks really bad with sharp curves (and are possibly catmull?) followed by straight lines and 90 degree angles. Think you can make it just .. look better while still capturing the feel and general flow of the map?

00:47:166 (1) - Remove new combo, etc. for later instances of this rhythm.
01:31:408 (1) - If you're going to do small new combos like that, make sure to do it throughout the song. Otherwise it just looks accidental/half-assed when it doesn't happen later on (01:36:065 (3) - )
01:38:102 (1) - Reduce overlap please. This is pretty bad.
02:22:053 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - No offense, but this is kinda meh. It's a enta spam followed by a giant 1/4 stream, all box-mapped. Can you try to make it more... interesting rhythmically and visually? Try throwing in some small jumps on strongly-accented vocals, mix in some longer sliders for some rhythmic variety... please? :3

[MM's Taiko]
I'd call in some taiko mappers to give this a try. The finish use leaves me a little wary. Try lepidopodus, zekira, arien666, or Rokodo for starters.
Aaaand here's your recheck:

Remove Aqua92 from tags since you removed his difficulty
There's no need for that last uninherited timing section for all difficulties. :/

00:12:820 (2,1) - Think you can rearrange these so there's less overlap?
00:18:642 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Kinda boring
01:26:168 (1) - Strange spot for a lone combo note.
01:36:065 (1,2) - Please not a stacked slider in an easy. :<
02:05:098 - Maybe map something in this break? Feels empty.
This really feels like a normal still. :/

Unsnapped notes. :<
01:23:985 (1) - Feels kind of short for the difficulty.
02:24:962 (2,3,4) - All that overlap doesn't look very good. Maybe rearrange it a bit?
02:30:201 (1) - Remove new combo
02:30:784 (1) - ^
The end was much better than last time. :D

[Roley's Mix]
Still some ugly sliders, but okay.
02:40:680 - Start kiai here.
02:40:971 (1) - Start the spinner at 02:40:825 -

Raise AR by 1. That last section is really hard to read otherwise.
02:28:456 (8,9) - This is not a good place to have a jump. :x
02:29:038 (1,1,1,2,3,4) - Make all this one combo
02:30:203 (1,1,1,1) - ^
Also like what you did with the new section, mostly.
02:36:024 (1,2,3,4) - I didn't like the way this stack played with the rest of the formation. Might work better as a slider.

Anyway, I am mostly concerned with the easy difficulty being a bit on the hard side, and considering the amount of difficulties here, it's hard to justify having a harder easy with the spread possibilities. That said, I think this is good enough for a star now~

Get a couple other mods in here if you want to call me back please. Mostly want to see others' opinions on the new section in the Insane.
As per request~

02:01:678 (1) - I think it plays better if you remove this spinner, end the 0.5x timing section when 01:58:768 (3) ends, and
add a repeating slider at 02:02:552 and add a spinner at 02:03:425 that ends at 02:05:753.

The second kiai time looks...strange. A mistake?

00:35:232 (1,2,3,4) - No, don't do this in a normal diff please.
01:14:817 (1,2,1,2) - ^
02:10:701 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:40:180 (1) - Doesn't fit any part of the song D:
01:19:765 (1) - ^
02:15:649 (1) - ^

Again, second kiai time is strange. Why put it there?

[Roley's Mix]
00:34:505 (9) - Move this note to 00:34:650 and space it accordingly.
00:48:476 (1,2,3) - Move these to 00:48:330, and add a note at 00:48:912 in the place of the current note 4.

02:26:710 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This part is unnecessarily unreadable, perhaps undo some of the stacks to make it more readable?
Last part seems a bit...overmapped.
Again, second kiai 0.0

Frantic mapset :P

Have a star.
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