Por Dios esos cuadrados.
@Underforest: corregido lo del overlap. Lo demás no hace falta. Respecto de las cuadrículas, es porque no mappeo con el "grid snap" encendido, no es necesario, solo puede hacer las cosas un poco más "prolijas", pero a mí me saca de quicio porque no puedo poner las cosas exactamente donde quiero. Y el tema del hitsound, suena bastante mal, solo lo usa Laurier y no me gusta en absoluto.
@bigjoe: Yeah, dunno what happened there eeeh
http://puu.sh/m0LNZ/4f4dbac625.osuMod soon!
@chucentry: El preview point no lo cambies, está perfecto, si llegás a establecer un valor mayor se va todo al carajo. El tema del Widescreen Support, sé. Desactívalo a las dificultades que aún lo tengan.
Esto ya lo charlamos, si querés podemos hacer una conversación por Skype y cambiarlo completamente, como dijo el nardito de Kocari, es una dificultad un poco rara, no es que esté mal ni nada, pero no encaja en el spread y hay muchas cosas que se omiten huuuh.
Personally I don't agree with some rhythms buuuut huuuh they work, so good!
00:31:958 (4) - Eeeeehhhh... yeah, you don't want to do that.
00:52:543 - Too many finish hitsounds over here! On a side note, why did you suddenly increase the spacing in 00:54:458 (3,4,1) - ? If you want to tell the player there's going to be a jump, build it previously, this is supposed to be a buildup or you just want to emphasise the fact that the song is getting louder as the music goes on before entering the Kiai, start increasing the spacing previously. No for just ONE slider, that's unwanted and counterintuitive.
00:56:692 (1,2,3,1) - Please, tell me you didn't put these manually. Oh baby a triple inconsistency!
01:04:033 (1) - Finish mayyybe?
01:18:714 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Something similar to what I said above, really small changes, but they do affect gameplay. Check your spacing.
01:20:628 - This section is even harder and has more density than all the other Insanes, for the sake of the spread, you gotta neeeerrrfffff it

What is consistency? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no moooooooooorrrreee.
00:02:118 (2,3) - Why the custom stack here? If you check all your other stacks throughout the beginning of the map you will notice that the purpose of the custom stacking is used for 00:11:054 (3,4,5,1) - that 1/2 section, that's it and to be honest, that pattern breaks the whole momentum of the intensity. I don't like it and I have a lot of thing against that pattern for many many reasons, but it's your personal choice to keep it or not. Going back to my main point, you use 1/1 breaks with full stacks.
00:12:011 (2,3) - Spacing? I meeaaaann 00:14:245 (1,2,3) - uuuuuh consistencyyy!
00:44:245 (2) - What about whistle instead? No need to go full yolo with that Finish, sounds too loud.
00:53:820 - Pretty sure this should be clickable
Los NC son todos inconsistentes, qué es esta wea, Tommmmmmmmmm?
Your difficulty doesn't have video

( (( ((( ( (
00:52:543 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Hmmm.... yeah, no.
01:02:597 (1) - In case you want to place a Finish, the correct spot in my opinion would be 01:02:756 - the problem of not making clickable objects in the right place is that one. If you wanna keep that banana slider, try placing a Whistle instead!
Alright, I'm too lazy.