Arigatou Laurier-donoLaurier wrote:
Arigatou Laurier-donoLaurier wrote:
Thanks <3Hi Im Nathan wrote:
[Yuii's normal]
00:03:235 (4) - What do you think of changing its shape a little to compliment slider (2) - That'd break with the ds, but isn't a bad idea, I'll think of something else later on.
00:21:905 (1) - spacing? if this was meant to be 'just a bit out of stacking' nvm - My custom stacking, is intentional.
thanks, want rank it hope can do thisEnjoy wrote:
nice mappu owo//
Hi Im Nathan wrote:
[Yuii's normal][hard]
00:45:522 (3,1) - move a slight touch so that they dont touch
thanks!-soramaru- wrote:
01:04:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -There is close Notes after the slider . So it looks difficult rhythm . You should release a little.
- Insane
I'm sorry in rough words
Thanks for Modding!!!Zectro wrote:
m4m queue
[Laurier's Insane]
00:12:011 (2,3) - Align blanket better
00:42:171 (4,1) - ^
Can't really find anything else here, seems like a very well mapped and polished diff
00:19:352 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest using the same spacing as you did for 00:16:799 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
00:23:182 (1,2) - Use same amount of spacing between these as used for 00:23:660 (2,3) -
01:12:650 (6,1) - use same blanket distance between these as used for 01:11:692 (3,4) - ( difference, look at aproach circle: = 01:11:692 (3,4) - and = 01:12:650 (6,1) - )
Would recheck if all blankets are aligned correctly in general
Can't find anything else from this either
[Meg's Insane]
00:03:714 (3) - this one feels weird O.o
00:13:767 (3,1) - Fix blanket a tiny bit
00:18:554 (4) - Slider looks a bit meh
00:51:267 (1,3) - Blanket, fix it
01:11:692 (1,3) - Fix this blanket
01:12:969 (1,3) - ^
01:15:203 (3,1) - this could be positioned to look way better imo
This seems like a really well made mapset!
That's also the reason I couldn't find much, so I'll shoot a star at this mapset to make up for it
Thanks for modding !sodarose wrote:
[Meg's Insane]
00:46:160 (1,2) - Exchange
00:12:011 (2,3) - Bad Blanket. 00:12:490 (3) - a little down
01:11:692 (3,4) - Bad Blanket.
[Laurier's Insane]
00:18:075 00:19:352 00:20:628 (1) - 00:21:905 00:23:182 00:24:458 00:25:735 Whistle
[Del's Hard]
00:18:075 00:19:352 00:20:628 (1) - 00:21:905 00:23:182 00:24:458 00:25:735 Whistle
00:16:799 (1) - Finish
[Yuii-'s Normal]
00:03:075 (3,4) - Rhythm error
00:05:948 (1,2) - Bad flow
00:05:948 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Your Distance snap is Confused
00:16:799 (1,2,3) - ^ DS?
00:18:873 (6,1) - Stack
00:21:905 (1) - Bad DS
00:25:575 (1,2) - ^
00:44:884 (1,2) - ^
01:02:118 (2,1) - ^
01:14:245 (1,2,1) - ^
00:29:565 (2) - Bad blanket
Nice map
Thanks for modding !!!Strategas wrote:
00:02:597 (3) - I don't like this , I prefer if you made 00:02:756 - clickable
00:03:394 (1,2,3,4) - If you followed this why not start the patern from this note? 00:03:235 -
00:27:011 (1) - I can see you're following vocals int this part, but I think the drums are much better thing to follow here, they come pretty impactful here too and you already followed the vocals before that part
00:30:682 (1) - increase spacing on this note to match 00:31:320 (4) - or decrease the later one
seems like a very well built map, good job
00:56:214 (7,1) - if blanket intended it's really off lol
01:00:203 (1,2) - blanket fix
just saying but not a fan of paterns like 01:12:331 (3,4,5,6) - 00:54:458 (2,3,4,5) -
well atleast this diff doesn't have the SS destroying note at the end
00:02:118 (2,1) - these are touching weirdly
00:12:011 (2,3,1) - these need a bit of polishing now it doesn't look very even
00:37:384 (2,3) - you overlaped everywhere else but not here for some reason
Holy mother of amount of green lines in a normal
00:03:235 (4) - imo start slider on white tick
00:11:852 (1,2,3) - all of these have sliderends as quite strong beats I think you should consider making the slider start on those beats instead
00:14:565 (2,3) - ^
00:16:799 (1,2) - the angle from 1 to 2 is strange
00:18:394 (4,5,6,1) - this patern might be difficult to read for new players
um I think overall better note placement can be used, now it feels quite random to me
00:06:426 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:07:703 (3,4) - ^
00:10:256 (6,7) - ^
00:18:075 (2,3) - ^
00:21:107 (2,3) - ^ if that's what you intended there ofc
00:24:458 (3,4) - ^
00:38:501 (2,3) - ^
00:39:777 (3,1) - yeah this one idk
00:49:990 (1,2) - you should perfect this one, now it looks really strange
01:00:203 (2,3) - overlaps in easy are to be avoided, but I think it's not a big deal this one
01:05:309 (1) - slider ends needs to be pulled a bit up for better blanket
well you might want to recheck all of your blankets here
Thats all I guess, good luck!
Thanks For modding !!!!T-Mac wrote:
hi, noob here
[Meg's Insane]
as the highest diff with 188bpm, maybe AR9.2 is better?
00:01:480 - this part can be a little lighter? the same volume as 00:06:426 - this part, but i think 00:01:480 - this part's music is lighter than 00:06:426 - this, add strong drum beat since 00:06:426 - , obviously
00:16:799 - and why still 60% volume here...this part even lighter than 00:01:480 - , lighter vocal, lighter piano, no drum beats, so i think you can use 30% this part and keep 60% 00:25:735 - here
00:29:086 - 00:31:639 - add a circle here? more continuity for piano
01:21:999 - here shouldn't be 60%, too noisy obviously, so light here,30% is enough i think
00:38:501 - 00:39:777 - NC should be here, two obviously strong guitar beats in this place, and long white line here, 00:37:224 (1,2) - 00:38:501 (6,7) - 00:39:777 (4,5) - 00:41:054 (1,2) - both use whistle and clap hirsounds here? very strong this guitar beats
00:47:437 (1,2) - this part ditto
00:46:639 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - 00:52:543 (1,2,3,4,5) - unperfect pentagon
[Laurier's Insane]
find nothing
[Del's Hard]
00:28:288 (1,2,3,4) - can you 00:28:288 (1,2) - 00:28:607 (3,4) - overlap?
00:31:958 (4) - overlap with 00:32:118 (1) - like you did at 00:38:660 (2,3) - 00:39:937 (2,3) - and so on, i think that's similar so keep the same pattern plz
[Yuii-'s Normal]
this green line
00:23:501 (2) - 00:51:586 (1) - this slider so light...
Gracias Mati!Graphite Edge wrote:
[Laurier's Insane]
00:38:501 (1,2,3) - This one feels a bit weird, 00:38:501 (1) - to x:92 y:160 better positioned this way, maybe.
00:42:011 (5,6,7,8,1) - I suggest this position: 00:42:331 (1) - x:56 y:220 see
That's all i find for now, gl Tomi!
Aguante Kano y Laurier vieja! I AGREE!
thanks for moddingAvishay wrote:
[Meg's Insane][Insane]
- 00:01:480 (1,2) - Bigger spacing would be nice..
- 00:55:097 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Ok wow man, that's amazing.
[Del's Hard]
- 01:11:373 (2) - This one doesn't really fit in the whole pattern, mainly because there's a syllable on both slider head and end. Unlike 01:10:416 (2,2) - which both have one strong vocal at the slider head and it goes along well.
[Yuii-'s Normal]
- 00:02:118 (2,1) - The slight overlap looks meh.. either avoid it completely or cover more area.
- 01:06:267 (4) - I'd prefer having 2 circles here, much more satisfying with the vocals.
Everything else is just fine
- 00:02:437 (2,3) - Blanket should be improved here.
- 00:03:075 (3,4) - Overlap is pretty ugly and why is 4's head volume that low? It sounds wrong.
- 00:04:033 (1,2,3) - Try blanketing again please.
- 00:05:948 (1,2) - That movement and flow would be nice in higher difficulties but it is counter-intuitive for beginners, you should probably avoid stuff like that
- 00:16:160 (3,1) - I don't think stacking them is a good idea, especially with such low AR, really confusing.
- 00:21:107 (1,2,3,1) - Movement between sliders is awkward..
- 00:29:564 (1,2) - Blanket.
- 00:30:841 (1,2) - ^
- 00:32:118 (1,2) - ^
- 00:33:394 (1) - Would probably want to make them identical and CTRL+H, J to something like this: (The curves are one infront another)
- 00:37:224 (1,1,1,1) - I don't know.. that looks really wrong Could you use CTRL+SHIFT+D to create a proper square?
- 00:42:331 - Placing a circle here and starting the break here is preferable imo.
- 00:49:033 (1) - Spacing?
- 01:01:480 (1,2) - Blanket.
- 01:02:756 (1,2) - ^
I'd recommend getting some bigger attention into the normal difficulty, I think it lacks some proper visuals with movement that is a big thing in beginner's difficulties.
Thanks for moddingTotoiZn wrote:
Hi chucentry, just a little mod cuz im boringEasy
00:14:245 (4,5,6) - Creo que algo asi quedaria mejor
00:28:288 (3,1,2) - el blanket podria mejorar si el slider lo hicieras curvo en ves de usar el punto rojo para que se doble completamente (no se como se llama)Yuii-´s Normal
creo que hay 2 overlaps que son muy dificiles de leer debido al ritmo de la canción que son estos
00:16:799 (1) -
00:26:692 (2) -
fuera de eso: 00:18:394 (4,5,6,1) - no le veo el ritmo, quiza soy solo yo, pero podria mejorar asi:'s Hard
01:12:331 (2) - maybe change for 2 circles ?
01:25:591 (6) - i think that hs at the end of the slider its not necesaryLaurier's Insane
cant find anything wrong here (maybe change the Laurier's Insane to Laurier's Hard ?)Insane
por chat ya hablamos de un par de cosas que te recomende cambiar aca, simplemente las voy a repetir
00:53:980 (2,3,4) - no siento que haya un triple ahi
01:12:331 (5) - eso lo cambiaria por 2 notas
01:21:999 (1,1,2,3,4,5) - y le sacaria el hs a todo eso, le dejaria al primer 1 y al ultimoMeg's Insane
Same as Laurier diff
no puedo encontrar nada mas, espero que llegue a ranked algun dia, no seas pajero como yo y segui haciendo m4m asi llegas rapido
Thanks For modding !!!]Nymph[ wrote:
So M4M from #modreqEasyAbsolutely nothing to mod here purely rank materialYuii-'s NormalWell here's a few problems I'd like to take note of
At first ar 6 would suit better this map
00:05:948 (1,2) - Not so nice overlap
00:16:160 (3,1) - Circle 1 comes much later than it is expected, change ar or no stacking
00:54:458 (3) - Rotate this slider with about 40 degrees or something clockwise for smoothiness
01:13:926 (3,1) - Overlap, could be avoided
For map being for newbs, I think that you should avoid this antispacing 00:16:799 (1,2) - like this, confuses playersDel's HardAgain nothing to mod, rank material
00:25:256 (3,1) - Only thing is that this overlap disturbs meLaurier's InsaneAlmost nothing to complain, pretty smooth map
00:02:118 (2,3) - These notes here, could be remapped or stacked because circle 2 may easily be read as faster than it is, or atleast I read it like that
00:13:288 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Hard pattern to play for 3,63 star map, consider remappingInsaneIt felt as if I would have been playing ranked map, no modding neededMeg's InsaneAgain very good mapping, rank material but
00:03:714 (3) - Disturbed by this placing, overlap with 1 is too strong and antispacing
00:34:671 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This pattern is pretty hard, consider remapping
00:36:267 (3,4) - Overspacing between these notes even though the music doesn't get stronger
00:46:958 (1) - I don't hear note at the slider end, It sounds more like that blue is being continuum from red note and it confuses players, like it confused me and I got sliderbreak
00:52:543 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - This jumping pattern is overall pretty hard and complex for 5.08 star map, in my thoughts. Remapping might not be necessary but consider it, and that spam of NC at the end is little weird for me
Hope this helps!
thank you for modding]Nymph[ wrote:
So M4M from #modreqMeg's InsaneAgain very good mapping, rank material but
00:03:714 (3) - Disturbed by this placing, overlap with 1 is too strong and antispacing fixed
00:34:671 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This pattern is pretty hard, consider remapping not hard. you can do with LOOKING circles
00:36:267 (3,4) - Overspacing between these notes even though the music doesn't get stronger no changed
00:46:958 (1) - I don't hear note at the slider end, It sounds more like that blue is being continuum from red note and it confuses players, like it confused me and I got sliderbreak Couldn't you hear sound? i can hear sound easily
00:52:543 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - This jumping pattern is overall pretty hard and complex for 5.08 star map, in my thoughts. Remapping might not be necessary but consider it, and that spam of NC at the end is little weird for me no changed. snare part becomes harder inevitably
Hope this helps!
thanks for modding !! Calvin ♥walaowey wrote:
As requested by Chuchu (>3<)Meg's Insane00:15:841 (2) - the overlapping LOL, try to fix it maybe?
nice diff xDInsane00:43:637 (4,1) - swap NC? since the beat is stronger at (4) compare to (1)
00:44:884 (4,1) - ^
00:48:714 (7,8) - maybe place the notes like 00:47:437 (1,2) - bcoz both of them have the same rhythm (i mean dont stack them LOL)
01:22:717 (1,2) - the blanket for both of this can be improve
nice diff too chuuuchuuu ~Yuii's NormalWow, thats a lot of green line LOLL
00:02:437 (2,3) - blanket can be improve
00:20:469 (4,1) - ^
00:29:565 (1,2) - ^
LOL, tbh, most of the blanket dont look that nice..maybe fix them?
00:09:937 (3,1) - stack this properly with 00:08:980 (3) -
00:18:873 (6) - maybe straighten out this slider abit so its slider tail can stack with the slider tail of 00:17:756 (3)
00:26:692 (2) - imo, its not that good to stack this under the slider tail, well, its my opinion only, u can keep them if u want
00:28:288 (1) - stack it with 00:26:692 (2) ? u can move 00:27:969 (3) - abit to fix the DS
00:37:224 (1,1,1,1) - maybe u can make the pattern better for 4 of these notes? .. copy paste for all of them and turn them clockwise 90° for every that the pattern will be nicer..bcoz it looks very random now.Easy00:41:054 (1) - well maybe u can curve the slider body more so it will blanket with 00:42:331 (2)
its nice other than that ><
the diff i didnt mention = i didnt found any problem xd
and thats all from me, good luck with ranking the map
Thanks for modding brahSangzin wrote:
00:30:682 (5) - NC Fixed
00:31:320 (1) - remove NX Fixed
00:32:118 (6) - NC Fixed
00:58:926 (7) - looks NC should here, not 00:59:565 (2) - Fixed
01:02:118 (3) - x:30 y:214 to make same distance with 01:01:480 (1,2) - Fixed
01:10:256 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - I think This NC timing need to back 1/2 too add NC on downbeat. for me this is ok
01:23:436 (2) - NC? Fixed
00:41:054 (1) - Remove NC Fixed
00:42:331 (2) - And add NC here? Fixed
01:20:628 (2) - NC to notice bpm change? Fixed
A little bit nazi mod...? Anyway. Hope my mod will be helpful. GL!
Edit: wait, remap?!
only if u hug me them =A=Del05 wrote:
For the overlap mod i will consider it firstand for hitsound mod, can you change it for me chucentry ? Thank you very much
Thanks a lot my sweet Mei ♥Mei wrote:
irc20:48 chucentry: pls can we do irc to my map?
20:48 chucentry: or are busy?
20:48 Mei: ummm
20:48 Mei: all right i can do one for you
20:48 Mei: :3
20:48 Mei: np
20:49 *chucentry is listening to [ Kano - Dear Brave]
20:49 chucentry: REALLY REALLY
20:49 Mei: (´・ω・`)
20:51 Mei: 00:01:958 - maybe add a note here?
20:51 Mei: 00:01:480 (1,2) - this 2 looks too close
20:51 Mei: my personal opinion
20:54 Mei: 00:30:682 (1,5) - add whistle on 1's end 5's head
20:54 Mei: 00:34:671 (1) - add a soft whistle on the slider's head
20:55 chucentry: so
20:55 chucentry: not be a drum HS
20:55 chucentry: this slider are all soft?
20:56 Mei: yes
20:56 chucentry: fixed ♥
20:56 Mei: 00:42:171 - i heard a drum in the backgrond music
20:57 Mei: maybe add clap on 00:42:011 (5,7) -
20:57 chucentry: wow
20:57 chucentry: pro HS
20:57 chucentry: sounds good
20:59 Mei: 00:57:011 (2) - i personally perfer ctrl+g this
21:00 chucentry: mmm this idk i prefer thsi cuz i thin kahve more flow
21:01 Mei: 01:20:628 (1) - kano's voice so beautiful this part
21:01 Mei: o you just make your own decision
21:01 chucentry: this part?¿
21:01 chucentry: THIS PART?
21:01 Mei: i am just advising
21:01 chucentry: THIS PART? MEI THIS PART?
21:01 Mei: ok the whole song
21:01 Mei: | ω・´)
21:01 chucentry: not forget this mei
21:01 chucentry: uuu
21:02 chucentry: you
21:02 chucentry: you broke my heart
21:02 Mei: gomennasai (´;ω;`)
21:02 chucentry: daishobu desu
21:02 chucentry: mei wa tottemo awaii and ii hito shite kankenai demo
21:02 chucentry: THIS PART?
21:03 Mei: kano is GOD
21:03 Mei: for all time
21:03 chucentry: u steal my heart now
21:03 Mei: _(:3
21:03 chucentry: mei when a kano collab with me ?
21:04 Mei: !
21:04 Mei: when you can get a good song
21:04 Mei: i am always welcome
21:06 Mei: 01:23:436 (1) - in easy
21:06 Mei: i think these green lines in the spinner are useless
21:06 Mei: you can remove them
21:09 chucentry: my easy is 1.7 stars?
21:10 Mei: yes
21:10 Mei: it is good
21:11 Mei: i think that's all ican find ;w;
21:11 Mei: just go for a BN and get it qualified ( ´∀`)-b
21:31 chucentry: ♥ç
21:31 Mei: <3
Thanks dude i will mod your map and your map is really really good too and will be ranked so thanks and GL tooDailycare wrote:
Kano <3
00:21:905 (1) - Fix blanket Fixed
00:52:065 (5) - Stack 00:50:628 (4) this slider's tail. Fixed
00:56:692 (1) - I think this whistle sound is not suitable for here. I'd rather add to 00:57:331 (3) Fixed
01:06:905 (1) - I wanna add hitsound to here. just my opinion Fixed
01:07:224 (5) - Add whistle? Fixed
01:03:394 (3) - How about ctrl+G? Its ok for me
00:25:575 (4) - Fix a little blanket Fixed
I found only one xd. Nice map, too. But it seems like normal diff..
sorry to be late ;w; i hope your beatmap to be ranked~
I really agree with it!!!!! ↑TotoiZn wrote:
Thanks for moddingWishmaker980 wrote:
Hello! From my M4M Queue~
00:44:565 (3) - might wanna Ctrl + G
00:48:714 (7,8) - Instead of putting a double here, you can follow what you did here 00:49:990 (5,6) - and put two jumps instead
00:57:331 (3) - You can make this slider tail end on 00:57:570 - try it and see if you like it
01:03:873 (5,1) - You can place a triple here if you want,you can follow what you did at 01:01:320 (5,6,1) - and 01:02:597 (5,6,1) -
Very nice difficulty <3
Meg's Insane
00:15:203 (3) - You may wanna follow the same slider pattern as 00:14:724 (2) -
01:00:362 (2) - Fix blanket with 01:00:682 (4) -
01:01:160 (6) - ^
00:36:107 (2) - Move this note to X 268:Y 312 to sort of make a mini star jump pattern
That's all from me!Good luck in getting it ranked!
Really thanks Lami ♥Lami wrote:
small thing
- [Insane]
- Please set same volume in same spot
- 01:26:338 (1) - move to center (x256 y192) and adjust with 01:24:873 (1,2) - for matching placement with 01:26:338 (1) -
Sangzin wrote:
[Meg's Insane]
00:19:352 (1,2,3) - Timing suggestion? ok00:24:458 (1,2) - One slider? this 1/2 beat doesn't fit ok
00:46:958 (1) - Circle instead short slider? First i saw that slider and looks like 1/2 sliders keepor I'm bad at reading this slider
A little bit nazi mod...? Anyway. Hope my mod will be helpful. GL!
Dailycare wrote:
Kano <3
[Meg's Insane]
00:07:703 (4) - ctrl+G? ok
I can't find issues on this diff. nice map thx :3
sorry to be late ;w; i hope your beatmap to be ranked~
thank you allWishmaker980 wrote:
Hello! From my M4M Queue~
Meg's Insane
00:15:203 (3) - You may wanna follow the same slider pattern as 00:14:724 (2) - no changed
01:00:362 (2) - Fix blanket with 01:00:682 (4) - these are triangle patterns. keep
01:01:160 (6) - ^
00:36:107 (2) - Move this note to X 268:Y 312 to sort of make a mini star jump pattern ok
That's all from me!Good luck in getting it ranked!
Thanks for modding !bigjoe97 wrote:
queue stuff but late because i'm bad
yup looks good
yuii's normal
00:48:714 - here and in the other big white ticks i really want something clickable since it's a heavily accented beat
otherwise seems fine
del's hard
00:08:980 (1,2) - maybe add a bit of a jump here to accent the music
00:27:011 (1) - the hitsounding from here on felt kinda weird, you had accented beats with no hitsounds, slider ends with accent hitsounds, and it just didn't really follow the music or follow the map patterns very well at all. try to sync up the hitsounds with the accented beats of the music. you mapped to the vocals in this part, so hitsound to the vocals.
01:01:320 (5,1,2) - this is awkward, round it out a bit
laurier's insane
00:02:118 (2,3) - was this weird stacking on purpose?
otherwise fantastic
this played really well and i liked it al ot
meg's insane
also really nice work
Kano saikou!!! Kano #1 ♥ Kano love Kano life Kano > allUnderforest wrote:
Hey, moderación normal como has pedido en mi cola de moderación.
* = En asterisco, la moderación realizada en inglés.
鹿乃, かわいいいいいいいいGeneral
- Activa el soporte panorámico (Widescreen Support) pues el fondo es 4:3, además algunas dificultades tienen esto activado
- 00:56:692 - Establece esto como punto de vista previa, 00:56:533 no es el correcto
Despues de lo dicho por yui no entendi si dejarlo o sacarlo pero vere. GraciasEasy
¿1.70 estrellas? Muy difícil para los nuevos jugadoresmmm para mi esta bien asi
- 00:04:990 (4) - Reemplázalo por un circulo que esté en 00:05:150 Fixed
- 00:11:054 (3) - Este deslizador está indirecto, sugiero girarlo a 90 grados en sentido anti-horario Fixed
- 00:16:160 (2) - Reemplázalo por un circulo Fixed
- 00:20:628 (1) - Desactiva el nuevo combo Yo creo que esta bien
- 00:21:107 (2) - Activa el nuevo combo Same ↑
- 00:26:692 - ¿Circulo? Ok
- 00:28:288 (3) - El final de este deslizador está fuera de la pantalla (cuadrícula), arréglalo Fixed
- 00:55:097 (1) - Reemplaza esta ruleta Ok fixed
- 01:22:717 - 01:23:076 - ¿Deslizador?
No issues found Thanks
Espero mi mod haya ayudado.
Buena suerte en el ranking / in-ranking semoga berhasil / ランキングで頑張って
thanksYuii- wrote:
Your difficulty doesn't have video( (( ((( ( ( ok
00:52:543 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Hmmm.... yeah, no. ?
01:02:597 (1) - In case you want to place a Finish, the correct spot in my opinion would be 01:02:756 - the problem of not making clickable objects in the right place is that one. If you wanna keep that banana slider, try placing a Whistle instead! omg i was wrong. changed rhythm on here.
Alright, I'm too lazy.
Will update this as soon as I polish everything again because Krfawy is right, this is hella hard for a Normal, will delete a lot of trash and make better and easier patterns. I wanted to do something different but uuhuhhu hu hu hu uh uh hu uh nope.Krfawy wrote:
Ayyyyy YuiiMinus
- This difficulty kills me because it looks like one of my Advanced diffs but with hardcore patterns and lower AR so it's less readable and with more new combos so no note has any high digit/figure. Seriously, AR6 would be desired here because AR5 kills the readability skills and it makes it impossible to read for noobs due to the BPM, patterning and the slider velocity which is not 0.60x, you know?. Believe me or not, but we, noobs, also have a manner of reading maps unless they are not readable anymore. Then we just delete the maps from our osu! folder. - I don't even know why you wrote all this text because you already know this is my first Normal done L69L. That means, this is harder than a typical Normal as does not fit the spread at all... I needed more time to learn how to map a good Normal before moving this into something Ranked, I mean, why is this even here? Help me Krawuagbdasgas. Everything plays so bad at the moment that I will rework this again because everything I change will look terribly bad.
- 00:15:522 (1,2) - This kind of denies the nature of 00:14:565 (2,3) - those patterns even if rhythmically it seems okay. Still, the complexity of the pattern is scary AF and very hard if you compare it to the rest of the difficulty and not really pleasant WHEN IT'S STILL NORMAL, FOR GOD'S SAKE. ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? - (2) is the piano, y'knowwwww.
- 00:18:394 (4,5,6) - I. Don't. Want. To. Live. On. This. Planet. Anymore. When it comes to another diff just after the easiest one, we would want to play something that is a bit harder but not too much, right? *THIS* should be self explanatory. - Yeah, BPM is too high eeeeh, changed because your mom. But I won't use your slidershape, OKAY? okay,okay.
- 00:21:107 (1,2) - That would be easier if the first note was a 1/2 slider with one reversing and then you could just let it go as it is. - Yeah, and I don't even fucking know why is (2) so curved to the left, that's bad.
- 00:42:331 (2) - According to your patterning this should be: a) NC'd; b) placed at the same XY position just like 00:37:224 (1) - this note; c) BOTH. Why? Now it's ugly and seems rather random for me the player and doesn't make any sense now + there's a really long break so we can cheat a bit. L69L Actually I made that on purpose. Everything is on purpose, even the NC.
- 00:47:118 (1) - And that would be easier to read if the first note was not stacked with another one, seriously. Yeah, seems legit it's not the easiest difficulty and there is a break so there's lots of reaction, but it is hard to feel the music and the map if there is too much time to react and there is a sudden stack, seriously.
- 01:02:756 (1,2,1) - May I ask what the hell is going on here with the transition from one note to another? It seriously confuses me when I play it and I cry. ;_; So, I recommend anything that requires less thinking like *THIS*. Yes, I know, it is unpolished and it breaks the pattern you made here: 01:01:480 (1,2,1) - but this is a quick example of something that flows more. I always require good patterning and good flow in the easiest difficulties so everyone dies when it comes to me mod easy diffs. Sorry guys, but I require impossible quality and you can ask Oko about it HUEHUEHUE. \o/ - Please, tell me that's a joke. Because imma cry if it's not.
- 01:10:096 (1) - I think you mistook the placement of the new combo with 01:10:415 (2) - this note. - Aw wow, you good.
- 01:16:160 (2) - How about you place it at (X=8 | Y=243) and 01:16:480 (3) - this at (X=83 | Y=322) so the pattern is neat, symmetrical, polished, mathematical, geometrical and so-called 'on a purpose and explicable' and not
lame .3.not really polished anymore? :3 - Fairly speaking, this is lame hah.
Thanks of modding!!!Krfawy wrote:
Good morning everyone, a mod as requested in my Bleeding Queue. \o3o/
EasyFixed all
- I highly recommend you AR4.1 because any lower would not easily show the difference between regular 2/2 and 3/2 gaps between notes.
- 00:41:054 (1,2) - The. Flow. Here. Is. Broken. And. I. Cry. Everytime. Please. Move. It. Somewhere. Next. To. Instead. Of. Underneath. Or. Just. Nearby.
Hope rank it. Im waiting the yui normal update and 1 or 2 mods more and them ask a BN reqEnjoy wrote:
rank pls =w=
I love Kano <3
I hope so, just see her... Kano =w=Enjoy wrote:
rank pls =w=
I love Kano <3
Thanks for moddingGandalfr wrote:
Hi mom
ONLY SUGGESTIONSM4M Easy00:05:150 - (4) -Try making a slider here 00:04:990 - to 00:05:150 - .Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize the red gap. for newbies
00:12:011 (1) - downbeat
00:55:097 (1) - ^Del's HardHm...
01:01:480 (1) - control g
01:01:958 (2) - x48 y272
01:02:118 (3) - control j + x124 y224
01:02:437 (4,5,6,1) - > + x241 y318
01:03:235 (2) - x241 y318
01:03:394 (3) - control h + x309 y266
01:03:714 (4) - delete and copy 01:03:394 (3) - and paste + x175 y185
01:04:033 (1,2,3,4) - > + control H + x264 y 208
01:04:671 (3) - control g
01:04:990 (4) - ^^
01:05:309 (1,2,3) - > and x204 y246
01:06:267 (4,5) - (4) x440 y192 (5) x428 y296
01:21:999 (1) - down beatLaurier's InsaneI see nothing.. lolInsane01:21:999 (1) - try control g
00:07:384 (4,5) - control g
00:07:703 (6) - ^
00:10:894 (3,4) - ^
00:11:214 (5) - x239 y203
00:56:692 (1,2) - try making curve
00:57:331 (3) - curve and make stream. along one gap more's InsaneI see nothing...
Thnaks for modding!!!!!Electoz wrote:
Hi, from my modding queue~ Please don't expect a quality mod on a +31 sp map lol.
- Concurent volume value for red-green line in Easy, Del's Hard and Laurier's Insane at 00:01:480 .
[Easy]I will fix them need thin ka lot
- 00:53:820 (2,1) - A spacing error. Fixed
- 00:27:011 (1,3) - Well, they're pretty close so they gave off a bit weird symmetry for some reason.
And yeah that's probably it from me, hope my mod helped tho.
Good luck~
Hi kurante emm...KuranteMelodii wrote:
When this will ranked
updateYuii- wrote:
Alright, reworked. Let's wait for the update and let Giralda come!
yeah calvin the train go to try to rank itwalaowey wrote:
ChuChuu GoGo 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
Giralda wrote:
i have been summoned
- 00:07:224 (3,4,5) - Maybe try this instead? I think it flows much better this way if you consider spacing: fixed
- 01:03:394 (3) - Try Ctrl+G? mm idk i like how looks now
- 01:07:862 (1) - Hmm why this anchor slider here when you didn't do it at 00:57:650 (1) ? They're similar parts but I don't hear anything different that requires an anchor slider there.
sorry I haven't been that active in modding so this might not be to your expectations, but this set is actually quite nice. <3
Update: wrote:
i have been summoned - Hi, Ryannn! I'm leaving down some comments about your advices!
[Yuii's Normal]
god mapper - Well... thank you ♥
- 00:08:501 (4,5) and 00:19:671 (2,3) - - For some reason these are actually pretty tricky to play with that 1/2 repeat and then a circle 1/2 apart. Maybe swap them on the timeline? - This change isn't actually bad but I find the current rhythm to be way better. To begin with, 00:08:501 (4,5) - is a good way to split the piano and the drums. The 1/2 slider is ending with the piano part at 00:08:820 - and then the drum becomes clickable at 00:08:980 - right when it sounds. If I happen to swap them, the tail of the slider would not be clickable and therefore it could sound a bit weird. As for the second thing, I don't have too much to explain, I just prefer the current pattern let's say and if I change it I'd have to play around with the patterns for a while because I ran out of space there haha.
- 00:37:224 - You could definitely put some more work into this section before the break begins. Right now it seems kind of empty and increasing the object density here would benefit the spread at this section. Perhaps give the vocals here at little more love? - There's no way I'm touching that part. It took me eleven mods to make a perfect square lol.
- 01:04:990 (4,1,2) - I feel you should leave this type of rhythm exclusive to 01:05:948 (3,4,5,6,7,8) if the goal was for them to be emphasized. As a workaround I think three circles would do great here to replace 01:04:990 (4,1,2) - - You're right with this one and I agree a lot with you. However, I will just make (4) a circle instead. There's an explanation behind of it and that's the rhythm of the song. It'll also make more sense because as this is a complete new combo, I don't want to leave a 1/2 circle pattern just like that and instead will add some kind of emphasis to the whole section.
Thank you so much for the mod and your support, Nathan! Really glad to see you here.Monstrata wrote:
Hey, Nathan! Congrats on your super Insane map getting qualified, bud! How've you been?
00:04:990 (2,3) - I know these notes are important, but consider the context a bit too. This is the intro and it's meant to be calm/use simple rhythm. I think it's better to make this a 1/2 slider. - Mostly a "no-no" slider. Not making 00:05:150 - clickable would be really frustrating because the emphasis is there. This isn't any kind of difficult pattern or whatever, it just adds more variation to a slider, as you said.
00:15:203 (3,4,5) - Quite a confusing rhythm for beginners imo. I think a simple solution is just to make 3 and 4 a 1/1 slider instead xD. - Sure! Good point you brought to the discussion. Ignoring 00:15:522 - would be a bit harsh and I will miss making that clickable a lot but it's true that a circle and then a combination of a 1/1 and a 1/2 on the same pattern can be even more hard.
00:18:394 (4,5,6) - 00:21:107 (5,6,7,1) - Some things to consider about your rhythm choices here. Compare it to 00:28:288 (4,5) - when the drums + song tempo picks up. Your rhythm choice becomes simpler when there are more instruments present. I think you might want to simplify some of the earlier rhythm and make the later ones a bit denser to fit the song a bit better. - Cool, made it even harder.
00:42:331 (2) - Optional, but NC'ing here would be cool xD - You know that's intentional haha!
All fixedMonstrata wrote:
00:01:480 (1,2) - Can you make this look more like it's 1/1 spacing? Or add a circle on 00:01:958 - and stack it on the head of slider 2? That way the spacing looks more predictable.
00:08:980 (1) - 16||268 Plays really well! Try it. The increased jump is for emphasis.
00:29:883 (2,3) - Im surprised you didn't put a jump between these two notes, or 00:30:522 (4,1) - . Since you made a jump on 00:28:607 (2,3) - . You might want to put some jumps for better consistency.
00:42:011 (5,6,7,8) - This sounds really overmapped dude. I can't even hear the 1/4's xP No one else maps them ;c.
00:46:799 (4,5,6,7,1) - This is still part of the quiet section. I think you should scale this pattern down a bit because the jumps are a bit too big imo.
01:18:075 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Woooow Nice.
00:10:256 (2,3) - Fix these blankets.
00:19:352 (3,4) - Same here.
00:37:224 (1,2) - I just took Slider 1. Ctrl+H it, then Rotated it 45 degrees, and made it blanket.
00:52:543 (1) - For sliders like this, it will look better if you design them like this:
[Laurier's Insane]
00:01:480 - The red and green lines dont match up. Make the Red line 40% volume to match the green line.
[Delos' Hard]
00:01:480 - Same thing here.
You can call me back after everything's been applied.
All fixed and acepted the "triple" in the insaneMonstrata wrote:
00:12:011 (1,2) - Blanket.
00:13:288 (2,3) - Blanket.How to do nice blankets really quicklyFirst, go to 1/16 snap. Then fine the time where the Approach circle overlaps the white border of the slider's head.
Now just scroll to 1/4.
Now get control point in the middle to overlap as best you can.
And then do the tail.
This should take like 5 seconds to do once you get how to do it.
01:10:416 (1,2) - Blanket
01:12:969 (1,2) - Blanket
00:39:777 (3,1) - The spacing here isn't quite right. Also fix the blanket xD
00:36:825 - Just an idea, feel free not to accept for any reason. But maybe you can add a circle here for the triplet? I would just stack it on slider 5 cuz it sounds cool, but up to you!
thats all, call me back when you fix those gamebreaking blankets!! #BlanketNominator
21*minutesMonstrata wrote:
Took half an hour to put a whistle on a spinner.
chucentry applied all of the stuff for him, Oko. Laurier is dead.Okoratu wrote:
Ok i just went through the thread and Laurier didn't answer any of the mods, nor did anyone else answer them on his behalf
either clarify that or get a pop for ignoring mods
That's the reason because you use 1/16 sometimes on your twitch stream when you map? owoHow to do nice blankets really quicklyFirst, go to 1/16 snap. Then fine the time where the Approach circle overlaps the white border of the slider's head.
Now just scroll to 1/4.
Now get control point in the middle to overlap as best you can.
And then do the tail.
This should take like 5 seconds to do once you get how to do it.
My heart crasheedMonstrata wrote: