
2015 Top 10 Malaysian Players! (All Modes) [Voting Stage]

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Hello I from neighbor country can vote????? xddd
hi osu std
1. xsrsbsns (what a god)
2. Clawviper (a true god)
3. Rampax (noob lah)
4. Gon (what a gon)
6. Jeffrey

-LeeP- wrote:

Hello I from neighbor country can vote????? xddd
of course you can vote :D

TequilaWolf wrote:

4) Anyone with any country flag can vote.

-LeeP- wrote:

3. Rampax (noob lah)
lol Rampax xDDDD
Satoshi Kazuki
Mania only *also idk what reason to i just say random thing
- idk much about him...but when i multiplayer with him...he got an impressive score and accuracy

- really good in jacking song

- really good in 4k and 7k...idk much about him

- i already met him in real life..he so good in accuracy and stream..he also teach me how to pass aiae shd with half time

- almost same skill with good accuracy and can pass some stream...he also teach me to pass some spam when my rank are at 10k

- an ET who can pass jack stream and some hard song

- idk what are u drink b4 playing man..but ur stamina is outstanding

- idk too much about you...but u got a good accuracy and can pass the freaking haelequin ;-;

- my best friend...he so fast in learning...havent reached 1 year he already can pass some 5 star map

- my best friend good in accuracy...but sad since his laptop got problem..he losing some of his skill...he also the one that introduced osu!mania to me

that's it
Warning: Huge wall of texts in my write-up for each of these players!

1. xsrsbsns
It is incredibly difficult to find any reason to not vote for him as #1. Despite being at such a high level for the last two years, he still showed immense improvement this year, most notably in terms of high BPM stamina as he is able to set various Double Time scores which he couldn't in previous years. In addition to that, he is still able to keep on top of the leaderboards on various maps farmed only by global top Hard Rock players. Still the best player in Malaysia by far in terms of overall skill as he is at least a year ahead of the others. This is without mentioning that he is undoubtedly the best performer in the osu! World Cup to boot, where he FC-ed so many maps throughout the group stage and the bracket stage, allowing a great show for Malaysia in his final osu! World Cup.

99% on Best FriendS full version DT and Aki - Wanna Be My Dream DT is probably a testament of his improved stamina at high BPM levels, being able to maintain his accuracy for a prolonged period of time on a song around 245BPM.

ORA ORA ORA is a reminder of his ability to play extremely difficult aiming patterns a high level.

x.U. and many other scores such as the Anime Medley IV with 99.5% on HR, Kanjou no Matenrou HR, Clarity HR and many others (too many to list) shows how consistent he is at obtaining scores on 5 minute + maps, in terms of his aim and accuracy.

FREEDMAN HR FC is another score that demonstrates his ability to play high BPM even on the HR mod.

Whisper of Rose HR and Banned Forever HR demonstrates that he is able to stay on top of high CS (6.5) maps.

There is so much more that I want to say, but it will never come to an end at this rate. Therefore, I'll leave it at here.
2. Rampax
Rampax's story in a nutshell.

Arguably the fastest improving player this year, rising from the middle ranks to a potential challenger to xsrsbsns in the future, the brightest one yet. He is without a doubt the fastest player in Malaysia, earning the nickname of 'Racecar', shown by his ability to obtain incredibly high accuracy on high BPM, showing a clear difference between actually being fast and spamming fast. (Shots fired!?)

A on Image Material, 92% on Delrio, sliderbreak 94% S on Mad Machine are testaments of his incredible raw speed and stamina at that high of a BPM. That's not counting his various high 98.5%+ on maps which are around 250BPM such as Wu Xuan Lan, showcasing an extremely high proficiency at maps on that BPM.

A telltale sign of his ability to actually reach the skies is his 1x miss on Kuchizuke Diamond, challenging even the best players in the game globally, giving him a 387pp score, the best non-xsrsbsns PP score in Malaysia.

Due to being known as the fastest player in Malaysia, his HR is somewhat overlooked. He has a HR Full Combo on Story of the Legendary Sword and a decent score on Skrillex Circulation with HR. It goes without saying that in the 2015 osu! World Cup, he was a core member of the team, being fielded in all Double Time and Hard Rock maps.

While arguably still being weak on reading lower ARs, there is no doubt that his abilities earn him the #2 spot in my list.
3. TequilaWolf
With Rampax's rise at the end of the year being much more recent and dramatic, this player has been extremely unnoticed in terms of his improvement. Still choosing to wield a mouse as his weapon of choice, he has demonstrated incredible improvement in terms of his aim and consistency this year alone. While NoMod is still what he is primarily known at, he has picked up the Hidden, Hard Rock and Double Time mods in this year.

Despite only picking up the Hidden mod recently, he is shown to be extremely proficient at aiming with the Hidden mod, shown by his FCs on Helena and Dark Flight Dreamer. His reading on extremely difficult aim patterns with the Hidden mod is also shown by his 1x miss on ORA ORA ORA with Hidden.

Even without the Hidden mod, his incredible aim is demonstrated by his 10mil score on High Score, second only to xsrsbsns in the country.

Besides just aim, it must be noted that he has shown the ability to play niche maps at a high level as well. His Hades in the Heaven Hidden FC is a sick play by him, as well as obtaining rank #10 on Tsukimiyo Rabbit (awesome alternating ability). His FC on Monster, another one of my favourite scores espouses his mastery at sliders and playing quick spaced notes. Another score to note is his FC on T-T-Techno, a map that requires slider mastery as well.

He is also one of the players who have gotten impressive scores on lower approach rate maps, such as his FC on Emerald Sword, which is AR8 with CS5, a nasty combination as well as his top 50 score on Atama no Taisou Nogard which features AR9 and 240BPM, another ridiculously nasty combination, which is also one of the toughest maps in the whole game.

Finally, it has to be noted that he also has incredible stream stamina, seen by his top 50 on Blue Zenith and 96% DT FC on Midnight Siege.

Truly the best mouse player in Malaysia.
4. Gon
He has actually shown very notable improvement this year, although it doesn't seem like it considering how he has been top of the Malaysian rankings for so long. However, he has proved to be really difficult to place on a list, simply because he is good at everything, but yet doesn't have a special attribute that would make him stand out over the rest. He can play all mods. He has good aim, accuracy, speed, reading and consistency, but yet none of those are particularly outstanding in comparison to the rest.

His FCs on Bakunana*Testroyer and Egoistic Shooter with 99% speaks for his aim and accuracy on NoMod. Obtaining 99% on Kanjou no Matenrou also shows how consistent his streams are at OD9.

In terms of Hard Rock, he has FCs on Super Nuko World and Nuclear Fusion, showing his consistency in streaming with Hard Rock. Besides that, he also FCed Supernova at least twice with Hard Rock, notoriously difficult for its stream aim before the break and jumps after the break.

In terms of Double Time, he has decent scores on both AR 9.7 and 10.3. His consistency in streaming 210BPM and beyond is shown as he has 99% on Scar in the Earth and Justice, which are both OD8, making it doubly impressive. He can also aim 10.3 decently as seen by his FC on No Ordinary Girl.

Amazingly, he is no stranger to alternating as well. His top 50 score on Party*Party as well as a sliderbreak on With a Dance Number shows his alternating abilities.

Despite not having any scores with HD only, he has shown to be capable of playing it at the osu! World Cup, forming the staple of the Malaysian team by playing every single map in the osu! World Cup matches.

Behold Gon - the jack of all trades.
5. Amane-
Accuracy and consistency, that's what Amane- is about, being one of the best NoMod and Hidden players in the country. It must be noted that before this year, he was just barely in the top 50 of the Malaysian rankings and now he is standing tall at #8 (potentially #7 soon) as well as having the experience of representing Malaysia in the osu! World Cup, where he was an integral part of Malaysian plans in the group stages.

His accuracy on OD 9 and below on streams just... blows me away, where he is shaping up to be a mini-sprItzEr. His 99% on Death Echo and Claiomh Solais are my personal favourite scores of his, showing how consistent and accurate he is at streaming anything 200BPM and below on OD9.

He is also one of the few players who can follow really long streams with the Hidden mod. Another of my personal favourites is his HD FC on AiAe Expert difficulty, which showcases his incredible ability to perfectly follow streams with Hidden.

He is also able to get accuracy on maps with rather odd rhythmic patterns, a perfect example being Miraizu, where his accuracy is only second best to sprItzEr.

Besides that, Amane- is probably one of the most consistent players in Malaysia. He constantly performs very well on maps within his skill level in multiplayer lobbies and even in tournaments such the osu! Community Tournament II (which he emerged as the champion!) and the osu! World Cup.

Well done for making it this far - I would love to see him trying to expand his comfort zone, but he is already as impressive as he is!
6. sushipack321
No one knew who was sushipack321 last year, where I only first noticed him when he participated in the osu! Malaysia Winter Tournament, most notably for playing using his pen to tap for K1 and his keyboard for K2. This year, although he has changed his style to normal keyboard tapping, he has developed from a nobody into arguably one of the very best in Malaysia when it comes to aiming with NoMod and Hidden.

His play on the unranked map Dango Dango Daikazoku is one of my favourite Malaysian replays, where he FCed all the incredibly difficult full screen jump patterns - a true demonstration of his ability to aim. Besides that, he also FC'd FIRST twice, a 6.41* map with very difficult full screen jump patterns towards the end of the map. However, one must not fall into the trap of thinking that he is only capable of aiming big circles. He has a 2x miss play on the CS7 map anemone, earning the top spot in the country for that map.

Besides his incredible aim, it must be noted that he is notorious for his ability to keep combo on various kinds of maps, making him a formidable player when it comes to playing tournaments especially with score v1. His FC on the Anime Medley IV certainly marks his ability to maintain consistency on long maps. He can also keep combo on difficult high level maps, such as his 936 combo on Hanairo Biyori as well as obtaining over 1700 combo on Defenders.

With all these incredible things to say about him, let's not forget that he is one of the only two players who have passed Freedom Dive [FOUR DIMENSION] in Malaysia, showcasing his incredible stamina and aim when it comes to 222BPM streams. His pass on Ascension to Heaven with the Double Time mod is further proof of how much stamina he has.

His plays are like eating a pack of sushi. You feel good when you eat it, but there is something lacking from making you full - his accuracy. Being one of my favourite Malaysian players, I can only tell others to watch out for him as he is one of the most criminally underrated players in the country in my opinion, fully deserving a spot in the top 10 of Malaysia.
7. sprItzEr
While being placed lower on my list this year due to his periods of inactivity, he still shows why his finger control, reading ability on lower approach rates as well as his streaming ability on any stream below 200BPM is second to none to anyone else in Malaysia.

My favourite score of his, which most people are probably familiar with his 99.62% on United - this score shows it all on why I consider him the best streamer in Malaysia for anything below 200 BPM - his stream aim and accuracy is on par with the best in the world. Behind this score, he also has 99.74% on Kanjou no Matenrou (Did I say Gon's 99% was impressive? Now, take a moment to consider that he had only eight 100s, in a song with 2780 combo with full of triples, short streams and a long stream section, with OD9 to boot. His finger control on low BPM is also unmatched - his SS with 79 unstable rate on Dreamer's Dream with NoMod is incredible considering how it's OD9 with 140BPM.

Mindblown yet? That's not all. There is still his reading ability on lower approach rates, especially with the Hidden mod to consider. His 1x100 on Identity Part III with the Hidden mod is arguably one of the best plays I have ever seen in old-style maps (This map isn't old, but it is mapped to an old style). He shows that his reading ability is still as impressive as previous years despite being inactive, and there might be many more scores set this year on old maps which are as impressive which I have yet to take notice of.

Take note that his near-perfect accuracy is not limited to just OD9, but he can also get equally good accuracy on OD10, such as his 4x100 using the Hidden & Hard Rock mods on Enkan no Kotowari.

His standing as the best low approach rate reader, most accurate streamer and the best at niche maps in Malaysia will probably last for a long time yet.
8. Rumia-
Despite being inactive for various periods of time, Rumia- has once again earned a spot in the top 10 of my list. While he was known as one of the Hard Rock players in Malaysia last year, this year he showed marked improvement in his NoMod ability instead. Besides that, he has shown consistency in his NoMod ability, being able to full combo various long maps as well as surprising many people when he emerged as the champion of the osu! Malaysia Winter Tournament early in the year.

I think his most impressive NoMod score is arguably his United FC. He showed his consistency in his ability to aim jumps and the spaced streams which is extremely impressive in itself. Besides that, he has shown his accuracy capability on lower ODs, demonstrated by his 99% FC on Egoistic Shooter [CRN's Extra] and his Kanshou no Matenrou FC. His FCs on Kanshou no Matenrou, World's End and United clearly demonstrates his ability to withstand the pressure and nerves of playing on long songs, especially considering the fact that he has FCed World's End 3 times alone this year.

While I sing praises of his NoMod, lets not forget that his Hard Rock ability has also improved from last year. His FC on Miiro vs Ai no Scenario [pishi's Extra] shows his much improved aim in the Hard Rock mod, not to mention that he has a 1x sliderbreak on Aphyxia's Miiro with the HR mod, showing his potential as one of the best players in Malaysia when it comes to aiming with the Hard Rock mod.

His story in the osu! Malaysia Winter Tournament in late 2014/early 2015 is also a good one, where despite not being a favourite to win the tournament, he went on to beat every single opponent along the way without giving them more than 2 points in any match, and showing that he is more than capable of playing Double Time and Hidden as well to form a complete tournament skill set.

Never count out Rumia-, the reigning Malaysian champion.
9. Ex6TenZ
Ex6TenZ, together with Gon is another example of versatility. Being known together with TequilaWolf, ffstar0716 and sprItzEr as the top mouse players in Malaysia, he has shown that he can play NoMod, Hard Rock, Hidden, Double Time, AR 10.3, streamy maps and jumpy maps - whatever you name it to a certain extent. This is precisely the reason why he is included in the squad for the osu! World Cup, where he took on the task of using Hidden in the FreeMod bracket for most maps.

His most defining moment on how he is an underranked player is his FC on Lost Love against Norway. The ability to hold a full combo on such a tricky map coupled with the Hidden mod is simply a testament to his reading ability with the Hidden mod. He has also shown ability to play maps with tough jumps with the Hidden mod as well with his FC on Gravity, showing that his aim is not only limited to Counter Strike: Global Offensive!

His most improved aspect this year is probably his Hard Rock mod. From showing ffstar0716 the door in the osu! Malaysia Winter Tournament earlier this year due to his better Hard Rock ability, he has shown his ability by FC-ing maps with the Hidden and Hard Rock mods that are reasonably long, such as Courage and Pride Kakumei.

He has also developed the ability to play AR10.3 this year, as seen by his FC on The Nights.

Ex6TenZ has also shown to be more than capable of playing niche maps, as he FC-ed Hibikase in an osu! All-Star tournament match as well!

Finishing second with his losses only being to Rumia- in the osu! Winter Tournament 2014/2015, his Ex6TenZ is extremely valuable in tournament play due to his versatility.
10. hamato
Hamato is most known for his extremely good accuracy whether it is tapping or streaming. He has shown to be one of the few players in the country who is capable of obtaining extremely high accuracy and very low unstable rates on both the Double Time and Hard Rock mod, with his accuracy being able to rival the very best in the country.

One of his best accuracy scores on Hard Rock is probably his FC on Super Nuko World [Insane] with 99.34%. Consdering that the map has many 10 note streams, he has shown his consistency in obtaining low unstable rates on bursts on OD10, only obtaining ten 100s in the map with 1381 combo. He also obtained a stunning 70 unstable rate on his 1x100 FC on Daisy, and is only the 4th player in the country who has managed to obtain below 75 UR on songs.

His accuracy does not show any weakness even on Double Time, where OD8 does not seem to be a problem for him. His 1x100 on Symphonic Love, a map with medium length 210+ BPM streams is something to be taken notice of. Besides that, his SS on Orange with the Hidden and Double Time mods clearly shows his mastery over single tapping, triples and bursts on maps on that BPM.

He has also shown the ability to maintain his accuracy on even long 220-225 BPM streams, as seen by his 99% FC on unlimitation. Besides that, he also obtained a 98.78% Double Time FC on Midnight Siege which is the highest accuracy Double Time full combo in the country for that map, truly shaping himself up to be considered one of the best overall accuracy players in the country on NoMod, Hard Rock and Double Time.

Aim and consistency is the only thing holding him back from being able to compete with the big boys. His time is yet to come.
1. Rampax
Insane finger speed coupled with fast aim, this guy went all out this year. Slightly set back by consistency and accuracy. but at the current rate he can definitely go further.

2. ClawViper
You might laugh when he does it as sharkguy, but he's actually good at jumps. One of the best at aiming, especially with HDHR. Can do OD10 well although somewhat limited by streams.

3. Spritzer
Oh man we go back a long way.. This guy is good at everything - accuracy, reading, aim. which is the reason I rate him highly. Due to lack of recent plays on 2015 maps a la full screen jumps, it's kinda hard to judge extensively on his aim but his consistency in accuracy especially streams is still the best in the country. Went to enjoy game tho.

4. Gon
No frills kind of player. Doesn't set too many fancy scores, but still one of the best and most consistent players. I wrote that not because I have no idea what else to say hehe.

5. TequilaWolf
Very nice plays, especially on NoMod and Hidden. Many of his scores can impress even without the use of HR or DT (or maybe that's precisely the reason).

6. Amane-
Every once in a while a new(er) player comes in with their crazy speed, aim or stamina etc.. I can't remember the last time when it was accuracy that first impressed me, until this guy showed up. And that's not saying his other aspects are bad. Has some really good high accuracy scores, although I'm still not too sure about OD10.

7. caleb123456
Good doubletime player. Has the ability to pull off nice DT scores, can also do (high bpm?) spaced streams with ease.

8. Rumia-
Consistency can be quite unpredictable but he can set very good scores.

9. Ex6TenZ
This guy is quite low profile but nice plays all around.

10. sushipack321
I am simple man. I see nice score, I vote.

There's very fierce competition for #10-#20 so I won't list all the honourable mentions, everyone is very close over there.

Kagari wrote:

CTB je sbb mode lain nub hue

Catch the Buah-Buahan
This year, is kinda hard for me to choose IMO coz of CWC performances and some few non top 10 m'sian players are making their way up to the ranks (good job guys). Eitherway, this is my voting based on what I've observed for this year. Enjoy.
Top 10 Malaysian CTB players 2015 nominees~!

1. Shadow Fear
--> Malaysian CWC 2015 Team captain and our hard carry player that carries our team until the Quarterfinals in the lower bracket. A very strong player who can play HR, DT, HD and NoMod on any high level maps. His skills and experiences playing Catch the Beat for a long time have made him one of the best players in the world despite the current ranks. If he's not that lazy, he probably will be able to achieve top 50 world. =w=
A great friend of mine.

2. Gilochan
--> Another strong player beside Shadow Fear. Also able to play NoMod, HD, HR and DT on high level maps. Also a veteran player besides Shadow Fear that has the skills and the experiences to achieve higher rank in the world ranking.
Also a great friend of mine.

3. Future_miku95
--> The most determined HD player in Malaysia. The enormous number of his top plays in the country ranking shows how high his determination on making a good gameplay of the maps that he had played up until now. His first involvement in CWC is probably one of his greatest achievement that he got.

4. QHideaki13
--> Another veteran player that never loses his CTB skills. A HR powerhouse player in which I can't even beat him in that mod up until now. His full support on HR mod plays during CWC shows how capable he his on supporting our CWC team especially on that mod in particular.
One of the most respectable friends I had right now and seriously, I'm extremely grateful to have him as my friend.

5. Miharu a.k.a. Suzu
--> Currently holding the #1 spot in CTB Malaysian ranking, his overall performance throughout the year is surprisingly improved. Playing a very high level maps shouldn't be a problem for him.

6. murutattack
--> A good CTB player and mapper. Can play TAG4 maps with high scores. A good friend of mine. :>

7. Xanus a.k.a. lil boi
--> One of the most underrated player in Malaysian (shots fired). Recently, he was able to pass maps with an approach rate of 9 with DT. Soon-to-become CTB racecar senpai. :P

8. XiaoShiro a.k.a. kkc
--> DT masta. A very shy person in my opinion owo

9. [Maid] NekoRyo
--> Another HD player besides future_miku. Your HD skills is way better than me ;w;

10. Mamisorou
--> One of few players that I've noticed their improvement throughout the year. Can't wait to see him among the top Malaysian CTB players and possibly getting into top 10 Malaysian in the performance ranking.
i wanted #10 :(

Satoshi Kazuki wrote:

Mania only *also idk what reason to i just say random thing
- idk much about him...but when i multiplayer with him...he got an impressive score and accuracy

- really good in jacking song

- really good in 4k and 7k...idk much about him

- i already met him in real life..he so good in accuracy and stream..he also teach me how to pass aiae shd with half time

- almost same skill with good accuracy and can pass some stream...he also teach me to pass some spam when my rank are at 10k

- an ET who can pass jack stream and some hard song

- idk what are u drink b4 playing man..but ur stamina is outstanding

- idk too much about you...but u got a good accuracy and can pass the freaking haelequin ;-;

- my best friend...he so fast in learning...havent reached 1 year he already can pass some 5 star map

- my best friend good in accuracy...but sad since his laptop got problem..he losing some of his skill...he also the one that introduced osu!mania to me

that's it
love u bro :)
Satoshi Kazuki

leexian99 wrote:

Satoshi Kazuki wrote:

Mania only *also idk what reason to i just say random thing
- idk much about him...but when i multiplayer with him...he got an impressive score and accuracy

- really good in jacking song

- really good in 4k and 7k...idk much about him

- i already met him in real life..he so good in accuracy and stream..he also teach me how to pass aiae shd with half time

- almost same skill with good accuracy and can pass some stream...he also teach me to pass some spam when my rank are at 10k

- an ET who can pass jack stream and some hard song

- idk what are u drink b4 playing man..but ur stamina is outstanding

- idk too much about you...but u got a good accuracy and can pass the freaking haelequin ;-;

- my best friend...he so fast in learning...havent reached 1 year he already can pass some 5 star map

- my best friend good in accuracy...but sad since his laptop got problem..he losing some of his skill...he also the one that introduced osu!mania to me

that's it
love u bro :)
kyaaa xD
:lol: first time kot aku post kt sini. Nah vote aku with some comment~ Manglish is real.

1. xsrsbsns
- Ha! Mamat ni memang dari dulu mmg improve habis~ main HR kat map insane dan CS kecik but still got good acc. And yeah, dem ability to read AR10.3 so well in ar9 map. Aku rasa takda orang leh beat dia buat masa sekarang kot. Dat 8k pp dude.
- Boleh ba kalakau~ Boleh dikatakan mamat ni rrtyui Malaysia la kot. Kalau kat Jepun sana, orang panggil rrtyui tu, xsrsbsns Jepun. Ha ko ade?

2. Rampax
- From the botton to the top in such a short time, boleh dikatakan Rafis Malaysia kot kah kah kah. Dem ability to do 270bpm song, he gonna DT your map man. Oh ya, mamat ni memang laju je improve dalam reading skill, from ar 9.7 to ar10.3. And this guy also can maintain such good acc with DT.
- Entah dia makan apa kat rumah sampai improve macam tu. Mungkin saudara Rafis kot hmhmhm.

3. sprItzEr
- Overall memang perfect player. Accuracy memang gila habis kat long map. United FC proves it. Boleh maintain good acc dalam map susah memang awesome gila~ Plus dem ability to read variety types of AR fuhhh.

4. ClawViper
- Korang mesti ada terjumpa nama mamat ni dlm leaderboard top50 mana lagu, tak kisah la HDHR ke (tapi mostly HDHR). Dem ability to maintain such a good acc with HR and OD10 also with Hidden Mod.

5. Gon
- Mamat ni memang dah improve sepanjang tahun ni. Walaupun korang tak notice sangat gameplay dia kat STD (sbb dia main mania jugak lol). Still, one of the best osu Malaysia player I've ever seen.
- Dahla pro kat STD, tambah lagi kat Mania perrghhh.

6. caleb123456
- Walaupun tak berapa menyerlah sangat, tapi mamat ni dpt set score yang luar biasa dgn mod DT. Still consider as one of the fastest player in osu Malaysia, mamat ni jugak dpt baca AR yang tinggi. Dem ability to tap dem long jumps really impressed me so much.
- Ko bagi je doujin, mesti dia improve lagi kappa.

7. TequilaWolf
- The best mouse player in osu Malaysia in my opinion. Capable to pass Atama no Taisou with such a good accuracy. This guy also can stream really well and consistent in a long map. Just look at dat The Last Journey Home record.
- Dem streams give me chills dude.

8. Amane-
- another fast improving player. Cantik punya accuracy with nomod. From what I can see, this guy can do really well in jump though. Also, dat nice acc with HD scores really impressed me.

9. AkoSuminoe
- Another good mouse player. Ha tu dia main DT sepanjang maisa. Boleh dikatakan dpt maintain accuracy walaupun lagu tu laju gila nak mampos.
- Lantak la accuracy noob, asalkan dpt pass lagu.

10. Rumia-
- Ha ni satu lagi mamat yang bagus jugak gameplay. Walaupun main nomod banyak, tapi still dpt set score yang cantik.

Ha tu je kot. Kot.
Topic Starter
1. Rampax : speed

2. xsrsbsns : all

3. Amane- : meme

4. ClawViper : aim

5. Gon : consistent

6. Rumia- : rumia

7. Ex6TenZ : spooky

8. sushipack321 : jump

9. hamato : enjoy

10. AdielAdrellos : choke



RIP Taiko T.T
Not much people I can vote for Taiko this year since a lot of them are either afk or have abandoned this mode :(

1. Taiko_Maniac1811
Being extremely balanced in terms of stamina, speed, sightreading and accuracy, no song is impossible for this guy to SS or get a high acc on even if the song has high BPM or if he's using both HR and DT mods which further increases the difficulty on top of Taiko's strict accuracy judgements. Even though he has dropped to 2nd place in terms of pp, but I still consider him as the best Taiko player in Malaysia.

2. DNA - Apple
This guy... came out of nowhere and literally rekt all of us on the Taiko ranking pp. Being exceptionally skilled on getting high acc with both HR and DT mods has earned him enough pp to push him up to #1 in Malaysia. Still consider this guy as my accuracy rival.

3. Jerry
Despite being either afk or modding most of the time, he can still play taiko exceptionally well on high BPM and also earning SS on songs with very high combo (>1000). He's also another player who plays really well using HR, HD, and DT mods with HD being his strongest point and mod of choice. I still considered him as one of the Top 3 players for Taiko in Malaysia. Jerry is love <3

4. Buhzidou
This player is literally Malaysia's HR god. How he/she is able to read and play bullet-speed notes with high acc using the HR mod really baffles me... :o

5. SasakiSayaka
Also another player who came out of nowhere that can play well in Taiko, Sasaki is another HR player being able to get quite a number of SS although with the increase in difficulty.

6. Erika
Erika is one of those few players that can play standard-convert maps that features changes in SV and at times has weird note placements which can severely affect accuracy. Even so, Erika is still able to FC most of them with good acc.

Well, that's it for now until I can figure out who else to put on this list.
I'm still waiting for the original Top 10 players from 2012/13 to return back to Taiko... T.T
Started playing osu! this year,so I don't have overall information on MY players.But imma vote anyway :P

1. Rampax - Speed faster than sanic if that creature is painting his own self-portrait while sleeping using mspaint

2. xsrsbns - Uhh,overall???

3. TequilaWolf - RAINBOW srstly gud jumps man

4. ffstar0716 - Super good for being mouse only player

Das all,chiao
Inugami Korone

-good in almost everything.

-pretty good but having trouble dealing with certain streams.

-the one and only Racecar you could ever find in Malaysia. the rest is all kancil(no offence for other dt player) xD...strong in DT...very very strong...10.3 is nothing to him(maybe)

-has very good snapping skill using mouse.

-good at HD...thats all i know...
1. xsrsbsns
2. ClawViper
3. TequilaWolf
4. Rampax
5. Gon
6. Amane-
7. Rumia-
8. Ex6TenZ
9. caleb123456
10. ffstar0716

2. LongGone
3. ZYuan
4. Gon

final edit-
osu! Std

-very consistent in HR since 2015, he used to be HDHR players ( ) and also in AR9+DT .

-very fast player in Malaysia in streams and jumps i cant wait for more scores of him in the future!! ( ).

-all-around player that can play mostly all mod but kinda lacked in streamy beatmaps .

-Very good in aim and reading a high bpm low AR map ( )

-Good in jump and streams acc maybe almost same level like tequilawolf ( )

-HD skills are good and also consistent with 1000+ combo beatmaps, he's also a fast improving players like Rampax. Kind of interest in what awesome
scores will he make in the future. ( )

-Did'nt really play HR recently but i could say he's an ok player with getting cool nomod scores. ( )

-He have many good scores with high acc but lately he sold his tablet and kb and now enjoying the game ( )

-Players with good aims but kinda lacked in acc ( )

-upcoming good HDHR players in Malaysia!!

sorry if i have grammatical errors and vocabulary im not that good in english :(
Osu standard:
1. xsrsbsns
2. ClawViper
3. Rampax
4. Amane-
5. sprItzEr
6. ffstar0716
7. Gon
8. Rumia-
9. TequilaWolf

1. Jerry
2. Taiko_Maniac1811
3. Somnect

Catch the beat: Based on Multiplayer performance
1. Miharu
2. Shadow Fear
3. Xanus
4. Future_miku95
5. Kagari
6. Murutattack
7. [Maid] NekoRyo

1. Sern888
2. Gon
3. [MY]Idiot
4. Zyuan
5. Cryolien
6. ShikiNoHollow

*Will be edited for comments i guess.

Why won't people vote for other modes too ;w;

Gilochan wrote:

*Will be edited for comments i guess.

Why won't people vote for other modes too ;w;
Because most people only play one or two modes, we don't really know players in other modes

well I know that ShadowFear is god in ctb and sern888 is god in mania but that's about it

and btw Sern changed his flag to China so should people still vote for him?

Karuta- wrote:

Because most people only play one or two modes, we don't really know players in other modes

well I know that ShadowFear is god in ctb and sern888 is god in mania but that's about it

and btw Sern changed his flag to China so should people still vote for him?
well i've looked up to all modes and made this decision. i'm a stalker myself lel.

TequilaWolf wrote:

3) You are only allowed to vote for players with a Malaysian flag. ***unless they are widely known as Malaysian but has changed their flag for convenience, like Sern888 and Sillyveon.
Ok sry for I only given Mania voting ...

1. Cryolien :
Leader of MWC Malaysia team , experienced in 7 and 8 key .

2. HunterproX (previous name as mssheng1998) :
One of the member/standin of Malaysia team in MWC 2015, I still remember one of match versus with Philippines when goes to 3-5 , he take part and carry the team to 5-5 ties up , it really comeback ls REAL and gets twice MVP, well played HunterproX.

3. ZYuan :
I voting him because I like his spamming skills and I also saw him play well in some impossible song, ET player ,Okey post his real gameplay video here

4. kaname-san92 :
One of my best friend in Osu!Mania, he really a good guy , like his stable accuracy and also his play style ,hope you can get better ranking in any tournament

5. seyren95 :
Another good friend too, good timing in game play and also friendly .

6. KagaNyan :
One of my respect senpai player , get top 10 with less game count and also can handle any K play.

7. Sern888 :
One of the core player in MWC Malaysia Team performs well in 7K, hope he can play well in MWC 7K.

8. TempestRen :
I like her gameplay especially hidden mode , it was really irritation.

9. Aleppie :
his accuracy better than me (y)

10. y0sHiDeViL :
same as above with aleppie... hmm both ET

most of time for thinking how to write for each player desc lol -.-
1. xsrsbsns
2. ClawViper
3. Gon
4. Rampax
5. spritzer
6. TequilaWolf
7. Amane-
8. hamato
9. Ex6TenZ
10. ffstar0716 *<3

Ranking is based on what I know about them(very little) and their scores in my beatmap list.
In no particular order (jk :p)

1. xsrsbsns - ╰། ◉ ◯ ◉ །╯ godlike

2. Rampax - Sanic (●’o’●)

3. ClawViper - Amazing HDHR (゚o゚〃)

4. Gon - (>0<;;;)

5. Amane- Dat Acc ༼⁰o⁰;༽

6. TequilaWolf - Amazing book reading and aim skill (´・艸・`)

7. AdielAdrellos - Superb ┌╏ º □ º ╏┐ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ

8. sushipack321 - (ノ゚0゚)ノ~

9. Rumia- ║ ” ◕ ◯ ◕ ” ║

10. Ex6TenZ - ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I'll vote for Standard and Mania :D :D


1. xsrsbsns
Do i need to say anything about this guy? xD (he's just too good)
2. Rampax
Really good at speed and his performance this year is just top notch
3. ClawViper
His Aim and Accuracy is just outstanding
4. Gon
May not be the best player but his consistency is just great
5. TequilaWolf
His aim is also amazing. Plus he is good at giving advice :D


1. Sern888
He is in the top 10 world ranking, needless to say he is the best Malaysian player. Sad that he changed the nationality flag
2. Sillyveon
His 7k skills are amazing Same situation as Sern, he changed his flag
3. Longgone
The same as Sillyveon, really amazing at 7k
4. [MY]Idiot
Flashlight God
5. Cryolien
He has proved that he is one of the best player in the world during the 4k MWC
6. Seyren95
He can hit jacks really well.
7. KagaNyan
He showed that he can play really well during the 4k MWC
8. HunterproX
Wanderlust Carry , that's all
9. Kaname-san92
A really good player and a really kind person/friend
10. Gon
Surprised? Yes, he deserves to be in the top 10 despite his inactivity. He does play every now and then but still make really good scores. For example, his score in Speedcore 300 and Garyou Tensei (almost SS it)

Honorable mentions:
Leexian99: A really consistent player but only plays 4k (for now)
Satoshi Kazuki: Really fast in improving his skills
y0sHiDeViL: His score might not impress you that much, but he is a really good player
Kzon: An old player but really good at 7k

That's all from me :D

Aleppie wrote:

5. Cryolien
He has proved that he is one of the best player in the world during the 4k MWC

Cryolien wrote:

Aleppie wrote:

5. Cryolien
He has proved that he is one of the best player in the world during the 4k MWC
I can change the description to "Best Ranking Chart farmer" if you want :^)))
hi, i will vote for mania only because its one of my main mode to play
1. Cryolien :
very experience player in my thought. captain for team malaysia in MWC this year. thank you very much

2. HunterproX
i cant think about him much but one thing for sure malaysia's MVP during semi finals of MWC this year

3. ZYuan :
well lets just say he is special

4. seyren95 :
met him real life. he's so pro in 4k and 7k. hope u can be in this year's 7k MWC

5. KagaNyan :
met in real life and in game too. he's good at 4k and 7k

6. Sern888 :
although he already change flag to china he is still the best player in malaysia

7. y0sHiDeViL :
always trains with me all the time :D

8. Amir96lx :
my real life lil bro. well he is better in taiko mode but in mania always neck and neck with me :D

9. Aleppie :
a very nice person and good player too in 4K. hope u train enough to get to the top ranks :)

10. leexian99
a player with hopes and dreams. good in 4k.

thats all for my vote. hope i dont miss anything

wang705 wrote:

Ok sry for I only given Mania voting ...

1. Cryolien :
Leader of MWC Malaysia team , experienced in 7 and 8 key .

2. HunterproX (previous name as mssheng1998) :
One of the member/standin of Malaysia team in MWC 2015, I still remember one of match versus with Philippines when goes to 3-5 , he take part and carry the team to 5-5 ties up , it really comeback ls REAL and gets twice MVP, well played HunterproX.

3. ZYuan :
I voting him because I like his spamming skills and I also saw him play well in some impossible song, ET player ,Okey post his real gameplay video here

4. kaname-san92 :
One of my best friend in Osu!Mania, he really a good guy , like his stable accuracy and also his play style ,hope you can get better ranking in any tournament

5. seyren95 :
Another good friend too, good timing in game play and also friendly .

6. KagaNyan :
One of my respect senpai player , get top 10 with less game count and also can handle any K play.

7. Sern888 :
One of the core player in MWC Malaysia Team performs well in 7K, hope he can play well in MWC 7K.

8. TempestRen :
I like her gameplay especially hidden mode , it was really irritation.

9. Aleppie :
his accuracy better than me (y)

10. y0sHiDeViL :
same as above with aleppie... hmm both ET

most of time for thinking how to write for each player desc lol -.-

well ill try then :D
[Maid] NekoRyo
Gonna do CTB \:3/

5.Shadow Fear

will add comment soon \:3/
D e s

1. xsrsbsns - have some serious score
2. Gon - ^
3. Tequilawolf - got nice high star Nomod score
4. Clawviper - got nice HDHR and HD score
5. sprItzEr - 10k SS soon ?
6. caleb123456 - got nice DT and some other score
7. Rampax - dunno much about him but seems he improving a lot this year
8. Amane- - got nice high score
9. ffstar - idol
10. ex6tenz - got nice HR and nomod score
Rank Player Name Accuracy Play Count Performance
#1 xsrsbsns 99.07% 75,410 (lv.102) 8,118pp 1,766 3,033 270
#2 ClawViper 99.22% 41,663 (lv.100) 6,693pp 148 1,749 156
#3 Rampax 98.46% 81,527 (lv.100) 6,418pp 10 536 978
#4 Gon 98.65% 68,166 (lv.101) 6,335pp 219 2,803 333
#5 sprItzEr 99.58% 28,024 (lv.100) 6,229pp 1,171 946 222
#6 TequilaWolf 98.86% 24,237 (lv.100) 5,931pp 6 258 1,054
#7 caleb123456 97.34% 72,244 (lv.100) 5,673pp 12 432 278
#8 Amane- 99.38% 27,662 (lv.100) 5,665pp 107 553 438
#9 hamato 99.32% 52,665 (lv.100) 5,360pp 143 461 327
#10 AdielAdrellos 98.99% 23,462 (lv.100) 5,347pp 24 480 499

Rank Player Name Accuracy Play Count Performance
#1 DNA - Apple 99.26% 21,392 (lv.96) 6,369pp 561 1,227 122
#2 taiko_maniac1811 99.72% 42,760 (lv.97) 6,210pp 939 674 21
#3 Jerry 99.08% 47,934 (lv.97) 5,741pp 191 1,623 140
#4 buhzidao 98.89% 21,868 (lv.95) 5,306pp 20 1,179 417
#5 SasakiSayaka 99.15% 9,736 (lv.83) 5,225pp 300 397 25
#6 ffyong 99.15% 15,414 (lv.87) 5,159pp 177 1,608 274
#7 ZYuan 98.05% 4,366 (lv.59) 5,080pp 12 262 160
#8 [ Erika ] 98.25% 14,606 (lv.84) 4,971pp 94 487 179
#9 pimniko 98.70% 5,538 (lv.76) 4,935pp 21 504 85
#10 HeatKai 98.45% 34,262 (lv.95) 4,878pp 78 1,530 317

Rank Player Name Accuracy Play Count Performance
#1 Miharu 99.70% 20,561 (lv.100) 7,569pp 167 711 58
#2 Future_miku95 99.73% 125,607 (lv.104) 7,015pp 7,443 2,172 25
#3 Gilochan 99.78% 84,797 (lv.101) 6,317pp 1,626 1,855 73
#4 Shadow Fear 99.74% 54,827 (lv.101) 5,873pp 2,042 1,340 30
#5 murutattack 99.37% 51,154 (lv.100) 4,781pp 160 561 99
#6 XiaoShiro 99.71% 30,872 (lv.100) 4,420pp 765 1,254 12
#7 Xanus 99.46% 19,337 (lv.100) 4,398pp 372 1,023 129
#8 -Rin 99.83% 58,542 (lv.101) 4,307pp 3,067 347 0
#9 Kagari 99.50% 41,832 (lv.100) 4,197pp 182 1,156 75
#10 Mamisorou 99.67% 11,203 (lv.100) 3,603pp 441 1,303 115

Rank Player Name Accuracy Play Count Performance
#1 [MY]Idiot 97.93% 8,402 (lv.90) 10,175pp 33 476 5
#2 ZYuan 97.21% 5,996 (lv.77) 10,162pp 255 712 20
#3 LongGone 98.38% 3,943 (lv.65) 10,098pp 42 129 3
#4 Cryolien 96.94% 16,611 (lv.95) 9,748pp 128 690 15
#5 KagaNyan 96.57% 1,676 (lv.57) 9,261pp 28 372 10
#6 seyren95 96.06% 4,185 (lv.67) 8,963pp 36 421 13
#7 Gon 98.30% 11,647 (lv.96) 8,650pp 1,089 231 0
#8 HunterproX 95.79% 1,380 (lv.49) 8,405pp 7 252 37
#9 limlim2300 95.65% 3,060 (lv.53) 7,423pp 43 204 43
#10 SReisen 95.41% 21,119 (lv.96) 7,134pp 266 1,029 98
Topic Starter
I am at a loss for words
1. xsrsbsns
2. Rampax
3. ClawViper
4. Gon
5. TequilaWolf
6. hamato
7. Amane-
8. Rumia-
9. Ex6tenz
10. AdielAdrellos
Don't really follow any scenes that much so don't mind me.

1. xsrsbsns
2. Rampax
3. ClawViper
4. TequilaWolf
5. Gon
6. Amane-
7. Ex6TenZ
8. Rumia-
9. sprItzEr
10. hamato
Alright let's do this >:3

1) xsrsbsns!
It's pretty obvious that he should be the number one, simply because how consistently he's been playing over the past few years. He's even made it to the top 25 players in 2012, so he's definitely a force to be reckoned with.

2) Rampax!
Just 2fast4me, period. You can't even compete with him, given the speed he has. He's what would be like when Kynan and Doomsday had babies (xD) and just totally rekt the shit out of you if you pick a high bpm map. Peppy pls give this guy (and staiain) Triple Time

3) Clawviper!
Just give this guy a medal for also being very very consistent with scores. His ability to HDHR and HDDT is not a joke. If this guy gets any more consistent that he already is, we might see another malaysian player in the top100s.

4) Gon!
Again, a fast player like Rampax, his AR reading is definitely up there, being able to read the classic 10, 10.3 and more. Mostly because I don't really know him well, but from his top replays, he's a pretty good player.

5) sprItzEr!
He's a very all rounded player, being able to play quite the different mods. Also don't really know him that well, I'd say that he's also very consistent, given the United play and the Matenrou play.

6) TequilaWolf!
I feel bad for putting him in such a low spot because he's definitely a good player. His nomods are one of the best around, and i'm pretty sure he's another one of those up there who can churn out incredible scores with at least some effort.

7) Amane-!
For so many, so many times, I've come so close to beating him in the leaderboards, but I just can't. He always trumps me in terms of accuracy when it comes to hidden, and the consistency of his just completely destroys me. ([also if you haven't seen the video yet please do, link is , I got rekt so hard rip)

8) Caleb123456!
I literally cannot describe him(im so sorry don't kill me omg). Let's just say that he's done a very good job at getting better-than-mediocre scores and other pp scores. If he can get a higher accuracy on some of his maps, I'll definitely move him up the ranks.

9) hamato!
Oh boy, the competition is real between me and him trying to get each other out of the way xD He's a really good player, a hidden gem almost, capable to achieve good scores just overnight. His midnight siege and orange plays just blew me the **** away. Like, I can't even do that even when I'm in full tryhard mode.

10) Ex6TenZ!
What is this, HDHR/HDDT pro player? A consistent player, able to get an SS even on HDHR, as well as high accuracy on some other HDHR/HDDT maps.
Ruria von Dina
I vote for Standard only :D

Vote from the one and only ( -Scarlet- ) here :) I'll be the MVP here for voting players from ALL the modes


  • 1. xsrsbsns

    #1 by default that's why

    2. ClawViper

    Will update this went I got time LOL

    3. Gon


    4. Rampax


    5. sprItzEr


    6. TequilaWolf


    7. Rumia-


    8. hamato


    9. Amane-


    10. AdielAdrellos


  • 1. taiko_maniac1811
    2. SasakiSayaka
    3. [ Erika ]
    4. Jerry
    5. buhzidao
    6. ZYuan
    7. HeatKai
That's all for Taiko~ Not very familiar with most of the players in the mode :?


  • 1. Gilochan
    2. Miharu
    3. Future_miku95
    4. Shadow Fear
    5. murutattack
    6. Xanus
    7. SYAHME
    8. Kagari
    9. Rin-
    10. Rick--
Knew a lot of CTBs player, but was not really updated for 4 months :?


  • 1. Sillyveon
    2. [MY]Idiot
    3. LongGone
    4. ZYuan
    5. Gon
    6. Cyrolien
    7. KagaNyan
    8. seyren95
    9. HunterproX
    10. sprItzEr
Will be updating the reasoning within this week I guess? :D
1.xsrsbsrns - he is the best player here by the time i cast my vote
2.clawviper - his hdhr and dt is so good and he good at giving people advice
3.gon - idk just seems right and good at mania as well...
4.spritzer- ^
5.ex6tenz- hddt hddt hddt
6.hamato - hr hr hr
7. rumia -hr hr hr
8.tequilawolf- crazy
9.rampax- 300 bpm 300 bpm 300 bpm
10. adieladrellos- good aim
1. xsrsbsns

2. Gon

3. ClawViper

4. Rampax

5. TequilaWolf

6. Amane-

7. caleb123456

8. Rumia-

9. AdielAdrellos

10. Ex6TenZ


2. Jerry

3. DNA - Apple

4. buhzidao

5. SasakiSayaka

6. [ Erika ]

7. ZYuan

8. BliTat921

9. pimniko

10. HeatKai

CTB (i will get flamed for this)
0.Lord Kagari
1. Shadow Fear
HR god carry,adept in all mods whether in HDDT or HDDR.Has been playing CTB for a long,long time but quits often. not quite active nowadays but still CWC solo carry.

2. Gilochan
lolicon power over 9000
nomod et and also good in DT,HD,HR, rarely plays ranked maps anymore but still OP and respected by many pro players.
also lazyass

3. Miharu
#1 pp ranking, very skilled in NoMod and active.
remove this vote if u don't count him in the voting in u want,up to u

4. QHideaki13
underrated, plays HR and NoMod better than most MY players,no comment on his HD ,
again underrated by most people,which is the main point.

5. Murutattack
nomod consistency above kagari and improving HD player,also known as a mapper

6. -Rin Future_miku95
Malaysia's best pp and scoreboard farmer,also HD only specialist

7. Kagari
improving player,has improved alot since 2014,Decent No Mod, CTB mapper and
slave master because he always forces me to play his damn loli maps (;一_一)

8. XiaoShiro
mostly plays DT ar8 , very quiet from what i heard.rarely active nowadays

9. [Maid] NekoRyo
Good at HD,can play marathon maps and mostly plays convert-ed maps

Malaysia's #2 pp farmer , HT farmer

(If miharu is not counted)
no comment


1. Sern888

2. Sillyveon


4. [MY]Idiot


6. ZYuan

7. KagaNyan

8. Gon

9. seyren95

10. HunterproX

might edit later to fix typos/add comments/revote/idk what im doing

Xanus wrote:

improving player,decent No Mod, CTB mapper and slave master because he always forces me to play his damn loli maps
oh plssssssssssssssss
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1. xsrsbsns - captain, we found no weakness on this guy, he can shakeleg forever
2. ClawViper- only lack of stream ability
3. Rampax- the only guy who can get 200 tickets per day
4. Gon- have nice skills
5. TequilaWolf- no limitation on any AR
6. sprItzEr- switched to mouse but more or less the same as when he using tablet oh my god
7. Amane- roses are red, violet are blue, kappa is grey. Amane=meme=grey :D ... good HD and aim skills
8. Rumia- so gud in hr
9. Ex6TenZ- one does not simply trigger a beast, very underrated player.
10. caleb123456- gud aim and speed
1. xsrsbsns (default)
2. rampax (speed gay-er)
3. ClawViper (hdhr tapping god)
4. Gon (all rounded by default)
5. TequilaWolf (meh snapping)
6. sprItzEr (acc god)
7. hamato (high bpm stable streamer and hr player)
8. Rumia- (random play random pp)
9. sushipack321 (nice jumping skill)
10. AdielAdrellos (hd player)

nvm i vote for fun
hai, too busy n lupa to vote

1.Shadow Fear
7.[Maid] NekoRyo

KB fingering (MANIA)
9.Satoshi Kazuki
tried not to 4k-biased :|

taiko incoming tmr morning 8-)
1. xsrsbsns
2. Rampax
3. ClawViper
4. TequilaWolf
5. Amane-
6. sprItzer
7. Ex6TenZ
8. hamato
9. Rumia-
10. AdielAdrellos
Voting for std
1. Rumia-
L u m i n o u s
1) ClawViper
2) Rampax
3) TequilaWolf
4) Amane-
5) Hamato
6) sushipack321
7) AdielAdrellos
8) Rumia-
9) ffstar47492729
10) sameperson123 (?) ;3
(I'll just skip the obvious 3 xsrs gon and spritzer xd)

TequilaWolf wrote:

Voting is closed now. I'll calculate results in a couple of hours. Unfortunately I have received only 6 taiko votes and 9 ctb votes, and that's way too few to work with for any sort of video, so I'll just work on standard and mania top 10. Receiving SO FEW votes even when I put in so much effort to advertise this thread..I guess players from these two modes are just not interested to work with me this year, and that's ok!!

Big thank you to everyone who voted though! :) :)
ayy lmao

that's sad ;w;

good luck on the video!

TequilaWolf wrote:

Voting is closed now. I'll calculate results in a couple of hours. Unfortunately I have received only 6 taiko votes and 9 ctb votes, and that's way too few to work with for any sort of video, so I'll just work on standard and mania top 10. Receiving SO FEW votes even when I put in so much effort to advertise this thread..I guess players from these two modes are just not interested to work with me this year, and that's ok!!

Big thank you to everyone who voted though! :) :)
so sad... :(

x pe, tahun depan aku tukar mode dari ctb ke std kk
Topic Starter
standard vid up, thank you Rampax.

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