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you had to be there when silvia fced this in 2011
ASecretBox's score is extremely underweight...
This was the real impossible map for me back in 2012, and I told myself it couldn't get DT'd ever.
I love being wrong.
The guitar solo never gets old
The solo is so fun
the cover img url for this beatmap is https://assets.ppy.sh/beatmaps/29691/covers/cover@2x.jpgremoving @2x from the url makes it half the size of @2x like an image from a skin
ohhh thanks!
map is shit
Git gud pls
its shit because i am bad, do you think i actualy hate it? no
love this style of mapping, this map feels like it could have come out yesterday it's great
So ahead of it's time, truly insane.
Aireu????????? DT??????? S Rank
thank you for this map
I love old maps like this
how the fuck do you pass this >:(
if you're not used to alting it can be hard, hopefully you've passed it by now though lol
skill issue
Vaxei what the fuck?
Finally passed it after 121 try owo
there are some maps that you play for fun. and then there are maps like this one that make you want to kill yourself.
When you're only able to farm Tilly maps and can't pass alternator maps lol.
I could probably beat it if the drain wasn't so fuckin high
I just realized. The first 4 notes follow the background. Look at the background, 1 2 3 4.
I knew it was something picture or message related when I didnt hear any notes with it in the song
oh my god
and also arnt part of the song. theres no music or beat that corrisponds to those note
One of the classic osu! maps.
miku!!! <3
5 stars?!?!
How much it is on your opinion?
more than 5? xD idk
Val0108 RIP the best mapper.
DAMNIT Why do all the good songs have to be put on beatmaps super hard ;(.
really good map and song
what does SB means? i don't get it ;~;
ok thanks for your answer
4:20 blaze it
with a blazeit 4:20 number
Took me 3 tries to beat it. Alternating FTW!
Can you make an easy 4k one? I'm new here and I love this song~
hayy every one
This map is so addictive i have no words for it.
not so hard to pass... took me only 200 plays.
Even though this took me 3 tries, I still can't pass scarlet rose even after 300 tries. ;_;
Pff, took me only 133 plays or less. Can't tell, because it's not even on my list!
I kinda was afraid it would be though.
I wonder how many times I have failed the beginning... (those tries probably don't add though), also the hp drain is retarded, be slightly off in one spaced stream and you are dead.
this map is imposible!
I see you've been having a good time with this map.
Am i the only one wanting the easy nor normal version ? Huhu T.T Really love the song :(
Nope, you're not the only one. I really want to play this on normal especially...