Haro~ and welcome to my userpage. Here are some facts about me.
Name : Somnect Age : Unknown Birthday : 12 June Languages: English (Primarily), Malay and Japanese (very little & broken) When was I born on Osu : On 18 December 2012 Modes that I play : Mainly Taiko & Osu! Standard The genre of songs I listen to : Mostly Japanese songs (Anime and visual novel opening and endings) Favorite song artists : Ceui, Chata, Duca, fhana, fripSide, Hanatan, Hana, Hashimoto Miyuki, Lia, Nakae Mitsuki, Nishizawa Hagumi, Ray, Rin'ca, Senya, Shimotsuki Haruka, Tamura Yukari, yozuca*... and probably a lot more that I've missed
*You are free to ask me any other questions about myself and I will answer them to the best of my abilities if it's not too personal*
Frame limiter : Unlimited (Gameplay) Screen Resolution : 1920 x 1080 (60 Hz) Game Resolution : 1600 x 900 (60 Hz) Borderless
For Osu! Standard Playstyle : Mouse & Keyboard Tapping style: Mainly single tap. Only alternate on high BPM. Keys : C and V Mouse Movement Resolution : 1200 dpi Mouse Sensitivity : 1.0x (in-game); 6 / 11 (Windows settings) Raw Input : On Enhance Pointer Precision : Off Cursor Size : 0.85x
For Taiko Key layout style : KDDK Keys : D F Num2 Num3
Osu! Standard 1) Achieved 4000 SS (Osu! Standard) on 13/10/2019. Next target : 5000 SS 2) Lowest UR achieved : 61.72 UR on 29/12/2019 (Osu! Std UR Screenshot) 3) First ever OD10 SS on 08/09/2018 (Ranking Screen ; UR)
Taiko 1) Achieved 2000 SS (Taiko) on 15/01/2017. Next target : 3000 SS 2) Lowest UR achieved : 56.50 UR on 30/04/2016 (Taiko UR Screenshot) 3) Achieved 10,000 times replays watched by others on 14/02/2018. Next target : 15,000 times 4) First ever SS for full mods play on 23/07/2015 (Map : Ayane - Go->Love&Peace by chaica) 5) First ever Guest Difficulty map ranked on 10/11/2019 (Map : Dancing Dolls: monochrome (TV Size) by Roger
1. How did you find Osu? I was looking for a taiko clone on PC through youtube. One day, I came across these two videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWqchHYBmHA and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZWBJIYXCyw) and I thought that it may be fun to try playing taiko songs on Osu!. So, I decided to give it a shot and that's how everything began for me.
3. Are you a mouse or tablet player? I'm mainly a mouse player and always will be. I find that holding a mouse gives me more stability and satisfaction over a tablet to be honest.
4. What is/are your favorite mod(s) and why? I love to play using the Hidden (HD) mod because without hit circles, I can pay more attention to the song and feel the beat from it. The other reason is that I hate to look at hit circles but I can still play no mod despite playing with HD all of the time.
5. What skin are you using? It's a mashup of other people's skin. You'll find that there would be not much graphics in it. That's because the elements of the skin I use is mostly for performance sake in terms of making it more easier to read notes and to reduce lag as much as possible. The skin that I'll be updating would be old skins that I used before rather than the current skin that I'm using at the moment for privacy sake. Even so, feel free to use or edit it as much as you want.
6. How did you get such high accuracy or SS on every map? A LOT of practice. However, I think it's thanks to how strict the hit timing is on taiko which helped me to build up my sense of rhythm. To me, I think accuracy is very important in a music rhythm game and that's why I focus more on getting an SS rather than FC. Because of that, I will just keep on retrying until I get a 100% on the map.
7. How long does it actually take you to SS a map diff? Depends on the style of the map whether it's filled with jumps, streams, focuses on speed or old mapping style (2009-ish). If I'm lucky, I will get it on my sightread (1st play) of the map. Otherwise, it may take some time and that will also amount to more than a hundred plays on that particular diff itself.
8. Do you farm for pp? Nope. The main reason I play Osu is to have fun and enjoying the game while I'm at it as well. Apart from the leaderboard rankings, I don't really care much about pp-based ranking.
9. Any tips on how to improve my accuracy, consistency or getting an SS? Usually I would go with the traditional answer of saying "play more" but there is more than that actually. Here are some advice I can give : - Try messing with the Osu settings like mouse sensitivity or size until you feel comfortable with it during plays and stick to it. - Get a skin that can help you with reading the notes; Preferably those that are transparent that allows you to read note stacks properly. - Remember, this is a rhythm game. Try to understand the flow of the song. It will do wonders. - Consistency is more on knowing the timing of when to hit subsequent notes after the first one. Listening to the hitsounds will help a lot for this. - Patience is key. You WILL probably take a lot of plays to get it so don't give up or be discouraged easily. It WILL take time but just keep going at it and you will get it eventually. - Start from an easy map and slowly increase the difficulty. There's no point in trying to do something much harder if you can't even get a proper hold of the basics to begin with. - And finally, play more... BUT be sure to get proper rests as well for not just your hands but yourself as well. Know your limits and stop before you end up hurting yourself.
10. Any tips on how to play with the Hidden (HD) mod? How I would describe playing with HD is click the circle when they disappear. That is as much as a straightforward answer I can give to you. But in all seriousness, you have to remember that this is a rhythm game. So, listen to the song carefully before clicking as the notes will often be in time with the song and you'll be able to pick up the cues on when to click.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko? Well, I started playing Taiko around Dec 2011, so pretty much nearly 9 years now.
2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Was introduced to it by a cousin of mine on Wii (TnT Wii 2). Tried it out for a few days and got hooked on it before I knew it.
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Yes. I started first with the Wii version and played it for about a year (was a big pain playing using the Wiimote). Then, tried to look for a PC version and found Taikojiro which was where i started playing taiko using keyboard and broke it at the same time (was both the happiest and the saddest day for me as well XD). And then came Osu! and well.... the rest is history...
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? None as of right now. I like all Taiko maps equally regardless of who the mapper is...
6. Who is/are your favourite Taiko mapper(s)? Just to name a few, they are : Nardoxyribonucleic, BlackHairEND, MMzz, lepidopodus, climbb65588, kanpakyin and Charlotte.
7. What is your Taiko playstyle? Full alternate
8. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR (most of the time where base OD < 7), SD / PF and FL (with the combination of either HRFL, HDFL or HRHDFL for #1 ranks).
9. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo. I'm just a lone wolf...
10. What is your favourite pattern? None in particular. Playing on full-alt means you see the whole entire map as a stream (with different patterns for every song diffs) rather then just single notes or broken up streams. So, it's really interesting to see what patterns I can derived from the entire map.
1) Why did you start mapping? After spending about 7 years on Osu! (2012 - 2019), I thought to myself: "I should probably leave something memorable about myself here if I were to quit". And so, I decided to map and try to create as much maps as possible while getting it ranked. At the very least, I want people to enjoy my maps even if I was to disappear from Osu! and couldn't come back.
2) Which mode can you map? Currently, I can only map for taiko mode. I've played taiko for a very long time now and I figured that it is better that I should use my experience to make taiko maps as I am more familiar with the mode. I do not have plans to try to map for other modes nor do I have the intent to.
3) What is your mapping style? At the moment, I'm still working on my mapping style. However, the concept that I follow is that the last diff of my mapset (the hardest one) will always be different from the lower difficulties. Meaning that I may use different song layers (vocals, instruments or even both) to create new notes. For the lower diffs, I will retain the same elements while removing some according to ascending difficulty. I would like to maintain the relevancy between the lower difficulties while making sure that they are also different from each other.
4) Can I request for modding / GD? Because of how busy I am right now, I am currently mapping and modding on my own accord for now. However, I may give an exception to close friends but that will mainly depend on whether I like the song that they have picked. If it falls within my cup of tea, the chances are higher.
5) What are the genres of song would you map? Mostly visual novel and anime openings. This will also include my favorite song artists as stated in the 'About me' section.
Thank you very much to - Mousse for gifting me with a whopping 4 Supporter tags (On 31/10/2015, 17/12/2015, 29/01/2016 & 14/08/2016) \^^/ - amy_ca for making my first banner (https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/381609/start=0)