
OhkaP - Reimu-instrumental- [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, January 1, 2016 at 10:18:41 AM

Artist: OhkaP
Title: Reimu-instrumental-
Tags: no. 666 the voc@loid m@ster 23 2nd album ultimate alternative
BPM: 90
Filesize: 2063kb
Play Time: 01:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 5Key (1.25 stars, 204 notes)
  2. Hard - 5Key (2.83 stars, 578 notes)
  3. Normal - 5Key (1.85 stars, 385 notes)
Download: OhkaP - Reimu-instrumental-
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
ambil dari sini oleh Cryolien

info: ///

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wait bentar. masi DL

MOD here


00:03:326 (3326|1,3326|4) - zan.. ni HS jangan gini plz.. loud banget... 1 aja cukup.. yang lain juga

HS 50%.... ngga bikin aja jadi 30% biar ngga terlalu distracting?



00:06:326 (6326|0,6660|3,6993|1,7326|0) - ko terasa inkonsistence ya.... di bawah ngga ada yang kek gini lho. padahal sound sama 00:03:326 (3326|4,3993|3,4660|4) -

00:29:326 (29326|4,29993|1) - ni... 00:29:993 (29993|1) - ni kan lebih tinggi pitchnya dari ini 00:29:326 (29326|4) - . ngga di buat gini aja?

00:29:326 (29326|4,29993|1,30660|3) - jadiin 4-5-3 terus 00:30:993 (30993|2,31160|1,31326|0,31660|4) - jadiin 5-4-2-1 atau 5-4-3-2 *wa ngikut pitch

00:39:326 (39326|4) - gpp tambah 1 lagi.. kalo di single jadi ancur itungan nya

00:40:993 (40993|3,41326|1,41660|4) - harusnya 5-3-2 ato 5-4-3

00:42:660 (42660|4,43326|3) - tinggian LN yang diatas pitchnya.. swap column

00:43:993 (43993|4) - kasi ke 4 karena ngga tinggi tinggi amat Pitch nya

00:43:660 (43660|0) - naikin ke 3 or 4. ngga rendah banget nadanya sampe dapet 1

00:44:660 (44660|0,44993|2,45326|4) - ni sesuai pitch 2-5-3 atau 2-4-3 atau 1-5-4

00:45:993 (45993|3) - Low pitch.. kasi di 1

00:46:326 (46326|1,46660|4,46993|0,47326|2,47660|4) - 5-4-3-2-3 atau 5-4-2-1-3 atau 4-3-2-1-2

00:50:326 (50326|2,50660|4) - Swap Column... pitch nya kebalik

00:51:326 (51326|3,51660|0) - ni juga, kalo iya 00:51:993 (51993|4,52326|2,52660|0) - jadi 3-2-1

00:52:993 (52993|3,53326|1) - Swap column.. pitch

sisanya bisa dicheck sendiri yak... pegel kakak


LN mu... ngga sesuai Pitch.. pake LN yang di Easy buat LN nya yak.. sama soalnya

00:59:993 (59993|3) - not missing any LN?


ngga ada masalah inconsistensi... cuman LN nya aja yang bingungin.. ngga ngikut pitch


Kudo PLZ
Topic Starter
blackout. gonna reply later, but just letting you know.
5K teh sempit, jadi emang LNnya pitchnya ada yg random. soalnya kalo begitu disitu situ mulu LNnya ya taulah bosen wkwk

Pharos21 wrote:


wait bentar. masi DL

MOD here


00:03:326 (3326|1,3326|4) - zan.. ni HS jangan gini plz.. loud banget... 1 aja cukup.. yang lain juga /// not really a problem, but right it seems useless to put same sample each timing

HS 50%.... ngga bikin aja jadi 30% biar ngga terlalu distracting?



00:06:326 (6326|0,6660|3,6993|1,7326|0) - ko terasa inkonsistence ya.... di bawah ngga ada yang kek gini lho. padahal sound sama 00:03:326 (3326|4,3993|3,4660|4) -

00:29:326 (29326|4,29993|1) - ni... 00:29:993 (29993|1) - ni kan lebih tinggi pitchnya dari ini 00:29:326 (29326|4) - . ngga di buat gini aja?

00:29:326 (29326|4,29993|1,30660|3) - jadiin 4-5-3 terus 00:30:993 (30993|2,31160|1,31326|0,31660|4) - jadiin 5-4-2-1 atau 5-4-3-2 *wa ngikut pitch

00:39:326 (39326|4) - gpp tambah 1 lagi.. kalo di single jadi ancur itungan nya /// gak

00:40:993 (40993|3,41326|1,41660|4) - harusnya 5-3-2 ato 5-4-3

00:42:660 (42660|4,43326|3) - tinggian LN yang diatas pitchnya.. swap column

00:43:993 (43993|4) - kasi ke 4 karena ngga tinggi tinggi amat Pitch nya

00:43:660 (43660|0) - naikin ke 3 or 4. ngga rendah banget nadanya sampe dapet 1 /// lebay gila, yg penting interval per 2~3 next notes itu udah main column-pitchnya, kalo lu selalu nyuruh secara overall column, please semua orang juga bosen diginiin

00:44:660 (44660|0,44993|2,45326|4) - ni sesuai pitch 2-5-3 atau 2-4-3 atau 1-5-4

00:45:993 (45993|3) - Low pitch.. kasi di 1

00:46:326 (46326|1,46660|4,46993|0,47326|2,47660|4) - 5-4-3-2-3 atau 5-4-2-1-3 atau 4-3-2-1-2

00:50:326 (50326|2,50660|4) - Swap Column... pitch nya kebalik

00:51:326 (51326|3,51660|0) - ni juga, kalo iya 00:51:993 (51993|4,52326|2,52660|0) - jadi 3-2-1

00:52:993 (52993|3,53326|1) - Swap column.. pitch

sisanya bisa dicheck sendiri yak... pegel kakak /// bacot


LN mu... ngga sesuai Pitch.. pake LN yang di Easy buat LN nya yak.. sama soalnya

00:59:993 (59993|3) - not missing any LN? /// kalo add LN jadinya 1/4, gamau gua


ngga ada masalah inconsistensi... cuman LN nya aja yang bingungin.. ngga ngikut pitch


Kudo PLZ

Zan - wrote:

blackout. gonna reply later, but just letting you know.
5K teh sempit, jadi emang LNnya pitchnya ada yg random. soalnya kalo begitu disitu situ mulu LNnya ya taulah bosen wkwk
ya mau gimana lagi.. pitch nya kek gitu... kalo di random pusing pala liat Pitch berantakan kakak
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:

Zan - wrote:

blackout. gonna reply later, but just letting you know.
5K teh sempit, jadi emang LNnya pitchnya ada yg random. soalnya kalo begitu disitu situ mulu LNnya ya taulah bosen wkwk
ya mau gimana lagi.. pitch nya kek gitu... kalo di random pusing pala liat Pitch berantakan kakak
fyi gak harus secara overall dari awal sampe akhir kolom 1 = sangat rendah || kolom 5 = sangat tinggi
please, selama masih main pitch per interval 2~3 notes itu bukan hal yg sangat menghancurkan quality map. berantakan? relatif sih pandangan orang.
Hmm.. ye juga sih.. kay then
some were mentioned in irc

these mods are for better playing, so you could accept it, or not
00:15:993 (15993|0) - move to 5 for
  1. 00:16:160 (16160|1,16326|1) - move to 1
00:17:493 (17493|4) - move to 3
00:22:326 (22326|1,22493|2) - ctrl + g
00:22:826 (22826|1,22993|2) - move 1 column right
00:34:326 (34326|2,34493|2) - move to 2
00:34:660 (34660|0) - move to 3
00:34:826 (34826|2,34993|2) - move to 1

00:15:326 - overlap. add new note there and give C to it
00:16:993 (16993|2,17326|4) - ctrl + g for better playing
00:22:493 - 00:22:826 - add note for C
00:40:326 - add note like you did afterward
00:59:993 (59993|3,60326|3) - why only 1 note only? is it just following that 'ting ting' sound?

00:21:326 (21326|3,21826|3) - move to 3 would be better for this diff
00:32:660 (32660|4,32660|0,33326|1) - better remove for consistency

ok gl
Topic Starter
mostly fixed.

thanks ichitan
[ A v a l o n ]
Hello Zan
mod as requested

mod inside

  • ayy metadata is good little confused haha (between Reimu, Urara, or Rei) awkwkwk

  1. 00:21:326 (21326|3) - will be nice to feel if you change this normal note into LN until 00:21:660 - :3
  2. 00:23:326 (23326|2,23660|0) - change to single note ? will be better if you focus LN only for strong instrumental sound
    example, you just put single note on here 00:12:660 (12660|3,12993|2) - that's good feel imo
  3. 00:29:993 (29993|4,30660|3) - swift column, idk but i just feel better for press that . . . and after that 00:31:660 (31660|4) - move to 4
  4. 00:33:993 - put 2 note on here . . . feels empty ;w;
  5. 00:50:326 (50326|4) - move to 4
  6. 00:57:660 (57660|1,57993|4,58326|2) - move to 3 2 5, i feel it's more respectly to pitch i think
  7. 00:59:993 (59993|2,60326|2) - does it same long sound ?

  8. 00:09:660 (9660|1,9993|0) - Ctrl G, and 00:10:326 (10326|2) - move to 4 . . . feels better to plays
  9. 00:23:326 (23326|3,23660|1) - not so strong long sound, suggest to make it single note only . . . and why this part 00:21:326 - has no LN ? (strong instrumental on that) my example for this case ==> hmm renyah :v
  10. 00:35:993 (35993|1,36160|2,36326|1) - feels strange, try this ?
  11. 00:39:826 (39826|1,39826|3) - why 2 notes ? feels weird to press imo since this section is all same sound
  12. 01:03:993 (63993|2,64160|3,64326|4,64660|2) - move to 4 3 2 5 is more get the feeling to play this part

  13. 00:17:660 (17660|3) - move to 3 for more balance pattern ?
  14. 00:18:660 (18660|1,18826|1,18993|1) - this is the real pain :v . . . try to arrange like this part 00:28:993 (28993|1,29160|1,29493|3,29660|3) - feels better
  15. 00:32:326 (32326|4,32660|3) - move to 4 5 . . . then
  16. 00:33:493 (33493|1,33660|0,33993|1) - move to 1 2 1 . . . more fun to plays imo
  17. 01:01:493 (61493|2,61660|2) - try to not make jack here ? move to 1 2 . . . well, just for comfortable

not much i can find . . . good and solid mapset ;)
good luck

well, not mostly following pitch is okay i think . . . at least the beatmap is consistent, nice, comfort, and fun to plays
bcuz osu is just a game, not a music program
Topic Starter
sorry again i can't reply each mod, but i mostly accept for sure~

thanks avalonte
iya iya nih mod nih gw baru on --"
col 1 2 3 4 5
foucus on pitch ya

00:13:326 (13326|4) - pitch rendah pindah ke col 1
00:23:993 (23993|3) - ^ sama terus 00:25:326 (25326|0) - ke 3 00:25:993 (25993|2) - ke 4
00:43:326 (43326|4,43660|0) - ctrl J
00:55:993 (55993|4) - ke 1 00:55:993 (55993|0) - ke 5 00:56:660 (56660|4) - ke 1

00:18:660 (18660|2,19993|2) - ini di 5 00:19:660 (19660|4) - di 3
00:31:993 (31993|2) - pitch rendah ke 1
01:01:326 (61326|2) - ^

dah itu aja bagus zan
PS* casan laptop menyusul :'v
Topic Starter
Kiai: 00:39:993 – sampe 01:01:326 -

00:04:160 (4160|1,4326|1) – dan 00:04:660 (4660|0,4993|0) – gimana kalo 00:04:160 (4160|1,4326|1) – ke 1 terus 00:04:660 (4660|0) – ke 2 ? berasa lebih enteng imo

00:06:326 (6326|1,6493|0) – ctrl + G terus 00:06:660 (6660|1,6826|1) – move ke 1

00:10:660 -

00:18:160 – add note di 4

00:22:326 (22326|0) – nanggung amat LN 1/4, mana jack lagi. How about change to normal?

00:23:493 – add note di 1

00:32:160 (32160|4,32326|4) – move ke 4

00:32:660 (32660|3) – move ke 5

00:34:660 (34660|2,34826|2) – move ke 5

00:34:660 (34660|3) – move ke 3

00:37:326 (37326|4) – move ke 2

00:37:493 (37493|3,37660|3) – move ke 5

00:37:993 (37993|4) – move ke 4

00:41:660 (41660|1) – how about move ke 4? Udah berat banget masalhnya disitu mencetnya, look to 00:40:993 (40993|0,41160|1,41326|0,41493|0) –

00:59:326 – personally love this pattern

00:59:993 (59993|4) – 1/4 LN kek tadi

00:21:326 – add note

00:21:993 – gk add note jan? Di hard aja dikasi dua not

00:30:993 -

00:33:160 – add note di 1

00:33:493 – add note di 5, berasa kosong gimana gitu itu suara gk lu ikutin

00:47:993 (47993|2) – move ke 5

01:01:660 (61660|1) – move ke 4 biar lebih balance, soalnya baru mencet 1 disini 01:01:326 (61326|0) –

01:03:993 (63993|2,64160|3) – ctrl + G, rasanya aneh kalo disini broken stair, suaranya gk mendukung

00:08:993 - pitch

00:21:326 (21326|3,21826|3) – move ke 3, gk asik banget mah ada yg ini 00:21:826 (21826|3,22326|4,22660|4) – soalnya

00:30:993 (30993|2,31160|1) – up to you sih mau normal note atau LN ini, tapi kalo yg hard yg normal note di apply bagusnya ini di apply juga

00:32:660 – add note

00:33:326 – add note

00:39:493 (39493|1,39660|3,39826|2) – mending dibuat stair aja soalnya diff easy ini supaya mudah di read, kalo buat stair buat 234

00:50:660 (50660|0) – move ke 5

01:01:326 (61326|0) – move ke 2

01:11:660 (71660|3,71826|2) – ctrl + G

dikit banget lah kolomnya 5k :< cocoknya di 7k atau lebih ini biar gak jack epriwer
Hi Zan! mod via your request!


▶BG: No problem
▶MP3: No problem
▶Spread: No problem
▶AI mod: No problem
▶Audio and Hitsound: Normal hitsound, no problem
▶Timing: No problem
▶Etc: No problem

No have general issue also it's good pattern overall. Here's some my suggestion for improving this map. Feel free to reject if you don't want.

I made a decision, seems it doesn't need much mod due to it's kinda easy map. also no have many issue for playing also balance, so I didn't catch much on this map.


00:21:326 (21326|3,21826|3) - I highly recommend to change this pattern for Easy players. It's too close, maybe it's really uncomfortable pattern. maybe you can try like this 00:59:993 (59993|2,60326|2) -


00:13:493 (13493|3) - I just wonder why you used 1/4 + holding long note only this part. You didn't use like this on other same parts. (For example 00:18:826 - )

00:21:993 - You can add a one note on here I think, no has a big issue for playing also for more good flowing pattern.


00:12:993 - You can add a one more note here for maintain your chord but it's fine too I think. Depend on you.

00:21:993 (21993|3) - Maybe move to column 2. maybe I can know why you stack a note in column 4, maybe for balance due to column 4 has been empty for a long time. but 00:21:826 (21826|4,21993|3) - this two guys are on the same hand, so I just recommend to move to other hand.

00:39:660 - The same reason with 00:12:993 - here but as I said, depend on you.

I can read your intention clearly. Nice map overall. Good luck for rank!
Topic Starter

_FrEsH_ChICkEn_ wrote:


00:21:326 (21326|3,21826|3) - I highly recommend to change this pattern for Easy players. It's too close, maybe it's really uncomfortable pattern. maybe you can try like this 00:59:993 (59993|2,60326|2) -


00:13:493 (13493|3) - I just wonder why you used 1/4 + holding long note only this part. You didn't use like this on other same parts. (For example 00:18:826 - )

00:21:993 - You can add a one note on here I think, no has a big issue for playing also for more good flowing pattern.


00:12:993 - You can add a one more note here for maintain your chord but it's fine too I think. Depend on you. ///nope

00:21:993 (21993|3) - Maybe move to column 2. maybe I can know why you stack a note in column 4, maybe for balance due to column 4 has been empty for a long time. but 00:21:826 (21826|4,21993|3) - this two guys are on the same hand, so I just recommend to move to other hand. ///really good point, i move to 3 instead

00:39:660 - The same reason with 00:12:993 - here but as I said, depend on you.[/notice]
kamsahamnida chikin-ssi!

00:18:660 (18660|3,18660|1,18826|1,18993|1) - , 2 jack is suits for this sound


00:23:993 - Add for crash


01:01:326 (61326|2) - Suggest to change into normal note

nothing else,
Topic Starter

DE-CADE wrote:


00:18:660 (18660|3,18660|1,18826|1,18993|1) - , 2 jack is suits for this sound /// this one good


00:23:993 - Add for crash /// no la, only use 2-noted for crash/cymbals


01:01:326 (61326|2) - Suggest to change into normal note /// no la, all diff has LN

nothing else,
ok good enough

Topic Starter
metadata updated due to romaji title confirmation

refer to: p/4763814
qualify checking


F: finish
C: clap
W: whistle

the map itself is already good, pitch follow, i will point what it need

00:39:326 - suggestion:
for patterns, but also for pitch, it's going high up
00:44:993 (44993|4) - wrong hitsound, should be C
01:11:326 - how about

00:19:326 (19326|4) - move to 4 for balanced
00:21:993 (21993|4,22326|3) - switch those notes, 00:22:326 - and 00:22:660 - are same pitch
00:39:826 (39826|3,39826|1) - i suggest to remove one of those notes, 00:39:493 (39493|4,39493|0) - can accecpt them while begin but it give a weird feeling about rhythm in here (00:39:826 (39826|3,39826|1) - )
00:44:993 (44993|2) - it's C
00:46:993 (46993|1) - move to 1 for balanced, it may hard to catch with 00:46:993 (46993|1,47326|1) - (those are even not same pitch)
00:47:993 (47993|2) - move to 5, same reason
00:59:993 - how about this, it's for pitch

00:30:493 - solution:

hmm .... it's a good map tho, waiting for your reply
call me later
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

qualify checking


F: finish
C: clap
W: whistle

the map itself is already good, pitch follow, i will point what it need

00:39:326 - suggestion:
for patterns, but also for pitch, it's going high up
00:44:993 (44993|4) - wrong hitsound, should be C
01:11:326 - how about /// i want too keep the symmetrical

00:19:326 (19326|4) - move to 4 for balanced
00:21:993 (21993|4,22326|3) - switch those notes, 00:22:326 - and 00:22:660 - are same pitch
00:39:826 (39826|3,39826|1) - i suggest to remove one of those notes, 00:39:493 (39493|4,39493|0) - can accecpt them while begin but it give a weird feeling about rhythm in here (00:39:826 (39826|3,39826|1) - )
00:44:993 (44993|2) - it's C
00:46:993 (46993|1) - move to 1 for balanced, it may hard to catch with 00:46:993 (46993|1,47326|1) - (those are even not same pitch)
00:47:993 (47993|2) - move to 5, same reason
00:59:993 - how about this, it's for pitch /// only apply the LN structure

00:30:493 - solution:

hmm .... it's a good map tho, waiting for your reply
call me later
Hitsound, snaps, AiMod, charts all check, it's all good and ready for


Congratulations! Happy New Year

Wrong title ... Requested for DQ
Disqualified on request.
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Icon is not being shown correctly.

Alright, fixed.

good luck for requalify
Okay, title fixed, thumbnails fixed too, as the result no changing from diificulties, only those mentioned, so


Jomblo!!... itu gw :D LDLDLD:D:D :D eh

EIDTT:: Ketek Reimu
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