
Despistaos - Fisica o Quimica [Osu|Taiko]

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Let's see what i can find =3=/

  1. remove the widescreen from all diff, since you didn't really use any sb on this =3=/
  2. I don't really like the use of the tick rate 2 here, so i suggest you to change it to 1, it's much better imo ><
  3. And maybe it would be better if you used the slidertick sound for slider ticks on easy, like here 00:10:067 - etc..
    since somehow it feels like something missing so yeah =3=/ i suggest you to do it baka!
  1. 00:07:367 (5) - I think it'll follow the music and your whistle pattern better if you added another one here too o3o/ just a suggestion though.
  2. 00:12:167 (4,5) - switch the nc, and then remove the nc here 00:14:567 (1) - , 2 combo kinda looks useless imo, so yeah =3=
  3. 00:18:167 (2) - I really don't hear a clap in the end of this tail, tbh it's here 00:18:467 - and not in the tail, so i suggest you to remove the clap and switch it with whistle instead, it might sound better =3=

  1. 00:07:367 (1) - like i said in easy for this one
  2. 00:18:767 (5) - ^ on this slider's start

  1. 00:07:367 (1) - same thing

That's all i could find tbh, this song is so short omg! Gero why do you always go with these songs? so baka xD
anyways, good map, i really liked it <3 gl baka ww
I hope this mod a bit helpful to you orz =3=/
Hi, Gero c:


  1. 00:28:967 (1) - You could low the volume of this part to 70%, sounds better imo.


  1. 00:14:567 (1,2,3) - Hmm, i don't know exactly, but i guess that this kind of stack is bad for Easy diffs, if the first object is still on screen when the second is faded in already, it's probably bad, so i think you'll need to change this xD
  2. 00:21:767 (1,2,3) - This is not the correct place for using symmetry, the rhythm of (1) is different than (3)'s rhythm.
  3. 00:18:167 (2,1) - You could make something like that at this part, it would be better, since at the reverse, it has a strong beat o3o
  4. 00:20:567 (2,3) - same here xD but here is more personal.

    That's all for Easy, nice diff that you have here, congrats O3O


  1. 00:03:617 (3) - Add note here for guitar sound?
  2. 00:33:617 (1,2) - I'm not sure, but i think you should avoid this kind of overlap, it's almost hiding (2) end, and i think it's bad for normal's diff.

    Okay, this diff is awesome, nothing wrong here, congrats :)


  1. 00:06:017 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - I have a better rhythm suggestion for this part
  2. 00:27:917 (2) - maybe replace this slider with 3 1/2 notes? :D
  3. 00:30:617 (3,4) - (4) makes a big jump with (3), and the instrumental isn't too strong at this part, i know you wanted to jump with (5) too, but maybe you could ctrl g (4) and find a better position for (5).

    Another great diff, congrats c:


I'm not pro at modding insane diffs, so i can't do much for this one, i checked at the editor and it seems fine for me, but maybe you would want avoid big jumps like that 00:06:167 (1,2,3,4) on parts that the instrumental isn't too strong, but i'm not sure of this tbh. Good Luck with your mapset c:
Topic Starter


  1. Falta desactivar el Widescreen Support: en la dificultad Fácil, Intermedio, Difícil y la Hanjamon's Muzukashii. Cierto, listo.

  2. 00:28:967 - 00:36:167 - Es cierto que esta parte es un poco más movida que el principio de la canción, te apoyo en eso. Sin embargo, no me parece del todo correcto el uso del Kiai ya que no acompaña tanto como los otros dos. Le pone ritmo y eso... peeero, no me cierra. Arreglado, he eliminado el ultimo kiai.



El hecho de que utilices stats TAN bajos resulta un tanto incómodo. HP y OD "1,0" deberían ser evitados. No es una dificultad de 0.30 estrellas, estamos hablando de CASI una dificultad Normal (1.5 stars) que se usan stats más altos, es verdad. Sin embargo, eso no cambia el hecho que para este caso se debería hacer lo mismo.
Para empezar, vamos con el AR. Estaría bueno que fuese "3,0", así no se quedaría tan atrás en comparación al resto de las dificultades
Tema OD y HP, esto va de la mano, como dije antes, los valores actuales son exageradamente bajos. Te recomendaría un "2,5", inclusive un "3,0" sería ideal. Yo siempre recomiendo usar "3,0" en todos los stats de una dificultad similar a esta. Cambie los settings.

El SV no me termina de convencer, demasiado lento quizás. "0,8" lo haría mejor, ¿qué te parece? Nope, 0.60 es perfecto para mi.

Ritmo y Jugabilidad

  1. 00:00:167 (1,2) - Estás extendiendo estos dos sliders demasiado. No es que sean malos o algo por el estilo, sino que los jugadores podría llegar a aburrirse al tener que mantener apretado un botón durante un período de tiempo tan largo. Intentá con otra cosa, cualquier otra solución puede llegar a ser incluso mejor. 2 sliders por cada 1 sería lo ideal, ya que seguiría cubriendo una gran parte de la guitarra. Para mi esta bien así, pero hice un cambio de patrón para que no sea aburrido.
  2. 00:26:567 (3) - Lo mismo pasa en esta parte, podrías intentar seguir al cantante y reemplazar esto por 2, inclusive 3 sliders... o quizás no, quizás querés mappear algún que otro círculo... y eso sería perfecto. No hagas que un Easy te prive demasiado porque eso puede llegar a hacer el mapa un poco "pesado". Desde mi punto de vista, la mejor manera de hacer esta parte sería poniendo el primer slider desde donde te marqué hasta 00:26:867 - después el segundo desde 00:27:167 - a 00:27:467 - y el último desde 00:27:767 - hasta donde termina el primero originariamente. Estarías cubriendo toda la parte y quedaría muchísimo mejor! Prefiero dejarlo así.

  3. 00:09:467 - Puedo llegar a no coincidir en esta parte. Es justamente donde se acentúa un beat realmente fuerte y que puede llegar a ser mappeado perfectamente. Primero, es el hecho que no hay objetos que aparezcan anteriormente, así que ahí no hay problema. Y después, el próximo objeto sigue estan bastante lejos, debería estar bien. Segundo, pasa más que nada para resaltar este sonido que destaca por sobre el resto, marca una pausa. Un círculo + Clap sería genial. Cierto.
  4. 00:32:267 - Algo parecido pasa acá, es el hecho de querer realmente resaltar sobre lo demás. Un círculo + Whistle o inclusive un Clap con sonido bajo puede venir bastante bien! Estoy siguiendo la musica.

  5. 00:28:967 (1,2) - En estos 2 sliders, el Clap suena demasiado fuerte de lo que debería estar. En realidad para todo este Kiai en general, mejor dicho. Intentá con un 30%~40% para que suene mejor. Cerca de x64 y168 sería ideal. No lo creo, el clap suena bien tal cual esta.

  6. 00:32:567 (2) - Yo las haría "simétricas", no me parece del todo necesario tener que mover un poco más el mouse para aimear eso... que vamos, Gerín! NO HAY GANAS DE MOVER TANTO EL MOUSE EN UN FÁCIL! Ahora hablando en serio, cambiaría bastante estas últimas 3 notas 00:32:567 (2,3,1) - .
    Vamos con lo principal, lo que te señalé fue más que nada para marcar todo el hecho de que venís ubicando todas las notas juntas y de repente usás un poco más de spacing para esta, por eso remarco que, para mí, quedaría más detallado seguir a lo mismo. Es mi estilo mas que nada, lo hago todo el tiempo en dificultades fáciles lo cual me parece ridículo de cambiar.
    Después, si cambiás lo de arriba, también vas a tener que cambiar el (3), sino quedaría bastante lejos. Mi recomendación sería que lo ubiques por debajo del (2), en x340 y164, de esta manera te quedaría en la parte opuesta de donde colocaste el círculo antaño (si es que lo hiciste, claro).
    Y por último, pero no menos importante, es el impacto que cubre este último slider por sobre la dificultad, es lo último del mapa. Se ve bastante aburrido teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de beats que estás ignorando y el lapso que este slider tiene.

  7. 00:36:317 (1) - Sólo una sugerencia, qué te parece extender el slider un poquito más? Hasta 00:38:117 - quizás? What? el beat de la vocal termina en blanco no rojo.

  1. 00:36:317 (1) - El Whistle ese está de más. No hay beat audible. Sigo la voz con whistle.



Estuve a punto de sugerir un remap, voy a serte sincero. Es una canción bastante corta y que no sé si realmente depende de todas las dificultades y dado a eso tenés esta clase de problemas que te voy a mencionar a continuación. No es que el mapa sea malo, no estoy diciendo eso, ni mucho menos. Sin embargo, se siente de esa manera. Hay muchos beats que son pasados por alto, mientras que otros no tan importantes son muy remarcados. Esto hace que la canción no fluya de la manera que podría serlo e hizo que tenga bastantes 100s innecesarios (y... yo no hago 100s (?)
A veces no es del TODO recomendable seguir al cantante en las dificultades bajas, a menos que realmente sea notorio.
Leé los siguientes puntos a ver si realmente estás de acuerdo o no con lo dicho anteriormente. En el caso que no, no hay problema, acordate que esto es completamente subjetivo y todos cometemos errores: Remap? hay algo que se llama seguir la voz, cariño, no hay nada de malo en seguir la voz ya que el spacing es el correcto y no hay nada extraño en mi opinión.

Ritmo y Jugabilidad

  1. 00:13:667 - Mejorá el blanket... agregá un círculo. Dios mío, ya hasta parezco político hablando. Ahora, lo serio, hay un beat audible en este lugar que puede ser completamente adicionado, no hay nada que evite esto, sinceramente. No quería hacer un blanket aquí.
  2. 00:16:067 - ^ ^

  3. 00:17:867 (2,3,4,5) - Con lo único que coincido es con el (2). No hay un seguimiento claro de lo que querés consegui acá, no se sigue el ritmo, ni el vocal... nada, sólo son 4 objetos puestos uno al lado del otro sin rumbo alguno. Intenté buscar alguna solución, pero... ya conocemos mi estilo de mappeo. NULO. Intentá algo similar a Estoy siguiendo la voz, no se porque dices que no.

  4. 00:22:967 (3,4) - Entiendo los beats que estás intentando seguir, pero no me cierra el hecho de hacer justamente esto. Mirá que estuve intentando con 1000 alternativas y ninguna sonaba lo suficientemente bien como para hacer un reemplazo de lo que tenés acá. Firmemente, creo que la mejor forma de cerrar esto, sería siguiendo al vocal (sí, aunque te haya dicho que no al principio)... realmente queda bien y no es tan malo como parece. De hecho, hasta suena mejor. Qué te parece algo así: Lo mismo que he dicho ya.

  5. 00:27:917 (2) - Ya que el sonido es constante, estaría mejor si lo reemplazaras por un slider hasta 00:28:067 - esto haría que la dificultad torne a ser un poco más "limpia", ya que dos círculos no suelen ser tan fáciles de leer para los jugadores nuevos. El cambio de la guitarra es diferente, no es constante en realidad.

  6. 00:30:167 (3,4) - Mejor evitar esas pequeñas cosas en esta clase de dificultades. Intentá reemplazar estos dos objetos por un único slider desde (3) hasta 00:30:467 - + Clap para así poder enfatizar el beat apropiadamente. Lo siento, pero lo dejo tal cual.

  7. 00:36:317 (1) - Sólo una sugerencia, qué te parece extender el slider un poquito más? Hasta 00:38:117 - quizás? Lo que dije en Fácil.

  1. 00:36:317 (1) - El Whistle ese está de más. No hay beat audible. Lo que dije en Fácil.


Ritmo y Jugabilidad

  1. 00:21:467 (5) - En mi opinión, quedaría mejor si reubicás este círculo un poco más arriba cerca de x180 y188 para que el espacio entre el anterior slider y el próximo sea más o menos igual, en vez de que haya una desproporción en el mismo. Simetría?

  2. 00:24:092 (6) - No estoy de acuerdo. El sonido acá no es constante y no requiere de un triplet para ser marcado correctamente. Es un golpe seco a la batería. Mejor remover para que quede más limpio! Suena mejor con el a mi parecer.

  3. 00:34:067 (2) - Ctrl+G quizás? Queda más... bonito. No.

  1. 00:36:317 (1) - El Whistle ese está de más. No hay beat audible. Hmmm? Lo que dije en Fácil.



AR -0.5 Quizás "9,0" sea bastante alto para esta dificultad... bah, a menos a mí me gustó más con el "8,5". Hahahahahahaha.

  1. 00:07:442 - Unsnapped green line. Debería estar en 00:07:667 - Desde cuando una linea en tick azul es unsnapped?
Ritmo y Jugabilidad

  1. 00:06:167 (1,2,3,4) - Esta parte parece ser demasiado forzada. Para un 4 estrellas no me parece correcto poner un cuadrado, además de que el spacing es un poco arbitrario, no te parece? A comparación del spacing que venís usando durante toda la dificultad, es lo único que destaco como "exagerado". No me parece mal que le quieras agregar un poco de dificultad al mapa... pero no taaanto! A mi me gusta.

  2. 00:09:467 - NC? No.

  3. 00:18:767 (1) - No me termina de convencer. Es un golpe seco a la batería, no está siguiendo absolutamente nada más. Intentá cambiarlo por un círculo... Y OJO! Que el beat está 00:18:717 - Es mejor hacerlo de esta manera ya que si hago lo que esta diciendo seria un poco extraño de jugar.

  4. 00:30:167 (1,2) - Rotá todo 180° para que juegue mejor con el siguiente slider. No.

  1. 00:37:067 (2) - Remové Whistle! No hay nada que marcar ahí. Fácil.

BN soon quizás, con gusto voy a rankear esto si lo veo todo ok~
Muchas ganas la verdad, un par de cosas para arreglar y debería estar perfecto!

¡Muchísima suerte, Gerín!


Hellow! Gero, as requested on game. :3
Better hurry up before Loctav changes the rule regarding the minimum drain time on the ranking criteria.
[ General]
  1. The current audio bitrate is over 193kbps which disobeys what Ranking Criteria says about the quality. Here I have the file with fixed bitrate. Click me. Uhmmm? I don't know what are you talking about, I'm pretty sure that my mp3 is perfectly okay.
  2. The file Video.avi isn't being used in any diff. What are you playing to do with it then? Consider putting the video among all the difficulties. Are you blind or something? I used it on my difficulties, just to clarify that is not necessary the video on taiko so this suggestion is kinda ridiculous.
  3. The use of the kiai time is almost 25 seconds which means 5/6 of the song. It would have more sense if you had two kiais as well as Hanjamon did. The third kiai which goes from 00:28:967 to 00:36:167 is not as strong as the other kiais, so it would be better if you remove it. Right.
[ Metadata Information]
I was digging into the information that goes in tags and I found out this. Feel free to use it or not.
  1. Can the source be the same of the title? I think it would make more sense if the source were Antena 3. Why Antena 3 as source? this show is called Física o Química so what's wrong with it? I don't get it.
  2. Remove "3" from tags: it doesn't make sense having just 3 as a tag information. I know it is relevant because the program was shown on Antena 3 but i think it would be more relevant if it where Antena3 instead of Antena 3. I'll keep it as is, sorry.
  3. Add Carlos Montero to tags because he was the creator of the program and I think it's important to give him the acknowledgment for that. Yeah.
  4. Add Lo que hemos vivido to tags because this is the album's name when the song released. Yeah.
  5. Instead of Version I think it would be more appropriated to have opening or Intro because I think Version doesn't apply for TV Show context. Added.
All of these tags suggestions are supported by this website
[ Easy]
  1. I strongly disagree with that HP and OD over 1 because this doesn't make sense over a Easy difficult. We're not talking about a Beginners difficult which has less stars and manages easier patterns. This is an Easy difficult and the number you set over the HP and OD don't fit properly here. I know you wanted to "increase" +3 between each difficulty. But this just messed up the way we should set up difficulty options over the mapset, despite it "fits". As well as Yuii- mentioned, OD and HP over 3 would make more sense than the current one. Fixed.
  2. 00:06:767 (4) I was testing this triangular pattern and it's not the same the diagonal line from 00:04:967 (1,2,3) compared to 00:06:167 (3,4,5) . So I suggest to place the 00:06:767 (4) here x=132|y=184 to fix that. Already changed before.
  3. 00:09:767 (1) Just a minor suggestion, but this slider, despite is stacked at 00:07:367 (5), is a bit off-screen so it would be better if you can move it a bit to the left to reduce the off-screen. ^
  4. 00:15:767 (3) The current stack is inappropriate for beginners. Besides this is the only notable stacks which has two objects almost near for each other, Beginner players might get confused because this 00:14:567 (1) slider haven't finished and you placed a slider which totally breaks the flow. What about trying something more intuitive that do not stack objects as notable as that one? Like this. Is not that bad at all, I always used them on my difficulties so I see nothing wrong with this.
  5. 00:13:367 (2) Finish this slider here makes an awkward sound. Players might end like if were a clickeable note here 00:14:267 . So, it would have been better if you extended until here 00:14:267 or here 00:14:117 to give more emphasis to the vocals. Sorry but not.
  6. 00:18:167 (2) Same reason of the above suggestion, this would make more sense if it were emphasizing the drums and do not miss this important beat 00:19:067 What about this? ^
  7. 00:26:567 (3) This slider is not emphasizing well the drums, despite it follows the vocals well. It is clearly missing an important beat which is here 00:27:767 that should've emphasized. What about placing a finish in that slider tick or make the slider as well as you did here 00:33:767 (1). This is my style, I like to use long sliders, I thought you knew it.
  8. 00:28:967 (1,2) The current way you placed this sliders make players to follow a forced and non intuitive flow. Beginners must force the cursor to go up to follow the slider, when the first slider suggests that the next note will be next to it. Try something more flow and perceptive for this difficulty. For example. No changes.
  9. 00:36:317 (1) This spinner end has a very audible whistle whcih made it a bit noisy. I highly suggest to put an inherited timing point to reduce the vol of the noisy whistle. 50% of it might perfectly work. Fixed.

[ Normal]
  1. If you considered the reason of the HP Drain and the Overall difficulty I did on the Easy, consider increasing the OD and the HP +1. Fixed.
  2. 00:03:767 (3) I think it would be better if you followed the guitar beats here like this. My rhythm also works well.
  3. As long as you're making 1/2 beats here, I think it would be cooler if you add a note here to emphasize the white tick and the vocals as well.
  4. 00:13:667 Same here. Sorry but I'm following the vocals.
  5. 00:32:267 (2,3) This plays too weird. I wasn't really sure when I had to click the the circle and when the slider started. So, I suggest to do Ctrl + G here to imrpove the rhtymn. Vocals?
  6. 00:36:317 (1) This spinner end has a very audible whistle which made it a bit noisy. I highly suggest to put an inherited timing point to reduce the vol of the noisy whistle. 50% of it might perfectly work. Okay.
[ Hard]
  1. If you consider about the difficulty settings suggestion I did over the previous difficulties, consider reducing the AR - 1 to have consistency. AR 8 is fine.
  2. 00:03:767 (1) the way you places NC palys good with the next pattern but it doesn't have consistency with the previous pattern. This would make more sense if you removed the NC here 00:03:767 (1) and follow the NC combing that you managed at the beginning. Considering doing the same here 00:06:017 (1) No.
  3. 00:06:917 (3) Shouldn't this object have clap as long as you followed the drums here? What? No.
  4. 00:15:617 (1,2) The jumpy pattern here doesn't fit because you're breaking the DS and making a very distance apart object to play. Try to reduce the DS between these objects to improve the readability of this pattern. Style?
  5. 00:36:317 (1) This spinner end has a very audible whistle which made it a bit noisy. I highly suggest to put an inherited timing point to reduce the vol of the noisy whistle. 50% of it might perfectly work. Yeah.
[ Insane]
  1. This "square" pattern would have flown better if you kept the same DS to make stuffs enjoyable and readable. I won't change that.
  2. 00:23:417 (5,7,8,1) This overlap looks very ugly and play weird. It would have been better if they were stacked by other objects. >w< I like it.
  3. 00:37:067 (2) Just a minor suggestion, but I think you can make this slider the same as this one 00:08:267 (2) as long as the lyrics and the rhythm is the same at this section. No.

Let's see what i can find =3=/

  1. remove the widescreen from all diff, since you didn't really use any sb on this =3=/ Done.
  2. I don't really like the use of the tick rate 2 here, so i suggest you to change it to 1, it's much better imo >< But I like it.
  3. And maybe it would be better if you used the slidertick sound for slider ticks on easy, like here 00:10:067 - etc.. Right but I'm lazy to changed that.
    since somehow it feels like something missing so yeah =3=/ i suggest you to do it baka! But I'm lazy.
  1. 00:07:367 (5) - I think it'll follow the music and your whistle pattern better if you added another one here too o3o/ just a suggestion though. Fixed.
  2. 00:12:167 (4,5) - switch the nc, and then remove the nc here 00:14:567 (1) - , 2 combo kinda looks useless imo, so yeah =3= The combo is following the vocals, baka.
  3. 00:18:167 (2) - I really don't hear a clap in the end of this tail, tbh it's here 00:18:467 - and not in the tail, so i suggest you to remove the clap and switch it with whistle instead, it might sound better =3= C'mon let me keep it as is.

  1. 00:07:367 (1) - like i said in easy for this one Yeah.
  2. 00:18:767 (5) - ^ on this slider's start ^

  1. 00:07:367 (1) - same thing Applied.

That's all i could find tbh, this song is so short omg! Gero why do you always go with these songs? so baka xD
anyways, good map, i really liked it <3 gl baka ww
I hope this mod a bit helpful to you orz =3=/

Hi, Gero c:


  1. 00:28:967 (1) - You could low the volume of this part to 70%, sounds better imo. Nice suggestion, added.


  1. 00:14:567 (1,2,3) - Hmm, i don't know exactly, but i guess that this kind of stack is bad for Easy diffs, if the first object is still on screen when the second is faded in already, it's probably bad, so i think you'll need to change this xD Is fine in my opinion, I did it on my 1D mapset.
  2. 00:21:767 (1,2,3) - This is not the correct place for using symmetry, the rhythm of (1) is different than (3)'s rhythm. Really? for me that pattern works well with the rhythm.
  3. 00:18:167 (2,1) - You could make something like that at this part, it would be better, since at the reverse, it has a strong beat o3o Nice suggestion but I wanna keep it as is.
  4. 00:20:567 (2,3) - same here xD but here is more personal. ^

    That's all for Easy, nice diff that you have here, congrats O3O


  1. 00:03:617 (3) - Add note here for guitar sound? Without something clickable there flows better.
  2. 00:33:617 (1,2) - I'm not sure, but i think you should avoid this kind of overlap, it's almost hiding (2) end, and i think it's bad for normal's diff. This is perfectly fine.

    Okay, this diff is awesome, nothing wrong here, congrats :)


  1. 00:06:017 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - I have a better rhythm suggestion for this part I don't wanna make it more harder than this, that's why the rhythm is like this.
  2. 00:27:917 (2) - maybe replace this slider with 3 1/2 notes? :D The guitar sound is with a long slider, sorry no changes.
  3. 00:30:617 (3,4) - (4) makes a big jump with (3), and the instrumental isn't too strong at this part, i know you wanted to jump with (5) too, but maybe you could ctrl g (4) and find a better position for (5). No changes.

    Another great diff, congrats c:


I'm not pro at modding insane diffs, so i can't do much for this one, i checked at the editor and it seems fine for me, but maybe you would want avoid big jumps like that 00:06:167 (1,2,3,4) on parts that the instrumental isn't too strong, but i'm not sure of this tbh. Good Luck with your mapset c: As I said before, I won't change this kind of pattern because is playable.
Topic Starter

Gero prefer tick 2 for his own personal reasons

2015-10-25 21:50 Natsu: deja le pregunto
2015-10-25 21:51 Gero: dale
2015-10-25 21:52 Natsu: Mp3 bitrate is more than allowed maximum (192Kbps):
2015-10-25 21:52 Natsu: despistaos - fisica o quimica.mp3 : 193kbps
2015-10-25 21:52 Gero: neta?
2015-10-25 21:52 Natsu: Simon
2015-10-25 21:52 Natsu: con el 0%% aproxima a 193
2015-10-25 21:53 Natsu: solo converti esa mamada para safe
2015-10-25 21:53 Gero:
2015-10-25 21:53 Gero: que pedo
2015-10-25 21:53 Natsu: es como 192,80
2015-10-25 21:53 Natsu:
2015-10-25 21:53 Gero: okay
2015-10-25 21:54 Gero: luego me pasas esa wea
2015-10-25 21:54 Gero: deja lo convierto
2015-10-25 21:55 Natsu: ese slider tick ni se escucha maje xq no solo lo borras ahaha
2015-10-25 21:55 Gero: meh
2015-10-25 21:55 Gero: ya
2015-10-25 21:56 Natsu: hitsounds se ven bien sin delays
2015-10-25 21:58 Natsu: 00:06:167 (1,2,3,4) - maje no crees que estas muy loco LOL
2015-10-25 21:58 Gero: pues ya converti la wea esa
2015-10-25 21:59 Gero: neee
2015-10-25 22:00 Natsu: maje HP7?
2015-10-25 22:00 Natsu: estas se siente bien culera cuando fallas algo ahaha
2015-10-25 22:01 Natsu: el od y el hp en hard igual -1 se siente buen gap para los settings de la normal
2015-10-25 22:01 Gero: le bajo a la insane?
2015-10-25 22:01 Gero: o a todas?
2015-10-25 22:02 Natsu: solo eso las otras estan bien
2015-10-25 22:02 Natsu: solo hard 0d y hp -1 y insane -1 hp xD
2015-10-25 22:03 Gero: ya ta
2015-10-25 22:03 Gero: ando actualizando
2015-10-25 22:03 Natsu: OKAY SUBILO
2015-10-25 22:04 Gero: rebaja y checa
2015-10-25 22:04 Natsu: normal y easy no crees quemejor con tick 1 lol
2015-10-25 22:04 Gero: siento que mi adobe convirtio el mp3 igual
2015-10-25 22:04 Gero: nel
2015-10-25 22:04 Natsu: se ven recleros
2015-10-25 22:04 Gero: deja mis diffs con 2
2015-10-25 22:05 Natsu: okay
2015-10-25 22:05 Natsu: /np
2015-10-25 22:05 Gero: siempre uso 2
2015-10-25 22:05 Gero: :c
2015-10-25 22:05 Gero: se ve kawaii
2015-10-25 22:05 Natsu: dame np ahah
2015-10-25 22:05 Gero: ACTION is editing [ Despistaos - Fisica o Quimica [Facil]]
2015-10-25 22:05 Gero: tenga
2015-10-25 22:07 Natsu: Clear!
2015-10-25 22:08 Natsu: los taikos sin video???
2015-10-25 22:08 Gero: si maje
2015-10-25 22:08 Gero: por?
2015-10-25 22:08 Gero: a los taikos se les quita el video o el storyboard
2015-10-25 22:08 Gero: siempre es así
2015-10-25 22:08 Gero: a menos que quieras que el video se vea todo culero con el modo taiko
2015-10-25 22:09 Natsu: okay nah nomas preguntando
2015-10-25 22:09 Natsu: algunos les gusta dejarlo alo yolo
2015-10-25 22:09 Gero: nel a mi no
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GL ;)
omg, thanks Natsu!
Fixed a pattern in Insane, and one slightly tricky part in Normal. Also a finish was removed in Hanjamon's diff.

Looks perfectly fine for me. Go go short maps <3

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Thanks a lot Lanturn.

pkhg wrote:

Felicidades ;)
Qualified without any Taiko mod? Niiice! I think that the gap between Muzu and Oni is pretty big, but I'm not experienced on this, so won't discuss it at all!

Congrats, Gerín <3

Yuii- wrote:

Qualified without any Taiko mod? Niiice! I think that the gap between Muzu and Oni is pretty big, but I'm not experienced on this, so won't discuss it at all!

Congrats, Gerín <3
you aren't taiko player or modder, also that's why Gero did ask Lanturn he have experience with both mode C:

pkhg wrote:

pkhg wrote:

pkhg bubble incominggggg
Gratz Geronimo!

pkhg wrote:

pkhg wrote:

segun vi por ahi el spread no existe si solo hay dos diffs
Gratz!! ^^

pkhg wrote:

segun vi por ahi el spread no existe si solo hay dos diffs
^ mas o menos como dijo pkhg, las diffs de standard convertidas a taiko se encargan de llenar ese gap al igual que pasa con ctb, en el que incluso puedes hacer solo una Rain si es un mapa con diffs de standard

Edit: inb4 ATRESMEDIA nos demanda
Edit2: you are cursed
Ya es casualidad, ayer estuve jugando este mapa por diversión y recién me di cuenta de que ya lo rankeaste xD Gratz.
Congrats :)
Creo que no ví ni siquiera un maldito capítulo de la serie \:D/

Felicidades por el rank qualify!

Yuii- wrote:

Qualified without any Taiko mod? Niiice! I think that the gap between Muzu and Oni is pretty big, but I'm not experienced on this, so won't discuss it at all!

Congrats, Gerín <3
De hecho el gap entre las 2 diffs es más que razonable. Aunque hubiera molado que la Muzu hubiera tenido algún 1/3 *runs*

Great maps Hanja&Gero and gz for qualify x3
What's with the AR/OD ratio here? AR 8 OD 6 and AR 9 OD 7 is pretty crap.
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Garven wrote:

What's with the AR/OD ratio here? AR 8 OD 6 and AR 9 OD 7 is pretty crap.
What's wrong with it? I don't get it, we changed it since the BPM is pretty high and the drain time is short so is better to have OD/HP 6 and OD/HP 7 because if you tested it you will see that if you failed on one note the drain drops a lot, even they're consistent each other so I see no problems with the settings and also just to clarify I discussed it with Natsu and we conclude about decrease it.

Anyways thanks for those kind of comments, I'm really happy that you liked it guys.
Thanks for providing an actual explanation. Normally all I get is "I want it easier"

You still want to avoid having OD so low compared to the AR itself unless your timing is fishy. This should be okay, I guess, but avoid using it beyond exceptional cases such as this.
Deberías de hacer mas maps así, siento que osu le falta mas Rock Alternativo y mas Spanish!
great tags
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