
ANIMAL FEELINGS - Chicken Techno

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 04 de julio de 2020 at 18:15:16

Title: Chicken Techno
Tags: Oli Chang Electronic Dance Remix
BPM: 133
Filesize: 14671kb
Play Time: 01:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,42 stars, 76 notes)
  2. Hard (3,29 stars, 195 notes)
  3. Normal (1,85 stars, 101 notes)
Download: ANIMAL FEELINGS - Chicken Techno
Download: ANIMAL FEELINGS - Chicken Techno (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

OSU Need More Chickens!!

Beatmap from Chicken Techno


¡Hola! (•ω•) Desde la queue de #spanish. Sé que tú habías posteado en mi queue por un mod, pero me quedaba más fácil hacerlo por la queue. xD
A decir verdad, ¡qué canción la que mapeaste! Tiene vídeo y una skin decente. ¡Felicitaciones! :D

Bueno, a lo que vinimos


Aquí anexo una lista de cosas que debes tener en cuenta antes de enfocarnos en las dificultades del mapa. Ten en cuenta que son basadas en el Ranking Criteria Oficial así que no debes preocuparte por algo que no entiendas.
  1. El archivo de fondo debe ser entre 1024x768, 800x600 o 1366x768 y el tuyo se encuentra en 1051x767 por lo tanto te sugiero que descargues este archivo y ubiques la imagen de fondo con las imágenes que te doy (clickeáme para abrirlo, que encaja con lo que el Ranking Criteria sugiere. Deberás organizarlo para que funcione.
  2. El archivo reversearrow.png no está en la carpeta. Considera agregarlo.
  3. Borra el archivo pause-overlay.jpg ya que no lo estás utilizando en le mapa.
  4. El archivo comboburst.png tiene una resolución más grande de la permitida, ya que se hace confuso cuando ese pollo aparece a los laterales mientras juegas. Por favor, re-dimensionálo para que sea IGUAL o MENOR a 500x767.
  5. El archivo fail-background.png presenta el mismo problema, pero en este caso debes dimensionarlo a 1024x768.
  6. La dificultad - >> Chickenator << - tiene los combo colores diferentes a las demás dificultades. ¿Por qué? Los combo colores deben ser los mismos para TODAS las dificultades del mapa.
  7. Considera agregar un Punto de previsualización del mapa, puedes colocarlo aquí 00:18:344 . Si no sabes cómo te explico, entra al editor, ve a la barra de tareas de este y ve dóde dice timing. La última opción del subménu que te abre, es a lo que me refiero.

  8. Elimina todos los guiones y corchetes de los nombres de la dificultad. Se ve feo y no están permitidos por la Ranking Criteria.
  9. El Offset que tienes está mal ubicado, ubícalo aquí para mejorar el ritmo de las notas. 17656
  10. Los combo colores que manejas no están mal, pero que te parecen estos: click Si los deseas poner, aquí te dejo el código de ellos.
    Combo1 : 128,0,0
    Combo2 : 92,32,251
    Combo3 : 18,124,255
    Combo4 : 242,24,57
  11. Quítale el chulito a las opciones de Enable Countdown y Letterbox During breaks porque no manejas storyboard para tenerlas activadas.

  12. Sugiero que reduzcas el volumen a 50% porque el audio de la canción es muy bajito.
  13. No estaría nada mal agregar kiai time a esta canción. Yo podría decir que encajaría aquí 00:18:344 y que termine aquí 00:30:750 y otro kiai que empiece aquí 01:32:329 y termine aquí 01:44:735. Si no sabes como agregarlo te sugiero que te des una visita por este foro que lo explica cómo y está en español. :o
  14. Elimina las comas de las TAGS ya que no son necesarias. Y considera agregar estas Electronic Dance Remix


lEn esta dificultad hace falta mucho más trabajo y dedicación porque, si bien hay unas reglas para mapear la dificultad más sencilla del set, estás violando muchas de ellas. Aquí anexaré los ejemplos de las cosas que debes re-ubicar en esta dificultad.

lDefinitivamente debes bajar el AR a 2 o 3, porque el AR5 sólo está permitido en dificultades normales.

lDebes de arreglar todas las sugerencias, sin excepción que te advierte el AiMod. (Lo puedes abrir apretando Ctrl + Shift + A)

Ritmo y jugabilidad

En las dificultas Easy, no se puede superar el 5 o el 6 en el combo. Así que considera agregar Nuevo Combo en estos objectos:
  1. 00:21:261 (3)
  2. 00:24:866 (7)
  3. 00:28:471 (9)
  4. 00:37:484 (5)
  5. 00:39:737 (1) (Remueve NC)
  6. 00:41:540 (3)
  7. 01:10:830 (1) (Remueve NC)
  8. 01:36:065 (3)
  9. 01:36:966 (1) (Remueve NC)
  10. 01:40:572 (4)
  11. 01:43:275 (1) (Remueve NC)
l00:30:274 (1,1) En las Easys, debes de ofrecer más tiempo para recuperarse de la ruleta. Así que considera acortarla o ubicar el círculo más alejado en la línea de tiempo.

l 00:23:965 (5,6) Debes de separar estos objetos porque los principiantes se pueden confundir.
  1. 00:37:484 (5,6) ^
  2. 00:41:089 (3,4) ^
  3. 00:49:200 (2,3) ^
  4. 00:50:101 (1,2,3,1) ^
  5. 00:57:311 (1,2) ^
00:35:681 (4,5) Esto tampoco es permitido. Sliders uno sobre otros pueden confundir y especialmente en este dificultad. Cosnidera ubicar el 00:37:484 (5) más alejado.

Sliders como estos 01:07:225 (2) ,01:31:559 (1) ,00:57:311 (1) Confunden demasiado y no suenan bien. En las easys sólo se admite UNA repetición por slider. Así que considera arreglarlo ubicando círculos o más sliders en la línea del tiempo.

Espero haber sido de ayuda. ¡Buena suerte con tu mapa! Si tienes alguna duda no olvides en preguntarme.
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

¡Hola! (•ω•) Desde la queue de #spanish. Sé que tú habías posteado en mi queue por un mod, pero me quedaba más fácil hacerlo por la queue. xD
A decir verdad, ¡qué canción la que mapeaste! Tiene vídeo y una skin decente. ¡Felicitaciones! :D

Bueno, a lo que vinimos


Aquí anexo una lista de cosas que debes tener en cuenta antes de enfocarnos en las dificultades del mapa. Ten en cuenta que son basadas en el Ranking Criteria Oficial así que no debes preocuparte por algo que no entiendas.
  1. El archivo de fondo debe ser entre 1024x768, 800x600 o 1366x768 y el tuyo se encuentra en 1051x767 por lo tanto te sugiero que descargues este archivo y ubiques la imagen de fondo con las imágenes que te doy (clickeáme para abrirlo, que encaja con lo que el Ranking Criteria sugiere. Deberás organizarlo para que funcione.
  2. El archivo reversearrow.png no está en la carpeta. Considera agregarlo.
  3. Borra el archivo pause-overlay.jpg ya que no lo estás utilizando en le mapa.
  4. El archivo comboburst.png tiene una resolución más grande de la permitida, ya que se hace confuso cuando ese pollo aparece a los laterales mientras juegas. Por favor, re-dimensionálo para que sea IGUAL o MENOR a 500x767.
  5. El archivo fail-background.png presenta el mismo problema, pero en este caso debes dimensionarlo a 1024x768.
  6. La dificultad - >> Chickenator << - tiene los combo colores diferentes a las demás dificultades. ¿Por qué? Los combo colores deben ser los mismos para TODAS las dificultades del mapa.
  7. Considera agregar un Punto de previsualización del mapa, puedes colocarlo aquí 00:18:344 . Si no sabes cómo te explico, entra al editor, ve a la barra de tareas de este y ve dóde dice timing. La última opción del subménu que te abre, es a lo que me refiero.

  8. Elimina todos los guiones y corchetes de los nombres de la dificultad. Se ve feo y no están permitidos por la Ranking Criteria.
  9. El Offset que tienes está mal ubicado, ubícalo aquí para mejorar el ritmo de las notas. 17656
  10. Los combo colores que manejas no están mal, pero que te parecen estos: click Si los deseas poner, aquí te dejo el código de ellos.
    Combo1 : 128,0,0
    Combo2 : 92,32,251
    Combo3 : 18,124,255
    Combo4 : 242,24,57
  11. Quítale el chulito a las opciones de Enable Countdown y Letterbox During breaks porque no manejas storyboard para tenerlas activadas.

  12. Sugiero que reduzcas el volumen a 50% porque el audio de la canción es muy bajito.
  13. No estaría nada mal agregar kiai time a esta canción. Yo podría decir que encajaría aquí 00:18:344 y que termine aquí 00:30:750 y otro kiai que empiece aquí 01:32:329 y termine aquí 01:44:735. Si no sabes como agregarlo te sugiero que te des una visita por este foro que lo explica cómo y está en español. :o
  14. Elimina las comas de las TAGS ya que no son necesarias. Y considera agregar estas Electronic Dance Remix


lEn esta dificultad hace falta mucho más trabajo y dedicación porque, si bien hay unas reglas para mapear la dificultad más sencilla del set, estás violando muchas de ellas. Aquí anexaré los ejemplos de las cosas que debes re-ubicar en esta dificultad.

lDefinitivamente debes bajar el AR a 2 o 3, porque el AR5 sólo está permitido en dificultades normales.

lDebes de arreglar todas las sugerencias, sin excepción que te advierte el AiMod. (Lo puedes abrir apretando Ctrl + Shift + A)

Ritmo y jugabilidad

En las dificultas Easy, no se puede superar el 5 o el 6 en el combo. Así que considera agregar Nuevo Combo en estos objectos:
  1. 00:21:261 (3)
  2. 00:24:866 (7)
  3. 00:28:471 (9)
  4. 00:37:484 (5)
  5. 00:39:737 (1) (Remueve NC)
  6. 00:41:540 (3)
  7. 01:10:830 (1) (Remueve NC)
  8. 01:36:065 (3)
  9. 01:36:966 (1) (Remueve NC)
  10. 01:40:572 (4)
  11. 01:43:275 (1) (Remueve NC)
l00:30:274 (1,1) En las Easys, debes de ofrecer más tiempo para recuperarse de la ruleta. Así que considera acortarla o ubicar el círculo más alejado en la línea de tiempo.

l 00:23:965 (5,6) Debes de separar estos objetos porque los principiantes se pueden confundir.
  1. 00:37:484 (5,6) ^
  2. 00:41:089 (3,4) ^
  3. 00:49:200 (2,3) ^
  4. 00:50:101 (1,2,3,1) ^
  5. 00:57:311 (1,2) ^
00:35:681 (4,5) Esto tampoco es permitido. Sliders uno sobre otros pueden confundir y especialmente en este dificultad. Cosnidera ubicar el 00:37:484 (5) más alejado.

Sliders como estos 01:07:225 (2) ,01:31:559 (1) ,00:57:311 (1) Confunden demasiado y no suenan bien. En las easys sólo se admite UNA repetición por slider. Así que considera arreglarlo ubicando círculos o más sliders en la línea del tiempo.

Espero haber sido de ayuda. ¡Buena suerte con tu mapa! Si tienes alguna duda no olvides en preguntarme.

mil graciass!! n_n aplique todo menos tu sugerencia de combo ( que no supe como hacerlo ni donde poner los codigos :c
y me alegro mucho que te haya gustado mi canción y skin :3 seguire mejorandola :) saludoss!
As you requested.

  1. Your diff may unrankable. you can put custom diff name in HARDEST one.
  2. Your kiai isn't snapped and your audio preview conflicts. Check AiMod (CTRL + SHIFT + A)
  3. Maaaaaybe BPM isn't right. Try ask some pro to check the right bpm.
  4. uhm, no hitsounds? Try add some and Adjust the volume :D
Egg Baby
  1. AR = 3 or 4
  2. If it's Easy diff, then your Slider Velocity is pretty fast.
  3. Use Distance Snap. It's important.
  4. 00:30:273 (1) - The shape isn't perfect hexagon (?)
  5. 00:32:977 (1) - Overlap with previous slider
  6. 00:57:311 (1,2) - This 2+ reverse is pretty weird imo.
  7. 01:07:225 (2) - unrankable

Chicky Boy
  1. Still need use Distance Snap.
  2. OD = 4
  3. No preview point
  4. 00:23:064 (1,2,3,4) - Too brutal if it's for normal. Consider reduce Reverse and make some 1/1 gap
  5. 00:32:977 (1,3) - bad stack with slidertail.
  6. 00:55:508 (1) - 2+ reverse? Maybe avoid it.
  7. 01:00:916 (1,2,3,4,5) - 5 1/2 Circles in Normal = unrankable.
  8. 01:43:275 (1) - also avoid Linear sliders.

Chicken man
  1. 00:20:810 (5,3) - They have bad stacking.
  2. 00:25:091 (1,2,3,4,5) - Balance their spacing.
  3. 00:37:709 (7) - New combo?
  4. 00:48:524 (6) - New combo here as well
  5. 00:55:508 (6,7,8,9,10) - Balance their spacing.
  6. 01:10:830 (1) - remove new combo then add new combo in 01:09:478 (5) - instead.
  7. 01:36:629 (1) - Unnecessary New combo.
  8. 01:36:629 (1,2,1) - please stack them all in one place.
  9. 01:38:881 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The spacing here as well. Uneven.
  10. 01:42:261 (1) - Unnecessary new combo.
  11. Spinner should end in 01:46:429 -

I pointed only the major part. goodluck~
Topic Starter

[-AKiTOSHi-] wrote:

As you requested.

  1. Your diff may unrankable. you can put custom diff name in HARDEST one. - done.
  2. Your kiai isn't snapped and your audio preview conflicts. Check AiMod (CTRL + SHIFT + A) - done(and thank you).
  3. Maaaaaybe BPM isn't right. Try ask some pro to check the right bpm. - done.
  4. uhm, no hitsounds? Try add some and Adjust the volume :D
- its a good idea :) but im only adjust the volumen while im searching for a hitsound.

Egg Baby
  1. AR = 3 or 4 - done.
  2. If it's Easy diff, then your Slider Velocity is pretty fast. - done.
  3. Use Distance Snap. It's important. - done.
  4. 00:30:273 (1) - The shape isn't perfect hexagon (?) - done.
  5. 00:32:977 (1) - Overlap with previous slider - done.
  6. 00:57:311 (1,2) - This 2+ reverse is pretty weird imo. - done.
  7. 01:07:225 (2) - unrankable - done.

Chicky Boy
  1. Still need use Distance Snap. - done.
  2. OD = 4 - done.
  3. No preview point - done(thanks).
  4. 00:23:064 (1,2,3,4) - Too brutal if it's for normal. Consider reduce Reverse and make some 1/1 gap - done.
  5. 00:32:977 (1,3) - bad stack with slidertail. - done.
  6. 00:55:508 (1) - 2+ reverse? Maybe avoid it. - done.
  7. 01:00:916 (1,2,3,4,5) - 5 1/2 Circles in Normal = unrankable. - done.
  8. 01:43:275 (1) - also avoid Linear sliders. - done.

Chicken man
  1. 00:20:810 (5,3) - They have bad stacking. - done.
  2. 00:25:091 (1,2,3,4,5) - Balance their spacing. - done.
  3. 00:37:709 (7) - New combo? - done.
  4. 00:48:524 (6) - New combo here as well - done.
  5. 00:55:508 (6,7,8,9,10) - Balance their spacing. - done.
  6. 01:10:830 (1) - remove new combo then add new combo in 01:09:478 (5) - instead. - done.
  7. 01:36:629 (1) - Unnecessary New combo. - done.
  8. 01:36:629 (1,2,1) - please stack them all in one place. - done.
  9. 01:38:881 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The spacing here as well. Uneven. - done.
  10. 01:42:261 (1) - Unnecessary new combo. - done.
  11. Spinner should end in 01:46:429 - done.

I pointed only the major part. goodluck~
Thank you for your modding, it really help me n_n
2015-09-28 17:56 Rocket_FaW: hi!
2015-09-28 17:56 Rocket_FaW: are you busy?
2015-09-28 17:56 ohyeahitsjustme: hi. not really
2015-09-28 18:00 Rocket_FaW: can u help me now modding my beatmap?
2015-09-28 18:00 ohyeahitsjustme: ye, sure
2015-09-28 18:01 Rocket_FaW: thz n_n
2015-09-28 18:01 Rocket_FaW: t/344519
2015-09-28 18:01 Rocket_FaW: this is
2015-09-28 18:01 ohyeahitsjustme: ye
2015-09-28 18:02 ohyeahitsjustme: ACTION is editing [ Oli Chang - Chicken Techno [Easy]]
2015-09-28 18:02 ohyeahitsjustme: dat skin
2015-09-28 18:03 ohyeahitsjustme: maybe u will delete 50,100 and 300? ppl dont like it, so they woudnt play with ur skin
2015-09-28 18:04 ohyeahitsjustme: BG should have siza 1366x768
2015-09-28 18:04 ohyeahitsjustme: size
2015-09-28 18:04 Rocket_FaW: aww ok
2015-09-28 18:06 ohyeahitsjustme: were u using a distance snap in easy diff?
2015-09-28 18:08 Rocket_FaW: its difficult for me the distance map
2015-09-28 18:08 ohyeahitsjustme: why? its pretty easy
2015-09-28 18:09 ohyeahitsjustme: and u are missing very needed notes
2015-09-28 18:09 ohyeahitsjustme: such as 00:19:009 -
2015-09-28 18:09 ohyeahitsjustme: or 00:21:265 (1) -
2015-09-28 18:10 ohyeahitsjustme: without good distances everywhere, u wont get good map.
2015-09-28 18:10 ohyeahitsjustme: so i guess u need to remap this
2015-09-28 18:10 ohyeahitsjustme: using distance snap
2015-09-28 18:11 Rocket_FaW: when i use distance snap, the sliders and circles are so many side by side
2015-09-28 18:12 ohyeahitsjustme: there is only 1 circle or slider and u need to put it in that area, nothing more o.o
2015-09-28 18:13 ohyeahitsjustme: anyway, u need to learn how to use that
2015-09-28 18:13 Rocket_FaW: i know xd
2015-09-28 18:13 Rocket_FaW: ok thanks im gonna remap
2015-09-28 18:13 ohyeahitsjustme: w8. some mistakes
2015-09-28 18:13 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:29:385 (1) - in easy diff this is bad
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: imposition, when 1 note is under 2nd is unrankable
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: in easy
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: so notice that
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: and
2015-09-28 18:14 Rocket_FaW: in easy?
2015-09-28 18:14 Rocket_FaW: aww ok thaz :)
2015-09-28 18:14 Rocket_FaW: thz
2015-09-28 18:15 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:35:701 (1,2) - the end of the 1st slider is on the 2nd - thats imposition - thats bad
2015-09-28 18:15 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:55:550 (2) - this slider looks bad. try to think about any other form xo
2015-09-28 18:16 Rocket_FaW: sure :)
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: ... rVeQ5c.jpg try smth like this. or idk ;d
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: 01:00:964 (1) - same
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: same
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: 01:40:550 (3) -
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: in normal u still need to use Distance Snap
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: and
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: think about ur sliders
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: their forms are weird ;x
2015-09-28 18:18 Rocket_FaW: all the map is weird anyway xD
2015-09-28 18:18 Rocket_FaW: but ok :)
2015-09-28 18:18 ohyeahitsjustme: in hard still DS
2015-09-28 18:18 ohyeahitsjustme: but
2015-09-28 18:19 ohyeahitsjustme: u can do jumps
2015-09-28 18:19 ohyeahitsjustme: if songs allow u to do this
2015-09-28 18:19 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:39:761 (2,3) - 00:32:092 (1,2) - and change these pls ;o
2015-09-28 18:21 ohyeahitsjustme: so i can suggest u fully remap the set
2015-09-28 18:21 ohyeahitsjustme: u can call me again, when u will do that
2015-09-28 18:21 Rocket_FaW: deleting 00:39:761 (2,3) ?
2015-09-28 18:21 ohyeahitsjustme: just change
2015-09-28 18:22 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:50:137 (1,2) - and those
2015-09-28 18:22 ohyeahitsjustme: just change form
2015-09-28 18:22 Rocket_FaW: ok
2015-09-28 18:23 ohyeahitsjustme: anyway, gl
2015-09-28 18:23 ohyeahitsjustme: u can give me kds if i was useful xD
2015-09-28 18:24 Rocket_FaW: just show this mod in the page and i give you kds xd
2015-09-28 18:24 Rocket_FaW: t/344519
Topic Starter

ohyeahitsjustme wrote:

2015-09-28 17:56 Rocket_FaW: hi!
2015-09-28 17:56 Rocket_FaW: are you busy?
2015-09-28 17:56 ohyeahitsjustme: hi. not really
2015-09-28 18:00 Rocket_FaW: can u help me now modding my beatmap?
2015-09-28 18:00 ohyeahitsjustme: ye, sure
2015-09-28 18:01 Rocket_FaW: thz n_n
2015-09-28 18:01 Rocket_FaW: t/344519
2015-09-28 18:01 Rocket_FaW: this is
2015-09-28 18:01 ohyeahitsjustme: ye
2015-09-28 18:02 ohyeahitsjustme: ACTION is editing [ Oli Chang - Chicken Techno [Easy]]
2015-09-28 18:02 ohyeahitsjustme: dat skin
2015-09-28 18:03 ohyeahitsjustme: maybe u will delete 50,100 and 300? ppl dont like it, so they woudnt play with ur skin
2015-09-28 18:04 ohyeahitsjustme: BG should have siza 1366x768
2015-09-28 18:04 ohyeahitsjustme: size
2015-09-28 18:04 Rocket_FaW: aww ok
2015-09-28 18:06 ohyeahitsjustme: were u using a distance snap in easy diff?
2015-09-28 18:08 Rocket_FaW: its difficult for me the distance map
2015-09-28 18:08 ohyeahitsjustme: why? its pretty easy
2015-09-28 18:09 ohyeahitsjustme: and u are missing very needed notes
2015-09-28 18:09 ohyeahitsjustme: such as 00:19:009 -
2015-09-28 18:09 ohyeahitsjustme: or 00:21:265 (1) -
2015-09-28 18:10 ohyeahitsjustme: without good distances everywhere, u wont get good map.
2015-09-28 18:10 ohyeahitsjustme: so i guess u need to remap this
2015-09-28 18:10 ohyeahitsjustme: using distance snap
2015-09-28 18:11 Rocket_FaW: when i use distance snap, the sliders and circles are so many side by side
2015-09-28 18:12 ohyeahitsjustme: there is only 1 circle or slider and u need to put it in that area, nothing more o.o
2015-09-28 18:13 ohyeahitsjustme: anyway, u need to learn how to use that
2015-09-28 18:13 Rocket_FaW: i know xd
2015-09-28 18:13 Rocket_FaW: ok thanks im gonna remap
2015-09-28 18:13 ohyeahitsjustme: w8. some mistakes
2015-09-28 18:13 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:29:385 (1) - in easy diff this is bad
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: imposition, when 1 note is under 2nd is unrankable
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: in easy
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: so notice that
2015-09-28 18:14 ohyeahitsjustme: and
2015-09-28 18:14 Rocket_FaW: in easy?
2015-09-28 18:14 Rocket_FaW: aww ok thaz :)
2015-09-28 18:14 Rocket_FaW: thz
2015-09-28 18:15 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:35:701 (1,2) - the end of the 1st slider is on the 2nd - thats imposition - thats bad
2015-09-28 18:15 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:55:550 (2) - this slider looks bad. try to think about any other form xo
2015-09-28 18:16 Rocket_FaW: sure :)
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: ... rVeQ5c.jpg try smth like this. or idk ;d
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: 01:00:964 (1) - same
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: same
2015-09-28 18:16 ohyeahitsjustme: 01:40:550 (3) -
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: in normal u still need to use Distance Snap
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: and
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: think about ur sliders
2015-09-28 18:17 ohyeahitsjustme: their forms are weird ;x
2015-09-28 18:18 Rocket_FaW: all the map is weird anyway xD
2015-09-28 18:18 Rocket_FaW: but ok :)
2015-09-28 18:18 ohyeahitsjustme: in hard still DS
2015-09-28 18:18 ohyeahitsjustme: but
2015-09-28 18:19 ohyeahitsjustme: u can do jumps
2015-09-28 18:19 ohyeahitsjustme: if songs allow u to do this
2015-09-28 18:19 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:39:761 (2,3) - 00:32:092 (1,2) - and change these pls ;o
2015-09-28 18:21 ohyeahitsjustme: so i can suggest u fully remap the set
2015-09-28 18:21 ohyeahitsjustme: u can call me again, when u will do that
2015-09-28 18:21 Rocket_FaW: deleting 00:39:761 (2,3) ?
2015-09-28 18:21 ohyeahitsjustme: just change
2015-09-28 18:22 ohyeahitsjustme: 00:50:137 (1,2) - and those
2015-09-28 18:22 ohyeahitsjustme: just change form
2015-09-28 18:22 Rocket_FaW: ok
2015-09-28 18:23 ohyeahitsjustme: anyway, gl
2015-09-28 18:23 ohyeahitsjustme: u can give me kds if i was useful xD
2015-09-28 18:24 Rocket_FaW: just show this mod in the page and i give you kds xd
2015-09-28 18:24 Rocket_FaW: t/344519

Thank you! :)
wtf is this O_O
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

wtf is this O_O
Enjoy :D
Hi there!
You requested a mod from my M4M queue. Took me a while but here I am.


  1. Timing sounds off after the second break time, I think that might be due to the song picking up slightly early after the part at 01:11:791 . I would add an uninherited timing section with the same tempo at 01:17:092 , but you should probably check with someone who is more experienced in timing than I am.


  1. Two AImod distance snap warnings, looks like minor tweaks though
  2. 00:21:265 (1) - could be slightly tweaked so the border doesn't overlap 00:20:813 (4)
  3. 00:30:287 (2) - try curving the second half slightly less so it doesn't have a kink near the third tick
  4. 00:51:941 (3) - similar here, try removing the kinks on the inside of the curves, they don't really look nice
  5. 00:55:550 (1) - another slight kink in this slider
  6. 01:03:671 (2) - and in this one too
  7. 01:14:498 (1) - end this a 16th (1/4) earlier, to match the beat picking up again (see my note on timing)


  1. 00:26:678 (4) - slight kink in the slider right after the start circle
  2. 00:37:505 (1) - would look nicer as a regular circle arc IMO
  3. 00:46:979 (2) - kinks in the slider
  4. 01:14:949 (1) - as in the easy, end this earlier
  5. Everything in the second kiai should be snapped to 1/4, not 1/6. See also my note on timing


  1. 00:19:009 (4) - I don't hear any 16th rhythm in the music that would suggest this repeat slider. Making the slider an 8th note (1/2) and repeating only once would match the music better IMO. There are several of these in the map
  2. 00:20:813 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  3. 00:23:069 (1) - just make a circle arc
  4. 00:24:197 (4) - repeat slider as first point. A long slider would fit the chicken sample here better
  5. 00:26:227 (6) - repeat slider as first point
  6. 00:29:836 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  7. 00:32:994 (3) - repeat slider as first point
  8. 00:34:122 (2) - this fits the chicken sample really nicely, you should use short sliders like this more consistently for that sample
  9. 00:39:761 (3) - repeat slider as first point
  10. 00:40:212 (4) - a short slider mapped to the chicken sample and a circle mapped to the bass would fit better than the return slider IMO
  11. 00:47:881 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  12. 00:53:069 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  13. 00:58:031 (1) - repeat slider as first point
  14. 01:03:671 (3) - this slider shape feels out of place since you almost exclusively use curved sliders, and this is not mapped to anything that stands out
  15. 01:14:949 (1) - as in the other difficulties, end the spinner earlier
  16. 01:38:069 (6) - repeat slider as first point

To be quite honest, I hope I don't have to listen to this again. I can only stand so much chicken.

I hope my mod helps improve your map and look forward to your mod on one of my maps.
Topic Starter

Zhuriel wrote:

Hi there!
You requested a mod from my M4M queue. Took me a while but here I am.



  1. Timing sounds off after the second break time, I think that might be due to the song picking up slightly early after the part at 01:11:791 . I would add an uninherited timing section with the same tempo at 01:17:092 , but you should probably check with someone who is more experienced in timing than I am.


  1. Two AImod distance snap warnings, looks like minor tweaks though
  2. 00:21:265 (1) - could be slightly tweaked so the border doesn't overlap 00:20:813 (4)
  3. 00:30:287 (2) - try curving the second half slightly less so it doesn't have a kink near the third tick
  4. 00:51:941 (3) - similar here, try removing the kinks on the inside of the curves, they don't really look nice
  5. 00:55:550 (1) - another slight kink in this slider
  6. 01:03:671 (2) - and in this one too
  7. 01:14:498 (1) - end this a 16th (1/4) earlier, to match the beat picking up again (see my note on timing)


  1. 00:26:678 (4) - slight kink in the slider right after the start circle
  2. 00:37:505 (1) - would look nicer as a regular circle arc IMO
  3. 00:46:979 (2) - kinks in the slider
  4. 01:14:949 (1) - as in the easy, end this earlier
  5. Everything in the second kiai should be snapped to 1/4, not 1/6. See also my note on timing


  1. 00:19:009 (4) - I don't hear any 16th rhythm in the music that would suggest this repeat slider. Making the slider an 8th note (1/2) and repeating only once would match the music better IMO. There are several of these in the map
  2. 00:20:813 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  3. 00:23:069 (1) - just make a circle arc
  4. 00:24:197 (4) - repeat slider as first point. A long slider would fit the chicken sample here better
  5. 00:26:227 (6) - repeat slider as first point
  6. 00:29:836 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  7. 00:32:994 (3) - repeat slider as first point
  8. 00:34:122 (2) - this fits the chicken sample really nicely, you should use short sliders like this more consistently for that sample
  9. 00:39:761 (3) - repeat slider as first point
  10. 00:40:212 (4) - a short slider mapped to the chicken sample and a circle mapped to the bass would fit better than the return slider IMO
  11. 00:47:881 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  12. 00:53:069 (5) - repeat slider as first point
  13. 00:58:031 (1) - repeat slider as first point
  14. 01:03:671 (3) - this slider shape feels out of place since you almost exclusively use curved sliders, and this is not mapped to anything that stands out
  15. 01:14:949 (1) - as in the other difficulties, end the spinner earlier
  16. 01:38:069 (6) - repeat slider as first point

To be quite honest, I hope I don't have to listen to this again. I can only stand so much chicken.

I hope my mod helps improve your map and look forward to your mod on one of my maps.

Thank you! :) and that´s the idea, a "wtf beatmap" hahah :D

best beatmap ever
10/10 would play this

Ill mod this later, okay? ;)

Topic Starter

RyoKazuka wrote:

best beatmap ever
10/10 would play this

Ill mod this later, okay? ;)

ok thanks !! n_n
  1. There is a metronome change at 01:18:896 so you'll want to add a new uninherited section.
    1. Offset: 17,656ms	BPM: 133.00
    2. Offset: 78,896ms BPM: 133.00
  2. You need to add a custom sliderborder color since you are using your own hitcircleoverlay.
    Combo1 : 255,192,0
    Combo2 : 0,255,0
    Combo3 : 18,124,255
    Combo4 : 242,24,57
    SliderBorder : 255,255,255
  1. 00:30:287 (2) - 00:51:941 (3) - Reduce 1/4. Even you were following the chicken sound, for easy difficulties, it is normally recommended to follow to the white ticks unless there is something really noticable in 1/4.
  1. Since the slider velocity was the same as Hard, I couldn't found a significant difference in the difficulty. I even felt this difficulty was some more speedy in cursor movement.
  2. 00:30:287 (1,1) - Giving more recovery time after the spinner is recommended. You'll want to remove 00:32:543 (1).
  3. 00:42:919 - Since there is nothing existing in this section, it is damaging hp with no reason. Please insert a break time.
  4. 01:06:377 (1,2) - These objects are too close. You could place them more far.
  1. 00:59:159 (1,2,3) - Avoiding a stack will be better in reading the 1/4 objects.
  2. 01:07:280 (3,1) - Distance snap please.
  3. 01:44:385 (1) - Start the spinner from 01:44:159 to fit the chicken sound.
Good stuff that you've used distance snapping, so things weren't random at least. But the overall quality was.. somewhat like 2010. I suggest you to take a look at more recent beatmaps, and make your own idea how to make a better usage of sliders. You were mostly using 4 point+ sliders which is called a bezier slider, and it's not bad. But there is a better circular shape in the mapping system by using 3 control points. Please take advantage of that.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

  1. There is a metronome change at 01:18:896 so you'll want to add a new uninherited section.- done!.
    1. Offset: 17,656ms	BPM: 133.00
    2. Offset: 78,896ms BPM: 133.00
  2. You need to add a custom sliderborder color since you are using your own hitcircleoverlay.- done(much better now :)).
    Combo1 : 255,192,0
    Combo2 : 0,255,0
    Combo3 : 18,124,255
    Combo4 : 242,24,57
    SliderBorder : 255,255,255
  1. 00:30:287 (2) - 00:51:941 (3) - Reduce 1/4. Even you were following the chicken sound, for easy difficulties, it is normally recommended to follow to the white ticks unless there is something really noticable in 1/4.- done(thz).
  1. Since the slider velocity was the same as Hard, I couldn't found a significant difference in the difficulty. I even felt this difficulty was some more speedy in cursor movement.- done(0.75).
  2. 00:30:287 (1,1) - Giving more recovery time after the spinner is recommended. You'll want to remove 00:32:543 (1).- done.
  3. 00:42:919 - Since there is nothing existing in this section, it is damaging hp with no reason. Please insert a break time.- done.
  4. 01:06:377 (1,2) - These objects are too close. You could place them more far.-done.
  1. 00:59:159 (1,2,3) - Avoiding a stack will be better in reading the 1/4 objects.-done.
  2. 01:07:280 (3,1) - Distance snap please.- done.
  3. 01:44:385 (1) - Start the spinner from 01:44:159 to fit the chicken sound.-done.
Good stuff that you've used distance snapping, so things weren't random at least. But the overall quality was.. somewhat like 2010. I suggest you to take a look at more recent beatmaps, and make your own idea how to make a better usage of sliders. You were mostly using 4 point+ sliders which is called a bezier slider, and it's not bad. But there is a better circular shape in the mapping system by using 3 control points. Please take advantage of that.
- thank you! :D its my first beatmap and im learning every day. You helped me a lot :) .
Yeah Osu really need more chickens XD
I want try make Insane or Extra :)
Now mod!
So look to AiMod. You have 1 problem
01:11:791 - I thing this break don't good idea...
01:44:610 - Maybe end at 01:46:865
01:11:791 - I thing this break don't good idea...
Topic Starter

shmiklak wrote:

Yeah Osu really need more chickens XD
I want try make Insane or Extra :)
Now mod!
Easy- Hard? xD.
So look to AiMod. You have 1 problem- done!.
01:11:791 - I thing this break don't good idea...- fixed!.
01:44:610 - Maybe end at 01:46:865- spinner so little :/.
01:11:791 - I thing this break don't good idea...fixed.

i dont want more difficulties for he moment :o
Thanks for your little mod n_n

Hello, Rocket

sorry for keeping you waiting


OD change to 2 please
1 is not suitable


00:32:543 (1) - fix the distance spacing here


01:39:196 (1) - dont let this new combo overlap with the old slider combo


For a slow song, I dont think AR 8 is good
7 is better :D

and OD should be around 5 to 6 in this condition


00:40:663 (1) - I dont think overlapping this hit circle is a good idea
00:47:881 (5) - this slider is not snapped properly, or did you do it on purpose? :(
00:56:001 (8) - this hit circle's position doesnt look that neat, put it at x: 327 y: 228
00:57:129 (1,2,3,4) - when making four hit circles tap, be consistent about the shape so that the player could follow the flow and it will look neat :D
I suggest making it a square
00:59:836 (2,3) - I dont think this is suitable for a Hard map, I advice you to put sliders instead of two hitcircles
01:34:234 (1) - this is pretty near to the previous hit circle, unify the distance spacing please

Nice map I say :D

Topic Starter

RyoKazuka wrote:

Hello, Rocket

sorry for keeping you waiting


OD change to 2 please
1 is not suitable- done!.


00:32:543 (1) - fix the distance spacing here- done!.


01:39:196 (1) - dont let this new combo overlap with the old slider combo- done!.


For a slow song, I dont think AR 8 is good
7 is better :D

and OD should be around 5 to 6 in this condition- done!.


00:40:663 (1) - I dont think overlapping this hit circle is a good idea- changed.
00:47:881 (5) - this slider is not snapped properly, or did you do it on purpose? :( - changed.
00:56:001 (8) - this hit circle's position doesnt look that neat, put it at x: 327 y: 228- changed.
00:57:129 (1,2,3,4) - when making four hit circles tap, be consistent about the shape so that the player could follow the flow and it will look neat :D
I suggest making it a square- changed.
00:59:836 (2,3) - I dont think this is suitable for a Hard map, I advice you to put sliders instead of two hitcircles- changed.
01:34:234 (1) - this is pretty near to the previous hit circle, unify the distance spacing please- done.

Nice map I say :D

Thank you! :)

You don't need to use 0.80x spacing for all your difficulty, you probably wouldn't want to change it since is a lots of work, but also pointing out for your future map.

Next time, really suggest you put hitsound, if you look at one of the rules on the ranking criteria, here what it say :
"You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing."
You mostly been mapping drum a lots as well, these should be easy to hitsound, or you can just add some chicken sound on part that fit of course. Anyway, try to keep that in mind for your next map >w<.

I'm not going to be spamming about combo, but try to keep combo consistent, here a trick. Maybe try doing a new combo one every 2 big white stick for your map.

00:33:445 (3,4,1,2,3) - This look really stick to each other, you have a lots of space, use them >w<.

01:44:610 (1) - End your spinner at 01:46:414 - , like you did in Normal and Hard.

00:21:265 (2) - NC here instead of here 00:19:911 (1) -

00:32:994 (1,3) - Try not to make it touch, that's how it look in-game .

01:06:377 (1) - Don't NC here

01:34:234 (2,3,4) - Try to avoid this kind of pattern on normal, the way it look, look like hard pattern xD.

You should try playing with the spacing, and harder rhythm on hard, because right now it look really just like a normal except with a lots more circle to tap in a row. xD

00:55:550 - should be a tapable note, which is probably why you have a 10 combo here 00:53:746 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - , because you probably didn't know where to put your NC, except if is an accident xD.

01:00:738 (1,2,3,4) - You could honnestly change a bit the rhythm, mostly here it should really feel different, try match the chicken sound >w<. Would be really cool if this 01:01:077 - and this 01:01:528 - are tapable note.

01:03:332 (2) - You mostly map the drum more then the chicken sound sometimes, but here this note is totally for the chicken sound, but what about this sound 01:03:445 - , is currently unmap. And to keep this part consistent, this 01:03:107 - should also be map.

01:08:182 (2,3,4) - Maybe use a bit more time for the spacement? I don't know for you, but for me this look really just fast placed with trying to be 0.80x spacing, but it doesn't really look straight or something, it look a bit weirdly curved xD.

01:41:114 (2) - Ok, I'm not trying to discourage hitsound, in fact, I would really like if you try hitsounding the map, but for this hitsound, it feel really random. On your whole mapset, you suddendly just have a whistle here xD.
Topic Starter

Julie wrote:


You don't need to use 0.80x spacing for all your difficulty, you probably wouldn't want to change it since is a lots of work, but also pointing out for your future map.- i know, its time for more spacing xD.

Next time, really suggest you put hitsound, if you look at one of the rules on the ranking criteria, here what it say :
"You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing."
You mostly been mapping drum a lots as well, these should be easy to hitsound, or you can just add some chicken sound on part that fit of course. Anyway, try to keep that in mind for your next map >w<.- Thanks for the information i will put hitsounds :P .

I'm not going to be spamming about combo, but try to keep combo consistent, here a trick. Maybe try doing a new combo one every 2 big white stick for your map.- not first time im listening that :o i will learn more about combos!.

00:33:445 (3,4,1,2,3) - This look really stick to each other, you have a lots of space, use them >w<.- yes sir.

01:44:610 (1) - End your spinner at 01:46:414 - , like you did in Normal and Hard.- lol ok xd.

00:21:265 (2) - NC here instead of here 00:19:911 (1) - - done!.

00:32:994 (1,3) - Try not to make it touch, that's how it look in-game . - damn, done xD.

01:06:377 (1) - Don't NC here - done!.

01:34:234 (2,3,4) - Try to avoid this kind of pattern on normal, the way it look, look like hard pattern xD. - ok :D .

You should try playing with the spacing, and harder rhythm on hard, because right now it look really just like a normal except with a lots more circle to tap in a row. xD - i know :c.

00:55:550 - should be a tapable note, which is probably why you have a 10 combo here 00:53:746 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - , because you probably didn't know where to put your NC, except if is an accident xD. - yes, was an accident xD.

01:00:738 (1,2,3,4) - You could honnestly change a bit the rhythm, mostly here it should really feel different, try match the chicken sound >w<. Would be really cool if this 01:01:077 - and this 01:01:528 - are tapable note. - that will be 100% changed >:( .

01:03:332 (2) - You mostly map the drum more then the chicken sound sometimes, but here this note is totally for the chicken sound, but what about this sound 01:03:445 - , is currently unmap. And to keep this part consistent, this 01:03:107 - should also be map. - yes ma´am xD.

01:08:182 (2,3,4) - Maybe use a bit more time for the spacement? I don't know for you, but for me this look really just fast placed with trying to be 0.80x spacing, but it doesn't really look straight or something, it look a bit weirdly curved xD. - i will change that too xD.

01:41:114 (2) - Ok, I'm not trying to discourage hitsound, in fact, I would really like if you try hitsounding the map, but for this hitsound, it feel really random. On your whole mapset, you suddendly just have a whistle here xD. - WTF ARE DOING THIS WHISTLE HERE! xDDDD.
Thank you soo much Julie n_n


Luel Roseline
I'll mod it later.

(Nice gif image)
Luel Roseline
Sorry for late...
No problem in all diff!
Topic Starter

S A V E R Y wrote:

Sorry for late...
No problem in all diff!

Topic Starter


Neku Okazaki
Hola o/

00:48:332 (3) - Podrías hacerlo igual que 00:49:686 (4) - o al revez
01:09:084 (2,3) - Arreglar el blanked

00:29:385 (4) - Suena raro, te recomendaría poner un slider en todo ese 1/1 (Terminando ahí ofc)

00:28:934 - 00:29:836 - Esta raro porque es muy fácil para lo difícil que esta la parte anterior

Muy simple el mod porque esta bueno el mapa y no se nada de STD xd
Topic Starter

Neku okazaki wrote:

Hola o/

00:48:332 (3) - Podrías hacerlo igual que 00:49:686 (4) - o al revez cambiado :).
01:09:084 (2,3) - Arreglar el blankeddone!.

00:29:385 (4) - Suena raro, te recomendaría poner un slider en todo ese 1/1 (Terminando ahí ofc)changed.

00:28:934 - 00:29:836 - Esta raro porque es muy fácil para lo difícil que esta la parte anteriorcierto :) changed!.

Muy simple el mod porque esta bueno el mapa y no se nada de STD xd

gracias por tu pequeño mod :3
Okay so my first impression was that there are crazy chickens everywhere that are just like out and about really loud right but then I played and basically felt like the lack of hit sounds made the song feel quite blank as in it wast exciting enough for the type of the song it is. So I'll begin with General changes I'd like applied to every difficulty...

[All Difficulties]
The background photo doesn't really match with the cartoon drawings of chickens throughout, like the slider one for example. Maybe you can find a cartoon chick that matches the techno aspect.

Turn the audio to Normal sample and to volume 30-40. This is because this isn't the soft sample of song. It's exciting and very rhythmic music and so you should make the beatmap feel the same. I strongly suggest you focus on sounds and hit sound for this song. I'll see where I can advise you on the sound and which effects sound better in every difficulty but remember that if you have hitsounds placed, it is best to have them the same place on every difficulty, just like combos. They need to be consistent.

All below changes are made based on the fact that you done the general change. I strongly recommend going through my mod with this change on, since I don't know if it would make sense without it. You do not need to keep it, but its recommended to be placed before other mods have.

00:24:422 - Okay so this point is quite interesting. It sounded a bit off when I played it and It has the following pattern for the slider of hit sounds: Clap --> Clap Throughout --> Clap. Now, since this song is quite repetitive, I tried looking for same/ nearly same sounding point and boom 00:52:295 shows up with a slider, same noise but different hit sounds...!! Red flag for me because when songs are repetitive you need to be consistent with your hitsounds. Once you got hitsounds for one part and then some part the chicken sings the same thing you'd preferably want to keep it consistent to get it ranked. And also its easier since all you have to do for repetitive songs is keep the same hit pattern. For some songs I literally just see red beat snap and set it to clap every time its red because the songs keep that beat. Okay so now back to that slider at 00:53:295 the hitsounds are Nothing --> Nothing Throughout --> Finish. That sounds better than 00:24:422 so you can keep it and place it same on both sliders OR do Nothing --> Finish Throughout --> Finish which I felt sounds really good but hey whatever better for you. So basically this is quite general point - when working with hitsounds, keep them consistent on repetitive patterns. I will try to find more of these as I continue modding but you should personally check that if a part of song is the same or very similar, the hit sounds are consistent.
00:28:924 - I personally feel like it makes it more exciting if there is circle instead of extension of the slider here but it's up to you. This may also sound good if you make it have a sound of clap and a finish. Idk if you're aware but they can have 2 hitsounds same time. If you don't implement the circle, you can still use those hitsounds I told you for that point if you feel they sound good.
00:39:761 - Sounds better if you put clap at the end of this slider.
00:59:159 (3,4) - Try to make clap on 3 and finish on 4 instead. See if you like how that sounds.
01:01:866 , 01:05:926 , 01:09:535 - Different hitsounds on all three sliders, all times he says tasty the same way. Sounds good if you keep 3 no hitsounds throughout, but also sounds good if you put a clap at each slider's end only.
01:16:753 - Can put this but to volume 5% or whatnot using F6 options on audio. So put 5% at 01:16:302 and bring back to 30% at 01:17:204.
01:46:414 - You could quieten this out since there really is no sound in the F6 tab. Similar how you put 5% vol. above ^.

I kind of liked this difficulty and I'd just make sure that all the hitsounds are same at the points with easy, and if there is no such note in easy just put whatever suits. If you hear something a bit off check if there is the same hitsounds as in easy at those points. I do like to kind of dash throughout diffs after easy, since after easy hitsounds are mostly sorted and you can just kind of take the sounds from easy and put them same place in other difficulties. Its a lot of repetitive job but it makes maps consisted and easier to mod for both you and me.
00:53:295 - I think you know what I'm going to say here. It's the only one after another sound for like this long in the whole normal map and it feels out of place and not for this difficulty. Think of the ways you can change this routine to make it more exciting. I tried something quickly - a slider at 00:54:422 to 00:55:099 instead of all circles that may of been part of those boundries before. Sounds quite good, can develop here on hitsounds thereafter.
1:17:204 - 5% vol
01:46:414 - Silence.

Same thing about consistent hitsounds throughout difficulties and so forth.
00:29:836 (4) - A bit of odd spacing. I'd put it so its at y:192 at a snap distance multiplier that you'd like to use. Looks nicer.
01:17:204 - 5% vol.
01:46:414 - Wow. Whistle x1 for whole map. Silence maybe? And all your other diffs have same spin yet both no whistle at end. Be consistent with hitsounds. Either they are on all diffs or not at all.
Topic Starter

Jebok wrote:

Okay so my first impression was that there are crazy chickens everywhere that are just like out and about really loud right but then I played and basically felt like the lack of hit sounds made the song feel quite blank as in it wast exciting enough for the type of the song it is. So I'll begin with General changes I'd like applied to every difficulty...

[All Difficulties]
The background photo doesn't really match with the cartoon drawings of chickens throughout, like the slider one for example. Maybe you can find a cartoon chick that matches the techno aspect.true, changing.

Turn the audio to Normal sample and to volume 30-40. This is because this isn't the soft sample of song. It's exciting and very rhythmic music and so you should make the beatmap feel the same. I strongly suggest you focus on sounds and hit sound for this song. I'll see where I can advise you on the sound and which effects sound better in every difficulty but remember that if you have hitsounds placed, it is best to have them the same place on every difficulty, just like combos. They need to be consistent. ok.

All below changes are made based on the fact that you done the general change. I strongly recommend going through my mod with this change on, since I don't know if it would make sense without it. You do not need to keep it, but its recommended to be placed before other mods have.

00:24:422 - Okay so this point is quite interesting. It sounded a bit off when I played it and It has the following pattern for the slider of hit sounds: Clap --> Clap Throughout --> Clap. Now, since this song is quite repetitive, I tried looking for same/ nearly same sounding point and boom 00:52:295 shows up with a slider, same noise but different hit sounds...!! Red flag for me because when songs are repetitive you need to be consistent with your hitsounds. Once you got hitsounds for one part and then some part the chicken sings the same thing you'd preferably want to keep it consistent to get it ranked. And also its easier since all you have to do for repetitive songs is keep the same hit pattern. For some songs I literally just see red beat snap and set it to clap every time its red because the songs keep that beat. Okay so now back to that slider at 00:53:295 the hitsounds are Nothing --> Nothing Throughout --> Finish. That sounds better than 00:24:422 so you can keep it and place it same on both sliders OR do Nothing --> Finish Throughout --> Finish which I felt sounds really good but hey whatever better for you. So basically this is quite general point - when working with hitsounds, keep them consistent on repetitive patterns. I will try to find more of these as I continue modding but you should personally check that if a part of song is the same or very similar, the hit sounds are consistent.fixing!.
00:28:924 - I personally feel like it makes it more exciting if there is circle instead of extension of the slider here but it's up to you. This may also sound good if you make it have a sound of clap and a finish. Idk if you're aware but they can have 2 hitsounds same time. If you don't implement the circle, you can still use those hitsounds I told you for that point if you feel they sound good.done!.
00:39:761 - Sounds better if you put clap at the end of this slider.done!.
00:59:159 (3,4) - Try to make clap on 3 and finish on 4 instead. See if you like how that sounds.finish sounds bad :/.
01:01:866 , 01:05:926 , 01:09:535 - Different hitsounds on all three sliders, all times he says tasty the same way. Sounds good if you keep 3 no hitsounds throughout, but also sounds good if you put a clap at each slider's end only.
01:16:753 - Can put this but to volume 5% or whatnot using F6 options on audio. So put 5% at 01:16:302 and bring back to 30% at 01:17:204.done!.
01:46:414 - You could quieten this out since there really is no sound in the F6 tab. Similar how you put 5% vol. above ^.done!.

I kind of liked this difficulty and I'd just make sure that all the hitsounds are same at the points with easy, and if there is no such note in easy just put whatever suits. If you hear something a bit off check if there is the same hitsounds as in easy at those points. I do like to kind of dash throughout diffs after easy, since after easy hitsounds are mostly sorted and you can just kind of take the sounds from easy and put them same place in other difficulties. Its a lot of repetitive job but it makes maps consisted and easier to mod for both you and me.ok :).
00:53:295 - I think you know what I'm going to say here. It's the only one after another sound for like this long in the whole normal map and it feels out of place and not for this difficulty. Think of the ways you can change this routine to make it more exciting. I tried something quickly - a slider at 00:54:422 to 00:55:099 instead of all circles that may of been part of those boundries before. Sounds quite good, can develop here on hitsounds thereafter.changed.
1:17:204 - 5% voldone!.
01:46:414 - Silence.done!.

Same thing about consistent hitsounds throughout difficulties and so forth.
00:29:836 (4) - A bit of odd spacing. I'd put it so its at y:192 at a snap distance multiplier that you'd like to use. Looks nicer. done!.
01:17:204 - 5% vol.done!.
01:46:414 - Wow. Whistle x1 for whole map. Silence maybe? And all your other diffs have same spin yet both no whistle at end. Be consistent with hitsounds. Either they are on all diffs or not at all.omg xD done!.

Thanks you :3
22:23 *Exa is editing [ Oli Chang - Chicken Techno [Easy]]
22:23 Rocket_FaW: xD
22:24 Exa: sec lemme redl
22:25 Exa: dope song
22:25 Exa: 00:17:656 (1,2) - I am pretty sure this slider won't be played as intended
22:25 Rocket_FaW: i do little changed like volume ect xd
22:25 Exa: most players will leave early at about 2/3 to go to the next note
22:26 Exa: and because this is easy, it's like changing the spacing of the objects
22:26 Exa: which is something you must never do in easy diffs
22:26 Rocket_FaW: ok changing
22:27 Exa: wait don't change anything now
22:27 Exa: just do /savelog and change them after
22:27 Exa: or check the post I'll make
22:27 Exa: 00:19:460 (3,4) - I 00:20:813 (4) - Moving this to 268,268 makes a perfect blanket
22:28 Exa: 00:21:265 (1) - You do that a lot, I don't get why you curve your sliders that much
22:28 Exa: you make the flow feel forceful with the sharp edge and also you can't properly blanket
22:29 Exa: 00:20:813 (4,1) - That's a blanket that would be good if we were 3 years in the past
22:29 Exa: please give me feedblack so I know you are there >.< like "ok, yup"
22:30 Rocket_FaW: yes yes xdd
22:30 Exa: so I suggest that you curve your sliders less so you can blanket
22:30 Exa: 00:26:227 (3,3) - Why not stack
22:31 Exa: 00:29:385 (4) - And move this at 119,205
22:31 Exa: this provides you with change of flow and also perfectly inside the body of 00:26:227 (3) -
22:32 Exa: 00:29:836 - You can and should add a not here
22:32 Rocket_FaW: ok :)
22:32 Exa: you want to leave time AFTER the slider, not before
22:32 Exa: 00:33:445 (2,3) - This blanket could be much better
22:32 Exa: 00:35:249 (4,1) - See what I ment with the overly curved sliders
22:33 Exa: In case you don't change the sliders, you could at least make fake blankets by equalizing the spacing of the note from the slider's head and tail
22:34 Rocket_FaW: ok
22:34 Exa: [ this] to [ this]
22:34 Exa: Also make sure you are aesthetically consistent
22:35 Exa: 00:35:701 (1,2) - This slider is not the same as 00:36:603 (2,3) - this
22:35 Rocket_FaW: i understand :)
22:35 Exa: 00:37:505 (3,3) - And rhythmicaly consistent, use the same onbject for this sound
22:36 Exa: 00:53:295 (5,1) - Another blanket that could be better if you curved less
22:36 Exa: I won't point out overly curved sliders, just recheck all of them and make sure they blanket well
22:36 Rocket_FaW: haha ok xd
22:37 Exa: 00:55:550 (2) - Without even checking properly I can tell this is not a symmetric slider
22:37 Exa: Watch [ this] video to learn how to make symmetric sliders
22:37 Rocket_FaW: mnn
22:38 Rocket_FaW: thanks
22:38 Exa: 01:03:671 (5,1) - Well curved but not a perfect blanket
22:38 Exa: Also recked all your actual blankets and make them perfect
22:39 Rocket_FaW: ok T.T
22:39 Exa: 01:10:437 - There is a beat here, don't skip it!
22:39 Exa: You could add a 1/1 slider and remove 01:10:889 (4) - this
22:39 Exa: seems like a much better rhythm
22:40 Exa: you have a huge break but I don't see how you could fill it in so it's ok
22:41 Exa: 01:35:136 (1,2) - Another pattern that will not be played as intended
22:41 Rocket_FaW: mnn
22:41 Rocket_FaW: that break happen in all diffs
22:41 Exa: 01:35:136 (1) - People will go until the first reverse point but then leave after the middle to go to 2
22:41 Exa: yeah the break is ok
22:42 Exa: 01:37:843 (4) - This slider looks like it grew a cancer tumor and then fell and broke it's leg
22:42 Rocket_FaW: yes haha
22:42 Exa: Watch the video and make it nicely symmetrical
22:42 Rocket_FaW: omg xD
22:42 Exa: wait I remembered something
22:43 Exa: [ Here] is a post that could help you make better sliders\
22:43 Exa: 01:42:749 - And there is another beat here, don't skip it!
22:43 Exa: o
22:44 Exa: do the same as I told you on the other missing beat
22:44 Rocket_FaW: wow good post
22:45 Rocket_FaW: ok
22:45 *Exa is editing [ ANIMAL FEELINGS - Chicken Techno [Normal]]
22:47 Exa: again the curved sliders thingy
22:47 Exa: 00:20:813 (3,4) - Why not make it a 1/2 slider instead?
22:47 Exa: Since you had no 1/2 notes in a row in the easy, this might be too hard
22:48 Exa: especially in the beginning
22:48 Exa: 00:24:422 (3,4) - Same goes for these
22:48 Exa: 00:29:836 - And just like in easy, don't skip
22:48 Rocket_FaW: ok
22:49 Exa: 00:34:798 (3,4,2,3) - For consistency you will have to change these 2 accordingly
22:51 Exa: 00:41:565 (3,4,5) - Now this is a bit weird
22:51 Exa: 00:42:016 - You always make the player tap here
22:51 Exa: 00:38:407 (2) - Like for example
22:52 Exa: 00:41:565 (3,4,5) - But in this case you don't make him tap
22:52 Exa: This is incosistent and should be changed accordingly
22:52 Exa: Kee00:46:979 (2,3) - Make sure you have perfect blankets
22:52 Exa: "Kee" wuy
22:52 Exa: wut
22:52 Exa: fingers pls
22:53 Exa: 00:49:686 (3,1) - Just check all your blankets in this diff as well
22:53 Exa: 00:49:686 (3,2) - These should be stacked if the blankets with 00:50:588 (1) - were good enough
22:53 Rocket_FaW: ok, hard mode fix all blankets too xd
22:53 Exa: XD
22:53 Exa: 00:53:746 (1) - And your wiggly sliders
22:54 Rocket_FaW: other slider with cancer i know xd
22:54 Exa: XD
22:54 Exa: 01:01:415 (2) - now this is even more weird
22:54 Rocket_FaW: i need to learm more about blankets
22:54 Exa: Yeah just use the links I sent you
22:54 Exa: 01:01:415 (2) - So
22:55 Exa: This is not only weird because of the shape
22:55 Rocket_FaW: yes thanks :)
22:55 Exa: but also because of the skin
22:55 Exa: First things first, curving small sliders THAT much makes them feel forceful and they will never be played as intended
22:56 Exa: nobody would actualy follow the sliderball across the curve, but instead they would just go forward
22:56 Exa: So it's not played as intended
22:56 Exa: Secondly, the sliderball.png or whatever it's called does not take up all of the slider's body
22:56 Exa: the egg is in the middle of the slider and does not touch the sides
22:57 Exa: This might propose problems since it doesn't make the sliderpath clear for the player
22:57 Rocket_FaW: that is bad? :c
22:57 Rocket_FaW: aww
22:57 Exa: 01:01:415 (2) - For example here I expected to see the egg making a bigger curve
22:57 Exa: But it seems like it makes a smaller one
22:57 Exa: Don't you think?
22:57 Exa: It might just be me, but you should as a QAT member (not BN cause they might not know) about that
22:58 Rocket_FaW: ok
22:58 Rocket_FaW: and i will change the background who is not related with chicken techno xd
22:59 Exa: XD alright
22:59 Exa: 01:03:896 - It's weird that you did not use a note here
22:59 Exa: Where there is a chichen sqeek
22:59 Exa: 01:02:543 (1) - But used a note here where there is not
23:00 Exa: Got disconnected for a sec so [ here] is what I wrote in case you didn't get it
23:00 Rocket_FaW: ok
23:00 Exa: 01:08:182 (1,2,3) - This is a huge difficultyu spike because it's 3 notes in a row, something you haven't done before
23:00 Exa: It's better to go 1/2 slider + note
23:00 Exa: 01:10:889 (5,6,7) - Same goes for this
23:01 Exa: 01:10:437 - And don't skip that! It's really prominent
23:01 Rocket_FaW: ok ok :cc
23:01 Rocket_FaW: i know xD
23:01 Rocket_FaW: thats happen in all diffs too xd
23:02 Exa: 01:32:880 (4,1,2,3,4) - Give the player some time to breathe, using constant 1/2 rhythm is probably too hard
23:02 Exa: 01:38:294 (4,5,1) - You know
23:02 Rocket_FaW: i know
23:02 Exa: 01:39:647 (3,1) - *Insert aesthetical consistency* use the same slider if possible
23:02 Exa: 01:41:903 (2,3,4) - a
23:02 *Exa is editing [ ANIMAL FEELINGS - Chicken Techno [Hard]]
23:03 Exa: Gimme 2 minutes
23:03 Rocket_FaW: on dont worry
23:03 Rocket_FaW: ok
23:11 *Exa is editing [ ANIMAL FEELINGS - Chicken Techno [Hard]]
23:11 Exa: 00:20:588 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Wow this is too hardcore
23:11 Exa: I would expect that to be in insane but in hard it's simply not good
23:12 Exa: Since there were not 1/4 rhythms on hard, using a huge ass stream on insane is too hard
23:12 Exa: 1/4 rhythms on normal*
23:12 Exa: 00:23:069 (1) - Better-making
23:13 Exa: 00:24:197 (4) - What BSD did you even use to make this
23:13 Exa: Anyhow, keeping the cursor steady for that long when there is a changing sound is not a nice thing
23:13 Rocket_FaW: bsd?
23:13 Exa: beat snap divisor
23:14 Exa: try using a reverse slider insteasd
23:14 Rocket_FaW: ahh
23:14 Rocket_FaW: xd
23:14 Rocket_FaW: ok
23:14 Exa: 00:24:197 - or even better use a note here
23:14 Exa: 00:24:422 - And a 1/1 rev slider here
23:14 Exa: 00:26:227 (5,6,7,8,1) - That is "ok" but it still might be too hard
23:15 Exa: 00:26:227 (5,6,7,8,1) - You could easily blanket here
23:15 Exa: 00:33:671 (5,1,2) - If you made the curve a bit larger
23:15 Exa: 00:36:603 (3,5) - Stack
23:16 Exa: 00:39:310 (1,2,3,4,5) - Just avoid streams for now XD
23:16 Rocket_FaW: xD
23:16 Exa: 00:42:016 (3,4,5,6) - You use a reverse slider before for this
23:16 Exa: 00:38:407 (4) -
23:16 Exa: Use one here as well so it's consistent
23:16 Exa: 00:42:919 (1,2,3) - Just.. remove these
23:17 Exa: they don't follow something
23:17 Exa: and they are simply weird XD
23:17 Exa: mapping the squeek sounds of a chicken
23:17 Rocket_FaW: dont like too xd
23:17 Exa: Honestly I never expected to say that
23:17 Exa: 00:49:234 (4,5,6,7,8) - A
23:17 Exa: 00:53:069 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - A
23:17 Rocket_FaW: xdd
23:17 Exa: A = Remove if it's not clear XD
23:17 Rocket_FaW: ok ok xD
23:18 Exa: 00:55:325 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why are you being so hardcure
23:18 Rocket_FaW: A general for hard mode xd
23:18 Exa: Hardcore
23:18 Exa: In general this diff is too easy to be considered hard
23:18 Rocket_FaW: my last hard mode was so much easy
23:18 Rocket_FaW: that s the reason xd
23:19 Rocket_FaW: to be considered insane
23:19 Exa: using 1.6 SV with with 1 DS seems perfect for hard
23:19 Exa: Yeah but you need a difficulty that's less easy than insane and harder than hard
23:19 Exa: or else there will be spread issues
23:20 Exa: I hate repearing myself so just check the rest of the difficulty for the same mistakes
23:20 Rocket_FaW: i will change the diff to advance xDD
23:20 Exa: hardcore 1/4 streams
23:20 Exa: bad blankets
23:20 Exa: asymmetrical sliders
23:20 Exa: incosistent rhtyhm/aesthetics
23:21 Exa: flow-wise the map is ok
23:21 Exa: since you use steady DS it couldn't be bad
23:21 Exa: use 17653 for offset btw
23:21 Exa: that's -3
23:22 Rocket_FaW: ok xD

- Improved aesthetics in all difficulties.
- Suggested better flow at certain parts in all difficulties.
- Discussed possible spread issues between hard and normal difficulties.
- Improved rhythm in all difficulties.
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