
DragonForce - Defenders

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mfw I'm on vacation
mfw I still didn't mod this map

pkk wrote:

mfw I'm on vacation
mfw I still didn't mod this map
And I modded yours, you owe me a cookie mod
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okok i guess i should mention that I went over and polished the map 4 times

byby pls ,_,

  1. Why is normal-hitclap .mp3???
  2. 00:19:549 (2,3) - This is pretty lame :P I think you could have done something to capture the pitch increase here. Maybe a jump? Also making 00:19:707 - clickable would be cool too.
  3. 00:26:812 (1,2,3) - A jump from 1>2 would make more sense than 2>3.
  4. 00:27:917 (7,1) - Tbh some of your spacing seems weird, like here, no jump? but jumps for the previous two notes?
  5. 00:32:338 (3,4) - ^ Compare it to what you did with 00:31:075 (3,4) - You've been putting emphasis onto the 3rd white tick with a lot of your patterns which is good, but it's not always consistent.
  6. 00:35:022 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - These jumps are really small actually... And there are audible beats on the 1/2's so spacing's like 00:34:864 (4,1,2) - can become confusing.
  7. 00:41:654 (1) - That was random :S.
  8. 00:42:443 (3,4) - Try p utting 4 on 196||178
  9. 00:55:233 (4,5,6) - Why is there a jump from 4>5 but normal DS from 5>6 even tho theres a pitch increase lol. The sliders are fine imo, but i would severely buff the jump from 5>6 to give better momentum into the stream. You could even increase spacing on 00:54:601 (1,2,3) - to set up this DS increase better rather than just have a jump from 4>5
  10. 00:59:970 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Maaaan, as much as I like hexagons, you're not using the flow structure to it's potential and rather just using 1.0x DS for large sections of these patterns. :P. Not gonna ask you to change any of these patterns because most of them work, but it's just something you can build on for future maps because this kind of pattern is something I used on like my 1st/2nd ranked map too lol.
  11. 01:12:286 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This entire stream is just really weird. There are many parts where DS changes dramatically. Examples: 01:12:601 (1) - 01:12:838 (4) - 01:12:996 (2) - You can see DS changing by almost 0.4x. I really recommend just remaking this stream cuz it's just really wonky right now lol.
  12. 01:15:917 (1,2,3) - Seems quite strange... why not just make the stream normal?
  13. 01:17:259 (4,1) - I would have liked to see a more drastic directional change here because this is a start of a new measure and not following the streams before it.
  14. 01:23:654 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - This polarity is just offfff x___x. 01:23:970 (1) - These jumps should occur on blue ticks so you can click and hold on white ticks which would be a much more player-friendly rhythm to use.
  15. 01:37:233 (1,2,3,4,1) - Mind making this DS consistent? It increases from 1.30 to 1.40 and ends with 1.30 again, kinda weird.
  16. 01:49:864 (6,1) - Oh come on.... You have this nice build up going with 01:48:917 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and then you do this lame basically 1.00x spacing here, its really anticlimactic lol.
  17. 02:00:917 (1,2) - How about buffing this jump too?
  18. 02:40:707 (1,2,3,4,5) - Whyyy :C. Please use a jump from 02:41:022 (2,3) - and 02:41:496 (4,5) - :C.
  19. 02:48:759 (3,4) - I'd rotate this like 20 degrees from selection center just for better visual flow.
  20. 03:02:180 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - NIIICE
  21. 03:04:707 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - THANK YOU
  22. 03:21:759 (1,2,3) - I would have placed them like this instead: So theres a subtle jump from 03:21:601 (3,1) - and a more fluid motion from 03:22:075 (3,1,2) - because imo, the 180 degree flow break doesn't really fit when the melody is still rather quiet. The jump should be enough to capture the intensity.
  23. 03:37:470 (4,1) - How about a slight jump here like you did with 03:36:207 (4,1) - to indicate a change in rhythm.
  24. 03:42:601 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Here would have been a good opportunity to use kick sliders.
  25. 03:52:549 (9,1) - People just don't like starting streams on blue ticks xPP. Can you find a way to get this stream to begin on 03:52:707 - ?
  26. 03:54:759 (3,4,1) - Random drop in spacing here to 0.90. I feel like ur intention was to keep it at 1.00 lol.
  27. 04:08:022 (3,4,5) - This kind of motion actually doesn't play well for kick-sliders :P Why not just switch back to triplets here, they would fit well. Something like 03:37:549 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ~
  28. 04:14:180 (1) - Another good opportunity for two kick sliders cuz of the guitar on 04:14:338 - .
  29. 04:15:128 (6) - Ctrl+G'ing this would flow a looot cooler lol.
  30. 04:24:759 (3,4,1) - You should keep this part as 0.80 DS and swap to 0.6 on the next combo :P
  31. 04:26:338 (3) - Move this to 93||145 so the spacing is more even.
  32. 04:52:391 (5,6,1) - Ehh.. this motion too...It doesn't play well imo. Generally kick sliders that are pointed in the direction the pattern is headed, and don't have particularly sharp angles, they just feel weird for me to play :P.
  33. 05:06:207 (4,1,2,3,4) - This motion felt really random, and really sharp xPP. Like 05:06:128 (3,4,1) - especially, the angle is so sharp xPP and it isn't really supported by previous streams because you used a wave shape with not a whole lot of angle change right before it :P.
  34. 05:08:180 (3,4) - Why the jump here?
  35. 05:27:996 (4) - This circle just looks misplaced because it's the only one in the combo that's jutting out like that due to the 0.50x spacing.
That should be all.
so uh my opinion about the hitsounding

when i jsut opened the map
2015-08-23 21:51 Milan-: uhm
2015-08-23 21:52 Milan-: it sounds and looks inconsistent
2015-08-23 21:52 Milan-: and randomly placed to me
2015-08-23 21:56 Milan-: snares are placed on most of the red ticks
2015-08-23 21:56 Milan-: but he hitsounds some of them
2015-08-23 21:56 Milan-: and sometimes none of them
2015-08-23 21:56 monstrata: x___x
2015-08-23 21:57 Milan-: or other times he swewrq between clap-whistle
2015-08-23 21:57 Milan-: switches
2015-08-23 21:59 monstrata: ah yea i see them
2015-08-23 21:59 monstrata: btw do you think the hitsounding is a bit loud?
2015-08-23 21:59 monstrata: lol
2015-08-23 21:59 monstrata: mainly stream parts
2015-08-23 22:00 Milan-: normal sampleset is so annoying ><
2015-08-23 22:00 Milan-: maybe 55%?
2015-08-23 22:00 monstrata: i feel like drum samplsets would be better
2015-08-23 22:01 Milan-: the other thing is that normal-hitclap kinda blends with this sampleset xd
2015-08-23 22:01 Milan-: if u care about that
2015-08-23 22:01 monstrata: i don't even know if the normal hitclap is being used
2015-08-23 22:01 monstrata: its .mp3
2015-08-23 22:01 monstrata: not .wav
2015-08-23 22:01 monstrata: :S
2015-08-23 22:01 Milan-: oh yea
2015-08-23 22:01 Milan-: use .wav
2015-08-23 22:01 Milan-: .mp3 is death
2015-08-23 22:01 monstrata: lol
2015-08-23 22:02 monstrata: yea
2015-08-23 22:02 monstrata: lmao
2015-08-23 22:02 monstrata: what do you think of drum-sampleset on the streams?
2015-08-23 22:02 Milan-: but it's used xd it just doesnt resalt so much cuz the sampleset
2015-08-23 22:02 monstrata: yea
2015-08-23 22:03 Milan-: sounds cool
2015-08-23 22:03 Milan-: i'd use it for the whole song/w\
2015-08-23 22:03 monstrata: same lol
2015-08-23 22:04 monstrata: drum-sampleset on streams usually sounds nice haha
2015-08-23 22:04 Milan-: and more when the u use it not only on streams xd
2015-08-23 22:04 monstrata: yaaaa
2015-08-23 22:14 Milan-: xd but just listen to the snares
2015-08-23 22:14 Milan-: and how yui hitsound them every time differently
2015-08-23 22:15 Milan-: cuz that's the only thing that he's hitsounding
2015-08-23 22:15 Milan-: others drums are not

more words:
-you could use more of the defaults drum-sampleset hitsounds. for example here 00:04:075 (1,2) - a mix of claps and finishes fits very well, like clap on (1)'s tail and finish, clap on (2). Or here 00:23:654 (3,4,5,6) - where you could've used them as well. This enhance the overall hitsounding and player enjoyment. (you could find others types of toms and stuff if you dont like the defaults.)
-some cymbals like 00:06:601 (1) - 00:11:654 (1) - 00:26:812 (1) - could use finish as well. You missed several though the map and sounds pretty plain as is right now
-00:08:496 (6) - i dont really recommend you to use soft-sample as randomly as it is. bgm stuff and also for players. you miss feedback by doing this and make the player get lost, cuz the soft samp in contrast with the normal samp is quite different, isnt it?. Specially when you do it on downbeats on strong beats like 00:15:443 (1) - .
-The way you switch between your custom whistle and claps isn't too good either. They are totally different kind of hitsounds but used for the same sound.
-to elaborate a bit more about the whistles/snares being randomly placed, let's take this as an example, compare 00:06:759 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - vs 00:11:812 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - . On the first one you decided to use this hitsound on both red ticks which is fine, while on the other not. Other example which sounds really bad is here 00:47:338 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - , here you decided to hitsound (4) and (8) so i was "uh ok, so he doesnt want to spam 1/1 snares, that's ok", but then it becomes inconsistent when you just used this hitsound on 00:49:075 (5) - on the next combo, and then it just sounds random on the next combo by using this hitsound on the white ticks (00:49:549 (1,2) - ) which is a totally different component of the drums.
-00:36:917 - from here and similars sections. Dunno what's the point on just hitsounding the 4th beat when the snares are on the 2nd beat aswell. specially if you add whistle to the downbeat when it doesnt fit all. It sounds really poor executed due to the nature of the song in general.
-In general, you should identify when it's a snare or a kick at least, and hitsound them more properly so it doesnt sound like "uh let put this here cuz it sounds cool" kind of thing.

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monstrata wrote:

00:41:654 (1) - That was random :S. I don't understand, it compliments the guitar's huge accent and I use it every time this section plays.
00:42:443 (3,4) - Try putting 4 on 196||178 Breaks the pattern I'm using ,_,
01:17:259 (4,1) - I would have liked to see a more drastic directional change here because this is a start of a new measure and not following the streams before it. I'm not asphyxia srry :^(
04:08:022 (3,4,5) - This kind of motion actually doesn't play well for kick-sliders :P Why not just switch back to triplets here, they would fit well. Something like 03:37:549 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - It moves forward with the momentum of the stream i dont get it
04:15:128 (6) - Ctrl+G'ing this would flow a looot cooler lol. I dont want to remap anymoooooooore
04:52:391 (5,6,1) - Ehh.. this motion too...It doesn't play well imo. Generally kick sliders that are pointed in the direction the pattern is headed, and don't have particularly sharp angles, they just feel weird for me to play :P. I disagree.

@Yuii-: I remapped some parts so they're missing hitsounds, can you go over while checking Milan's mod and fix it up? Thanks!
Sorry, I have to delete this. It was just me being salty. I apologise for the inconvenience.

The .mp3 hitsound was suggested by a random guy, originally I hitsounded this with ONLY default hitsounds. That's why it was .mp3 instead. The file wasn't even added by me.

@Pasta: Add a Whistle 00:12:128 (5) - as well as the timestaps he mentioned for his second point. Also change 00:49:549 (1) - for a Clap (only the head).
@Pasta 2: Will take a look at the WHOLE map tomorrow. If people are not able to understand what the hell hitsounding is, I will make it a standard shit.

Note: I will probably just stop hitsounding maps. When I mod them people are like "holy shit, this guy is so good"... but when I DO IT... "nope, who hitsounded this shit! Yuii-? My God, that guy can't even map". Seriously, guys, hitsounding is a complete different thing from what you think :D
Alright, after a lot of debate, we finally decided to fix those 3/4 jumps to be easier to differentiate from the 1/2 jumps.

We also reduced the hitsound volume of some very loud sections (90-100%) to 80% so the hitsounds don't overpower the music.

Bubble #1!

Good luck Spaghetti and Yuii- :)
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Thanks monstrata! <3
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tidied up hitsounds and fixed some wonky stream
Tbh this bubble rule is just a myth but okay.
Nvm the rule is on the official rules now. Weird there was no official announcement but okay.
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Cherry Blossom
It could be better if you avoid this NC spam here : 04:43:233 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) -
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Cherry Blossom wrote:

It could be better if you avoid this NC spam here : 04:43:233 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) -
Not intentional, but nice catch. I'll fix once ByBy checks for bubble.
this is just... magnificent
best DF map I've ever played

  • Legend
  1. 00:17:970(1)- If you can listen with attention the guitars here,it will feel more natural if you will snap the slider to 1/2 instead snapping it to 3/4
  2. 00:23:654(3,4)- As I can see you decreased the spacing between these notes but it looks like an suddenly spacing decrease.The guitars became more stronger here and they needs some emphasis.To emphasize them,you have to increase the spacing here a bit for emphasizing the stronger guitars
  3. 00:26:812(1,2)- Any reason for increasing the spacing a bit too much? Because the vocal isn't really stronger at all so decreasing the spacing a bit wouldn't hurt at all
  4. 00:27:917(7,1)- Why you not increase the spacing here a bit? On 00:28:075(1)- the vocal seems to grew up and it needs some emphasis so increasing the spaicng here a bit would emphasize the growing up of the vocal
  5. 00:40:707(1)- I listened the vocal with 25% speed and it seems the slider needs to be snapped to 1/2 not to 3/4 if you want to follow the vocal properly in my opinion
  6. 00:53:338(1,2)- Here isn't supposed to be 1.0x DS between this slider and the next note? As I can see,in comparison with other objects which use
    the same style (1/2 slider -> note) use 1.0x DS so for consistency I suggest to use 1.0x DS here aswell
  7. 01:01:233(2)- Here too as I can listen with attention the vocal,this slider isn't supposed to be 3/4.It is supposed to be 1/2 for following the vocal properly in my opinion
  8. 01:28:075(5)- In my opinion,this slider snapped to 3/4 doesn't sound to natural to me and it sounds a bit weird if you're trying to follow the vocal.My suggestion is if you want to follow the vocal properly and making it feeling more natural is to snap the slider to 1/2 instead snapping it to 3/4
  9. 01:37:470(4,1)- Here seems to be an issue with spacing since in comparison with other objects which use the same style (stream -> 1/2 slider) and which use 1.0x DS,here you used different spacing so here is supposed to be 1.0x DS if you understand
  10. 02:56:180(2,3,4)- Honestly I don't hear triplets here according to the vocal and also after I listened few times.Here I hear doublets so would be better if you'll replace the triplets with doublets I mean you need to delete 02:56:259(3)- since there's no really triplets and they're doublets instead
  11. 02:54:601(1,2,3)- Spacing issue.I guess it is supposed to be 1.0x DS here
  12. 02:56:654(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)- The note from blue tick (02:56:733(2)-) doesn't follow anything in my opinion and it makes the rhyhtm to sound weird to me.My suggestion is for a better rhythm here you have to delete 02:56:733(2)- for following the vocal and the guitars much better.It should be like here
  13. 03:36:207(4,1)- Why you not use the same spaicng here between these notes? As you can see here,03:36:286(1)- comes right after you aim 03:36:207(4)- and you,increasing the spacing here,the player wouldn't have enough time to aim the next note in my opinion so I suggest to use 1.0x DS here it means to make it distinguishable from 03:35:022(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)- (previous stream)
  14. 03:51:128(1,2)- To follow the guitars much better in my opinion,I'd like to snap 03:51:128(1)- to 1/2 and then to add a note on 03:51:364- because I hear a beat here and adding a note here would make that beat clickable
  15. 04:06:522(4,1)- In my opinion,you can use the same spacing (1.0x) between these notes to make this stream distinguishable from previous stream
  16. 04:07:154(4,1)- ^
  17. 04:50:812(1)- As I can listen the vocal and also with 50% speed,I guess this slider needs to be 1/2 and not 3/4 in my opinion
  18. 05:19:549(1)- NC on purpose? If yes,there's no any reset of the vocal/instruments so you need to remove the NC here
That's all from me.Popping the bubble unfortunately :( some of them are suggestions

Call me back for rebubble
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Thanks ByBy!

01:37:470(4,1)- Here seems to be an issue with spacing since in comparison with other objects which use the same style (stream -> 1/2 slider) and which use 1.0x DS,here you used different spacing so here is supposed to be 1.0x DS if you understand The whole stream is spaced more due to intensity.
02:56:180(2,3,4)- Honestly I don't hear triplets here according to the vocal and also after I listened few times.Here I hear doublets so would be better if you'll replace the triplets with doublets I mean you need to delete 02:56:259(3)- since there's no really triplets and they're doublets instead There's a triplet in the drum there :P.
03:36:207(4,1)- Why you not use the same spaicng here between these notes? As you can see here,03:36:286(1)- comes right after you aim 03:36:207(4)- and you,increasing the spacing here,the player wouldn't have enough time to aim the next note in my opinion so I suggest to use 1.0x DS here it means to make it distinguishable from 03:35:022(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)- (previous stream)I think it's fine.
04:06:522(4,1)- In my opinion,you can use the same spacing (1.0x) between these notes to make this stream distinguishable from previous stream ^
Thanks <3

00:45:128 (4)- In my opinion,it would be much better if you will snap this slider to 1/2 instead to 3/4 to follow the vocals much better
01:09:759(1)- This slider isn't supposed to be 1/2? Because on 02:15:443(1)- you snapped the slider to 1/2 and there are the vocals same as here (01:09:759(1)- )
01:11:970(1,2)- I suggest to move both 1/4 sliders a bit to left for a better readability during gameplay.The current one (I'm reffering at 01:11:654(1,2,1,2)-) seems to be almost unreadable in my opinion and moving 01:11:970 (1,2) (both sliders),you will have an readable pattern and much easier to aim the objects
01:34:707(6)- As I can listen the vocals here and with 25% speed aswell,I guess this slider needs to be snapped to 1/2 and not to 3/4 if you want to follow the vocals properly
02:11:022(4)- If you can listen the vocals with more attention and also at 25% speed you can see that this slider can be snapped to 1/2 instead of 3/4
02:17:654(1,2)- As I said for 01:11:970(1,2)-.Move them a bit to left to give to 02:17:338(1,2,1,2)- a better readability during gameplay
02:59:654(1)- Whistle on sliderbody on purpose? If yes,I suggest to reove the whistle from sliderbody
03:38:733(4)- Honestly the guitars stops on the previous note so this note doesn't make any sense here.I suggest to delete this note
04:53:022(1,2)- Same thing as 01:11:970(1,2)- and 02:17:654(1,2)-.For a better readability of 04:52:707(1,2,1,2)-,I suggest to move the both sliders a bit to right this time
05:01:233(5)- This slider could be snapped to 1/2 if you listen the vocals with attention
05:14:338(4,5)- I know the vocals from 05:14:496(5)- are stronger and you want to emphasize them using a jump but maybe reduce a bit the spacing here? It seems to be one huge as I can see
05:30:286(2,3)- In comparison with other objects which used the same style,here you increased the spacing a bit much more suddenly.I suggest to decrese it a bit

No kudosu. Call me back once again
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01:11:970(1,2)- I suggest to move both 1/4 sliders a bit to left for a better readability during gameplay.The current one (I'm reffering at 01:11:654(1,2,1,2)-) seems to be almost unreadable in my opinion and moving 01:11:970 (1,2) (both sliders),you will have an readable pattern and much easier to aim the objects I was told by more people to keep it closer because it's easier for them D:

02:17:654(1,2)- As I said for 01:11:970(1,2)-.Move them a bit to left to give to 02:17:338(1,2,1,2)- a better readability during gameplay ^

04:53:022(1,2)- Same thing as 01:11:970(1,2)- and 02:17:654(1,2)-.For a better readability of 04:52:707(1,2,1,2)-,I suggest to move the both sliders a bit to right this time ^

Thanks :D
Btw you have to remove the osb.file you don't need it anymore

Call me back again
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Mkay fixed
Looks nice now.

Rebubble #1!
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Thanks! :D
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thanks so much guys

lets gooooo

- s a k o -
Next Legend Maps :)

EDIT: I've forgotten it's supposed to be an approval. Thanks Spaghetti. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
grats :D
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oh mai g0d thx Krfawy and everyone else who helped me

I couldnt have done this without you Yuii- thank you so much www
This map is pretty good. Sadly I have to take it down for one pattern:

01:23:338 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - These streamjumps are by far the hardest in this map, because they happen after every 4th note. There is no reason for that as the music is not that intense here compared to other sections like the guitar solo. Also other parts like 02:28:391 - and 05:03:759 - are the same but don't have these streamjumps.

If you disagree, discuss it here in the thread and we will come to a conclusion.
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That was quick

Will take a look at it asap, thanks Desp!
I'd like to mod this today if you'd be willing to wait

EDIT: Nvm push it forward
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Smoothie World wrote:

I'd like to mod this today if you'd be willing to wait
go ahead but im really busy catching up with school since i went on vacation for a week so the response is gonna be like "fixed, no, k, nah," etc.

Edit: Ya lets do that
Dragon Force maps = flood DQs
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I'm loving this new system. Fast dq's, I can see who's addressing these issues, more contribution before actual qualifications.

This is great.

Also I just realized that I'm holding the record for fastest dq ever.
desperate-kun watches always...
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okay changes have been made and Desp approves we can push this forward again
Minor changes were made, with this
Rebubble #1!

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Extra bubbles just in case.

monstrata wrote:

Extra bubbles just in case.
same lol
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need to request dq now because bubble count went over two thx monstrata </3

I really like this map, it's so fun. But please god, fix these things.

03:39:996 (4,1) - This truly plays like shit
04:06:522 (4,1)
04:07:154 (4,1)
04:07:786 (4,1) - Are these really necessary? The music doesn't really call for this and again, plays like shit

Just my thoughts as a semi-decent player
Hey! Let's get a couple of issues fixed up really quick before we push this map forward.

03:39:996 (4,1) - As mentioned above, this jump doesn't play well at all, and should either be heavily cut down or removed entirely.
Additionally, there are a few circles in streams and such that could stand some minor spacing corrections, such as but not necessarily limited to 01:37:233 (1) -, 02:12:601 (1) -, and 03:51:680 (4) -.

I'd also like some more opinions on 04:06:286 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -, this is quite a difficulty spike and I feel like the jumps could probably be made to play better.
Please discuss these issues in the thread and try to come to a conclusion - I do actually like this map a lot, so here's hoping to a good resolution!
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millhiore dq what

alright ill take a look at these as soon as I can, thanks!
- Physical -
Not sure how much this actually matters, but the tags reference The Power Within as this song's album, while it actually comes from Maximum Overload. Also, this song apparently features Matt Heafy, so you might want to add that.
Spaghetti dq king
Nothing will beat those 7/8 DQs on Stargazer.
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just gonna get SW to mod so i avoid 5 dq's with one point each lol
Well... at least it lasted qualified longer this time \:D/
DQ for a few tiny stream jumps? Jenny's maps have way harder stream jumps than that.
Gratz on QAT Millhiore!!
Call me back after cl8n finishes the storyboard.

Tasty Beverage wrote:

I really like this map, it's so fun. But please god, fix these things.

03:39:996 (4,1) - This truly plays like shit
04:06:522 (4,1)
04:07:154 (4,1)
04:07:786 (4,1) - Are these really necessary? The music doesn't really call for this and again, plays like shit

Just my thoughts as a semi-decent player
forgot 04:09:049 (4,1) -
also yeah those few jumps are the only thing i didn't enjoy in this map, they just feel so random to the point it's almost luck based in order to hit them
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B1rd wrote:

DQ for a few tiny stream jumps? Jenny's maps have way harder stream jumps than that.
cry thunder is like 7 stars lol, assuming you're referring to that

monstrata wrote:

Call me back after cl8n finishes the storyboard.
oh my god p l s
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okay boys and girls I discussed the issues with Milli and TB and we have came to a conclusion.

the map will be pushed forward after I receive SW's mod.

in the meantime continue to post anything ive fucked up on (metadata, green lines, etc) so we can improve the map before requalification.
There's an .osb file.
Topic Starter

Cl8n wrote:

tbh its probably mine for monstrata
01:15:917 (1,2,3) - you could stack these for better emphasis because the stream started in red tick (and it looks cooler)

01:31:233 (1,2) - the DS you use for these feels way out of place. they're too close together compared to others, and you should increase these because the vocal pitch are high.

01:35:417 (3) - did you forget whistle here?

01:44:812 (5,1,2,3) - this is uncomfortable to play because of the spacing you use for the triplets and the very little spacing between 5 and 1 aka not enough momentum for this to play comfy enough.

03:11:654 (1) - why don't this follow the previous patterns? this has a strongER drum sound and yet you didn't make this a jump.

03:11:654 (1,2,3,4,5) - this sounds like a 1-2-1-2-1 pattern. you could make 1,3 and 5 jumps.

03:16:707 (4) - any reason why this jump is bigger than 03:17:022 (5,6,7) -

03:21:759 (1,2,3,1,2) - this pattern isn't suitable for the song. from here 03:21:759 (1) - it sounds like 1-2-3-1-2-3-4-1. making it 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2 is very weird, especially you're making the NC to the new part of the song (03:22:391 (2) - ) not an NC but instead you place it here 03:22:233 (1) -

05:14:812 (1) - why isn't this a jump, it's a downbeat NC. you did it 05:14:022 (3) - and it's not even an NC

05:23:970 (2,4) - is the little overlap intentional? it looks ugly tbh

05:27:128 (3) - fix your blanket, and that tiny bit of the slider end popping at the bottom of 05:26:654 (2) - triggers me

05:37:549 (1) - playing the dangerous game imo

02:01:549 (1) - very much underspaced.

00:07:707 (5) - and 00:08:180 (3,4,5,6) - inconsistency. in other parts of this song such as 00:07:075 (5,6,7) - 00:09:601 (5,6,7) - 00:12:128 (5,6,7) - etc those are triples

00:59:180 (5) - did you intentionally unstack this?

01:28:707 (1) - spacing is the same as 01:28:391 (6) - ? why not increase it?

02:04:312 (2) - i believe this should be in 02:04:470 - because you did it at 02:03:207 (3) -

02:05:733 - i know you're following the vocals but consider adding a circle here.

02:07:549 (1) - i wouldn't be able to even see this coming tbh. this part doesn't deserve a x50. slider.

02:07:864 (1) - add finish, sounds better. (a lotta places could be added finish but i'm too lazy to point em out anyways)

02:35:496 (6,1) - you got it switched up with the jumps. 6-1 should be a jump instead of 5 and 6

there's a lot of weird soft samplesets in the first kiai, the 3/4 slider end using soft is fine, but the circle that comes after it should have soft sample set, it just sounds very awkward. when checking this, i sometimes get confused why you would change your emphasis from instrument to vocal to instrument to vocal and so on. it doesn't sound right to me, but that's just me.
Why did you change the hitsounds, Pasta? Aaaa, guess I will have to take a look at them again, unless you want to change them by your own again
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

Why did you change the hitsounds, Pasta? Aaaa, guess I will have to take a look at them again, unless you want to change them by your own again
ay i didnt touch samplesets i only fixed up the whistles
Okay, so actually hitsounds are damn okay, no worries.
Just some things that I don't know what's up with them. Change the Sampleset to "Normal" to the following objects: 01:32:812 (2) - 01:34:075 (2) - 03:42:759 (2,4,2,4) - (Delete whistles, too).

Note: People are way too used to use the damn normal-hitwhistle on DragonForce maps... I'll take this into consideration for the next time and spam those whistles across the whole map next time. Sorry, Pasta, my bad o/
Low Combo FC

Yuii- wrote:

Okay, so actually hitsounds are damn okay, no worries.
Just some things that I don't know what's up with them. Change the Sampleset to "Normal" to the following objects: 01:32:812 (2) - 01:34:075 (2) - 03:42:759 (2,4,2,4) - (Delete whistles, too).

Note: People are way too used to use the damn normal-hitwhistle on DragonForce maps... I'll take this into consideration for the next time and spam those whistles across the whole map next time. Sorry, Pasta, my bad o/
Note: People are way too used to use their skin's hitsounds.. I mean for real, who plays with beatmap's hitsounds on anyways?
But of course, it's better when it sounds right, even though nobody's gonna every hear it.

To OP:
This is definitely one of my favorite DF maps, I'm really glad you've decided to make it AR>9, great job! :)
Topic Starter
ok mods have been checked an i applied what i felt was necessary and SM couldnt find anything

gogo BNs

edit: i also repolished the map so ya
Let's go again seems still fine to me (:

Rebubble #1

Monstrata is tha best. XD

Re-congratulations! Spaghetti. \o
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Monstrata is tha best. XD

Re-congratulations! Spaghetti. \o
thanks! and woah you got BN???

I remember whe you first modded this map and you thought you were a bad modder ;_;

congrats to you too :D

edit: wording lol

How time flies. :>
Rank more DragonForce until this BG has no more colors left!
Topic Starter

LoliFlan wrote:

Rank more DragonForce until this BG has no more colors left!
ill make up colors dw
Regratz !
Great map! If you're gonna get the scoreboard clear, then it should be on Approved.
Topic Starter

Spaghetti wrote:

It's happening.

Amazing work man. This is the best Dragonforce map I've played so far (and I think I played them all).

Whyyyy D::::::
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