
10 Questions for Taiko Players

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1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? Somewhere around 3 years 8 months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I play all modes, trying new things i guess.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Yes, on my NDS since 6 ~ 7 years ago (?)

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? soba, TKS, XK2238, Lightning Wyvern, etc. too much

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? TKS's maps.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? TKS, qoot, ming

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Usually HD, but if possible then HR/DT.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo. I always mess up on multi

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkkd or anything starts with ddk

10. Do you like Taiko? Sure, why not.

*rolls away*
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1 year 1 mounth (May 2014)

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I watched replays from wzxxzw especially, before i started playing, after that i wanted to become strong at this game

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Yes, sometimes on the PSP version

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? wzxxzw, Orukaa, sobatsuyu100, whosthebox, Midnaait

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Hard to decide but almost all shitmaps, overmapped maps, maps with SV changes and high bpm maps

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Mapper 31, Konpaku Sariel, -[ ix Ishida xi ]-

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR the most of the time (for SV and OD increased) also DT for alternance practice

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? I like multiplayer, but it's rare to see taiko multiplayer rooms

9. What is your favourite pattern? Long and complex patterns and highspeed spam pattern (1/8)

10. Do you like Taiko? yiaisse
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
- I've been seriously playing since like February 2014, played random easy stuff back as far as August 2013.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
- At first I played all game modes, and I really liked Taiko even when I was bad. I tried to switch over and make it my main game after CTB stopped being fun for me.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
- No but I would really like to play a real Taiko arcade machine even though I can't kddk.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
- Ozzy.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
- I couldn't pick just one, and the list would be way too long to put here. I like way too many maps.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
- TKS.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
- I use HD for everything right now, but if you read this in a few weeks I'll probably hate HD and go back to nomod.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
- Solo because I have no friends and like pressing the retry button.

9. What is your favourite pattern?
- Anything that's easy to play with ddkk. I also really like 1/3s if they fit the song.

10. Do you like Taiko?
- Well I'm still playing it after almost a year and a half, so I guess so?

shuttlespock wrote:

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
9. What is your favourite pattern?
10. Do you like Taiko?
1. Oct '11 before going real in Des '11.
2. It made me recall past experiences when I first saw this gaym.
3. Friend's PSP.
4. No actual favorites, but those who can do particular scores sooner than me (or swag scores) are awesome I think.
5. No actual thing.
6. No actual person, either. Heck, I've lost mood on it since long. (kek)
7. All of them. I've went through every possible combination.
8. Solo pls
9. No pattern.
10. I wonder...

shuttlespock wrote:

Stolen and slightly modified from the mania forum. No hard feelings :D

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 4 years

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Way too long to explain.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Wii/DS/AC

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? tasuke912/Ekoro

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? No particular map

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Firce777, Ishida, Nyan, tasuke912, S a n d, lepidopodus

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Nomod player here, but I use DT when the song is "slow" (<160 BPM)

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Multiplayer, but I usually play Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? 1/6s when they are done properly

10. Do you like Taiko? I suppose yes?
Lost The Lights
Lets see...

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? I started playing 2 and a half years ago.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I first used to watch an old chilean player who got banned. Then i met whosthebox and i started watching him. I got interested in this gamemode and well... here i am. End of story.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Nope.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? I have to say whosthebox without even thinking.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? yambabom - Over My Head and Leaf - Chronostasis.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? I have some, but i'll just name Backfire and DakeDekaane.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? No, nomod ftw.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? I like playing solo, but if my friends invite me to a multi, i join.

9. What is your favourite pattern? I dont have any favourite pattern, they're all hard. F**k you 1/6

10. Do you like Taiko? Maybe.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 2 months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Well...The Don is too cuteeeeee(Please be reminded that I was in a super young age)

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? AC, wii(broken),psp(lost)

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?No one

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? I like them all equally

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? no one

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? FL on easy maps does not bother me at all.And HR on coverted maps actually acts like easy on fast maps.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo...Taiko multiplayers are hard to find

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddk

10. Do you like Taiko?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 4 years and 3 months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? friends

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? no

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? except cheater

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival by backfire

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? firce and backfire

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR or HD

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? modding

9. What is your favourite pattern? kkdkddk | ddkdkkd | kdkkddk

10. Do you like Taiko? so-so :P
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 4 years.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Inspired by friends' marvellous performance on Taiko no Tatsujin arcade.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Nintendo DS.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? Every capable one but not cheaters.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? The ones with consistent patterns and good coherence with vocal/music.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? aabc271, qoot8123, TKS

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Converted: DT and FL; Taiko-only: HR

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo.

9. What is your favourite pattern? kdkkd dkddk kkdkd ddkdk

10. Do you like Taiko? I like it, literally.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
4¾ years. I think my video says it.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
I was bored of StepMania

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Not really. I am going to try AC Taiko soon.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Nobody is worth of favourite.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
I'll have to be honest, call me narcissistic or whatever, but MariannE is my favourite. It pushes the limits of everyone.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
(heavy breathing)

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
I hate multiplayer except when chilling with friends.

9. What is your favourite pattern?
what the hell is that question

10. Do you like Taiko?
It's not edible so no.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
5 years!

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Some dude uploaded osu! videos and I then found taiko and loved it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
I wish...

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Japanese players are all funny tho

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Angel Dream's Inner Oni (Tatsujin) :3
if not authentic, Why Am I So Angry by Lepi! Work of art.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Lepidopodus, TKS, MMzz, tasuke, climbb, kanopu!

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
Hidden and Doubletime

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo. Multi is too much set-up.

9. What is your favourite pattern?
0. SA. I. TA. MA.
1. kkd
2. kddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddkddk
3. don spam d ddd d ddd ddd d ddd d ddd K

10. Do you like Taiko?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
- maybe.. 1½ years..

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
- i like dram dram, dem videos n replay.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
- ya.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
- Japan Player.. they gud person and fun.. ha.. emm.. idk, maybe someone can be a dem son..

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
- mapped by TKS.. lepi, or lolcub... aaa... forget

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
- idk.. but many nice mapper~

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
- HR=dem nice, DT=yeah hipi!, HD=i can, but for fun~, FL=just for fun.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
- depending on my mood~

9. What is your favourite pattern?
- is not make me confused.. or i can hit.. huee..

10. Do you like Taiko?
- `L_`
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Around 2 years, I think.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Tried the mode here and looked fun, but due the lack of easy specific maps at the time I began to play (and that 99% of converts are awful), I moved to NDS games, then came back here.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Yes, NDS (it literally died because that).

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
I guess no one, yet.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Any map that has a nice structure is pleasant to play for me.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
TKS, lepidopodus.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
No mod.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ....

10. Do you like Taiko?
Of course.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Well, I started Taiko-ing around in Dec 2012 (so about 2 and a half years now)

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Was introduced to it by a cousin of mine on Wii (TnT Wii 2). Tried it out for a few days and got hooked on it before I knew it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Yes. I started first with the Wii version and played it for about a year (was a big pain playing using the Wiimote). Then, tried to look for a PC version and found Taikojiro which was where i started playing taiko using keyboard and broke it at the same time (was both the happiest and the saddest day for me as well XD). And then came Osu! and well.... the rest is history...

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
kevin3333g, asgardv, Hori_159, ][ -GH- ][ and any other insane SS players

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
None as of right now. I like all Taiko maps equally regardless of who the mapper is...

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Just to name a few, they are : Nardoxyribonucleic, MMzz, lepidopodus, climbb65588, kanpakyin

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR (most of the time where base OD < 7), SD / PF and FL (with the combination of either HRFL, HDFL or HRHDFL for #1 ranks)

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo. I'm just a lone wolf...

9. What is your favourite pattern?
None in particular. Playing on full-alt means you see the whole entire map as a stream (with different patterns for every song diffs) rather then just single notes or broken up streams.

10. Do you like Taiko?
Most definitely. If not, why would I be playing this game?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
- 1 Year

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
- Coz mouse sucks xd

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
- No

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
- Ekoro & xk2238, real quickscopers

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
- Barbra streisand by Sushi.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
- Nardoxyribonucleic, Hanjamon. These 2 mappers are (i consider) the 2 ones who make maps perfectly.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
- HR & FL.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
- I don't care but i use to play full solo. Maybe coz multi don't interest me.

9. What is your favourite pattern?
- ddkkddkkdd* & kdddk.

10. Do you like Taiko?
- Nope.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
I started playing it seriously back in mid July 2014. So 11 months!

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Before I played Taiko, I was a Standart-only player.
However, the laptop I had back then had a lot of overheating issues when playing games or just pushing it hard for for example rendering videos. So I sended my laptop away for reperation.
While my good laptop was gone, I was stuck with a crapy old laptop who could run osu! fine, but wasn't nice towarts my tablet... So I couldn't play standart mode realy wel, so Taiko begin my second favorite mode at that time, I played that instead.
After I got my new laptop, I didn't realy start playing standart again, I was already in love with taiko then haha!

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
I have a rom of Taiko No Tatsujin DX on PSP.
I am planning to download the Taiko No Tatsujin games on my R4 for the DS , but haven't done that yet s:
I haven't played Taiko yet with a real drum... I would looove to try that out! :) Unfortunately they don't have a Taiko Arcade machine in Belgium...

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Hmm... Hard question...
I'd say:
Stupid Yoshi

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Hades: The Rise [Ozzy's Taiko]
Can't fc it because of that last deadstreamy part..;-; But man I looove this map haha! :)

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
To be honest, I don't have a favorite mapper, cause (sorry for saying this) I don't realy pay attention to who creates maps and stuff :$

However, I do know a few mappers!
Like Ozzy's maps. They're usually pretty fun!
And also Climbb's maps. Those are also nice! :)

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
Most of the time I play without mods.
I sometimes use HD. That's my favorite mod for Taiko :3
However, I don't have any strong scroe with a HD (yet)

I'm trying to learn HR. However, I'm not realy good at reading patterns realy fast.. :( So I'm still getting used to it. :p

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Multiplayer is too stressy x:

9. What is your favourite pattern?
any pattern with dddd, kkkkk, dd, kkkk all behind each other.
kddkddk is also cool (y)

9.5 What is yourt most hated pattern?
I can't do those yet :( I always mess up once these appear as a stand allone pattern or whenever they're mixed in a stream. :')

10. Do you like Taiko?
No man, it's bad...!

Ofcourse I do!
I never thought I would have ever gotten interests for this game series!
I'm a active member of the Mario Kart Community, so getting active from a racing game to a music rythm game (and a Japanese only) is pretty random and rare haha! :)
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
4 years.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
I don't really remember, but I think I have to blame AtomicTroop.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
No I don't.

4. Who is your favorite Taiko player?
There are many but I'd say my top 3 atm are:

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
I don't have any favorite map.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Since I don't have favorite maps it's really hard to name favorite mapper.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR, rarely NC or FL

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
I don't have one.

10. Do you like Taiko?
I won't say I dislike it.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
・First it is knew in PS2, it is that 13 years ago(but, Taiko is not well ;w;)
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
・Until 5 years ago I was playing well the AC,Other than DS, I had been playing the PSP, PS2.
4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
・I can not decide ><><
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
・HR,HRDT(In late BPM,max220. OD7DTHR is a different dimension @_@),HRFL,DTFL(Mainly easy,Part of the other diff)
8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
・Mainly solo, but multi also occasionally
9. What is your favourite pattern?
10. Do you like Taiko?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
3 years
2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because I'm suck at standard and I don't play ctb that much. When I played taiko, I'm getting addicted to it.
3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Anyone who can play converts crazily like Midnaait, FLANKs, and so on.
5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
No particular map.
6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
No particular mapper.
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
I use HR most of the time in taiko diffs like crazy.
8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo, for less distractions.
9. What is your favourite pattern?
ddk, kdddk
10. Do you like Taiko?
Why not?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Nearly 2 years, don't remember when I played my first song lol

2.Why did you start playing Taiko?
I played mania to start off, then though I'd try something different, practiced taiko afterwards.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
I played TnT when I used an iPhone, and had the opportunity to try the real arcade version.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
kanopu and Ishida are two favourites of all time :3

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Any map I make Manima Ni

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Tough choice, but I like hoshi, Firce and TKS a lot.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR > SD > none > NC > DT > FL > HD

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
kddkddkddkddk or kdddkdddkdddk etc

10. Do you like Taiko?
no yes
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Just over 2 years.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
I started as a std player but my mouse broke so why not play a different game-mode? :D

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
NDS and PSP ( Waiting for the PS Vita version coming out!)
Unfortunately Taiko no Tatsujin is known as button destroyers :<

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Ishida is love.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Ishida is love.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Ishida is love.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
I really like the Ishida mod where every notes have SV changes.
NC > DT > SD > HD > HR

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
Not as much as Ishida.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? ~2 years

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? While playing with my friends in multiplayer somebody accidentally put a taiko map (we were playing std only) but I thought that the song was cool so I tried it. It was an Ono map.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? No

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? Ekoro

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? lolcubes' Suigetsu Kyouka Koubou Issen, lepi's AXION, Mapper 31's sola, Ozzy's Tomboyish Bath and ghm12's Zetsubou Restaurant

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? lolcubes

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? I like Hidden but I often play NoMod

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? weff

9. What is your favourite pattern? dkddkdkk

10. Do you like Taiko? I try
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1 year

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? S0ultaker showed me the game and it looked pretty neat

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? nope

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? tasuke and wzxxzw

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Calamity fortune by TKS or streaming heart by mintong

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? qoot, backfire, tks, mintong, firce

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR, but only for bpm < 185, for the rest no-mod or HR HT

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkd

10. Do you like Taiko? only if i dont shitmiss
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 6month

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? bcz I was recommended osu taiko by my friend.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? Arcade/PSP/DS/Wii/jiro/owatatsujin

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? shinchi.

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Do I smile? [firce force]

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Firce, TKS, Ozzy, MMzz, Hanjamon, JuDa, Sayaka-, etc.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? none>NC>HD>HR>FL>DT

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? both

9. What is your favourite pattern? Not choose

10. Do you like Taiko? YYYYYEEEEEEEESSSS
1. 3-5 months, can't exactly remember.

2. I wanted to try all the gamemodes out, and i kept playing all of them including taiko.

3. Nope, only in Osu!.

4. Can't pick one. The top 5 are beasts for sure, then there's this guy:

5. Can't pick one here either, any map that fits my preferences i guess.

6. Nwolf, Hanjamon, Ozzy, OnosakiHito and Kurosanyan.

7. I'll usually just go nomod but i'll play DT or HR on some easier/low BPM stuff.

8. Depends on if i feel like having a blast with others or just beating their scores without them noticing. hehe

9. KDDDK(and the other way around) is pretty fun.

10. Yep.

Also, another question you could've asked is "Is there a pattern you struggle with?".
And my answer to that is: technical non-repetetive streams and big notes in the middle of everything, those are really confusing.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1year + 4month

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I changed game mode.STD→Taiko

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? PS2/PSP/DS/Wii/AC/Taiko no Tatsujin+(Application)

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? kevin3333g,kanopu,asgardv,Hori_159,kuroru...etc. other person is in mypage

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? I can't choice

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? hs714,JUDYDANNY,Kin,TKS...etc. other person is in mypage

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR=DT>FL>HD

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? dk kddk

10. Do you like Taiko? Futsuu
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? umm..6 months or so

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? at first i played mania. i mainly play 7k, but then i realize my keyboard is ghosting, so then i tried playing taiko which is only need 4 keys (i don't like mania 4k), and here i am.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? no

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? tasuke912, XK2238 (why do they have number in their username? maybe i need to add some number to get pro like them)

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? hard to choose. maybe Omega Rhytm

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Nardoxyribonucleic, hs714, lolcubes, OzzyOzrock, ... etc. many good mapper out there

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?usually no mod. but sometimes Hard Rock for relatively easy pattern map

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo, feels so noob in multi

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkk

10. Do you like Taiko? Only if taiko like me

shuttlespock wrote:

Stolen and slightly modified from the mania forum. No hard feelings :D

1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? [b]About 5 Months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Started Because One Game Similar (太鼓の達人)

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? No

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? [size=150]Hori_159

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Deaf Mutes By Sayaka- :o :o :o :o :o

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Tasuke912

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Recently I Use (EZHT) But I Like More (EZ)

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? kddkddk

10. Do you like Taiko? Yeah, It's fun :) :) :) :) :)

1. About 2 months
2. Found out that my friend had been ignoring my messages because they were busy playing this game, so I started playing it too.
3. No
4. Anyone who will multi with me
5. Unsure :<
6. TKS, kanpakyin
7. I've recently started using HD on some easier songs
8. Multiplayer, I get to try out new maps without looking for them
9. ddk ddk ddk.
10. Yeah, it's fun
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?

I started playing taiko in summer 2014 but only started playing properly at the start of this year in January.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?

Because I was having some trouble with my mouse and i felt like playing another gamemode.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

nope, but going to play Arcade Taiko no Tatsujin when I'm in Japan the week after next.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?

sobatsuyu, Mew104, pagr42 and X_Spitfire_X .... and Garpo

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

DarkVortex' Hanairo Biyori:
MMzz's Rainbow Dash likes Girls:

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

DarkVortex, MMzz, S a n d, Backfire

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?

Hidden all the way.... and Nightcore all the way too :D

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

I usually play solo when I'm trying to make good scores but I play multi when I need to warm up or don't feel like making scores (or if some friends want to play).

9. What is your favourite pattern?

I would just have to say kkddkkddkkddkkddkkddkkddk stream patterns (or reverse ofcourse) because those are the easiest to play for me.
And also kdkkd and dkddk because they are fun :D

10. Do you like Taiko?

Why are you even asking people who play taiko as their main gamemode this question? - the answer is yes
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? About 4 years I think.

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? Because one of my friends invited me to play it.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? AC/TaikoJiro/PSP(broken)

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? tasuke912,shinchikuhome,- Yuuka Niya -,HM495

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? marina - Towa yori Towa ni[Oni]

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Firce777,JUDYDANNY,lolcubes,TKS,and myself

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Yes,I sometimes use DT mod on some easy songs.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? I usually solo but I won't refuse a invitation of a multiplaying.

9. What is your favourite pattern? ddkkd,kkddk,ddkkddk,kkddkkd,dkkkddk,etc.

10. Do you like Taiko? Why do I play this game if I don't like it?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 1 year soon, maybe 9-10 months now

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I saw these crazy replays (both ingame and youtube) and I simply got inspired

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? T-aiko on my smartphone sometimes, really want TnT for 3ds though x.x

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? FLANKs

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Way to hard for me to answer, but for now, Yousei Teikoku - gothic lolita agitator. Fun to DT even though i'm not good enough to pass it B))

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? TKS and lepidopodus

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? Mainly DT, but HD aswell

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? kdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdk

10. Do you like Taiko? It's better than the other gamemodes ;>
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? almost four years?

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? because it was easy to get 1sts on and norway had like no good players at the time

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? not really, I find most of them pretty bad

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? uhh tasuke912, XK2238, seiichiz and Xiah7s (gotta respect the pikachu) also myself cuz I'm hot shit

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? lepidon, myself, sushi, myself, uhhhhhhhh, myself, and uhh ozzyozrock, did I mention myself?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? nomod is the way to go, also FL!

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? I'm riding solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? kd

10. Do you like Taiko? YEAH

11. Are you gay? no, why is this a question in this thread
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? Hmm, about less than 2 months yet

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? I bored to play osu!std.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? No.

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? Nardo :3

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Hmm... Rog-Unlimitation?

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? I have no favorite mapper yet :v

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR and SD

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? Solo

9. What is your favourite pattern? 1/3 D or 1/3 K

10. Do you like Taiko? Of course yes
Kondou Kinji
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
Since sometime after easter 2013, can't really remember x)

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
I played Osu Standard for about 4 mounths, but got bored with it (and to some extent because i hated spinners) I tried taiko, and it just stuck with me.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Kevin3333, Kiwi Stick and FLANKs

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Rohi - Kakuzetsu Thanatos

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
No, it tanks too hard on my acc for me to feel like it would benefit me all that much

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo, because then I can restart the same song 12 times xD

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
Think thats a bit of a obvious one ^3^
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
About 4 months all up

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Wasn't good at osu!mania at the time, was frustrated with osu!standard and didn't like the idea of CatchTheBeat so I tried Taiko, enjoyed it but was crud upon first couple plays. Watched a youtube video on how to taiko and haven't looked back since. Kept playing to this day because I feel that Taiko is Aus is under represented a little bit and wanted to make a lasting impact.

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Social peer pressure forces me to say Njintje ;3

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Don't have to favourite as such since I enjoy so many of the taiko maps.

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
Don't really have a favourite, but I have been enjoy a few beatmaps that Nardo has pumped out lately.

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR primarily, still getting used to DT and FL

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
Anything that isn't DDK or KKD since that combo is the one that is most likely to trip me up whilst playing with mods on ._.

10. Do you like Taiko?
Wouldn't be playing it otherwise.
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for? 10 months

2. Why did you start playing Taiko? In osu, I started playing because I already own the game on PS2, 3DS, and PSP and own shit tons of Taiko merch so I'm a huge fanatic. Been playing for uhh 6 years maybe longer on other platforms

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms? PSP, 3DS, PS2, and sometimes on my sister's Wii/Wii U. I have also played the arcade version many times, in Japan and Korea and my local arcade near Chicago :P

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player? sobatsuyu for obvious reasons

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most? Hard to say... I guess I really like Elder Dragon Legend even though I suck at it lol

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper? Don't really have a favorite, I like many
7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones? HR for literally everything, there's only a few maps I can't play with HR on. I have it on by default usually. DT if the song is slow enough. HR + DT for max score. Can't play HD/FL worth a crap.

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo definitely, multiplayer just makes my nerves go crazy and I mess up too much :cry:

9. What is your favourite pattern? kdkdkdkdkdkd because it's easier than the other way for me 8-)

10. Do you like Taiko? yes it's amazing and the best mode :)
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
1 year + 3 months i guess

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because I heard that it's the hardest gamemode

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
Shinchikuhome, Sobatsuyu

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
sola (TKS) or AugoEides (lepidon)

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
climbb, TKS, lepidon

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HR or DT... DTHR is fun too

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?
dkddk kdkkd kdddk

10. Do you like Taiko?
1. How long have you been playing Taiko on osu! for?
I'm not sure, 1 month I play Taiko, 1 month ctb, 1 month mania..

2. Why did you start playing Taiko?
Because I like all mods of Osu!

3. Do you play Taiko on any other platforms?
Only at Osu

4. Who is your favourite Taiko player?
TKS, kevin3333g, kanopu

5. Which Taiko map do you like the most?
Freedom dive

6. Who is your favourite Taiko mapper?
ReySHeL, Nardoxyribonucleic, qoot, judydanny

7. Do you use mods? If so, which ones?
HD or HR, learning DT

8. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

9. What is your favourite pattern?

10. Do you like Taiko?
Yay *-*/
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