
Halozy - Kanshou no Matenrou [CatchTheBeat]

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Cosmic Mind
00:29:829 (4) - Move this to x:448. Forcing a player to the edge of the screen isn't recommended, and this jump is currently quite big from 3 anyway.
00:36:550 (7,8,1) - Hyper jump at 7 for the strong piano sound. Move 7 to x:336, 8 to x:368, and 1 to x:400.
00:40:648 (1) - This jump is too difficult to make, as you have to stop as you reach this, or you overshoot. What I would do is remove 2 of the repeats, move it to 00:40:730 - , add two circles in place of where the first two slider ends were, placing the first one at 176, second one at x:144, Ctrl+H the slider and move it to x:112. This feels a lot more comfortable to play, to me.
00:44:255 (8) - Hyper does not fit to or from this, it's a very weak sound going to a sound very similar. Move this to x:256, fits the song better.
00:45:074 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - This section feels overmapped to me in terms of patterns, there shouldn't be any hypers here, this section is weak. Click 00:45:074 (3,4,5,6,7) - and drag back to x:128. Then ctrl+H 8, for an interesting pattern, and move it to x:304. Then move 9 to x:336, and 1 to x:416. This gets rid of all those unnecessary hypers quite well, whilst also creating a fun pattern.
00:46:714 (7,8,9) - Antiflow hyper here feels weird to me, put 7 on x:368, 8 on x:144, and 9 on x:48.
00:47:206 (1) - What, why such a strong snap hyper? Move to x:224, still hypers, but is a lot weaker. Then move 00:47:533 (2) - to x:128, maintains difficulty whilst avoiding a timing jump, and feels nice to play.
00:49:747 (9) - I like how this flows if you move it to x:240, on top if the slider, and it also gets rid of the snap hyper, whilst keeping a normal hyper.
00:51:140 (1) - Again, this hyper feels too strong. Move this slider to x:320. I also like how if you do this there's a slight breathing space before the stream.
00:52:452 (1) - ^, Move to x:160.
00:54:255 (3,4,5,6,7) - Having a HDash from 2 to 3 feels strange to me, there's not much sound at this place, just a light drum beat. Drag this stream to x:352.
00:55:074 (1) - Move this to x:144, this hyper doesn't really fit the song.
00:55:566 (3,4,5,6,7) - Ctrl+H this stream and move it to x:80, this hyper doesn't fit, this drum beat is weak, then Ctrl+H 00:56:058 (8) - and move it to x:320, to avoid a slider in the opposite direction after a jump.
00:56:386 (1) - This is bad, a slider in the opposite direction after such a strong snap jump. Ctrl+H and move it to x:160, this flow feels a lot better.
00:56:878 (3,4,5,6,7) - Drag this stream to x:368 to get rid of the hyper, and then ctrl+H 8 and move it to x:80.
00:57:697 (1) - Move this to x:240, this snap hyper is too strong right now.
00:58:025 (2) - Move this to x:208, this hyper doesn't suit the music, the beat is weak (except on 2, but your hyper is to 3).
01:00:976 (1) - Similar problem to with 00:40:648 (1) - , so similar solution. Remove 2 of the repeats, move the slider forward to 01:01:058 - , add 2 circles where the repeats were, first one on x:160, 2nd on x:128, and then ctrl+H the slider and move it to x:144.
01:01:468 (1,2,3,4) - Hypers on these notes feel weird to me, this isn't really strong enough part to induce hypers. Move 2 to x:224 and 4 to x:240, this creates quite an interesting pattern which is fun.
01:06:386 (4,5,6,7) - Ctrl+H this section, a hyper to 4 doesn't fit, and then ctrl+H 1 and move it to x:48 to keep a hyper to this.
01:07:206 (2) - Ctrl+H this too, and move it to x:304, for a more fun pattern, and to get rid of the unnecessary hyper to 3.
01:08:517 (2) - Ctrl+H and move to x:320 for an interesting pattern, and then move 3 to x:288. This gets rid of a few unnecessary hypers as well as making a fun pattern.
01:10:484 (5) - Move this to x:448 to avoid a timing jump.
01:11:632 (4,5,6) - Ctrl+g this, to avoid a weird jump (The sound here is very minimalistic, a jump like this looks weird at this point), and then move 01:11:960 (7) - to x:160, this is an unnecessary hyper, and then ctrl+H 1 and move it to x:400, this makes sure you still have a fitting hyper, and also flows nicely.
01:13:271 (1) - Move this to x:112 to avoid forcing the catcher against the wall, this can easily throw a player off.
01:13:763 (2) - Move this to x:16, same reason.
01:13:927 (3) - Move this to x:384, as to not force the catcher against the wall.
01:14:337 (4,5) - Drag these two and move it to x:336, a hyper doesn't fit.
01:15:238 (2,3) - Swap the place of these two notes on the timeline, and then ctrl+h the new 2, and move it to x:304. This gets rid of the unneccessary hypers here.
01:16:550 (2,3) - Swap places of these two notes on the timeline, fits the song a lot better, you should only have a hyper on the stronger brass sound.
01:17:697 (7,1,2) - Move 7 to x:160, angle it so that it ends at x:192, move 1 to x:96 and 2 to x:32. This leaves a hyper from 6 to 7, which fits, whilst getting rid of the unnecessary hyper from 7 to 1.
01:19:665 (1) - Move this to x:144, this hyper is unnecessary, the brass is weak here.
01:20:320 (5) - Move this to x:336, these hypers don't feel necessary or fitting for the very weak sounds here.
01:20:976 (1) - Move this to x:176, same reason as above, I don't feel these drums are strong enough to constitute a hyper.
01:22:124 (6) - Move this to x:336, same reason as above only with the brass.
01:22:615 (1) - Ctrl+H this (Maybe? I might be getting mixed up, I want it so the first movement is to the left.) and then move to x:416. A HDash to a 1/8 repeating slider is very annoying to catch, and having it against the wall can throw off players.
01:22:943 (1) - Move this to x:368, to avoid a hyper to a 1/8 repeating slider.
01:23:599 (1) - Remove 2 repeats from this, move it to 01:23:681 - , and then add two circles where the repeats used to be, the first at x:160, the second at x:128, and then ctrl+H the slider and move it to x:96.
01:24:583 (2) - Ctrl+G this and move it to x:384, flows a lot better and reduces the dashes whilst keeping the HDash.
01:29:009 (1) - I think this works better as just 2 circles, there isn't really a continuous sound here. If you do this, move the first circle to x:256, and the second to x:160.
01:31:796 (1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern should be changed a bit, a hyper chain doesn't fit really. Move 1 to x:416, 2 to x:208, 3 to x:480, 4 to x:368, and ctrl+h 5 and move it to x:112. This makes hypers on strong drum beats only.
01:33:763 (4) - Move this to x:112, the hyper should be to 4, not 5, as this is the strong keyboard sound.
01:36:222 (2,3) - 1 should not hyper to 2, nor 2 to 3, as these are weak drum sounds, but 3 should hyper to 4 as this is a strong sound. Move 2 to x:192 and ctrl+g 3.
01:38:189 (4) - Move to x:144, the sound here is weak, and so 3 shouldn't hyper to it.
01:42:124 (5,1) - Ctrl+H this two notes, flows nicely and gets rid of the unnecessary hyper from 4 to 5.
01:45:566 (1) - Move this to x:32, the jump from this to 2 after such a strong hyper feels awkward.
01:45:894 (1) - Ctrl+H and move it to x:48, this jump feels less awkward like that.
01:46:222 (1) - Make this a straight line slider, after such a strong HDash this is weird to catch because you have to slow down so quickly.
01:56:714 (1) - Move this to x:320, leaves the hyper but stops it from being as strong, and makes the jump to 2 less awkward.
02:05:894 (1,2,3) - I feel this hyper should be to 2, not 3. Move 2 to x:48, and this part feels fine to me.
02:16:386 (2) - Move this to x:128, gets rid of the hyper from 1 whilst maintaining a hyper to 3, 3 feels like the strongest vocal to me.
02:23:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Drag this whole stream and move it to x:272. Hypers between these streams don't really fit, as the notes here are weak.
02:24:911 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Drag this stream and move it to x:224, same reason as above.
02:25:566 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This section feels very overmapped to me, the hypers seem to be spammed without much to follow. For 02:25:566 (1,2,3,4) - , move 1 to x:432, 2 to x:463, 3 to x:303, 4 to x:288, and then for 02:26:222 (1,2,3,4) - Move 1 to x:464, 2 to x:464 too, ctrl+g 3 and move it to x:288, and then move 4 to x:304.
02:27:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - These vocals are to weak to constitute hypers in my opinion. A better pattern I feel is moving 2 to x:192, 3 to x:64, 4 to x:224, and 5 to x:112 (Some of these notes might already be in these places, but I can't remember).

Just posting in case I accidentally delete the post, still modding (although might take a break to nap). (Up to second kiai)

Edit: At this point, idk whether to continue, because I would just be repeating myself, for the most part, the map doesn't have a lot of variety past this point in terms of hypers being in similar places, so you could just look through the map and try to (mainly) get rid of a few hypers. This song is relatively calm at most points, definitely not active enough to constitute a 6 star map, and hypers have been added on calm parts a lot, try to get rid of these. Call me back if you want me to continue my mod anyway, or if you want me to check after you get rid of hypers.
Yumeno Himiko
ahh seems I'm late
sorry for that XD
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

- Magic Bomb - wrote:


Cosmic Mind
00:29:829 (4) - Move this to x:448. Forcing a player to the edge of the screen isn't recommended, and this jump is currently quite big from 3 anyway. - Fixed!
00:36:550 (7,8,1) - Hyper jump at 7 for the strong piano sound. Move 7 to x:336, 8 to x:368, and 1 to x:400. - Want to keep this as it is, since im following that sound thingy..
00:40:648 (1) - This jump is too difficult to make, as you have to stop as you reach this, or you overshoot. What I would do is remove 2 of the repeats, move it to 00:40:730 - , add two circles in place of where the first two slider ends were, placing the first one at 176, second one at x:144, Ctrl+H the slider and move it to x:112. This feels a lot more comfortable to play, to me. - This is ok as it is. Be carefull on this.
00:44:255 (8) - Hyper does not fit to or from this, it's a very weak sound going to a sound very similar. Move this to x:256, fits the song better. - Fixed!
00:45:074 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - This section feels overmapped to me in terms of patterns, there shouldn't be any hypers here, this section is weak. Click 00:45:074 (3,4,5,6,7) - and drag back to x:128. Then ctrl+H 8, for an interesting pattern, and move it to x:304. Then move 9 to x:336, and 1 to x:416. This gets rid of all those unnecessary hypers quite well, whilst also creating a fun pattern. - It is ok.
00:46:714 (7,8,9) - Antiflow hyper here feels weird to me, put 7 on x:368, 8 on x:144, and 9 on x:48. - I wont change this. I preffer it as it is.
00:47:206 (1) - What, why such a strong snap hyper? Move to x:224, still hypers, but is a lot weaker. Then move 00:47:533 (2) - to x:128, maintains difficulty whilst avoiding a timing jump, and feels nice to play. - Fixed!
00:49:747 (9) - I like how this flows if you move it to x:240, on top if the slider, and it also gets rid of the snap hyper, whilst keeping a normal hyper. - Fixed!
00:51:140 (1) - Again, this hyper feels too strong. Move this slider to x:320. I also like how if you do this there's a slight breathing space before the stream. - I wont change this. Like it as it is.
00:52:452 (1) - ^, Move to x:160. - ^
00:54:255 (3,4,5,6,7) - Having a HDash from 2 to 3 feels strange to me, there's not much sound at this place, just a light drum beat. Drag this stream to x:352. - ^
00:55:074 (1) - Move this to x:144, this hyper doesn't really fit the song. - I think it fits.
00:55:566 (3,4,5,6,7) - Ctrl+H this stream and move it to x:80, this hyper doesn't fit, this drum beat is weak, then Ctrl+H 00:56:058 (8) - and move it to x:320, to avoid a slider in the opposite direction after a jump. - ^
00:56:386 (1) - This is bad, a slider in the opposite direction after such a strong snap jump. Ctrl+H and move it to x:160, this flow feels a lot better. - This is completely fine.
00:56:878 (3,4,5,6,7) - Drag this stream to x:368 to get rid of the hyper, and then ctrl+H 8 and move it to x:80. - I want to keep this as it is.
00:57:697 (1) - Move this to x:240, this snap hyper is too strong right now. - It is fine.
00:58:025 (2) - Move this to x:208, this hyper doesn't suit the music, the beat is weak (except on 2, but your hyper is to 3). - Made hyper to 2.
01:00:976 (1) - Similar problem to with 00:40:648 (1) - , so similar solution. Remove 2 of the repeats, move the slider forward to 01:01:058 - , add 2 circles where the repeats were, first one on x:160, 2nd on x:128, and then ctrl+H the slider and move it to x:144. - It is ok.
01:01:468 (1,2,3,4) - Hypers on these notes feel weird to me, this isn't really strong enough part to induce hypers. Move 2 to x:224 and 4 to x:240, this creates quite an interesting pattern which is fun. - I think it fits good. WOnt change!
01:06:386 (4,5,6,7) - Ctrl+H this section, a hyper to 4 doesn't fit, and then ctrl+H 1 and move it to x:48 to keep a hyper to this. - Fixed!
01:07:206 (2) - Ctrl+H this too, and move it to x:304, for a more fun pattern, and to get rid of the unnecessary hyper to 3. - ^
01:08:517 (2) - Ctrl+H and move to x:320 for an interesting pattern, and then move 3 to x:288. This gets rid of a few unnecessary hypers as well as making a fun pattern. - ^
01:10:484 (5) - Move this to x:448 to avoid a timing jump. - ^
01:11:632 (4,5,6) - Ctrl+g this, to avoid a weird jump (The sound here is very minimalistic, a jump like this looks weird at this point), and then move 01:11:960 (7) - to x:160, this is an unnecessary hyper, and then ctrl+H 1 and move it to x:400, this makes sure you still have a fitting hyper, and also flows nicely. - Fixed first thing. WOnt remove the hyper.
01:13:271 (1) - Move this to x:112 to avoid forcing the catcher against the wall, this can easily throw a player off. - Fixed!
01:13:763 (2) - Move this to x:16, same reason. - ^
01:13:927 (3) - Move this to x:384, as to not force the catcher against the wall. - ^
01:14:337 (4,5) - Drag these two and move it to x:336, a hyper doesn't fit. - It is ok.
01:15:238 (2,3) - Swap the place of these two notes on the timeline, and then ctrl+h the new 2, and move it to x:304. This gets rid of the unneccessary hypers here. - Fixed!
01:16:550 (2,3) - Swap places of these two notes on the timeline, fits the song a lot better, you should only have a hyper on the stronger brass sound. - ^
01:17:697 (7,1,2) - Move 7 to x:160, angle it so that it ends at x:192, move 1 to x:96 and 2 to x:32. This leaves a hyper from 6 to 7, which fits, whilst getting rid of the unnecessary hyper from 7 to 1. - Like it as it is.
01:19:665 (1) - Move this to x:144, this hyper is unnecessary, the brass is weak here. - ^
01:20:320 (5) - Move this to x:336, these hypers don't feel necessary or fitting for the very weak sounds here. - ^
01:20:976 (1) - Move this to x:176, same reason as above, I don't feel these drums are strong enough to constitute a hyper. - ^
01:22:124 (6) - Move this to x:336, same reason as above only with the brass. - ^
01:22:615 (1) - Ctrl+H this (Maybe? I might be getting mixed up, I want it so the first movement is to the left.) and then move to x:416. A HDash to a 1/8 repeating slider is very annoying to catch, and having it against the wall can throw off players. - Wont change. It is ok.
01:22:943 (1) - Move this to x:368, to avoid a hyper to a 1/8 repeating slider. - ^
01:23:599 (1) - Remove 2 repeats from this, move it to 01:23:681 - , and then add two circles where the repeats used to be, the first at x:160, the second at x:128, and then ctrl+H the slider and move it to x:96. - ^
01:24:583 (2) - Ctrl+G this and move it to x:384, flows a lot better and reduces the dashes whilst keeping the HDash. - ^
01:29:009 (1) - I think this works better as just 2 circles, there isn't really a continuous sound here. If you do this, move the first circle to x:256, and the second to x:160. - Vocal.
01:31:796 (1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern should be changed a bit, a hyper chain doesn't fit really. Move 1 to x:416, 2 to x:208, 3 to x:480, 4 to x:368, and ctrl+h 5 and move it to x:112. This makes hypers on strong drum beats only. - It fits the vocals.
01:33:763 (4) - Move this to x:112, the hyper should be to 4, not 5, as this is the strong keyboard sound. - This hyper fits.
01:36:222 (2,3) - 1 should not hyper to 2, nor 2 to 3, as these are weak drum sounds, but 3 should hyper to 4 as this is a strong sound. Move 2 to x:192 and ctrl+g 3. - This is ok, i feel it fits.
01:38:189 (4) - Move to x:144, the sound here is weak, and so 3 shouldn't hyper to it. - Vocal.
01:42:124 (5,1) - Ctrl+H this two notes, flows nicely and gets rid of the unnecessary hyper from 4 to 5. - It is ok.
01:45:566 (1) - Move this to x:32, the jump from this to 2 after such a strong hyper feels awkward. - It fits.
01:45:894 (1) - Ctrl+H and move it to x:48, this jump feels less awkward like that. - This is ok, feels good for me.
01:46:222 (1) - Make this a straight line slider, after such a strong HDash this is weird to catch because you have to slow down so quickly. - Be more carefull. Wont change.
01:56:714 (1) - Move this to x:320, leaves the hyper but stops it from being as strong, and makes the jump to 2 less awkward. - I think this fits.
02:05:894 (1,2,3) - I feel this hyper should be to 2, not 3. Move 2 to x:48, and this part feels fine to me. - I think this is ok.
02:16:386 (2) - Move this to x:128, gets rid of the hyper from 1 whilst maintaining a hyper to 3, 3 feels like the strongest vocal to me. - I want to keep both.
02:23:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Drag this whole stream and move it to x:272. Hypers between these streams don't really fit, as the notes here are weak. - It fits.
02:24:911 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Drag this stream and move it to x:224, same reason as above. - ^
02:25:566 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This section feels very overmapped to me, the hypers seem to be spammed without much to follow. For 02:25:566 (1,2,3,4) - , move 1 to x:432, 2 to x:463, 3 to x:303, 4 to x:288, and then for 02:26:222 (1,2,3,4) - Move 1 to x:464, 2 to x:464 too, ctrl+g 3 and move it to x:288, and then move 4 to x:304. - I feel like this fits the map. WOnt change!
02:27:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - These vocals are to weak to constitute hypers in my opinion. A better pattern I feel is moving 2 to x:192, 3 to x:64, 4 to x:224, and 5 to x:112 (Some of these notes might already be in these places, but I can't remember). - This fits.

Just posting in case I accidentally delete the post, still modding (although might take a break to nap). (Up to second kiai)

Edit: At this point, idk whether to continue, because I would just be repeating myself, for the most part, the map doesn't have a lot of variety past this point in terms of hypers being in similar places, so you could just look through the map and try to (mainly) get rid of a few hypers. This song is relatively calm at most points, definitely not active enough to constitute a 6 star map, and hypers have been added on calm parts a lot, try to get rid of these. Call me back if you want me to continue my mod anyway, or if you want me to check after you get rid of hypers.
Thanks for the recheck!
Shame that everyone always maps this song hard as shit because HW... i really like this song and would love a map with it which i could actually play. Oh well, downloading anyways. Good luck with rank!
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Granger wrote:

Shame that everyone always maps this song hard as shit because HW... i really like this song and would love a map with it which i could actually play. Oh well, downloading anyways. Good luck with rank!
Thank you!

Hmm, maybe i will make a mapset for it later
Little check hehe
20:59 Razor Sharp: Hello? ;w;
20:59 Ichigaki: Umm, yeah?
21:00 Razor Sharp: i got told my Kuo Kyoka that you know a little ctb ;w; and are a BN ;w; and i wanted to ask if you can check my bubbled map ;W;
21:00 Ichigaki: woah
21:00 Ichigaki: I see
21:00 Razor Sharp: if you dont mind ;w;
21:01 Ichigaki: Your map already bubbled?
21:01 Razor Sharp: yes
21:01 Ichigaki: I couldn't find it in the list
21:01 Ichigaki: So, popped?
21:01 Razor Sharp:
21:02 Razor Sharp: is marathon, so not on pending for weird reason
21:05 Ichigaki: marathon, i see
21:05 Ichigaki: it's common problem though
21:05 Razor Sharp: oh?
21:06 Ichigaki: you need to call QATs after got the 2nd bubble
21:06 Razor Sharp: yes i will
21:06 Ichigaki: every QATs that can help
21:06 Razor Sharp: true
21:06 Ichigaki: who bubbled this first?
21:06 Razor Sharp: but they always tell me
21:06 Razor Sharp: krwafy
21:06 Razor Sharp: but quats always tell me to wait till its qualified, then they check
21:07 Ichigaki: Yeah, that's why QAT existed
21:07 Ichigaki: anyway, I'll just help modding
21:07 Razor Sharp: irc mod?
21:08 Ichigaki: yes
21:08 Ichigaki: Since I can't help you to the next ranking procedure
21:08 Razor Sharp: then lets do this
21:12 Ichigaki: Just telling you that you can ask JBHyperion and ZiroX because they now being a BN. They have good skill of modding CtB
21:13 Razor Sharp: JBH dont want to do it he sais .-.
21:13 Razor Sharp: ZiroX never answers when i ask him >.<
21:13 Ichigaki: Ah :'c
21:14 Razor Sharp: im in editor now
21:14 Razor Sharp: so ready for the mod :3
21:18 Ichigaki: 01:39:009 (3) - ctrl + g?
21:18 Ichigaki: so it has hdash for 01:39:501 (1) -
21:19 Ichigaki: 01:40:320 (3) - this too
21:19 Razor Sharp: yeah, i like that actually
21:19 Razor Sharp: fixed both
21:22 Ichigaki: 01:44:911 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,1) - This part somehow bothering me, :c, how about something like this? the flow are okay imo
21:22 Ichigaki: 01:45:894 (1,1) - this part is should be not too far
21:23 Razor Sharp: where to move it?
21:23 Ichigaki: that kinda hard for only 1/4 sec to move in another part which is far away from the first part. So, move it closer
21:23 Ichigaki: just like the pic i just sent
21:24 Razor Sharp: is x272 ok?
21:24 Ichigaki: which one?
21:24 Razor Sharp: 01:46:222 (1) -
21:25 Ichigaki: not bad, okay
21:26 Razor Sharp: then its all fixed what you said
21:29 Ichigaki: 04:42:288 (5) - nc
21:30 Razor Sharp: fixed
21:30 Ichigaki: 04:44:542 (8,1) - make it closer?
21:31 Ichigaki: but this part is dense, it's okay to keep
21:31 Razor Sharp: id prefer to keep it
21:33 Razor Sharp: dc lol
21:33 Ichigaki: lol
21:34 Ichigaki: hitsound has no prob
21:35 Ichigaki: bg has no prob
21:35 Razor Sharp: sweet
21:35 Ichigaki: mp3 too
21:37 Razor Sharp: everything is fine?
21:37 Ichigaki: I saw in timing point there're some points that having 5% for its volume, i suggest you to change it at least 15%, because hitsound should be audible
21:38 Razor Sharp: fixed
21:38 Razor Sharp: so, ready to update it?
21:39 Ichigaki: is that okay with AR and OD 9,4?
21:39 Razor Sharp: ar = od in ctb
21:39 Razor Sharp: they should be the same
21:39 Razor Sharp: since od does not change anything in ctb
21:40 Ichigaki: I see
21:40 Ichigaki: i think it's already okay
21:41 Razor Sharp: ill update now
21:42 Razor Sharp: done
21:43 Razor Sharp: need to reupdate lol
21:44 Ichigaki: you put 2 Skyscraper in tags
21:44 Razor Sharp: woops
21:44 Razor Sharp: removed
21:45 Razor Sharp: and updated again
21:46 Ichigaki: well, all done, but as i said before, i only do normal check, because i can't do bubble now. That's all from me. Nice map anyway though I'm not a big fans for hard maps in CtB (because I can't play it LOL :') ). So, Good luck for you~ Better to find specific CtB BN because seems they haven't do something like bubbling or qualifying nowadays :3
21:46 Razor Sharp: thanks :'3 ctb people are too lazy these days to bubble and stuff..
21:47 Razor Sharp: but remember to post chatlog as i can kudosu you D:
21:47 Ichigaki: Hmm, okay! ><

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Ichigaki wrote:

Little check hehe
20:59 Razor Sharp: Hello? ;w;
20:59 Ichigaki: Umm, yeah?
21:00 Razor Sharp: i got told my Kuo Kyoka that you know a little ctb ;w; and are a BN ;w; and i wanted to ask if you can check my bubbled map ;W;
21:00 Ichigaki: woah
21:00 Ichigaki: I see
21:00 Razor Sharp: if you dont mind ;w;
21:01 Ichigaki: Your map already bubbled?
21:01 Razor Sharp: yes
21:01 Ichigaki: I couldn't find it in the list
21:01 Ichigaki: So, popped?
21:01 Razor Sharp:
21:02 Razor Sharp: is marathon, so not on pending for weird reason
21:05 Ichigaki: marathon, i see
21:05 Ichigaki: it's common problem though
21:05 Razor Sharp: oh?
21:06 Ichigaki: you need to call QATs after got the 2nd bubble
21:06 Razor Sharp: yes i will
21:06 Ichigaki: every QATs that can help
21:06 Razor Sharp: true
21:06 Ichigaki: who bubbled this first?
21:06 Razor Sharp: but they always tell me
21:06 Razor Sharp: krwafy
21:06 Razor Sharp: but quats always tell me to wait till its qualified, then they check
21:07 Ichigaki: Yeah, that's why QAT existed
21:07 Ichigaki: anyway, I'll just help modding
21:07 Razor Sharp: irc mod?
21:08 Ichigaki: yes
21:08 Ichigaki: Since I can't help you to the next ranking procedure
21:08 Razor Sharp: then lets do this
21:12 Ichigaki: Just telling you that you can ask JBHyperion and ZiroX because they now being a BN. They have good skill of modding CtB
21:13 Razor Sharp: JBH dont want to do it he sais .-.
21:13 Razor Sharp: ZiroX never answers when i ask him >.<
21:13 Ichigaki: Ah :'c
21:14 Razor Sharp: im in editor now
21:14 Razor Sharp: so ready for the mod :3
21:18 Ichigaki: 01:39:009 (3) - ctrl + g?
21:18 Ichigaki: so it has hdash for 01:39:501 (1) -
21:19 Ichigaki: 01:40:320 (3) - this too
21:19 Razor Sharp: yeah, i like that actually
21:19 Razor Sharp: fixed both
21:22 Ichigaki: 01:44:911 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,1) - This part somehow bothering me, :c, how about something like this? the flow are okay imo
21:22 Ichigaki: 01:45:894 (1,1) - this part is should be not too far
21:23 Razor Sharp: where to move it?
21:23 Ichigaki: that kinda hard for only 1/4 sec to move in another part which is far away from the first part. So, move it closer
21:23 Ichigaki: just like the pic i just sent
21:24 Razor Sharp: is x272 ok?
21:24 Ichigaki: which one?
21:24 Razor Sharp: 01:46:222 (1) -
21:25 Ichigaki: not bad, okay
21:26 Razor Sharp: then its all fixed what you said
21:29 Ichigaki: 04:42:288 (5) - nc
21:30 Razor Sharp: fixed
21:30 Ichigaki: 04:44:542 (8,1) - make it closer?
21:31 Ichigaki: but this part is dense, it's okay to keep
21:31 Razor Sharp: id prefer to keep it
21:33 Razor Sharp: dc lol
21:33 Ichigaki: lol
21:34 Ichigaki: hitsound has no prob
21:35 Ichigaki: bg has no prob
21:35 Razor Sharp: sweet
21:35 Ichigaki: mp3 too
21:37 Razor Sharp: everything is fine?
21:37 Ichigaki: I saw in timing point there're some points that having 5% for its volume, i suggest you to change it at least 15%, because hitsound should be audible
21:38 Razor Sharp: fixed
21:38 Razor Sharp: so, ready to update it?
21:39 Ichigaki: is that okay with AR and OD 9,4?
21:39 Razor Sharp: ar = od in ctb
21:39 Razor Sharp: they should be the same
21:39 Razor Sharp: since od does not change anything in ctb
21:40 Ichigaki: I see
21:40 Ichigaki: i think it's already okay
21:41 Razor Sharp: ill update now
21:42 Razor Sharp: done
21:43 Razor Sharp: need to reupdate lol
21:44 Ichigaki: you put 2 Skyscraper in tags
21:44 Razor Sharp: woops
21:44 Razor Sharp: removed
21:45 Razor Sharp: and updated again
21:46 Ichigaki: well, all done, but as i said before, i only do normal check, because i can't do bubble now. That's all from me. Nice map anyway though I'm not a big fans for hard maps in CtB (because I can't play it LOL :') ). So, Good luck for you~ Better to find specific CtB BN because seems they haven't do something like bubbling or qualifying nowadays :3
21:46 Razor Sharp: thanks :'3 ctb people are too lazy these days to bubble and stuff..
21:47 Razor Sharp: but remember to post chatlog as i can kudosu you D:
21:47 Ichigaki: Hmm, okay! ><

Good luck!

The very last time from me. Good luck darling!
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Krfawy wrote:


The very last time from me. Good luck darling!
Thank you =w=

Lets hope it wont happen again ;w;
Halozy - Kanshou no Matenrou [CatchTheBeat Modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: No Problems
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: Doesnt have
- Hitsound: No Delay
- Timing: Good

Since all things are fixed w/ lets go for rebubble, no problems appears

2nd Bubbled

Congratulations on your 2nd bubbled Razor xD Waiting for Approval

Good luck, Razor

Because this a Approval map, so its need 2 bubbles before Approval!
Noticed for the 3rd BN: Check on patterns and hitsound

RE-EDIT: due this ^
Chat IRC
2015-05-17 18:31 Kuo Kyoka: ahh D: i forgot, sorry so much
2015-05-17 18:31 Kuo Kyoka: seriously, your map is a marathon map
2015-05-17 18:31 Razor Sharp: huh?
2015-05-17 18:31 Kuo Kyoka: need 2 BNs to give you bubbles
2015-05-17 18:31 Kuo Kyoka: and 1 BN for the qualify, i forgot about this D:
2015-05-17 18:31 Razor Sharp: really?
2015-05-17 18:31 Kuo Kyoka: halozy
2015-05-17 18:31 Razor Sharp: oh yeah
2015-05-17 18:32 Razor Sharp: wait
2015-05-17 18:32 Razor Sharp: what you mean?
2015-05-17 18:33 Kuo Kyoka: okay
2015-05-17 18:33 Kuo Kyoka: nice diff with good song <3
2015-05-17 18:33 Razor Sharp: thanks<3
2015-05-17 18:33 Kuo Kyoka: lol, great
2015-05-17 18:34 Razor Sharp: so, what you were saying?
2015-05-17 18:34 Kuo Kyoka: everytime you just got free, please discuss me about that 2nd bubble
2015-05-17 18:34 Kuo Kyoka: umm yes
2015-05-17 18:35 Kuo Kyoka: your map is a marathon map, which must be approval
2015-05-17 18:35 Razor Sharp: yes
2015-05-17 18:35 Kuo Kyoka: before that, you must have 2 bubbles
2015-05-17 18:35 Kuo Kyoka: 2BNs for 2 bubbles
2015-05-17 18:35 Razor Sharp: and?
2015-05-17 18:35 Razor Sharp: yeah
2015-05-17 18:35 Kuo Kyoka: and 1BN for qualify
2015-05-17 18:35 Kuo Kyoka: here's the examples:
2015-05-17 18:36 Razor Sharp: bubble
2015-05-17 18:36 Razor Sharp: bubble
2015-05-17 18:36 Razor Sharp: fire
2015-05-17 18:36 Kuo Kyoka: umm ... yes
2015-05-17 18:36 Razor Sharp: ooooO!!!!!!!!!
2015-05-17 18:36 Kuo Kyoka: Ichi said will bubble or just a little check?
2015-05-17 18:36 Razor Sharp: WHY DIDNT I KNOW!!!!
2015-05-17 18:36 Razor Sharp: just check, he didnt want to qualify it
2015-05-17 18:37 Kuo Kyoka: oh
2015-05-17 18:52 Razor Sharp: uhm
2015-05-17 18:52 Razor Sharp: why are you modding it?
2015-05-17 18:52 Kuo Kyoka: i just overlook it :P
2015-05-17 18:52 Razor Sharp: xD
2015-05-17 18:53 Kuo Kyoka: how is Spectator thinking about this map?
2015-05-17 18:53 Razor Sharp: idk..
2015-05-17 19:00 Razor Sharp: yeah
2015-05-17 19:00 Razor Sharp: 'oooo
2015-05-17 19:01 Kuo Kyoka: actually
2015-05-17 19:01 Kuo Kyoka: im checking overall
2015-05-17 19:01 Kuo Kyoka: ACTION is editing [ Halozy - Kanshou no Matenrou [Cosmic Mind]]
2015-05-17 19:01 Razor Sharp: huh?
2015-05-17 19:01 Razor Sharp: overall? metadata etc?
2015-05-17 19:02 Kuo Kyoka: BPM: fine; offset: fine; BG: fine; metadata: fine; hitsound: fine; folder's problem: doesnt have; aimod's problems: doesnt have; kiai time: fine; timing: discuss with me
2015-05-17 19:02 Razor Sharp: timing?
2015-05-17 19:02 Razor Sharp: explain senpai
2015-05-17 19:03 Kuo Kyoka: 01:25:238 - im here have a timing
2015-05-17 19:03 Kuo Kyoka: its 75% hitsound, with kiai time mode
2015-05-17 19:03 Kuo Kyoka: 1,5x
2015-05-17 19:03 Kuo Kyoka: 01:35:730 - its same in here
2015-05-17 19:03 Kuo Kyoka: so the timing on 01:35:730 - is useless
2015-05-17 19:03 Razor Sharp: removed
2015-05-17 19:04 Kuo Kyoka: 00:59:009 - here too, its useless with 00:53:763 -
2015-05-17 19:05 Razor Sharp: the lasty one
2015-05-17 19:05 Razor Sharp: is needed
2015-05-17 19:05 Razor Sharp: the first one
2015-05-17 19:05 Razor Sharp: can remove
2015-05-17 19:05 Kuo Kyoka: 01:04:255 - is useless with 01:01:632 -
2015-05-17 19:05 Kuo Kyoka: becareful
2015-05-17 19:05 Kuo Kyoka: some is actually for hitsound
2015-05-17 19:06 Razor Sharp: those are needed
2015-05-17 19:06 Razor Sharp: look at SV
2015-05-17 19:06 Kuo Kyoka: ayyy
2015-05-17 19:06 Kuo Kyoka: sorry, forgot SV
2015-05-17 19:06 Kuo Kyoka: lol
2015-05-17 19:06 Razor Sharp: is ok
2015-05-17 19:09 Kuo Kyoka: 05:16:058 - with 05:05:566 -
2015-05-17 19:09 Razor Sharp: removed
2015-05-17 19:10 Kuo Kyoka: timing: fine
2015-05-17 19:10 Kuo Kyoka: preview time: okay
2015-05-17 19:10 Kuo Kyoka: actually, its can bubble now, but wtf when i didnt mod the patterns for your map yet
2015-05-17 19:12 Razor Sharp: 02:22:943 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2015-05-17 19:12 Razor Sharp: try to make mod
2015-05-17 19:12 Razor Sharp: and with some jumps
2015-05-17 19:12 Razor Sharp: as this stream gets smoother
2015-05-17 19:13 Kuo Kyoka: 02:23:517 (8,1) - is this so far? lol
2015-05-17 19:13 Razor Sharp: distance there is fine
2015-05-17 19:13 Razor Sharp: BUT
2015-05-17 19:13 Razor Sharp: 02:23:681 (2) -
2015-05-17 19:13 Razor Sharp: should be moved more to the right
2015-05-17 19:13 Razor Sharp: to make it easier to catch
2015-05-17 19:14 Kuo Kyoka: i see then
2015-05-17 19:14 Razor Sharp: just say that
2015-05-17 19:14 Razor Sharp: xD
2015-05-17 19:15 Kuo Kyoka: 01:23:271 (1) -
2015-05-17 19:15 Razor Sharp: what bout that?
2015-05-17 19:15 Kuo Kyoka: did you think its must to move to ...
2015-05-17 19:16 Kuo Kyoka:
2015-05-17 19:16 Kuo Kyoka: the distance sound weird
2015-05-17 19:16 Kuo Kyoka: must to mutual with 01:22:615 (1,1,1) -
2015-05-17 19:16 Kuo Kyoka: or make it closely
2015-05-17 19:16 Razor Sharp: fixed
2015-05-17 19:17 Kuo Kyoka: 01:29:829 (4) - change it by this?
2015-05-17 19:17 Kuo Kyoka:
2015-05-17 19:17 Kuo Kyoka: refix the end slider
2015-05-17 19:17 Razor Sharp: fixed
2015-05-17 19:21 Kuo Kyoka: 03:31:017 (6,7,8) -
2015-05-17 19:21 Kuo Kyoka: move up a bit
2015-05-17 19:22 Kuo Kyoka: 03:30:853 (2,3,4) - like as
2015-05-17 19:22 Razor Sharp: not that it matters, but sure
2015-05-17 19:22 Kuo Kyoka: or, its same in gameplay
2015-05-17 19:22 Kuo Kyoka: lol
2015-05-17 19:22 Razor Sharp: remnember
2015-05-17 19:22 Razor Sharp: only the x is for ctb
2015-05-17 19:22 Razor Sharp: not the y
2015-05-17 19:22 Kuo Kyoka: hh lol
2015-05-17 19:24 Kuo Kyoka: 04:33:763 -
2015-05-17 19:24 Kuo Kyoka: on here, jump3 of 1/8 seems hard
2015-05-17 19:24 Razor Sharp: they are easy
2015-05-17 19:24 Razor Sharp: just have to move carefully
2015-05-17 19:24 Razor Sharp: but i can increase distance on 04:33:763 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
2015-05-17 19:24 Razor Sharp: to make it les painfull
2015-05-17 19:24 Kuo Kyoka: yes
2015-05-17 19:25 Razor Sharp: fixed
2015-05-17 19:25 Kuo Kyoka: 04:43:558 (8,1) - same on here i think
2015-05-17 19:25 Kuo Kyoka: 04:43:927 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this too
2015-05-17 19:25 Kuo Kyoka: 04:49:174 (7) - this is same as before
2015-05-17 19:26 Razor Sharp: Scan do it for the second one
2015-05-17 19:26 Razor Sharp: the first 2 are fine
2015-05-17 19:26 Razor Sharp: the last one i increased
2015-05-17 19:26 Kuo Kyoka: okay
2015-05-17 19:26 Razor Sharp: or wait
2015-05-17 19:26 Razor Sharp: i can fix the second one
2015-05-17 19:26 Kuo Kyoka: okay
2015-05-17 19:26 Kuo Kyoka: i will wait you when you done
2015-05-17 19:26 Razor Sharp: fixed
2015-05-17 19:27 Kuo Kyoka: and the slider too
2015-05-17 19:27 Razor Sharp: what bout that?
2015-05-17 19:27 Kuo Kyoka: 04:49:174 (7) -
2015-05-17 19:27 Razor Sharp: move it a little closer and increase movement to the left?
2015-05-17 19:27 Razor Sharp: ah
2015-05-17 19:27 Razor Sharp: that one
2015-05-17 19:27 Kuo Kyoka: same as before
2015-05-17 19:27 Kuo Kyoka: yes
2015-05-17 19:27 Razor Sharp: fixed
2015-05-17 19:28 Kuo Kyoka: 05:26:714 (1) - this
2015-05-17 19:28 Kuo Kyoka: if you ended on before is 1/2
2015-05-17 19:28 Kuo Kyoka: end on here05:31:632 -
2015-05-17 19:28 Kuo Kyoka: add note on 05:31:796 -
2015-05-17 19:28 Kuo Kyoka: remove the end hitsound of it and add for the note on 05:31:796 -
2015-05-17 19:28 Razor Sharp: fixed
2015-05-17 19:29 Kuo Kyoka: umm that's all
2015-05-17 19:29 Razor Sharp: ok
2015-05-17 19:29 Razor Sharp: you pop his bubble now
2015-05-17 19:29 Razor Sharp: as he can rebub, then ill update
2015-05-17 19:29 Kuo Kyoka: i will rebubble
2015-05-17 19:29 Kuo Kyoka: means 2nd bubble
2015-05-17 19:29 Razor Sharp: ah true
2015-05-17 19:30 Razor Sharp: then ill just update?
2015-05-17 19:30 Kuo Kyoka: yes
2015-05-17 19:30 Razor Sharp: thanks <3
2015-05-17 19:30 Razor Sharp: updated
2015-05-17 19:31 Razor Sharp: check the "thank you" box
2015-05-17 19:31 Kuo Kyoka: nice
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp
Thank you so much!!


The offset is wrong here, it should be 1304 instead of -7. I don't know who timed this but I suggest him/her to learn it again from scratch.


00:24:747 (7,1) - Add Hdash. That sound crying for one.
00:26:058 (1) - This is the only time where you used one slider between the two red tick. I think its would be nice to repeat this pattern one or two more times.
00:27:042 (5,6) - Why HDash here? There is a sound for it but later, at 00:27:370 (7,1) is a better one. I suggest you to remove this and move it at the later one but if you want to keep it I'm not against this, just add one more to the later one as well.
00:29:829 (4,1) - Again a missing HDash at this point.
00:31:632 (1,2) - These type of sliders sounds a little bit weird since they starts on the weaker red tick and ends on the stronger white while this should be the other way. I'm not against this but here it comes my suggestion with the slider repeat previously. It would be better to use a 1/1 slider between the two red tick then start these sliders on the next white one. The rhythm will be much more easier that way.
00:44:091 (7,8,1) - Try this instead:
00:54:255 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - These type of HDashes can throw the players off. I suggest you to add curve to that stream and place (8) to the right side to make the flow much better.
01:02:615 (5,1) - HDash?
01:09:009 (4,5,6) - Move this triplet a little bit left to make the movement easier to handle.
01:10:156 (3,4,5) - I just moved these to left by two grid and the HDash was still there so you should try to make the distance smaller between (2,3) as well.
01:10:648 (1,2) - Why no HDash at these ticks? It would be nice to follow the drums at some point as this is a DnB remix.
01:57:370 (3,4,1,2) - You used a higher HDash between (3,4) than the smallest possible one and due this that 1.6x distance between (4,1) is quite hard. I suggest you to make it smaller a bit. And do the same with the remaining similar patterns as well later on. Also, most player expecting the next fruit at the left side, yet it is on the right of (1). Please, move them to the other side.
02:04:583 (1,2) - You should add 1/2 triplets at these parts of the music. It would be so much better.
02:11:796 (4,1) - Hdash?
02:13:435 (5,1) - ^
02:14:747 (6,1) - ^
02:27:533 (2,3,4,5,1) - Hell no. I know you want to make it hard but the HDash at (2,3) and (4,5) is just makes no sense. Not speaking about that your HDashes here again quite high so its hard to control these. I suggest you to remove the HDash between the mentioned notes and only keep the rest.
02:29:337 (2,1) - Why no HDash?
02:30:648 (5,1) - This can be a HDash as well, and try to keep the patterns there.
02:33:271 (2,1) - Add HDash.
02:34:583 (2,1) - ^
02:35:730 (1,1) - ^
03:13:271 (2,3) - Why no HDash here either?
03:16:386 (4) - Ctrl+g.
03:23:107 (6,1) - HDash.
03:52:943 (3,4) - The "watashi" part requires some HDash pattern, please follow it.
04:10:484 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - The only valid HDashes are between the (2,1)s, the rest just follows nothing. I think you should re-make this (and the similar part somewhere at the past 4 min) to only have HDashes at those.
04:42:861 (4,1) - Just no for this flow. I suggest you to move the second 4plet to the left side to make it better.

Thats all for now. Both bubble seems a bit hurried to me. Both the rhythm and the pattern can be better at some place to make it flow better. I'm really afraid to qualify this currently. I know its important to you but one or preferably two more mod wouldn't hurt. o.o
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp
Will apply when i get home. and sure. I can get 2 more mods, then call ya back.
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Kurokami wrote:



The offset is wrong here, it should be 1304 instead of -7. I don't know who timed this but I suggest him/her to learn it again from scratch. - Fixed! I tought HW timing where rankable?


00:24:747 (7,1) - Add Hdash. That sound crying for one. - Fixed!
00:26:058 (1) - This is the only time where you used one slider between the two red tick. I think its would be nice to repeat this pattern one or two more times. - Fixed!
00:27:042 (5,6) - Why HDash here? There is a sound for it but later, at 00:27:370 (7,1) is a better one. I suggest you to remove this and move it at the later one but if you want to keep it I'm not against this, just add one more to the later one as well. - I want to keep it so i added more.
00:29:829 (4,1) - Again a missing HDash at this point. - Fixed!
00:31:632 (1,2) - These type of sliders sounds a little bit weird since they starts on the weaker red tick and ends on the stronger white while this should be the other way. I'm not against this but here it comes my suggestion with the slider repeat previously. It would be better to use a 1/1 slider between the two red tick then start these sliders on the next white one. The rhythm will be much more easier that way. - I understand, but i personally like this. And therefor i will keep it.
00:44:091 (7,8,1) - Try this instead: - Fixed!
00:54:255 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - These type of HDashes can throw the players off. I suggest you to add curve to that stream and place (8) to the right side to make the flow much better. - Fixed!
01:02:615 (5,1) - HDash? - It is.
01:09:009 (4,5,6) - Move this triplet a little bit left to make the movement easier to handle. - Fixed!
01:10:156 (3,4,5) - I just moved these to left by two grid and the HDash was still there so you should try to make the distance smaller between (2,3) as well. - Fixed!
01:10:648 (1,2) - Why no HDash at these ticks? It would be nice to follow the drums at some point as this is a DnB remix. - Fixed!
01:57:370 (3,4,1,2) - You used a higher HDash between (3,4) than the smallest possible one and due this that 1.6x distance between (4,1) is quite hard. I suggest you to make it smaller a bit. And do the same with the remaining similar patterns as well later on. Also, most player expecting the next fruit at the left side, yet it is on the right of (1). Please, move them to the other side. - Fixed!
02:04:583 (1,2) - You should add 1/2 triplets at these parts of the music. It would be so much better. - Fixed!
02:11:796 (4,1) - Hdash? - Fixed!
02:13:435 (5,1) - ^ - Fixed!
02:14:747 (6,1) - ^ - Fixed!
02:27:533 (2,3,4,5,1) - Hell no. I know you want to make it hard but the HDash at (2,3) and (4,5) is just makes no sense. Not speaking about that your HDashes here again quite high so its hard to control these. I suggest you to remove the HDash between the mentioned notes and only keep the rest. - I feel like this fits tho, so wont remove them.
02:29:337 (2,1) - Why no HDash? - Fixed!
02:30:648 (5,1) - This can be a HDash as well, and try to keep the patterns there. - Fixed!
02:33:271 (2,1) - Add HDash. - Fixed!
02:34:583 (2,1) - ^ - Fixed!
02:35:730 (1,1) - ^ - Fixed!
03:13:271 (2,3) - Why no HDash here either? - Fixed!
03:16:386 (4) - Ctrl+g. - Fixed!
03:23:107 (6,1) - HDash. - Fixed!
03:52:943 (3,4) - The "watashi" part requires some HDash pattern, please follow it. - Fixed!
04:10:484 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - The only valid HDashes are between the (2,1)s, the rest just follows nothing. I think you should re-make this (and the similar part somewhere at the past 4 min) to only have HDashes at those. - Fixed!
04:42:861 (4,1) - Just no for this flow. I suggest you to move the second 4plet to the left side to make it better. - Fixed!

Thats all for now. Both bubble seems a bit hurried to me. Both the rhythm and the pattern can be better at some place to make it flow better. I'm really afraid to qualify this currently. I know its important to you but one or preferably two more mod wouldn't hurt. o.o
Thank you for the mod!
[Cosmic mind]
02:05:074 (4,5) - 1 spap to the right wich does not mess up the flow
02:25:566 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Basicaly switch sides between what note should start first i promise you this plays out ALOT better.
03:49:501 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
03:18:845 (4) - x320 it feels kinda useless otherwise really.
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Negri_sk wrote:

[Cosmic mind]
02:05:074 (4,5) - 1 spap to the right wich does not mess up the flow - Fixed!
02:25:566 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Basicaly switch sides between what note should start first i promise you this plays out ALOT better. - Fixed!
03:49:501 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^ - Fixed!
03:18:845 (4) - x320 it feels kinda useless otherwise really. - Fixed!
HP6? - Fixed!
Thanks for the mod!
02:05:074 (4,5) - 1 spap to the right wich does not mess up the flow
02:22:124 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - i think this moment need stop to slider

03:28:271 (4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - you can move more to left (singletapping)
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

globerosss wrote:

02:05:074 (4,5) - 1 spap to the right wich does not mess up the flow - Fixed!
02:22:124 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - i think this moment need stop to slider - It is fine.

03:28:271 (4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - you can move more to left (singletapping) - I think this is fine.
Thanks for the mod!

00:19:665 (1,1) - I know I didn't pointed this out and actually is fine but the note comes really sudden after the spinner which most likely cause some rage in the future. How about shortening the spinner by 1/2?
00:45:894 (2,3) - I don't really like the movement here and I don't think anyone expect the next fruit on the right side. I can't think any good solution now but maybe something like and ctrl+H on 00:46:386 (3,4,5,6,7) then move it back to x432 would work better.
00:55:074 (1,2,3) - This flow kinda weird again, better than before but still can throw me off. Try to repeat the same pattern as (8,9).
01:27:206 (3,4) - This jump and the placement is really sudden. I recognize your pattern but while at (1,2,3) there is a flow here is just the pure jump. It would be better to place (4) to the right side, for example x:432 though you will need to remodel the next patterns a bit.
01:29:829 (4) - Try this instead. And add a jump at (5,6). :P
01:39:008 (3,1) - This HDash is really weird because of the 1/1 distance. How about moving (3) 1/2 later and add a circle to 01:39:008 instead?
01:40:320 (3,1) - ^
01:51:140 (3,4,1) - This supposed to be a calm part yet this jump is quite high. Try to reduce it a little.
01:56:714 - 02:04:583 - I know you followed the drums here but at the same time the melody is quite strong. I suggest you to use long slider at some point instead of circle since its kinda hard to follow the pure drums.
02:06:878 (5) - Put this on the left side instead. :P
02:08:189 (5,1) - Why no jump? q.q
02:09:501 (1,2) - ^
02:11:467 (3,4) - ^
02:25:566 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think this pattern is way too much at this part. I can't hear anything here which needs to be followed with this brutal HDash pattern, this can me the problem of my died earphone though. But I still suggest you to try to make something which is easier to follow but still hard. You know, some non HDash jump sometimes can be harder than a simple HDash. :P And if you ask me, the two (4,1) can be the only HDash at this section.
02:34:419 (1) - If I remember right I was the one who suggested this dash patter but I think it will be easier if you move this note to x:176.
03:03:271 - There is a clear sound here. Try to use an 1/2 slider instead of circle to fill the 1/1 gap.
03:23:763 (2,3,1) - The hell?! When I mentioned high end jumps, this was one of them, I just forgot to mention somehow. Anyway, try to use 1/2 slider instead of (3) again and lower the HDash between (2,3) a lot. Its really hard to recover the catcher after this pattern atm.
03:25:238 (4,5,1) - ^
03:29:829 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Same to what I said before. I don't really think this jump pattern fits. It entertaining but kinda makes no sense imo.
03:55:402 (3,4) - If you really want to use 3/4 HDashes (quite fitting) try to not use sliders like these because its hard to go immediately back to where you just came, instead try to move the tail of the slider (4) to the right side to make some good flow. But I think you will need to rework the patterns here a little if you want to apply this. o.o
03:58:681 (1) - Move this slider back to right a bit. Try to keep the HDashes.
04:01:960 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Try to reduce the curve a little. Since this is 1/8 its easy to miss a fruit so better to make the pattern as easy as possible. The pattern itself is a good idea, just reduce the curve and it will be fine. :3
04:37:533 (3,1) - Slider at (3) please. q.q
04:38:845 (5,1) - ^
04:49:172 (7) - Two 1/2 slider and a circle instead. :P
04:52:124 (6,1) - Where is the HDash? >.<
05:04:911 (1) - Separate this and add some left curve. Its really hard to stop after that HDash atm.
05:05:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wait wat. No. This is hardly makes any sense. Just follow your previous style from 01:46:222 (for example). No need for this high end dash pattern after the end of the kiai.

Okey, I'm not sure who are you trying to satisfy with the part of 05:05:566 - 05:26:550 - but that part is hardly rankable as it is. This part should be a bit calm, the vocal is in silence, just the melody remained. Some HDash is acceptable but you just spammed them. Remember, ranked maps are not for show, players will play them eventually and we need to pass the QATs as well. So I highly suggest you to follow the same method as at the beginning (a few more HDash wouldn't hurt) and remake this part. I'm not really satisfied with the rhythm either anyway. :P

Feel free to poke me after you checked this and I will see what I can do for you. :P *hides*

The hell, this ended up as a wall of text again. Please kill me. q.q
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp
Going to apply it tomorrow Kuro! Thanks :D
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Kurokami wrote:


00:19:665 (1,1) - I know I didn't pointed this out and actually is fine but the note comes really sudden after the spinner which most likely cause some rage in the future. How about shortening the spinner by 1/2? - This is fine, due to the note comming at the last fruit of the spinner.
00:45:894 (2,3) - I don't really like the movement here and I don't think anyone expect the next fruit on the right side. I can't think any good solution now but maybe something like and ctrl+H on 00:46:386 (3,4,5,6,7) then move it back to x432 would work better. - Fixed!
00:55:074 (1,2,3) - This flow kinda weird again, better than before but still can throw me off. Try to repeat the same pattern as (8,9). - I actually like this, so wont change it.
01:27:206 (3,4) - This jump and the placement is really sudden. I recognize your pattern but while at (1,2,3) there is a flow here is just the pure jump. It would be better to place (4) to the right side, for example x:432 though you will need to remodel the next patterns a bit. - I would preffer this as it is, due to i mapped the jump to follow the vocal.
01:29:829 (4) - Try this instead. And add a jump at (5,6). :P - I would like tho keep this :P
01:39:008 (3,1) - This HDash is really weird because of the 1/1 distance. How about moving (3) 1/2 later and add a circle to 01:39:008 instead?- Fixed!
01:40:320 (3,1) - ^ - Fixed!
01:51:140 (3,4,1) - This supposed to be a calm part yet this jump is quite high. Try to reduce it a little. - Fixed!
01:56:714 - 02:04:583 - I know you followed the drums here but at the same time the melody is quite strong. I suggest you to use long slider at some point instead of circle since its kinda hard to follow the pure drums. - But ;_; This part so precious! ;_; Wont change it ;_; sorry ;_;
02:06:878 (5) - Put this on the left side instead. :P - Fixed!
02:08:189 (5,1) - Why no jump? q.q - Fixed!
02:09:501 (1,2) - ^ - Fixed!(But no hyper)
02:11:467 (3,4) - ^ - Fixed!
02:25:566 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think this pattern is way too much at this part. I can't hear anything here which needs to be followed with this brutal HDash pattern, this can me the problem of my died earphone though. But I still suggest you to try to make something which is easier to follow but still hard. You know, some non HDash jump sometimes can be harder than a simple HDash. :P And if you ask me, the two (4,1) can be the only HDash at this section. - Rip headphones ;_; But it follows something, trust me. And i would like to keep this.
02:34:419 (1) - If I remember right I was the one who suggested this dash patter but I think it will be easier if you move this note to x:176. - Actually, when you suggested it, i fell in love with it. It follows the vocals very well. so wont change D:
03:03:271 - There is a clear sound here. Try to use an 1/2 slider instead of circle to fill the 1/1 gap. - Fixed!
03:23:763 (2,3,1) - The hell?! When I mentioned high end jumps, this was one of them, I just forgot to mention somehow. Anyway, try to use 1/2 slider instead of (3) again and lower the HDash between (2,3) a lot. Its really hard to recover the catcher after this pattern atm. - Fixed!
03:25:238 (4,5,1) - ^ - Fixed!
03:29:829 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Same to what I said before. I don't really think this jump pattern fits. It entertaining but kinda makes no sense imo.
03:55:402 (3,4) - If you really want to use 3/4 HDashes (quite fitting) try to not use sliders like these because its hard to go immediately back to where you just came, instead try to move the tail of the slider (4) to the right side to make some good flow. But I think you will need to rework the patterns here a little if you want to apply this. o.o - I do not want to apply this personally, as i feel the current pattern is quite fitting ;_; sorry :c
03:58:681 (1) - Move this slider back to right a bit. Try to keep the HDashes. - No, just not. I dont feel that another distance fits this :c
04:01:960 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Try to reduce the curve a little. Since this is 1/8 its easy to miss a fruit so better to make the pattern as easy as possible. The pattern itself is a good idea, just reduce the curve and it will be fine. :3 - Fixed!
04:37:533 (3,1) - Slider at (3) please. q.q - Fixed!
04:38:845 (5,1) - ^ - Fixed!
04:49:172 (7) - Two 1/2 slider and a circle instead. :P - Would love to keep this, sorry ;_;
04:52:124 (6,1) - Where is the HDash? >.< - Added!
05:04:911 (1) - Separate this and add some left curve. Its really hard to stop after that HDash atm. - Fixed!
05:05:566 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wait wat. No. This is hardly makes any sense. Just follow your previous style from 01:46:222 (for example). No need for this high end dash pattern after the end of the kiai. - I will not change this. Due to this being a "brutal" part in the song, and i wanted to keep it hard.

Okey, I'm not sure who are you trying to satisfy with the part of 05:05:566 - 05:26:550 - but that part is hardly rankable as it is. This part should be a bit calm, the vocal is in silence, just the melody remained. Some HDash is acceptable but you just spammed them. Remember, ranked maps are not for show, players will play them eventually and we need to pass the QATs as well. So I highly suggest you to follow the same method as at the beginning (a few more HDash wouldn't hurt) and remake this part. I'm not really satisfied with the rhythm either anyway. :P - I removed every timing jump after a hyper. Rest is rankable. So wont change the other.

Feel free to poke me after you checked this and I will see what I can do for you. :P *hides*

The hell, this ended up as a wall of text again. Please kill me. q.q - You know, there is a Box thing..
Thanks for the mod!
Well, I see no point holding this back. While I still have some doubt you rejected those changes so lets move this forward.

Here is your #1. o/
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Kurokami wrote:

Well, I see no point holding this back. While I still have some doubt you rejected those changes so lets move this forward.

Here is your #1. o/
Halozy - Kanshou no Matenrou [CatchTheBeat Modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: No Problems
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: Doesnt have
- Hitsound: No Delay
- Timing: Good

Since all things are fixed w/ lets go for rebubble, no problems appears
Was rechecked but not found anymore problems

2nd Rebubbled

Congratulations Razor xD Waiting for Approval

Good luck, Razor

Because this a Approval map, so its need 2 bubbles before Approval!
Noticed for the 3rd BN: Check on patterns and snap
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Halozy - Kanshou no Matenrou [CatchTheBeat Modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: No Problems
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: Doesnt have
- Hitsound: No Delay
- Timing: Good

Since all things are fixed w/ lets go for rebubble, no problems appears
Was rechecked but not found anymore problems

2nd Rebubbled

Congratulations Razor xD Waiting for Approval

Good luck, Razor

Because this a Approval map, so its need 2 bubbles before Approval!
Noticed for the 3rd BN: Check on patterns and snap
Thanks you!
ok finally congratz ?
After so many changes it should be fine for me to qualify it since the bubble-counter was reseted.

The playground should be fine (even for our... ehm... precious... QATs) and the density of notes is totally rankable according to the similar usage of objects in the map made by Hollow Wings. #QualifyHighQualityMaps2015 #Krfawy4QAT2015

EDIT: Wrong icon, it should have a flame instead of a heart. ._.
wow congratulation :)

Krfawy wrote:

#QualifyHighQualityMaps2015 #Krfawy4QAT2015


2nd BN is mania BN, 3rd BN is std BN lol


  1. Difficulty Spread : ☑
  2. Unsnapped objects : ☑
  3. Audio bitrate over 192 kbps : ☑
  4. Metadata Issues : Would be great to have 'Touhou project' in the tag
  5. Timeline Issues : ☑
  6. Combo Colors : ☑
  7. Unused hitsounds : ☑
  8. Hitsounds Issues : Overall hitsounds are lack of quality imo, should be better by receiving some more mods & suggestions and tips
  9. Inaudible hitsounds : Check my suggestions below

Cosmic Mind

  1. 00:47:533 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Expecting a little more space between 2 and 3. you may move 3~7 to a bit right to make the flow better
  2. 01:11:468 (3,4) - Do you mind moving 3 to the left slightly? (probably around x:243 would be great). It improves the movement here a lot
  3. 01:16:386 (1,2,3) - The flow here is quite awkward. Would be better to have hdash between 1 and 2 as well (try this)
  4. 01:22:124 (6,7,8) - This is something really unrankable imo
  5. 01:22:943 (1,1,1) - I'd say these sliders are just unacceptable. At least there should be hdashes between them. Plus, it's better to make the jumps in 1/4 like this pic instead of 1/8
  6. 01:27:206 (3,4) - Anti-flow which isn't really fun to play with. I'd redesign this part, or at least reduce the distance between them
  7. 01:46:222 (1) - This should be more horizontal as there's a strong hdash right before the slider. Otherwise it'll obscure the movement
  8. 01:52:288 (3) - Just optional, but i'd put a bit more space between 2 and 3. It's kinda plain imo
  9. 02:06:878 (5) - This is quite unexpected and too left-sided. I'd move it to the right slightly
  10. 02:09:501 (1,2) - I may say that this is what we call anti-flow. How about doing this instead? or just getting rid of jump would be great as well
  11. 02:25:238 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - I don't understand the flow here actually. If you'd like to keep 1/4s, would be better of to make them more horizontal like this pic(also it's recommended to have hdashes between them)
  12. 02:26:222 (1,2,3,4) - If you're fixed above one. Ctrl+h these sliders and try move them to about x:470
  13. 02:26:878 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - I'd make these notes into just one repeating slider as there're some intense 1/4 jumps before this 1/8. This kind of 1/8 notes would make the game even harder
  14. 02:29:173 (1) - It seems to be just random NC. Please remove it
  15. 02:52:779 (4,5,1) - This part is pretty easy to make a miss, meaning it's pretty random and unexpected. I'd just convert 4,5 into single slider and place it like this
  16. 02:54:747 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why suddenly the distances are getting lower? Would be better if you just make this part normal like the other parts.
  17. 02:55:730 (1,2,3,4) - This kind of jumps, so-called anti-flow hdash jumps, are highly recommended to be removed as they're literally too hard to get & break the flow at all. I'd move 4 to the left side (about x:52?) and remap 5 and 6
  18. 02:57:370 (2,3) - The jump here is pretty rough.. at least there should be a hdash between 2 and 3.
  19. 02:58:353 (5,6) - I'd make the distance here more exciting as well.
  20. 03:09:501 (1,2) - These sliders are literally inaudible which can cause dq. Please upper the volume here
  21. 03:14:747 (1,2) - ^
  22. 03:29:009 (2,3) - Inaudible as well. Making them at least to be 30% is recommended
  23. 03:30:648 (3,1) - I'd say that the movement here is broken as you'd need to stop the catcher at 03:30:730 - and then the rough 1/8 notes come right after that moment. I'd add hdash for the better flow
  24. 03:32:287 (1) - How about moving this to the left slightly? It'd help flow be better
  25. 03:49:418 (8,1) - This, is really hard as it's lack of hdash between 8 and 1. Also the 1/4 sliders kinda make no sense just like 02:25:238 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) -
  26. 03:51:222 (6,1) - Expecting a hdash between 6 and 1(or even, you can just remove the space between them). Otherwise it feels pretty random and will force the movement
  27. 04:00:812 (3,4) - The edge jump here is pretty unacceptable as it comes after the hdash which is anti-flow. You'd better reduce the distance for a bit
  28. 04:21:960 (1,1) - 1/16 long jump. This is just unacceptable imo orz
  29. 04:22:288 (1,2,3,4) - and again, these sliders should be audible otherwise it's unrankable
  30. 04:43:189 (4,1) - They shouldn't be place at the same spot. Again, It's highly recommended to add a hdash between them.
  31. 05:05:566 - It's the beginning of the most intense part of the map(and song). How about adding a kiai here as well?
  32. 05:07:206 (2) - Could you please move slider's head to a bit left? It flows quite ugly imo
  33. 05:09:337 (1,2,3) - The jump between 1 and 2 is literally blinded. Mind holding 2~3 and moving them to about x:292? It'd make the flow better
  34. 05:11:140 (2,3) - This is really tough to do actually. I'd make (2) more vertical-shaped and add a hdash between 2 and 3
Hi Razor Sharp! The QAT decided to DQ your beatmap over the following reasons:

Overmapping (and some other timeline errors):
  1. 00:32:779 (1) - until 00:40:566 (8) - Definitely not justified. The background noise makes a fade-in, but that's just a flutter and not a constant 1/4 stream.
  2. 00:59:008 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I can understand this one, since the 1/4 notes can be heard. Slightly overdone, but okay.
  3. 01:14:746 (1) - until 01:22:452 (8) - The fade-in appears here as well, so it can lead to misunderstandings. The first part of the stream is overdone, since you can still hear the clear "X X X XXX X X" rhythm of the drums. I'd vow for using something similar for that part, and not the constant 1/4. However, from 01:21:304 (1) - on, there's an audible constant stream. In that case, it's okay to keep it.
  4. 02:22:943 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This one looks safe as well. However, I'd start the 1/8 notes at 02:26:713 - already, since that's where the rhythm change happens.
  5. 03:50:648 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - It's strange that you didn't use 1/8s for that part :p
  6. 04:13:107 (1) - until 04:20:894 (8) - It's the same "fade-in" sound that appeared in other patterns. In this case the 1/4 stream is only audible from 04:18:353 (1) - on, so the notes before this part need to be cropped.
Hitsounds can still be improved:
  1. 01:56:877 - until 02:06:877 - That section needs definitely to be lowered, or at least use lower hitsounds. The melody is quite calm, so it doesn't need such strong hitsounds.
  2. 01:23:927 (1,2) - 03:09:501 (1,2) - 03:14:747 (1,2) - 03:28:517 (1,2,3) - 04:22:288 (1,2,3,4) - Those sliders are not audible at all. You'll need to raise the volume slightly.
  3. 05:31:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - Apart of the fact that those notes are (borderline) inaudible, I would've added the default S-whistle to some of them to emphasize them
Inappropriate usage of some structures:
  1. 01:02:615 (5) - This slider doesn't flow quite well to the next one. I'd rather keep it as a single note (makes even more sense than having a 3/4 slider).
  2. 01:22:615 (1,1,1,1) - Flow-breaker sliders, which are also rather hard to catch. Reduce the distance between them, or try to create something else with single notes that can flow better than that. Kick-sliders are the quickest effective option, but they don't always work.
  3. 02:27:335 (12,1) - Quite uncorfotable transition. A 1/8 HDash followed by some more zig-zag'd HDashes isn't recommendable.
  4. 02:57:376 (2,3) - Such dash is not suitable after having the previous HDash (anti-flow jump). Try to reduce it.
  5. 03:14:753 (1,2) - That jump doesn't flow well (moreover using that 1/4 HDash), which makes the transition (1,2) a real pain. Try something else there.
  6. 04:01:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Unacceptable 1/8 sliders. Just see how the ryuuta moves while catching them. Totally unnatural 8,90x and 11,20x jumps.
  7. 04:21:966 (1,1) - 29,52x wtf. Just no...
  8. 04:33:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Just as a reference, those 1/8 jumps were okayish compared to the others.
  9. 04:43:271 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - And those ones look much better and flow well.
Since most of them should be remade I ommited some of the potential flow-breakers, which were placed in some 1/4 streams. Get a BN to take a look at them after fixing the overmapping issue.

Additional modding:
  1. Offset: Sounds better to add +6 to it (1310). It sounds slightly early in its current state.
  2. 00:19:665 (1) - Even though the distance spinner-note is rankable, I'd let that spinner end at 00:21:959 - . Due to the high AR (and relatively high BPM) and also the shape of the spinner, it's rather hard to get those first notes while sightreading.
  3. 00:45:812 (10) - Sounds more reasonable to put the HDash 1/4 later, where the main beat occurs. You can achieve that by placing this note near (9), instead of the next slider.
  4. 01:10:156 (3,4,5,1) - This zig-zag isn't quite comfortable to play. I'd try moving (4) a few grids to the right, at about x:240.
  5. 01:13:927 (3,4,5) - Rather tricky dash structure, not recommendable at all. Also, place (4) near (3) instead of near (5).
  6. 01:29:829 (4) - It's a pity that this slider has a repetition. The stanza change suggest to make a bigger distance for the last 2 notes, so I'd suggest to remove that repetition and add a note at 01:30:484 - somewhere further to create a better effect.
  7. 04:49:172 (7) - Something similar happened to this slider ^
  8. 01:32:943 (1) - A jump can be added there. It'd fit quite well to the melody.
  9. 02:54:753 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Something like that would fit better for a calm part, but not there. Try to make something more interesting.

I feel like the map has great potential, but it wasn't ready to be qualified yet. From now on, the BNG will handle the ranking process once more. Good luck!


@Spectator: Make a quick reply after this post, so I can give you a kds!
Bathory Witch
Lol gj Krfawy! Zawsze wiedziałem że ludzie mogą na tobie polegać. :D

Bathory Witch wrote:

Lol gj Krfawy! Zawsze wiedziałem że ludzie mogą na tobie polegać. :D

Topic Starter
Razor Sharp
Sad it got DQ :(
Wellwell, nothing else to do than work hard!

Deif wrote:

Hi Razor Sharp! The QAT decided to DQ your beatmap over the following reasons:

Inappropriate usage of some structures:
  1. 04:01:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Unacceptable 1/8 sliders. Just see how the ryuuta moves while catching them. Totally unnatural 8,90x and 11,20x jumps.
  2. 04:21:966 (1,1) - 29,52x wtf. Just no...
I told you to look through the map and get rid of sections like this with really high distance snap ;w;
Good luck with rerank, I'd be fine to do a recheck again in the future if needed but for now I think it'd make more sense to get mods from others first, my mod was too recent to have much new information.
Topic Starter
Razor Sharp

Deif wrote:

Hi Razor Sharp! The QAT decided to DQ your beatmap over the following reasons:

Overmapping (and some other timeline errors):
  1. 00:32:779 (1) - until 00:40:566 (8) - Definitely not justified. The background noise makes a fade-in, but that's just a flutter and not a constant 1/4 stream.
  2. 00:59:008 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I can understand this one, since the 1/4 notes can be heard. Slightly overdone, but okay.
  3. 01:14:746 (1) - until 01:22:452 (8) - The fade-in appears here as well, so it can lead to misunderstandings. The first part of the stream is overdone, since you can still hear the clear "X X X XXX X X" rhythm of the drums. I'd vow for using something similar for that part, and not the constant 1/4. However, from 01:21:304 (1) - on, there's an audible constant stream. In that case, it's okay to keep it.
  4. 02:22:943 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This one looks safe as well. However, I'd start the 1/8 notes at 02:26:713 - already, since that's where the rhythm change happens.
  5. 03:50:648 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - It's strange that you didn't use 1/8s for that part :p
  6. 04:13:107 (1) - until 04:20:894 (8) - It's the same "fade-in" sound that appeared in other patterns. In this case the 1/4 stream is only audible from 04:18:353 (1) - on, so the notes before this part need to be cropped.
Hitsounds can still be improved:
  1. 01:56:877 - until 02:06:877 - That section needs definitely to be lowered, or at least use lower hitsounds. The melody is quite calm, so it doesn't need such strong hitsounds. - Lowered it. Should be ok now!
  2. 01:23:927 (1,2) - 03:09:501 (1,2) - 03:14:747 (1,2) - 03:28:517 (1,2,3) - 04:22:288 (1,2,3,4) - Those sliders are not audible at all. You'll need to raise the volume slightly. - Raised to 30%!
  3. 05:31:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - Apart of the fact that those notes are (borderline) inaudible, I would've added the default S-whistle to some of them to emphasize them - Fixed!
Inappropriate usage of some structures:
  1. 01:02:615 (5) - This slider doesn't flow quite well to the next one. I'd rather keep it as a single note (makes even more sense than having a 3/4 slider). - Fixed!
  2. 01:22:615 (1,1,1,1) - Flow-breaker sliders, which are also rather hard to catch. Reduce the distance between them, or try to create something else with single notes that can flow better than that. Kick-sliders are the quickest effective option, but they don't always work. - Kept it 1/8, but reduced distance!
  3. 02:27:335 (12,1) - Quite uncorfotable transition. A 1/8 HDash followed by some more zig-zag'd HDashes isn't recommendable.
  4. 02:57:376 (2,3) - Such dash is not suitable after having the previous HDash (anti-flow jump). Try to reduce it. - Fixed!
  5. 03:14:753 (1,2) - That jump doesn't flow well (moreover using that 1/4 HDash), which makes the transition (1,2) a real pain. Try something else there. - Fixed!
  6. 04:01:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Unacceptable 1/8 sliders. Just see how the ryuuta moves while catching them. Totally unnatural 8,90x and 11,20x jumps.
  7. 04:21:966 (1,1) - 29,52x wtf. Just no... - Removed last note on the cluster, so its a 1/8 jump. SHould be ok.
  8. 04:33:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Just as a reference, those 1/8 jumps were okayish compared to the others. - The power of a curve!
  9. 04:43:271 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - And those ones look much better and flow well. - \o/
Since most of them should be remade I ommited some of the potential flow-breakers, which were placed in some 1/4 streams. Get a BN to take a look at them after fixing the overmapping issue.

I feel like the map has great potential, but it wasn't ready to be qualified yet. From now on, the BNG will handle the ranking process once more. Good luck!

What i didnt answer is something i want to disqust with you further ingame if thats ok. Will not apply mods until then.
storm-'s sexy lewd mod
just kidding i am awful

i think 6.5 star is insanely high for this map, it's mostly hyper jumps and abuse of the star system maybe you could lower it a bit to maybe 6 or 5.8
i think this map is legitly just free pp but i know that's not your intention but i feel like it abuses the pp system slightly.

there is no quality key parts in this map that makes it stand out from the rest, you need to make a part in this map that is interesting and unique like a left right part or some crazy stream, a good example is clsw's xi map, where at the very end theres a crazy left right stream or his neu map with the deathstream at the end, when I play this map I want to feel this map and when i think of it i want to think of that part, aka if i played razor sharp's halozy map there is a crazy fun left right pattern in the middle! and the jumps and streams are nice! not just stream and jumps and somewhat interesting jumps. that is what being a quality mapper is all about, now try to make a interesting part that differs from the rest of a map aka a challenge part, you're not going to offer up a fc on this map just for fun. Good luck!

Interesting parts that stand out, (lacking the main feature of the map)

03:54:419 (5,1,2,3,4) - this is cool
04:07:861 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this is also cool because it flows really nice and goes into a jump as the same as 03:54:419 (5,1,2,3,4) -
the entire end of this map is sooooo nice, i loved it.

03:52:123 (1) - the intro to this part up until 04:01:632 (2) - feels the same as the chorus of 01:25:238 (1) - and 02:28:189 (1) -

you need to make each kai time interesting and not feel like the same

00:43:025 (3,4,5,1) - this feels better with jump like a intro into a difficult song
00:53:435 (8,9) - this looked funny, change it a bit i think
01:06:386 (4,5,6) - why not reverse slider
01:16:386 (1,2,3) - holy macaroni this looks insanely hard to hit (troll part)
01:35:402 (5,6,7,8) - this stream looks weird perhaps make the jump to the right side and add more curve to it
02:17:042 (3,1) - add jump increase distance
02:20:812 (3,4,5) - un-needed pattern
02:50:320 (3,4,1) - this jump and hyper looks forced
03:40:976 (4,1) - same as 02:17:042 (3,1) -
04:00:812 (3,4) - this looks forced
04:13:107 (1) - wasted deathstream, you could of done something really interesting with this something not to crazy but make it interesting enough to differ from the rest of the map

The ending to this song is sick and way different from the rest of the map the jumps are juicy and flow really nice, plus the curved mini streams are a +

I think to make that "interesting part" i was talking about you could take advantage of that deathstream at 04:13:107 (1) -

i'm sure i missed some of the forced jumps in this map but go over a careful check and make sure there isn't any jumps like the ones i said in my mod

Deif wrote:

@Spectator: Make a quick reply after this post, so I can give you a kds!
Here it is!

Good luck with the map, Razor
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