
Things that make you temporarily hate Osu!

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Extended Sliders.
They make me want to ragequit.

Aqo wrote:

playing makes me want to stop playing

sometimes I start playing and then instantly regret it afterwards

GoldenWolf wrote:

Extended Sliders.
They make me want to ragequit.
The moment when you're thinking it makes absolutely no sense to put an extended slider, but the mapper still did it because "ooooh extended sliders are so badass".

kriers wrote:

GoldenWolf wrote:

Extended Sliders.
They make me want to ragequit.
The moment when you're thinking it makes absolutely no sense to put an extended slider, but the mapper still did it because "ooooh extended sliders are so badass".
because 1/2 sliders suck*
I mostly hate myself

- See a double coming *aha, press 2 times now, dude* but only pressing ONCE.
- See a double coming but move the cursor away from the 2nd beat, cause fuck hitting
- Getting a sliderbreak or stupid miss at the end of a +4min song.
- Missing a note because i have to look at my awesome score, combo, acc, whatever
- Some days I can hardly spin 250

These are moment i'd like to rip the skin off my face

And ofc those times you can't even FC that easy map, raging harder, failing even more, raging harder
My arm/hand gets into an awkward position partway into the beatmap and ruin my combo.
Also what OP stated, the spinners randomly set at the end when my HP is so low )=
i failed on the LAST circle of a stream of over 100 circles...the circle was the last of the song also...
Playing a quite hard map, passing with SS, when I sit in a awkward position in front of my PC and failing/getting a miss after a certain time.
Oh and 1/3s that are spaced so much that the circles don't even thouch each others.
im hating osu when my tablet randomly turn off.... happens sometimes for 0 reason.
Otherwhise I could say getting 1x100 or miss/sliderbreak at the very end of a song, but this happens so many times to me, its just totaly normally for me now
Getting good accuracy but no fc, retrying, and then getting fc but shitty accuracy.
For me, as mentioned before a spinner at the end followed by a not stream long enough to fail a song by.

Also, back-to-back spinners. :x

I don't like spinners in general (I'm left handed, but use a mouse "normally"; that is to say in the standard right-handed way(this also made my playing much better when I finally stopped using mouse buttons and changed to keyboard/mouse))

ALSO, custom skins that I feel are poorly designed as I really like custom spinners (they give me more information on how fast I need to go, which I like cause I suck at spinners) and enjoy some custom skins, but those ones which have like .. neutral colour palettes with a neutral background video that I can barely see the approach circles on? Yeah I hate those, and the only way I know to override is by completing the song first. Which is harder cause I can't see it that well.

I literally went from 65% to 85% when I used NF on a map, went to sleep, woke up and played the same song immediately (this is with kinda bad reactions because I'd just woken up to cancel out any possible improvement by sleeping on practice) :|
1. in the middle of a play, think it is a break
2. No circle evolves yet
3. pen down
4. immediately break ends
5. miss a note
When most of the recently ranked beatmaps don't interest me.
No offense to any that just got recently ranked ;o
-Spinners. I'm horrible at them, for some reason (especially with the default skin, so I changed it and I do a little better now). And what I really can't stand are back to back spinners: "Wow, I got it...AHHH! AGAIN?" srsly mappers pls dont do dis

-Overuse of hit-circles. Some variety, pls. Some popular mappers do this and I wonder why they get so much attention from it.

-There are just some pros out there that are like "LOL U NUB U PLAY ON EASY/NORMAL LOOK AT ME IM SO CUL I PLAY ON HARD AND EXPERT AND ULL NEVER B AS GOOD AS ME ALSO I MAK U PLAY MANY HARD MAP IN MULTIPLAYER EVEN THO NO ONE ELSE IN THE ROOM CAN PLAY IT HAHAHAHA!!!1111" I hate people like this. You were playing on easy and normal at some point, too. I'm tired of these cocky idiots.
These ;c

Maybe I'll turn this into a collection :3
Getting worse the more I play during a day.
Dat moment when you quite literally miss the last note of any beatmap
dat necro

Missing at a really dumb note and then proceeding to FC the rest of a really tough map
Hand pain
Consecutive short multiple-repeat-sliders of different length +Hidden
I truly hate this.
The community

Philosofikal wrote:

The community
I agree!
How much space it takes.

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

Hand pain
I can fix that for you.

pandaBee wrote:

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

Hand pain
I can fix that for you.
Osu makes everyone hate osu.
Stop making up silly excuses.
When I've played for three hours straight and my pp still hasn't gone up.

CuboidBeats wrote:

When I've played for three hours straight and my pp still hasn't gone up.

CuboidBeats wrote:

When I've played for three hours straight and my pp still hasn't gone up. eyes are about to explode but I can't stop

CuboidBeats wrote:

When I've played for three hours straight and my pp still hasn't gone up.
Consider taking the game less seriously Frank.
Full comboing Koigokoro, but the score didn't submit because score submissions suddenly went offline at the time.

F1r3tar wrote:

Full comboing Koigokoro, but the score didn't submit because score submissions suddenly went offline at the time.
Full combo it again
Some of the hate QATs receive from people who know nothing about mapping/the ranking process.
  1. Chokes on 170pp DT plays
  2. Chokes on OD: 9, 99%=200+pp plays
  3. 1 miss chokes
  4. Choke so hard, ambulance can't save me.

  1. Holding 450+ combo on Shotgun Senorita and getting a slider break...RIP
Maps nowadays.
Slider breaks.
The lack of any maps I like at my level of skill
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