
cubesato - hsgn2011reel

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Hi~ M4M~


• Yeah anyway you need Easy diff~ People already said you about it~
• Combo colors~ I think will be better if you change green color on blue~ In the Bg you haven't green color and it looks a little weird


00:05:970(3) - maybe make planket here? looks better for me
00:21:088(2) - better make ctrl + G will be more playable
00:33:371(6,7) - correct distanse between this notes
00:35:734 - add clap
00:47:545(3) - will be looks better if you put this slider in the middle and correct spacing
00:58:647(2) - ctrl + G


• Distance Spasing should be 0.8 on normal diffs~ Now it looks ugly and not playable >.< fix all spacing plz

00:07:151(6,7) - unstack it~ very hard for read
00:20:852 - remove this note, not sound here
00:42:820 - remove clap here and add on note 2
00:56:285(4,5) - unstack it

Good luck~
hi ^^ m4m from my queue

Combo Colours Inconsistency in combo colours:
- [Hard] :
Combo1 : 237,80,241
Combo2 : 97,38,206
Combo3 : 109,242,30
Combo4 : 249,250,253
Combo5 : 255,150,0
Combo6 : 233,241,80

- [Normal] :
Combo1 : 237,80,241
Combo2 : 97,38,206
Combo3 : 109,242,30
Combo4 : 255,255,255
Combo5 : 255,150,0
Combo6 : 233,241,80

00:14:001 (4,5) - x:208 y:328
00:19:671 (10) - Move node #2 to {x:400 y:304}, move node #3 to {x:444 y:236}..
00:33:371 (6) - remove clap sounds a bit weird ] add wistle ? I think it sounds better
00:49:198 (7) - Move to {x:252 y:104}. for a smoother curve :P
00:49:434 (8) - Move to {x:364 y:88}.^
00:53:214 - whistle for replacement on clap think it sounds better

00:57:938 (1,2) - - Move to {x:76 y:272}.
00:58:883 (3) - Move node #1 to {x:84 y:132}, move node #2 to {x:120 y:72}, move node #3 to {x:184 y:72}.

nice :) :) :)
Topic Starter
Almost fixed
thx Katty Pie,eLtigreXXx :)

Yeah anyway you need Easy diff~ People already said you about it~
i`m consider this
Hi! From my queue

aaaaaaaaaaand, I haven't found anything , lol.aside from the fact that I hate those ponies, but that's a whole other business which I'm not here to discuss, so

  • General
    The map is pretty easy for new players, but maybe you should consider doing an Easy with less than 3 Star rating, it's your call, tho.

  • Normal

    Just being nazi here, but i think that the sliders at 00:51:324 could be smoother than they are right now (like this, maybe I don't know, I prefer them that way, but it's just a personal call, they're fine as they are.
  • Insane

    00:24:868 (4) - Like the ones in normal, it's fine as it is, but could be made smoother.
Nothing more, sorry for my crappy mod, but I can't find anything else, lol. There goes a star, good luck.
One of your combo colors is different. Normal Color 255, 250, 253 Hard Color 249, 250, 253

Might be too technical to count as the easiest difficulty. There's so many stacks and 1/2th notes, and repeat sliders.

00:10:222 (3) - 1 unit right. you may also want to adjust the curve so that it doesn't interfere with the spacing after, but also to add a little more curve to the transition after, which would be better IMO. Here's a reference
Second point x 79 y 297
Last point x 231 y 327
Repeat slider is moved to x 339 y 296.
If you don't like, feel free to change to your liking. I really recommend you improve that transition, because nearly straight but not straight transitions just are inferior compared to transitions with a proper curve.
00:13:529 (4,5,6) - Personally it bothers me when transitions try to be straight but aren't straight, but if you want to keep, it's a small issue.
00:14:001 (5,6,7) - I suggest making this into a triangular pattern. This looks a lot cleaner than having a slider lean upward at a random angle. Just an example as how it should look. don't take my spacings as law, there are multiple ways to implement this pattern here. Do what feels right.
00:32:899 (3,4) - Unstacking would lessen the cluttered feeling here. If i were to unstack, I would create a blanket above the slider. It would require some minor restructuring afterwards, but nothing too serious. Just a suggestion.
00:37:151 (4,5) - In case you didn't move the slider in the previous suggest and this is no long an issue, but these can be improved. First, a good transition has the object appear where the slider is pointing. In your unaltered design, it would have the slider here That would allow the next slider to be placed on the horizontal line like so If that slider is altered, just make sure the alignments all fit snugly into place.
00:39:986 (3,4,5,1) - Too many claps in this one area. Consider removing some of them.
00:43:765 (3,4) - I think it would look better if 4 started underneath the end of 3 rather than to the left of it.
00:49:907 (5,1,2,3,4) - I feel this pattern could be better if you remapped it. Instead of crossing at a diagonal, 00:48:490 (4,5,1,2) - could form a square. Then you could use more simple curves for the next 2 sliders, to finish the design. That's just my thoughts though.


00:18:253 (5,6,7) - Instead of going directly into 1.24, how about bridging the spacing gap with an in-between snap like 1.22.
00:24:395 (2,3,4) - Spacing changes unnecessarily here. 1.16 > 1.21 In addition the slider is lower than 2. It should be at the same level.
00:24:868 (4,5,6) - Spacing could be more equal as well.
00:48:962 (6,7,8) - I think a more rounded approach looks nicer.
00:57:938 (1,2) - The inaccuracy of this blanket bothers me. Use a slider that can form a better blanket?


It's in good shape. I will star it. Good luck with this.
Topic Starter
some fixed
thanks for modding and star Akareh and TheVileOne~
hi. when I mod maps, I expect mappers to quoute my post and tell me what's fixed or not. If not - why.

  1. No breaks = Disable letterbox during breaks! (Settings > Storyboarding). Also: countdown sounds unfitting here, imo. So, you can disable it, too!
  2. That clap hitsound is too loud. I'd use custom clap. example
  3. PMV in tags? OH GOD NO :V WE're not tagging videos! We use tags to help people FIND OUR MAP easier. So, remove PMV and add tags trance house because this song sounds like that.. :/
  4. It seems like quality of your BG is kinda low. Can you find better one, please?
  5. Remove audio from your video. It will help us to save some space and download map faster.
  1. 00:03:608 (2,4) - and I'm starting my mod with nazi stuff - you CAN make curve here better! example also: i've expected to see this pattern in the center of playfielld to fit with background video.
  2. 00:24:395 (2,3,4) - here, you have a cute pattern! try to do the same with 00:26:285 (7,8,9) - because it looks a bit boring. example
  3. 00:40:931 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - well.. yea.. It's a cute pattern, but I think you can make it better with star-shaped pattern.
  1. You have quite a fast slider velocity and EXTREEEMLY SLOW Approach Rate. Use approach rate 5. it will fit here! If you do it also increase OD/HP Drain to keep diff settings balanced
  2. 00:55:104 (3) - this slider is short and third reverse is quite hard to notice. And many-normal players won't notice it. It's also quite confusing because there's only ONE slider with 2 repeats, so.. it's inconsistent and confusing. I'd recommend you to remove it.

    Sometimes it looks like you put stacks just because you have no idea what to do with your flow. But rhythm and hitsounding are pretty good.
  1. 00:18:726 - forr example here, you missed a clap! Use custom slider tick (custom slider tiick = clap hitsound) to avoid missing claps. example
Shapes and things aren't really good but rhythm is perfect! So, take my Star! ~
Topic Starter
Almost fixed
thx -Bakari- mod and star~ :)

and sorry, i want to quote,but i can`t write long post because maybe my computer is aberrant :(
sorry again

[Ranger] wrote:

Almost fixed
thx -Bakari- mod and star~ :)
바카리가 모딩에 코멘트 해달래요.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

[Ranger] wrote:

Almost fixed
thx -Bakari- mod and star~ :)
바카리가 모딩에 코멘트 해달래요.
저도 아는데 제 컴이 문제인지 뭔지는 모르겠는데
어느정도 긴 글에 답글쓸려고 하면 글이 안써져요;
Ponys o/

  1. Disable the countdown and the letterbox during breaks please
  2. Adjust the Audio Lead-In to 1500
  • -- Pretty good.
  • - 00:44:474 (x) - Add a note here, sounds nice to me
  • - 00:24:868 (4) - Remove the whistle from the body and add a whistle in the end
    - 00:42:348 (7) - Add a whistle in the body to keep the rhythm
What a nice map, good job >w<
Topic Starter
some fixed
Thanks modding MoodyRPG~ :)
the soft custom claps are silent after 00:17:308 (2) - can't hear them at all.

Overall it seems pretty good.

This hard is very easy for a hard. I'd up the OD to 6, maybe 7. Same with the drain rate.
00:03:371 (1,2,3,4) - Find a way to get this into the center. It'll look soo much better. Something like this

That's all o.o
Topic Starter
some fixed
thx cirno-~
Hi Ranger~
Modding from my queue.
Sorry super late.

I don't really like this song much so I'm going to make this quick. Sorry if this isn't helpful.


  1. Since the spot you've chosen for the kiai time is pretty much identical musically to the section before it and after it, I suggest using short bursts of kiai instead of a kiai section. For example, start a kiai time at 00:16:364 and end it at 00:16:836. Also start one at 00:31:482 and end it at 00:31:954. Also start one at 00:46:600 and end it at 00:47:072. This would be nicer than just having one of these 3 identical sections be kiai time imo.

Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:20:143 (1,2) - The 2 is so close to the 1's track and looks bad and is a bit hard to read for beginners imo. Maybe move the notes like this:

  1. 00:01:246 (1,3,3) - Maybe silence the slidertick for these sliders just like in the other diffs. It's weird that this diff is the only one without that.

  2. 00:16:364 - Consider increasing volume here for all diffs instead of at 00:31:482 since the music starts to really pick up at this point and more volume would accent that.

Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:52:269 (4) - Make this slider a normal curve. Having it the same shape as the 00:51:324 (3) takes away from what the 3 is accenting by being that shape, which is that piano stream in the music.

  2. 00:56:285 (5) - A bit overmapped imo. Just delete the 5. It will play a little more smooth and be a consistent stack with the 00:57:938 (1,2).

  1. 00:10:222 (3) - Maybe switch over to S:C2 set for this slider so that we could have that drumming slider tick to accent the crescendo in the music. Switch back at 00:11:167.

Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:17:781 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - These seem a bit weirdly placed. Maybe make them form a nice hexagon.

  2. 00:42:348 (7) - Maybe move this down a bit so it doesn't overlap with the 5 and gives us more of a jump which might be nice.

  1. 00:10:222 (5) - Again maybe switch to S:C2 for this slider.

  2. 00:25:812 (6) - Too many whistles imo. Remove the one from the repeat, it sounds much better to me.
Ok I hope it helps some.
Topic Starter
some fixed
thx UnitedWeSin~




Your difficulty setup is too low..,I know this is easy,but not TOO easy...,here's a suggestion:
HPD:2 ~ 3
AR: 3 ~ 4
OD: 2 ~ 4
00:23:293 change into 2-beat slider

I find it hard to mod Easy lol :D

00:05:497 2,3,4 change to repeat slider?
00:13:057 2,3,4 ^
00:24:395 1,2,3 ^

nothing to see at hard
Topic Starter
Some fixed
thx copolah123~
Hi ♩
From my Modding Queue
Yay ponies!

Seems good.

00:32:427 (2) - Move to x:380 y:104 to match with 00:29:592 (3) - ?
00:44:710 (3) - Consider moving to x:376 y:136 to be aligned with 00:43:765 (2) -
00:57:938 (1,2) - Move them to x:324 y:124 to be perfect symmetric on the grid.

00:17:308 (3,4) - Would be nice making this blanket:
00:34:316 (5) - Consider making this a blanket with 00:33:371 (4) - That slider is also a little high on the grid, so doing that should also fix it.

00:49:434 (8) - Move to x:360 y:136 to match with 00:48:962 (6) - ?
00:52:742 (6) - This should be correctly stacked with 00:51:560 (4) - You can see in the fading that they aren't perfectly stacked.

Good luck there!
Topic Starter

Wolf wrote:

Yay ponies!

some fixed
thx Wolf modding and star
Akiyama Mizuki
nO prOblEm

00:13:529 (4) - whistle
00:28:175 (2) - ''

no problem

sorry for late D:
Topic Starter
좀 많이 늦으신것 같지만
모딩 감사해요~



00:05:970- whistle
00:08:805- clap
00:20:616- whistle
00:50:852- clap


00:25:931- remove whistle from repeat because too loud

M4M >
i am a newb mapper and modder so feel free to just ignore me~

00:20:143 (1) - a curve like this would be better than straight slider
not much to fix :)

00:45:655 (5) - put clap for the whole slider
00:53:214 (5,6) - like this it fits better with the music
not much to fix here, all the hitsounds are already perfectly done :o

00:24:395 (2) - nc
00:30:537 (7) - "
00:47:072 (2) - "
00:50:852 (2) - "
00:56:285 (6) - "
many combo colors fits well with the bg video (in my opinion)

perfect~ gogo rank~
Topic Starter
some fixed
thx HellDawn and stevemin~
i`ll mod your map soon
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ [Ranger] ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Please remove unused countdown.
  2. Can you change use combo coulors? since all diff made by yourself.


  1. 00:33:726 - Remove this whislte,sound noisy to me.
  2. 00:42:348 (7) - The slider isn't symmetry.
  3. 00:53:686 (8,1) - Try make a symmetry to here.
  4. 01:01:246 - Increase volume to 30%,sound much better.


  1. 00:04:080 (4,2) - Try make a symmetry to here.
  2. 00:14:001 (5) - Move 1 grid left,symmetry with 00:12:584 (1).
  3. 00:55:104 (3) - Move 1 grid down,symmetry with 00:54:159 (1).
  4. 01:01:246 - Same as Hard diff.


  1. AR+1 is better.
  2. 00:55:104 (2) - The slider isn't symmetry.
  3. 01:01:246 - Same as Hard diff.

OK ~ Hope this can help you ~

Good luck with rank ~
Topic Starter
Fixed alomst
thx modding Kawayi Rika~
Hi ~ Mod requested from my Queue :3

Fine ~

Plz use CS 3 it's for better look plus gameplay~
  1. 00:05:970 (2) - add a custom clap here ~
  2. 00:35:261 (1) - this slider will look better if you make it like this
  3. 00:40:931 (3) - I think this slider dont fit without a revers so make it like this (it sounded much better to me~
  4. 00:49:434 (4) - move this 2 grids up and 1 right so it'll be on the line~
  5. 00:55:104 (2) - this will play better if you make it like this

  1. 00:09:277 (2) - I dont think this slider look so good so i suggest you to do it like this
  2. 00:16:364 (1) - this finish sounds too loud maybe lower it down to 50%?
  3. 00:21:088 (3) - this slider is not half bad but i think if you do slider like this it might look better imo~
  4. 00:28:175 (2) - same thing i said here 00:09:277
  5. 00:45:655 (5) - ^
  6. 00:52:269 (4) - NC fits here because the music has changed~

I dont think AR8 Fit this song so i suggest you to lower it to 7 it will play much better imo~
  1. 00:25:812 (6) - Add NC here because of music change~
  2. 00:29:828 (5) - ^
  3. 00:33:371 (6) - ^
  4. 00:56:285 (6) - ^

Good map :3 And that's all i can find ~ Good luck.
Hey ~ Mod request from my Queues :33

Fix it please
It's only what I think


  1. Fine


  1. 00:48:490 (3) - 1 grid right to fit it with 00:47:545 (2)
  2. 00:49:434 (4) - make this slider centrally with 2,3


  1. 00:07:387 (7) - make this slider end 1 grid up or move this Note 00:08:805 (1) 1 grid down
  2. 00:16:836 (2) - 2 grid left to make it centrally with 1,3
  3. 00:17:781 (4) - move this slider to fit it with 00:16:836 (2)


  1. 00:15:576 (2,3) - I don't like these two notes ;w; maybe you can change it?
  2. 00:44:474 (6) - spacing error
    That's all I guess

Good Luck with your map ^^
Topic Starter
ok,almost fixed

-- 모든 난이도에서 "Letterbox during breaks" 체크 해제해주세요.
-- soft-sliderslide2.wav도 무음 파일로 넣어주세요.
-- 콤보 컬러 3의 하얀색은 지금의 기조로 볼때 위험한 색입니다. 회색 계열로 바꾸셔야 합니다.


00:12:584 (1) - 시작이 아니라 끝에 클랩 소리가 있어야 하지 않나 싶네요.


00:03:608 (2) - 슬라이더 내 휘슬 소리를 제거하셔야 (4)에서의 소리가 더 두드러집니다.
00:06:679 (4) - 여기도 슬라이더 내 휘슬 제거해 주세요. 조금 소음성 느낌입니다.
00:25:812 (1) - ^
00:58:647 (2,3) - 여기서는 이 박자가 더 자연스럽습니다.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:


-- 모든 난이도에서 "Letterbox during breaks" 체크 해제해주세요.
-- soft-sliderslide2.wav도 무음 파일로 넣어주세요.
-- 콤보 컬러 3의 하얀색은 지금의 기조로 볼때 위험한 색입니다. 회색 계열로 바꾸셔야 합니다.


00:12:584 (1) - 시작이 아니라 끝에 클랩 소리가 있어야 하지 않나 싶네요.


00:03:608 (2) - 슬라이더 내 휘슬 소리를 제거하셔야 (4)에서의 소리가 더 두드러집니다.
00:06:679 (4) - 여기도 슬라이더 내 휘슬 제거해 주세요. 조금 소음성 느낌입니다.
00:25:812 (1) - ^
00:58:647 (2,3) - 여기서는 이 박자가 더 자연스럽습니다.
다 수정했습니다
모딩 감사해요~
show me the money
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

show me the money
계좌 불르세요
Akiyama Mizuki
와 세상에 이게 랭크 직전이라니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
축하드려요! 드디어 랭크맵 생기시네
제 맵셋도 살려야 하나요
Topic Starter

bbj0920 wrote:

와 세상에 이게 랭크 직전이라니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
축하드려요! 드디어 랭크맵 생기시네
제 맵셋도 살려야 하나요
랭크될진 안될진 또 몰라서요ㅋㅋ
사실 버블만으로도 만족합니다아~
Hi there. I have a meta data issue. Feedsy is not the artist of the song. Feedsy is the maker of the video (which has been deleted since he deleted his channel, but the video, which I recommend you add to the mapset, can be found here), and he was inspired by this video. The original artist is cubesato, though he too removed the original link to his music, so this still needs confirmation. His channel does have two works that are very similar to this song, which I'm guessing but have no evidence to suggest that he decided to take his song in a different direction (the names are loop 14 and Music for SSTV MVR Opener). Anyone with more investigative skills than me should try to confirm cubesato is indeed the original artist of the song and also see if the title was different. Tags are probably necessary to indicate Feedsy. Just to throw it out there, Feedsy has a Vimeo account here.
A big thanks for the metadata!!

To sum up, the music is used in this video, and the description indicates the music was originated from here which is currently deleted. However by using, I could track the saved page of that link which is this.

Kinda weird title, but it should be "cubesato - hsgn2011reel".
Also since it's just using Pony, friendship is magic as a video clip, it should move to the tags, not in the source.
Topic Starter

pinataman wrote:

Hi there. I have a meta data issue. Feedsy is not the artist of the song. Feedsy is the maker of the video (which has been deleted since he deleted his channel, but the video, which I recommend you add to the mapset, can be found here), and he was inspired by this video. The original artist is cubesato, though he too removed the original link to his music, so this still needs confirmation. His channel does have two works that are very similar to this song, which I'm guessing but have no evidence to suggest that he decided to take his song in a different direction (the names are loop 14 and Music for SSTV MVR Opener). Anyone with more investigative skills than me should try to confirm cubesato is indeed the original artist of the song and also see if the title was different. Tags are probably necessary to indicate Feedsy. Just to throw it out there, Feedsy has a Vimeo account here.
A big thanks for the metadata!!

To sum up, the music is used in this video, and the description indicates the music was originated from here which is currently deleted. However by using, I could track the saved page of that link which is this.

Kinda weird title, but it should be "cubesato - hsgn2011reel".
Also since it's just using Pony, friendship is magic as a video clip, it should move to the tags, not in the source.

lol i dont know that.... i`m looking for a original video, but i can`t found i first leave the this video.
but artist and song name was fixed, thanks a lot! that was a close call...
Akiyama Mizuki
뭐야 이름이 왜 이래
이름 극혐 ㅋㅋ
hello~ :3

[ General]
  1. Preview time hasn't been snapped. Please set to 31482.
  2. Kiai time end is weird. Please change to 00:46:600.

[ Easy]
  1. About stack objects: Avoid the stack in order to improve the readability for beginner players. Also it is difficult to see by hit burst.
    e.g. 00:09:749 (2,3). 00:14:946 (3,4). 00:34:789 (4,1).
  2. 00:16:364 (X): You should be the volume to 70% from here. like other diffs.
  3. 00:18:253 (3) - I think there is no need to change the volume. 70% would be better.

[ Normal]
  1. 00:03:371 (3) - Improve the flow~
  2. 00:10:222 (3) - Remove a whistle of the sliderslide. I think it doesn't fit the song.
  3. 00:22:033 (4) - Flow is a little bad. try this~

[ Hard]
  1. 00:04:553 (4) - Remove a whistle of the sliderslide. I really think it doesn't fit the song.
  2. 00:10:222 (5) - ^
  3. 00:14:710 (6) - ^
  4. 00:19:671 (10) - ^
  5. 00:30:537 (3) - ^
  6. 00:33:608 (2) - ^
  7. 00:34:789 (5) - ^
  8. 00:05:497 (1) - Add a whistle.
  9. 00:13:057 (2) - ^ at the start point.
  10. 00:20:616 (1) - ^ at the start point.
  11. 00:27:702 (1) - ^ at the end point.
  12. 00:40:931 (1) - move to x:256 y:104 for perfect stack.
  13. 00:42:348 (7) - CTRL+G? the flow is better than now.

okay call me back :)
Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

hello~ :3

[ General]
  1. Preview time hasn't been snapped. Please set to 31482. fixed
  2. Kiai time end is weird. Please change to 00:46:600.^

[ Easy]
  1. About stack objects: Avoid the stack in order to improve the readability for beginner players. Also it is difficult to see by hit burst.
    e.g. 00:09:749 (2,3). 00:14:946 (3,4). 00:34:789 (4,1). hmm...i think it isn`t diffcult too much
  2. 00:16:364 (X): You should be the volume to 70% from here. like other diffs. ok,fixed
  3. 00:18:253 (3) - I think there is no need to change the volume. 70% would be better.^

[ Normal]
  1. 00:03:371 (3) - Improve the flow~ fixed
  2. 00:10:222 (3) - Remove a whistle of the sliderslide. I think it doesn't fit the song. i think it`s ok...but fixed
  3. 00:22:033 (4) - Flow is a little bad. try this~ nice

[ Hard]
  1. 00:04:553 (4) - Remove a whistle of the sliderslide. I really think it doesn't fit the song.
  2. 00:10:222 (5) - ^
  3. 00:14:710 (6) - ^
  4. 00:19:671 (10) - ^
  5. 00:30:537 (3) - ^
  6. 00:33:608 (2) - ^
  7. 00:34:789 (5) - ^
  8. 00:05:497 (1) - Add a whistle.
  9. 00:13:057 (2) - ^ at the start point.
  10. 00:20:616 (1) - ^ at the start point.
  11. 00:27:702 (1) - ^ at the end point.
  12. 00:40:931 (1) - move to x:256 y:104 for perfect stack.
  13. 00:42:348 (7) - CTRL+G? the flow is better than now.
All fixed :D

okay call me back :)
thank for a modding! :)
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Gamu wrote:

Thanks a lot!

Sonnyc wrote:

Congratz :D

[ Mephisto ] wrote:

Congratz :D
Topic Starter
thx! :D
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W h i t e wrote:

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